#This outfit demanded a gifset of its own
atlantis-area · 10 months
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obviously blunder ✿ ൠ
✿ - Sex headcanon
(Or, well, sex-adjacent headcanon from me, the internet’s actual least sexy-writin’ fanfic author! *finger guns*)
Once Gob and Tony have finally sorted out all their issues and lived happily ever after without any plots of betrayal or unexpected cement to plague them, they are one of those super obnoxious nightmare couples to be around (bless them!) because they are so all over each other and completely smitten All The Time.
They hold hands constantly and obstinately, which results in exactly 1 million disastrous family dinner mishaps. (Buster gets burns from some spilled soup [or is it hot ham water?] that would have scarred for life if they weren’t on his robot hand! Even so, his hand makes a really ominous fizzling noise and then tries to strangle Tobias later on in the evening, apparently of its own accord.) When the Bluth fam gathers in the living room at the penthouse or model home, Gob and Tony inevitably find a way to awkwardly sit in each other’s laps on the sofa and kick whoever’s nearest to them. If you thought Gob Bluth was a disaster at sitting on a couch when he was single, well, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Worst of all, Gob and Tony have a never-ending habit of giddily whispering in each other’s ears about sex they’ve recently had (sometimes so recently that it, like, just happened minutes ago at the same family gathering that’s currently happening; “Oh, so you guys were out on the balcony too,” George Michael says bleakly. “ … cool.”) or sex they will soon have, but, like, in a way that’s very ineffective at being private saucy whispering because it’s super audible to everyone around them. This inspires a collection of reaction faces from the various Bluths that would light up gifsets for years and years to come if only we had the headcanon-to-gifset technology.
ൠ - random headcanon
Since Tony brings a bit more order to Gob’s life, Gob finally reaches a stage in his existence where he can finally be a responsible pet owner and animals don’t just drop dead instantly around him. He and Tony adopt some bunnies, which is first a purely business, classic magic act thing, but now that they’re living together and going into domestic happiness mode, they get very into rabbit parenting. They definitely take the bunnies for walks and dress them in cute outfits and get insulted when people can’t tell them apart. They like to super indignantly rant about how being a dog mom or a cat mom is the cool thing in today’s culture, but you know who no one ever mentions? Bunnies.
“THIS IS BUNNY MOM ERASURE,” thunders Gob after he and Tony are hurtled into an indignant frenzy about a DOG MOM t-shirt they saw at Target or something. (And bought, so they could wave it ragingly around for the other Bluths while they protested it. Neither of them is the best at money. Their bunnies have a multi-thousand dollar wardrobe.)
“Not even gonna touch the ‘mom’ thing, huh?” Michael intones.
It’s possible they – ’they’ being Gob and Tony, obvs; Michael remains despicably unmoved on the subject – start an Alliance of Magician Rabbit Parents. They demand to be taken seriously, and so do their bunnies. And so do their bunnies.
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