#i wish mr pink actually revealed his name in the movie
imaginesbymk · 4 years
“Something’s Wrong with Mr. Pink.”
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Reservoir Dogs One Shot
Summary: There’s been spark between you and Mr. Pink, but he’s one to shield his emotions. He realizes he’s starting to lose you, but he’s out of ways to win your heart. Desperate, he approaches Mr. White for help.
Pairing: Mr. Pink x Fem!Reader
Tags: swearing, sexist remarks, smoking + mentions of drug use (marijuana)
Non Requested
Word Count: 2,054
Author’s Note: as you can tell, quentin tarantino movies have been on my list!!! the reader is codenamed Miss Beige!! i never thought i’d have this much appreciation for steve buscemi until now, he’s such a cool guy :(((  also thank you @myriadimagines​ for checking my title capitalization aksnskdns - leave a like/reblog + feedback!!! <333
MR. BROWN gave Mr. Pink a ride to the next meeting, and the whole trip there, Brown rambled on and on about God knows what. It came through one ear and out the other for Pink. Brown didn’t seem to notice because of his investment of his proven theory of a movie he had seen and wanted to share it with someone. 
If he wasn’t listening in silence, Pink would always have something to say. It would usually be a comment, an opinion on something about social life. This one afternoon, he bit his tongue, despite the guys knowing his mind was occupied, even Nice Guy Eddie raised a brow. It didn’t start the day they were all given your colour coded names. It didn’t start the day they reviewed the plan of the heist with each other. It all started when you two were unintentionally left alone at the large dining table, moments after the guys had walked out the restaurant for something.
“Pink’s a pretty colour.” You gave him a reassuring smile, stirring your straw in your milkshake.
“To you.” 
“And to anyone else who would want to be codenamed Pink!” you scoff. “Sexist.”
“Easy for you to say, you’re Miss Beige,” he says, his mouth full of his toast. 
“And I happen to like my name. It’s a pretty colour,” you paused. “Just like pink.”
Pink huffs, swirling his coffee mug. “I can’t wait to smoke.”
“My buddy sets up Thai sticks like it’s one of those model boats in a bottle. It’s so fragile to him, and he saved one for me. Something tells me I owe him a shit ton.”
“You smoke Thai sticks?” you ask. “Your poor lungs.”
“Nah, I gotta smoke outta one anytime after coffee just for me to either black out or jump off the Empire State building by the time we hit Easter.”
You chuckled.
From the windows of the restaurant, you could see the guys standing outside their parked cars including Nice Guy Eddie and Joe, talking to each other about whatever. You could see their mouths moving, Nice Guy Eddie using a lot of hand motions at Mr. White, and Joe calling someone on the phone.
This wasn’t the first time you spent a limited amount of minutes alone with Mr. Pink. At Uncle Bob’s Pancake House, you two did sit close to each other, except Mr. Blue sat in between the both of you, and you had to lean forward to see Mr. Pink if he was speaking or if you two were giving each other looks if someone said something stupid.
If you were that childish, you would've considered the five minutes of alone time with Mr. Pink a first date - without the formal introduction. You two didn’t give each other your names because of Joe, but you wouldn’t mind slipping it out.
Silence, and then-
“I know this really cool café near my apartment. We should check it out sometime,” you blurted out.
Pink was in the midst of swallowing his food. He chokes on his ketchup dipped toast, taking his coffee mug to chase the contents down his throat.
“Wait a minute-” Pink cleared his throat, then cleared it again. “Are you-” he cleared his throat for the final time. “Are you asking me out?”
“Y-yeah,” you sheepishly smile, holding in your breath. “I mean, we can go get coffee, hang out at my place afterwards - it’s just a five minute walk - and sit on my couch, listen to K-Billy’s Super Sounds of the ‘70s, you can smoke your Thai stick, I wouldn’t mind...” By looking at Pink’s face made you trail off your words. You knew where this was going. 
“You couldn’t ask Brown or Orange?”
“No, I wanted to ask you. We’ve been talking lately, we seem to get along, thank God, and you’re really cool. Even when you can be an absolute dick almost all the time, you haven’t scared me off. Just one date, it won’t kill us.”
“A date...” he frowns a bit. “With you?”
“What’s wrong with me?” your heart sank.
“Nothing’s wrong with you, Miss Beige. Ya just got the wrong idea. We’re here for a job, not to hook up. If you want to suck someone off, try your luck with Mr. Blonde. Besides, I go for chicks at a bar. I know from experience, they’re always coming in hot - first come, first serve typa’ shit.”
“Right. My bad.” You felt yourself shrinking now, fighting the urge to get up and make a dash outta there, somewhere to scream in embarrassment, whatever emotion it was. 
“Excuse me.” Mr. Pink gets up and walks away, just as the rest of the guys start making their return to the large table.
“Where did Mr. Pink go?” Mr. Orange asked.
“Little men’s room, I’m guessing.” You sighed, sliding the milkshake away from you. “I’m full.”
“Something’s wrong with Mr. Pink. Did you guys get in a fight? We were only gone for five minutes,” Mr. Brown laughs.
You sat in silence, staring down.
“Nah, I bet she finally put him in his place and he’s crying like a baby in there,” Mr. Blue said, lighting the cigar in his mouth with a match.
“Most definitely not.” Mr. White shook his head, patting his pockets in search of his lighter. “That man’s a smartass, and smartasses like him know how to shield themselves. He’s fine. If anything, he can walk his ass home.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Pink calmly entered the restroom, placed both hands on each side of the tiny sink, stared at his reflection in the dirty mirror, and screamed in anger. 
He jumps when he notices a man had appeared from one of the stalls just a moment ago, staring at him worriedly.
“WHAT?!” Mr. Pink snaps.
If someone treated him like a friend, he goes along with it if they weren’t weird or creepy. If someone told a joke, he’ll laugh if it isn’t corny or cringeworthy. But if someone admitted their feelings to him? Let alone ask him out?
That was the thing: Mr. Pink doesn’t like the idea of vulnerability. He’s aware that it’s unavoidable, it’s human nature - he just chooses not to give into it. Mr. Pink won’t waste a breath giving anyone the impression that he’s easy to get along with and that he’s a kind of guy to not act like a complete jerk half the time, because that’s not true. Not on his behalf, at least. 
“Mr. White,” Mr. Pink approaches him in the vacant room at the hideout one day.
He knows people can judge. So he naturally survives on witty remarks, being a sarcastic ass most of the time, and coffee, coffee, and more coffee. Coffee times six. 
Mr. White finishes combing his hair in the small mirror, nodding at him as a response. “You all right, son?”
But at the same time, his heart was telling him he wants you all to himself.  “I got a problem...”
"SO you want my help?” Mr. White said, a few moments after Mr. Pink had explained the situation he was stuck in. “You’re completely hopeless right now? Gosh, is it my birthday already?”
“You’re full of shit,” Pink mumbled.
“Thought you’re s’posed to be a fuckin’ professional, like you said?” Mr. White chuckled. “I would have thought you would know what to do by now.”
“What am I, the Dalai Lama? I don’t know the answer to everything.”
“I mean... I kinda figured something was goin’ on between you two, I tried to warn her,” White shoots him a blank stare.
“Warn her?” Mr. Pink scowls. “Like I’m some fuckin’ tiger on the loose?”
“I did tell her: Listen, honey,” Mr. White grimaced, as he saw you like a sixteen-year-old teenager not knowing better than to get her heart broken. “Are you one hundred percent sure you like Mr. Pink? He’s a pretty cynical guy. You know he doesn’t tip waitresses?”
You shrug.
“Look, I know I can be very close to myself while very outspoken but,” Mr. Pink sighs. “I mean, c’mon, you’ve seen Miss Beige. Who wouldn’t want her? One time, she called in sick for a job she worked at just to play Super Mario World.”
“You could go there and apologize to her.”
“It’s not that easy, White.”
“How so? Just tell her you freaked out but you had a change of heart.”
“No, man. I could have accepted it right there and then, I could be taking her out somewhere, a place she likes, or that café she was talking about. But no, I turn into the cold piece of shit I always am ‘cause I’m a fucking-” Mr. Pink kicks the rusty chair in anger. “-idiot!” He kicks it again, hurting his foot in the process. He cries out in pain and hops away to the table for balance.
“Mr. Pink, it’s not too late to win her heart. If you really like her, and I can tell you’d take a bullet for her, then brush the professionalism aside for one second and make your move.”
“How?” he chuckles, taking a seat in the chair he had just kicked.
“Well, you can start by introducing yourself.”
“Already done.”
“No I mean, your name.”
“Whoa, whoa whoa. What we’re not gonna do is that.” Mr. Pink ran his fingers through his hair, turning his back to White to therapeutically stare at the light pink tiles on the walls. 
“Why not?” White shrugs. “I told her mine. And it’s-”
Mr. Pink turned around. “What?”
Mr. White furrowed his brows. “Huh?”
“You told her your name?” he said. In his mind he prayed Mr. White gave her a fake name on the spot.
“I mean, not just her. Mr. Orange, too. My first name and where I was from, it was a normal conversation.”
“...WHY?!” Pink’s voice echoed in the warehouse.
“Orange asked.”
“You know what Joe said, we’re not supposed to reveal any personal info about ourselves!”
“Joe said this, Joe said that- fucking teacher’s pet,” Mr. White mocks.
“What the hell were you thinking, White?” he shouts.
“How else can you and Miss Beige take a step further if you can’t even tell each other your fuckin’ names? Just introduce yourself, Pink. That’s one way to start,” Mr. White says.
“And what if she doesn’t like my name?” He could only come up with such a question like that.
“What is your name?” 
“Fuck you, man.” Mr. Pink stood up from the chair, earning a chuckle from his colleague.
“All right, if you won’t tell me your name, then tell y/n. Y/n should be the only one who can know.”
Mr. Pink turned back to him again. “Y/N?” he says. “That’s her name?”
Mr. White nods. As heated as Mr. Pink was, he knew one day your name would have to fall out of his lips and not a colour, and he wouldn’t mind that. Y/N...
Mr. Pink wouldn’t mind that one bit.
FROM now on, the café near your apartment complex would be your go-to. It was a café not too small but not too big, and no one would bat an eye if you showed up in your pajamas. The following Saturday you went there alone, sipping your coffee and turning to the second page of the morning paper. 
What sucked was the fact that after you were turned down, you came to think that Mr. Pink wouldn’t be able to see how cool the interior was. He sure was missing out. Sure his Thai stick won’t be stinking up your living room while throwback songs from the ‘70s play on the radio, but indeed, sucks for him.
“Shit, you were right, y/n. This place is pretty neat.”
The newspaper crinkled when you lowered it down. Standing at the foot of your booth was Mr. Pink. This time he didn’t have on his silly Hawaiian shirt like last time, and no, he didn’t ironically wear pink as a kind gesture. He did look good in a white tee, though. 
You had to smile. He knew your name. And you wondered how...
“Oh, Mr. Pink. Morning,” you nodded.
He takes a seat in front of you. “C’mon, we’re not at work. Just call me—”
TAGLIST: @locke-writes
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lemons3ason · 4 years
SK8 THE INFINITY (Late Valentines Special Headcannon
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Langa Hasegawa
-Sweet clueless child is a complete idiot when it comes to love and to make it worse you’re dense to his advances.
-Met you at school with Reki and would try to be as close to you as possible, letting you borrow his board so he could enjoy your smile as you skated.
-Due to personal reasons you were extremely touch starved and Langa was more then willing to hug you all day long but he’d find himself staring at your lips in want.
-Once Valentines came around he felt like finally confessing to you despite the holiday being a total cliche.
-Decided to make you chocolates, unfortunately he kept burning the batches so he had to ask his mom for help which resulted in her finding out about you.
-Wrote a message on the chocolates himself despite his terrible penmanship and hoped you would appreciate it and accept him.
-Almost forgets the chocolates the next day since he overslept and was late for school, wishes you a good morning over texts and asks you to meet him at the front gates to talk to you.
-Was bombarded by fan girls at school that wanted to give him gifts and found himself bumping into someone, just so happened to be you, but he realizes that he knocked something out of your hands and it got crushed under another girls foot.
-For the first time ever he actually saw your face pale and tears prick the corner of your (e/c) hues, he growled under his breathe shouting at everyone to leave as he wrapped his arms around you.
-You didn’t hug him back, you just silently cried somehow not making a sound and he sighed seeing you upset.
-“I’m sorry they crushed your gift, were you giving it to someone?”, he tried to hide the jealousy in his voice as he wiped away your tears.
-You nodded your head before explaining that they were meant for him. He blushed of course but a goofy grin plastered itself on his face as he cupped your cheeks and slammed a kiss against your sweet warm lips.
-He pulled away leaving you a stuttering mess as he presented you his little pink gift box. You took it and opened it giggling at what he had wrote, “We’re already friends Langa.”, you giggled showing him his incorrect kanji.
-“N-no I-I meant boyfriend, can I be your boyfriend pretty please?”, he begged as if he still had no chance with you.
-You giggled and smiled again before cupping his cheeks and returning his sweet kiss from before. Successful Valentines Confession.
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Reki Kyan
-Y’all already been dating but this was your first Valentines together so he wanted to make it special.
-“Gotta head to work bye Reki.”, you hummed kissing his lips sweetly before you skated away on your board.
-He smiled watching you disappear into the sunset but once you were out of sight he bolted the rest of the way home.
-He’s not your ordinary guy and he loves skateboarding so he wanted to protray his feelings for skateboarding and you into his next project.
-Stayed up day and night in order to finish it and rushed to your house Valentines morning to spend the day with you before he presented your gift to you.
-Treated you to your favorite ice cream shop and a shopping spree at the plush store where you excitedly bought all the cute anime and animal plushes you had been dying for.
-You presented his gift to him around noon by taking him to a very special skateboard shop that your dad owned, he got first dibs at all the latest equipment and parts he needed for future projects and you couldn’t help smiling as he gasped at your father for letting him keep everything he had picked out and wanted.
-Your dad dropped you both off at Reki’s house in a pick up truck since Reki and gotten so much and helped unload it while you went in to greet his mother and sisters.
-He ran to his garage to get your gift but started getting nervous thinking that you wouldn’t like it.
-“S-she’ll like it I know she will. (Y/n)’s always spoiling me so this will pay her back for being so wonderful to me.”, he thought hugging the board tight to his chest as he ran back in to see you.
-“H-hey (Y/n), can you come here for a sec?”
-He could hear you running towards him and smiled nervously as he hid the board behind his back.
-Has you close your eyes and places the board deck side down in your arms so you can see the custom design he made for you on the back.
-You absolutely screech in joy seeing the new board in your arms, you couldn’t believe it was actually yours. Reki has to grab you by the cheeks hold you in place and tell you it was yours like five times just for you to believe him.
-You can’t help but throw yourself against him to hug him and kiss his pudgy face all over while chanting ‘I love you’ over and over again.
-He’s so happy you like your new board, he’s so overwhelmed by your affection but he absolutely adores you and kisses you one more time before dragging you off to his room for a movie and cuddles.
-A dorky sweetheart you can’t tell me otherwise.
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Miya Chinen
-Met during an online gaming tournament, you actually beat him, you became rivals for each other.
-When you both met in real life he absolutely adored you, sweet, kind, outgoing, and obviously taller than him, he couldn’t help the blush that rose to his face upon meeting you.
-You two were a match made in heaven but he couldn’t bring himself to confess to you no matter how hard he tried and then he found out you had a crush on a boy from your school.
-Helps you shop for the perfect gift for your crush despite it breaking his heart and finds himself still buying you something in hopes of confessing to you first.
-Has a little Bunny plush holding a single sunflower in its arms in his room since he couldn’t bring himself to confess to you the day of Valentines.
-Doesn’t hear from you about your confession until the day after when your both playing online against each other.
-“Come on (Y/n), you could’ve easily deflected that! Don’t become a slime on me now player two.”, Miya yells into his mic regretting it immediately when he hears you sigh.
-“Sorry Miya I’m just not feeling it tonight, I’m gonna go to bed see ya later.”
-Your sad he can tell instantly from the sound of your voice, calls you on the phone to demand an explanation on why your sad and you burst into tears on the other side.
-“S-sorry...hkk...i-it’s just that I let myself get played. I got heartbroken yesterday by the guy I liked and I realized that I’m pretty much a weirdo that no one wants to be with. He laughed at me and tossed my gift out the third story window of the school and walked away with a prettier girl in his arms.”
-You don’t hear anything from Miya and sigh hearing the call end unbeknownst to you Miya was skating his way to your house as fast as he could to comfort you, his Valentines gift in his arms.
-You jump when you hearing tapping on your window and watch as Miya sneaks in with a little rabbit in his arms.
-“Then be my weirdo! Stay by my side and we can be weirdos together, you don’t need that slime ball when I wanna be the grand knight that protects my princess!”, Miya screamed extending the gift to you in hopes that you would accept his feelings.
-He feels the rabbit leave his hands and opens his eyes to see you smiling through your tears, he kinda panics and wipes away your tears with his sleeves and just holds you.
-He presses his for head against yours and sighs, “You don’t have to answer right now it’s just that...I-I umm...I want to be the Link to your Zelda i-if you know what I mean.”
-You giggle and hug him thanking him for his kind words and softly whisper, “I love you, Miya, and thank you.”, into his ear making him smile against your shoulder.
-Sweet baby boy!
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Kaoru Sakurashiki
-This dipshit works Valentine’s Day and forgets about it due to all the orders for custom calligraphy messages for couples.
-Annoyed by all the sappy messages and honestly putting half his effort in any of them.
-Forgets he has an interview that day until he hears a knock at his office door and you nervously enter.
-His heart races seeing you for the first time, you look so adorable in your business casual outfit, and your nervous smile has him falling over himself.
-“H-hello my name is (L/n) (F/n), I-it’s a pleasure to meet you Mr. Sakurashiki.”
-“She’s beautiful like a cherry blossom.”, he thought to himself.
-Overall the interview goes great, you’re just a year younger then him looking for a new job to pay for your new home.
-Loves you a lot and asks you to start immediately as his new secretary, you accept and start getting right to work. Eventually he notices you running around in your socks since your feet were hurting from the heels.
-Treats you to dinner once the shop is closed to welcome you to the team and falls in love with you more as you talk more about yourself.
-You are playful but still you have a calm and collected mind something he admires greatly.
-Waits till next Valentines to properly confess to you since he found it extremely hard to put his feelings into words.
-You surprisingly accept and he treats you to a rooftop diner where you both share a sweet dance under the moonlight.
-Dubs you his Blossom and spoils you with sweet gestures and shy kisses until he’s confident enough to kiss you properly.
-Laughs when he finds out you are jealous of Carla (his skateboard), you fume and decide to race him at S which shocks him because he didn’t know you could even skate.
-Absolutely loses it seeing you in your S wardrobe, a rather revealing kunoichi styled outfit that showed all the right parts leaving him wanting more.
-“Well Cherry Blossom let’s see what you can do.”, you smirked behind your fox mask.
-You end up slaughtering him in the race just from pure skill alone, Karla couldn’t keep up with your calculations and you won by a landslide.
-Gets jealous of the fan boys that suddenly accumulate over you once the race is finish, takes off both of your masks so he can kiss you silly.
“I won jealous cherry.”
“Shut up and kiss me little blossom.”
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Kojiro Nanjo
-This large himbo had a whole plan to make you extremely jealous by flirting with other women until you were furious with him before surprising you with a special hotel room that he rented out for just the two of you for Valentines.
-Unfortunately he was unaware of some bullying and self esteem issues you were having because of work so you patience with him dried out fast.
-“Huh baby cakes what’s the mat-“
-“If they’re so pretty why don’t you just stay with them instead of someone useless and ugly like me!”
-Regrets everything he said as soon as he sees you running away in tears, ditches the fans immediately and skates off to find you but you’re already long gone.
-Calls Cherry who has you weeping in his arms and groans as his old friend starts scolding him for being a ‘Heartless Dumbass Gorilla’.
-Hugs you as soon as he sees you practically tackling you and Cherry in the process and begs for your forgiveness.
-You pout and refuse to forgive him which in turn makes him sigh, he scoops you up in his arms and tosses you over his shoulder to carry you away despite your protest and skates off to the hotel.
-“I swear I didn’t mean to hurt you, I wanted to make you jealous and then spoil you rotten. This wasn’t how I wanted today but if you’ll let me I’d still like to spoil you and make it up to you.”, Joe admits in a soft voice.
-You agree hesitantly and he puts you down, cups your face, and presses a tender kiss against your plump lips. Smiles against your lips when he feels your cheeks heat up.
-Takes you to the hotel, chuckles at your shocked expression to the huge lavish room and invites you for champagne in the jacuzzi.
-Leans you against his chest and wraps an arm around your waist, whispers sweet compliments and praises into your ear until a goofy smile is plastered over your face.
-Smothers you in kisses and cuddles even if you playfully try to escape his strong arms.
-Watches sappy movies with you and holds you tightly until your glowing with joy. Kisses you good night as he snuggles his head into your adorable chest and happily nods off to sleep as you play with his curly green hair.
“Happy Valentine’s Day love, I’m sorry and thank you for today beautiful.”, Joe hums kissing your cleavage sweetly.
“I’m sorry I ruined your surprise, thank you handsome.”
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Hiromi Higa
-Meets you the 13th when you come in to buy flowers, there’s such a sad aura about you that he can’t help but gift you a fresh pink rose that brings a sweet smile to your face.
-Instantly falls for you as you ask for an arrangement to take to a funeral of a dear friend.
-Makes you a beautiful arrangement himself and let’s you take it free of charge despite your argument to pay.
-“Just try to be happy for me and that’s enough, you look beautiful when you smile.”, he simply says making a blush roll across your face.
-As nightfall hits the city he dawns his Shadow look for S and starts heading over but he stops after hearing a scream and finds you being attacked by a small group of idiots.
-Instantly picks a fight with them in order to defend you and wins just from knocking one out with a single punch and scaring the others away with a glare.
-Sees you trembling on the floor with a hand covering your left arm and sighs seeing the blood, you had been slashed by one of their blades so he carefully wraps it with an extra cloth that he had and picks you up carrying you to the train station.
-“Stay safe little flower, I won’t always be able to save you.”, he grins at you making you blush for some strange reason.
-“T-thank you for saving me.”
-He smiles at you and leans forward leaving a purple lipstick mark on your cheek as he disappears from sight.
-He skates his best that night at S while thinking of you.
-You appear again in the flower shop the next day, a bandage wrapped around your arm and a shy smile on your face as you walk up to him.
-He’s surprised to see you again so soon and prays that you didn’t recognize him from last night.
-You smile and press a kiss to his cheek, leaving a red stain on his cheek that has his face flaming up in embarrassment.
-You hand him back his cloth and a note and rush out of the store while shouting, “Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“H-huh well seems she did notice m-ehh... i-is this her phone number?”
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1dmonthlyficroundup · 3 years
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1D Monthly Fic Roundup
Hi, and welcome to the 1D Monthly Fic Roundup for July 2021! Below you’ll find One Direction fics that were all published this month in the order they were submitted to the blog. We hope you’ll check out these new fics! If you would like to submit your own fic, please check this post on how to submit or visit our blog @1dmonthlyficroundup​.
Happy reading!
Game Changer by @neondiamond
[Harry/Louis, 6k, Mature, tumblr post]
“Did the doctor say what was wrong with you?”
“He thought I was pregnant,” Louis scoffs. “Told me to go home and take a test, a pregnancy test, Haz. Can you imagine the nerve it takes for him to even think that?”
Harry looks lost in his thoughts for a few seconds. “Did you? Take a test, I mean?”
“Of course I didn’t.”
OR: A couple months before playing in his first long-awaited World Cup, Louis finds out he’s pregnant. Harry’s there for the ride.
(I Was Broke) You Healed Me by @fallinglikethis
[Harry/Niall, 12k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
Niall Horan is an unmated pregnant omega living on his own after his alpha boyfriend leaves him. Far from his family and friends in Ireland, Niall is stuck living in a complex for Alpha/Omega bondmates, terrified every day of being found out by his landlord.As if that isn't enough, he's suffering from touch deprivation. Luckily, Niall's doctor can at least help him with that part: she prescribes Niall some cuddle sessions. It's only a little weird that the person she's prescribing him is her brother. Or maybe that's actually a little bit perfect.
The Only Pain in Pleasure is the Pleasure of the Pain by Layne Faire / @laynefaire
[Liam/Zayn, 10k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Liam had followed InZaynity, an artist's Instagram, for ages. Not only was the artist incredibly talented, his voice poured over Liam like warm honey on a winter's night, and his hands were the stuff Liam's wank dreams were made of. However, having Zayn unexpectedly arrive as the newest artist at his best friend's tattoo shop brought Liam's fantasies and reality a little too close for comfort.
Zayn Malik met his boss' friend on his first day at Fine Line Tattoos, and felt an instant attraction. Unfortunately, given Liam's unwillingness to even hold a conversation with him, Zayn was certain the feelings weren't reciprocal. Or were they?
When Liam's new tattoo design falls outside the scope of Tommo's talent, and he recommends Zayn do it, Liam reluctantly agrees. Surely he could manage to spend hours in Zayn's company without revealing his biggest secret, right? Right?
Blow Me Away by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
[Louis/Liam, 6k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Louis likes giving blow jobs.
He doesn't exactly get off on it – he's been with people who properly loved it, and he's not quite that into it – but he doesn't mind the feel or the taste and he really, really likes watching his partner lose it, so getting down on his knees regularly is a no brainer.
Which is why it's a bit frustrating that every time he does, Liam hauls him back up again.
Why Didn't We Make Out the Night We Met? by @berzerkshires
[Louis/Harry, 52k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Louis and Harry meet in an alley outside the hotel Louis is staying for the weekend. Harry introduces himself as Ed, and Louis is completely clueless. They have a relationship through text messages, phone calls, shared pictures and Facetime calls. Is a cell phone being the only source of communication enough? Will Louis ever learn that he's really talking to an international popstar? And what happens when the world is shutdown due to a wide spread virus?
I Love This Feeling (But I Hate This Part) by @lululawrence
[Harry/Louis, 7k, Not rated, tumblr post]
“Stand up.”
Harry stood up from the couch, not a moment’s delay.
“Oh my god, is that what that’s like?” Harry turned to Louis, surprise on his face. “I really thought they were somehow exaggerating, but it really is an automatic response with absolutely no thought from me behind it whatsoever.”
Louis sighed again. “You really wanna keep doing this? Have me use my alpha voice on you so you can work on resisting it?”
“Yup,” Harry said, clapping his hands and smiling. “How else am I going to be able to have any chance at reducing the power an alpha voice has on me?”
I Said It Wrong, But I Meant It Right by @lululawrence
[Liam/Nick Grimshaw, 4k, Not rated, tumblr post]
Nick was a bit of a disaster, but she was used to it.
Or so she thought. She had never known how much she could struggle just to function until the new fire lady goddess angel person winked at her.
Oh, Those Summer Nights by cherrylarry / @beelou
[Louis/Harry, 1k, General, tumblr post]
“Are you okay?” He kneels down to inspect where Harry still has his hand pressed against his head.
“Oh! Yeah, I’m fine.”
“My name’s Louis. Can I buy you dinner or something to make up for hitting you in the head?”
Harry crinkles his eyebrows. “Me?”
Louis chuckles. “Yes, you. If you’d like?”
“Yeah. That would be nice.” Harry smiles so that his dimples show. “I’m Harry.”
“Harry, it's a date, then." Louis grins.
An extended scene of the beginning of the movie Grease as a larry au
people fall in love in mysterious ways (maybe just the touch of a hand) by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers, @justalarryblog / Bekita, @bluecolouredlou , @beelou / cherrylarry, @thedevilinmybrain / devilinmybrain, @hershelsue / docklands, @foreverfanficaddict,@idolizingthelight / idolizingthelightt, @inlockets / loveroflou, @perfectdagger, @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same
[Louis/Harry, 13k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
Set in a world where meeting your soulmate causes a literal spark, Louis Tomlinson has no time for fate. He knows all too well the heartbreak that having a soulmate can bring and he'd rather avoid the whole affair. But, when a chance meeting with up-and-coming popstar, Harry Styles, causes the biggest electrical surge the world has ever seen, Louis must confront the truth that sometimes destiny knocks when you least expect it.
Somehow, Someway by @zanniscaramouche
[Louis/Harry, 16k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
Louis Tomlinson has everything all figured out for a smooth post-graduation sailing into the perfect career in the music industry. A canceled class, a high school play, and a disarming set of dimples were not part of the plan. (Especially when they belong to a boy wearing someone else’s jacket.)
Featuring: A punk with the worst timed crush in history, that moody art kid that never shares cigarettes, the cutest pastel-pink wearing boy on the planet, and his unfortunately nice bottle-blond jock of a boyfriend.
Forts & Fortunes by @neondiamond
[Louis/Harry, 2k, General, tumblr post]
It’s finals week at uni and Harry is struggling to find a healthy balance between studying and tending to his needs. Lucky for him, Louis is there to help him out with that.
One way to reduce tension by @neondiamond
[Harry/Louis, 1k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Harry knows of a few ways to help Louis get rid of some pent up stress…
We Got a Call by @greenblueish / bluegreenish
[Louis/Harry, 24k, Mature, tumblr post]
“Fisher from St Peter hospital, hello. Is this Mr Tomlinson?”
Louis’ eyebrows furrow in concern. Why is the hospital calling him? Has someone he knows been in an accident? “Uh, yes?”
“Great. Your results are in. Congratulations, you’re pregnant!”
“Pregnant?” he chokes, the word almost getting caught in his throat.
“Yes, without doubt,” the woman from the hospital confirms, her voice neutral but somehow chirpy. “I recommend promptly booking an appointment with your ob/gyn to discuss how to proceed.”
"I...Yeah, I’ll talk to my … partner.”
or, the one where Louis and Harry Tomlinson are married and Louis accepts a phone call that was definitely meant for his husband.
How Long Will We Fall (Before We Can Climb) by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
[Louis/Harry, 860 words, General, tumblr post]
Louis' faith in Harry is unbreakable. When they get caught kissing and he is thrown out of his home forever, he has to learn to have faith in himself.
Rope, Leather and Lipstick by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
[Louis/Harry, 552 words, Mature, tumblr post]
Something about ropes around wrists, and tinting skin the colour of strawberry ice cream, tender and kissed by dark lips. Smudging sticky red lipstick across the slight blue shadow of veins, and assuring hands tightening knots.
Lies & Liability by 4ureyesonly28 / @evilovesyou
[Louis/Harry, 34k, Mature, tumblr post]
Harry Styles has only three wishes when he leaves River Dane Manor to go to Town for his first season: that his sister has rented a townhouse that will provide him as many of the comforts of the country life he has grown accustomed to as possible, that he will not trip and fall when he is presented to Her Majesty the Queen, and that he will enter matrimony out of true love, no matter how favourable the match with any which alpha may be.
Sugar at Night by @brightgolden
[Harry/Louis, 33k, Explicit, tumblr post]
With a year left before he completes his degree, a wonderful fiancé, and a baby coming soon, life is going exceptionally well for Harry Styles.
But, the truth always has a way to unravel itself, doesn’t it?
So, what do you do when the person you fell in love with is not the person you thought they were?
I got myself in a mess (and without you I'm in more) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same
[Zayn/Liam, 9k, Mature, tumblr post]
It’s not desire that has his synapses firing. It’s not the urge to jump him that makes him feel jittery.
It’s the fact that everything about this man - a nice, unassuming guy on Tinder, who studied IT and who seemed like a safe choice - screams danger. It’s the fact that Zayn has been absently touching his necklace for what feels like half the night now.
The necklace. Thank God for Lou, honestly. He’d laughed a bit, at first, when Louis had given it to him, when he’d explained all about the app that it was connected to, the emergency contacts that would be notified and sent his exact location “if you just double tap the back of the charm, see” because Louis was that friend, the mom friend, but right now? Right now Zayn will gladly take the gentle ribbing from Louis if it means he won’t have to spend another moment with this guy.
I don't care if the world knows by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same
[Louis/Harry, 6k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
Harry is fourteen when she buys her first binder. She’s been doing cosplay videos on Tiktok for a while at that point, and it seems like the logical choice. Not that there’s anything wrong with cosplaying characters of the opposite gender and not wanting to fully look like them, she’s seen plenty of wonderful creators put their own spin on characters in a way that transcends the source material, but when it comes to her own cosplays -
She just likes it to be accurate.
She likes her chest to be flat, not soft and curvy, when she’s wearing her Crowley cosplay, or when she’s transformed herself into Loki.
It’s all about the aesthetics.
Over the course of a few years, Harry explores and comes to terms with gender identity.
It’s Probably Because I’ve Got a Big Lesbian Crush on You by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
[Louis/Harry, 6k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
Harry's never really concerned herself with being part of the popular crowd. But as the new girl in school the second semester of her junior year, she finds herself unwittingly competing for Queen Bee status against high school royalty Louis Tomlinson. Maybe there's more to their rivalry than it seems.
A not-quite-Mean Girls AU
Going Green (so fucking green) by yeah_alright / @uhoh-but-yeah-alright
[Louis/Harry, 5k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Harry just really loves being used, and Louis really loves Harry. Who is he to deny him?
Or: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle but make it BDSM
the next bit was spanners to my plan by LadyAJ_13 / @ladyaj-13
[Louis/Nick Grimshaw, 6k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
The first time was an accident. The second time was an accident too.
Or: Louis and Nick end up shagging on the sly, everyone sends far too many emojis and far too few words, and eventually they're going to have to sort themselves out.
Trust Me Tonight by @vintageumbroshirt / 28sunflowers
[Louis/Harry, 10k, Explicit, tumblr post]
After Harry’s eighteenth birthday, his father calls him into a meeting to say that he is to be married to Prince Louis of France in just over a week.
Harry is excited, of course. The arrangement is better than any he could’ve hoped for, with such a young, handsome and kind husband.
There is just one issue: Harry doesn’t know what happens on his nuptials, or how to get pregnant to give Louis the heir that he needs.
Can we make it any more obvious? by LouStylesHTommo / @smolhilariousbeans
[Louis/Harry, 6k, Explicit, tumblr post]
Five times the boys accidentally walked in on Harry & Louis plus one time they did it on purpose.
Aka Niall, Zayn, Liam being supportive of Lou&H sexy shenanigans.
darling just dive right in by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed / we_are_the_same
[Zayn/Louis, 5k, Teen and up, tumblr post]
Louis can’t think of a worse place to be than at the Malik estate, attending his ex boyfriend's wedding.
Shining just for you by ThoseFookin_Avacados / @hlhome28
[Harry/Louis, 1k, General, tumblr post]
For a clumsy person, Harry danced with quite the grace- spinning around Louis, billowy light robes brushing against his firm darker ones. Despite his slightly smaller build, Louis was decivingly strong, his grip on Harry's waist tight as they performed their steps in sync. Like two opposite halves of a whole, like ones reflection in the mirror, like the sun and the moon.
Part 2 of the Prompt Generator series
crown me with your heart (your love is king) by @perfectdagger
[Louis/Harry, 41k, General, tumblr post]
The universe must’ve had a field day when it decided to plan Harry’s life. There was no plausible explanation for anything that happened in his life anymore. Try as he may, he would never be able to control his life nor predict what would happen next. What were the odds that the one person he was sure he had fallen in love with but had completely let him slip out of his life, already resigned to the fact nothing could ever evolve between them due to Harry’s future with Eroda, happened to be the same person who had Harry’s future in his hand?
A The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Wedding au in which Harry is the Crown Prince of the small island of Eroda and Louis’ uncle is trying to take the throne from him, with a slight a/b/o twist and some more.
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
Imaginary Friends 2
Part One
Pairing: dad!Tom Holland x Reader
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“I’ll get your seat.” Tom cleared his throat awkwardly before pulling your seat out for you. He was forgetting how to act like a regularly functioning human being and found himself having no idea where to put his hands. He stuffed them in and out of his pockets about a hundred times before you even sat down. Since it was your job to be observant, you noticed his timid demeanor and gave him a warm smile to relax him.
“Oh, thank you.” You chuckled shyly as you sat in the seat.
“No problem, m’lady.” He bowed slightly then shut his eyes in embarrassment. “I’m sorry I said that.”
“It’s alright.” You chuckled again and he let out a breath of relief as he took his seat. His mind went blank as he stared at you in your black cocktail dress, suddenly forgetting every talking point he had ever picked up. Awkward silence filled the space between you and Tom began to panic.
“This place seems really nice.” You spoke up and his heart race went back to normal. You smiled to yourself when you saw the color return to his face.
“Yeah. My family comes here whenever I wrap a movie and come home.” He told you, impressive himself with the easy conversation he was keeping. He stopped fumbling with his hands and let them rest on his lap. Your eyebrows raised when he told you the tidbit and you blushed a little.
“So this is a special place to you?” You asked with a coy smile, reading heavily into the fact he brought you somewhere that had meaning to him.
“Well this is a special occasion.” He shrugged and raised his glass of water. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and you clinked you’re glass against him.
“I’m glad we’re doing this.” You said once you set your glass down. Tom smiled widely and nodded.
“Me too.”
The waiter came by to drop a bucket off ice off at the table and told you both he’d be back shortly for your orders.
“Oo, ice.” You took the lid off the bucket and grabbed an ice cube.
“What are you doing?” Tom wondered as you put the ice cube down in the table.
“Hang on.” You smiled deviously at Tom and began to rummage through your bag. Tom watched you curiously as you took your gun out of your bag and smashed the butt of it against the ice cube. Pieces of ice went everywhere as you and Tom leaned forward on the table as silent laughter escaped your lips. Tom looked around to check if anyone saw with his hand clamped over his mouth as you put your gun away. Your body shook as you laughed, brushing small crumbs of ice off the table.
“Why did you do that?” He asked between bursts of laughter.
“To break the ice.” You said like it was obvious before laughing again.
“With your gun?” He whispered harshly, wiping a tear from his eye. He could not believe you had done what you did. He didn’t even care about the people staring. He was already having the most fun he’d had in a long time.
“If this restaurant had outdoor seating, I would’ve shot it.” You leaned forward to whisper and he broke into another fit of laughter at your boldness, even if you were kidding.
“So you’re trying to kill me?” He teased you.
“I’ll have you know, Mr. Hollywood actor, that I have the best shot on my team.” You said smugly as you took a sip of your water.
“I’m impressed.”
“I am too. I stalked you on the Internet after we met and you’re actually really talented.” You said with surprise and Tom couldn’t help but laugh. “That one clip of the superhero movie where you’re like turning into ashes so was sad.”
“Oh My God, I stalked you too.” He admitted, getting excited now with his fearless date. “And it was dust, darling. I turned to dust.”
“Ew, did you see my FBI induction ceremony?” You grimaced.
“The one with your hair sticking up? No I don’t think so.” He said sarcastically and you groaned.
“That’s so embarrassing. I hate that picture.” You whined. “My hair was everywhere. No one told me I looked like the ginger from the Rugrats.”
“No, not the doll.” You shook your head. “The cartoon baby with the big teeth.”
“His name is Chuckie.” Tom chuckled and your eyes widened.
“Wait really?” You asked. “Why does Hollywood make gingers so scary looking?”
“I have no idea. You’ll have to ask the ginger consultants up in LA.” Tom joked.
“Do they really have that?” You looked amazed and it almost broke Tom’s heart to tell you he was kidding.
“No.” He laughed. “You think they have people for that?”
“Well I don’t know!” You defended. “I saw an interview where you said you had a dialect coach. That means it’s someone’s job to teach you how to speak. Your American accent is pretty good by the way.”
“Just pretty good?” He raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t unlock genuine compliments until the second date.” You said simply.
“Unlock? Like a video game.” Tom questioned you with a smile. It gave him confidence that you were already planning on a second date.
“No. It’s obviously like a quest.” You rolled your eyes playfully.
“Oh, a quest huh?” He challenged. “What’s the prize at the end?”
“My undying love, duh.” You shook your head as if he asked a stupid question. Tom stares at you for a moment, just taking you in as a dopey smile crossed his face.
“Y/n, you might be the most interesting persons I ever met.” He said sincerely as he raised his glass again.
“Well I met a man who had a fetish for baby teeth and I arrested him in front of his mother so, cheers.” You deadpanned as you clicked your glass against his.
“Oh my God.” He laughed and took a long sip. It was gonna be a long night, and he couldn’t wait to see what was gonna happen next.
“Tom?” You called weakly as you opened his front door. You dropped your to go bag on the ground and it landed with a heavy thud. You let your eyes drift around his living room, having missed it after being away for two weeks.
“You’re home!” Tom came out of the kitchen and set the towel he was using to dry his hands down on the counter. He made his way to you and pulled you into a long kiss. “I missed you, love. I just put Spencer down but I can wake him up if you want to see him.”
“No, no. It’s okay. Let him sleep.” You nodded and winced as a pain shot through your side. You hunched over a little and gripped your side, taking a deep breath to try and minimize the pain.
“Woah, love, are you okay?” Toms voice was filled with worry as he tried to steady you. He helped you over to the couch and you painfully sat down.
“I need to tell you something.” You looked him in the eyes as your clutched your side. “Don’t be mad.”
“Okay.” He nodded curtly, already growing worried about what it could be.
“I got shot.” You grimaced and Toms eyes widened.
“YOU GOT SHOT?!” Tom screamed and you quickly shushed him, not wanting to wake up Spencer.
“I said don’t be mad!” You whispered harshly.
“I’m not mad I’m just reacting loudly.” He whispered back. “You got shot?!”
You pulled up the side of your loose Cotten shirt to reveal a thick white bandage taped to your ribs.
“Happy anniversary?” You smiled weakly.
“Oh my god, what happened?” Tom asked as he tentatively touched your bandage. Small splotches of blood were begins to show through. Tom ran time the kitchen and got you ibuprofen and a glass of water as quickly as he could.
“Apparently child abductors don’t like it when you take their abducted children away. Wish I knew that earlier.” You rolled your eyes sarcastically as you popped the pills into your mouth.
“Is now the time for jokes? You have a bullet hole!” He said angrily as he handed you the cup of water. He didn’t want to yell, but he had never felt so panicked. Bullet holes were plot points in his movies, not something he’d ever thought his girlfriend would come home with.
“Y/n has a bullet hole?” Spencer appeared in the door and stared at you with a gapping mouth. He clutched his teddy bear out of fear and you felt your heart melt.
“It’s okay, Spence.” You assured him and quickly fixed your shirt. “Go back to bed. I’m fine.”
“Did the bad guys hurt you?” He ignored your order as he walked over to you.
“Yeah, they got me this time buddy.” You cupped his chin to comfort him. “But my team arrested him so you don’t have to worry.”
“This is insane. I’m gonna call the police.” Tom shook his head and pulled out his phone.
“I am the police.” You chuckled as you lowered his phone. “And I already saw a medic. It’s just a graze. I’m totally fine.”
“You’re bleeding!” Tom reminded you in a whisper so Spencer wouldn’t hear.
“I’m bleeding as well as being totally fine.” You bopped his nose and he relaxed a little.
“Will teddy make your feel better? He helps me when I’m sick.” Spencer asked hopefully as he held his teddy bear out to you. You gratefully accepted the bear and held him to your chest.
“I feel better already. Thanks, Spence.” You ruffled his hair with your free hand.
“Come on, buddy. You shouldn’t be in here.” Tom took Spencers hand and began to lead him back to his bed.
“Is mommy gonna be okay?” Spencer asked, making your ears turn pink.
“She’s gonna be fine. Come on. I’ll make you some ice cream in the kitchen.” Tom knew his son wouldn’t be getting to bed anytime soon, so he brought him to the kitchen to distract him with some ice cream. He scooped some into a bowl for Spencer before returning to you.
“I’m sorry. This is not what I had in mind for our 1 year anniversary.” You smiled apologetically as you took Toms hand. Tom let out a breath and kissed your knuckles. He couldn’t be mad at you, even if he wanted to. He was just glad you were alright.
“Well the restaurant I was gonna take you to is super cold inside so this works for me.” He joked with a breathy chuckle. He sat next to you on the couch and pulled you into his side. You sat in silence for a moment as he stroked your hair. Guilt began to bubble in your tummy as your thoughts piled in.
“Spencer called me mommy.” You said after a beat of silence. Tom has caught that too but let it slip his mind given your current situation.
“I’m sorry. I’ll tell him not to do that again.” Tom said softly. You had never discussed it, so he assumed you weren’t comfortable with that yet. Tom would love for you to one day be Spencers mother, but you’d only been dating a year. He understood if you weren’t ready for that title. He just didn’t know how he was supposed to tell his son that the woman who ate dinner with them every night, sent him postcards when she was away, and sometimes made him breakfast wasn’t his mother.
Your thoughts were completely different than Toms. You were both thinking of the future, but not in the same way. A lump formed in your throat as hot tears brimmed in your eyes.
“Tom?” You gulped, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Yes, love?” He looked down at you with worry.
“I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” You kept your eyes straight ahead and let your statement hang in the air for a moment. Tom stopped stroking your hair and his entire body stilled.
“What? Why?” He sat up and looked at you with desperate confusion. I thought we really connected. I thought…I thought we were in love.” He said quietly.
“We did. And we are.” You cupped his face, trying to comfort him in the way that always worked with Spencer. “But Tom, your son had one mother walk out on him already. If you and I continue this serious relationship and I don’t come home one day, what’s that going to do to him? What’s that going to do to you?”
“I don’t - I don’t know.” Tom was speechless as he thought about what you said.
“The bullet grazed me this time. I might not get as lucky next time.” You shrugged as a tear slipped out. “I’ve seen the most capable agents get hurt in the field. I go to work every day and I never know if I’ll make it home. That’s hard for me to deal with. Do you really want to deal with that too?”
Tom was quiet as silent tears fell down his face. He didn’t trust his voice enough to speak, not that he had the words anyway. The only sounds heard were the scripted of Spencers spoon against his bowl in the kitchen. You observed Tom’s silence and stroked his cheek.
“I really love you, Tom. And I love Spencer.” You said quietly. “But I don’t want to come into your lives when I know I can be taken out of it at any moment. You both deserve better.”
“Maybe we do.” He shrugged, suddenly finding his voice. “But I could go for a walk tomorrow and get struck by lighting. You could go face to face with the most dangerous Unsub in FBI history and die in a car crash on your way home. And Spencer drank your shampoo yesterday because he wanted his organs to smell like strawberries.” Tom listed and you let out a tired laugh. “Nobody knows what the future holds. No one is promised a tomorrow. I understand your concerns and I know the risks but I just,” Tom shrugged, “I don’t care. I don’t care if your job is dangerous. Mine is too. My suit Doenst have a zipper. I barely get to pee.”
You laughed again and wiped your face on the back of your hand.
“That’s not good for your kidneys.” You said pointedly.
“It’s not. So maybe a kidney infection will kill me.” He shrugged again. “Or maybe you’ll drop your curling iron in the bathtub and get electrocuted.”
“How much do you know about death?” You questioned his unconventional examples.
“Not much. And I don’t know much about love either.” He admitted. “But I do know that as long as I get to spend today with you, I don’t care about tomorrow. Every second I get with you is worth it to me. But if you still want to stop seeing each other, I’ll respect that. I’ll make sure I never get my mail at the same time as you so we don’t have to make awkward eye contact and do that tight smile white people make.”
“I don’t want to stop.” You teared up again. “And I never want to make awkward eye contact at the mailbox.”
“I have a solution for that.” Tom said and you raised your eyebrows. “Move in. Then we’ll share a mailbox.”
A smile tugged at your lips at his proposal and you rubbed his knee.
“Let me think about it.” You told him.
“Take all the time you-“
“Yes.” You cut him off. “My answer is yes.”
Tom broke out into a smile and pulled you into a long kiss.
“I love you. So, so much.” He whispered against your lips.
“I love you too.” You answered.
“Daddy, I finished my ice cream.” Spencer came back into the living room with chocolate on his chin.
“Come here, Spence.” Tom opened his arms and Spencer climbed onto his lap. “How would you feel about Y/n moving forward in here and living with us?
“Really? Like a permanent sleepover?” Spencer looked at you with excitement as you wiped his chin clean with a wipe.
“Yeah, honey. Like a permanent sleepover.” You nodded with a smile.
“Yay! I love you.” Spencer three his arms around your neck and hugged you tightly. You laughed and hugged him back, rubbing soft circles on his back.
“I love you too, Spence.” You told him. “But you have to get to bed. Teddy is exhausted.”
“Come on, buddy. I’ll tuck you in again.” Tom offered.
“Can mommy tuck me in this time?” Spencer asked hopefully and you and Tom shared a look.
“Uh, about that-“ Tom began.
“Yes.” You cut him off and scooped Spencer up. “Mommy will tuck you in.”
Tag List 🏷
@maybemona @foreverxholland @damnyoudameron @lavender-writer @captainmandeestudent17 @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @theolwebshooter @andreasworlsboring101 @guksmyfav​ @waiting-to-be-myself @letsloveimagines @peterparkoure​ @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @justcallmehitgirl @averyfosterthoughts​ @jackiehollanderr​ @tiny-friggin-human @celestial-skylines​ @mara-twins​ @iamaunicorn4704​ @spideygirl2003 @the-crazy-fanfictionist @maryjanee23​ @spacebitch2​ @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @jillanaholland​ @unbelievableholland​ @rebekkah4766 @flixndchill @sovereignparker​ @wendaiii​ @thisisthebiplace​ @spideydobrik @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos​ @caelestii-e​ @eridanuswave @itscaminow @fiantomartell​ @solarxmoonchild​ @where-art-thau-romeo @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow​ @thehappygrungelife @saysomethingspiderman @parkerboop​ @smilexcaptainx​ @hes-amarillo @quaksonhehe @kelieah​ @silteplaittais-toi​ @kickingn-ames​ @purefluff​ @seasidecrowbar @lovelessdagger​ @love-sick-blues​ @electraheart-3174 @lou-la-lou @unbelievableholland​ @yourtypicalhotmess​ @ohnothezombies @spideyanakin @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @anapocalypseinmymind
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mummybear · 4 years
What Are You Doing Here?
This Is Day 13 Of Roleplay May
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Words: 3666
Warnings: Smut, Hurt/Comfort, Wall Sex, Fingering, Counter Top Sex, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Hair Pulling, Back Scratching. Think That’s It.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Reader, Allison Argent, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Malia Tate/Hale, Unnamed Douche Guy
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Summary: You’re staying at your aunts place in Beacon Hills, after finishing your training program where you’d met the best guy ever. So when your best friend Allison turns up at your aunts house and invites you to a party you reluctantly agree to go. Only to find out that there was more waiting at that party than you first realised.
A/N: Sorry guys there was a screw up and this one is a little late but enjoy! ;)
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Staying at your aunts again after all this time was really strange, but she was awesome and always made you feel so comfortable. Working down at the local hospital had kept her extremely busy, so you had offered to come and look after her new puppy until things calmed down a little at the hospital. She had even managed to get this weekend off. 
It was great timing considering you’d only just got back from a training course for your ideal job. You’d met some really amazing people there, one in particular who had been much harder to forget than the others. He was the sweetest guy you’d ever met, helping you while others in the program had merely laughed at your failings. The two of you had grown close over that month, and you deeply regretted never taking it further, but most of all you couldn’t believe you’d forgotten to get his number. 
There’s a knock at the door, pulling you from your thoughts. Checking the time you realise it’s much later than you first thought. “I’ve got it!” you call into the kitchen, running to the front door, the surprise hits you like the best smack in the face ever. “Alli!” you practically squeal, pulling her into a massive hug which she quickly returns.
“I missed you so much! When Kay said you were back I had to come get you! There’s this party tonight, I thought I'd see if you wanna come with me?” Allison exclaims excitedly, pulling back to look at your face.
“I’d love to, I really would. But I promised Kay that I’d look after the puppy while i’m staying.” You explain, just as the little puppy in question comes and jumps up your legs.
Before Allison can answer however you can hear your aunt clearing her throat behind you.
“Hey. You go sweetheart, don’t you worry about it! I’ve got the little one tonight.” She smiles kindly, gathering up the dog from the floor and stroking the bouncing puppy. “I promise we’ll be fine and we can do our movie marathon tomorrow.” She insists, laughing when Allison pulls her into a big hug, which you quickly get pulled into.
Four hours later
Allison is with you in your temporary room, watching you check over your outfit in your mirror. “Alli, I dunno about this are you sure it’s not too much? I don’t even know these people.” you sigh turning in the mirror again, you love the outfit but you just don’t want to feel like you’ve overdone it. 
She comes to stand beside you and smiles, “look just trust me okay, you’re gonna knock them dead. There’s actually someone in particular who I want to introduce you to.” 
“Oh, I see. so that’s what this is all in aid of,” you state knowingly, gesturing to your outfit as you turn to face her, she quickly hands you a shot with a sly smile on her lips. 
“Hush you, he’s awesome. And you’re both two of my best friends and I thought it was about time the two of you met that’s all” she laughs when your judgemental look locks back onto her.
“Okay, fine. Because I love you, I’ll do it.” you agree as she clinks her shot glass against yours and throws you a wink.
It doesn’t take the two of you very long to have a steady buzz going, your confidence a little better than the start of the evening as your aunt waves you off on the driveway.
Arriving at the party doesn’t take long, before you know it you’re pulling up to one of the biggest houses that you’ve ever seen. Allison leads you around the back, the massive columns are all covered in fairy lights, it’s completely stunning and there are a lot of people here. Leading the way Allison clearly knows where she’s going, her hand tight on yours as she weaves easily through the big clusters of people. Your friend clearly spots who she’s looking for since she’s waving and you can hear several people calling her name even over the music, which appears to be quieter over here. 
You can come to stand beside Allison when she finally comes to a stop and your heart starts beating faster as your nerves begin to get the best of you. A nervous smile pulls at your lips.
“ So Y/N, these are the people I was telling you about.” Allison tells you, leading you over to a group of people at the back of the garden. She starts introducing everyone, but you don’t hear her, because as soon as the tallest guy steps out of the way you spot him. Sitting beside a redhead, staring at you with his mouth wide open.
“Y/N?” Stiles questions suddenly, ignoring the way that his friends were looking at him.
Stepping away from Allison your cheeks already hurt from smiling as you meet those gorgeous brown eyes. He’s on you before you can speak, wrapping his long arms around your waist in that familiar way he had just a few weeks ago, smiling into your neck when your arms wrap around his shoulders.
“So, I guess I don’t need to introduce my really great friend then, huh?” Allison questions with a big grin crossing her lips.
You and Stiles are both blushing hard when you finally pull away from one another and look back at the group of confused faces. 
“Y/N is the girl I told you about, from the FBI training course,” Stiles reveals blushing even harder, when you have to bite back a smile realising he’s been telling his friends about you.
“Nothing bad I hope?”
“Oh no, nothing bad at all. He was very complimentary,” the tanned guy beside Stiles chuckles when Allison smacks his shoulder, with a fond smile.
“Well, I kinda wish I would’ve worked out the two of you had been talking about each other,” Allison says to nobody in particular, “Anyway….” 
The conversation moves on quickly, with you and Stiles telling the others how you'd been in one of the classes and the two of you had ended up being partners, you were pretty much inseparable after that, until the day you’d had to go home. 
The others are really nice as well, Lydia was the host of the party, she was seriously smart that much had been obvious as soon as she had started talking, not to mention that she was completely gorgeous. Scott was really sweet, much nicer than you had expected and as it turns out he was Allison’s boyfriend and Stiles’ best friend. Malia was straight talking and very blunt but honestly, she seemed like the kind of girl you would get on with. As long as you didn’t get on her bad side of course.
At some point the others had left to get a drink, but you and Stiles had been too distracted to notice. You’re both walking around a quiet part of the garden, ignoring the few kissing drunk people as Stiles tells you about his family. You’re so distracted that you don’t see the massive guy running towards you until it’s too late and you’re being knocked down. 
“Shit, Y/N! You okay?” Stiles asks worriedly, helping you to your feet. You wince putting pressure on your foot, he notices immediately and pulls your arm around his shoulders. “What a dick. We should get you inside, I can take a look at it?” he offers kindly, slowly walking you towards the door with the least people.
“You don’t have to do that Stiles, I’ll be okay.” you reply quickly, not missing the way he glances at you unconvinced.
“Well, tough. I insist.” 
“Okay, Mr Bossy.” you giggle seeing the smile pulling at his pink lips. God why couldn’t you stop staring at them. “Thank you though, that’s really sweet of you,” 
“It’s nothing. It’s really the least I can do.” he assures you blushing slightly. “Might have to carry you up here though,” he muses, before you can argue his arm reaches behind you and tucks behind your knees. 
You squeal in surprise as he picks you up effortlessly, careful not to lift your skirt as he does and holds you close to his body. Your arms wrap around his neck and you know you’re holding on tighter than necessary, it’s not that you don’t trust him it’s just instinct. 
His eyes are on yours as he walks carefully, but you can’t help flicking your eyes down to look at his lips. You know that he’s noticed when you finally look back into his eyes. 
“Could you get the door for me?” he asks, voice a little deeper than before, nodding his head towards the door in front of them. 
Reaching forward and you push the handle down for the bathroom door, feeling his long fingers tighten where he’s holding onto you. Stiles walks inside and gently sits you on the counter top beside the sink, quickly turning so that he can close and lock the door behind you both.
You watch him as he moves around you carefully and pulls out the first aid kit. 
“This might sting a little,” he tells you quietly, grabbing one of the anti bacterial wipes and gently dabbing at the cut still bleeding on your knee. “Sorry,” he apologises when you wince, his free hand gripping your thigh to stop you from moving.
Biting your lip at the feeling of his fingers on your skin again, you look up at him, realising he’s much closer than you’d first realised.
“I still regret not getting you number,”
Chucking the wipe in the bin Stiles smiles, “Yeah, me too. Keep wishing I would've had the balls to ask for yours.” he reveals, stepping between your legs and he gently puts on the large plaster. His hands move from your legs and he places them on the counter, either side of your legs, “There, all better.”
Leaning forward you press your lips to his cheek, resting your hands on his shoulders.
“Thank you,” you breathe out quietly, pulling away slowly, just enough that his nose bumps against yours. 
Stiles swallows hard just barely nodding and neither of you want to move any further away. 
“How’s your ankle?” Stiles rasps, his voice shaking slightly when your hand gently lays over the top of his.
“Yeah, feels better. Thanks to you,” you reply just above a whisper feeling his lips brush yours.
“Y/N! Stiles! Is everything okay, I just heard what happened.” Allison calls through the door, when he moves back to unlock the door you let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
“Hey Ali, she’s fine.” Stiles assures her, opening the door for her to step inside.
The young woman pauses and looks at your flushed face, smirking when she sees the way your skirts pushed up. “You know what, she’s in good hands, just look after her,” Allison smiles, throwing you a wink before leaving without another word.
Stiles closes the door, frowning as he looks back at you. “You sure you’re okay?” Stiles checks.
“Can you just lock the door again for a second?” you ask nervously, watching him lick his lips as he does as you ask without question.
“What is it?” he rasps, his voice scratchy and rough.
“You remember the first night you stayed in my room after we drank too much?”
“Y-Yeah. I remember,” Stiles answers quietly, watching your shoes drop from your feet before you hop down from the counter and let your jacket fall to the floor. Stiles watches you as you pull your t-shirt over your head and let it join your jacket. “You really don’t have to,” he breathes out nervously, taking a step closer to you. 
“A promise is a promise Stiles. I saw you naked and I said I was sorry. You remember what else I said?” you ask barely above a whisper as your skirt hits the floor and you take another step towards him. 
“Fuck,” Stiles groans.
“Yeah, I definitely said that,” you giggle slightly, “You remember what else?”
“You said that you owed me. You’d seen mine, so next time you’d show me yours.” he answers, running his hand through his hair, a nervous habit of his you’d noticed on the first day meeting him.
You bite back your smile as you nod, unhooking your bra and letting it fall at your feet. “Exactly, so this is me keeping my promise.” 
“I haven’t stopped thinking about that day, wishing that I hadn’t let you walk out of that door.“
“What did you wanna do?” you ask as you push your panties down slowly, watching the way he bites into his bottom lip. Catching you when you stumble on your ankle, his hands grip your waist tightly, but his hands don’t wander. “You can look you know,” you whisper.
“You’re so soft. God I wanted to kiss you so bad the whole time we were together,” he reveals quickly, fingers tightening on your waist when you press yourself closer.
You gently take hold of his hands and push them down until he’s cupping your ass, “Then do it, unless you’ve changed y-” he cuts you off, fingers squeezing your ass tightly when he presses his lips to yours. They feel even better than you always thought they would. Firm but soft and you can’t help but moan into his mouth when his tongue brushes against yours. You push his jacket from his shoulders and it falls to the floor, joining the rest of your clothes. Pulling away from his lips he laughs as you roughly tug at his t-shirt, dragging it up his toned body until he helps you pull it over his head. “What? I didn’t get a very good look last time. I was trying to be polite.” 
Stiles laughs pulling you into another kiss, until he feels you wince and pulls back to look at you as you cling to his shoulders. You gasp when he picks you up, your legs automatically wrap around his waist. Whimpering when his rough jeans rub just right between your legs.
“You need to rest, are you sure you don’t want me to take you home?” Stiles asks sweetly, brushing the hair back from your face. Smiling, you shake your head, keeping your eyes locked on him as you pull him closer by his belt and slowly unbuckle it, hearing the metal clang as it falls open. 
“I’m okay, I’m actually enjoying myself,” you reply cheekily, popping the button of his jeans and slowly pulling down the zipper. 
“Fuck baby,” Stiles groans when your hand slips inside his boxers and wraps around his thick hard length. He pulls your close so that your ass is sitting right on the edge of the counter and his hands slide up your legs slowly.
“I can stop if you want,” you say quietly, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth as you meet his eyes, your hand starts slowly moving over his cock. 
“No, no. It's fine, more than fine. I just-” he stutters through heavy breath and all you want to do is kiss him again, so that’s what you do. Stiles moans into your mouth, feeling you arch your hips, those long fingers of his move between your legs. 
Stiles pulls his lips away from yours all too soon, his forehead resting against yours as he looks down at your hand wrapped around his length and slowly slips a finger inside your wet welcoming heat. 
“S-Shit, Stiles please. More,” you needy whimper, speeding up your movements over his rock hard length when he pushes a second long finger inside you and curls them both just right. “Oh god, feels so good,” you whimper when his free hand moves to the back of your head and he grips your hair tightly, his teeth drag over your neck when you gasp and hook your leg over his hip, trying to get yourself closer to him. “Talk to me,” you whimper, rocking your hips into his hand and your grip loosens around his cock as your head becomes foggy. 
Sucking a mark into your neck Stiles finally pulls back, his eyes almost black when he looks at you. “You’re so fucking sexy, can’t believe you’re here.” Stiles groans as your pussy clamps down around his fingers. Your hand falls away from his cock and you cling to his shoulders tightly, nails digging harshly into his skin. “Lay back,” Stiles encourages you, biting into his smile and releasing your hair.
Luckily the counter behind you is massive, the perks of being rich. You lay back the best you can, your knees pressing tightly into his thighs to keep your legs open, the top of your head almost touching the wall. You let out a breathy moan feeling his fingers speed up inside you.
When his other hand moves to your clit you cry out, slapping your hand over your mouth. The wet sounds of his fingers thrusting in and out at a quick pace echo around the room. His fingers move just as rapidly over your throbbing clit, your entire body arching, skin tingling and you squeeze your eyes shut feeling your orgasm hit you, your mouth drops open behind your hand, but no noise comes from your mouth. It’s a slow aching bliss that sparks every nerve under your skin and causes your eyes to roll.
Sitting up on your shaking elbows you look down at him, chest heaving as you watch his long fingers wrap around his cock, his eyes locked on yours. “Please Stiles, need you.” 
“Fuck Y/N, are you sure?” he groans letting his cock slip between your folds, nudging your sensitive clit with every slow rock of his hips. 
“Please, I want your big cock inside me,” you whine desperately, feeling the head of his cock nudge at your soaked entrance.
“Mmmm,” Stiles hums under his breath as the head of his cock slips inside you, “So tight baby, shit. So perfect.” he grunts loudly, feeling your pussy fluttering around his as your slick rolls down his cock.
Your stomach clenches and you let out a loud moan when Stiles thrusts his hips forward harshly, quickly filling you up in one “So deep,” you whimper as he pulls you up and your arms wrap around his neck, one of your hands pushes into the back of his hair. “Oh god! Yes!” You gasp as he picks you up, your legs clamping down around his waist and his hands fall to your ass. 
He stumbles a little with his jeans still around his ankles, a huff of air leaves your lungs as your back roughly hits the wall behind you. “Sorry, shit.” Stiles growls feeling your nails scratch down his back. You try and kiss him when he starts thrusting, but he’s in the perfect position and all you can do is cling to him, enjoying the perfect drag of his cock against your tightening walls. 
“You feel too good baby, not gonna last,” 
“Harder please, don’t care Stiles. Come inside me, wanna feel it.” 
Stiles growls as he picks up his pace, slamming into you at a pace you wouldn’t have thought possible in this position. “Yes! Just like that!” you cry out, no longer caring who hears the two of you. 
His mouth moves to your neck as his blunt nails dig into your ass cheeks, “You’re so close baby come on, wanna feel you come all over my cock” 
He’s right you can feel your stomach clenching again already, his words only spur you on, that band inside you is ready to snap, your clit is rubbing perfectly against every snap of his hips in this position. “I’m gonna - Oh god, please” 
Your desperate cries only spur him on, “Come on baby, let go.” he pants harshly against your neck, with a final thrust of his hips you’re falling over the edge and an intense orgasm is rocketing through you, way more powerful than the one before. “Fuck! Yes, gonna come baby!”
You’re shaking when Stiles finally lets go himself and falls over the edge, his fingers tightening and his hips stuttering.
You pick your head up off his shoulder and meet his lidded eyes, “hi,” he smiles sweetly, pressing a chaste kiss to your lips that causes you to sigh against them. His thumb brushes gently over your lips as he looks into your eyes, “how’s your ankle?” 
“S’Okay, you did take such good care of me.” you smirk gently moving your hands across his chest when your ass touches the cold counter top again. He gently pulls his softening cock from inside you and pulls up his boxers and jeans. 
He turns back to you after gathering your clothes, both of you ignoring the pounding on the door as he helps you balance while you pull your clothes on. “I got you good huh?” he chuckles pressing his lips to the purple bruise on your neck. 
“God don’t start again, feels too good” you shiver as the feeling shoots straight to your core. 
“Good to know,” he grins, handing you his phone.
“Now, you better give me that number this time. There’s no way i’m walking away after that,”
You can’t help but giggle at that, quickly typing in your name and number and handing it back. Doing the same with your own phone, watching those long fingers move over your screen with way too much interest. 
“Good to know, wasn’t planning on leaving you alone just yet,” you smile, biting your lip when his fingers link with yours.
“You wanna come back to mine? Since our catch up was kinda interrupted.” 
“I would love that Stiles,” you grin despite yourself.
This hadn’t exactly been your plan at the start of the night, but you definitely owed that douche who’d knocked you over a beer.
Tags: @chewie-redbird​ @julzdec​ @lettersofwrittencollective​ @stiles-o-dylan24​ @mogaruke​ @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone​ @dylanholyhellobrien​ @desireepow-1986​ @emichelle​ @lilulo-12​ @22sarah08​ @deanwanddamons​ @simsadventures​  @charmed-asylum​ @nicole-lynne​ @hazel-eye-coffee-shop-girl-blog​ @defenderrosetyler​ @emilyshurley​ @emilyshurley​ @foxyjwls007​ @mylovelydame21​ @sunshineandwings86 @akshi8278​ @peaches009​ @captain-shannon-becker​ @heimdoodle​ @plushpyrate​ @winchester-wifey​ @screamxqueenx94​ @brien-odylan​ @fox-in-a-mousetrap-8 @riseandshinelittleblossom​ @ceceliaking-18​ @mrs-mitch-rapp93​ 
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fleckcmscott · 4 years
Another Decade
Summary: Arthur discovers Y/N's fortieth is just around the corner. He hopes to get the occasion right.
Warnings: Swearing
Words: 5,044
A/N: This request comes from @hhandley80​, who is an absolute sweetheart! Funnily enough, I got the request for this story and Another Year within a couple days of each other. Thank you so much for it! It was great to write.
If you have any thoughts or questions, please comment, feel free to message me, or send me an ask. Requests for Arthur and WWH are open! 
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This morning's therapy appointment had boosted Arthur's spirit. Left him refreshed instead of worn. Dr. Ludlow had given him a break from discussing his negative thoughts and various neuroses. Rather, she'd asked him what he wanted to talk about. What was foremost on his mind. And he'd spent close to the entire hour diving into what it was like to live with Y/N.
Having a person who cared about him was fulfilling. Beautiful. Challenging. Struggles inevitably happened but she attempted to help him through them. (A stark difference from when he’d been on his own.) The faith she'd placed in him by inviting him into her home was exciting.
Fears he'd never be worthy of that trust or such a good, intelligent woman did tend to eat at him. Especially when he couldn’t sleep or suspected he was slipping. But he was trying. Doing his best to learn every day, every hour, every minute. To alter his view of himself to include intimate partner alongside mentally ill loner. “I- I thought it would fix me,” he’d said. “It’s hard. But I don’t feel so bad all the time anymore.”
The doctor had complimented his resolve. Said he was dealing with all the changes as well as could be expected. If he followed his treatment plan, she anticipated he'd continue to do so. Appreciating the recognition, Arthur had wondered how to keep her praises close.
And now here he was. Experiencing the ordinariness of sitting in a diner with his girlfriend. Talking about their respective mornings. Sharing a meal. The crinkle fry he grabbed from the blue-plate special in the center of the table was soggy. The corner of his mouth quirked up as he dunked it in ketchup, a possible punchline coming to mind. If he could just figure out the right-
An inviting caress to the back of his hand brought him back to the present. He hadn't meant to tune out Y/N. With an apologetic grin, he pressed back into the booth's plastic cushions and took another drag off his cigarette.
“I was saying I need to head back to work,” she told him. A smile slowly spread across her face, until it nearly blinded him. “And that I can’t believe we’ve been shacked up for almost two months. I know it’s been an adjustment-“
“A good one,” he interrupted gently, interlocking their fingers.
"I’m proud of you.” The pink on her cheeks was faint. “I wouldn’t have taken the leap with anyone else. I can’t seem to get enough of your company, Mr. Fleck.” With that, she signaled for the waitress, retrieved her wallet from her purse, and got out some cash. Rising, she turned to Arthur. “Get the change for me,” she said, heading towards the back.
Her suede billfold was open on the table, her Gotham City ID card in view. He tentatively picked it up to examine the photo. Her hair was uncharacteristically flat, shorter than it was now. The flash had turned her lovely eyes red, and her lips were agape, as though she was in the middle of a sentence. A giggle escaped him. Frumpy. She was frumpy.
Reading her details, his brow quirked at her full name: “Y/N M/N L/N.” There was a nice rhythm to it, one that would also work with “Fleck,” if they got as far as he daydreamed. Then he saw her date of birth and stilled.
Her fortieth was in less than two weeks: 4/6/1942. April sixth. Shit.
He’d learned so many facts about her: the names of her nephews and niece; which college she’d attended; her favorite bands. She’d told him her birthday was in the spring. How the hell had he neglected to ask her the specific date? Awash with embarrassment, a hiccup left him and he covered his mouth.
The waitress returned with a dubious look, a receipt, and coins. As he counted out the tip, he calculated what he had in his own wallet and checking account. He’d scrimped and saved to cover the electric and water bills (though he knew he’d have to pay them in secret to avoid Y/N’s finding a way to repay him). Could he afford a decent gift, too?
Arm in arm, they walked back to Y/N’s workplace. She chatted about that afternoon’s court process, and he puffed away as if he was going to Hoyt’s office for an impromptu scolding. When they reached the steps in front of her building, she tugged at him until he stepped closer. “You’re so stiff.”
Putting on a half-grin, he leaned into her. “Don’t worry about me.” He stole a chaste kiss, one she tried to turn into more before he backed off. “I’ll see you later.”
When he got home, he didn’t bother to change into his thermal shirt and pajama bottoms. Relaxing wasn’t an option. Stretching and pacing the kitchen, he breathed in and out, in and out. He needed to focus instead of letting himself be thrown off. Like a good partner would.
Plans. He had to make plans. And not the vagaries floating around in his head of what boyfriends were supposed to do. Special ones. Personal ones. Ones that demonstrated the depths of his love for her. This was important. The start of a new decade. And her first birthday with him.
Unable to conjure other options, he grabbed the phone from the wall and dialed Y/N’s office. His leg bounced harder with every ring. He hadn’t yet spoken with Patricia, Y/N’s friend and co-worker. But he’d heard she was nice. Any suggestions she could offer were welcome.
Thank goodness she answered before he lost his nerve. “Shaw and Associates. Patricia speaking.”
“Hi,” he pushed out, fiddling with the phone cord. “Um, this is Arthur. Arthur Fleck. Y/N’s boyfriend?”
A smile lingered in her professional lilt. “It’s nice to talk to you, finally. But she isn’t here. I can take a message.”
“No, I know.” If he hesitated too long, he'd reveal his awkwardness. So he went for it. “Do you know what Y/N’s favorite cake is?” That question commenced a conversation that gradually became easier. Each sentence soothed. Consoled the irritation he’d aimed at himself.
Y/N liked hummingbird cake, a mix of pineapple, banana, and cinnamon. It sounded intricate and expensive. There was a bakery that sold it by the slice, according to Patricia. Y/N hadn’t disclosed what gifts she would fancy, but had said she didn’t need any knick-knacks, mugs, or other such trifles. As for activities, she was uncomplicated. She liked going to the movies and restaurants. Conversations and walks. The mundanity of domestic life, especially since becoming involved with him.
That lovely sentiment caused his eyelids to shut, an ember to glow in his heart. But it only confirmed what he already knew. “I want to make her happy,” he breathed. “I’m new at this.”
“We all were once,” she said, brushing his concerns off. “Arthur, she’ll love anything you do. Because you’re the one doing it.”
The kindness she was extending to him felt surreal. Not yet used to it, he tried to believe it wasn't a trick. He thanked her quietly, for her ideas and for listening to him. But as he was about to hang up, she gave him one last piece of advice. “Wear your button-up with the blue flowers. And your yellow vest.”
Blinking, he frowned. “But those are for work.”
Patricia laughed softly. “Yeah, well. She likes them. What was it she said? ‘They accentuate his sexy waist?’”
A burn rushed across his face and he rubbed his forehead. “...Oh.”
Well, that was a request he could handle.
It seemed as though newspaper adverts, television commercials, and even the damned billboards plastered around Gotham had an ax to grind. They all declared the same thing. Women needed to “mold their faces back to youth!” “Guard against aging skin!” Learn they could “look young again!” To be someone other than themselves.
Rolling her eyes, Y/N dropped the magazine she’d been reading in the trash can next to her desk. She’d be crossing into the “Fatal Forties” in a week. While she did use lotion before bed to prevent the formation of wrinkles, and the prospect of gray hair wasn’t one she relished, turning the big 4-0 bothered her less than she’d anticipated. Her looks were minor concerns compared to what she’d gained over the years.
The hardships she’d endured had mostly strengthened her. Allowed her, mercifully, to grow into a person who was comfortable with herself. It was said women were supposed to be set in their ways by now. And in many respects, that was true. She enjoyed her routines. She liked her career. She loved participating in life amidst millions of other people.
But meeting Arthur had changed her path. Started her on an adventure she treasured. A journey into actual partnership, rather than her earlier attempts to please and meet other’s expectations. Attempts she had failed at. Miserably.
He hadn’t cared she was five years his senior. Hadn’t hinted that he’d considered her a “spinster.” Never joked that she was an “old maid.” If she stood in front of the cosmetic counter at the pharmacy while he got his prescriptions, he’d slink up behind her and say, “You’re already pretty.” She’d never expected him to make her feel more desirable now than she’d ever felt in her twenties, stretch marks, moderately saggy breasts, and all.
During the past few days, she’d tried to piece together what he could have planned for her birthday. He hadn’t left any clues, though one night he had hurriedly tucked something under a couch cushion. He’d been a bit out of sorts, though. Biting his nails more than usual. Seeking greater reassurance.
She’d had plenty of good birthdays. There’d been parties and games. Presents. Hugs and well wishes. When she’d taken care of her father it had mostly been forgotten, apart from the cards she’d received from her ex-husband and sister. The passage of time had been marked by worsening dementia. And she had been fine with not caring.
In contrast, Arthur had stated he’d never known what it was like to matter to someone. Not until her. He’d told her he’d given Penny a blouse for her birthday once or twice. That had been years ago, however, before his mother’s reactions to him had gradually reduced to requests to send letters. Before her health had declined when he was a child and he’d had to take over every basic task. Before he’d become too exhausted to try.
Would it be fair to expect him to take much notice?
At the end of a long workday, she’d be satisfied with a quiet evening at home. Cooking dinner together. Drinking wine until she felt warm and fuzzy. Kisses exchanged here and there. Maybe some fooling around before she nodded off on the sofa with her feet in his lap. Such basic joys would be plenty.
The page in Arthur’s journal taken up by Y/N’s special day wasn’t atypical. He’d been writing about her since the grocery store. (“I wonder what her name tastes like. Less bitter than mine, I bet.”) Since they’d shared donuts. (“I shud have given Sara my number.”) Since she’d stared at him, then smiled at him, and he’d felt the whole world change. (“I hope Y/N likes the joke I rote for her. I practised it 100 times! Maybe she’ll let me touch her again. Shit. I’m nervos.”)
With it a mere four days away, there wasn’t much time left for gift hunting. So he pulled on his trusty tan jacket and headed out. He was unsatisfied with what his search had turned up so far. Flowers. Candy. Nylons. It had all been mediocre when she was beyond compare.
On the verge of desperation and distress, he finally managed to stumble upon the right shop. The name above the entrance, Nice Twice, was catchy. And there was a sign: “Personalization available!” Following a quick glance through the streaked shop window, he flicked his cigarette to the ground and opened the wooden door.
As he stepped inside a shopkeeper bell rang. The stench of sandalwood incense and mothballs was thick, causing him to wince. The place was overstuffed, filled with circular clothing racks, shelves of home decor and appliances, and furniture from the sixties. He tread along the faded, orange parquet floor. Squeezed between displays of bell bottoms and coats to reach a large jewelry counter by the cash register.
A man Arthur assumed was the owner popped out from behind a nearby shoe rack. He appeared to be what Penny had disdainfully referred to as a “hippie,” with his beaded headband and light blue jeans. When asked if he’d found anything he liked, Arthur answered, “Not yet.”
His shoulders tilted, drew together as he scanned the contents of the glass cabinet. Being able to get Y/N diamond earrings or a bracelet would have been ideal. He’d heard they were supposed to be symbols of commitment. Show her how important she was to him. But they’d never be affordable, even in a thrift store. There were some lovely brooches but they weren’t her style. She didn’t wear pins, anyway.
About fifteen minutes had passed when, at last, he spotted a suitable piece. The owner gave it to him to inspect. The heart, hanging from a long, silver chain, was a tad smaller than the end of his thumb. Purple, blue, and gold flowers, faded with age, were pressed under the pendant’s rounded, glass front. It was lovely, like her. And picturing her wearing it made his chest tighten.
The necklace was twelve dollars. For two dollars more, the heart’s silver back could be engraved. Arthur could definitely swing that. It took only seconds for him to choose what should be etched into it, having had his imagination sparked by a recent fifties sit-com. It would be ready Monday, the day before her birthday.
While Arthur retrieved his wallet, the owner asked, ”Hey, what’s your sign?”
Forehead furrowed, he tried to decipher the man’s meaning. He was sure he’d heard the question on television and in films. “My sign?” The man clarified and Arthur provided both his and Y/N’s birthdays.
The owner laughed. “Woo wee! That’s a powerful match.” He indicated a collection of astrology scrolls next to the register. “Your lady friend might like one of these.”
Waving dismissively, Arthur shook his head. “I don’t believe in that.” Seemingly determined, the hippie held out a rolled-up scroll. It was about the length of a cigarette, its title printed in a faux-ancient font: “Aries & Scorpio: Love & Romance.” Curiosity piqued, he pressed his lips together. “What does it say?”
“Only good things, man.” This was obviously a well-practiced pitch. And it was working The man retrieved a keyring full of unrolled, laminated scrolls. After flipping through the collection, he handed one to Arthur. He wasn’t the fastest reader, having had difficulties with it since he was a kid. But he scanned the page.
According to “the stars,” palpable chemistry existed between Aries and Scorpio. They were fun, passionate, and explosive in the bedroom. Snorting, he brought the scroll closer. “Your attraction to each other defies logic. Aries has a tough demeanor, but Scorpio brings out the compassion and love hiding underneath. Scorpio has an inner strength Aries finds irresistible.” Hm. What it said about Y/N was true. And she’d told him he was strong (which he didn’t really believe). He smiled, pleased this silly tract paid him such compliments.
He kept going. “As a pair, you are inhalation and exhalation in one. Two sides of the same coin. Aries is the sun to Scorpio’s moon.” Y/N was all those things to him. Even on days he wasn’t sure he wanted to feel better. Even on days it was easier to sink into the familiarity of misery than to strive for the unfamiliarity of feeling good.
It was after reading the final line that he nodded and dug into his pocket for two quarters: “You will be together for decades, even into the next life.”
Though she was standing in an overcrowded subway, squished between a man holding a dog and a woman using her as a vertical bed, Y/N felt giddy. Albeit tired. The day had been brimming with paperwork, phone calls, and running around. But it had started off well, and she was certain its upward trajectory would continue the rest of the night.
When she’d awoken, she’d discovered a pink envelope in Arthur’s place, laying haphazardly on his pillow. She’d boosted herself up on her forearm, ran her fingertips over her handwritten name, and taken out the yellow card.
There was a drawing of a man holding a woman by the waist. Lifting her until her hair touched the cheery, red “Happy Birthday.” The couple appeared thrilled. Taken with each other. And straight out of the forties. It wasn’t quite them, but it did reflect Arthur’s old fashioned romanticism.
No preprinted poem was inside. No famous quotes. Arthur had written a message instead. One which made her ache. “What do you get when you cross chocolat with something that goes thump-thump? A sweetheart. (That’s you.) My life is nicer with you in it. Even Gotham. I’m happy you talked to me. I love you a lot. -Arthur.”
He’d returned to the bedroom. Caught her mid-giggle as she’d wiggled out of her nightgown, hidden between the sheets. He was holding a mug. The same one they’d shared after the first of many lovemaking sessions.
Greedily, she’d ogled his damp hair and slender musculature. Light green eyes soft and serene, he’d sat next to her and pecked her cheek. At the flick of his gaze to her mouth, she’d flung her arms around his shoulders. Stubble burned her skin, her kisses to his dimples urgent.
“Wait,” he’d chuckled, putting the drink on the nightstand. “I made pancakes.” Even as he’d protested, he’d splayed his hand on the small of her back.
“To hell with pancakes,” she’d purred, pulling him under the blankets.
Work had been sentimental, which she’d neither expected nor wanted. Her new job would be starting in a week and a half. The small celebration they’d squeezed in served as both a goodbye and “Over the Hill” party, black balloons and grey streamers included.
Matt had been downcast as he’d shoveled red velvet cake into his mouth. “I’m sorry it turned out this way.”
A lame attempt to lighten the atmosphere had been needed. No one was going to start blubbering on her account. “You could come with me. Follow the conscience I know you have hidden somewhere.” He’d looked askance, turned towards his office. Trying to soften her joke, she’d patted his arm. “Don’t feel too bad. You could still lose the case.”
Settled on the windowsill, she’d gazed out at the streets of the city she’d grown to love. The city she called home, despite having spent only five percent of her existence in it. It was fitting to start this phase of her life here. The only period in which she’d felt whole, both professionally and personally.
A sheen had been in Patricia’s eyes when she’d joined her in the tight space, nudging her with her hip. “I don’t know what I’ll do without you here, accelerating Matt’s hair loss.”
“You’ll have to add it to your list of duties.” Elbowing her gently, Y/N continued. “I’ll only be a couple blocks away. We’ll meet for lunch. And you have my phone number.” Before her own eyes could water, she’d gone to her desk to cut another slice.
Patricia raised her hand. “You’re going to ruin your appetite.”
“Oh? Should I be expecting something?”
Finishing her own piece, Patricia crossed her ankles. “Arthur called for tips while you were in court. He decided I was an expert on you.” Y/N’s brows shooting up prompted a chuckle. “I didn’t give away all your secrets. Just some of your favorite sweets.”
The clench of Y/N’s throat was instant. And shame washed over her for assuming he wouldn’t plan much, if anything at all. He’d been considerate, even during tough times. Like at Christmas, which had been hard for him but turned out well in the end. He’d made it clear that what he coveted most, besides love and validation, was to be treated normally. Normal expectations were a part of that. She’d sought to give him a break when the benefit of the doubt had been what he deserved.
Y/N thought a bit. Surveyed the ornate woodwork in the corners of the room. Then she'd met her friend’s gaze. “Patricia, I want to spend the rest of my life with him.”
“Because he’s getting you cake?”
“I’m not that easy.” Laughing, Y/N sat on the corner of her desk. “Do you remember when I said I was almost forty and was going to grab what I want? Well, I’m forty and he’s what I want.”
Caution and kindness had softened Patricia’s concerns. “I don’t mean to be indelicate. But you’re his first relationship. Is he ready for that?”
Y/N sucked the frosting off her fork. “Our sixth month is soon. I’ll drop a hint. When he’s ready - if he’s ready - he’ll know I am, too.”
She’d been floating since that realization. Since admitting her devotion to Arthur aloud and thereby making it concrete. Since getting a supportive hug from Patricia. And reassurance from Matt, of all people, that she hadn’t entered a mid-life crisis.
That headiness continued as she fumbled with her keys. Upon entering their apartment, music reached her ears. Music with a faster tempo than the classics Arthur usually played. Hanging up her coat and slipping off her shoes, she recognized it as one of her “Best of Soul and Disco” LPs. She braced herself on the wall separating the kitchen from the living room, her cheeks breaking wide open.
Arthur had moved the television and its stand to the side of the coffee table. A blanket, folded into a square, lay in front of the windows. Two plates and two wine glasses were on it. As she approached, she saw sandwiches on a platter. There was pasta salad and potato salad, both covered in plastic wrap, from the deli around the corner. In the center of it all sat an empty vase.
When he came out of the bedroom, magic wand in hand, he stilled. “Oh. Hi. You’re back already?”
A giggle. “I ran.” Biting her bottom lip, she admired his tousled brown curls, feathery, light, and attractive as hell. His face was unobscured by make-up, allowing her to revel in his handsomeness. The top button of his white shirt was undone. And his yellow vest outlined his lean frame in all the right ways. He wore his usual trousers. “Did you have a gig today?”
“No.” He smoothed a palm down his chest and stomach, and she noticed he’d rolled up his sleeves. “Um, I heard you like it.”
She felt herself blush and nodded eagerly. Thank you, Patricia.
With a flick of his wrist, flowers sprouted from the end of the wand. “I wanted to do this outside. On the fire escape. But it’s too cold.” He knelt on the blanket to put the flowers in the vase.
Y/N cocked her head. The juxtaposition of him wearing his “Carnival Casual” outfit, the cutesy charm of the picnic he’d arranged with the music that was playing was ridiculous. The song went on repeatedly about miracles, need, and “sexy things.” She snorted.
As Arthur removed the cellophane from the salads, his shoulders tensed. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like,” he breathed. “I got too much.”
“No,” she replied, sitting next to him, laying a hand on his thigh. “This is wonderful.” When their eyes met, she found his look at once bashful and flirtatious.
She served the sandwiches and salads while he poured the wine, following her request to fill the glasses to the top. Mostly potato salad ended up on her plate, the mix of mayonnaise, pepper, and egg just right. A majority of the pasta wound up on his - he liked the vinegary flavor. The red wine did not pair with the turkeys on rye he’d prepared, so she saved most of it for dessert.
When Arthur held out an orange roll of paper, she was dabbing her mouth with a cloth napkin. The title made her laugh. She never would have suspected he put stock in the zodiac; she certainly didn’t. Gingerly, she opened the scroll and squinted down at it.
It described her as determined, confident, and extroverted. And called Arthur a curious, emotional introvert. While mostly true, it wasn’t quite accurate. Arthur was only introverted in personal situations, while having the courage to perform as a clown and a stand-up. Those traits could belong to anyone, depending on the situation.
But the next paragraph clued her in as to why he’d bought the horoscope. And given it to her. “You were made for each other. There are times when it’s hard to know how you both managed to ever exist apart. The bond between you is unbreakable. You have much to learn from one another.” A lump formed in her throat when she read the last line, that they’d be together until the next life. She didn’t believe in that, yet longed for it all the same. “Thank you, Arthur.”
The scroll would have been enough. Dinner would have been enough. He would have been enough. But he placed a pink, velvet necklace box on her lap. She blinked at it, hoping he hadn’t spent too much on her. Then she forced that notion from her brain - he was a grown man who could buy what he chose - and cracked it open. Her breath caught.
The heart with pressed flowers was obviously vintage. The size was demure, like her other, few pieces of jewelry. And it was exactly her style: feminine and practical. She was grateful he hadn’t gotten her diamonds or other flashy gems. Her eyes darted to his as she took it out. “This is...” Gently, he turned it over in her palm, and she saw the engraving on the back: A+S.
A+S. Arthur and Y/N. It was a bold move from him. A welcome one.
“I think that’s usually done on trees,” he said. “But there aren’t that many in Gotham.”
Chuckling, she sniffed back her tears and shoved it at him. “Here.” She turned her back towards him. His fingertips dragged along her collarbone as she lifted her hair and he latched the chain. The kiss he placed above the clasp made her shiver. Wanting him to see how the pendant rested right above her cleavage, she unbuttoned the top of her blouse.
“It’s beautiful.” She pulled him in for a kiss. Traced his crow's feet. Let her thumbs wander to the slight puffiness underneath. The wine, along with her earlier confession to Patricia, was making it easier to open up. “You have my whole heart, Arthur,” she sighed into his mouth.
His palm went to her chest as he tilted his head, his other holding the nape of her neck. The tip of his tongue slipped between her lips and warmth enveloped her. She felt his fingers play with the necklace. Heard his ragged inhalation. Knew that pride and pleasure were emboldening him, because she was wearing what he’d gifted.
Eventually, he broke their connection, told her to close her eyes and pecked her nose. She concentrated on his steps to the kitchen. The clatter of him going through the silverware drawer. And then the chill breeze of the glass door being opened.
When she was allowed to peek, she stood and followed him onto the fire escape. A lit cigarette was already between his lips, and he was lighting a candle on a gigantic slice of cake. “You’re supposed to make a wish,” he said, smoke escaping his nostrils.
She snuggled his side, snaked an arm around him as he slung his across her shoulders. After eyeing the flame a moment, she sucked in a deep breath, pursed her lips, and bent closer...
Just in time for a split-second gust of wind to blow out the candle.
Arthur groaned and started to let go of her but she stopped him. “It counts.” She lifted the fork and fed him a bite, grinning at his pleased hum. “You won’t mind me turning grey, will you?”
“No. I won’t be the only one looking old.”
She nuzzled his temple. “You don’t look old. You’re refined.”
“Sure,” he scoffed. They ate silently for a bit, but then he squeezed her tighter. “What did you...” Trepidation lurked behind his question, even after their steamy picnic. “What did you wish for?”
“That we’ll keep loving each other, even through tough times.” She lowered the fork, already full. “That I’ll like my new job.” Letting go of him, she set the plate on the metal stairs, next to his ashtray. “That you’ll be healthy.”
He huffed. “You shouldn’t have wasted any on me.”
“You’re worth all of them.” She kissed his bicep, laid her head on his shoulder. The record playing in the background turned over, switched to a slower song, and she grinned. “Now,” she said, “may I have this dance?”
Delight in his eyes, he bowed. She giggled as he grabbed her around the middle and pulled her flush against his solid frame. He led beautifully, gazing at her as if she was the only woman in the world, guiding her to the beat she was deaf to. He even dared to raise her hand for a modest twirl, and she trusted him enough for it to work.
As they spun slowly, rotating in the lights of their living room and the city, he kissed her hairline. “Happy birthday. I hope you liked it.”
“I loved it.” She captured his thin lips with her own. “Promise you’ll be here for the next twenty.”
“The next forty.” He bumped their noses and lay his cheek on hers. Y/N cuddled deeper into his embrace, feeling more cherished than she had in years.
Hot Chocolate - You Sexy Thing
Tag list (Let me know if you want to be added!): @harmonioussolve​ @howdylilflower​ @sweet-nothings04​ @stephieraptorr​ @rommies​ @fallenstarsabyss​ @gruffle1​ @octopus-plasma​ @tsukiakarinobara​ @arthur-flecks-lovely-smile​ @another-day-in-chuckletown​ @hhandley80​ @jokerownsmysoul​ @mrscarnival​
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jimmymcgools · 4 years
Idk if you’re still doing the fic meme but would love to hear your commentary on the afternoon scene at white sands!
i definitely am! ♥️♥️♥️ and so excited to get to talk about white sands. this turned into an extra long one, too, so brace yourself.  
fic commentary meme and my answers 🙌
this whole afternoon i’ve been trying to remember how i picked white sands. it must’ve been looking through photos of new mexico on tumblr? i can’t think of any fun origin story for it at least, and i definitely had no idea that it’d end up being such a turning point in the story. white sands! it stands in for so much now.  
He realizes that the haze he saw from afar was actually the white sand of the dunes, picked up by the wind and left hanging in the air like a fine fog. this specific detail is something i noticed on google streetview more than any photos 
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so hazy!
The artwork in the visitor’s center had depicted mammoths and giant sloths in the grasslands around the lake, lush and vibrant. there’s a bunch of those streetview bubble things actually inside the white sands visitor’s center, so i snooped around in there. zooming in and reading all the info boards like a tragic version of a real tourist. 
It’s finer than any sand he’s ever felt—more like flour than anything, and it’s completely cool to the touch despite the afternoon sun.  i really wanted to capture the tactile feeling of being in this place, and luckily a bunch of tripadvisor reviews had described the feeling of the sand well enough that i could give it my best shot! 
“So I guess there used to be a big lake here,” Kim says, staring out over the edge of the dune. alternate take: kim and jimmy visit camp green lake and dig holes every day and eat raw onions. 
He wiggles his bare toes in the sand. “Fists with your toes,” he says. Kim chuckles. “Better than a shower and a cup of coffee.” kim and jimmy the movie nerds! jimmy probably should’ve done this as soon as he landed in abq, huh? at least he’s doing it now. the secret to surviving.  
“I wonder if Chuck’s ever been out here,” he says gonna go ahead and make that a definite “no”, jimbo. 
The first time I was just dumb and eighteen,” Jimmy says. “I was off and on with her all through high school ahh the infamous marriages. i wanted to preserve the vibes of like, stupid romantic-at-heart jimmy, especially because by now i had settled pretty firmly into an acb jimmy who looks at kim wistfully like 😍24/7, so i needed continuity with that. i think i actually included them in the cicero chapter, but “mr and mrs kimberly wexler” “do you make 25 foot signs? no!?” legal pad boy 100% seems like someone who was filling notebooks with a girl’s name in high school. 
i like the idea that he did some dumb, grand, drunken, romantic gesture while they’re all cutting loose in vegas. something that doesn’t look nearly as cool as he thinks it does.  
i have a little timeline for jimmy’s life, and so i knew that i could sync this marriage up with roughly the era his father loses the store and then dies. i liked the idea that this and other circumstantial changes happened and the teenaged relationship just couldn’t weather it. 
“College of DuPage,” Jimmy says, and he holds up his fist. “Go Chaps!” jimmy’s college years!! this is so interesting to me! did someone in his family really encourage this? was this an earlier attempt to get on the straight and narrow? all food for thought. either way, he didn’t go far from home, unlike chuck. 
Me and Lisa…we were pretty good. For a long time. She did theater jimmy should’ve just been a theater kid. get in a spotlight, get those eyeballs on him.  
“And the worst part is, I introduced them! Because he was dating Mom,” Jimmy spits i think i saw someone else use this somewhere, and i wish i could remember who, but as a way to tie in the step-dad thing from brba it appealed to me. i think ruth has that same playful/theatrical side to her as jimmy, so i liked that connection here, too. also it’s just so horrible and dividing
She folds her lips inwards and studies him, then tilts her head and gives a little smile. “I can’t believe you’re telling me this in your stupid sombrero hat.”  i hadn’t planned this at all when i had jimmy buy the dumb hat in the last chapter, but it ended up working well -- kim deflecting from the serious moment with some lively hat talk, jimmy loves hat talk, the perfect distraction
The white sands seem almost to reflect it, becoming nacreous with pink and yellow and orange, taking on the color of the world above.  as a little metaphor for jimmy, here. he’s just reflecting everyone around him. 
The brim of the hat casts a diagonal stripe of blue shadow over her face. ahaha oh god i had forgotten i’d included this sledgehammer-subtle parking garage scene reference
“I’m not ashamed of being from there,” Kim says crisply. She shakes her head as if to shake that thought of her mind. “Not at all. But I wanted a blank slate. i always go into writing a scene like this planning for her to reveal more than she does, but it never feels believable. but i wanted to make that distinction between her hiding red cloud and her being ashamed of where she was born. i don’t think it makes sense for kim to be the latter. 
“I guess they just wanted somebody to listen to them. But it bugged me. Like they expected me to fix the weather for for them, too, in between bagging their groceries.” this seems like a very kim trait to me. that rather than just listening and nodding along to these farmer’s chatty complaints, she feels like it’s on her to fix everything, when of course it isn’t, and i doubt any of these customers would expect it to be.   “There was a time when I thought I could get married,” she says. “It even seemed almost inevitable. Like getting wound up so tight and then released on a path. i think it was a friend who made this connection, but imo kim does this in bcs too. especially when you think about her career path at HHM and how it’s going in s1/s2, or her time with mesa verde. to her credit, she breaks off the rails eventually in those situations, but she does seem to ride these tracks long past the point when it’s clear she’s not on a good route. i guess you could say that about her relationship with jimmy, too? depending on how fatalistic (and maybe reductive?) you want to be. 
The sky around it glows amber. West, he thinks. “But you weren’t stuck in Red Cloud,” he says.   and kennedy’s head faces west, faces the future.  
he pauses for a moment, eyes drawn to the long shadows cast backward by the two of them, rippling over the white dunes. They stretch away so far they seem to vanish before they end.  something about this image seems perfect for the two of them. maybe that’s just the dumb jimmy romantic in me talking. kim and jimmy’s shadows dipping over the curve of the dunes, out of sight, before they end. 
hell, this got LONG! i’ll end with this quote i took a screenshot of in the visitor’s center. better call saul, anybody?
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steebharringt0n · 5 years
dream a little dream of me
as if navigating through pits and perils of high school is bad enough, your life gets thrown in a whirlwind when the universe chooses the last person you’d ever thought to be your soulmate - the red power ranger
pairing: jason scott x reader
warning: like a couple of curse words?
a/n: @mattysheelies and I cranked out some of our favorite AUs the other day and we fell in love with this concept. this is my first time writing Jason so I hope I did him justice. comments are super appreciated! also i went WAY overboard with this so sorry to the mobile readers! 
You can remember the exact night they began to happen. It was a warm spring night in Angel Grove, your bedroom window was slightly cracked open letting in a cool breeze to combat the growing heat that was starting to take over the small town. You were wearing your favorite pair of green cotton shorts and your oversized Angel Grove High sweatshirt.
You remember texting Trini right as your eyes started to become heavy, a conversation surrounding how gross Mr. Lawson from History class is. The last thing yours eyes saw before they found comfort in the darkness of your eyelids was your clock, large red numbers that flashed 10:32
There are four stages of sleep, you had quickly surpassed the first stage and took a nose dive into the second stage where it would become harder to wake one up. The third stage of sleep is commonly known as deep-sleep, where one would sleep through a thunderstorm, an alarm clock, or other environmental stimuli.
But the fourth stage, the dream stage, is where things started to get interesting.
You lived in a society where one was destined to a soulmate - like a red string tied to someone else, you were meant to be with someone for the rest of your life. It was a comfort knowing that there was someone out there just for you, like a missing puzzle piece. The only way one could know anything about their soulmate was through dreaming - their memories became your dreams and vice versa. 
When you entered the dreaming stage of sleep you found yourself suddenly thrown into what felt like a never-ending action movie.
You couldn’t move, just watch from your soulmates eyes - as if you were behind them. You were kicking, punching, fighting the familiar monsters that appeared on the television news station a couple days ago. Your heart sped up during this time, you twitched in your sleep with every hit your soulmate would receive.
The one thing that struck you however, was his red armor. He briefly glanced down at his hands when you caught a glimpse of it. Then came his nickname.
“Red! Let’s go!”
Through his eyes you saw the pink Power Ranger speaking to him. He was suddenly then surrounded by the rest of the Power Rangers, all of them in a fighting stance, standing firmly by his side as they prepared to battle whatever monsters came next.
You awake with a jolt, gasping for air as your eyes frantically scanned your bedroom. You placed a hand on your chest, trying to calm your beating heart. You whipped your head towards your clock, it blinked 3:23 AM.
You run your fingers through your hair, your mind racing as it tried to gather bits and pieces of the vivid dream you just had. You stayed up the rest of the night, restless and anxious from the memories that ran through your head. In the end, before you succumbed back to sleep, there were two undeniable truths,
One, your soulmate lived in Angel Grove, and two, he was a fucking Power Ranger.
You awoke 3 hours later for school. Your head still reeling from the night before. You felt like a balloon, holding in air that was about to burst - you had to tell someone about this, someone that the person you were meant to be with for the rest of your life was a super-fucking-hero.
You dashed your way to Angel Grove High, weaving in and out of traffic. As you stepped into the halls you spotted Trini by her locker. Trini had always been a good friend to you through your middle school years, and you were thankful that the both of you kept the friendship strong throughout the years. You quickly walked over to her, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her into a hidden corner. She looks at you perplexed by your alarmed behavior.
You wait for a couple of students to pass by you before you could tell her the news. You turn to face her, grabbing her by the shoulders,
“Trini, it happened”
She shakes her head, her face is twisted in concern, “What?! What happened?!”
A grin spreads on your lips like a cheshire cat, “The dreams, they’ve begun”
She thinks for a moment before she continues to talk. The dreams happen to everyone, just at different stages. For some they begin earlier, for some they may not begin until their late twenties. But you? Right in the thick of junior year. You can see the cogs working in her head, until it's as if a light bulb goes off. Her brown eyes slowly widen, and her mouth gapes open.
“Oh my god! No way!”
You squeal in confirmation, nodding your head furiously at her. But suddenly, you grow quiet. You pull her in closer, as if what you’re about to tell her could potentially end the world. It’s quite possibly your biggest kept secret, one that you’re about to entrust her with. Her face once again transforms back into one of concern as she watches your demeanor change. 
You then lean down towards her ear, whispering the undeniable truth to her,
“Trini, he’s the red power ranger”
Trini has been punched, beat up, kicked down many, many times. But this? This completely blows the wind out of her like no punch before. Her fingers find your bicep, gripping them tightly, trying to hold herself steady as the realization sinks into her.
Jason, her soulmate is Jason.
She knows she has to play it cool, she’s the yellow ranger for christ sake. You completely miss the way her face freezes in shock, and not in a good way. Instead she decides to play along. When you pull back to watch her reaction, she has a soft smile on her face, her eyebrows raised in complete surprise.
“Oh wow! Y/N! That’s so exciting!”
What more can she say? She has to be a supportive friend.
Right as you’re about to continue the celebration with her, Jason appears out of the corner. He stands at a tall 5’7, built sturdy with his signature blonde curl that hangs over his forehead. He has blue eyes that could give the pacific ocean a run for its money and a smile that could melt the coldest hearts. You glance up to meet the tall figure that cast a shadow over you and Trini, and instantly your heart starts to race. 
It wasn’t like you had a crush on Jason Lee Scott for practically your whole life. Jason was untouchable, he was like some mythical god in your eyes. But you both ran in different cliques, different hierarchies. Your relationship with Jason purely consisted of stolen glances - and his name doodled all over your notebook.
However, you soon came to realize a couple months ago that he only hung around 4 people, Trini, Kimberly, Billy and Zach.
This group of people perplexed you, they all ran in different cliques and yet they spent lunch together, spent study hour together, and you’re pretty sure you’ve caught them at movies together as well. The dynamic didn’t make sense to you, but then again, not a lot of things in life tend to make sense.
Jason gives you a smile, one where he bares his teeth to you, “Hey Y/N, Hey Trini, can I talk to you for a sec, I just had a question about the homework in Mr. Gibson’s class”
Homework in Mr. Gibson’s class is code for, we need to go over what we did right, and what we did wrong in our last mission. It was a rule he implemented after Rita’s demise and Jason takes his role as the leader of the Power Rangers very seriously. 
Trini quickly catches wind of what he means, stepping out of the corner and standing by his side. “Yeah sure, I’ll walk with you to the library”
Trini is currently battling with herself in her head. Should she tell Jason that his soulmate is literally inches away from him? Or should she keep this a secret? Either way, the big reveal should ultimately come from Jason - not from her.
Trini turns her attention back to you, not forgetting that you were still standing there. “Y/N, we can talk later in Mr. Lawson’s okay?”
With a soft smile donned on your lips, you nod at her, “Yeah, of course. I’ll catch you there later.” you pause, not forgetting that Jason was still there. Your heart speeds up as you make eye contact with him - you feel like a blushing school-girl (which you actually are) “I’ll see you around Jason”
He smiles warmly at you, “I’ll see you around Y/N”
You watch as the both of them disappear down the hall, a sense of wistfulness enters you - wishing that you could so desperately switch places with Trini. With a low sigh and your eyes cast down, you turn your attention back to finding your way to your locker, not looking forward to starting the school day.
When Trini and Jason arrive in the library, they quickly go to the back study room that’s always reserved under Jason’s name. It’s the only place where they can discuss their plans in private with the rest of the group without anyone interrupting them. Always under the guise of ‘we have a large semester project to work on’ the librarians don’t bat an eye when Kimberly, Billy and Zach arrive not even a minute later.
Trini shuts the door, her anxiety is starting to gnaw at her and her teammates can tell - it’s a ranger thing.
Jason waits for Trini to take a seat around the square table so he can begin his long awaited speech on how they should have cornered those monsters far away from the public, so that for next time innocent people don’t get caught in the mess, but when he catches wind of Trini’s face and how she’s gone from all smiley to something is terribly wrong, he takes a seat instead.
Kimberly’s eyes scan the rest of the group, wondering if they know what’s going on with her. But they all share the same blank stare.
“Okay Trini, what’s wrong, you’re freaking us all out here”
She paces back and forth, her eyes not meeting her teammates. She fumbles with her fingers, it’s a nervous tick that helps her keep calm during disastrous moments. When she doesn’t answer Kimberly, Jason takes charge.
“Trini, seriously what’s wrong? Is everything okay? Do you - “
She stops her pacing and turns to face them, all of them eager yet somewhat anxious to reveal whatever has been eating away at her for the past couple of minutes.
“Y/N’s soulmate is red Power Ranger - it’s you Jason, you’re her soulmate.”
The sentence slips out of her mouth like word vomit. Everyone tends to have the same reaction, Kimberly looks absolutely flabbergasted, Billy’s eyes just widened, Zach lets out an incredulous laugh, and Jason, well Jason just stays quiet, Trini’s not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“Uhm, okay, wow … that is big news” Kimberly is the first to speak, but the tension in the room still hasn’t left.
Zach reaches over to Jason from across the table and gives him a pat on his back, “Nice man! She’s a cute one” 
But Jason is stunned, frozen - his eyes are glued to the floor.
He knows that this means - he’s seen Spider-Man a million times. It’s the same reason why Peter Parker keeps Mary-Jane in the dark, to protect her, because he knows his enemies will come straight to her. 
Logically he can’t tell her, he refuses to tell her. Once his enemies catch wind of who his soulmate is, Y/N will forever be a target, and if in the future they were to have a family? His family will be targeted and that’s a risk he refuses to take.
Realistically, he knows he has to tell her. The dreams have already started a week ago for him but he’s kept them to himself because he couldn’t quite figure out who the mysterious girl was. He lets out a small chuckle at his previous dreams - they’ve all been memories of him through her. He knows that Y/N has a crush on him, most of his dreams involved her staring at him from afar, doodling his name in her notebook, peeking at him through corners. It’s almost endearing at how much of a love-struck fool she is for him.
In the beginning he couldn’t make sense of who it was, it was just brief memories of a girl staring longingly at him but now that Trini has revealed who is soulmate is, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to come together and it’s all making sense.
“Jason, are you going to tell her? You can’t tell her, with great power comes great - “ Billy begins to ramble to him. Billy is a known comic book expert and he too knows what great dangers comes with telling loved ones their secret.
“Yes, I know Billy” Jason cuts him off, his tone turns irritable and he hates that he doesn’t have a solution for this.
Billy’s shoulders sink, and Jason takes notice. He turns back to his friend, a thin smile on his lips as he regrets his sharp tone with him. “I’m sorry Billy, I’m just … 
“Scared?” Kimberly offers. Jason nods at her - she knows that the inevitable will happen to her too, to all of them but this is uncharted territory and their number one mission as being Power Rangers is to keep humanity safe - especially their loved ones.
“But you have to tell her man, she’s going to find out sooner or later, why not just rip the band-aid off now?” Zach is always the optimist of the group, so Jason is not surprised when Zach tells him to go for it.
Jason stands up and faces his team, his blue eyes scan each one of them. He’s scared, no terrified of what’s to come next. The last thing he ever wants to do is to put anyone in danger, especially his soulmate. He lets out a deep exhale through his nose and he plasters on a smile for the sake of his team.
“Don’t worry guys, I’ll figure it out”
They can read his false smile from miles away, but he is their leader and they trust him - like they have all this time and Jason never fails his team.
The rest of the day goes by smoothly and it’s finally last period - the only class Jason shares with you.
He likes to get to class early to make sure he’s caught up on all the homework, but this time he’s here early for a different reason; to sit right next to you.
You walk into class and almost stumble on your way to your desk when you realize that Jason Scott is sitting in the seat where Nicole Hardy typically sits. Your body language becomes timid, you slowly walk to your seat, eyes gazed down to the floor. Jason notices it an instant and holds back the chuckle that is bubbling in his throat - your crush on him is so obvious.
You take a seat and stare straight ahead. Usually Nicole would make small talk with you but she’s moved to a seat behind (which she was not too happy about) and now you’re stuck sitting there in silence, not sure what to talk about with the blue-eyed blonde sitting next to you. There’s still a good 5 minutes before class starts so you just open your notebook and pretend to catch up on homework (and pray that Jason doesn’t see his name doodled with hearts all over the next page)
Jason turns his attention to you, he notices how your (Y/H/C) hair frames the delicate shape of your face, and how your teeth find purchase on your bottom lip when you’re deep in concentration. He finds it cute, charming almost. You could feel his eyes burning holes in you, but you pretend not to notice him staring. It isn’t until he speaks to you that you turn to face him,
“Last nights assignment sucked huh?”
You bark out a laugh and you want to mentally kick yourself for borderline sounding like a seal. He watches as you fidget in your seat, pulling back a strand of hair behind your ear. “Yeah! Those poetry terms weren’t too fun”
“Iambic pentameter? Like how am I going to use that in the future?” he jokes.
You laugh, “Tell me about it, I am never going to use blank verse, or enjambment in my life. Those terms kill me”
His laughter joins you and the joyful laughter catches the attention of Mrs. Gerald, an older, wirey, short lady whose thick glasses perch comfortably on her nose. She scowls at the both of you,
“Mr. Scott and Miss. Y/L/N, since you both seem to be having such a grand time together why don’t you two work together for next weeks project”
She stands up and walks over to the both of you, handing you both the assignment. “It’s due next Friday. Keep the laughter down or I’ll ask you both to hand in a thousand word paper on how poetry is essential in the modern world” she snaps at the both of you.
The smiles from both of your faces is instantly wiped away as she walks back to her desk. The assignment is in your hand but your head is elsewhere - you’ve been assigned to partner up with Jason Scott and you feel like screaming with joy. Jason offers you a sympathetic smile and you return it as Mrs. Gerald starts her lesson.
The rest of the period goes by smoothly, Jason can’t help but to stare at you every now and then. He starts to pick up on your little idiosyncrasies, like how your foot taps against the desk, how you would frown when you wouldn’t understand something, or the way you tapped your pencil 3 times against your notebook, stop and think, then continue to write.
As the final bell rings, Jason stands from his desk, pulling his backpack over his shoulder, “Hey we can meet at my house this Saturday to work on this?” he asks, waving the assignment in his hand.
You fumble around with your notebook, trying to play it cool and calmly putting your stuff away, “Yeah, sure”
“Here, let me give you my number”
He rips off a piece of paper from the notebook in his other hand and quickly scribbles down 10 numbers. He hands it over to your shaky hands (your palms are sweating and you hope he doesn’t notice) 
“Text me whenever I'm free all day Saturday”
He hopes he is, he hopes that no weird outer space monsters or creatures disrupts this time with you.
You nod at his statement, and he gives you a final smile and wave and you watch him walk out of the classroom. You let out a large exhale, one that you’d be holding in practically all class. You completely forget about the fact that your destiny is tied to the red ranger and become completely enveloped in the fact that you’re actually going to be hanging out with Jason Scott this weekend.
You curiously wonder if the universe has ever made any mistakes, because there is no way that the red ranger could ever make you feel the way Jason Scott does.
The rest of the week Jason is found sitting right next to you in English class and he’s more than eager to always strike up a conversation when the opportunity arises. The two of you joke about how Mrs. Gerald looks like a chicken if you squint your eyes and angled your head to the right. You exchange notes that hold in hefty discussions about music, movies and the latest happenings around Angel Grove. 
You can hardly believe that Jason is actually interested in talking to you. You’re not sure what weird spell you’ve put on him but you’re actually looking forward to the end of the school day now just to hold your little conversations together.
The conversations don’t stop at school however. With his number now recorded in your phone the two of you start to text non stop - even if it’s about the most trivial things. You find yourself texting Jason instead of Trini at night now
Your red ranger dreams still don’t stop though. They’re all mostly a mesh of the same thing, lots of fighting and lots of chaos but you start to learn a little bit about the red ranger the longer your dreams are.
He’s a selfless leader, one who protects others before him. He makes sure every single person who gets caught in the crossfires is safe. You wish you had half the courage he possesses, you most admire that about your soulmate. You often wonder what he looks like behind the mask. Does he have kind eyes or a cute lopsided smile? Is he a blonde? Brunette? Or even a red-head?
Whatever he looks like, you’re certain that you’re instantly going to fall in love with him the moment your eyes land on him.
Jason finds himself in front of Zordon later in the week. He tells him about his soulmate, and how she’s this cute little thing, bashful and likable - but ponders how in the world can he keep her protected when he’s out fighting intergalactic creatures. He paces back and forth in front of his mentor, his hands shoved in his pocket and his eyes are anxiously attached to his shoes.
“I - I don’t know what to do Zordon, if I tell her then I’m just putting her in danger - she knows her soulmate is the red ranger and if one of our enemies were to find out she’s my soulmate … she’s doomed” he stops his pacing and faces Zordon. He shrugs his shoulders, slapping his hands down his side, feeling completely defeated.
Zordon stays quiet as he observes the young man. It’s been almost a year since their battle with Rita, and Zordon has seen Jason transform from a troubled, insecure boy to a fearless leader who guides his team with confidence. 
“Jason, I don’t know too much about love and how it works here with humans … “ Zordon begins, “But I trust that whatever decision you make, will be the best decision for the both of you. You have guided your team in battle and have always come out successful. I trust you’ll do the same for your heart”
Jason always took Zordon’s words seriously, he had helped mentor him through his toughest times, and was a good person to seek wisdom and advice from. He felt a new found confidence within himself and felt entrusted that whatever decision he would end up making would be the right one.
Jason spent the rest of the evening gathering intel on their new nemesis - Lord Zedd. He had been sending threatening messages to the Rangers for the last couple of weeks, sending in his minions to cause chaos within Angel Grove. He knew that Lord Zedd would strike again soon, him and his team were fully prepared to take on whatever it threw at them next.
He just didn’t expect you to be caught in the middle of it all.
You found yourself walking back home from the movie theater, you and your friend Gina had plans to catch the latest chick-flick that were both dying to see. You didn’t live too far from the shopping center where the movie theater was housed, and since the days were becoming warmer, walking seemed more of a viable option for you. After the movie had finished you and Gina bid your farewells and you started the trek back to your house, cutting through a dark alleyway to save yourself some time.
You had walked through this alleyway millions of time, so you didn’t ever think that you would find yourself being cornered by strange looking creatures that seemingly appeared from the shadows. 
You glanced back behind you, hoping that there would be an escape but more of them just kept appearing, growling menacingly at you.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit” you muttered to yourself as they started to draw in closer. Fear pooled in your stomach as you started to realize how close you were to your demise. They started to circle you in, like a lion hunting it’s gazelle, you closed your eyes and expected some sort of impact, but a loud voice suddenly broke their concentration off of you.
“Hey assholes! Why don’t you pick on someone your own size”
You shoot your eyes open and almost out of thin air the red Power Ranger appeared. He was perched comfortably up on the roof - waiting for the right time to intervene. Coming up from behind appeared the blue, pink, yellow and black ranger, all ready to kick some monster ass.
The monsters soon turned their attention to the rangers, completely ignoring you as you watched, with your eyes wide and full of awe, the rangers take them down. 
Jason watched as his team easily defeated monster after monster. He then turned his attention to you. This was by far the worst case scenario, if Zordon hadn’t sensed Lord Zedds minions, who knows what could have happened to you.
You gazed up at the red ranger as he stood in front of you, his arms came up and he placed them on your shoulders, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” he asked.
You shook your head, “N-No, I’m fine …”
Jason nodded at you, but before he could turn back to help out his teammates, he felt you grab his arm, “Wait! Red!”
You had to tell him, you had to let him know you were his soulmate. Jason whipped his head back towards you, and he watched as you took a shaky inhale, trying to calm your nerves, “I need to tell you red … that you’re my - “
“Soulmate, I know”
You frown at him, “You know? B-but how?”
His armored hand comes up and rests on your cheek. It feels cold but the gesture sends a warm sensation to your stomach, “I can’t tell you yet … give me time. Do you trust me?”
You nod at him. Jason gives your cheek a soft sweep with his thumb before he returns back to his teammates, finishing up whatever was left of those monsters.
You quickly take the opportunity to rush back home - but not before Jason watched you from afar, making sure that nothing else attacked you that night.
You dreamt of the red ranger again and this time it was his memories of encountering you. You awake with a smile on your face but your heart starts to feel conflicted - you were eager to spend time with Jason, but the more you dreamt about the red ranger, the more you felt like you were starting to fall for him.
Saturday shows up quicker than expected and you find yourself standing in front of Jason’s front door, your knuckle hesitantly knocks on the wood.
Jason runs to the door, opening it up and greets you with a large smile. He gestures for you to come in. You poke your head inside his house, your eyes scanning his foyer before he takes you over to his bedroom - posers decorate most of his bedroom walls, clothing strewn haphazardly around his floor, his bed messily unmade - it was a typical teenage boys bedroom. 
The both of you find yourselves sitting on his bedroom floor, legs crossed, english books wide open and notebook paper lined with messy handwriting. Soft music plays in the background to combat any awkward silence the two of you might encounter, but you’re both purely concentrated on the assignment at hand.
Instinctively your hand reaches over to the pencil that’s laying between you and Jason, but instead of feeling the hard, cold wood of the pencil, you’re met with a soft, warm hand. You glance up, (Y/E/C) meets his blue and you let out an awkward laugh, pulling your hand away from his as if you’ve been caught in the cookie jar.
“M’sorry” you shyly tell him as the color red takes over your cheeks.
“No, no, it’s your pencil, you take it” he tells you, grabbing the pencil and handing it over to you. You offer him a half smile as you take the pencil from him, jotting down notes from your English book. Jason watches you as chew the end of the writing utensil, forehead puckered, lips turned into a frown. You then perform his favorite quirk, you tap the pencil three times against the piece of paper, pause, think, then continue to write.
You glance up and catch wind of Jason’s smirk on his face, amused by your little actions. You freeze up, eyes widened in fear, “Do I have something on my face?” you question him, panic laced in your tone.
He shakes his head, amused by your sense of urgency. “No, no, you just do this thing - “
“Yeah,” he pauses, licking his lips before he continues, “You uh, do this cute thing where you tap your pencil 3 times, stop and think before you start to write again”
Your eyebrow quirks up at the sound of the word cute, then a smile starts to spread on your lips, “Cute huh?”
It’s Jason’s turn to become flustered, and it makes your heart swell at how bashful the blonde suddenly becomes, trying to backtrack but stumbles over his words, “Not cute! I mean, not that I think you’re not cute because you are cute, but cute in like a quirky kind of cute”
Your smile evolves into a grin, “You think I’m cute?”
Jason is internally kicking himself in the head, but he’s been caught red handed, “Ah, yeah” he lets out a laugh, shaking his head at his choice of words, “I’ve been caught”
Bravery isn’t one of your best qualities, you almost passed out once when you were forced to play a tree during one of your elementary school’s plays. You swear it’s the adrenaline that’s coursing through your blood that prompts you to do what you’re about to do next. You reach over and place your hand over his, squeezing it gently.
With fluttering eyelashes and bashful eyes you gaze up at him, “For what it’s worth, I think you’re pretty cute too” you tell him.
Jason lets out a nervous laugh, he’s surprised at himself because he rarely ever gets nervous around a girl - but you’re his soulmate for christ sake; you both are tied together by destiny, the universe specifically made you for him, and him for you. 
He brushes his nerves away and he surprises you by leaning forward, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. His knuckles brush against the apple of your cheek and your breath hitches, heart starts to pound a little harder, as he scoots closer towards you.
“Is this okay?” his voice comes out like a whisper.
With a swift nod, you consent to his next move. His tongue sweeps towards his bottom lip and the next thing you know, his lips are gently brushing against yours. Jason isn’t too skilled in the kissing department, hell neither are you, but the way your mouths move together is like a perfect choreographed dance. He places his hand on your cheek, moving you closer to him. Tongues are then introduced and Jason quickly takes dominance - he tastes like mints and cinnamon and he savors the faint taste of your vanilla chapstick.
Your eyes slowly start to open when you realize you’ve been kissing Jason Scott for the past 2 minutes. 
Panic suddenly shakes your core and you come back down to reality. You push him away, panting heavily as you avoid his confused gaze.
“I - I’m sorry, was that too much?” he stammers.
You quickly start to gather your things, shoving all of your books and notebooks into your backpack. “I’m sorry Jason, I can’t do this.”
He shakes his head, feeling completely confused, “Can’t do what? Kiss me?”
You swing your backpack over your shoulder and promptly stand up, towering over the frowning boy. Your shoulders slump, feeling defeated. Kissing Jason Scott was once a dream of yours, but your effort is completely fruitless because you know you’re not meant to be with him. Jason Scott isn’t your soulmate, you both are tied to completely different people so kissing him just feels … wrong.
“Jason, you’re not my soulmate. You’re meant to be with someone else” you sadly explain.
Jason’s face turns stoic, he bites his tongue back. He wants so badly to tell you that yes! You’re his soulmate, and yes! He’s the red ranger, but he hasn’t decided how to tell you yet. He’s yet to cross that bridge.
“I’m sorry Jason, I really am, but my dreams have begun and I - I just can’t do that to him” you weakly tell him.
Him, her soulmate.
Jason’s lips turn into a thin line, “No, no, I understand …”
“I’m sorry Jason, I really am” your voices falters in pitch, trying to keep your emotions at bay. But it’s useless when he gives you this look that absolutely breaks your heart. His eyes become wide and you can tell, hell you know, he’s hurt.
You can’t stand to watch him any longer so you swiftly turn your back towards him and make a bee-line to the front door.
Jason is left alone in his bedroom, his music still quietly playing in the background. His thoughts are racing a million miles a minute. He now knows he has to tell you, he needs to tell you because he’s certain that he’s falling in love with you and he can’t hold back his feelings any longer.
You head home with your heart broken, your feelings conflicted and your mind reeling. You spend the rest of your Saturday moping around the house, your body planted on the living room couch and the remote control attached to your hand. You’re casually flipping through channels, but nothing seems to pique your interest. It isn’t until the rerun of The Office you were watching suddenly cuts off to a breaking news alert, a live feed of downtown Angel Grove. Another hoard of monsters have invaded Angel Grove and they’re advising people to stay inside while the Power Rangers take care of them. 
You jump off the couch, moving closer to the screen as if it’ll help bridge the distance between you two. Your eyes are glued to the TV, making sure to try to follow the Red Rangers every move. The dedicated news reporter stays a safe distance away from the tumultuous scene, but it feels as if you’re actually there. It was then your heart suddenly drops to your feet and you let out a horrified gasp. 
You can clearly see a sharp object pierce through the red Rangers armor. You watch as he stumbles around, trying to regain his composure. His hands dart over to his side where his armor becomes stained with blood. The other rangers run over to the wounded man, Blue and Black throw his arms over their shoulders while Yellow and Pink finish off the last hoard.
You feel utterly helpless. You want to scream at the television screen but instead frustrated, angry tears leak from your eyes. Sleeping that night becomes impossible for you, tossing and turning all night long. Your mind is hyper-focused on his well being, but how could you even help him when you don’t know who he is?
Arriving at school the next day feels like a large burden. You’re listless, tired, and hurt. You don’t even interact with your usual friends, and you’re absolutely dreading the final period. The last person you want to see right now is Jason. 
You trudge through the halls when you catch Trini, Billy, Zach and Kimberly huddled together, looks of concerns etched all over their face as they speak in hushed whispers. Trini catches a glimpse of you and perks up, the rest of the group follows - their gaze towards you is oddly sympathetic and you can’t pinpoint why. You give Trini a wave followed by a thin smile, she returns it back to you.
You enter 7th period and frown. Jason is nowhere to be seen, in fact, now that you think about it, you haven’t seen him all day. You feel relieved yet concerned - maybe he’s sick you conclude to yourself. With Jason not sitting beside you, 7th period English feels like much more of a chore, no one to talk to or to distract you from Mrs. Gerald’s monotonous lecture.
The rest of the day passes by without any incident, and you’re more than ready to tumble back into your comforter and pass out, hopefully catch a glimpse of your red ranger. Something in your gut tells you that he’s okay, but you can’t be too sure. You pop a couple of sleeping pills to help speed up the process and by 9 PM you’re completely passed out, drool leaking from the corner of your lips as light snores exit through your mouth.
The dream begins and it feels like you’re having an out of body experience. The first thing you notice is hands - actual human hands. They’re jotting notes down on a piece of paper, his legs crossed on the floor. It all looks vaguely familiar but your mind can’t seem to pinpoint it yet. This is completely different from the rest of the dreams you’ve been having. You can sense that he’s at peace now that he’s not cracking skulls and kicking ass. 
The red Power Ranger is a teenager is the first thought you have.
He then reaches across the floor, aiming to grab a pencil when you see another set of hands.
Those hands look way too familiar now, you recognize that bracelet, and the black hair-tie, they currently rest on your right wrist. You can feel your heart starts to pound in your chest. His head lifts up to view the person who owns those hands and you swear, you swear it was like an electric current sent a shock through your system.
His eyes warmly gaze up towards you.
It’s you, you’re in the red Power Rangers dream.
Jason Scott is your soulmate.
You shoot your eyes open, all of your sleep gone down the drain. Your breathing becomes erratic as your mind tries to quickly piece all of the missing pieces together.
And suddenly everything just makes sense - everything in this world, in life, makes sense. 
The painful realization then hits you like a load of bricks - Jason was the one who got stabbed the other night, it’s why he wasn’t at school. 
You jump out of bed, stumbling to throw on a pair of sneakers as you hop around your bedroom. You toss on your Angel Grove High sweatshirt and open up your bedroom window, hopping from ledge and onto your lawns freshly mowed grass. You pull your hair up in a messy ponytail before running towards your garage and jumping into your little brothers bike - the last thing you want is your wake up your parents by starting up your car.
Your calves burn as you pedal through the town of Angel Grove, cutting through homes and alleyways, all for the boy who’d been keeping this burning secret from you this whole time.
You finally reach the white house that looks over the ocean, dropping your bike on his lawn. You make your way towards his bedroom, the only one with the large window that looks out over the coast. You peer inside the large glass and see the blonde boy laying on his bed, his eyes shut, bruises littering his cheeks where his freckles are specked around.
Your heart clenches at the sight of him looking so broken. Your fingers carefully, and quietly pull back the window, opening it enough for you to sneak in without stumbling over your feet. You land in with a quiet thud and pause for a second. When silence continues to welcome you, you start to move towards Jason’s bed, your eyes scanning him more carefully.
You sit down beside him, feeling the bed shift in weight, but he doesn’t wake up. Your emotions have been a mess lately, your heart has been tugging you in two different places, but now that everything has been pieced together, you can finally breathe. You can finally accept what the universe has been trying to tell you since you’ve started these dreams.
That Jason had been your soulmate this whole time.
With shaky fingers, you reach towards his face. You brush away his curl that dangles from his head. He feels warm compared to your cold hands, but just knowing that he’s okay, that he’s alive gives you a sense of peace. You let out a deep exhale as you softly touch his bruises, making sure not to touch them too hard.
Jason slowly stirs in his sleep, cracking his eye open. He frowns, then jumps away from your touch, startlingly you as you dart your hand away.
“W-what? Y/N? What are you doing here?” he sleepily questions you.
You give him a watery smile as your emotions start creep their way up, “Jason … it’s you, it’s been you this whole time”
Jason is still half asleep, and the words don’t quite register in his head when you tell him this. He has completely forgotten that he has a massive stab wound on his side - The rest of the Power Rangers were able to convince his parents and everyone else that he was caught in a horrific car accident. Zordon has him on bed rest for a week - he knows that’s all it’ll take to fully heal Jason and his deep physical wounds.
Jason slowly, and carefully sits up, wincing as he leans up against his headboard. 
“Jason, don’t move, take it easy” you say.
He shakes his head, “No, no I’m okay, it’s not as bad, I’m healing up”
As he positions himself in a more comfortable position he starts to wake up, and it’s then he fully registers why you’re in his bedroom at 2:18 in the morning. His memories have finally lead you to him. He gives you a half smile, before he continues to talk.
“Caught me huh?”
You let out a half laugh at his lame attempt to joke about the situation, “Why didn’t you tell me Jason? Why didn’t you tell me you were my soulmate?”
There’s a hint of anger in your voice, and he understands, completely understands why you’re angry at him.
He moves his hand and places it over yours, squeezing it gently. “I couldn’t tell you. I needed to keep you safe as long as I could before I figured out how to tell you, but I guess my memories caught up with you”
You sigh heavily, “Jason, nothing is going to happen to me - “
“You don’t know that!” he angrily exclaims, “The other day you were cornered by those creatures!” he pauses before he continues, letting out a shaky exhale, “What if I can’t keep you safe?”
Your eyes desperately try to search for his blue ones, but they’re avoiding your gaze. His face is hard, but his emotions are starting to trickle out with each word he utters. Negativity invade his head space, blocking out any rational thoughts.
“Jason, that’s never going to happen and you know that.” you borderline scold him, your eyes darken with anger, the fact that that idea is instilled in his head makes you frustrated. Jason throws his hands down his side, feeling exasperated.
“Enemies will come looking for you” he begins to counter.
“So? I’ll learn to fight or something”
“What if you’re cornered like that again?”
“I’ll bring pepper spray big deal”
“What if you get kidnapped?!”
You roll your eyes, heaving out a large breath. “Jesus Jason, just stop, stop fighting what the universe has been trying to tell us for the last week.”
He throws his head back, eyes cast up on the ceiling. He knows you’re right, he just hates to admit it.
“Jason, look at me, please” you beg.
His hand is still gently placed on top of yours, so in an effort to show him that you’re in this for the long haul you place your other hand on top of his. He then slowly brings his head back down, his large blue eyes filled with emotion as they bore into yours.
“Jason Lee Scott, I love you and I am willing to fight by your side, do whatever it takes to make your job easier in protecting me, in protecting us, all of us” you gesture outside to the general public because you know that at the end of the day, his priority is to keep everyone safe - not just you.
His hard face softens as the 3 letter word leaves your mouth. His heart swells up three times the size as it beats wildly in his chest.
“You love me?” 
His voice becomes childlike at the question. Almost as if he can’t believe that he can be loved by someone else besides his family.
You let out a dry laugh, tears brimming your eyes as a watery smile takes over your lips. You remove the hand that was on top of his and you bring it to his cheek, gently brushing over the bruises that decorate his face.
“Yeah you big doof, you think I’d be up at 2:30 AM for just anyone?” your tone is much more playful with him and the tension in the room slowly starts to slip away.
He lets out a laugh, leaning into your soft touch. You both share a moment of tenderness as he then leans forward and rests his forehead on yours. The two of you shut your eyes and just completely live in the moment. Forgetting what tomorrow may bring, forgetting what happened in the past, and just living in right now.
“For what it’s worth,” Jason says, a smirk slowly creeping on his lips, “I love you too
A laugh leaves your lips as he mimics the same words you told him 2 days ago. Jason then instinctively leans in closer and presses his lips against yours. He pours all his pent back emotion into the kiss, his hands promptly then cupping your face. Tongues are meshed and lips are smashed in a passionate expression of love.
“I can’t believe it was you, it was you this whole time” you breathly speak as he starts to move his lips down south, peppering small chaste kisses down your neck.
“Surprised?” he pulls away briefly, his lips are all red and swollen.
You shake your head, “Honestly, I’m way more surprised that you were my soulmate - not that you’re a Power Ranger”
Jason cocks his head and you return him a smile before you continue to explain.
“You’re a good guy Jason, you’re not the typical asshole jock at the school. I’ve seen how you’ve defended Billy, how you’ve just become this better person - everything the leader of the Power Rangers should be. I just never thought that the boy I’d been crushing on for all these years would end up being with … well with someone like me”
Jason frowns as your voice turns undeniably sad at the end. He can’t find the right words to convey his thoughts, so instead he just sweeps you into his arms. You let out a joyful squeal as he pulls you towards his side and bringing you down to lay with him. Your head nestles into his chest, the sound of his heartbeat lulling you. You close your eyes and melt into his body, making sure to be mindful of the giant wound on his side. 
His arm wraps around your waist as he presses his face into your hair, taking a deep inhale of the strawberry shampoo that scents your hair. 
“Someone like you? Someone incredibly cute, funny, smart, loving, compassionate, kind, oh and did I mention very, very cute?”
Your giggles echos his bedroom as he starts to place kisses all over your head, “Okay, okay Scott, you can stop buttering me up”
“Just one question,” you ask, lifting your head up and propping yourself on your elbow. He looks at you amusingly, his eyebrow quirked. “How did you know I was your soulmate?”
He can’t reveal the identity of Trini, nor the rest of the rangers. It’s not his decision to make at the end of the day and he fully respects that. His mind then wanders back to his dreams, smirking at you before he speaks,
“Mmm, well your memories didn’t really do a good job of hiding your feelings towards me … subtlety isn’t really your strong suit” he says to you. Your mouth gapes, feigning hurt, and you gently jab his arm. He winces mockingly, rubbing his arm,
“Ooh ouch, you sure you’re not a Power Ranger? You hiding something from me?”
You roll your eyes, “Haha, very funny.”
Silence then nestles between the two of you. Crickets chirp in the background, the wind gently howls. The stillness of the night starts to lull you both back to sleep as you find yourself back laying in his arms. Jason’s eyes are slowly drifting shut when he hears you speak,
“Hey since I’m dating a Power Ranger does this mean I can hitch a ride in your zoid?”
His chest rumbles in laughter. “Ha - in your dreams sweetheart, in your dreams”
It was that same night as you slept in your soulmates’ arms that you decided to never question the universe again.
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searchingwardrobes · 5 years
The Convenient Groom: 1/?
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Okay, I know what ya’ll are all thinking, and I agree: I don’t need another WIP! However, I woke up this morning with this idea, and I just had to write it. What’s more, I was looking for the perfect gift for @spartanguard​. You see, I missed her birthday last year. I got on tumblr, saw all these birthday wishes for her, and my heart sank. For some reason, I didn’t have her birthday on my list! I hated it because not only is she one of my favorite writers, but she is also an incredibly kind person who I have come to know as a wonderful fandom friend. So, @spartanguard​, I know it isn’t your birthday, but this fic is for you!
This fic has two inspirations: one, the Barenaked Ladies song “Alternative Girlfriend,” but mostly it’s a book I read called The Convenient Groom by Denise Hunter. I normally avoid book aus because it feels way too close to plagiarism, but a Hallmark movie was made from the book and it was a HUGE disappointment. They made it an engagement of convenience instead of a marriage and basically got rid of all the steamy moments. It’s been forever since I read it, anyway, and this first chapter that came to me this morning has vast differences already. Anyhoo, I hope you like it @spartanguard​ !
Summary: (Is one even necessary? Haha!) Killian Jones just happens to be there when Emma Swan gets the phone call that changes everything: her fiance is leaving her at the altar. The thing is, it also could mean the end of her career. Convenient that Killian has nothing better to do that day. Convenient that he’s secretly in love with her. Not that Emma has to know that.
Rating: M
Words: 2,000 and some change in this chapter
Also on Ao3
Tagging the usuals: @snowbellewells​ @kmomof4​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @distant-rose​ @welllpthisishappening​ @optomisticgirl​ @ohmakemeahercules​ @teamhook​ @bethacaciakay​ @xhookswenchx​ @winterbaby89​ @delirious-latenight-laughs​ @resident-of-storybrooke​ @vvbooklady1256​ @thislassishooked​ @hollyethecurious​ @nikkiemms​ @jennjenn615​ @stahlop​ @snidgetsafan​ @scientificapricot​ @shireness-says​ @spartanguard​  @wellhellotragic​ @tiganasummertree​ @branlovestowrite​ @let-it-raines​ @carpedzem​ @profdanglaisstuff​
Killian Jones would never forget the first day he met Emma Swan. He’d been focused intently on the rocking chair that the Nolans had ordered for their new baby, and AC/DC’s “Back in Black” was booming throughout his workshop. He always worked to classic rock; it put him in the best creative zone.
Suddenly, the shop was plunged into silence, and he straightened in surprise. Standing there, with the cord to his portable speakers dangling from her hand, was a veritable goddess with anger sparking from her light green eyes. She was dressed in a simple pair of dark wash jeans topped with a cream blouse, yet her trim figure still drew his eyes. He’d never had a thing for blondes, but her golden hair had him re-thinking that. She had caught him so completely off guard, he stood there gaping like a mere boy.
“I’ve got a client upstairs trying to pour her damn heart out, but I can barely hear myself think with this noise rattling the walls.”
Ah, so this was the new tenant in the office upstairs. Killian smirked and sauntered into her personal space. “Well, love, I’ve been told I’m rather good at rattling the walls.”
He hardly knew what had possessed him to say such a thing. Before Milah, he was well known for his charms, but that had been years ago.
The blonde narrowed her eyes at his innuendo, though the blush upon her cheeks sent a far different message. “Not your love, buddy.” She tossed the cords at his chest, and one of them slapped him in the jaw. “Get yourself some damn earbuds.”
She strode towards the door, her high heeled boots tapping loudly on the concrete floor. “It’s Killian Jones, by the way,” he called out after her, “Ms . . . “
“Emma Swan,” she tossed over her shoulder, “and it’s doctor.”
He saw her often after that. It was difficult not to. Storybrooke was a small town, and they shared office space, after all. Their building on Main was also right across the street from Granny’s diner, the only place for a decent cup of coffee and a cheeseburger. Or grilled cheese and onion rings in Swan’s case. They’d crossed paths during their lunch break often enough for him to know her regular order. Yet to say Emma Swan had walls was an understatement, and just casual conversation was a challenge. One he had a rather enjoyable time tackling, honestly.
Yet she never came into his wood shop again. Until one day six months ago, to put in an order. She had stood there in his lobby where he met with clients and rough sketched their custom orders looking uncharacteristically nervous, her hands twisting at her waist. He had noticed the diamond sparkling on her left ring finger early on, and she fiddled with it now. He had never met the man who had given it to her, which he had always thought was odd. Especially considering how passionate Emma was about her career. Even stranger, Mary Margaret had never met him either, and Emma rented the loft from her and David. No one even knew the man’s name. Something was off about that, if you asked Killian. Not that anyone would.
“Can you make a wedding chuppa?” she blurted out.
“Aye,” he said as he leaned against the front counter, “I made one for Marco and Granny when they wed last fall.”
“Good,” Emma breathed out, but then her forehead creased with worry. “Marco’s Jewish, isn’t he? Is it okay to use a chuppa if you aren’t Jewish?”
“Hmmm,” Killian contemplated, rubbing at his chin, “is your fiance Jewish?”
“No,” Emma said with a shake of her head, “but we’re getting married outside, and I wanted some sort of focal point, you know?”
“Well, then,” he told her honestly, “I do think a chuppa has religious significance, so maybe an arbor or archway would be more appropriate? I’ve done those as well . . . “
He had come around the counter then and led her to the sitting area where he brainstormed with clients. He had shown her photos of an arbor he had made for his friends Eric and Ariel’s beach wedding, and several other options online. He found out many things that day: the location of the wedding (the gardens behind the old mansion on the outskirts of town), the flowers (middlemist roses), the color scheme (pale pink and wine red), and the date of the nuptials (late June). Yet he still didn’t know who this mysterious fiance was. Odd.
“He doesn’t like the attention from my career,” Emma had attempted to explain, twisting her engagement ring around her finger, “and I get it. There would be a lot of scrutiny on him and our relationship.”
Killian nodded. Everyone knew about Dr. Swan’s bestseller Seriously, Ladies? which supposedly guided any woman on how to avoid disastrous relationships. Women swore by it, and Emma also had a blog and a podcast. The media was salivating over her upcoming marriage, including the identity of Mr. Right himself.
“And I need your discretion on this,” Emma continued. “The media doesn’t know the wedding date yet, and I -”
Killian placed his hand on hers. “You can trust me, Emma. I won’t tell a soul about this order, much less when or where it will be delivered.”
He had worried that his word wouldn’t be enough, yet Emma had deflated with relief. “Thank you. I know this is a weird situation.”
“You deserve happiness, Swan.”
She narrowed her eyes at him. “How do you know that? You know nothing about me.”
Killian had shrugged. “You’re somewhat of an open book, love.”
It was true. Despite her confidence, he could recognize another wounded heart when he saw one. Whoever this fiance was, he wasn’t doing a very good job of healing it, either, at least in Killian’s opinion. Otherwise her eyes wouldn’t still hold that haunted look.
The order meant, for both good and bad, that Killian saw Emma Swan more often. It was good in that he got to know her better, saw her smile, heard her laugh. It was bad for one horrible, terrible reason. For him, at least. Six months was long enough for him to fall in love with her - the woman he was making a wedding arbor for.
Killian sighed, his heart twisting painfully, as he covered the gorgeous arbor of carved mahogany with a moving blanket. Today was the day. For him, it felt more like the day of a funeral than a wedding. This man, whoever he was, better love her the way she deserved. It was all he could hope for now.
“Killian, what the hell do you think you’re doing!” He whirled from the arbor to see Emma marching angrily across his workshop. The scowl on her face was identical to the one almost a year ago when he first met her. “Why did you send the moving crew away empty handed? Please tell me you finished it.”
“Of course I finished it, Swan,” he retorted, unable to keep the bite out of his voice. Wasn’t she supposed to be giddy, flushed with eagerness, floating on air? Instead, she looked so stressed he feared she might give herself a heart attack.
“Then why didn’t you send it to the mansion? Are you being difficult on purpose?”
Killian tilted his head and grinned saucily at her. He couldn’t help it, teasing her was just too much fun. “Though getting you riled up is rather fun, I wouldn’t do that to you on your special day. I just didn’t trust anyone but myself to deliver it.”
“Oh,” she said lamely, biting on her lower lip.
“I was just about to load it up, actually. Want to see it?”
“If it’s not too much trouble . . .”
“Of course not.”
He pulled the moving blanket off, revealing the dark wood with intricate carvings of flowers, vines, and swans. Though the occasion it celebrated tore at his heart, he had never put so much work into a piece. He poured the beauty of the woman it represented into every detail. Emma’s eyes lit up as she ran her hands over the woodwork. The caramel stain brought out the natural beauty of the wood, but it would also make the delicate blush of the roses pop once the florist draped the arbor with them.
“It’s beautiful, Killian,” she told him softly, “exactly what I told you I wanted. More, actually.”
“Thank you,” he managed to tell her around the sudden lump in his throat.
The moment was broken by the ringing of Emma’s phone. She fished it out of her jeans pocket and pressed it to her ear. Killian busied himself covering the arbor and preparing it for transport while Emma paced across his workshop.
“Walsh, are you insane?” he heard her snap, “Our wedding is only six hours away!”
Killian tried not to eavesdrop, but as he glanced Emma’s way, he saw her face grow pale.
“Seriously? You’re doing this to me now?” Though her voice was harsh, her body trembled as she sank to an empty crate next to the table saw.
Killian frowned. He didn’t like how this sounded.
“These are all things you could have told me yesterday!” Emma’s voice rose. “Or better yet, last week, last month.”
She glanced over at Killian, and her face turned bright red. She shifted so that her back was to him. She lowered her voice as she spoke into her phone, but Killian still heard her.
“Is there someone else?”
Killian’s jaw clenched as he saw her shoulders fall and then begin to shake. The bastard.
Her voice was broken as she choked out her next words. “Well I hope you’re very happy together.”
She hung up and dropped her cell phone. Killian winced as it hit the cement floor. She covered her face with both hands and wept silently. He crossed the room and gently placed his hands on her shoulders.
“I’m so sorry.”
“What am I going to do?” she wept. “Oh, God! What am I going to do?” She turned to Killian, her eyes wide and frantic as she clutched at the front of his shirt. “We invited the media to the wedding! It was the only way to keep them from hounding us during our engagement. Now they’ll get an even better story - relationship guru Dr. Emma Swan gets jilted at the altar. I’m ruined! My career is over!”
She was on her feet, pacing the floor, tugging at the ends of her hair. He wanted to tell her she was overreacting, but he couldn’t lie. In this day and age of cancel culture and internet trolls, she would be ruined.
“You’re going to think I’m an opportunist,” she continued, “but my wedding day was also going to be the kick off for my next book. Tomorrow they’re announcing it’s release.”
“I’m not judging you, Swan,” he assured her. “What’s the new book?”
“Ladies, It’s More Than a Wedding,” Emma said sheepishly, “about how to plan for your marriage and not just the wedding.”
Emma groaned and dropped her head against the nearest wall. Killian was silent for a long moment, rolling an idea around in his head. She might shoot him down, call him crazy, but it was worth a shot.
“No one knows who your fiance is, right?”
She looked at him curiously. “No.”
“So . . . couldn’t anyone stand in for him?”
Emma’s mouth dropped open. “Are you crazy? Once the media knew it was a farce, things would be even worse. I have interviews lined up already. A promotion tour for the book. It’s about more than just the wedding.” She barked out a laugh. “Isn’t that ironic?”
Killian leveled her with a steady gaze. “What if it wasn’t a farce?”
She blinked. “You mean . . . like, actually marry someone else? Today?”
“That’s exactly what I mean.”
Emma let out another sarcastic chuckle. “Who the hell would agree to that?”
Killian wet his lips nervously. “I would.”
Emma shook her head in surprise. “You?”
He shrugged. “Well, I’m here, and I have nothing better to do today.”
“We’re talking about getting married, Killian. You know, commitment? Till death do us part?”
“Well,” Killian said slowly, shoving his hands in his jean pockets, “you need to stay married to promote your book, right? What are we talking? Six months? A year, at most?”
Emma’s brow furrowed as if she were contemplating it. But then she shook her head. “I can’t believe I’m even considering this! It would never work! How would it look if I got divorced in a year?”
“Or an annulment. You could blame it on me. I cheated on you or something. Make me out to be the bad guy.” He chuckled sardonically. “You might even get another best seller out of it. Dump His Cheating Ass, Ladies.”
He managed to get a real laugh out of her at that, and he smiled. Her mirth was short-lived, however. “But why would you do that? Tie yourself to me for a year, let your own reputation be damaged? What’s in it for you?”
I’m in love with you.
“I could use your help. With my family. Professional help.”
Emma narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “Okaaay. How so?”
“My brother and his wife. Their marriage is a little rocky.” LIe. Liam and Elsa were relationship goals if he ever saw it. “I think it’s because her sister Anna and her husband Kristoff had to move in with them.” Another lie. They had moved in, but no two sisters were closer than Anna and Elsa.
“So why don’t they just make an appointment?”
“They, uh, have this thing about therapy. They think it’s a sign of weakness. Or an embarrassment. Anyway, but if you were around, you could casually help them out. I think you and Elsa would hit it off.”
“So you want to marry me in exchange for free counseling for your brother and his wife?”
She sounded skeptical, and naturally so. He tried to play it off. “My brother means everything to me. He’s all the family I have left. Plus, my niece and nephew deserve a steady home life, unlike what we had as kids.”
Emma and Killian just stood there looking intently at one another. He held his breath, fully expecting her to call him crazy and walk out the door. Her gaze darted to the arbor, now ready to be loaded onto the trunk.
“It would be a shame not to use that beautiful piece you made.”
Killian tried to hold back his smile and failed. “Consider it my wedding gift to my bride.”
“Okay, groom,” she told him with her hand outstretched for him to shake, “it’s a deal.”
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rosemaidenvixen · 5 years
Gruss vom Krampus
One night on patrol Jim experiences a case of mistaken identity.
Jim vaulted the fence in a single leap and landed in a crouch in a snowbank, holding as still as he could. Sirens flared briefly before fading into the distance. He let out a sigh of relief, he should really be more careful when hunting down goblins in a suburb, but it looked like he was in the clear.
A soft whimper came from behind him.
Crap, spoke too soon.
Jim froze, the eclipse armor was good as a stealth suit, but only provided he didn’t start jumping around in it. That was pretty hard to miss. Holding the rest of his body perfectly still, Jim slowly turned his head in the direction of the sound.
Two-- no three, kids were huddled against the side of the house, practically shaking in their snow boots, eyes wide with fear.
Jim’s heart sank in a way that had become far too familiar in the past six months. There were obvious cosmetic differences between humans and trolls, and to the unfamiliar the latter could appear...intimidating, and the black-red glow of the eclipse armor didn’t help. 
He tried to swallow the unexpected tightness in his throat. These were just kids, the biggest one of them couldn’t be more than eight years old, and Jim was a seven foot tall, horned intruder in their backyard. There was no reason for him to be upset, it was perfectly natural for them to--
“....please don’t take us away Mr. Krampus…”
Wait, what?
Careful to stay in a crouched position, not wanting to frighten them any more than he already had. Jim turned to face them.
“Hi there,” he hoped his smile came off as friendly rather than bearing his fangs “What was that you just called me?”
They were silent for a few beats before a girl with dark curly hair took a step forward, it looked like she was the oldest of the bunch “You’re Krampus...aren’t you?”
Krampus? What was-- oh yeah, Krampus was the Christmas demon. He’d heard about that before, some kind of reverse Santa, punishing bad kids instead of rewarding good ones. 
Jim let out a sigh of relief. An easy mistake for a kid to make, with the horns and the black armor and all, at least the secret world of trolls wasn’t exposed.
He could work with this.
“Yep,” he sat back on a snow drift, stretching his legs out in front of him “I’m Krampus,”
The kids let out a chorus of wails, whimpering as they pressed themselves even harder against the wall of the house. 
Jim blinked. Oh, that’s right, Krampus punished kids...woops.
“But I’m not here to punish you guys!” he said hurriedly.
“You’re-- you’re not?” one boy sniffled.
“Nope, I’m just in the neighborhood, taking care of some...other naughty people, not any of you,”
“But…” the littlest one peeked past the others, a girl of about four or five, massive afro crushed under her glittery, pink hat “I ate the cookies that were for my grandma,”
“I lied to my mom,”
“I cheated on a test at school,”
“I took my best friend’s necklace without asking,”
Jim sat hunched in the snow while the elementary age group rattled off their ‘sins’ to him. How was he going to fix this? He really wished he was better with kids. 
What would Strickler say to them? Scratch that, what would his mom say?
“Ok...look,” he twisted his hands together “You know why doing those things was bad, right?”
They nodded.
“And,” he gestured toward the afro headed girl that had first confessed “You said sorry to your grandma right?”
She nodded “Yeah, and I helped make more cookies for her,”
Jim looked back towards the other two “And you all said sorry and tried to fix things to, right?”
They all nodded. 
“That’s what’s important, everyone makes mistakes and does bad things, but it’s ok as long as you apologize, help fix things, and try to do better next time,”
The kids whispered among themselves, slowly detaching from the brick wall of the house. 
“So, wait…” the bespeckled boy spoke up “If you don’t punish people for doing that stuff, what do you punish them for?”
Jim’s face went blank, he had not thought that far ahead into his ‘Krampus’ persona.
“You see I….” one of his feet tapped nervously against the ground “Stop people that are naughty...from....hurting other people,”
Seeing as how the kids weren’t screaming, Jim kept going “And if someone’s doing things that would hurt people and doesn’t stop or say sorry or try to fix things, that’s when I come in to stop them,”
Pink hat afro girl scurried up to him, eyes wide and curious “Like who?”
“Well...uh…” Jim struggled to come up with something to tell them, improv was not his strong suit “There was once this really bad guy named Gunmar...”
That was how Jim found himself retelling a heavily edited version of the battle of eternal night to three kids while sitting in a snowbank at nine o clock at night. By the end the kids, whose names he learned were Marisol, Liam, and Veronica, were practically sitting on top of him, Veronica’s pink hat dangling from one of his horns. 
“...and so with my friends helping me we were able to lock Morgana up in Shadow jail,”
“Whoa…” Liam whispered, eyes wide with awe, expressions mirrored by Marisol and Veronica.
“Yep,” Jim said while getting up to his feet “That’s how it happened,” he handed the sparkly pink hat back to Veronica, who wasted no time in shoving her afro into it.
Jim was glad he’d been able to calm them down, but now that he’d thought about it for a while, something was bugging him.
“So what are you guys all doing outside so late at night?”
Marisol sheepishly pointed at a large, but crumbly looking mound of snow “We were trying to build a wall so we could keep you out,” she flushed and looked down at her snow boots “Sorry,”
All Jim could do was stare at the sad looking pile of snow that couldn’t even stop a racoon, much less a troll like him. Maybe things had changed since he was a little kid, but as far as Jim remembered, building snow walls to keep out demons was not a typical holiday activity. 
“Why were you doing that?”
“Emily told us it would work,”
Jim raised an eyebrow at that “Emily?”
“Our babysitter,” Liam held out a small box “She told us about you and showed us the movie,”
Curious, Jim reached out and plucked up the offered box. It was a DVD case titled ‘A Christmas Horror Story’ showing a staff wielding Santa Claus facing off against a tall chain-swinging, horned figure that-- ok the movie actually looked pretty cool, he was definitely going to have to show it to Toby later. But it was rated R, these kids were way too young for that. 
“So Emily, your babysitter, showed you guys this movie and then told you to go outside and build a snow wall to keep Kr-- me out?”
The trio nodded.
Jim frowned “No one’s going to come attack you guys, not me or anyone else, Emily shouldn’t have told you that, and it was really...not nice of her to scare you like this,”
Marisol’s eyes widened “Are you going to...punish her?”
“No,” Jim stepped around the side of the house, looking for the breaker box “I’m just going to have a talk with her,”
“Great job getting rid of the rugrats,”
Emily giggled and plopped down on the couch next to Jacob. Scaring the twerps with that movie and sending them outside to build a wall to keep ‘Krampus’ out was the best idea she’d ever had. She’d barely been able to keep from laughing the whole time. Now they were free to make out on the couch while the munchkins were out digging the snow for the rest of the night.
Leaning back, she cuddled even closer to Jacob “So where does your mom think you are?”
He smirked and wrapped an arm around her “In the dorms working on my thesis, that should get me out of any holiday dinners this year,”
Emily grinned “Perfect,” she licked her lips and moved in for a kiss, Jacob puckered up and prepared to meet her.
Suddenly all the lights shut off, plunging the room into darkness and causing them to freeze in their pre kiss. 
“Is this a blackout?” Jacob said while propping them both up into a sitting position.
A quick glance out the window revealed that the sparkling red and green Christmas lights of the houses on either side of them were still lit.
“I don’t think so, none of the other houses are dark,”
Squirming uncomfortably, Emily pushed herself up off the couch “C’mon, there should be some flashlights in the kitchen,”
Jacob stood and followed her as she headed over to the next room. She reached out and was about to turn the knob when she heard a loud clang coming from within. 
Her heart skipped a beat. She whipped back towards Jacob “Did you hear that?”
His wide eyes and pale face told her that he most certainly had. Not saying anything, Jacob slowly reached into the duffle bag behind the couch and pulled out two baseball bats, wood and aluminum. He gripped the wooden one firmly and soundlessly passed the aluminum one to her. 
Emily gave him a quick nod of gratitude before gently grasping the knob and easing the door open. 
“Marisol? Liam? That you in there?”
No reply.
Pulse pounding in her ears, Emily slowly stepped into the kitchen, Jacob on her heels, scanning the room for axe wielding maniacs. 
The room appeared empty, save for the table and chairs swathed in shadows.
No serial killers in sight.
Emily was about to sigh in relief when the door slammed shut behind them. Causing them both to jump and let out a shriek.
“I hear you’ve been talking about me,” a gravelly voice snarled.
An enormous figure stood by the door. It was too dark to see him clearly, but glowing red lines running down his arms and legs pulsed through the shadows and let them know exactly how massive he was. Emily squinted, what was wrong with his he--
“You want to know what’s really naughty?” the figure stalked towards them, moving slowly but with deliberate purpose “Purposefully scaring kids that you’re supposed to be taking care of,” 
Emily felt the blood drain from her face as the figure came into view. He looked different than in the movie and the pictures she’d seen online, but there was no mistaking those horns. 
The real Krampus.
Instinct took over and she swung the bat at his temple with all her might. 
He caught the bat in his hand without so much as flinching.
A shudder coursed through her as Emily started trembling all over. From the corner of her eye she could see Jacob doing much of the same.
Oh god, she told the kids about Krampus just to scare them and now the real Krampus was here and she and Jacob were going to die here like dumb teenagers in a bad slasher film and--
Krampus snorted and released the bat. It slipped from Emily’s limp grip and fell to the floor with a metallic clang.
“I’m going to let you off with a warning this time, but if you pull something like this again,” he let out a low growl “I won’t be as understanding. Got it?”
Somehow Emily still had enough of her faculties left intact to nod slowly.  
“Good,” Krampus gave them a smile that would have been threatening enough even without exposing his sharp teeth “You all enjoy the rest of your night,”
With that Krampus turned and left, shutting the kitchen door behind him. Emily and Jacob didn’t move an inch the entire time, fear rooting them in place. After a few minutes the lights flicked back on.
Less than ten seconds later Jacob dropped his bat and started bawling. Emily sank to the floor, feeling as hot and limp as an overcooked noodle. The raw terror slowly draining away formed its own kind of numbness, like warm, lumpy oatmeal slogging its way through her veins.
She was faintly aware of Jacob fumbling for his phone while scampering in the direction of the front door.
He punched at the screen with his thumbs and raised it to his ear just before heading out the door “H-- Hello, Mom? I-- I-- I’m sorry, I’m not working on my thesis-- I lied...” 
His words trailed off in a sob as the door shut behind him, leaving Emily alone in the house. Kneeling on the kitchen floor, staring at the four, perfect finger shaped dents in the aluminum bat.
Jim flipped the master switch of the breaker box back into place, brightening the dark house.
It looked like things were pretty well taken care of here. But he really had to get back and regroup with the others.
He turned towards the three kids “So remember guys, anytime you think someone is trying to scare you with a story like that, tell your parents. They’ll know for sure if it’s true or not,”
Jim paused, feeling like he should add onto that “And if you see anymore...magic...creatures like me, be careful, not all of us are nice, ok?”
“Uh huh,” 
“Good,” he headed back towards the fence “I need to take off now so--”
He was caught off guard by Veronica running up to him and hugging him around the legs. Effectively holding him hostage despite their vast differences in size and strength “Thanks for visiting Mr. Krampus,”
Touched and more than a little flustered, Jim attempted to return the gesture by giving her a soft pat on the back “Happy to help, you guys take care now,”
Veronica released his legs, allowing Jim to jump to the top of the fence, swinging a leg over the top, getting ready to leave.
Marisol, Liam, and Veronica waved goodbye from the snow filled backyard.
“Bye, Merry Christmas,” Marisol shouted out to him, parroted by Liam and Veronica seconds later.
“Merry Christmas,” Jim called back with a wave, with that he turned and leapt off the fence, taking off into the dark, snowy night.
A/N: A Christmas Horror story is a real movie and one I highly recommend, but definitely not for kids.
The scene at the end was based on what happened to me when I helped out with the Christmas party in my mom's kindergarten class. I spent the whole time decorating cookies with them and as I was about to leave, one of the kids ran up and hugged me. It definitely caught me off guard, but I was pretty touched.
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afterpinkdiamond · 6 years
We Need to Talk S2E9
This show hits hard when it tries. This episode is such a roller coaster of emotions it manages to feel like a much longer story. What we know about Pink Diamond’s life on Homeworld throws Rose and Greg’s conversation in a new light and we’re introduced to the original Rainbow Quartz. Also Garnet is like the ultimate shipper.
Connie and Steven are helping Greg sort his vinyl collection when Connie remarks that she only ever listens to Classical music and movie soundtracks at home. Greg immediately jumps to correct this error by playing The Philosophy Majors’ record “Nietzche’s Breakdown” for the kids. Everyone is dancing and Steven and Connie accidentally fuse into Stevonnie again! Greg is absolutely astonished. The kids quickly break apart and Connie freaks out a little, begging Greg to not tell her parents about the magic things she’s doing with Steven. Greg calms her down, claiming he’s probably the only human who understands. Steven senses a story and Greg starts telling them about attempting to fuse with Rose by showing them a vhs cassette music video.
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The video is of Greg in his younger days with the Gems, playing “What Can I Do for You?”. Garnet is playing keytar and Amethyst is on drums, just like they were in “Steven and the Stevens”. Rose is center stage on vocals and Greg is playing guitar and harmony. Pearl is sulking off stage. Greg must be one of the most amazing music instructors the world has ever known, that or gems have a natural talent for music. It’s confirmed that this episode is only a few months after Rose and Greg met and he’s already taught Amethyst and Garnet two very different skill sets enough to be in a band. Later in “The Question” Ruby picks up guitar-playing in a matter of hours, and I’m not sure if that’s because she always liked the guitar part of the keytar or gems are just that talented at picking up instruments.
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The video is clearly set up with Rose as the center of attention, with even Greg looking up to her the entire time from a lower level. She’s still incredibly elevated. He’s smiling and happy singing with her but his emotions change a few times as she sings her solo. She calls him “human man” and sings that she finds him “entertaining” and his smile drops into a frown. She sings about “playing along” because she likes how humans play and it’s difficult to say whether he’s turned on or dismayed by her nonchalance. As they sing the chorus together again his part is more subdued and he’s staring at her wide-eyed. Eventually, Greg takes his confusion and just falls back on what he knows- wicked guitar solo.
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While Greg shreds on guitar we see Pearl looking very jealous of the attention he’s getting. She walks right into the video and whispers to Rose. They push Greg out of the center of focus and perform a fusion dance to bring out Rainbow Quartz. She dances around and shows off. It’s clear that Pearl is trying to make Greg uncomfortable while Rose is just trying to impress him with something he’s not seen before. This version of RQ makes me really uncomfortable. I know a lot of people like her but even this early in the series, Pearl’s jealousy is the main vibe I get from this moment. I will grant that Rainbow showing up briefly in “Now We’re Only Falling Apart” has a whole different meaning and feeling, it’s just hard to see Rose and Pearl’s actual relationship through Greg’s eyes. 
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Rose leaves after explaining the fusion with the promise to come back later. Amethyst collects her payment of popcorn. Pearl taunts Greg, saying he’s just a phase because he’s not a gem and will never be able to fuse like a gem. Greg insists that he’s gonna try to fuse. *mic drop* Greg tries to mimic Pearl’s dancing, watching the video he made and gets frustrated very quickly. Garnet and Amethyst find him and Garnet explains the physical aspect of fusion. Greg gets completely discouraged. Garnet tries to inspire some confidence, saying she thinks he’s capable and he just needs to be open and honest so he and Rose can invent themselves together. She lowers her visor to give him a wink, revealing to him for the first time that she’s a fusion. Greg agrees and sets up for when Rose returns.
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When Rose comes back, Greg has a dance floor set up on the beach. He starts a record and without saying a word begins to dance with her. They’re having fun so he flips on the lights, clearly trying to emulate what Garnet said about having light in the core of your being and a partner you trust with that light. They twirl around some more and Greg leads Rose to a pile of instrument cases that he climbs to get eye level with her before dipping her and kissing her. Talk about goals. After the kiss, he looks up and is disappointed while Rose is starry-eyed.
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Rose laughs at Greg when he says he was trying to fuse with her. He tries to get her to understand but she keeps laughing, saying humans are all so funny. Greg finally snaps at being dismissed as just a human and yells at her to just talk with him for once like a real person. She stops, all mirth gone, and says she’s not a real person. She understands that Greg’s not been treating her like the alien that she is, that he’s been trying to see her as a person. It finally hits Greg that he’s been sleeping with an alien. Rose is confused as Greg laughs at his own denseness and cries with hopelessness. She actually seems alien in this moment, completely disconnected from Greg’s wildly swinging emotions. He makes the point that they’re very different with hardly anything in common, suggesting that they just talk.
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From behind the broken-off hand of the temple, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst are spying on the whole encounter. As Greg and Rose finally talk about some of the underlying emotions and unspoken history they haven’t shared with each other, Pearl is confused. The fusion dance didn’t work so why are they still talking? Garnet tells her to be quiet. Greg asks Rose if she’s ever been in love with a human as opposed to just loving a human. She asks how she would know and Greg says that love is torture. Knowing that Pink was often abused on Homeworld by the other Diamonds, this statement affects her strongly and it makes sense that this statement is what finally gets through to her. She knows what it’s like to be tortured and she is alarmed to think Greg is feeling that way. She pulls away from the hug, and for the first time calls Greg by his name rather than “Mr. Universe” or “human man”. He’s visibly affected by the change and answer honestly when she asks if their relationship has been torture. She apologizes but he tells her not to be sorry. They both laugh at how confused they are and start spinning around, laughing together. Pearl is even more upset that they’re still dancing, but Garnet claims that the fusion worked. Her shipper's heart knows she’s set up a real couple, after centuries of Rose having human flings that meant nothing. Pearl is dismayed but Amethyst likes her new potential step-dad. 
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Greg ends his story and Steven and Connie are both blushing. Greg emphasizes that the most important thing was talking together and being open. He tells the kids that human-gem relationships are still a very new thing they get to explore together. Just when you think this episode is going to end on a happy and positive note, Greg tells Connie that she can always talk to him if she needs to talk with a human being who understands her position. They do a “human beings” high five with Steven watching, clutching his gem like he wishes he could rip it out and not have to deal with being half alien. His alienation at the end of the episode is such a quick shift and it foreshadows more of his internal conflict, learning to accept his identity as the bridge between species but also as a being unlike everyone else. It’s like a sucker punch at the end of an otherwise happy story.
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I think the positioning of this episode is incredibly interesting, seeing that we’re about to start into the “Pearl basically commits rape” arc. We see Greg tell his side of the story of how he won over Rose. Past episodes like “House Guest” have hinted at the disharmony and distrust Pearl has for Greg. We get Rainbow Quartz, fused in a moment of jealousy and flaunting, a brand new fusion just an episode before we’re introduced to another show-off Pearl fusion. We also hear Garnet talk about what makes a fusion work. Garnet who’s about to be taken advantage of in the worst way. This episode is also just after “Keeping It Together” in which Garnet expresses her extreme revulsion to forced fusions. This arc of episodes is thematically heavy. Pearl messes up badly and the crewniverse seem to want to tie it back to the betrayal she felt when Rose fell in love with Greg. Pearl looks to others for her validation and “Cry for Help” is about to show how far she’ll fall looking for that strength and affirmation.
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fivzen · 5 years
So with that little change in mind, here are the few Characters in Persona Asphalt I have right now:
Elee Leigh (Later Changed to Elee Esperer), Fool Arcana: Main Character and leader of the Heroes Union (the team in Asphalt). Has an opened personality as a front, but is actually worried all the time about the world crumbling around her. Gains her persona in a battle against a fake version of her Shadow. Her initial/base Persona is Sento, based on the story of Kamen Rider Build, her soul shows what she wishes for in the world most: Love and Peace. She fight her true shadow by the end and releases her Ultimate Persona KiRyuuga, based on Cross-Z Build, her truer self shows that she wishes to learn from herself and others as she strives to a live of love, peace, and hope. Has had a connection to shadows since she was 6, since the place she was abandoned was actually Okinawa. A certain pair of siblings of blue and red/pink and their team were the ones to find her.
Roddy Etchings, Magician Arcana: Second Party Member and best friend of Elee, (also potential love interest). An aspiring fashion designer, he wishes to make stylish clothing for those he cares about, but the people in charge of the tech focused fashion stores in Neotech only wish to use him for his talents, instead of hiring him. He nearly falls into a despair over how no one will truly like his work, which he avoids when he meets Elee and faces his fears, granting him the Persona: Katsumi, based on Ultraman Rosso from R/B showing his love of fashion firsthand. When he unlocks his ultimate, it is through how he finally realizes that fashion is actually okay to mix with subjects, his favorite being science, unlocking his Ultimate: Minato, a full amount of Greube from the R/B movie but Persona-fied.
Bree Survi, The Chariot Arcana: Third Party member (and a love interest of Elee). A girl with a passion for performing magic, she had escaped a toxic relationship before the events of asphalt. When her past comes back to haunt her in Neotech, she begins to lose hope that she’ll ever be able to grow stronger. Through only a little push from Elee, she stands up for herself and fights back, unlocking her Persona: Futari (A persona-fied mix of Cure White). When she finally admits to herself that idea of a relationship with others is somethings she’s been wanting for a while, but she was scared of being hurt again, she unlocks her ultimate: PreCura.
Lia Kingly, Empress Arcana: Fourth party member. Neotech Academy’s resident “Queen”, she secretly wishes for nothing but the love of real friends and the chance to go wherever she wants. Gains a real friend with Elee as a Relation Connection, before joining the party when she faces her shadow in the Net (and becoming another Love Interest for Elee, and is the closest to being canon). Her Persona is Shishi, and it evolves into Orion (based on Shishi red’s forms).
Wilson “Webby” Crimson, Star Arcana: A program originating from the Shadow Net, later revealed to be the once though missing son of Shad0wTech’s CEO. Acts as the groups navigator before he gets his own Persona, to become the fifth member of the team. His is an automatic Relation Connection for until you max it out (he’s also a potential love interest). Unlocks his persona after facing his shadow and learning the big truth of his past. His wants to find the truth grants him the Persona Janperson. When he reaches his max link, his persona grows into Gavan.
Max “Fang” Fangsen, Emperor Arcana: The sixth Party Member and second Navigator. Thought to be nothing but a punk by many of the other students, is actually a very smart person who works hard on his looks so no one will pick on him. Faces his shadow and begins his Relation Connection with Elee (another love interest, though it’s hinted he also has feelings for Roddy). His persona is  2Bat, who later evolves into Kivat (based on Kivat the 2 and 3 from Kiva)
Akira Ryuusou, Tower Arcana: Seventh Party Member, and an aspiring business studies focused student. He had once believed that business had to trample over everyone that could interrupt it, but saved himself when he remembered his morals were not worth compromising for the sake of money. His relation connection is learning to deal with his once terrible tendencies, and growing past them (continues the trend of being a potential love interest). His Persona is Zanget and his ultimate Persona is Kachidoki Zangetsu (it should be clear who that’s based on.)
Elise Knighting, Priestess Arcana: Eighth and final party member. A girl with royal heritage, she feels she trapped in a fate of only having her name tied to a past she wants nothing to do with. She faces her shadow and despair, regainning her hope of being able to change her family name into one of pride. Her Relation Connection is her first steps to becoming a recognized name. (Also a potential love interest, though she also has potential feelings for Webby.) Her Persona is Dull-Ga, and her Ultimate Persona is Bright-Garo (based on the Golden Knight Garo and what little I know of that series.)
Heroes Union, Fortune Arcana Relation Connection: The name of Asphalt’s team. They believe that as long as they stick together and keep their hope, Fortune will shine upon them. Earned their name from how Heroes were made to inspire hope to all. Updates automatically.
Mr. (Roger) Scripten, Strength Arcana Relation Connection: Elee’s Theater Teacher. Starts out as cold and closed to all, but actually cares about the students he teaches. As you become close to him, he slowly opens up to others, and becomes more cheerful. Eventually reveals that the reason he closed himself off is that one of students had an accident when working in the tech shop, and he was scared of getting close to students after. He provides Elee with help on her theatrics skills, in turn helping her dancing in the Shadow Net.
Molly Esperer, Hierophant Arcana Relation Connection: Elee’s adopted mom, she’s the head of the R&D area at Shad0wTech and a caring person. She’s very young to be a parent, at 27, but she wanted a child because she had felt that her home was too empty without a family, one that she wanted, despite not looking for any partners currently. She supports Elee in whatever she does, and provides info about shady tech dealings when she learns about the Union.
Mitsuru Kirijo and Yukari Takeba, Justice Arcana Relation Connection: Elee’s other ‘Moms’. Were the two who visited her the most when she was still in Japan. They still keep in contact with her, but eventually she gets to see them again when they move to Neotech for their work (Yukari getting a new role in a show being filmed there, and Mitsuru wanting to set up new works for the Kirijo Group in Neotech.)
Rise Kujikawa, Sun Arcana Relation Connection: The famous idol herself is living in Neotech for the next year and a half due to her work. Meets Elee when the girl interns at a production studio. She becomes quick friends with her, and is especially interested by the fact that she seems to know both Yukari Takeba AND Mitsuru Kirijo.
Barista From Japan, Ren, Moon Arcana Relation Connection: An aspiring professional cook and barista from Japan, Ren seems to know more than he lets on. Meets Elee when she enters his current workplace and he mentions wanting to see some Labyrinth Movies with a friend again someday. Later reveals himself as THE Ren Amamiya, once leader of the Phantom Thieves (Elee remembers meeting him once upon a time somewhere. Perhaps a Movie Theater? Or was it a Maze? She can’t get the letter Q out of her head.) 
Elizabeth, Death Arcana Relation Connection: A mysterious woman who owns the Blue House book rental. She reminds Elee of those two from ten years ago (due to how she was the attendant for them). The persona Elee can fuse by the end gives her a sad feeling, as if those two are with her again (Messiah and Thanatos).
Eli Simmers, Temperance Arcana Relation Connection: The man who runs the toy shop (and provides the Heroes Union with their weapons). Imports toys from overseas and bonds with Elee over their shared love of Featherman and Kamen Racer (as it’s called in that world). Wants nothing more in life than to share his joy of other cultures with Neotech, and his Connection is all about that.
Manuel Imborglione, Devil Arcana Relation Connection: Neotech Academy’s resident prankster, who also happens to be the star history student. Every prank he pulls is planned out with a historical event in mind and is often in the middle when it comes to win loss ratios for these pranks. His story is his want to make people learn from the past, as he had learned from his own growing up. As another student he is a potential love interest.
Mabel Enforcra, Judgement Arcana Relation Connection: Another Student at Neotech, Mabel is an aspiring comic writer and is Asphalt’s succesor to Mishima, as the moderator of the Heroes Union Site, the place that all of the dances of the HU are uploaded too. Her story involves her want to prove her worth as a writer, and Elee being there as a support. As a student, she is another potential love interest.
 Stella Reclu, Hermit Arcana Relation Connection: Stella is Neotech Academy’s top astrology student, with the habit of pushing everyone away who tries to get close. Elee manages to stay despite her pushing and learns that she was being pushed because Stella didn’t want her parents to try and threaten anyone for interrupting her studies. The Heroes Union saves her grieving heart and she finally stands up to her parents. As a student, she is another potential love interest for Elee.
Wilbur and Charlotte, The Lovers Arcana Relation Connection: The attendants of the Velvet Room, a married couple who live in the city and owe Igor a favor for help from a long time ago. They offer assistance to Elee when they see her, and handle the Persona Compendium.
Igor: The series staple caretaker of the Velvet Room, he offers his assistance with Persona Fusion and fortunetelling services. He loves the current status of the Velvet Room, as a hero group headquarters, stating it fills him with great pride as an over looker of the hopes of humans.
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Portuguese red candle tradition
alright here it is, fizz’s Christmas present this is based on the hallmark movie “the most wonderful time of the year” which is on YouTube and you should all watch it.
______ ship: ralbert genre: idiots warnings: fake trees and mild scream sesh words: 2077 woooweee editing: nope scope rope ______
Albert Dasilva did not like dogs. Ever since his uncle’s dog had tried to bite off his thumb in the third grade he’d been deathly afraid of them. And yet, here he was, running a dog walking business.
But what he hated even more were cats.
They were just inexplicably evil. How was it that virtually every human being on the planet went all uwu whenever they saw a cat? Albert just didn't trust them. They were definitely in charge of the illuminati. Actually, Albert had made a video on that very topic on his youtube channel last year that had over 1.4 million views. It was his biggest accomplishment to date.
But we’re getting off topic here. What’s really important is that Albert hates cats.
So how was it that he found himself walking three of them?
Yes, you read that right. Walking not one, not two, but three whole cats. Through his dog walking business, which annoyed him to no end because it was clearly a dog walking business, not a cat walking business and plus there was the question of who the hell would pay someone to walk their cats? And it was also blizzarding. But he was a broke 24 year old living out of his van and cash was cash so he put himself through the torture of walking three yowling cats.
Finally, 2 whole hours later - which was an hour longer than it took to walk dogs, curse these stupid cats - he was trudging up to the fancy suburban upper middle class house to deposit the ferocious beasts and then go freeze in his van.
The door opened, revealing the semi attractive cat owner himself - he would have been actually attractive had it not been for the fact that he not only owned three cats but also paid Albert to walk them. Oh, he had a name. It was something strange. Tack? Ruce? No. Oh yes, Race.
“My furry babies!” Race squealed as bend down to embrace his cats. Rather anticlimactically, two of them ran right past Race into the house. The third tripped climbing through the front door, giving Race just enough time to scoop him up and pet him. Sorta like Cruella Da Ville. Exept with a cat.
“Thanks for walking them,” Race said, smiling as he shifted the cat to hand Al an envelope with his pay in it.
“Yeah you're welcome,” Al said, accepting the envelope.
“You got someplace warm to stay?” Race asked somewhat awkwardly.
Albert gestured to his van that was parked at the end of the driveway. “You’re looking at it.”
Race’s eyes widened and he nearly dropped his cat. “You live out of a van?”
Albert rolled his eyes, all but ready to throw a fat, wet snowball into Mr. McPrissy’s face. “I do. It’s easier than a house cause I just kinda come and go as I please.”
“You- you what?” Race stuttered. “I can’t believe in a car you're gonna freeze to death. And then whos gonna walk my cats! No one else is dumb enough to do such a job.”
Albert had had just about enough of this asshole and his dumb cats. “Listen. Not all of us are satisfied by being business executives-”
“-okay? I’ve been traveling around the country in that van since the night of my high school graduation doing weird things and meeting all sorts of cool people - except you, you're an asshole - and I’ve spent much colder winters than this in Minnesota in that van. I think I’ll be okay.” And with that he began to stomp down the snowy steps back to his van.
“Why don't you stay here tonight?”
Albert froze in his place and turned dramatically to look over his shoulder. “What?”
“I said, why don't you stay here tonight?” Race repeated. His arms were crossed and the wind was blowing his blonde locks into this hard set blue eyes. He definitely looked pretty, er, meant business.
Still, Albert retaliated. What an idiot.
“Did you not hear me? Winters in Minnesota.”
“I heard you,” Race said firmly. “And I’m not asking you to move in with me. Just spend the night someplace warm. I don't want you to get hypothermia, I can tell you from personal experience that it’s not fun.”
Albert sighed. He really wanted to say no, he really did. He didn't want to be anywhere near that weirdo or his cats anytime soon. But the prospect of an actual bed and a warm house was too inviting. Begrudgingly, he trudged back up the steps, uttering a small “thank you” before stepping inside.
And almost throwing up at the accursed sight before him.
“You have a fake silver christmas tree?”
“Doesn’t everyone?” Race said, pulling the door shut behind him.
“No?” Albert stared at his new host in disbelief. “People actually buy real trees. With needles. And sap. You’re not doing Christmas right.”
“How dare you mosey into my house and tell me I’m not doing Christmas right.” Race scoffed, crossing his arms. One of his cats mewed menacingly behind him. Truly it was nice touch.
“Well you’re not!” Albert exclaimed, throwing his hands up. “Look if I’m going to stay here, you’re going to have a real tree.”
Race looked skeptical.
Albert rolled his eyes, mimicking Race’s annoyed stance. “Think of it as a Christmas present. It is just a few days away.”
Race sighed loudly, looking up at the ceiling. “Fine,” he mumbled.
Despite himself, Albert smiled.
“And where might I get a ‘real Christmas tree,’ O Great And Powerful Christmas Tree Lord?”
“At a tree lot,” Albert said. “D u h.”
“Well I’m not exactly an official Christmas tree connoisseur,” Race said, reaching for his coat. “I assume we’re going now?”
“Of course. I refuse to spend one more minute in this house with that - that thing.” Albert said playfully.
“Oh shut up it’s not that bad. My grandmother used to have a pink one,” Race said, grabbing his keys.
Albert shuddered. “Good thing I won’t be meeting her.”
“She’s dead.”
Albert flung open the front door dramatically. “Even better.”
Race groaned loudly as he pulled the door shut and locked it, causing the giant wreath on the front door to fall to the ground with a small oof.
“Race,” Albert said disappointedly, “the wreath is too big.”
“No,” Race countered, picking it up, “the hook is too small.”
“So he a bigger hook.”
“I don’t have one.”
“So buy a smaller wreath.”
“I like this one.”
“You are so difficult I wish I had just slept in my car!”
“Yeah well you’re not exactly pleasant either, coming in here telling me that I’m doing Christmas ‘wrong’!”
“Who buys a fake silver tree?!”
“I do!!”
“It's not even green!”
“So-it’s,” Albert began, but stopped suddenly. There was something about the determination set on Race’s face that made him want to kiss the shit out of him.
Albert you son of a bitch. You could have gotten the hots for anyone and you choose the guy who has three cats and a silver Christmas tree?
“Excuse me, Race, sorry to interrupt.”
Albert pulled himself out of his romantic exploits that may or may not have involved him and Race making out under the fake silver tree to see that another man had joined them on the porch, seemingly out of thin air.
“Hi Romeo,” Race said tightly.
“I just happened to notice that you haven’t put up your Christmas lights yet, and you know we’re goin for the whole street this year. Nothing fancy just white lights - only white.” He gave Race a pointed stare. “You don’t wanna be-”
“-the only dark house on Christmas Eve,” Race finished exasperatedly. “I know.”
“So you’ll get on it?” Romeo asked, seemingly oblivious to Race’s disinterest.
“Yes I’ll get on it, now if you’ll excuse me I really have to go run some errands.”
This time, Romeo seemed to get the hint and he scurried off back to his house next door - ah so he was a neighbor, that made more sense.
Albert turned to Race. “Change of plans,” he announced. “You’re getting the tree by yourself.”
Race eyed him skeptically. “Why?”
“Because I’m going to put up your lights. That neighbor sounded pissed.”
Race rolled his eyes. “You’re a dog walker, you’re hardly qualified.”
“And you’re a business executive.”
“Same difference!” Albert groaned. “And besides, I’ve done all sorts of odd jobs, I was a handyman a few years back in Colorado. I know my way around a ladder.”
“Well,” Race saw that there was no way of getting out of this argument, “if you insist.”
“Oh I do insist. And I got a little something special to keep your neighbor away,” Albert winked mischievously.
“Alright, whatever,” Race waved him off. “Just don’t get me sued. And what kind of tree do I buy?”
“A big one, we need a thick stick!” Albert called over his shoulder as he headed over to the garage. With any bit of luck, this plan should work.
By the time Race got back with the tree, Albert had just finished stringing up the lights so he decided to flex on his host - literally and figuratively - by bringing the tree inside and setting it up. The three cats - whom he had learned were named Steve, Peter, and Tony after Race’s favorite Marvel characters -mewed at it suspiciously before going to do their cat related activities, like take over the world.
They had just began to put the ornaments on, laughing and having a grand time singing along to crappy pop Christmas songs, when the doorbell rang.
Race set down the glass ball he was holding and went to answer the door. “I’ll be right back, do not munch that.”
Albert looked at him quizzically.
“I don’t know man, you just seem like the kind of person who would.” Then he left, leaving Albert to question his mental well-being.
However, all of that was abandoned when he heard the shrill voice of Race’s neighbor and he ran to the door to watch his plan unfold.
“Race,” Romeo was saying, “come here I need to show you something.”
Albert watched from the door as Romeo pulled Race out into the lawn and pointed up at the one red bulb he had put in the strand of white lights and couldn’t help but laugh.
“It’s red.” Romeo said, holding out his palm. “I brought you a white one, if you want it.”
“No actually,” Albert said, stepping out of the house. “We did that on purpose. See there’s this thing where I come from called the Portuguese Red Candle Tradition - very old and sacred tradition - where you put out one red candle, or light, to keep away the dark spirits. It’s said to bring good luck.”
Romeo stood open mouthed.
“I have one inside if you want it.”
Romeo shook his head.
“Great, well then if you don’t mind Race and I have a tree to finish decorating. Ta ta,” he said, pulling Race inside and shutting the door, hearing the oof of the wreath falling off the door once again.
Race stood with his arms crossed. “There’s no such thing as the Portuguese Red Candle Tradition, is there?”
Albert fidgeted. “No.”
“And you know by putting that one red bulb there you’re going to drive him absolutely nuts right?”
“I had the general idea, yes.”
“And you know that he’s gonna drive me insane about fixing it right?”
“Is that why you do you just waltz into peoples houses and make their lives more difficult?”
“I didn’t do anything I was trying to help!”
“Oh like you were with the tree?”
“Hey, everyone deserves to have a good tree!”
“My tree was perfectly fine!”
“It was made of plastic!”
“Perfectly nice plastic!”
“Yeah well your tree can go to hell!”
“You know who else can go to hell?”
“Lemme guess, me?!”
And then Race’s lips were pressed into his.
Albert had to admit, it wasn’t the most romantic kiss ever, what with the satanic cats mewing in the background and the ugly silver tree in pieces on the floor, but maybe, just maybe, it was a good idea that he didn’t freeze to death in his van that night.
we Stan a pair of idiots, happy Christmas fizzy babe I hope I did you a solid
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catalinda04 · 5 years
Carried Away Chapter 59: I couldn’t think of a name...
Lucy flew, with Henry in tow, to New York late on Friday night for her appointment with Jessica on Saturday. It was almost 1:00 am by the time they reached their hotel in midtown Manhattan. Lucy slid into the bed and fell asleep almost instantly. Henry followed soon after.
The following morning, Lucy and Henry took a short cab ride to Jessica’s store front in the city’s Garment District. The bell over the door tinkled, signaling their arrival. Jessica herself peered out from the back room. Her face splitting into a wide smile upon seeing Lucy and Henry.
“Lucy!” The other woman exclaimed, opening her arms to lightly embrace Lucy, and kiss her cheeks European style.
“Jessica, this is my fiancé Henry. He insisted on coming to New York with me.” Lucy explained.
Jessica extended her hand toward Henry. “It’s a pleasure to meet you Henry.”
Henry shook the woman’s hand lightly, “the pleasure is all mine,” he flashed her one of his movie star smiles.
Jessica turned her attention back to Lucy, “are you ready to try on your dress?”
“I am so ready!” Lucy smiled, barely containing her excitement. Jessica motioned for Lucy to follow her toward the fitting area. Henry started following along behind dutifully. Lucy spun on her toe and put her hand to his chest. “Just where do you think you’re going, mister?”
“With you?” He answered uncertainly.
“No. I told you, you’re not getting a look at this dress until the ceremony. You’ll see it in 26 days. For now, you stay out here. Find a chair, and play on your phone or something. I’ll be out in a bit.” He pulled a face, but did as he was told.
Jessica directed Lucy into a changing room, and left her to change her undergarments while Jessica retrieved the dress. She returned carrying a large white garment bag. She unzipped it to reveal the blush sparkle of the dress Lucy had picked out just months before.
Jessica assisted Lucy into the dress, zipping the back, and buttoning the lace closure holding the back of the neckline together, creating an attractive keyhole back. Jessica fiddled with the hem, spreading it out, before allowing Lucy to turn to see herself in the mirror. She gasped at her appearance. The dress fit almost perfectly. The blush pink played nicely off her paler winter skin, and the lace Jessica chose to construct the straps melded perfectly with the original dress design. Lucy brought her hands to her waist to swish the skirt and see it from all angles. She grasped a small piece of the dress near her right hip, only to find a hole in the dress. She looked down in panic, sure she had ruined the dress. Her hand probed the hole it found, “it has pockets!” Lucy exclaimed.
“Almost all of my designs have pockets. It’s one of my signatures. Now what do you think?”
“Oh, Jessica, it’s beautiful. It’s amazing, it’s...I wish I had a thesaurus to properly describe how I feel about this dress.”
“I’m glad. We worked hard on it, to get to done so quickly.” She and Lucy spent the next several minutes discussing the fit, and what, if any, alterations needed to be made.
“Because of the special circumstances, we’ll get these alterations done, and, can you come in again tomorrow for a final fitting?”
“Tomorrow? The dress will be done tomorrow?”
“Ordinarily, no, but because of the circumstances, I have my top seamstress standing by ready to work on this dress, and only this dress. We’ll have you come in tomorrow, and if it all goes as it should, you’ll be able to leave with your dress. If more alterations need to be made. We’ll courier your dress to you in Minnesota by the middle of the week.” Jessica explained.
“And how much is all of this rushing costing me?” Lucy asked tentatively.
“It’s not costing you anything, Victoria Beckham is one of my biggest investors, and she personally asked me to make sure you got exactly what you wanted, as a personal favor to her. Apparently she’s quite fond of you. Though truth be told, I am too,” she explained, giving Lucy a wink.
“Well, thank you Jessica. This means more than I can say really.” Lucy thanked her, as she helped Lucy out of the dress.
“Ready to go?” Lucy asked Henry, as she walked toward him, shrugging into her winter coat.
“You’re not bringing the dress with you?”
“It needs a few alterations, I have another appointment tomorrow for the final fitting. THEN I get to bring it home.”
Henry offered his arm to Lucy as they exited the store, “well darling, it would seem we have the rest of our day free. What would you like to do?”
Lucy slipped her arm through his as they strolled through the brisk December morning. “Other than the premiere this spring, I’ve never been to New York. Do you have any recommendations?”
Henry thought for a long moment, “I think you would enjoy the MoMA. They have Van Gogh, Dali, Picasso. I know how much you love Picasso.”
“I didn’t think you liked art museums,” she looked up at him.
“I don’t visit them on my own, but with you, I do enjoy seeing them. You make it a whole new experience for me,” he elaborated, kissing her temple.
“Are you just saying that, so I don’t feel bad about dragging you to a museum?”
“No, darling, I mean it. You go into teacher mode, and actually, I think it’s kind of sexy,” he murmured in her ear.
“Then the MoMA it is,” she said, fanning her face.
They spent over two hours, wandering the halls of the museum, Lucy admiring the art, and Henry admiring Lucy.
After lunch, they took a stroll down 5th Avenue. Lucy marveled at the Christmas display windows, happy just to be with Henry, she had missed him while he’d been away filming. They returned to the hotel for a rest, before going out for dinner. Henry stopped at the concierge when they entered the lobby. “I’m expecting an envelope? Has it been delivered yet?” He asked the well dressed man behind the desk.
“Yes, sir, Mr. Cavill. And your packages have already been sent up to your suite.” The man said, handing Henry a white business sized envelope. Henry thanked the man, and handed in a generous tip.
“What’s that? What are you up to?” Lucy asked as they walked to the elevator. Once inside, Henry handed her the envelope.
“Why don’t you see for yourself,” he suggested.
Lucy took the envelope and gingerly opened it as the elevator made its way to their floor. She lifted the flap to peer inside, and found two tickets. She reached inside to retrieve the two rectangles, and read aloud, “Radio City Christmas Spectacular! You got us tickets to see the Rockettes? How did you know I’ve always wanted to see them?” She asked, throwing her arms around his neck.
“It was on your bucket list. When you said we would be going to New York, I thought it would be a nice surprise for you.”
“But HOW did you get tickets? I thought they were all sold out.”
“I know a guy,” he said, grinning at her, pressing the key card to the touch pad to unlock their hotel room door. He motioned for Lucy to enter before him, she kept her gaze on him as she entered.
“You know a guy? But, I didn’t bring anything to wear to Radio City Music Hall,” Lucy gasped. Henry settled his hands on her shoulders,and turned her toward the closet, which had two garment bags hanging on it, that hadn’t been there that morning when they left. “Henry, what did you do?” Lucy asked approaching the garment bags.
“You’re not the only one who can make plans.” Henry replied.
Lucy reached for the zipper on the first bag. Inside she found a sheath dress in a deep emerald green, with black lace lining the hem. She turned to Henry. “Henry, it’s beautiful, but its too much, the tickets, the dress, it’s all too much. I can’t possibly reciprocate.”
Henry closed the short distance between them, taking her in his arms, silencing her words with a kiss. “First of all darling, you don’t need to reciprocate, mainly because I don't expect anything in return. But you already DO reciprocate, in a thousand little ways. You love me and care for me. It’s the million little things you do for me that show me you care. I know that it’s not always easy being in a relationship with me, and you never complain You’re willing to completely upend your life for me. I want to show you just how much you mean to me, by making all your dreams come true.”
“You’re too good to me.” Lucy smiled, resting her head on his chest.
Lucy and Henry managed to keep the details of their wedding secret. The only people who knew about the wedding were the people invited, and they had been sworn to secrecy. Lucy didn’t want her students crashing the wedding, while Henry didn’t want any paparazzi ruining their day.
When her students asked if she had any plans for the break, she could barely contain her smile as she thought about becoming Henry’s wife, but managed to lie convincingly that she and Henry would just be having a quiet Christmas with her family.
They spent Christmas Eve with Lucy’s family at her parent’s house, and hosted a Christmas Day dinner for Lucy’s parents and grandmother at The Lodge. The couple took a quiet day to themselves on Saturday before Henry’s whole family arrived on Sunday.
Henry had received a text from one of his brothers that they had all gotten their respective rental cars and were heading north. Everyone had flown in the previous afternoon, and stayed in Minneapolis in order to combat their jetlag before driving to Lucy and Henry’s house. As the time that everyone should arrive approached, Lucy began pacing.
“Why did I say that I was fine with everyone staying here? Am I crazy?” she asked no one in particular, rubbing her temples.
Henry, who was lazing on the couch, stood in her path, halting her pacing. “Well, darling you ARE marrying me, so the jury is still out on the crazy verdict, but I don’t think you are. I think you are unfailingly kind, and you know that I don’t see my family as often as I’d like, so you agreed to everyone staying with us so that the family wouldn’t be separated.”
Lucy released the breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding, and collapsed against Henry’s chest. “Thank you. I’m sure you’re going to have to talk me down about a thousand times this week.”
“Whatever you need Cupcake, you just tell me,” he replied, kissing her forehead.
Kal barked and Lucy and Henry saw five vehicles crest the small rise in the drive. “The British are coming, the British are coming,” Lucy chanted under her breath, causing Henry to bark out a laugh, as they both donned their shoes to greet the family.
There was a flurry of activity as everyone greeted the pair. All of the boys ran to give their Uncle Hank the first hug, while Lucy went in search of Heather and baby Sophia. She volunteered to carry the baby and carrier into the house, signalling for the other women to follow. “Henry, you guys get the bags.” Lucy called over her shoulder.
“Yes, dear,” Henry said sarcastically, helping Charlie unload their suitcases.
“You’re going to be such a good husband,” Charlie quipped, patting his brother on the shoulder.
    Henry entered the house in time to hear Lucy explaining the layout of The Lodge.
    “On the ground floor, we have the kitchen, help yourself to anything in the fridge, a half-bath, dining area, and living room. In the basement is the movie theater, exercise area, game room, and another half-bath, there’s also a bar down there, that Henry stocked. If you want anything, help yourself.”
    “On the first floor are most of the bedrooms. Our room is in the corner, with one of the full bathrooms. The bedroom on the other end has the other ensuite bathroom, which we thought Charlie and Heather could take, because of baby Sophia. The other rooms can share the full bathroom in the hallway, but you’re welcome to use ours as well.”
    “The second floor has another full bathroom, two bedrooms, and a second living room area, with a pullout couch. Henry and I thought that might be a good place for the older boys. I guess that’s it for now, so you all can fight over who gets which room, and you can settle in. Dinner is in about 2 hours, so make yourselves at home.”
    “Heather, I’ll take Sophia, while you and Charlie get unpacked,” Lucy volunteered, holding out her arms toward the baby. Heather handed over the little girl, and followed everyone else upstairs.
    Henry found her 10 minutes later, sitting on the couch, cooing to his niece, “look at you. You’re so little. Look at these little fingers.” Henry watched her kiss the baby’s fingers. His heart warmed, thinking about her holding their own baby. She didn’t hear him approach, she was so wrapped up in the infant. “You’re such a pretty girl,” she murmured.
    “Luckily she takes after her mother,” Henry commented, taking a seat beside her.
    “She’s so precious. I don’t want to let her go,” Lucy commented to him, not taking her eyes off the little girl.
    “Well, I think mum is going to have something to say about that. This is her first granddaughter.”
    “I know, but I’m not going to give her up until someone tells me I have to.”
    “I didn’t think you would.” Henry laughed. He stood, and first kissed his niece on the forehead, then Lucy, before leaving them together.
That night, Lucy and Henry cooked dinner for everyone, a classic English roast, complete with Yorkshire pudding. Everyone raved that it was almost as good as Maryanne’s, to which Maryanne protested that her Yorkshire puddings had never turned out so light and airy. Lucy felt lighter than the pudding.
Even with everything on her pre-wedding to-do list, Lucy cleared Monday to spend with Henry’s family. They all spent the day enjoying each other’s company, and not having anything that needed to be done.
Tuesday was Lucy’s day with her bridesmaids.
“Are you sure it’s not horribly rude to just leave?” Lucy asked, while getting dressed that morning.
Henry sat on the edge of the bed and motioned her over. He pulled her into his embrace, resting his hands on her bottom. “Cupcake, everyone understands that you’re preparing for the wedding. And if anyone tries to fault you, I will remind them as such. Now, go, have a lovely afternoon with your girls, and I will see you home for dinner. I’m making my bolognese.”
“Oooh, that sounds delicious,” she kissed him quickly, “I’ll see you then.”
She met Sarah, Emma, Anna, and Jenn at a local cafe for lunch before going to the salon that would be styling their hair on the wedding day for manicures. At lunch she gave the women their schedules for the wedding day, starting with their hair appointments around lunch time, and finishing with the morning after brunch Lucy and Henry were having catered at the reception hotel.
The women arrived at the salon and decided on their manicure order. They took their seats at the nail stations they had been directed to. Lucy produced several bottles of polish in the exact shade of their bridesmaid dresses.
“Ladies, I don’t care which you do, but please either stick to the blue, or a simple french manicure. I’m going with a classic french manicure.” The women enjoyed their afternoon together, laughing and sipping champagne.
While she was waiting for everyone to be finished, Anna got a text from Clint. He had taken the kids to The Lodge to go sledding with Henry’s nephews, and been invited to stay for dinner. Lucy called her parents and invited them to dinner as well, then called Henry.
“I hear we have extra guests for dinner.”
“Yes, it’s pasta, it goes a long way.” Henry commented unconcerned.
“Do I need to bring anything home? I’m just about to leave the salon.”
He gave her a short list of things that the house needed, and disconnected.
The dinner at The Lodge was just short of a mad house With 25 people, space was at a premium, and seating was limited. They managed to eat in stages. First the boys were fed, then their mothers set them up in the theater with a movie, while the adults ate. Lucy leaned into Henry’s side, sipping her wine, as she watched her parents and brother interact with the people who would soon be her family.
Wednesday found everyone at the church for the rehearsal. Everything went smoothly, causing Lucy to hope everything would go just as smoothly the following afternoon. The whole group, all 35 of them, including the wedding party, the nephews and nieces, Lucy’s grandma, and pastor Meredith and her husband, had a dinner catered at the reception hotel, before returning home to change for stag and hen nights.
Lucy hired a limo to pick up all of her girls and take them around. She invited the Cavill sisters-in-law who wholeheartedly agreed, leaving Maryanne and Collin to watch the grandchildren.
“You’re sure it’s not too much trouble? Lucy asked. “I could get a sitter here in half an hour.”
“It’s no bother, they’re all in bed. It’s no different than Christmas.” Maryanne assured her.
Lucy was the last to be picked-up by the limo, she found Sarah, Emma, Anna, and Jenn already deep into a bottle of champagne by the time the Cavil sisterhood joined them. They settled on one of Lucy’s favorite bars, where they proceeded to monopolize the jukebox and work their way through the bartender’s catalog of fruity drinks.
Henry and the guys settled on a local pool hall to play billiards, drink copious amounts of whiskey and smoke cigars. The women collectively declared their plans lame.  
When the night started to wear down, the men descended on the women’s party. The men shared a round of drinks with the women as the bartender called Last Call. The whole group bundled themselves out of the bar to make their way home. Paolo, Joshua, Lee and Clint had driven themselves, and as such, peeled off with their wives to go back to their respective homes.
Jenn, who had decided she was too tired, and tipsy, to walk, requested a piggy-back from her husband. She could be heard yelling from the next block, “Top Night!” causing the remaining partiers to collapse into giggles.
Thursday morning Lucy opened her eyes to find Henry staring at her, is eyes caressing her face. She didn’t speak, just let her eyes roam the planes and angles of his face, until their eyes met and held. A wide smile split Lucy’s face.
“We’re getting married today,” she whispered.
“I knew there was something I was forgetting,” he grinned back at her, before leaning in to kiss her good morning. “Just think, in less than 12 hours, we will be man and wife,” he commented, pulling her close to snuggle into his chest.
“And in just over 48 hours, we’ll have the house to ourselves again!” Lucy quipped
“It hasn’t been so bad having everyone here, has it?” Henry asked
“No,” Lucy conceded, “in fact your sisters-in-law have been a great help, but it will be nice to have some privacy again.”
“That’s why we got the bridal suite at the hotel tonight.” he murmured suggestively. They snuggled in each others arms for a few more minutes, until they heard someone moving around downstairs. Henry rolled out of bed, and slipped on a pair of sweatpants, and a t-shirt. “I’ll see you downstairs in a few minutes Cupcake,” he said before leaving her alone in the bedroom.
Lucy took a few minutes to brush her hair, and trade her pajamas for yoga pants and a long sleeved t-shirt before padding downstairs herself. She found the kitchen a hive of activity. Maryanne had taken up residence at the stove and was swirling batter in a large frying pan. The long counter in front of her was laid out with every topping anyone could ask for.
“What’s this?” Lucy asked in awe.
“Mum’s making crepes for everyone for breakfast.” Henry answered, handing Lucy a mug of tea.
“Oh, Maryanne, you don’t have to do…” Lucy started, but was cut off by her soon-to-be mother-in-law waving a spatula at her.
“Dear, it’s your wedding day, you will be running nonstop, you need a good breakfast.” She thrust a plate in Lucy’s direction. “Now, take this plate, start with 2 crepes, add as many toppings as you would like, and sit down and eat. Mother’s orders.”
“Yes, ma’am.” Lucy replied, following orders. She looked down at her hands clutching the plate and saw the slightest tremble from the excitement the day was about to bring.
Chapter 58           Chapter 60
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dib-adrift · 5 years
[ @dib-adrift @high-chancellor-raask ]
Dib always knew his curiosity was more of a curse than a blessing. He knew he probably shouldn’t have followed those coordinates so blindly. But here he was, exactly where the message had wanted him to go.
He jumped when the communications beeped. He answered the call and a pretty, one eyed alien came up on the screen. “Hello, Dib Membrane. My name is Leera, and I am the Head Secretary to the High Chancellor of the Galactic Alliance. We will be teleporting you to the High Chancellor’s ship shortly. He has been expecting you.”
High Chancellor? Wasn’t that the guy everyone seemed to hate so much? He’d done a bit a research, but the answers he found weren’t so simple. Two different stories, both with plausible information to back them up. The only thing he managed to conclude was that someone was most definitely hiding something.
He almost considered changing his mind, but before he could, he was beamed on board the larger ship. The same woman from the screen appeared in front of him.
“Welcome, Mr. Membrane. If you’ll follow me.”
Dib huffed, following after Leera at a steady pace. He was having second thoughts, but he was afraid of getting lost on the ship. He was lead to a large room with a giant window, facing out toward the nearby nebula, bathing the floor and walls in pink, gold, blue and green light. Leera stepped aside, allowing for Dib to enter as she announced his presence.
The High Chancellor turned around, giving Leera a brief nod. “Thank you, Leera. You may go.”
Leera gave a bow and salute before hurrying out of the room. Dib watched her go before turning back to the High Chancellor. His eyes widened as he looked at him.
“...Mr. Dwicky?”
Dwicky met his gaze, observing Dib. The right height. The trench coat and goggles. The last time he saw them...no. Things would be different this time. All the pieces in their places.
“Yes. Though I haven’t been called that in a long time,” Dwicky told him. He gestured for Dib to come closer. “However, if you wish to call me that, you may.”
Dib took a slow step forward, keeping vigilant of any movement Dwicky made. Even if the evidence to what really happened was scrambled and inconclusive, Midge and Dek seemed pretty adamant that his man was...bad. And yet...strange. Why did he feel that feeling that he felt around Midge and Dek? Like he’d found something?
“Why am I here?” Dib asked.
“Why do you think?” Dwicky answered. “I told you I have something to offer you. I’m sure you’ve heard all sorts of things about me. I do hope you’ll give me the chance to explain my side of things? But more importantly,” he snapped his fingers, and the view from outside began to change. Flashes. Scenes maybe? Dib in a dark blue uniform. A Team Nebula uniform. Zim - his Zim - was beside him. Flashes of a ship (his ship? It certainly looked like the Sualocin). Flash after flash after flash.
“What is this?” Dib asked, a scene where he and Team Nebula revealed to Earth the existence of aliens.
“This, Dib, is the life you were supposed to have,” Dwicky answered. “You must have felt it, right? The strange connection between you and Team Nebula? Particular it’s Captain and Chief Medical Officer?” He gazed at him through the corner of his eye. “I believe your ship great resembles that one. And someone else’s.”
Dib tensed. He knew Agent’s ship was the same make and model as his. He turned, looking directly at Dwicky. “What do you mean ‘life I was supposed to have?’”
“I mean precisely what I said,” Dwicky said. “I believe I told you that Agent isn’t really they’re Dib, correct? That is because you are they’re Dib. They were supposed to recruit you. You were supposed to be Commander Dib Membrane of Team Nebula. Someone who helped save the universe from tyranny.
“But...when the universes merged, a bit of a hiccup happened.” The scenes changed to ones of Agent-Dib hanging out with Midge and Dek. Everything from movie nights to liberating Irk. Fighting side by side to laughing while eating ice cream. Dib couldn’t help but tense even more, his fist clenching and a growl escaping his mouth.
“To make matters worse, it seems Agent knows more about what goes on than the rest of us. And if that is the case, you could say that...well…”
“...He stole my life.”
“In a way...yes.” The scenes changed on the screen. They looked brighter. Dib was with Midge and Dek. Really with them. And...Zim was there? But how? What?
“But we can fix it, Dib,” Dwicky said, having half the screen display his schematics and pictures of the collider. “I have the technology to set things right. To reset everything to exactly how it should be.” He smiled. “Imagine, having your Zim back. Your old life back. Having more time to reconcile with your father. Time to spend with your sister. The family you always wanted.”
Dib’s eyes widened as he watched. It was...really beautiful, the things he was being shown. And looking at the schematics, he could tell this was a legit machine. However…
“What do you get out of this? What do you want from me?”
“Me? I get my life back, too.” The scene switched, showing Dwicky with two Plookesians. By the way they were acting they appeared to be mates. There were also three children. No...four. Was that Chance? “The life that was stolen from me long ago.” He turned to Dib directly, his icy blue eyes lighting up. “And once things are set to how they should be, imagine what we could do together? Imagine the kind of world we truly could build? A world where world no longer get destroyed by tyrants. A world where people no longer have to deal with the wheel of the elite crushing those beneath them. A world of real peace and prosperity. I will admit...sacrifices will have to be made. But...wouldn’t it be worth it to have this?” The side by side changed to Dwicky’s ideal life and Dib’s being next to each other. “To have the worlds that were stolen from us back? And to ensure it never happens to another soul ever again?”
Dib continued to stare at the scene. He looked happy. Zim looked happy. Midge and Dek looked happy. His chest tightened in want. If only he could…
But...he could.
“How do I know you’re not lying?”
“Hmm. I suppose you don’t,” Dwicky replied. “But something tells my you want to find out. After all, who else has offered you something like this? An opportunity like this one?”
Dib narrowed his eyes, but he nodded and said nothing else. “Sacrifices, you say?”
“Yes, I’m afraid they’re necessary. But...look at what we get in return. Not just these lives for ourselves. But for everyone else in the multiverse.”
Dib mulled everything over. But...he couldn’t help but keeping looking at the scenes he was being shown. Scenes of peace and happiness. Scenes that seemed impossible right now.
Perhaps...they were only impossible with the way the others dealt with them…
“I need some time to think,” Dib said, taking another glance.
“Of course. Take all the time you need, Dib,” Dwicky told him. “I will be having a little meeting in a couple days. I’ll send you the details. Oh! By the way you don’t mind working with others, do you?”
“I...I guess not?”
“Perfect! A new development has been brought to my attention. Anyway, come to that meeting should you choose to accept.”
“Okay.” Not knowing what else to say he added. “Thank you.”
“Oh, no Dib. Thank you.”
Dib nodded as he left the room. His mind was still swimming as he was teleported to his ship. Mostly with the images Dwicky had shown him. Of the life you could have had. Of the life he’d just been promised.
Midge and Dek wouldn’t like it…
But if everything reset...would they actually care? Would they even remember?
What did he have to lose, here, really?
Time to be in the room where it happens.
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sithlordintraining · 6 years
Knight of the Night (Modern Superhero/Vigilante Au!Matt)
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A/N: I have the flu, but Reader and Kylo finally cross paths. Unexpectedly. 
Summary: Matt Organa-Solo, a 21-year old psychology student at Academia: University of First Order. He was the only child of Senator Leia Organa-Solo and Retired Chief of Police Han Organa-Solo. It was a problematic community, but not as terrible as some other towns and colleges. But somehow, he always found himself always somehow saving someone, literally. After a crazy night, will Matt dare venture to become the hero this place needs?
Knight of the Night Collection
Vol. #7- Two’s A Company, Three’s A Crowd
Matt waited for you at the fountain, he looked at his watching. It was 9:57, you got out of class at 9:30 and it was less than a fifteen-minute walk from the building. His dark brows were set in a deep scowl as he waited for you to come. The two of you were going to have lunch together. The familiar sound of your laughter. He looked up to see your famous curls whip through the breeze with a wide smile. His lips tugged at the sight of you, forgetting that you were late. That was until he turned to the side and saw Roger O’Malley next to you. It was definitely petty for Matt to hate this guy, but he refused to say he was jealous. Roger was one of the members of Phasma’s international students' club when they had the potluck. He had accidentally bumped into you and his Irish charm captured your heart. Well, that was an exaggeration, but you couldn’t help but fall for his Niall Horan-esque looks and his sweet nature made you instantly hit it off. Not to mention, Phasma telling her good things about the guy as if she was trying to set them up. Which drove Matt mad, you were with him! Well, technically not, but still. Everyone knew there was something between them.
“Matt!” You approached him. “I’m sorry I’m so late, I saw Roger helping these people and I just had to tell him how nice that was.” You gushed and a deep red blush covered Rogers features. Matt resisted rolling his eyes. “I’m sorry mate, I wouldn’t have kept her long if I would’ve known you had a date.” Roger apologized. Matt pressed a hand on your lower back and thanked him as he took you away from the boy. While keeping up, you turned to wave Roger a goodbye. “What was that?” You turned to Matt. A scowl had permanently set on his face as the pair continued to walk. “Nothing.” He mumbled. You stopped in your tracks. “It’s something if you’re mad at me.” “I’m not mad at you!” Matt’s tone came off harsher than he would’ve liked and it made him angrier. “I’m not mad, I-I just wanted us to have a nice lunch...together.” Matt sighed, with pink ears peeking out of his blond locks. A smile settled on your lips, he was jealous, but you wouldn’t tease him about it. “Alright, let’s go.” You held your hand out so he could lead the way. A boyish grin covered his features as he grabbed it, leading you to lunch.
Y/N’s giggling could be heard throughout the crowded restaurant. Matt tried, but failed, to keep his infatuated smiling at bay; you were just funny and adorable and everything you did made him smile. With his arms crossed on the table and him taking in everything that made you, he wondered how someone such as yourself would be interested in him. You were beautiful, stylish, talented, funny, smart, witty, caring; not that he wasn’t smart or caring, but you were the whole package and he didn’t understand how someone as weird-looking and awkward could get you. “There you are!” The two turned to see Phasma in oversized bamboo sunglasses. “I’ve been looking everywhere for you.” Phasma slid into the booth next to Y/N completely ignoring Matt. “Hello Phasma,” He was ignored as Phasma complimented your outfit. “Anyways, I just saw Roger.” The mention of his name made Matt want to punch the wall beside him. “And he wants to ask you out on a date!” Phasma squealed as your lips parted slightly. Matt clumsily knocked down the utensils on the tables. The girls looked at him before talking when he went to retrieve the items under the table. “Phasma, no what about Matt?” You whispered. Matt froze under the table. “What about him Y/N? I already told Roger that you two were nothing, don’t worry. I told him you’re free on Thursdays.” No words left your lips and Phasma took that as a yes. She hugged you tightly. “It’s been like almost two years since you went out, I’M SO EXCITED!” You rolled your eyes at her. Matt finally sat up to see you laughing. He would not lose you to Roger.
Matt watched Nassar hit the punching bag behind the mask. Though he was there, his mind was on you. It was five days until your date and he felt that he had to do something. “You’re distracted, what’s wrong?” Matt asked him. A staticky sigh left his helmet Nassar’s helmet. “It seems no matter how much we stop the crime, it increases. Plus, I’m still feel defeated on how I lost that guy the other day.” Nassar spoke honestly; there were just too many men that night and one got away. Silence filled the hot, sweat-thickened room before a question was asked. “Is it possible to add another person? There would be more eyes on the community as well as back-up in case one of us needs it.” Nassar spoke clearly, ready to provide more facts for convincing. Matt pondered over this, Nassar watched as his fellow vigilante’s helmet tilted. “Of, course Nassar.” The mechanical voice spoke making Nassar believe that there was more. “Do you have someone in mind?” He asked. “Yes...actually, I do.” Matt moved to a secluded part of the house to prepare for his new Knight.
Roger busied himself with wiping down the table at the hotel-restaurant he bus-boyed at for extra cash. The flickered as he tried to finish the last three tables, but soon all the lights went off. He stood frozen in the dark. “Hello?” His Irish accent grew thick with fear. “Michael? Jorge?” He called out for some of the other workers at the hotel restaurant. The lights flickered on to reveal a tall, dark, helmeted figure standing before him. “Roger O’Malley,” The loud voice makes Roger quiver and he is unable to speak, so he nodded. “Do you know who I am?” He asked and Roger shook his head no. “Well, you should. Now follow me.” The figure turned around taking quick steps, making Roger take long strides just to catch up with the mysterious figure. With wide eyes, Roger exited twisting the dish rag as he took in a larger helmeted figure standing by a black SUV. “Get in.” Roger didn’t need to be told twice. He was blindfolded the whole journey and was helped out of the truck and into a house. Hopefully, not to be killed. When it was removed he saw the first man in front of him and the larger one behind. “You might not know who I am, but you will. I am Kylo Ren and this is Nassar Ren, my fellow Knight.” Kylo said. “Yo-you’re the Knights of the Night.” Roger stuttered. “We’ve seen you’re contribution of being a good samaritan at your school and we think you will be a good fit,” Kylo said and Roger smiled. “Really Mr. Ren?” He asked in his accent. Kylo nodded. “I promise I won’t let you down. I’ll continue to help the fight.” Roger laid his right hand over his heart.
Roger received the name Olcan Ren. He was the smallest of the trio, which means he had to work twice as hard to keep up. And Matt had no problem with pushing him to the brink. It only frustrated him that he kept his positive outlook. And it didn’t help that his jealousy was fueling this. Matt could admit to a handful of times, messaging Roger when he was talking to you. He felt bad for doing this to you, but Matt really liked you and he didn’t want to mess up anything with you. So, excuse him for taking it slow. And as Thursday approached, Olcan was being scheduled for longer and enduring practices, if he wasn’t shadowing Kylo or Nassar. Matt walked across the lawn where Hux told him to meet him. Growing closer, he saw Phasma and Hux, right beside them was Y/N and Roger. Matt clenched his fist as he continued his steps. The sight of your fingers grazing Roger’s stubble had his chest tightening. “Hey, Matt!” Phasma said, causing you to snap your head to Matt. For a second, your eyes locked before he was returning them to Phasma. “Hey, are you guys ready to go to the movies?” He tried his best to hide his apparent anger. “Yeah, Roger would you like to join us?” Hux asked and Matt was 95% sure he would smother him in his sleep tonight. “Oi, I wish. But, I’m pulling extra shifts to take this one here on a nice date.” Roger pressed a kiss to your cheek as you bit back a smile. “Don’t overwork yourself and get some sleep.” You replied. Rolling his eyes, Matt looked the other way as Phasma began to coo.
The ride to the movie theater was awkward, standing online for snacks was awkward, and finding seats was awkward. Basically, anything between you and Matt was awkward. The only seats available for four people had two seats in one row and two seats behind. Of course, Hux being the devil he is, decided to sit next to Phasma. Leaving Matt to now try not to sit too close to her. Matt held the popcorn awkwardly in his hand. “Um...do you want some?” He turned to you. You shook your head no and continued to drink your Slurpee. The two of you stayed silent as the movie trivia played. “So...are you looking forward to your date?” He asked awkwardly. (Y/e/c) blinked a few times at him, surprised that he actually wanted to know. “Yes...no, well it’s been so long since my last date. But, Roger seems really nice and he’s making a big deal. It’s really sweet.” You said shortly, feeling uncomfortable. Matt just hummed and turned to face the screen. A few minutes had passed and you felt bad about going on this date with Roger when you like Matt. “Ok, look I hope this doesn’t mess up our friendship.” You turned to Matt. “I really do like you Matt and I’m sorry, but you know,” You began to shake your head as the lights began to dim in the theater. Things were getting too personal. “There are just some things you don’t understand.” You rambled off rather quickly leaving the boy speechless and confused. He chose not to press into the matter as the trailers began and like you, turn to face the screen.
Thursday came around and it was the worse. It was raining, it was his full schedule of classes, including introduction to women’s psychology, where all he could think about was you. You had mixed feelings about the date, but you didn’t say no. Yet, you looked forward to it. Then you apologized and told him he wouldn’t understand; what did all of this mean? Honestly, it was quite confusing. Matt turned his head outside where the rain poured down the windows. Letting out a sigh, he slid his phone on his desk to look at your Instagram that he stalked. Cringing, as he thought about how creepy he was being. He saw that you had recently posted a slide of photos. Your nails were red and long and when he swiped the next picture was a goofy picture of you fresh out of the salon as the sun-haloed your head. A warmth feeling spread in his chest until he saw Roger’s comment: All this for me🙈. He gritted his teeth; no it wasn’t for him, she is her on woman and does she want because she wants no because of a man. Rolling his eyes, he locked his phone and decided to focus about the Suffragettes instead of Y/N. But, it was easier said than done. After some time, Matt came up the perfect plan that would guarantee an unsuccessful date. Quickly, he sent a message to the other Knights for training. He knew they couldn’t say no to that. It was closely hitting the hour as Roger was ordered to do another set. A sigh filtered through his mask as he continued to swing and duck. Lazily, he swing stumbling to his left. Good, he was getting tired. “Anymore, Master Ren?” Roger asked. Matt hummed through the mask, he quite liked being called Master. “Indeed.” He needed. “And one more thing.” Roger was presented with his own mask and watch. “The watch must be worn at all time and the mask will be worn during training, understood, Olcan?” The Irish boy nodded, blue gleaming with fatigue and happiness. “Dismissed.
You looked over your shoulder for the millionth time, red nails strummed the bar top. Your phone vibrated, it was Phasma. “Did he come yet?” She asked. A pout fell on your painted lips. “No,” The line was silent on Phasma’s end. It was almost two hours you’ve been sitting at the bar alone and had been hit on by every old rich white dude in here shaking your head, you paid the tab and got your bag. “I’m just going to go home if he shows that I hope he’ll be waiting twice as long for my ass.” You ended the call with Phasma and walked outside to see if there were any cabs around. And of course, there wasn’t. Uber wasn’t any better, the closest one was twenty minutes away. “Shit,” She whispered. Sucking up her pride she pulled her little blazer closer to her and made a trek to the nearest bus stop. The wind ran up her bare legs as it howled, that being the only sound beside her red high heels clicking along the pavement. She began to speed up once fewer and fewer people were on the block. Before she knew it, it was just her and the night. And, unknown to her, the Knight. “Hello,” The synthesized voice caused Y/N to jump, eyes widening at the sight in front of her. It was THE Kylo Ren, the mysterious figure who had been saving people. Worried (y/e/c) eyes scanned her surroundings. “A-Am I in danger?” You gulped. “No, don’t be afraid.” The mask spoke truthfully. “T-Then why are you here? You only rescue people in d-danger.” The mask tilted his head. “That is true, but it is dangerous to walk alone at such a time.” What he said was true, but you’ve done it many times before.
So caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t even realize he was talking to you. “You know who I am, but who are you?” He asked. “I’m Y-Y/N,” You held your hand. Gently, his leather hand took yours and pressed it to his helmet. “O-Oh,” He said as you giggled. Matt thought he could hide his awkwardness behind the mysterious, confident, menacing Kylo Ren, but clearly...it wasn’t happening. He still held a firm grip on her hand as they just stared at each other. “Oh...well, thanks. I have to catch a bus.” You removed your hand shyly. “W-Wait, I’m here to take you home.” The mechanical voice rang out. “That’s very sweet of you Kylo Ren, but I’m pretty sure there are people that are more deserving of your time. Plus, I’m a big girl, I’ve stayed out late before.” You smiled and began to walk. Matt didn’t like that answer and slowly rode beside you. “I’m not saying you aren’t-” “Well before you continue, you’re a stranger. Yes, a crime-fighting stranger, but for all, I know you could be a fake. And I’ve already talked too much.” Y/N sucked her teeth and walked a little faster to the bus stop. A small smile fell on his lips at her words. Though this meant turning him down, he couldn’t help but be happy.
“Ok, how about I wait with you and follow to make sure you make it home?” He said. You were just about to say no when you saw the bright lights from the bus. “Okay,” You nodded. Of course, you didn’t believe him; but as you got on the bus, you saw him, almost like a shadow, pull beside the bus. And he had actually followed! If some weirdo in a mask was following you should’ve been scared but you couldn’t help but smile at every stop. It was the little-gloved waves or tilt of the mask that just made you laugh. So much, that you almost missed your stop when you looked out and didn’t see him. Walking off the bus, it drove off revealing you the dark knight. A suppressed smile fell on your lips as he strode up to you. “Well,” You rocked back and forth on your red heels. The mask tilted to look behind you. “I’m sorry you can’t go any further.” He nodded. “Thank you.” You smiled before going to the main campus. The next day, Matt rushed through the crowd to find his friends sitting on the large stairs in the main hall. He could make out Hux, then Phasma, and finally you, with an empty space next to you. She turned and smiled with the same glow from your date and your waves now up in a bun with your pale pink Champion sweatshirt. A blush hit his cheeks as he thought about how beautiful you looked last night. “Hey!” He greeted everyone. “Hey!” They said in unison. Matt plopped down next to you and just stared. “What?” You chuckled. He shook his head. “Nothing; how was your date?” You shrugged. “Roger stood me up.” Matt faked a surprised face. Of course, he was the reason for it. “I’m so sorry Y/N.” You shook your head. “No, it’s ok he was really overexerting himself. It was a much-needed rest.” You said honestly. Matt gulped, not knowing how his next phrase would expose him or night. “Well, I hope other than that, you had a good night.” Her full lips twisted to the side before nodding. “Yeah,” She smiled. “I had a nice ride home and I met someone too.”
tagged: @bluelightsaberjedi @hoe-for-kylo @kylo-renne @whothehellis--alex
P.S.: Hope it wasn’t too confusing
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