#I have a soft spot for leather suits
atlantis-area · 6 months
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incognit0slut · 4 months
Tempting the Cowboy
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Summary: The team has been trying to bring Spencer back to the BAU after he hung up his badge to live on his ranch peacefully. It’s a good thing you’ll do whatever it takes to persuade him, even if the rugged cowboy wants to bend you over in the barn.
warnings: (MDNI, 18+) softdom spence, nipple play, handjob, fingering, female and male oral, semi-public sex
word count: 6k (i had too much fun, okay?)
a/n: This is such a random plot. Cowboy spence seemed so impossible, but then again, so did prison reid and look what happened.
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Never in a million years would you ever have thought that a certified genius with an IQ of 187, after fifteen years of dedicated service to the FBI, would change career paths and settle down in the countryside. Yet here you were, driving to the middle of nowhere, trying to find that man.
The GPS led you down dusty backroads, past fields of golden wheat and weathered barns until finally, you arrived at his ranch. The scent of hay and the distant sound of cattle filled the air as you stepped out of the car and you couldn't help but feel out of place.
Your usual black pants and fitted blouse seemed like a striking contrast to your surroundings, especially with the sleek boots on your feet. Adjusting your shirt, you finally approached the farmhouse, the gravel crunch beneath your feet echoed with every step you took.
A group of men caught your eyes as they emerged from a weathered barn at the end of the road, and you found yourself approaching them instead. Clearing your throat, you called out to them.
"Excuse me, gentlemen," you began, "I'm looking for Spencer Reid. Is he around?"
The men exchanged knowing glances before one of them, a weathered cowboy with a straw hat shading his face, spoke up.
"You must be lookin' for the doc," he said, nodding towards the stable. "He's over there tendin' to the horses. You can't miss 'im."
With a grateful nod, you followed their directions. Nerves fluttered in your stomach as you walked into the stable, unsure of what to expect from the man who had once been your colleague but now seemed like a stranger in this unfamiliar setting.
As you pushed open the creaking door, the scent of leather and hay washed over you. Inside, you finally spotted him, his back turned as he tended to a horse in the corner of the room. His familiar profile was a stark contrast to the rugged surroundings, and for a moment, it felt surreal to see him in this new role.
Gone were the suits or knitted cardigans; instead, he was clad in well-worn denim and leather that gave him a distinctly different, yet undeniably attractive appearance. His sleeves were rolled up, showcasing the definition in his arms and a cowboy hat was perched on his head, its brim casting a shadow over his features, while his tousled hair peeked out from beneath it.
It was a side of him you had never seen before—one that seemed more at peace, more connected to the land than the city. And as you watched him work, the soft murmur of his voice filling the room as he spoke soothingly to the horse he was gently brushing, you couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt knowing you were going to ruin his peace.
As if sensing another presence in the room, he suddenly turned his head before his gaze fell on you. A genuine smile curled at the corner of your lips as you approached him. "Howdy, cowboy."
A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes as he straightened himself, which was quickly replaced with realization at your sudden visit.
"I was wondering when they'd send you here," he remarked, his tone a mixture of amusement and resignation. You returned his smile, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly at his familiar demeanor.
"I guess today is your lucky day." Your eyes scanned the rustic surroundings of his ranch, taking in the simplicity of his new life. "Well, this is quite the change of scenery."
He chuckled softly, a hint of pride in his tone as he gestured around the farmhouse. "It's definitely a far cry from the city," he admitted. "But it suits me."
"It does seem like you've found your place here. It's... different, but in a good way."
Spencer's smile widened at your words "It is different, and I like it here," he agreed. "Which is why I'm going to say no to whatever reason you're here."
You raised an eyebrow. "I haven't even said anything."
"You didn't have to, everyone else has already said their piece." He turned and focused his attention back on his horse. "And the answer is still no."
You silently studied him as he finished his task. He was right; your other teammates had already been here before you, trying to coax him back to the BAU. But you couldn't help but feel a sense of determination rise within you. Spencer Reid might be a stubborn cowboy now, but you knew deep down that his brilliant mind belonged with the team.
But knowing no one else could crack his stubbornness, you knew you needed a different approach and the only way you could think of was to reel him in with his current interest. "He's beautiful," you acknowledged, nodding towards the horse he was working on. "What's his name?"
"She's beautiful," he corrected. "And her name is Mildred."
The name didn't sound foreign to you. "You must really have something sentimental with that name. Didn't you name one of your mugs Mildred?"
He tipped his head back. "You remembered?"
"Of course, I do," you replied with a grin. "I remember a lot about you, even if we didn't have much time getting to know each other."
The memories of your time at the BAU flooded back. The way you joined the team right before Spencer had decided to take a break, which had turned out to be more permanent than anyone had anticipated. Although it was hard to forget a guy like him. You remembered when your eyes first fell on him and how your heart fluttered at his awkward yet charming smile.
There was something about him, something magnetic and intriguing that drew you in from the very beginning. It was a pity he had to leave shortly after you joined the team because you swore your admiration wasn't one-sided, but with Spencer gone, any hope of exploring those feelings had faded away.
As you stood before him now, you couldn't help but study how different he was yet still managed to look the same. The rugged cowboy attire he now wore seemed worlds away from the suit and tie he had once donned as a profiler, yet there was a familiarity to his features that remained unchanged.
But one thing was for sure, despite the time and distance of not seeing him, you were still attracted to Spencer Reid.
"I remember a lot about you too."
You laughed. "That's because you have an eidetic memory." Spencer simply flashed you a sheepish grin, his eyes crinkling at the corners. You slowly took a step forward towards him. "Can I touch her?"
He nodded, gesturing towards Mildred. "Go ahead. She's quite friendly."
You approached the horse cautiously, extending your hand to stroke her mane gently. Mildred nuzzled against your palm, her warm breath tickling your skin. A sense of calm washed over you as you felt the gentle rhythm of her breathing.
Spencer watched you with a soft smile, his gaze warm and reassuring. "She likes you," he remarked, his voice low and soothing.
You smiled back. "I like her too," you replied, your fingers trailing along Mildred's soft fur. Then your eyes glanced over to him and the gears in your head started to move. You needed to act as stealthy as possible. "So... how fast can horses go? In general?"
His smile widened at your question. "Well, it depends on various factors like breed, training, and terrain," he began, falling into his familiar role as an educator. "On average, horses can reach speeds of around 25 to 30 miles per hour, but some breeds can go even faster, reaching speeds of up to 40 miles per hour."
You nodded, absorbing the information as you continued stroking Mildred's fur while keeping your true intentions hidden behind a facade of innocent curiosity. "Are mammals usually that fast?"
"Actually, yes," he replied. "While horses are known for their impressive speed, they're not the only mammals capable of reaching high velocities."
"...how about bulls?"
Spencer raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued by your sudden interest in bulls. "Bulls?" he echoed, studying you intently.
You met his gaze, trying to appear nonchalant. "Yeah, bulls."
He continued to scrutinize you, his sharp intellect picking up on your evasive behavior. Spencer may not work as a profiler anymore, but he could tell when someone had ulterior motives.
"Alright, what is it?" he finally asked, crossing his arms.
You sighed, trying not to focus on the way his arms flexed at the movement, and took another step towards him. If you were going to convince him to return to the BAU, you needed to be honest with him. "Well, you see, the current case we're working on is... it's a bit unusual."
Spencer's curiosity was piqued, his interest evident in how he leaned in slightly, waiting for you to continue.
"Three victims were found dead under suspicious circumstances," you explained, choosing your words carefully. "The strange part is, all three victims were found with injuries consistent with being trampled by bulls."
"Trampled by bulls?" he repeated, disbelief coloring his voice.
"It sounds bizarre, I know. There have been reports of aggressive behavior from a nearby ranch, and the local authorities suspect that the deaths may be connected to the bulls on the property. But the thing is, the autopsies showed that it might not even be caused by any type of animal."
"And you want me to help with the investigation," he summarized.
"We could certainly use your help," you admitted, hoping that he would see the significance of his involvement.
Spencer fell silent for a moment, his gaze distant as he considered your words. Then, without saying another word, he turned on his heels and began to walk towards another part of the stable, a hidden corner shrouded in shadows. Your heart sank as you watched him move away.
"I don't think I'm the person you should be looking for."
You followed him, determined not to let him slip away without a fight. "You're exactly the person we should be looking for! With that smart brain of yours and your knowledge of farm animals, we could profile the Unsub in no time."
His steps faltered momentarily as your words reached him, but he didn't turn back to face you. Instead, he continued walking, his silhouette fading into the shadows of the stable.
"I appreciate the sentiment," he called back over his shoulder, his voice tinged with resignation, "But I'm not sure I'm the right fit for this anymore."
"Reid," you called after him, quickening your pace to catch up. "Please, just hear me out."
"Y/n," he warned dangerously low. The way he spoke your name affected you more than you'd like to admit. You cautiously took a step forward.
"Do you know how long it took me to do a geographical profile of the crime scenes? Or how Alvez spent two nights going through stacks of documents when you would've finished it in like an hour?" You let out a sigh. "It's so different without you, we miss you."
He slightly faltered at your words again but remained quiet, so you tried again.
"We could really use your help, Spence, at least on this case. The team needs you." You watched him try to do some other task as if trying to ignore you. "I need you."
He remained silent for a moment longer, the only sound the soft shuffle of his boots against the stable floor. Then, slowly, he turned to face you, and there was a subtle shift in his expression, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes.
"...you need me?"
You faltered for a moment, taken aback by his unexpected question. The room seemed to shrink around you, the walls closing in as you became hyper-aware of the proximity between the two of you. Your gaze involuntarily flickered over every detail of his face, taking in the curve of his stubble jaw, the flecks of gold in his brown eyes, and the lines etched on his brow.
You also noticed his lips. Those damn kissable lips, pressed together in a thin line as he waited for your response. You found yourself inexplicably drawn to them, a surge of desire coursing through you at the mere thought of what it would feel like to press your own against them.
Shaking yourself from your inappropriate thoughts, you forced your gaze back to his eyes, feeling your cheeks flush with embarrassment at where your mind had wandered. You swallowed hard, feeling a lump form in your throat.
"Yes," you finally replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I-I need you."
As the words left your lips, a heavy silence fell upon the room. You could feel his eyes on you, his gaze intense and searching, as if he were trying to interpret the depth of your confession. For a moment, neither of you spoke, and you could hear the sound of your heartbeat echoing in your ears, the rhythm erratic and unsteady.
"And you missed me?"
You held his gaze. While your words might not have been an outright confession, it wasn't exactly a lie, and there was no reason to deny the truth.
"I missed you," you admitted, your voice sounding more breathless than you intended. He smiled. Then, slowly, he reached out, his fingers gently brushing against your cheek. His touch sent a shiver down your spine, the warmth of it searing through you like a flame.
"Fine, I'll help you," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the stillness of the room. "On one condition."
Your heart skipped a beat, anticipation coursing through your veins as you waited for him to continue. His gaze held yours, unwavering and intense. You could feel the weight of his scrutiny, from your wide eyes to the slope of your nose, before lingering on your lips. For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the sound of your shallow breaths. Then he finally spoke.
"Be honest with me," he responded, his fingers tracing a gentle path along your jawline, "Do you need my help with the case or do you need me for something else?"
You met his gaze, searching for the right words to express the truth of your intentions. "Both," you admitted after a pause, your voice barely above a whisper. "I need your help with the case, but I also... need you."
A satisfied smile curled on his lips as he gently cupped your cheek, pulling you closer. But just as you thought he would close the distance between your lips, he paused, his warm breath teasing against your skin. His next question hung in the air between you, a challenge and an invitation wrapped into one.
"Tell me what you need me for then."
Your breath caught in your throat as his lips hovered tantalizingly close to yours. "I-I need you to kiss me," you breathed, your voice barely above a whisper, your words tinged with urgency and desire. "Please."
His gaze darkened. "I never took you as one to beg," he remarked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement. "But I must admit, I quite like it."
Then slowly, almost hesitantly, he closed the remaining distance between you, his lips brushing against yours in a feather-light touch. You could still feel the smile playing on his lips, but only briefly before he moved them slowly, capturing every curve of your soft lips.
He swiped his tongue along your bottom lip, holding your jaw in place. His hand cradled your face, holding you gently but firmly, while his other hand explored your body. It trailed down your back, sending shivers of anticipation coursing through you, before settling on your hip. You gasped at the sudden contact and he seized the opportunity to deepen the kiss, his tongue delving deeper.
With a boldness that surprised even yourself, you wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him closer. Your fingers tangled in his hair, knocking off his hat onto the floor before tugging lightly at the roots, eliciting a low moan from him that vibrated against your lips.
What had started as gently molding your lips together turned into a passionate dance of tongues, leaving you moaning and breathless. He slowly pulled away, his eyes slamming shut as his forehead met yours, both of you gasping for air while you tried to regain your composure. His breath mingled with yours, a heady mix of desire and need, as he spoke in a ragged voice.
"You," he gasped, his words laced with raw intensity, "Taste better than I imagined."
Your head was spinning. How could he consume you with just a kiss? You had dreamed of this moment, of being close to him, but you never imagined it would affect you as deeply as it did now.
"Do you even realize," He pressed on, his voice low with pent-up longing. "How much I've wanted to do this?"
Your head was swimming in a haze of desire as his lips trailed along your jawline, sending shivers down your spine. "Yeah?" you breathed out, barely able to form coherent thoughts.
He nodded against your neck. "Ever since I saw you."
"Wh-Why didn't you say anything?" you managed to stammer out, the words barely audible amidst the dizzying sensation of his lips on your skin.
"Wasn't sure you felt the same way."
You took a moment to process his words, the warmth of his breath against your skin adding to the whirlwind of sensations coursing through you. "You should've said something, it would make this whole convincing you a lot easier."
He paused, his lips leaving a trail of soft kisses along your neck. "I don't know," he finally murmured. "I think I need a little more persuading."
His words sent a jolt of desire coursing through you, igniting a fire that burned hotter with each passing moment. You swallowed hard, trying to gather your thoughts amidst the intoxicating sensation of his lips on your skin.
"I can persuade you in other ways."
Spencer lifted his head, his gaze meeting yours. "Then show me," he breathed, his voice thick with desire.
There was no room for hesitation. You leaned in, capturing his lips with yours in a desperate, passionate kiss, fully aware of the risk of being caught, but his mouth on your body felt too good to care. It wasn't like you hadn't fantasized about this exact moment, about the feel of his mouth on your body, the way his hands would explore every inch of you with a hunger that mirrored your own.
His hands found your hips, pushing you to the nearest wall before his fingers fumbled with the buttons on your blouse. It was clear you both decided that the risk was well worth the wait.
"May I?" He asked, his fingers still working on your front buttons.
You laughed amusedly. "You already are."
His response was a chuckle of his own before he buried his head in your neck again. The opening in the front of your shirt chilled your body, sending goosebumps all along your skin as his hands caressed over your lacy, black bra covering your breasts, thumbing your hardened nipples.
He leaned further down, trailing his lips over your cleavage, before sucking softly on the spot. The sensation made you gasp, knowing well enough that there would be marks left behind, but you didn't care. Wanting to give more to him, you reached out between your bodies and pulled down your bra, granting him more access to your skin.
His eyes drank in the sight before him hungrily. He gently rubbed against the small pebbles on your chest, wetting his lips as he did, eyes completely trained on them now. Without warning he surged forward, tongue darting out to lick a long, flat stripe against one of your nipples. You let out a surprised moan at the action, fingers tugging at his hair tightly and head tilting back before snapping down to look at him.
A choked moan left your lips as he continued sucking, licking, twirling his tongue around it while playing with the other with his hand. "Spence..." you whined, your voice sounding clear in the room.
"Shh," he mumbled against your skin. "Keep your voice down."
You nodded helplessly as he released your nipple before wrapping his lips around the other one, giving the same attention. He repeated the motion, rolling your wet nipple under his calloused palm, having you arch your back and push your chest into his face. He didn't have to be told twice, immediately giving it a hard suck while pinching the other one.
The sensation traveled along your body before it lowered between your thighs, forming an ache the second his hand trailed down your stomach. His fingers finally found the hem of your pants, before dipping underneath the material, slipping right underneath your panties. Your breath hitched when two of his long fingers slide between your folds, spreading your slick before finding its rightful place on your clit.
"You're so wet," he whispered in a daze, trailing his lips back up your collarbone. He couldn't believe how drenched you already were. "All this for me?"
You nodded, gasping when he stroked up and down your folds, coating his fingers with your arousal. Your hips buckled against his touch and he didn't hesitate when he started rubbing your clit, feeling your body writhe under him. A sudden pressure of his fingers sent pleasure shooting through you, and your head fell back to the wall, mouth agape, face flushed.
But before you could relish the pleasure, he suddenly pulled his hand out of your pants before tugging you, urging you to follow him. As he led you deeper into the stable, your heart raced with anticipation. You followed him silently, feeling a rush of excitement as he pulled you behind the stacks of hay, sheltering the two of you from prying eyes.
The rustling of the hay beneath you echoed in the room as he pulled you closer, his touch igniting a fire within you as you pressed your hands on his chest. With trembling hands, you began to undo the buttons of his shirt, and his gaze never left yours, his breath coming in shallow gasps.
As your fingertips brushed along his skin, you felt the warmth radiating from his body, his chest rising and falling with each breath. He wasn't muscular in the conventional sense, but there was a lean strength to him that was undeniably attractive. Your fingers continued their journey downward, skimming lightly over the softness of his stomach before teasing along the line of hair that trailed further down.
Your hands found their way to the buckle of his belt, fingers deftly working to undo it. He made no move to stop you as his gaze remained fixed on you. There was a hunger in his eyes, urging you for more, yet he remained patient, allowing you to take the lead. And then you tugged down his denim, not much than an inch but enough for you to pull his cock out.
He was warm and achingly hard, and a low, guttural sound escaped his lips as his hips bucked into your palm. His eyes fluttered closed momentarily, a shudder passing through him as he surrendered to the sensation. You looked up at him through your lashes, the corner of your lips quirked up in a smirk.
"Shh," you whispered, echoing his words. "Keep your voice down."
He chuckled softly, eyes meeting yours. "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"
"Not as much as you are."
You proved your point by tugging his cock harder, pumping up and down his length. His head fell back, his breath coming out in ragged gasps as he fought to stifle his moans. You couldn't help but find it endearing, the way he struggled to keep quiet, his brows creasing in concentration. It was a pity, really, because you liked hearing the raw, unfiltered sounds of his pleasure.
You swiped your thumb along the tip of his cock, gathering the slickness before rubbing it along his length. His head snapped down to look between you, his eyes taking in the way you quickened your pace, pumping him in your hand. A sense of urgency overwhelmed him the moment your tongue darted out to wet your bottom lip, and he leaned in, shoving his own tongue into your mouth.
The way your fingers gripped his cock had him moaning into the kiss which you happily accepted. As he felt that familiar knot tightening in his stomach, he knew he had to act quickly. With a gasp, he pulled away from the kiss, his chest heaving with ragged breaths as he reached between you to halt your movements. With a sense of urgency, he shrugged off his shirt and laid it carefully on the stack of hay behind you.
"Turn around," was all he said as he pushed down his pants to uncover himself, leaving you empty for the moment.
You obliged, turning while gripping the hem of your pants and slipping them down your legs. Without hesitation, you pushed your panties down before kicking them off, giving him the perfect view of your soaked slit. It didn't take long for him to drop onto the floor, his hands running along the back of your thighs.
"Look at you." He leaned closer, his breath brushing your damp skin. "Aren't you a pretty little thing?"
You leaned forward and arched your back at his words, earning a deep, low sound of approval from him. One of his hands gripped your ass, slowly kneading your supple skin as his other hand grabbed onto your right leg, hiking it over the stack of hay. He had a better view of your wetness in this position, and you bit down your lips when you felt his fingers brush over your entrance.
A finger slipped inside you, then two, and when he started to pump them in and out of your tight walls, you pressed yourself further onto the stack of hay underneath you, trying to hold yourself back from making too much noise. Your arousal dripped from your core to coat his fingers and he was mesmerized by how eager your body was for him, how your hips rocked back against his hand.
But you needed more. His touch, his warmth, his presence—it wasn't enough. Your body ached for him, every nerve alive with desire.
"Please..." you breathlessly begged him, wanting to feel him inside of you, wanting him to rid your body of the tension, of the ache between your legs. Your jaw slacked open when you felt his mouth press against your clit before giving a slight suck.
"Tell me what you need," he ordered, breath deep and raspy and strained against your wet skin. He sucked onto your aching nub once again as his fingers continued to pump in and out of you. "And I'll give it to you."
"Please," you gasped, overwhelmed with the sudden force of his fingers and tongue between your legs and the pleasure that coursed through your body. "I w-want to f-feel you."
He pulled his fingers from within you, but his mouth was still exploring the wetness of your skin. His eager tongue worked wonders against your pussy, drawing out every second of pleasure as your hips rolled against his mouth. A whimper slipped from your lips as his tongue worked on your clit faster and you found yourself unable to contain yourself any longer.
"S-Spence..." You whined, not caring how desperate you sounded. All that mattered was your need for him. "Please..."
He placed a kiss on your swollen clit. "Be specific, baby, tell me what you need."
His endearment sent shivers down your spine, and you felt yourself spiraling further. Without hesitation, you begged shamelessly, "I-I want to feel y-your cock."
A low groan fell through his lips as he got off the floor, positioning himself behind you. "Say more words like that and I may lose the hint of self-control I have."
"I just—I just need you to fuck me," you didn't recognize the choke in your voice when you whined again.
He had no intention of protesting as he slipped between your legs, finally allowing you to feel just how hard you made him. For a moment, he pushed his hips toward you, grinding his cock against your folds, feeling your arousal soak his flesh.
"Is this what you wanted?" His hand gripped his cock to ease the tip over your entrance, pushing into you slowly, gasping when your walls clenched around him eagerly.
"Fuck, yes," was all you could manage to whimper, eyes screwing shut as he filled you up. And when you could barely stand anymore, becoming a quivering mess beneath him, he finally thrust deeper, pushing his hips against your body, earning a gasp with your mouth falling open.
"Oh my god." You could barely speak, barely form words, or even think as he pressed a hand to on your lower back, holding you in place as he dragged his cock out of you, only to ram himself back inside.
"Harder," you begged him, so breathless once again, "F-Faster."
He listened to you; he listened to the way your body moved against him, the way your walls tightened around his length. The way you stifled a moan and curse and huff anytime he thrust just right to have you pushing your hips back to him, your body trembling, shaking, and your legs nearly giving out because the pleasure became too much to bear.
"D-Don't stop." You had no shame in begging him. Not when he could make you feel so good, not when he was holding onto your hips as he continued to thrust into your dripping cunt.
"That's it," he encouraged, hips beginning to fall into a steady rhythm. "Tell me how good it feels. Beg me not to stop."
"So-so good," you babbled. "Don't—don't fucking stop."
He obliged your words by pushing apart your legs even further. Your face twisted in pleasure, so sensitive and overwhelmed as his hips smacked against your ass and he thrust himself harder into you. Sweat began to bead against his forehead once he pumped his cock into you harder, faster, earning every little whimper, even the ones you lacked the strength to release.
Thoughts of getting caught, of knowing anyone could walk in when he was buried deep inside you, left both of your minds. Neither of you cared when you were so wrapped up in one another. Not when you hiked your leg higher, allowing his cock to hit the spot that had you quivering in his hold when he slammed into you again.
Then he suddenly released his grip on your hips, slipping a hand between the two of you to press his fingers to your clit. The sudden increase in pleasure had you gasping in pure bliss. The room began to spin, air rushing to your head and the harder he fucked you, the deeper he thrust, and the faster his fingers rubbed against your clit, you knew you wouldn't be able to hold your sanity any longer.
He sensed your desperation in the way you gasped his name over and over again, and he thrust into you with more force than before. You tightened around him, squeezing him so damn hard he was tempted to lose all control right then, but he persisted in bringing your pleasure first. The sloppy sounds of your arousal coating his flesh filled the room, and with one, final thrust, you gasped before the pleasure finally consumed you.
He abruptly released your clit as he took hold of your hips again, keeping you in place while ruthlessly thrusting in and out through your bliss. His fingers pressed harder, drawing out every breathless moan, every strained whimper, every gasp of his name until your body grew too weak.
But he was far from done, slowing his hips to hit deep within your walls with aggressive thrusts, bringing his own high closer and closer as you whined from the overwhelming sensation, too sensitive, too far gone to handle much more, shuddering with every push of his cock within you.
"Where—" he groaned, your slick cunt too much for him, your juices drenching along his pelvis. "I'm close���"
You managed to snap your head over your shoulders. "Pull out, pull out."
You watched through fluttering lids as he gripped himself in his hand, and with trembling legs, you kneeled before him, gripped his cock in your hand, and took him fully in your mouth. He gritted his teeth at the sensation, sucking a breath in through his teeth as he felt your tongue dragging along his length.
You pushed further, hollowing your cheeks as you continued to swallow him down until the tip of his cock finally reached the back of your throat, nose pressed against his pelvis. He tipped his head back as you started to suck him, gagging around him when you felt him thrust his hips into you.
His eyes flicked down again at the sound only to find you looking up at him through your lashes. Spencer sucked in a sharp breath, before cradling your soft cheeks in both his large hands, and began thrusting his cock in and out of your mouth. Obscene noises filled the room as he continued to use you, tears welling at your lids and saliva building at your lips, seeping down your chin.
He continued to pump himself into your mouth, slowly starting to lose control, getting so lost in how warm your lips were wrapped around him. His jaw fell open as he released a final groan, brows creasing and eyes screwed shut, thrusting so deep before the first shot of his release filled your mouth.
Then a few more shots followed and you swallowed every drop down your throat as he continued to look at you in wonder. His breath was punching out of his chest in ragged, overwhelmed gasps, sweat glittering at his temples while he silently groaned through the pleasure.
His head dipped low as you dragged your tongue up his length for the last time, from the base of his cock to the tip, and you finally licked him clean. A few moments of catching your breaths passed before he gently pulled you back to your feet.
As you both quickly fixed your clothes and adjusted your hair, he retrieved his cowboy hat from where it had been discarded on the floor, placing it back on his head with a grin. Then, without hesitation, he drew you close, his lips peppering your face with sweet, tender kisses.
You laughed at his sudden affection. "What's all this for?" you asked, smiling up at him.
"I feel obligated after... all of that," he confessed, his lips brushing softly against yours before he withdrew slightly. "You're amazing."
Your smile widened at his words, a soft warmth blooming in your chest. "And you're not so bad yourself," you replied teasingly, wrapping your arms around his neck. "So, was that enough to convince you to come back?"
"Almost," he murmured, his voice low and filled with warmth. "I think I need a bit more convincing."
You quirked an eyebrow. "I don't think I have it in me for round two."
"No, not that," he said with a laugh. His hand slid down to rest on your lower back, drawing you closer to him. "Have dinner with me tonight and I'll come by the office tomorrow."
You smiled up at him, a flutter of excitement dancing in your chest as you took in every detail of his rugged features—the subtle crinkle in the corner of his eyes, the hint of stubble along his jawline, and the warmth of his brown eyes that seemed to shine brighter in the light.
Your gaze lingered on his cowboy hat, and with a mischievous grin, you reached out to grab it, placing it atop your own head.
"Then you've got yourself a deal, cowboy."
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hiii omg I love your stuff!! my eyeballs popped out my head when I saw you're writing for bucky I'm sooo head over heels for him. he look so fine in the new thunderbolts run😩
could I maybe request a lil bucky sneaking into your room at night in between his missions or smth for a quickie? 🙈 even though he's busy more than half the time, he still finds a moment or two to spend a heated moment with you; bc he misses you so much and can barely keep his hands off
tysm in advance omg omg
hii angel!! aah thank you sm🫠 tehe I know!?? love it, thank you for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader
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word count. 1115
warnings. 18+ only !! tiny bit of prep (f receiving) unprotected pinv, creampie. mdni
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Nights at the compound were far from quiet; the constant opening and closing of doors, scattered footsteps, echoed voices - everyone on different sleep schedules.
You were in your room settling down for the night, lying in bed and listening to music, scrolling through your phone when you hear the sound of scuffling from behind your door - the silhouette of booted feet appearing under the gap. 
Unplugging your earphones, you sit up, noticing the familiar leather from under the slither of light. You fling off your covers and rush for the door, face lighting up when you see who is on the other side. 
"Bucky?!" you blurt out, clearly happy to see him. "What are you doing back so soon?" you ask, tone elated. 
His smile widens, grinning boyishly at you. "Came back before heading out again," he shrugs casually, speaking as if it were all that easy. "...was missing you," he admits, eyes diverting away bashfully. 
Your head tilts to the side, nose scrunching from his sweet confession. "I missed you," you widen your door, silently inviting him inside. "Only a little bit," you add, expression mirroring his.
Bucky steps into your room and shuts the door behind himself, closing the distance between you with a brisk step forward - leaning in to kiss you, soft and sweet. His hands settle on your waist, fingers sliding under the fabric of your t-shirt to feel your skin - flesh warm and comforting against his.
You rest your hands over the sides of his face, palms cupping his cheeks as the kiss grows more desperate. Carnal. "How long til you leave?" you ask, voice muffled against his lips, your words sounding needy. 
"Fifteen minutes." 
He walks you backwards, heading for your bed, his hands eagerly roaming you as he lays you against the edge of the mattress, slotting his lower half between your spread legs. He hovers above you, his cock growing hard and strained behind his pants, bulge nudging up into that warm spot between your thighs. 
"We can make that work," you reply, a slight whine to your tone.
He hums, far too entranced by how you feel against him to respond coherently. The rush of blood swelling to his cock, leaving his brain. Bucky peels from your grasp and stands between your spread legs, looking down at the lewd image of you - lips bruised and plumped, eyes half-lidded, t-shirt exposing the underneath of your pretty tits. 
He loved how you usually looked, but this was just on another level - you obscenely desperate for him and him only. Your eager eyes following his every move, looking over him like you couldn't get enough.
Your gaze hones in on his hands, watching him undo the button of his pants, his fingers slipping down the front, pulling his hardened dick from behind the waistband. You follow suit, urgently pulling down your pyjama bottoms and flinging them aside - leaving you in only an oversized tee, lying near naked under his fully clothed self.
His left metal hand takes hold of his cock, leisurely rolling it in his palm as his other reaches between your thighs - fleshed middle finger sliding up and down the slit of your pussy. Fingerpad circling over your clit ever so deliciously, mindlessly rubbing the sensitive nub.
"We don't have long, James," you say softly, hand reaching for his wrist, fingers wrapping around his meaty lower arm.
He slips off his jacket, revealing a black compression top underneath. He stands between your legs, blissfully unaware of how good he looks right now - tight, short-sleeved top, black combat pants pooling around his thighs, pretty dick exposed and on display. 
"Wish we had longer," he murmurs, itching himself closer.
"You're back in two days, right?" you say, instinctively adjusting your hips - widening your thighs to accustom his frame.
He pushes his head through the slick of your cunt, coating the tip in a soft, creaming sheen. He hums in response, his thumb resting atop his cock as he guides himself into you, easing through your fluttering walls. 
He leans over you once more, weight anchored on his hands either side of your head, dick sinking into you so nicely - just you taking him so well.
You reach up to cup his cheeks, holding his face in your hands as you maintain his gaze, your features growing pliant under his attention - eyes softening, brows knitting, expression mirroring his. You meet in the middle, lips clashing eagerly. 
"Can't you pretend to be sick?" you murmur against his mouth, speaking desperately.
He slowly begins to wind his hips into you, cock consuming you from the inside out. "I can try to get out of it," he replies, his voice hoarse and strained from the way you wrap yourself around him.
"Please do," you whisper, latching your lips back onto his - kissing him hard, moans muffling.
"Why?" he whispers back, a soft smile lining his lips. "Do you miss me?"
You faintly shake your head, eyes playful and unconvincing. "No." 
He plays along. "Neither do I."
Bucky continues like that, fucking into you, his leisured pace growing rushed by the second, winding into you more ruthlessly than he would've liked. Usually, he would take the time to work you up - make love to you, kiss and touch and caress you, but with the minutes growing shorter and shorter, less and less, he had to switch it up. 
It doesn't take long for you both to cum, your climax hitting you hard; his cock almost choking you, repeatedly knocking the air out of your lungs. His release follows mere moments later, spilling his warm, thick load - sloppily pumping it into you. 
His forehead rests against yours, both of your breathing erratic, slowly beginning to even out. "Sorry, my love. I got to go," he whispers apologeticly, pressing a kiss to your hairline. 
Sweetly nodding as you push his stray hairs back, looking at him with a knowing expression he's grown familiar with. 
He kisses you once more and peels himself from you, standing back between your thighs - dressing back up. He looks down at you, eyes raking over you as if to savour the image, memorising you before he goes. 
Adjusting your t-shirt, you follow after him, the patter of your bare feet trailing after him like a shadow. He reaches for the handle and turns back to face you, his soft, gentle eyes filled with warmth. 
"I'll call you when I land," he smiles, speaking like he's reading your mind. 
"Be careful, yeah?" you reach up, meeting his initiation for kiss.
"I always am."
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brain-rot-central · 5 months
Rating: E, but a soft E Pairing: Spawn!A/Fem!Tav CW: 18+, dry humping, breeding kink, non-penetrative sex, trauma mention, intimacy issues, soft Astarion (emotionally, not physically), possessive Astarion, verbalized consent Word count: 1.9k Summary: Astarion and Tav have resumed being intimate, though sometimes, Astarion can't quite commit to the full act. Not to worry, there are still other activities to enjoy!
They barely make it up the stairs of the Elfsong Tavern and back into their rented suite.
Articles of clothing come peeling off in a flash as soon as the door clicks shut behind them. With the elf’s deft hands, the lock is sealed, now steering the couple back toward the bed. 
His human partner’s knees bump against the edge of the bed, and both bodies are suddenly toppling over onto the sea of silken sheets adorning the mattress below.
The human’s legs instinctively bend at the knee as the elf slots himself between them, grinding himself down into her warm, inviting center. He lowers his head, capturing her lips in a searing kiss that speaks to the depths of his lust.
Teasing his tongue into her mouth, his rutting grows more heated and desperate. The woman moans softly against his mouth, inviting his tongue to a dance as hands find purchase in the silver curls atop his head.
Bare from the waist up, they continue grinding, the human hooking her ankles around the small of the man's back for leverage. He groans in response to the added friction, cock now straining against the front of his pants.
Physical intimacy is still something they’re easing back into, though tonight it’s taken a leap into new territory.
The elf breaks the kiss as he pushes himself up onto his hands, saying, “Scoot a bit higher, Tav, darling. I need more leverage for what I have planned for us.”
A shiver runs across Tav’s body, and she nods her head in agreement. She unlocks her ankles from around his hips and drags herself back until she’s in the center of the bed. 
He follows close behind, bringing himself up onto his knees between her splayed thighs. His arms wrap around the underside of her thighs.
Tav moans again as he sinks his fingertips into the clothed flesh, pulling her roughly against his crotch. She can feel the evidence of his desire with every roll of his hips into her center, a familiar heat and pulling sensation filling her abdomen with every press of his clothed length against her.
“These need to come off,” the elf growls out, and within seconds his fingers hook into the waistband of her trousers. Pulling them down her wide hips and off her legs, he throws them across the room to join the pile of previously discarded clothing, promptly returning to his place between her legs.
She’s left in just her underwear, bearing a deep wet spot at its center on full display. A rich, ruby blush sits high across her face as she watches her partner survey her clothed sex. She feels exposed like this, and yet, incredibly fulfilled. She knows the effect her body is having on him, as well.
The pale elf growls in anticipation above her as his hands make quick work of undoing the laces of his own leathers. He slips a hand down the front of his pants, a soft sigh escaping his lips, eyes rolling closed for a brief moment as his hand wraps around his erection. He adjusts his length, now laying up against his abdomen, and groans as he unwillingly peels his hand away.
Tav’s eyes fall upon the bulge now straining against the undone laces of his pants. A small dark spot can be seen on his underclothes, where the head of his cock lay hidden.
“Can I touch you, Astarion?” she asks, shyly. Her hands begin to trace the outline of his biceps, gently stroking his skin with the tips of her fingers.
Astarion hums, the ghost of a smile pulling at the corner of his lips before replying, “Oh? Where exactly do you have in mind?”
Tav meets his gaze, eyes traveling between his and the spot between his legs, raising an eyebrow in silent question. 
The elf huffs, sitting up on his knees. He narrows his eyes, looking at her from under his lashes. “Cheeky pup,” he purrs, “at least offer some assistance first.”
Her cheeks burn at his bold invitation and she rises from her position on the bed, placing one finger on his sculpted chest. 
Astarion's eyes look to the single digit pressed into the center of his chest, rising and falling with the uptick of his breathing. He allows Tav to begin pushing him back to the edge of the bed. He stands up off the bed, his crotch now at level with her hands.
Tav hooks her fingers into the hem of his leathers, tugging them down his toned thighs until they pool on the floor around his ankles. Astarion kicks them briskly to the side to join the other articles of clothing littered about the room.
“Are you okay?” she asks. She knows the challenge that physical intimacy imposes on him. She wants reassurance that he’s still comfortable, still willing to continue.
“Quite,” he replies, voice husky, watching her finger trail down toward his underwear. His undergarments do little to conceal the outline of his cock, her finger settling on the small wet patch gathering right at the tip of him. Laying her palm against his clothed shaft, he sucks in a sharp breath as she squeezes him gently.
With genuine concern, Tav inquires, “How far can we go?”
Hips twitching into her touch, he answers, “T-this. This is, aahh, good.”
She smiles before asking, “Can I ride you?”
Entire body seizing under her touch, he moans, loud and uncaring as to who might hear. “Fuck, darling,” Astarion huffs out, hips bucking involuntarily. “There is nothing I'd like more.”
Tav’s gives him a few more pumps along his length. “You should lay down, then,” she states.
He nods, cautiously climbing onto the bed. She gives him space to make himself comfortable, which doesn't fall unnoticed.
Suddenly, he feels small, anxious - his stomach churns as she climbs over his hips to settle herself in his lap. He's slept with countless others in the past, including her. Why feel this way now?
Because this is Tav, Astarion tells himself. 
Something about this being with her makes it… different. 
She's careful not to apply much pressure too soon, testing the waters as she sinks down onto his lap.
The elf hisses as her clothed center envelopes his covered cock, biting his lip to stifle his moan. His hands find purchase atop her thighs, keeping her steady.
“Is this okay, Astarion? Please, tell me,” Tav says, beginning to grind slowly against him.
Astarion's mind is a battlefield, filled with shame, lust, disgust, desire, but above all, love. 
He loves this woman. He's known this for quite some time, though too afraid to admit it.
Love has always meant pain. Attachment meant control.
But, with Tav…
Love is safe. Attachment is freedom.
Free, and safe, to be his own person. To live life for himself.
“I'm okay, dear,” he affirms, holding the hands she has over his chest. “I'm still here.”
Tav smiles down at him as she grinds over the length of him again, bending over to capture his lips in a chaste kiss. “Good,” she tells him, “I really like when you're here.”
Astarion tangles a hand in her hair, holding her close. She relaxes under him as he rolls his hips up against her core, a moan escaping his lips.
“I- I want-” he chokes out between broken moans.
Tav hums softly against his ear before asking, “Want what, Astarion? Tell me.”
“I… I want to come inside you,” he tells her, punctuating his statement with another thrust of his hips.
She moans against his ear, meeting his thrusts with her own. “...Right now?” Tav asks.
“N-no,” he admits, “not now. Eventually.” His other arm wraps around the middle of her back, holding her tighter to his chest. The pleasure begins to coil like a spring, tighter and tighter, eyes falling closed as his head falls back against the pillow.
“I… I want to feel you around me as I fill you.” Astarion opens his eyes, turning his head to meet her gaze through heavy lids. “...I think about it often,” he further admits.
Tav giggles, grinding down harder before saying in a sultry voice, “That can get me pregnant, you know.”
Eyes closing again, Astarion groans, hips bucking against her core. “I don't care,” he growls out. “I would show you off to the entire world, everyone knowing what we've done.”
“You want to knock me up, Astarion?” Tav asks, more in acknowledgement than in question.
“Fuck, darling, yes,” he hisses through clenched teeth.
Tav pushes herself upright in his lap, bending back to brace herself on his thighs. “Would you still fuck me, Astarion?” she questions, continuing their prior rhythm.
“What a silly question,” he replies, placing a hand on her lower abdomen. “I would lavish every change of your body as it swells with my child.”
Humming, Tav tosses her head back, losing herself as he bucks up into her from below. Her own arousal is quickly mounting, threatening to spill over. 
“Lucky for you,” she tells him, her voice strained, “I, too, wish the same.”
Tav feels his cock twitch under her as she confesses. The waistband of his underwear has slipped under his glans from their activities, pre-cum starting to pool against his lower abdomen. 
“But,” she adds, breathily, “only when you're ready for it.”
Astarion’s hands quickly drag her back down over him, and she holds her arms out just in time to brace herself above him. His hips buck up into her heated center as he holds her face, bringing their lips together with a throaty groan.
“Gods, I love you,” he tells her, breaking the kiss momentarily. He tugs at her bottom lip with blunted teeth before capturing her lips again, their tongues intertwining.
They find a rhythm to their seemingly ceaseless rutting, breaths hitching. They're panting now, hard, Tav running her hands through silver curls as she nears completion.
“Astarion, I’m almost there,” she pants against his neck.
His arms wrap around her lower back as he brings his face to her ear. “Tell me what you need, darling,” he purrs, nipping at her earlobe with a fang.
“My… my neck,” Tav says. “K-kiss my neck, please. Your favorite spot…”
Astarion's lips descend upon her neck, suckling at his usual spot. He's fed from this particular spot enough that she's beginning to develop scars - the same scars that he himself bears.
She's given so much to him, he realizes. Her blood, her body, her trust. Never once has she doubted him, even if it was the more reasonable thing to do.
Astarion teases her skin with his fangs, applying enough pressure to feel like he's going to bite, without actually piercing. Tav’s body shakes above him.
“Gods, fuck, Astarion-!” Tav cries, toppling over the ledge. Her hips grind messily over his crotch. He quickly follows her, ropes of his spend shooting between their stomachs as they lay pressed together, mouths agape as they drift softly down from their high.
Astarion groans softly against her neck, planting soft kisses against her jawline as her hands play idly with his hair.
They lay together for some time before Tav speaks up, “Hey, Astarion?” 
He hums in acknowledgement, giving her the confidence to continue. 
She lifts herself up by her arms, looking into his eyes and she tells him, “I love you, too.”
A relieved smile fills Astarion's face as she settles back against his chest.
Neither mind the mess between them as they continue to lay together, enjoying the genuine peace of co-existing.
I'm finally safe, he reminds himself.
This is home.
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breadbrobin · 4 months
clarisse la rue x reader — percy jackson and the olympians
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[fem!daughter of nyx reader]
summary: neither you or clarisse were very nice to anyone, except each other. and sometimes, not even each other.
warnings: swearing, flirting, kissing, clarisse is emotionally constipated, best friends and also idiots to lovers.
word count: 2.0k
being nice had never been your strong suit. you were polite, sure. you never talked back. you were never disrespectful. but you were never nice either.
it was something clarisse la rue had always respected you for, and you knew it. it was in the way she would nod at you as you passed each other, the way she’d watch you when new campers came up to you and you met their questions with a blank stare, the way she’d have to fight down a smile when you spoke to her.
only her.
yeah, sure, you were never truly nice—not to most people, at least—but clarisse brought out the same side in you that you brought out in her. kindness.
you swore you could see the tension leave her shoulders when she saw you, and you could feel your jaw unclench when her hand ghosted against yours as you walked together. there was something in the brown of her eyes, the soft quirk of a smile on her lips, the lean in before she whispered a joke in your ear for no one else to hear. it made you feel like you could be nice for once.
it was a stupid feeling. one that made your heart feel fluttery, like it could fly out of your chest at any moment. stupid, stupid, stupid, but you couldn’t help the feeling. still, you held onto your heart with an iron grip. holding onto it for as long as you could before she inevitably swept it from your hands and out into the world, along with every semblance of dignity you still held around her.
“that new kid is getting on my nerves,” you groaned as you entered the ares cabin. it was always quieter in there than the hermes cabin, though that wasn’t difficult to achieve, but it was empty aside from clarisse, which didn’t often happen. as a daughter of nyx, you’d never really had any place in there, not truly. and sure, you didn’t exactly have a place in the ares cabin either, but no one there ever made you feel like an outcast for the way your eyes glowed slightly in the dark like a cat’s or the way darkness seemed to gravitate to you. that was always nice to have. there it was again: nice. society’s obsession with the word had always stumped you. ‘nice to meet you’, ‘you look nice,’ ‘nice work!’ what was the addiction?
clarisse cut through your thoughts like she always did—a sword to the bitterness in your soul and your mind, cutting through the gloom and grim to reach the light hiding well beneath. “what did she do?”
“she won’t leave me alone. apparently, everyone’s said i’m ‘super nice’ and ‘great to hang out with’,” you flopped onto the mattress beside her. she was sitting up, and as you lay there perpendicular to her, you could see that little smile that you loved to spot when you could. “fucking hermes kids and their dumbass pranks.”
“oh, no, whatever will you do?” she drawled dryly, but the hint of a smile was pricking the corners of her lips. she wrapped a strap of leather tightly around a dagger’s hilt.
“die, probably.” you said blandly, staring up at the bunk above you. “or something like that.”
“i could threaten her for you,” she shrugged, setting the dagger aside and leaning forward against her raised knees. “tell her to leave you alone or i’ll shave her head or something.”
you pulled a thoughtful face, then shook your head. “nah. she’ll probably just cry and tell luke, and he’s already looking for reasons not to like me.”
clarisse rolled her eyes. not many people got under her skin like luke did. she’d told you why once—getting a quest from his father was meant to be the greatest achievement of his life, and failing that meant failing his father. she couldn’t imagine that. the disappointment, the pain… she’d always been an overachiever, you supposed. “whatever. if he kicks you out you can move in here.”
you frowned and sat up. “what, really?”
she shrugged. “yeah. i mean, you spend so much time here anyway, so…”
you felt a smile dragging itself across your features and had to bite your lip to suppress it. “sure. if it comes to that, i’ll be at your door.”
“better be. don’t wanna hear any shit about you moving into athena or something.”
you laughed, pushing her lightly. “never. you’re my number one, sweetheart.”
she looked up and pulled a face at you. “gross.”
as you laughed, you realised how much you loved to be one of the only people to see clarisse like this. carefree, relaxed, pulling faces and laughing at bad jokes. it was your favourite way to see her—save for training in the arena, muscles working, skin glistening with sweat under the hot sun… you had to take a deep breath to rid yourself of the thoughts and images.
she smiled as you lay back down with a sigh. her fingers plucked a leaf from your hair smoothly and placed it on her bedside table. your eyes followed her movements. smooth, slow, strong. oh, gods, you were so supremely fucked.
“where’s everyone else?” you asked softly.
she shrugged. her mood had changed instantly. it wasn’t unusual for clarisse though, so you brushed it off. “dunno. told them to get out and they did.”
you frowned and propped yourself up on your elbows, looking up at her. “why? what’s wrong?”
she shrugged again and leaned back against the headboard of her bunk. “just did. nothings wrong.” but she wasn’t meeting your eyes, and the tension had lifted her shoulders around an inch higher, and you knew she was lying like you knew the back of your own hand.
“liar,” you said simply. “tell me.”
“no,” she scoffed. “and if you keep pushing, you’ll be leaving soon too.”
you rolled your eyes. “please. you won’t kick me out. just tell me, clarisse. what’s your problem? did one of those dumbasses make a joke about your dad again? or, what?”
her gaze turned to you and it almost made you flinch. she was angry. she was cold. and she’d never directed that at you. the room even felt a few degrees colder. “get out.”
a shocked laugh slipped from your throat. “what?”
“i said, get out.”
you stared at her. how did you get here? “clarisse—“
“out!” she shouted.
you stood up quickly, looking at her, just waiting for her to tell you she was joking. she was messing around, right? she wasn’t actually angry at you? the look on her face, her clenched jaw and her tight fists said otherwise. you looked down at her. “fine. whatever. you don’t have to tell me, but i’m the only person who gives enough fucks to listen. come find me when you’re ready to grow up.”
she didn’t say anything, no matter how long you waited, watching her, hoping she’d speak.
so you left.
it wasn’t unusual for clarisse to lock people out, but it was unusual for her to lock you out. you were her right-hand man. her advisor. her best friend. and, if you were right, probably the girl she was in love with. (if you weren’t right, she had some explaining to do, because who looks at their best friend like that?)
it was two days. two days of silence. loneliness. boredom. and a twelve year old girl following you around camp because ‘luke told me you’d be my guide!’ when would luke stop trying to get you more involved? surely, he should have learned by now.
regardless, two days were a very long time on your own.
and it was coming up on two day and two nights too, as you were walking on the shore, shrouded in inky darkness and kicking rocks into the quiet water. this was a normal occurrence for you: night walks in a cloak of night itself. it hid you from everyone’s prying eyes.
“i can see you.”
well, nearly everyone.
“thought you weren’t taking to me,” you dispersed your darkness but didn’t look over at clarisse. she was standing behind you, back along the beachfront.
she didn’t speak again, but you still didn’t look back. the lack of footfalls walking away made you realise you just had to trust that she was still there.
you kicked another rock.
“it was my dad.”
you nearly slipped on the wet rocks. “what?”
“that’s what i was upset about. he came to one of my brothers in a dream, but he didn’t come to me.” her voice sounded weak, pathetic, almost child-like in the way that all kids sounded when they just wanted their parents to see them. you understood that too well. after all, wasn’t that the whole reason why you took night walks? being closer to a mother who was the literal embodiment of night itself was a little difficult to achieve, and these walks felt like the only way to manage it. that was why clarisse fought so fiercely and so much—for glory, for power and for her fathers approval.
you turned to face her. you were around ten feet away, but you closed the distance quickly, stopping not far from her. “why didn’t you tell me? why did you push me away?”
“i hate feeling weak.” she scoffed, rolling her eyes. you could see a shine of tears in them. “and you… you make me feel weak.”
you frowned in confusion. “i’m sorry? i think? how do i—?”
“gods, you’re so oblivious,” she sighed. “i used to hate being around you, you know? because you made me feel like i could relax. you still do. you’re the only person that makes me feel like that, and that’s fucking terrifying, y/n.”
you stared at her. was this…? no… “clarisse—“
“just stop talking,” she groaned. “you always talk around me and that just makes things worse! because— because your voice is—is— when you talk it’s like it’s meant for only me!”
“it is,” you said softly.
she froze, looking at you. “it is?”
“yeah, stupid,” you rolled your eyes. “you don’t need to yell at me or anything. i get it.”
“you don’t get it,” she scoffed.
“wanna bet?” you teased, stepping closer.
“i do, actually, yeah,” she met you in the middle, her usual confidence back and stronger than ever, but you could feel her hand shaking as it brushed against yours. “what are the stakes?”
“bragging rights,” you shrugged. “and if i’m right, i’m gonna tell everyone you’re a softy.”
“you won’t tell anyone, because you don’t want to talk to anyone, dummy,” she rolled her eyes. “i’m the only person you actually like.”
you shrugged. “that’s true. i do like you.”
and you kissed her.
you kissed her like the world was ending, like world war three was starting, like you’d be interrupted at any moment.
darkness swirled around you, covering the two of you in inky black as footsteps echoed on a cabin porch in the distance.
clarisse kissed you back with everything she had, with all her strength, like all of her hours of training were made to hold you close and never let you go.
and, when you finally separated, as smoke-dark blackness drifted around you, you found that you’d never been able to see so clearly in your life.
“please, never shut me out again,” you whispered against her lips. “ever. i don’t want to go through that bullshit again.”
she laughed, a quiet sound that echoed through the night. “gross. that was so lame.”
“shut up.” you kissed her again.
you didn’t even mind that she made you feel nice, anymore. nice, and fluttery, and like your heart could fly out of your chest and into the night, and you wouldn’t even be sad to see it go if you had her. and you knew then, you’d always have her.
(requested by @slaggylemon)
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jeon-ify · 5 months
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insecure - mingi
mdni. 18+
warnings: semipublic sex, reader is insecure, swearing, semi car sex, mirror sex, just smut tbh
the pores on your face aren’t sitting right. every time you put makeup on, your pores just show through your primer, through the foundation and past the concealer and setting powder.
this was your last straw.
tonight, mingi was taking you out to his favorite restaurant to celebrate your 3rd anniversary as a couple, and boy was he overdressed.
he had his black suit on with a dark red handkerchief, and a pin with your initial on it— something he’ll cherish forever, gifted from his best friend yunho.
“mingi, i’m not going. i look and feel like shit. can we just go another day?” you’re on the verge of tears. you didn’t like the way the dress looked on you, your makeup wasn’t looking good at all, your hair felt flat and icky.
mingi’s head turned so fast, you could’ve sworn he broke his neck. “babes, what’s wrong? you look beautiful to me. that’s all that matters, hm? why do you feel like shit?” he asks, holding your arms in his hands, rubbing circles on your forearms.
“cus, bro, look at my hair and my fucking dress and my fucking skin is so ugly. no matter how much primer or skincare or shit i put on my face it’s still ugly. so stop telling me i look beautiful cus you’re lying to the both of us.”
you argue in a way that makes mingi’s breath hitch, at shock from the way you start to disrespect and insult yourself. he never heard you talk about yourself like this since the day you met him, what made you so insecure all of the sudden?
his hand moves its way up to your throat, squeezing at the sides, putting pressure on your soft spots as you sigh.
“i have never heard you speak like that about yourself a day in my life, and i never wanna hear you talk like that again. am i clear?” he scolds you, holding your jaw and tilting your head up so he gets a clear view of your makeup.
“you look so fucking good right now, y/n. i’ve been holding myself back from ripping that dress off you and fucking up all that makeup on your pretty face. put those red heels on, spray your burberry perfume and don’t put any panties on. understand?”
you put on his favorites all in under one minute. you finish touching up your makeup, sliding your panties off and putting on the red heels mingi left by the dresser for you to wear as he waits downstairs. you spray burberry her, a perfume mingi loved on you, and head downstairs.
mingi is scrolling through his phone for a while before watching you walk down the stairs. you feel his eyes on your braless chest, making your heart and stomach flutter.
“we don’t even have to go to dinner tonight, i could just fuck you in that dress and call it a night, to be honest.”
he confesses. you playfully slap his shoulder, walking behind him as he locks the door to your shared home. you walk behind him as he opens your side of the door, closing after you. his car smelled so fucking good. it had a clean and musky scent to it, much like how mingi smelled when he walked out of a fresh shower.
he turns on the radio to mask the tension in the car after the scene that just took place in your room. you remember that you’re not wearing any panties, and that if mingi touched you right now, you could be so quick to ruining his leather seats. he liked to touch you while he was driving, as he’s a very touchy person. as you’re holding his hand, his thumb presses into your palm, pulling out a gasp from your throat. his gaze on the road darkens, mingi getting hard just from the sounds you’re making. his hand moves to your thigh, rubbing circles and inching closer to your bare heat. his fingers hide under your dress, as his middle finger rubs slow circles on your clit.
“m-mings, pay attention to the road.” you moan, your false lashes fluttering as you try to keep your eyes open. you hold his wrist as you try to pull him away from rubbing too hard on the spot.
his middle finger enters your hole, thrusting slowly. he stops at a red light as he puts the car in park to lean over to place one hand on your mouth and fuck you with his other hand. he fingers your pussy as fast as he can. when you’re pulsing and clenching around his digits, the light turns green, and mingi pulls his fingers away, using one hand to steer, and placing the other hand in your mouth, cleaning off your juices and precum from his fingers.
as you arrive to the restaurant, mingi lets you out of his car, holding your hand and walking in with you. the place is almost like a museum, statues and portraits fill the walls as the music plays through the soft speakers.
“go to the bathroom, i’ll follow you in 5.” he looks around, waiting for you to start.
“why? we just got here.” you respond as you stand up, mingi looking into your eyes, not saying a word. you don’t say anything else, walking towards the bathroom. you know exactly what he wants.
you get into the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to prepare yourself for what’s about to happen, thinking of ways you can avoid your makeup messing up.
the door flies open as mingi walks in, immediately grabbing at your hair and bending you over the counter. he uses his free hand to pull your dress down to expose your chest. your nipples come in contact with the cold marble as you moan from the contact. mingi humps onto your ass as your body jolts forward. he pulls your head up from your hair, making you look at the view in the mirror.
“now, what were you telling me when we were at home and you said i was lying to you? calling me a liar, baby?”
he bends down so your back is against his chest, his lips in contact with your ear as he kisses your jaw, waiting for your response.
“p-please-“ you moan. he pushes against you, feeling how painfully hard he is as he presses against your ass. when he doesn’t get the response he needs, he lands a sharp slap on your cheek.
“asked you a fuckin’ question. do you think i’m a liar? do you think i would ever lie to you? are you doubting how much i love you? lift your dress up and watch how i fuck you.”
“babe, someone could walk in any m-“ you try, but this doesn’t stop him. you lift up your dress and grind against him. and instead, he pulls his cock out and rubs it against your folds.
“let them. let them watch how i’m fucking my beautiful wife. my pretty baby. this pussy belongs to me, i’ll give you my children. gonna fuck all of my cum into you and make everyone watch how fucking sexy you look while taking me and fucking you dumb.”
he pushes his dick into you, starting at a rough pace. your body jolts and quivers as he makes you watch the way your breasts bounce with every thrust he gives you. you grasp onto the edges of the sinks next to you, trying to find balance in the way mingi is fucking you senseless. he hits a spot that makes you squirt, your juices dripping onto the tile beneath you.
“look how pretty you are. my fuckin’ angel. prettiest woman i’ve ever seen. you have it all, baby. makes me cum on sight, y/n. i love you— fuck, i love you. love you so much. made for me, doll. say it. wanna hear you say you’re beautiful.”
he groans as his thrusts come to a halt. you start to whine and cry out for mingi to slow down, but he only gets harder the more you beg.
“i ca-n’t take it mings, i’m fucking cumming, play with my clit, daddy. make me cum,” you cry. mingi complies the fastest he’s ever complied, feeling you clench down onto his cock as if he were gonna leave at any given moment.
“say you’re pretty while you’re cumming on my dick, wanna watch you.”
you feel like your legs are gonna fall off when you try to hold yourself together. your pussy starts to drip mingi’s cum, as yours follows suit.
“i’m be- fuck mingi! i’m beautiful! i’m cumming again, daddy, stay in me.” you cry. something about mingi watching you cry and beg just to prove a point makes your head spin and your cunt throb.
“fuck, i feel it, there you go, gorgeous. so pretty when you cum. imagine how pretty you’d be carrying our children.”
head spinning
taglist: @bbae98 @haohaoshoe @k-hotchoisan @stolasisyourparent @atinytiny @isiloiale @kpophosblog @nakiiko @certifiedmoa @aaniag @wonusbbg @yunnieo @chosoteta 🤍
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ivypos-writes · 14 days
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with my touch (i have cursed you)
— aemond targaryen
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summary: His first touch plants a seed of desire, and it is only a matter of time before it blooms.
Or, all the times Aemond touches her, and the one when he lets himself be touched.
warnings: 18+, au—no dance of dragons, targcest, aemond being a tease and a little shit, mutual pining, unhealthy amounts of tension, first times, oral (f receiving), fingering, piv, multiple orgasms, aemond being pathetic (he whimpers), smut with plot (and the plot is just prolonged foreplay)
word count: 8.7k
notes: so. i wrote this thing. english is not my first language. all reblogs and comments are very appreciated! aemond girlies, we are so back.
(also available on ao3.)
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The street is bustling with life.
She is little more than a dull spot against a variety of colours, and something about the thought of blending with the surroundings is more comforting than anything she has ever known. She tightens her hold on the large hood of the cloak and pushes past a gathering of haggling customers, giggling as they shout in indignation.
It is still early, though the skies above head are spotted with warm oranges and pinks. The air is different here. Sultry. She traverses the cobblestone paths and passes through alleys filled with shops and boisterous merchants, and her eyes grow brighter with each step.
She has known life in its subdued form—in gold and jewels, and soft-spoken words, and lullabies sung at nighttime. She has been sheltered, and dressed in gowns, and taught to wield practiced smiles and pretty countenance. It is the first time that she experiences havoc. There is dirt and dust, and curses falling left and right, and women dressed scarcely in anything, scraps of fabric falling down their shoulders without care for decency.
In these streets, life is fervent. Chaotic, unashamedly passionate, and lewd in ways that render her breathing shallow.
At once, she is filled with greed.
Led by impulse alone, she blurs into the masses of depravity. She forgets about her name and titles. Here, she is just a woman—not a silver-haired maiden, or a dragonrider, or her mother’s daughter. It is easy to forget duty when it is nowhere to be seen; when it is replaced with pure, unadulterated perversity.
Something flutters in her heart, and it must be freedom.
She passes by multiple stands, and because here she is not a princess, she catches the string of a flower pendant and snitches it from its spot. The trader doesn’t notice, too engrossed in his attempts to sell his goods for a too-high price. She is quick to hide it deep inside her pocket, and the smile that lightens her face is radiant.
Her feet ache, but she stubbornly speeds towards the nearest corner. It is right there, and she almost reaches its edge—
“Are you up to no good, niece?”
A gasp tears out of her mouth. She turns, wide-eyed and flushed, and finds a splash of silver-white strands shining against worn-out fabric. She scans the porcelain skin and the puckered scar that paints it in pinks; traces the leather of the eyepatch. He looks different in this particular light. Warm hues of the sky bathe him in a gleam that softens the curves of his features; there is an odd gentleness in him that she doesn’t recognise.
“Aemond,” she murmurs.
He seems pleased with himself. She catches a glint in his eye that whispers of carefully restrained mischief; his lips are curved into the beginning of a smile. She’s seen this particular expression only a handful of times, and always in the face of chaos.
It suits him. More often than not, and only ever quietly, she thinks he was carved for it.
“I didn’t take you for a little thief.”
Her cheeks burn. They must be scarlet red, and she inwardly curses both the humidity and the weight of his gaze that only fuels the onslaught of the tint. Aemond’s smirk grows. The blatant exhibition of her shame appears to have entertained him.
“A thief?” she repeats, eyes rounded with what she hopes is a convincing display of innocence. “Have you any proof?”
He breathes out a little laugh. It’s sharp and fleeting, and she drinks up the sound of it, oddly enthralled. She is not familiar with his laughter. Her skin prickles as its remnants linger between them.
Aemond moves closer, and soon the distance between them is so small that their cloaks brush against one another.
She is so caught off-guard that she barely notices the pendant dangling from his finger. Aemond swings it in front of her face, and when she reaches for it with a surprised gasp, he moves his hand away in the blink of an eye.
Her mouth twists in displeasure. His grin grows.
“Give it back,” she demands.
“It wasn’t yours in the first place.”
“I claimed it as mine.”
“Did you?” Aemond’s eye lights up in flames. From this close, she can almost sense the heat. “Is it as simple as that?”
“It is.”
She doesn’t expect him to truly return the pendant into her waiting hand, and her eyebrows furrow in surprise when he does. Aemond says nothing more. His expression is meticulously crafted—it is layers upon layers of riddles that she does not know how to solve. She imagines peeling them off one by one and finding him as he is—bare before her eyes. She wonders what she’d find written over his face when it is unspoiled by composure.
His fingers briefly tickle the skin of her palm before they’re gone. They leave a searing trail in their wake.
“It’s a poor disguise.” Aemond eyes the hood that falls onto her forehead, and the few curls that cascade down her face in silver streaks. “If you want to sneak out into the city, you ought to be more clever.”
She scowls. “And you, of course, know everything about it.”
There is contemplation in his eye. He rids himself of the smiles that she doesn’t recognise, and puts on a calculating face that she’s seen many times before. It makes him look more familiar. Most of the times that their paths cross, she finds him lost deep in thought.
She eyes his outstretched hand with scepticism.
He will likely drag her back to the Red Keep—to the judging stares and stinging reprimands and her mother’s burning disappointment. There is nothing she loathes more than being forced to endure interrogations regarding her behaviour. She will be scolded, as if it is a crime that she, a girl, has decided to experience something more than feigned propriety.
She thinks she would rather stay within the dirt and stench of the city.
Aemond hums in response to her silence, and the sound is so low that she needs to chase it through the clamour of the street. There is something akin to understanding that appears on his face.
His hand remains still.
“Do you wish to see the city or not?”
She blinks, perplexed, and it takes a mere moment for her fingers to lace with his. His are warmer than hers; heat engulfs her, and she unconsciously presses against him with doubled force.
When her eyes return to his face, Aemond is already watching her. He leans towards her. His breath tickles her cheek.
“Stay close,” Aemond orders. He stands in such proximity that they breathe the same air. “And don’t be a brat.”
She lets him tighten his hold on her hand, and soon they are walking the path side by side.
Aemond shows her the city in all its glory, and not once does his grip waver.
She spends the night tracing the remnants of his fingertips on her skin.
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He smells of smoke.
It is a cloudless day, and she has decided to forsake the red walls of the castle in favour of the sun-soaked yard. There is only the scent of grass and parchment. It is why she senses him before he speaks. He permeates the air like he owns it.
“Shouldn’t you be with your septa?”
The skin of her palm tingles with the memory of his touch; she clutches at the silken fabric of her dress, if only to smother the sudden urge to hold something between her fingers. There is a large tome in her lap, and she flicks the pages absentmindedly, determined not to look at him.
She hasn’t seen him since their escapade through the streets of King’s Landing. It is not that she avoids him—only she does, because it feels as if the line between them that she’s known all her life became blurred. She searches for its remains and finds them long shattered. There is void space in its stead that she knows not what to make of
“Shouldn’t you mind your own business, uncle?”
She hears him snort quietly. There is a rustling sound that follows, and soon Aemond’s arm is brushing against hers. It is a feather-like touch, but she freezes all the same.
He smells of smoke. Fire. Scorching flames. Her skin burns beneath the sleeve of her dress in all places he has touched.
“The Seven-Pointed Star,” Aemond reads, blissfully unaware of her turmoil. “I didn’t take you for a woman of faith.”
Slowly, a little hesitantly, she turns her face towards him. His own is perfectly neutral, but she finds a glimpse of amusement playing at the corners of his mouth. She squints at him, feigning offence.
“Did you take me for a woman of sin, then?”
He doesn’t answer. She supposes it is an answer in its own right. Before she can think it through, her arm shoots forward; she elbows him in the side and smiles at the startled gasp that leaves his mouth.
It is a nice sound. Her cheeks warm.
When her eyes return to the book, she finds herself eager to continue the conversation, though whatever it is that urges her to do so remains unclear.
“Septa Marlow is under the impression that I lack virtue,” she says, voice dripping with venom. She glances at him, suddenly needing to add a rushed, “It’s a vile accusation.”
Septa Marlow is a cunt. Her mother will not say it aloud, but she knows that they both hate the woman with equal passion. The septa is stuck in her old ways, and no longer remembers youth well enough to comprehend it. Her teachings persist only for the sake of upholding etiquette, and only for as long as it’s necessary.
Not much longer. She is almost a woman grown.
Aemond chuckles. “Certainly.”
She shoots him a withering look. The corners of his lips tremble; he seems to be holding back another fit of laughter, and she narrows her eyes at the sight.
“Do you disagree?”
He faces her fully, and she can now see the scar marring his skin. It looks softer in sunlight; its edges blend with his flesh. She traces its shape and length; wanders through every inch. If she tried to touch it—to caress it with gentle fingers—would he move away? Would he give her his scorn, and his anger, and would the fire that they share turn deadly? Aemond keeps the scar out of sight for a reason. He must hate her for looking at it.
But Aemond doesn’t shy away from her gaze. He doesn’t seem to mind the way she is watching him; his body tilts towards hers, and now both their elbows and their knees touch.
He’s beautiful. It is a thought that never once crossed her mind, and yet it’s true. Sunny spells hit his face in all the right places, and the purples of his eye glow, and the sight of him steals her breath away.
When he speaks, it is closer to a whisper, as though meant for her ears alone.
“I wouldn’t dare question your virtue, sweet niece.”
Fire returns, stronger than she remembered it to be. It’s all she knows.
Silence befalls them again, and her eyes revert back to the tome in her hands.
They widen when nimble fingers grab the book. It is gone from her grasp before she can blink. She opens her mouth to scold him; to demand that he give it back, even though she doesn’t truly want it.
Words die on her tongue when the heavy weight of the old tome is replaced by softness in the hues of silver-whites.
Aemond’s head is in her lap.
Her heartbeat jumps.
She stares at him, and then around the yard, and then once again at him. They are sitting in a fairly private area of the yard, but she knows that they’re never truly spared from eyes that are hungry for controversy. Someone will see. Someone will see, and then talk, and soon they will become yet another spectacle for vicious tongues. Protests rise to her lips—numerous, and each of them quite rational. Surely, he will see reason.
But then he turns, and his eye reflects the sun, and she forgets what she wanted to say, or why she wanted to say it, or why it matters if they were discovered at all.
He looks so peaceful. She’s never seen an expression quite this soft on his face. There is a trace of pink on his cheek, and his lips are curved, and he eyes her with emotion she cannot fathom.
She couldn’t possibly disturb him when his face is smoothed with serenity. Just a little longer, she thinks. She wants to see him like this for a few more stolen moments.
“Go on, then,” Aemond says without a care. “Read to me.”
Her mouth is dry. She clears her throat and hopes that her face doesn’t betray her.
“My lap isn’t your spot to rest on.”
Except it is. She will not say it—she’ll never say it—but having him this close feels right. Like this, his softness is for her eyes only.
“I have just claimed it as mine.” His eye speaks in a language of pure intensity, and in response she burns. “Is it not as simple as that?”
She bites her tongue and says nothing else, and the stray strands of his hair tickle her arms. Her skin is on fire. She’s sure that her cheeks are, too.
When she reads to him, she prays that her voice does not waver.
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The feast thrown on her name day is a boastful one. She weaves her way through crowds of faces she doesn’t recognise, and pleasantries fall from her lips as befitting the daughter of a royal household.
A woman grown. It seems half the realm had been eagerly waiting for her to come of age. She is mostly surrounded by men, and they all appear to be looking for excuses to touch her.
She is in search for any of her brothers, hoping for a moment of respite from the dancing. It isn’t that she dislikes it, but she has long since grown tired of foreign hands palming her body as though they owned it. She would rather dance with Jace, or even Luke whose clumsiness precedes him—or all by herself, uncaring for the crowds that wish to sink their claws into her.
Respite evades her. Just when she spots familiar heads made of brown curls, another stranger forces his way into her personal space. The man is twice her age, and she immediately finds herself repulsed by the leering expression that he cares not to veil for something more respectful.
His palms are clammy. They will surely leave stains on her skin.
The man leads her towards the centre of the hall, and his spine is straightened in a pathetic display of pride. His hands find her hips before she can protest; his grip is harsh, verging on bruising.
The dance couldn’t last longer. Her head spins from the force with which the man whirls her around, and she must steady herself by gripping his shoulders, even if the prospect disgusts her. She prays that Daemon sees them; that he comes with his sword in hand, ready to spill blood.
But it isn’t Daemon that grabs the man by the arm and sends him backwards. It isn’t Daemon that takes her hand into his own, shielding her from the eyes of the stranger.
She is at peace. Safe. Fire licks at her skin and sinks deep into her bones.
Aemond remains silent. He leads her away from the man, not sparing him a glance. As always, his hand is warm.
“Uncle.” She cannot help but grin. “It would have been more polite to wait your turn.”
He hums, quick to find the right steps. He is a good dancer. His body was made for it.
“Would you rather have him paw at you like an animal?”
She twirls, and the colours of her dress blur into a rainbow.
Aemond is a pitch-black spot against the canvas of vibrant hues. She is drawn to him; drawn to his darkness, and the violet of his eye that disrupts it. Her palm finds his, and she bites back a smile when he boldly presses his skin to hers.
It is not a dance meant for touching.
“What if I liked it?”
Once more, she spins.
They stand back to back, and her spine tingles from the proximity. He is close; too close. His scent is all she can feel.
He has corrupted her with his disregard for propriety. She knows it, because not once does she consider what their family would say if they saw them.
“Did you like it?”
Heat spreads from her back towards her chest. There are many things she has come to like, and none of them are quite related to some unnamed lords.
She could say it. Whisper every perversity her mind has conjured.
But more often than not, their short exchanges seem to be a game that none of them truly understands. She must keep playing. It is what keeps him returning for more.
She turns around to face him and shrugs. “I’m not made of glass. There is no need to handle me gently.”
There is a beat, and silence, and hands itching to touch. Suddenly, without any warning, she is pulled into Aemond’s embrace; a gasp escapes her throat when she feels his hand tighten around her waist.
His fingers dig into the flesh of her hip. He holds her firmly against his chest, and she imagines their bodies blending together into one.
There is nothing appropriate about this kind of proximity. She stands before him as a woman, and he holds her like a man would, and surely no one sees through the flames that have flared around them. This—whatever it is—belongs to them alone.
But her skin tingles.
“Uncle,” she pants, face scarlet red with something unspoken. It is not shame, but something of a darker nature. She is not yet ready to name it. “People are looking at us.”
“Let them look,” he says, and each word has his lips brushing against her ear.
They are so close that she feels his heartbeat. It is as quick as hers.
Not alone. They’re not alone.
“Do you want me to let go?”
She doesn’t. He must know that she doesn’t. There is something perverse about his hands on her body—right there, in a hall full of strangers and curious gazes. In the centre of everything. She would gladly let him hold her like this forever—until everyone in the hall understands that she is his, and it is his arms that she belongs in.
“I do,” she says instead.
In a rush of boldness, with utter disregard for her own words, she presses her chest closer to his.
She hardly knows where her body ends and his begins, and if she wanted to—oh, how she wants to—she could step onto her toes and reach towards his lips—
“You're not very convincing,” Aemond whispers into her hair, and then his hands are gone.
He leaves her amidst crowds, surrounded by dozens of onlookers, and yet she sees nothing but the lines of his shrinking silhouette.
It is hours later that she lays amidst silken bedcovers, a sheen of sweat clinging to her bared body, and furiously rubs the spot right between her legs. Her teeth are clenched, and her eyes are burning with vexation, and her hand is not enough. It’s not enough.
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She is half-sprawled atop the wooden table.
Her braids have long since come undone, and her hair now cascades down her back like a shield. She plays with one of the strands, curling it around her finger. Her other hand flips the pages of whatever book she is pretending to read.
The library is quiet. It is located deep enough into Maegor’s Holdfast that she knows none of her siblings will find her. It offers the kind of solitude no other place in the Red Keep ensures. Dozens of shelves thrice her height have been installed within the walls, all filled with the oldest and rarest of volumes in the realm.
She cares not for the scent of parchment. It is not books that she came for.
“You shouldn’t be here.”
A small smile creeps onto her lips.
She knew he would come. His presence no longer takes her by surprise. Everywhere she goes, Aemond dutifully follows; no longer does she need to search for him in dark corners.
He is her shadow.
Every day, she breathlessly waits for night to come.
“Niece.” His footsteps echo through the walls. “It nears the hour of the owl.”
She rubs the tiredness from her eyes and swallows the yawn that has crawled up her throat. The book is now forgotten; she pushes it away, no longer interested in keeping up the pretence of studying its contents. When she turns, she does it slowly, if only to conceal her traitorous eagerness.
It is too dark. All she sees is a mark of silver painted on pitch-black canvas. His face is shielded from her view, and she bites back the bitter disappointment. She has gone the entire day without a single glimpse of him.
“Why do you care?”
Her eyes trace the outline of his silhouette. He strides towards the chair in front of her, and though she wishes he would sit beside her instead, she appreciates the closeness all the same.
The table is too large. She should have chosen a different one.
The air grows heavier, like it always does when she is with him.
“A princess shouldn’t be spending her time alone in the darkness.”
She wishes he could see her coy smile; wonders if he would offer her one of the private smirks she now knows by heart, or if he’d playfully scold her, or throw a comment that would induce a blush in response.
“It is a good thing, then, that you’ve found me.”
“Yes,” Aemond murmurs, and his voice is so guttural that she nearly melts at the sound. “It is.”
Then it is them, and silence, and darkness. It seems to have become a usual setting for their meetings, as though they required the shroud of night’s secrecy to conceal something illicit.
It isn’t wrong. Whatever it is—whatever looms above their heads—it is not wrong.
Absentmindedly, she reaches for the book; as always, he is quicker.
Their hands meet. There is nothing innocent about the touch, and she no longer desires to pretend that she is not burning. Aemond’s fingers trace the skin of her palm; tickle it, and she bites her lip at the sensation. It lasts only for a short moment—too short, never enough—and then his touch is gone, and so is the book.
She wishes he would forgo this restraint. She has long since grown tired of it.
“I was reading this,” she lies.
“Were you?”
She wants to tear the tome away from his grasp, if only for their hands to touch once more.
“No,” Aemond repeats lowly.
If there was any light, she imagines that she’d find his eye intense and hungry; or maybe playful, betraying his endless desire to leave her breathless. He would look at her without a trace of shame, just like he always does. He would set her alight with one glance alone.
There is a thudding sound that cuts through silence. It breaks her out of reverie, and she flinches, squinting into the darkness.
Silver wisps cut through the air. Then they’re gone.
She straightens her spine, brows furrowed in confusion. It looks like he dropped the book and bent to pick it up, only she cannot see his hair. She opens her mouth, not quite understanding this particular game of his, until she feels it.
Something slithers up the skirts of her dress. Fingers wrap around her ankle, and then the other one, and suddenly her legs are forcefully parted. She gasps, and the sound echoes against the empty walls.
“Be quiet, niece,” comes Aemond’s muffled voice. “You’re in a library.”
This is madness. She cannot let it happen—cannot let him touch her like this, right there—
Aemond’s hands slide higher up her legs.
Her muscles tremble. He holds her with enough strength that she cannot escape his grip, forced to yield. Her vision swims, and there are only his hands—his hands—
He uses them skilfully. She has seen him hold a sword, and he now holds her skin with equal passion. His fingertips draw patterns down the length of her shins, and if she could—if she wasn’t possessed by a blinding desire—she would try to discern their meaning.
She feels his breath on her knee.
A small moan falls from her lips, and she clasps her hand over her mouth to cover it. It’s too late. He’s heard it.
Aemond’s grip turns vice-like.
He sears circles into her thigh. One of his hands is replaced by something softer, plushier, and she knows that it must be his lips atop her skin. He leaves fiery kisses on both her knees, and her heart gets stuck in her throat, threatening to jump out.
Higher, she thinks, and immediately bites her lip to prevent herself from begging aloud. If he moved his mouth higher—just a bit, only a bit—he would find out how much she needs him. Her desire has long since become choking. It takes a single brush of his skin against hers to get her slick and wet and ready.
Her skin is engulfed by flames. She must be touched, she must be touched—
Aemond’s lips are gone. She holds back a whimper when she feels fingertips brushing against her thigh in a parting gesture—little more than a caress, gone sooner than it came.
She closes her legs when Aemond’s head resurfaces from underneath the table.
Empty. She remains painfully empty.
“You should return to your chambers.” Aemond stands from the ground. He sounds cocky. “Who knows what lurks in the darkness.”
In the privacy of her bedchamber, she finds the mark that he left on her thigh. It is there for her eyes only. The mark haunts her, and she finds no sleep.
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“I know you’re there.”
It seems that they only ever exchange words in darkness. Just today, she was seated opposite him during dinner, and he didn’t look at her once. She wonders if it is fear that holds him back in daylight. Her own fingers forever burn with the desire to hold him, and more often than not, she forgets about the reality of their relationship. Perhaps avoiding each other in the presence of others is safer. They were never meant to burn together.
Her steps halt.
“I’m beginning to think you’re looking for trouble.”
She bites back a grin. “What if I am?”
Finally, he emerges from the shadows. She looks at him without a hint of shame; traces the line of his jaw, and his nose, and the purples of his eye. His hair looks soft. She finds herself overtaken by the desire to grasp it with her fingers and tug.
“You’ve found it.”
“Have I?” she says, and her throat is oddly dry. She watches him, and he watches her, and flames arise. “You don’t look much like trouble to me.”
Aemond’s steps are slow. She has learned their pattern by heart. He has a habit of moving at a leisurely pace, and more often than not, she imagines that it’s yet another way of tormenting her. He knows of her impatience and aims to use it to his advantage.
When he stops, he is still outside of her reach. He raises an eyebrow challengingly.
“What about now?”
It is another game, and she shakes her head because she must.
Aemond hums. His eye wanders down her neck, and her skin prickles underneath his gaze. She holds her breath when he takes another step forward.
Still, he is not close enough.
“And now, niece?” Aemond asks. “Do I look like trouble?”
“No,” she breathes.
His scent wafts through the air, and she ravenously inhales it. Aemond’s eye darkens. He moves closer, and she laces her fingers together in order not to reach out for him.
Maybe she should stifle the last of self-control. Maybe she should grab him by the collar of his riding leathers; pull him as close as she needs him to be. Sometimes, it feels as though he is waiting for her to do it. To make the first move.
Before her contemplation turns into action, his fingers catch the skirts of her gown. She takes a gulp of air when he easily tugs her closer.
“No?” Aemond mutters.
He studies her mouth in silent deliberation, and it prompts her to take her bottom lip between teeth. His nostrils flare.
“No,” she repeats firmly.
His smile is pure sin.
Aemond’s lips claim hers before she can say anything else. Words die on her tongue, and she scarcely remembers what it was that she wanted to say at all. His skin is scorching hot, and his mouth is demanding, and when she gasps into his mouth, he swallows the sound like a man starved.
She throws her hands around his neck before he disappears; before once more he flees from her touch. He is both soft and solid, and her fingertips go alight from the fire flowing through his veins. Aemond pushes into her, and soon her spine connects with the stone wall. His hands wander over her body, tugging impatiently at the endless pieces of material that separate them.
His kisses are flames. None of her dreams have done them justice. Her tongue dances as led by his own, and her teeth graze his bottom lip, and she can no longer think straight when he whimpers into her mouth.
“Sweet girl,” he breathes, and she drinks up the words straight from his tongue.
She pulls him closer, closer, and he hitches her leg over his hip, and she thinks that there is no going back from it. She will forever be cursed with the memory of his taste.
Her lips are full of him even when he’s gone.
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She is a woman possessed by madness.
An entire moon has passed, and he hasn’t touched her once. It is as though he forgot that she exists; as though her existence meant nothing at all. Distance stretches between them, sharp and thorned, and it cuts through her skin with vicious force. She burns with want. She burns until there is nothing left but ashes.
When she dreams, it is of his lips. Their taste has long faded, and though she chases the memory every night, she is left with emptiness. Sometimes, it feels as though she’s dying of hunger. She must taste him again. If she won’t, she thinks she’ll wither away.
She once thought that his teasing touch was torture. It’s only now—only when it’s gone—that knows it is the lack of it that elicits true torment.
It’s been three days since she saw him last. Even their last meeting was only in brief; he was gone as soon as her eyes found him amidst crowds of the Red Keep, his steps too quick for her to catch up with.
He has left her to burn alone. Now the flames have grown wild and lethal, and she succumbs to this insanity because she must.
She stays close to the stone wall.
It is nighttime, and most of the residents have retired to their bedchambers. The corridors are empty, guarded only in a few spots; her footsteps echo through the walls, accompanied by complete silence. She appreciates the semblance of privacy that has come with sunset. It is easier to slip by unnoticed when the lights are subdued.
Less than an hour ago, she caught a glimpse of Aemond in the courtyard, sword in his hand. He looked composed as ever, and by the end of the training session his forehead was sheen with sweat. It is what brought about this madness—the sight of him panting for breath.
It’s why she follows him now. He is quick on his feet, and so quiet that she cannot even hear him. All she sees is the broadness of his shoulders and silver-white wisps resting on his back.
She moves faster, determined not to lose him. Her pace turns unrelenting; she watches Aemond reach for the gilded knob. Just before the doors close behind him, she slips inside.
His bedchamber is swallowed by darkness. It is the first thing she sees; her eyes strain, eager to scan the entirety of the room. It looks pristine. His inclination for tidiness doesn’t astound her. She now knows that he keeps all his chaos leashed, preferring to build walls of purity around himself.
She sees through it all. Knows his vices by heart.
Aemond watches her without a trace of surprise. He must have known, then, that she was hunting him down.
It is different this time. The air is thicker. They are alone, and no one can enter his bedchamber without explicit permission. He must realise it. The purple of his eye is darker, and all she finds in it is desire.
Because it is him who has this time become prey, she is the first to make a move.
“I’m here, uncle. I came to you.”
It takes only one step for their chests to come closer, now on the verge of pressing together. Aemond’s face is a perfect image of indifference, but she knows better. There is something dangerous in his eye. She must push further than this to draw it out.
Her eyes go round with feigned innocence, and his own become hooded.
She wonders if his lips still taste the same.
“Won’t you touch me?” she whispers, never letting her gaze falter.
Aemond’s face remains carved in stone. “Perhaps you should ask nicely.”
It is as though he had struck her.
A beat passes, and she knows not what to say. Her mouth is dry. Her hands itch from the constant urge to sink into his flesh.
He repeats without hesitation, “Ask.”
She bites her tongue hard enough to wince.
It was foolish of her to come. He must think her desperate; corrupt, with her displayed flesh pulsating from the desire to be touched. She is wanton and wicked, and shame burns her cheeks upon the realisation.
A woman of sin.
If he wanted to, he would have touched her already. He would take her into his arms, and breathe in her scent, and bury his fingers deep in her soul. If he wanted to, all hesitation would shatter into pieces, and there would be no need to collect them anymore.
And yet his hands remain still.
She must have been wrong. So, so wrong.
With her eyes stinging, stubbornly downcast, she moves towards the door. If she leaves quickly enough, perhaps he’ll forget she was there at all. Perhaps she’ll awaken the next day and it will all turn out to have been a nightmare. Perhaps she—
Aemond’s hand clutches her forearm. His touch is gentle but firm; she can feel his fingers slither around her skin, closing his grip to prevent her from moving.
She holds her breath. All air is gone.
“Ask,” he says again, “and you shall have it.”
He pushes into her from behind, and his heat engulfs her in wild flames. Aemond’s chest presses against the length of her spine; his hair tickles her skin. She bites her lip when his nose brushes her cheek.
Her heart beats in a wild tune. Does his own match it?
It must. Surely, it must.
There is something desperate about him; something in his tone that whispers in a language she knows by heart. He is half-begging. She recognises it, because he has done the same in her dreams.
She yields. Utterly. Completely.
“Touch me,” she whispers.
He does.
Aemond grabs her hips and turns her around, and all softness she has come to know him for is gone. His eye is blown wide; it burns, it burns, it burns.
The kiss is bruising. His tongue enters her mouth before she can reciprocate; her spine connects with the surface of the door, and she welcomes the chill it provides with relief. Aemond’s lips are demanding and forceful, and he gasps into her mouth when her hands finally touch his bare skin. She digs her fingers into his neck, and tugs at his hair, and pulls him closer. It is not enough. She needs their mouths to mould into one—to never separate again.
He kisses her without his past control. She gasps for air, and Aemond breathes out into her skin, refusing to let go. His teeth nibble at her bottom lip, and she swallows down a whimper.
His fingers find her neck. The rings that adorn them are cold.
“Here?” he pants, breathless. “Do you want me to touch you here?”
She wraps his hair around her fingers, searching for an anchor. Her head swims, and all air is gone, and if it weren’t for his grip on her hip, she would crumble to the floor. Aemond groans when she pulls at the strands in her hand; she wants to bottle the sound and keep it as hers forever.
“Yes,” she whispers into his lips.
Aemond’s hand wraps around her throat; she sees stars.
Their tongues are at war, and she matches his tempo with determination. He tastes like smoke. Like the sun. Like oxygen. His thumb comes up to stroke her cheek, and the gentleness of this touch is a stark contrast to the way he devours her. She throbs with want. Now that she has touched him, she doesn’t think she could ever stop.
She didn’t know it could feel like this.
Because she’s possessed by greed, she breathes out a quiet, needy, “More.”
Aemond’s lips part with hers, and she immediately wishes to cry out in protest.
She burns under the weight of his gaze. Without once taking his eye off hers, Aemond’s hand leaves her throat, trailing down to her collarbone. His touch is feather-like; fingers tickle her skin. She sucks in air when his hand moves lower, playing with the lace neckline. One of his fingertips sneaks beneath the fabric.
“Should I touch you here?”
His hand boldly grabs her breast. She has never been touched like this. Her mouth dries, and she pushes her chest into Aemond’s grasp, flushing at the low hum he lets out in response. His lips find a spot on her neck that has her panting, and he sucks at the sensitive skin with such ardour that she’s certain he’ll leave a mark.
She moans when his fingers find her pebbled nipple and flick against it, and the wanton sound induces hot shame. He touches her through the fabric of her dress, and it is not enough. She needs more. She needs everything.
Embarrassed, she covers her mouth with her hand.
Aemond’s eye flashes with a wicked glint.
“Here?” he asks, pinching the nipple.
The sound that escapes her throat is smothered by her palm. Desperate, suspended on the verge of madness, she nods. Aemond’s lips curve into a smile, but his fingers refuse to give in.
Their lips touch when he whispers, “Say it.”
And because she’d do anything, anything, her hand obediently falls down.
“How prettily you beg.”
There is a tearing sound; she watches Aemond rip the corset of her dress apart, tugging it down so that her chest is exposed. She has no time to cover herself in scarlet shame, nor to complain about him ruining her favourite gown. His mouth finds her nipple, and she cries out when he sucks at it.
She knows nothing but his tongue that swirls around the nipple in torturous circles; nothing but his teeth when he bites down. Aemond presses her body further into the door, and there is not an inch left that separates them. They are one. Her arms hold him tightly. If she lets go, she will collapse.
His lips are gone. Before she can object, Aemond slides his palms lower—between her breasts, down her waist, over the curve of her hip bone. He sinks to his knees before her, and she watches, wide-eyed and unable to move. Aemond’s hand catches the skirt of her dress and hitches it upwards, bunching the fabric so that her skin is on display. His fingers find her bare thigh, and they are quick to wrap around its width. She whimpers when he pushes her legs apart, forcing himself in between. When he puts her knee over his shoulder, holding her upright with the sheer strength of his arms, she is gone.
“You have cursed me,” he murmurs into her skin, lips nibbling at her inner thigh. “I spend my days thinking of you.”
Her mouth parts; she gasps for air, chest rising and falling with increasing speed. Aemond’s hold on her thigh tightens when she squirms in his arms.
“I spend my nights dreaming of you.”
His sinful lips traverse the expanse of her exposed skin. They move higher, higher, and her muscles twitch with anticipation. He’s too slow, and her hips involuntarily push forward, seeking his touch. Aemond cruelly holds her still. She’s convinced that he’ll leave her skin bruised; convinced that before he reaches the spot where she aches most, she will have died from this torture.
When his tongue first touches her cunt, her vision blurs.
It feels nothing like her fingers. He is skilful and hungry, and the wet muscle laps at her clit in furious motions. Moans spill from her lips, and she has long since forgotten all about propriety. It means little when Aemond’s head is buried between her thighs; when the sinful act feels this holy. All thoughts dissolve into nothing, wiped away with his expert tongue. Aemond’s grip turns vice-like. There is nothing she can do but take whatever he wants to give.
Her clit pulsates from the onslaught. He spits, and then licks up the saliva, rubbing it in between her folds, and she nearly squeals at the sensation. It’s wet and filthy, and when he moans into her cunt, sending chills down her spine, she knows she won’t last much longer.
“Aemond,” she gasps, because his name is the only thing she knows anymore. “Aemond.”
Whines fall from her lips, and she no longer cares to smother them. Her hips rock, and his mouth keeps moving against her cunt, and she can’t, she can’t—
Right there, with his wicked tongue inside her, she erupts.
It’s like a storm. A wildfire. She shatters into thousands of pieces, and Aemond dutifully collects them all, drinking up everything that she offers. Her body rocks, and he soothes her with his touch and keeps her still. Their hands are joined, though she doesn’t recall the moment when they first touched. Aemond doesn’t stop until her gasps turn into cries. Before he moves away, his lips plant one more kiss right on her oversensitive clit.
Her body trembles. Aemond pulls her down, and she allows herself to be led by his hands. His touch is strong and gentle, and she cannot quite believe that he’s real. He puts her thighs around his waist; right there, on the cold ground, she straddles his lap. Aemond’s fingers weave through her hair, and he brushes them away from her face with such gentleness that she thinks she might weep.
“Pretty girl,” he murmurs, thumbs stroking her wet cheeks. “Such a pretty girl.”
For a moment, they just breathe. Their chests heave with equal fervour, and there is only silence and tender caresses. Her fingers trace the curve of his cheek; she follows its shape, searing it deep into her memory. She wants to remember this. Every detail.
Aemond’s mouth glistens in the spells of moonlight. He is wet with her. Her trembling fingers collect the moisture, and when she brings them to her lips and wraps her tongue around them, he groans.
Involuntarily, her hips rock. She sees him swallow down another sound.
Not once did he demand that she touch him. Aemond is hard beneath her, and yet he stubbornly clings to the restraint she thought to be long erased.
As though he didn’t think himself deserving of her touch.
“Take it off.” Her fingers reach for the eyepatch that separates them, tugging lightly. “I will see all of you.”
He eyes her with emotion she cannot name.
There is something achingly vulnerable about him. She watches as Aemond’s trembling hand reaches for the leather strap, brushing against hers in a feather-like manner. His good eye drops to the ground beside them, and she is quick to put her palms on his face.
She wants him to see himself as she sees him. To rid himself of whatever shame clings to his soul. She wants him to know that all she finds in him is heart-wrenching beauty.
“Aemond,” she whispers. Her fingers find the clasp, and she awaits his permission.
He hesitates. His gaze is dark. She counts the seconds, prepared to let go, but his voice stops her.
“Whatever you want,” he says at last. “It is yours. It is yours.”
Just like that, the eyepatch is gone. The scar stretches from above his eyebrow to the middle of his cheek, and although her hands are shaking, she reaches to stroke the mangled flesh.
Aemond wheezes. She catches the slightest trembling of his lips. His head drops, and for a moment she fears that he’ll move away from her, but he doesn’t. He pushes closer, as though seeking warmth. She will give it to him. She’ll give him whatever he wants.
He seems at war with himself, both touch-starved and unable to give in. But then he faces her once more. Her eyes trace the scar, and she bites back a gasp when she sees the sapphire in the place of his eye.
“You’re beautiful,” she tells him, because he is.
When he says nothing, she replaces her fingers with lips. She kisses every inch of the slash, and his sharp inhale is the only answer she receives. It is enough. She just needs him to know that she wants him as he is.
Aemond’s arms wrap around her waist, and it is enough. It’s everything she wants.
“I dream of you,” he tells her. “Of this.”
She opens her mouth, prepared to pour her heart out—to confess the lengths of her own desire, and the way it has rendered her mad. But Aemond grabs her hips, breaking them out of tranquility, and pulls the dress up so that it no longer sets them apart. She sees questions in his eye, though she doesn’t understand why he feels the need to ask them. Surely, he knows how deep the roots of her want go.
Wordlessly, she reaches for the laces of his leathers. It is enough of an answer; Aemond’s face softens, and then their lips collide again.
There are so many layers between them. Too many. She claws at his shirt, and he tears the last shreds of her bodice, and then they are skin to skin. She touches every single part of him, learning his shapes and curves. His body is toned, and his skin bears multiple small scars that must have come from a sword, and he is soft. Warm. Hers.
Aemond’s fingers find her entrance. She is slick for him—aching, pulsating, dripping. He circles her clit and swallows her moan, and then he is knuckle-deep inside her.
“Please,” she whines, though she knows not what she’s begging for.
His finger thrusts, and then it curls, touching a spot she never knew existed. She throws her head back, mouth open in a silent gasp. Aemond attaches his lips to her throat.
Release comes in waves, quicker than the previous one. It crashes into her body with full force, and she is helpless against the currents. Before she comes down, Aemond lifts her up and buries his cock in her cunt.
It hurts. It hurts, and he holds her close, and she whimpers into his mouth. Aemond is patient with her. He peppers her face with kisses, sighing into her skin, and stills his movements. The stretch burns, and she cannot help but clench around him. Her hips move on their own accord; her body chases what it inherently wants.
There is tenderness in his eye. It’s enough for her body to melt.
Aemond grunts and pushes deeper into her. The pace is slow, agonising, and she cannot take it. Her muscles spasm beneath his hands; she is completely at his mercy, waiting for each thrust. She tugs at his hair and whispers into his ear, demanding that he fuck her properly.
Time stills. Her clit throbs, and she aims to seek relief with her own fingers, but then Aemond pulls her hand away. The hunger in his eye has turned dangerous. It’s more black than purple.
“As you wish.”
She whimpers when he grabs her by the thighs and moves her body away from the door. He pushes her into the ground, spreading her dress beneath her back to soften the surface, and climbs atop her. His moves are frantic, and there is a glow on his features that must reflect her own. His hair tickles her face. She gives him a beaming smile, and his breath hitches.
His cock drives into her, and at the same moment his sinful fingers find her clit. She cries out. Her eyes roll back, and she tries to close her legs, trembling from the onslaught of pleasure. Aemond grabs her knees and holds them apart. Her dripping cunt is on full display; she sees him watch the place where they’re connected, his lips swollen and eyes glazed over. Aemond rubs her clit and thrust into her like a madman, and the bedchamber is bathed in sounds of clapping skin and wanton moans.
She makes no sound when she peaks. Her mouth falls open as she convulses beneath him, and Aemond pushes his fingers down her throat.
“One more,” he grunts. “Give me one more.”
Her body trembles. She can’t. No more, no more—
But Aemond’s torturous fingers keep flicking against her nub, and his rock-hard length twitches deep inside her, and she can’t stop. She can’t stop.
She is boneless. Her spine arches, and Aemond topples over her chest, and their orgasms come at once. They’re amidst clouds, suspended in the air; above turbulent waters; high enough to be scorched by the sun.
They burn. Together, they burn.
Their hearts beat in the same tune. Aemond puts his hand on her chest, in the hollow between her breasts, and she weaves her fingers into his hair. When he looks at her, all she sees is scorching affection.
He stays buried inside her, as though equally reluctant to let their bodies part. Purple and sapphire glow in the dark, and she watches him, breathless and enthralled, unable to look away.
“I have claimed you,” he whispers into the night.
Her eyes are soft. With her fingertips, she writes letters down the length of his spine. She knows the words, though for now they remain invisible to the eye. Aemond looks at her with awe, hands still warm against her cheeks as he holds her. She wishes she could hear his thoughts. Wonders if she’d find remorse and guilt, and the desire to turn back time.
There is no regret in her heart. This—their bodies woven into one—was fated. His first touch planted a seed inside her, and its destiny was to bloom.
“Then I’m yours.”
His hands find hers, and there is only fire.
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justaaveragereader · 1 year
Prey For Me
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Pairing: Choi Jongho x Reader
Word Count: 4.3k
Genre: Smut, Dom!Jongho, Sub Reader, Marriage Au
Warning⛔️: Dom/Sub, praise, unprotected sex(wrap it tf up!), manhandling, rough sex, fingering, possessive Jongho, marking, primal/prey play, oral (receiving), cream pie, cum play, spanking, choking, manhandling, mirror sex, if I missed anything let me know👀
nsfw & warnings under the cut - minors dni!!🔞
“Oh baby…You wanted to do this tonight? You really are spoiling me.” Jonghos voice echoed out through your shared home. You had brought up to him months ago that you wanted to try a new kink you had read about, primal play. Jongho in his day to day life was a soft hearted, sweet man, he was always good to you. Yet in the bedroom? It was a whole different ball game. Jongho would have you seeing the galaxy, that's how good he was. He was always so dominant and each time you’d love to push his buttons a little more and more. When you had brought up the idea to him, he immediately was on board.
These last couple of weeks for Jongho had been so busy, he was in and out of the office so much, working himself for the perfect life you both lived. He finally had a full weekend off and on Friday you wanted to try things out, which would take Jongho completely by surprise.
The house was pitch black, it was well past 10pm. Jongho entered his home, placing his suitcase on the ground. Flicking on the light switch he realized the whole house was dark, no lights were lit, nothing was on. The only light that was illuminating the house was the lightning outside, a hard roar of thunder cracked. He let a small smile grow on his face. He started to undo his tie, slowly walking further into his house, it was clear as day you cut off the fuse box just for this moment.
“Oh my love, you really do spoil me.” You heard him call out, his voice echoing in the home causing your cunt to clench, you could hear his leather shoes clack against the ground, the sounds echoing around you. Letting out a small chuckle, he started to unbutton his suit coat, you could clearly hear every unbutton being done. He was taking his time with you, the ball was in his yard and were you two going to play. You decided to stay hidden in the pantry. You could hear him but he was not in your sight, yet you knew he was coming close, like he was sniffing you out.
As each step grew closer, your cunt got wetter, he was stalking you out, waiting to pounce at the right moment.
“I can smell that sweet cunt from here. I know you are dripping wet for me already. Go ahead baby, rub on that pretty pussy for me.”
Biting your lip to suppress a moan, you knew you were dripping from the thrill of him finding you, searching for you, stalking you like you were his next meal, that alone had you ready to cum. Trying your best not to touch yourself you crush your legs together hoping to get some stimulation to hold you over til he finds you. His shoes echoing with each step, his stride was so confident, he knew he was going to find you and turn you out. You should’ve stretched prior to this because you know, you will not be walking tomorrow.
He stops right before the kitchen, suit jacket off, tie undone, his black button down, with two buttons undone at the top, that cocky smirk on his face, and his eyes that are glazed over, he looks feral yet so delicious. You hawk him down through the cracks in the pantry door, watching his every move, the air is thick with desire, thick with lust, thick with want.
“I’ll even give you a head start baby, I’ll count to five, so you can pick a new hiding spot.” He walks slowly around the island, shoes echoing with each step, your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest. You clutch your shorts, excitement tingling your spine. You hear him let out a small chuckle once more, he walks backwards, eyes drifting to the pantry door, a smile crept on his face as he exited the kitchen. Your hand slowly opened the pantry door, quietly trying to make a run for it, quickly trying to run out of the same exit Jongho had left from, darting to your bedroom. You quietly open the door, dashing inside. Stopping right before your bed frame when you notice his suit coat is laid out on it.
“My, my, my, what do we have here?” His husky voice echoed through the room. Causing you to freeze in place, your hands trembling with excitement. He got you exactly where he wanted you, falling right into his trap. Checkmate.
Slowly turning around you lock eyes with him. His body lax against the side of the door, his black button up unbuttoned right above his navel, belt undone, tie loose, and his head tilted back against the wall. His eyes were glazed over in feral desire, he didn’t even have to work hard for his meal to come to him.
You stood still, body slightly shaking, you made a move to the side of the bed, trying to place as much distance between the two of you. Clenching your thighs together as you move. Jongho studied your every movement like he was permanently burning it into his brain. He lets out a deep sigh, clearly enjoying this cat and mouse game.
“Baby, when I tell you I’m going to finger your pretty pussy till you cry for me to stop.” He lifts his body off the wall, eyes locking onto yours, taking small steps towards you.
“I’m going to fuck you so hard into the mattress all only thing you’ll know how to say is my name.” Your pussy clenches at his words. You bite your lip to keep in the moan that is threatening to escape. As he gets closer to you, you take a step back, he's creeping upon you like a tiger that is just waiting for the right moment to pounce.
“I’m going to cover you in marks so when you step outside people know who you belong to.” You back into the wall, you have nowhere to go, your eyes dart around looking for an escape. Shooting to the bedroom door. Just as you move your body to make a run for the door. Jongho speaks up..
“Don’t even think about it.” He grits out through his teeth.
You make a quick dart for the door before you can even get two feet off the ground. His hand shoots out wrapping around your throat, shoving you against the wall. You choke out a moan, his hand wrapping tightly around you. He brings his other hand up to play with the strings on your shorts before shoving his hand down your shorts, fingers grazing over your soaked panties.
“Oh baby…I’m about to ruin you.” He chuckles out, bringing his hand out of your shorts to suck the essence of you off of his fingers, tucking his head in between your neck, leaving wet kisses along your neck to your collarbone. Lifting you from the wall he walks with you carefully to the bed, dropping you on it, letting your body flop down. His eyes rake over you, he looks like he’s going to devour you in one swallow. Like he’s a starved man and you are his first meal, ever. His hands brush over your thighs lightly, causing your body to jerk. You are wound up so tightly that you are sure the first orgasm he brings you will have you seeing the milky way.
“Where should I even begin my little mouse?”
His hand comes up under your shorts sliding over your soaked panties again, he lets out a small groan. Hooking your panties he slowly drags them down along with your shorts, your wet cunt being on display for him. You let out a small whine at the feel of the cool air hitting your sopping cunt.
“Look at this pretty pussy. Is this all for me baby?”
He stares at your cunt like it’s a prized possession, likes it’s his treasure. Your cunt clenches around nothing as you buck your hips up. His fingers run over your puffy lips, soaked with your arousal.
“Jongho please touc-“
His hand swiftly comes down slapping your pussy, taking you by surprise you arch your back, the whine that means your mouth is damn near pornographic.
“Answer my question baby, don’t make me ask again.”
“Yes! Yes! Daddy it’s all for you, now please touch me.”
He plunges two of his thick fingers into you, causing you to let out a gasp, his fingers wiggle around in your cunt. Drawing them out slowly he slams them back in moving at a quick and skilled pace, the room already feels like it’s getting hotter. Your hand shoots down to grab his wrist, not wanting to cum just yet. He lightly slaps your hand away from him.
“Isn’t this what you wanted? I’m giving you what you want, baby.” He grabs you by the throat bringing you closer to his face, his two fingers still pistoning in and out of you. Pushing his lips softly against yours, you could taste the hard candies that he has in his office on his tongue, mouth as sweet as sugar. His tongue clashes with yours, the kiss heating up fast. He is soaking up the air from you with his lips, leaving you breathless. He slightly pulls away from your lips, a string of saliva still connecting you two, letting his tongue run over your bottom lip he nips at it, your head rolling back, toes beginning to curl, you are on the brink of an orgasm.
“You hear that baby? You hear how wet this pussy is for me? She’s been waiting for me to get home, hasn't she?” He chuckles out, fingers now slowing down, the tips of his fingers pushing right against that spongy spot in you, bringing his lips to your neck, he starts to suck bruises onto your neck, marking you for the whole world to see.
Drawing his fingers out he brings them up to your lips, letting your mouth open, you suck on his fingers, moaning at the tangy taste of yourself, your swore you heard a small growl leave him. Backing up he quickly unbuttons the rest of his shirt, leaving it wide open for you to rake your eyes over his well built chest, he had been attending the gym more with his colleague San and Yeosang and was it paying off.
“Get on the floor.” Scrambling off the bed as quickly as possible you kneel on the floor in front of him, pussy on display from the back in the mirror that he hung up purposely on the closet door, folds glistening as the lightning lights up the room, the sounds of the rain, and heavy breathing is all that’s floating in the room. He sits on the bed, you tuck yourself further in between his legs, your hands coming upon each of his thighs, nails slightly digging into the fabric of his pants.
“You are going to suck my cock like a good girl, and I might just let you cum.” Your eyes flicker from his face to his thick bulge in his pants, it looks like he’s going to burst through the seams at any moment. You undo his pants, shimmying them down his legs, your hands run over the muscles in his thighs, heavily hypnotized by the way they flex as your fingers sweep across his skin. His cock is red and oozing pre cum at the tip, standing hard and tall against his toned stomach. It sent a tingle down your skin to know that he was just as aroused as you were. You open your mouth, sticking your tongue out. While he gazes at you like you are the most precious thing in this world. He slightly strokes his cock, precum continuing to ooze out, smacking his cock into your tongue, rubbing his precum over your lips before smacking it down once again. The weight of his cock on your tongue had your mouth watering, you hadn’t even started sucking him off, yet your mouth was starting to drool. He slowly thrusts his cock into your mouth, sliding in and out slowly. He always enjoyed how quickly you submitted to him, how much that action showed you trusted him was enough to make him bust quickly.
Palming the top of your head he grabs the back of it, bringing your mouth down on his cock, his slow and steady thrusts had your cunt clenching with anticipation of getting stuffed. He lets out a groan, his head rolling back in pleasure, trying his best not to cum at the sight of you kneeling before him with your mouth happily stuffed with his cock.
“Touch that pussy for me baby, get her extra wet.”
He murmurs out. Rolling his head forward to look at your glistening cunt through the mirror he sees you spread your lips open, slipping two fingers inside of yourself, causing you to moan on his cock which almost sends him into an orgasm. His hips start to pick up pace, your fingers matching the rhythm at which his hips are moving. His grip on your neck is getting tighter, you know he’s close to cumming, you let out a long hum sending a vibration onto his cock, causing his hips to buck up once more. Bringing your slick coated hand up to his balls, giving them a firm rub, wanting him to reach his peak quicker. He slows his thrusting down, bringing your mouth all way down onto him, your nose brushes over his skin, trying your best to breath out of your nose, giving his balls a firm grasp once more, he groans, unloading right down your throat, not even giving you the chance to taste him. The warmth of him fills your stomach up. Letting go of your head, his arm braces his fall back on the bed. His eyes are screwed shut, his chest is moist with sweat.
His black button up clinging to his skin, with his pants around his ankles, the room thick with lust, and your want for him clouding the room. Kicking off his shoes and pants he scoots back on the bed, muscular legs spread, his dick still hard, and a gaze now set on you that says he wants to swallow you whole.
“Come on pretty girl, get up here.” He says while patting the open spot in between his legs, crawling up from the floor you settle in between his legs on the bed, while your body is slightly towering over him, you clearly can tell who has the upper hand here, who is truly the power of authority between the both of you. With his finger he motions for you to turn around. Your back now pressed to his chest, his hand pushes open your legs, your soaking cunt on display, your inner thighs are dripping with your arousal. His fingers brush over your navel, causing you to shutter.
“So responsive today my love, look at my pretty girl.” He kisses the side of your head.
“Look at how gorgeous you are, my love, and I barely have touched you.” He kisses along your jaw, leaving small bruises into your skin once again. One of his hands hook your legs over his own so you are fully spread eagle for him. His other hand danced along your pussy lips, so close to touching your clit but so far away. Your hips grind up.
“Tell me what you want, baby.”
You let out a small whine, trying to grind your pussy into his hand so you can get some friction.
“I want you, pleaseeee Jjong please touch me, I’ve waited all day for you.” He pauses from giving you hickies, smiling into your neck, breathing in your scent like he’s trying to permanently burn it into his brain. His fingers rub at your clit, taking you by surprise you let out a loud moan tossing your head back onto his shoulder.
“My god…” you whisper out quietly.
With his thumb on your clit rubbing slow circles his other fingers dance along your folds gathering all your juices up before plunging into your sopping hole, the squelching noises echoing the room, his fingers starting off with an immediate fast pace. Your hands try to find stable grounding by gripping the sheet. Biting your lip to try your best to keep your moans in, his fingers coming down hard while rubbing your clit.
“Look at me baby.” He groans out in a raspy tone, you tilt your head forward, locking eyes with him through the mirror, trying your best to keep your eyes open. The way his fingers are brushing along your spongy spot it has your toes curling in an instant. Your eyes screw shut as your body shutters and the feeling of an orgasm creeping.
“I said look at me baby, let me see those pretty eyes.” He whispers in your ear while kissing along the side of your face, trying your best to keep your eyes open, you grab his hand trying to slow his fingers down, his strength outmatches yours and he’s hammering away at your soaking cunt. His eyes locked on your every moment like he’s watching his dinner be prepared for him, like he’s a starved man who's getting ready to feast. Your moans getting louder and louder.
“Jongho, Jongho please, please!”
“Look at this pussy baby, look at the way she’s swallowing my fingers.” His thumb applies pressure to your clit causing the orgasm gates to break, arching your back off his chest, you cum with a curdling scream. Orgasm so powerful you are convinced you could power on the fuse box from that scream alone. His fingers come to slower pace, helping you ride out your orgasm. Placing soft kisses amongst your neck, sending you words of praise. Not evening getting a full second to breath he tosses you on your back, his muscular build towering over your body. When the lightning in the room illuminates, it catches a certain piece of jewelry, catching his eye. Letting his index finger run from under your knee down to your ankle, admiring the silver piece of jewelry that hung from it.
“Baby…You wore this just for me?”
He says through a groan, his finger now toying with the silver anklet that spelled out Choi. You wanted him to know you were his, and his only. Gripping one leg in each hand, folding you in half so your ankles hung by each one of his ears. He suddenly slammed his hips into you causing you to arch your back as far as you could, his sudden movements taking you by surprise. His moist lips come down to your ear, nipping at the lobe.
“You want me to wear your pretty legs as accessories? Is that what it is?”
He groans into your ear, your pussy clenches on him, with a mixture of his harsh thrusts and the squelching noises leaving you, you know you are on the brink of another orgasm already. Bringing his hand down to slap your ass, you are trying to ground yourself but the way he’s thrusting in and out of you, you might not make it to see tomorrow.
“Answer me, pretty girl.” He grits out through clenched teeth. You let out a whimper, arching your back so your clothed chest is flushed against his.
“Yes! Yes! Yes! I want you to wear me!” You scream out in a breathless tone. Eyes fluttering to the back of your skull. You are positive you can see your brain with how far back your eyes are. Letting that signature smirk take over his features, you hear the slight chuckle he makes. Bending your body further, your knees almost touching the mattress by your ears. The sudden shift in positions has you seeing fireworks. You claw at his arms trying to stutter out any sentence.
“Look at you, all pretty for me. You hear that baby? You hear that pussy making noises for me? Always such a wet cunt for me.
” Pushing both of your legs together so he can hold them in one hand while he brings his other hand to run over your sopping cunt, brushing lightly over your puffy clit sends you right over the edge, the pressure of his fat cock hitting your sweet spot along with his dirty talk pushes you past the tipping point.
“Jongho!!” You scream out, back arching, your nails dig into his arms, leaving angry red lines on his skin, that he will proudly wear around later. Cooing at you he lightly rubs your clit.
“Go on baby, make a mess for me.” He says in awe, he loved to see when you would break for him, it was like affection for him, love prickled at his skin when he’d see you fall apart. Removing his thumb from your clit, he paused his thrusting, letting you catch your breath, your body felt slick with sweat and cum. Your throat felt dry from all the moaning and screaming yet you knew this wasn’t the ending of what was yet to come. Slowly he pulls his cock out of you, causing you to let out a small whine at the loss of him in you. He swiftly brings a hand down, smacking your pussy, taking you completely by surprise, you let out a filthy moan.
He slaps his cum coated cock onto your pussy, the wet smacking sounds making you whimper, his cock head brushes over your clit, causing your body to jerk, you grip the sheets trying to move away from him. He catches you in a firm grip.
“Where do you think you are going baby?” He rasps out causing your eyes to roll back, this was going to be a very long night. Lining himself up with your hole he slowly slides in, you can feel every vein, every inch of his girth dragging along your wet, warm walls. You clench at the stimulation causing his hips to slightly jerk, his other hand coming down to grip your hand, lacing your fingers in his, reminding you in fact that you are his. Bringing your hand to his lips he places kiss on your knuckles. The twinkle in your eye that shined whenever he did such gestures. You felt your heart flood and your pussy get wetter, could you have been blessed with a more perfect man? Letting your hand go he shoves your legs back to your chest. He starts to slowly pick up pace, causing your body to move with each thrust, his hand snakes down into the shirt you never removed, flipping it up so he could see your breast jiggle with each movement. Letting out a groan at the sight, he brings his cool lips down to take one of your nipples into his mouth, suckling on it, before moving to your other nipple and doing the same, salvia coating both of them, leaving hickies in between and on each breast before leaving a trail up to your collarbone, lips attaching to the front of your throat. His hips are swiftly moving in and out of you.
Your juices coating his inner thighs with a mixture of cum and arousal, he sits up grabbing your ankle with the anklet on it, placing kisses along skin that is around the jewelry.
“Look at you, covered in our cum, wearing our last name on your body.” He groans out, hand tightening on your hip, sure to leave bruises that you know you will love to trace your fingers over later.
“You like being Mrs. Choi, pretty girl? You like when people stare and see those marks on you?” He spits out, a moan getting caught in his throat before he continues..
“Because I love it, I love when I see your pretty ass walking into my work place, marks on display. Parading around in those marks that I gave you, letting everyone know you are mine.” His lips attach to your ankle, sucking a bruise right into the skin by your anklet, the sensation causes your legs to buckle, you try closing your legs but you are unsuccessful as his strength outweighs you once again.
“Such a pretty girl, my pretty girl.” He throws his head back chasing his high.
“My. Fucking. Pretty. Wife.” His hips smack hard into you with each punctuation of his sentence. Causing your hands to smack down to grip onto his thigh, his words fueling your next orgasm, tears of pre orgasmic bliss drip out of your eyes.
“Go on baby, let that pretty pussy cum on me baby, cum.” He bites out, placing your leg back down, pistoning his hips in and out of you, trying to make sure you reach your high again before he does. His thumb brushes your jaw before he pushes it down on your tongue. Your whole body jerks, back arching, toes curling, tears flowing, and a muffled scream leaves your mouth, just as you are at your peak your wet cunt clenches down on him throwing him into his own orgasm, he slams into you once more, grip on your hip bruising, as he releases inside of you. Your body slumps against the mattress, he braces himself above you, one arm holding him up, while the other lets go of your hip, rubbing small circles around it. Falling to his side with his cock plugging his cum in you.
The room falls into a peaceful quiet area, the pouring rain still being heard outside. His hand comes to rub soothing circles on your skin. Basking in the warmth of his chest and his presence. Bringing his hand down to run across your wet folds, collecting your mixture of cum on his fingers before bringing them to your lips. You open your mouth and take in the flavor, letting out a satisfied hum. His hips buck into your cunt.
“I hope you don’t think this night is over yet, pretty. We are just getting started.”
A/N: Lemme tell y’all some…the lack of Jongho fics, Jongho content, all that shit got me ready to fight, bc why some of y’all doing my scrumdilly yum yum man like that? Like how do y’all not look at Jongho and go “I want that man to fold me like a pretzel!” Bc babyyyy I want him to bend me up like a Betty Spaghetty. Business Jongho makes me feral, Jongho in his regular suits make me feral, especially that one clip when he’s got that suit on with the sleeves rolled up and he’s stepping out of the car?!? With the thought of him being possessive to tie it all together?!? I hear some purrring🫣😀. Anywaysssss…hope you all enjoy me and my thirsty Jongho thoughts😚💙.
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locallixie · 1 year
housemates — lee know
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> summary . how can you live your life peacefully with having your housemate constantly seducing you like that?!
> genre . smut, fluff, housemates au, forced proximity, housemate!minho, gn!reader.
> warnings . sexual tension, general sexual themes, minor language, oral (receiving), unprotected sex, tipsy sex.
(wc) > 6.3k
(sunny's note) ☆ "and they were roommates.” wanted to be sweet and cute, until lee minho is in the equation. sorry for the late upload, i had a really bad writing slump and progress was slow. but i made it!
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You shouldn’t have agreed to this if you knew this was how it would turn out. What a mistake, your kindness that yourself and other has taken for granted. And currently stuck in a living situation that tested your patience every waking hours, your dormitory experience was no match for this.
Jisung had asked you for a ‘small’ favour a couple months earlier, about how his friend got evicted and was now homeless, wondering if you could let him stay for a while until he find a new place. First of all, that was not a small favor. Secondly, you didn’t even know this friend that he was talking about. And you were reluctant to let a stranger stay in your house right off the bat. You lived in a dorm before, but that was a dorm and not your own house.
“Please, [Y/N], just a couple months.” Jisung pushed over the phone, you could tell he was outside from the loud and slightly muffled noise that the speaker picked up upon.
Sighing, your soft spot for him would be the death of you. Agreed with hesitation, since you were glad you were out of the dorm life and regained your privacy, but it seemed that life had came to pull you back in. Jisung should be expecting your complaints if something bad happened between you and your new housemate.
From the first initial meeting, you got some of the weirdest vibe from this guy. Maybe it was the amount of black and leather he was dressed up in, or the bitchy look on his face that could kill with a single stare. How the fuck was Jisung friends with a person like this? They were the complete opposite of one another, the guy looked as if he committed first degree murders as his favourite past-time. What you meant was you were convinced that he was a sociopathic killer, and he was probably plotting yours and Jisung’s death soon.
For one person, he sure did had a lot of stuff. You three brought around eight or ten different sized carton boxes up to your apartment, not counting the two gigantic suitcases that he had to take a second trip with Jisung to go get. He must have been living in his old place for very long to have that much stuff, wonder why he got kicked out? Possibly because the landlord found the bodies with how sharp his eyes always glared at.
“Don’t worry about the rent, Minho can pay for his half.” Jisung reassured, starting his car. The engine roared loudly, it had been through a rough day of carrying all that stuff to here.
Before he left, Jisung told you one last thing. “Oh, and don’t be afraid to ask him for help around the house, Minho may look intimidating but he’s quite a sweet guy.” With that sentence stuck in the back of your head, he drove away. If you could even have enough courage to ask him to take the trash out, maybe that statement would be proven.
You did all the house chores yourself, you didn't ask for any assistance from Minho. Wether it was because you were used to having to do everything yourself, or he was just still as unapproachable as the first time you two met. But he too, barely talked to you. You heard his voice once or twice when he was on the phone, but he did not speak a full sentence to you and ought for short few words replies.
"Do you need any help?" Another voice emerged from behind your back, offering assistance.
You pulled the trash bag out of the can, "I'm good, thanks,"
"Whatever, suit yourself." Minho walked away. Not even a bit of small talk? It frustrated you of how aloof he was acting, he didn't want to get to know you at all. However, it pissed him off just as much, you would always shrug him off every-time he offered to help you. As you two had made it clear before, you hardly knew each other, and here you were living together as people of unfamiliarity.
You didn't know his last name, or how he met your three years best friend—Jisung. Neither did he held any personal information about you, he wasn't even sure which variation of your name was the correct one. Already a month has passed by and no one was willing to start up a conversation with the other person. This ice between you and Minho just kept getting thicker and colder.
Ranting on the phone, "I'm telling you, I can not get through him! I think he hate me!"
"Calm down, [Y/N], he doesn't hate you." Jisung reassured, sighing as this was the third phone call of the month that you were expressing your discontent for the same subject. "It's simple, just talk to him, even if it's small talk."
Hearing the front door opened, "Fuck, he's back, I'll talk to you later." You didn't let Jisung say 'bye', hanging up in the midst of his sentence.
Minho worked a nine-to-five job, you weren't sure of his occupation in particular. You got a sense of his routine, he would leave the house at exactly seven-fifty in the morning and usually came home around five or six—depending on the traffic that day. On few occasions, he was nice enough to bring food home for the both of you.
"Hey, you're back quite late today?" You asked, seeing the clock already hitting six at the moment.
He set down a few plastic bags on the table, "I got groceries on the way, I'll cook dinner." He explained shortly, bringing ingredients to the kitchen for preparation.
That was a first, he had never offered to cook before, much less thanking you for the meals you made for dinner. Guessed he was just hot and cold like that, and this was his way of showing his gratitude. You weren't mad, on what normal day would you have someone cook for you enjoy? You technically did everything yourself when you moved out a few years ago.
Watching his figure diligently cooking in the kitchen, it comforted you in an unusual way. He was like your own personal boyfriend—for tonight at least, he would cook and then sit at the table with you to eat, maybe he might even offer to wash the dishes. A fine, hard-working young man? Anyone who could scored him would probably be winning in life. You couldn’t hide your jealousy if he ever bring home a date.
He walked over to you, holding out a spoon with a small portion of thick orange liquid. Minho asked, “Try it, tell me if it suit your taste.”
The tangy flavour stood out immediately, he must have put something citrusy as it melt into your tastebuds. It was good, no, amazing even! This hidden talent of his was worth all the waiting you had done, you never knew Minho could be such a great chef. For a while, you thought this guy couldn’t possibly hold a knife correctly, yet you were proven wrong of your assumptions.
You nodded, the sound you made when encountered good food already told him enough. Everything smelled so mouth-watering, and the presentation was tempting you to devour everything in on sitting.
"Thanks for the food!" As soon as he placed the last dish onto the table, you immediately picked up your utensils. You could not hold yourself back when face with good home-cooked food, good home-cooked food made by an equally good-looking guy.
Minho sat down beside you—he usually sat across from you which kept a nice distance between the two of you—he was very close today. Asked he, "How is it? Good?"
You didn't hold back on your praises, "God, why didn't you cook sooner? This is actual heaven~!"
He simply smiled in a humble manner. Your face was a little puffed up when you eat, which he found quite endearing. Watching you stuffed your entire face with rice, sweet and sour ribs, and eggrolls. Flattered by how much you were enjoying it, yet concerned from how fast you were eating.
"Slow down, wouldn't want you to choke." He gazed at you as he advised.
"Unless you like it like that." Immediately, you started coughing profusely. A grain of rice flew up to your nose, making everything worse the longer it stayed stuck up there.
Minho patted your back, "Woah, are you alright?" Uh, obviously no?! You were coughing out rice over here, how could you even be remotely okay? And how did he expect you to be okay after that suggestive comment he just made? This guy was unbelievable. The smile laced with deviousness, as if he was silently planning something that would catch you off guard—which certainly did a minute ago.
He picked up a single rib and ate it with his chopsticks, he probably mind getting his hands dirty from that sticky sauce he used. How could Minho looked so graceful while eating while you were here devouring everything down like a fucking caveman. Work on your image a bit, would you? Especially when you were living with someone that wouldn't use their hands to eat ribs.
"Have you been talking to Jisung recently?" Minho suddenly questioned, setting down his bowl as to show respect.
You turned to him, confusion sitting on your shoulders and your heart sinking with a bit of guilt. By any chance, did he overheard your conversations? "Yeah, I have." Continued by another question, "What? Are you two not talking?"
Minho's eyes was bigger than you expected, now seeing him a bit closer from your distance from each other. It curved in a very pretty way, and glistened upon every reflections of his soul. You couldn't help, couldn't help but get a little sad every-time you gazed into his eyes, or when they would unknowingly stared back at you. He looked at you, as if through his eyes saw you as the most precious person to exist in the short timespan that was the human life.
"He haven't been answering my texts and calls, I don't know if he's upset with me or something?" Minho sighed, "Can you...just ask him for me?"
In a bit of hesitation, "Would it be a bit rude for an outsider to chime in? Whatever it is you and Jisung are going through, it's best if you two worked it out together...privately." You told, trying to offer other solutions.
Minho let out a tired breath, "I don't know, I'm not sure what I did wrong that made him upset with me, that's what I'm most worried about."
You patted his back, "Just talk it out with him, communication is key!" How ironic, you could hardly hold a conversation with him, and now you were here giving out communication advise? Unreliable source. You knew you shouldn't interfere with whatever beef Jisung and Minho was having between each other, but you were making it seem like you wouldn't ask Jisung for details. Or Jisung would tell you himself from how much he like to rant to you.
Minho flashed a genuine smile towards you, "Thanks, I owe you one!"
Your heart skipped a beat, just one enough for your whole system to go the very bit haywire. You were finally making some good progress with Minho, and his entire intimidating and remote façade all came crashing down when he smiled. Keep up the good work!
“Are you and Minho back on speaking terms yet?” The other line went quiet for a few seconds, you heard a sigh being let out.
Jisung replied with a question, “He told you?”
Fuck, your nosy tendencies were acting up again, it slipped out of you like a natural instinct. “No—um, yeah he did but I don’t know the details or anything! He was just wondering if you were mad at him or something since you stop contacting him.” You went on to explain, trying to tell Jisung that you weren’t intending to be impolite and simply wanted to help your friend out.
The other giggled at your tone of voice, of how freaked out he got you. You acted as if the people you were working for to take down started suspecting you to be a double agent, but unlike those action films, you were terrible at hiding the truth.
“My girlfriend don’t like the fact that I’m still friends with my exes, so she wiped out their contacts from my phone.” The whole problem was finally solved as the explanation came out.
Wait, one thing. “Minho is your ex?!” You exclaimed at the sudden realization.
Jisung was absolutely enjoying this from the other line, “What? You want him?” He teased.
Your face went red, denying the question thrown at you. This whole time, this was the relationship your housemate has with your best friend? And he had never cared to tell you about anything regarding this romance he once had? All these people do was lie. Struggling through your words, you outwardly rejected the idea. “No—! No– I don’t! I—!”
Jisung interrupted, “It’s fine, he’s all yours.”
You tried denying, “No, I don’t want him—!” Quickly being cut of by Jisung once more.
“And he’s a really great kisser—”
“Jisung, shut the fuck up!” You hanged up in embarrassment, throwing your phone away in a state of panic. Why would he tell you that? As if you needed to be more careful around Minho now that you knew these things about him. God, how did he expect you to continue living with this knowledge? Unlike Jisung, you saw Minho everyday of the week.
The door to your bedroom suddenly opened, “Are you okay? I heard a thud.” Minho was still in his work attire, a tad bit sweaty from the heated summer air, the first two buttons of his shirt were left undone. Solely from the condition of his appearance was in, you were mentally restraining yourself.
“Did you just came back?” You asked, begging that he didn’t heard your conversation with Jisung on the phone a few minutes ago.
He replied shortly, “Yeah, I’ll go shower now so we can eat.” Closing your door as he left without another word, left silently with knowing what you said earlier. He heard enough of your phone call, you were too caught up with talking that you didn’t hear the front door open. Minho was halfway across the hall to his room when he heard you shouted, his name fell out from your mouth as clear as day.
Oh, Jisung never told you that he and Minho were a thing? Now it was kind of awkward for the both of you. But if you wanted him, he wanted you too. He saw the way you would look at him, stealing glances from across the table. He was a very attractive guy, you were sure he wholeheartedly knew this, and he used it to his advantage.
Coming out of a cold shower, his hair was wet and dripping water down his back and shoulders, but at least have some respect for you by covering up his entire bare torso. At the dinner table? Was he going to be half-naked for the whole duration of dinner? He wanted you dead, you boldly claimed.
“So…how was work?” You opened up a topic, hoping he would start talking to fill the silence that was ongoing between the two of you.
Minho let out a chuckle, "Not fun." Handing you a pair of chopsticks and a ceramic bowl. That was understandable, he did looked quite worn out coming home after work.
"What do you do, if you don't mind me asking." You raised a question into his occupation.
He began picking up food from the many plates into his bowl, the wondrous scent controlled his chopsticks faster than his mind. Minho answered while pouring the meat broth over his rice, "I'm an accountant."
An accountant? Was that a code word for sex workers? No one in their right mind would go into accounting. Minho out of all people, worked as an accountant? You had no negative comments on his intelligences, or his work ethics. But accounting sounded so boring for someone as interesting as Minho, you thought what he said was a joke of some sort. Maybe he had a side hustle doing unconventional and dirty jobs.
"It's not fun, but I got bills to pay." Minho joked to lighten up the mood, filling in the empty pauses with yours and his joyful laughs.
He shook his head in a subtle yet prominent dissappointment, smiling to hide his actual emotion on his feeling of unfulfillment. "I wish I became a singer back then."
What he said piqued your interest, you looked up at him with a spark of excitement. Straight into his eyes, you asked. "You sing?"
His vocals was almost professional singer level, for a first in the short timespan of knowing him, you saw such happiness on his face. Holding the microphone as he sang you a love song, the amount of money you spent on that karaoke machine paid off. Minho wasn't wrong or thought too highly of himself when he said he should had became a singer, you would have said the same thing if you knew him sooner. And if he did, you would support him with your all.
The atmosphere got a bit hotter and hotter as the night went on, with alcohol entering the table as an uninvited guest. When a sensual song came on, the mood totally changed for better or worse. His loose t-shirt was showing some skin, it was too a little short as it was showing peeks of his toned stomach underneath. Your mind was going places, wether it was because of the alcohol getting you tipsy or it was your inner desires for intimacy.
Minho did not broke eyes-contact with you, in a hushed voice, stating that you were the only beauty he would keep in his sight tonight. Gently holding your hand in his, he placed it on his chest. Did you feel it? Under the warm and shaking palm of yours. His heart beating at a tiny bit quicker pace than usual, beating for you with all of these temptations in him.
"Minho, I should go to bed now, it's getting awfully late." You told, diverting away in a flustered mess. Yet, despite your attempt at diluting the air, Minho persuasion didn't seem to back down. Too heated, too close as you could now smell his liquor-laced breath.
Eyes half-lidded which made his desires just the more prominent, he was serious with no control. Before your lips could touch one another, a loud vibration emerged abruptly that pulled both of you out of that drunken trance.
Blindly grabbing for your phone, your eyelids were giving up as each minute continued to pass by. You didn't look at the contact name, the alcohol was taking over your system like a pernicious poison. A voice echoed out from your phone speaker, it took you a few seconds to register the other line’s speaking and its distinct frequency.
“Where is your report?! [Y/N], you are driving me crazy with your constant delays!” They roared at you, annoyed and angered.
You got off from your place on the couch, walking away with your phone in hand as you used your last few excuses to save yourself. “Seungmin, it’s not really a good time right now, can I call you back?”
Seeing you caught up with work on the line, he figured he would clean up this mess you two made on the coffee table for you. For a moment, he thought you felt it too. He might had read the room wrong, but the way you tried to avert from the situation felt almost like a reassurance for him. As if you wanted to go further with him, go little deeper, but you were unsure if he was onboard as well. He thought of apologizing, after you sober up more than the state you were in at the moment.
You swore, you couldn't remember anything from the night before. Went to bed at nearly one in the morning, woke up head-empty and half of the blankets and pillows were off your bed. Come on, you could confidently say that you did not exceed your limit. Yet as shown this morning, you had a rough night yesterday with the leftover liquor running through your veins.
You were absolutely dumb-founded when he said he was sorry for what happened last night, as if you remembered everything clearly to its very details. Let's see, you ate dinner, you talked, sang a couple songs out of boredom you assumed, then it all when foggy after that.
"What are you on about? I have no idea of whatever the hell you are apologizing for." Telling him straight up, you could not register anything he was saying to make any sense.
Frustrated, and a bit taken over by the shame from yesterday. "No, it's okay, you're better off not knowing anyway. Sorry for making a scene so early in the morning."
Minho finished the few last sips of his Americano, grabbing his laptop bag from under the dining table in a hurry. "I have to go now, see you again at six." He bid goodbye at the front door.
Before he go for the next ten hours, you told him tonight's plan. "I have a few friends over tonight, if you don't mind their companies."
"How many are coming?" Minho asked.
You tilted your head as you tried to remind yourself of the size of your party, maybe even the identities of your guests as well. "Just three. Jisung is going to be there too, if you want to see him."
You could forget anything, anything that you deemed important. But one thing that you couldn't seem to shake off your mind, as it has been bugging you ever since you knew of it, was the bygone romance Minho had with your best friend—happened to be Jisung. Now that you were non-actively trying to persue the guy, it left a bittersweet taste in your mouth. Though Jisung had affirmed that the past was in the past, you could court his ex-boyfriend all you want.
Minho looked down, "We'll talk later, okay? I'm late for work." Leaving things unfinished between you, he closed the door as he left.
You didn't work until around noon, you could work from home if you wanted, yet you still came into the office everyday since things moved faster with you being physically there. But after that call from Seungmin—head of your department, you were already considered brave for the mere thought of showing up. Despite how nice Seungmin actually was, his anger was incomparable to anything you had ever seen.
After your short shift, you went back home to get things prepare. On the way home, you had already picked up a few ingredients. Said ingredients were just a six-pack of cold beers and Gochujang sauce for the beef. The others wouldn't come for another hour, for the time being, you would have to get everything ready by yourself.
Pray to god that the table grill was still working today since you haven't brought it out for a good few years now, it was collecting dust in the very far back of your cupboard. The hangout had been planned for a little while already, you got most of the things a day or two prior.
Was Minho going to join you? His expression carried a bit of hesitation when you asked this morning, though you would be happy to have him if he did changed his mind. The more the merrier!
Hyunjin and Jisung came over just a tiny bit earlier than Felix, guessed he was caught up with some baking for desert. You and your friends were all gathered up together at the dining table, it felt crowded by how small of a space you had to eat for four people. Happy that Hyunjin’s beer wasn’t on the floor since it was standing so confidently at the edge.
“When is Minho coming home?” Jisung suddenly turned to you.
“I don’t know, usually he would be back by now.” You shrugged, just now noticing today’s abnormalities. Maybe something came up at the office, or he had something else he needed to do beside from work matter. Whatever it was, you just hoped he would get home safety.
Speak of the devil, not even ten minutes had passed and the front door softly rang of clicking keys. You came to open the door for Minho, meeting his slightly stunned expression. His glossy tired eyes under the dirty frames of his glasses gazed back at you, his hair disheveled and sticking to his forehead as if he ran his way home. God, he looked rough, but so strangely enticing at the same time.
"Hey, we were just talking about you!" You beamed.
"Sorry, I'm late. My digital files got corrupted, so I had to get I.T to check that bitch out." Minho sighed deeply, you could imagine how long it took to resolve it purely from how worn out he presented.
The others greeted him at the dining table, getting a stool for him to sit since you were out of chairs. Minho was sandwiched between you and Hyunjin, one he knew, one he didn’t. He felt the tiniest bit uncomfortable sitting in such a tight spot, especially when yours and his thighs were rubbing against each other. He didn’t mind it too much, he liked you anyways.
“Ah, Minho! This is Hyunjin, and that’s Felix, they’re my college friends.” You introduced. Though he was a year older, they treated him with a casual formality. Felt more like meeting old friends than new people, your group broke the ice a lot quicker than he had previously expected. Soon you all were drinking and chatting, learning a bit too much about each other for the first meeting.
Felix tapped out, “No more, I’m driving tonight.” With Jisung following along as most had already decided to stop drinking, including you.
You placed your hand on the shoulder of the person next to you, “Are you still going? Damn, you must know how to handle your liquor.”
Minho stared back at you as you spoke to him, his eyes half-lidded like the night before. The first few buttons were unfastened, his bare and defined chest laid underneath the thin fabric. A sheer cast of sweat made his body glistened by the overhead light, his glasses was slowly slipping off his nose bridge which reflected the sweat even more than it should have. His face was flushed red and pink everywhere, flushed from a love confession of a drunken mind. Any minute now, he might just be making out with you.
His heart and guts was burning up with these carnal desires, if your friends weren't here, you could bet he would be fucking your brains out like how you so desperately wanted him to. He wanted you just as much, so shamelessly wanted you.
Minho leaned in suddenly, his lips and hot intoxicated breath lingered your ears. Whispered gently with his mellow, sleepy tone of voice, "When are they leaving?"
“We’re just going to have some tea and brownies, they’ll be on their way soon. Why do you ask?” You returned, asking in with a bit of hesitation in the back of you mind. Could it be he was overloaded enough, or did he not like your friends? You doubted the second one, since they had so much fun together. But that didn’t mean it couldn’t happen.
He didn’t further elaborate, ending the subject then and there with no other explanation. His intentions were unclear, as if he was hiding something from you but you couldn’t figure out what it was. Hopefully not something shady, or would leave you with a bad image of Minho. Keep it simple, he was probably tired and he needed a bit more peace and quiet. And he couldn't get any peace and quiet if your friends were here, right?
You wanted him to take off his shirt, take every single piece of fabric on his body off, let you admire all of his grace and beauty. Occupied with drooling over your housemate, the teapot seemed to had slipped your mind.
"Fuck!" Yelped you, the heat of the hot tea finally burned your skin.
Hearing pain from your voice, Minho and the others were already there to aid you. Especially Minho, he grabbed your hand into his as soon as he noticed. Luckily for you, the injury was minor and running it through cool water was good enough.
Minho really has you in a chokehold, metaphorically speaking obviously—unless. If you two did become a thing, would it be a little awkward? Maybe not for Jisung, but you were unsure of how or what to think in a situation like this. Though, despite how much you might try to push the idea away due to having quite a lot of repect for your best friend, you couldn't help yourself.
Seduction existed in his eyes and body language, it was subtle yet effective. An absolute disaster that the two of you also lived together, which pumped you up with an amount of hormone that a high-school student would have.
The way he dressed may be ordinary, office worker fashion. His shoulders flexing in his fitted button-up, straight dress pant hugging his thighs. His thick frame glasses further accentuated his winsome features. There was no exaggeration that he, for a definite, has a lot of admirers from work. You too, would be weak on your knees if Minho was your colleague.
It was around eight o’ clock by the time you finished up, which wasn’t late—at least to your definition—but tomorrow was still a work day. Especially for Hyunjin, who was flying out of the country for a business trip, of which it was crucial for him to leave early morning for his flight.
“I’m catching a cab home.” Jisung answered when you asked him how he was going to get home without a car, since the other two already left on their separate ways.
“No, I’ll drive you home.” You offered kindly.
“You drank a lot tonight, you really shouldn’t be driving, [Y/N].” Jisung denied, pointing out the slight alcoholic haze you were in. He wasn’t wrong, you were a literally beast with the bottle. However, you were awake enough to still talk normally and sort of think, like being half asleep.
Reassuring you that he would be fine on his own, and that he would be sure to text you when he arrived at his place. You knew Jisung for too long for you to be worried about him on trivial things, it simply felt like the right thing or a common habitual saying you had going on. You just wanted to take extra precautions since you both had been drinking the whole night, and there were quite a lot of problems existing because of it.
"Don't worry about me too much," Jisung soothed you once more. However he had no regards for what a sentimental moment that was happening between the two of you, immediately back to his ways of joking to dilute the air. "You should be worrying about if Minho can keep his dick in his pants near you."
You smacked him on his shoulder, "Shut up, he's right over there!"
"I mean...I see the way y'all look at each other, we all know, [Y/N]." He commented, giving you a playful look. You wanted to murder Jisung, and you would make it look like an accident too. Were you being that obvious about your feelings? But the way Minho acted around you didn't help too!
Jisung waved goodbye to you and to Minho—who was in the kitchen, washing up dishes and shot glasses. "I'll see you on Saturday for coffee if you can even get out of bed, bye!"
Nodding, as you watched him walk away from your apartment to the main elevator, realization hit later than expected. You yelled out in annoyance but Jisung would definitely laughed it off and ignore you. "Hey, we're not fucking!"
You had to stay up to finish a few reports and lone documents, so that meant you wouldn't be able to see Minho during his morning coffee. Coming over to offer another hand in cleaning up, it wasn't a big mess but was a mess nonetheless. You might take care of everything for Minho to get some well-deserved rest that he has been needing.
Minho turned around as he felt a tap on his shoulder, "Let me take it from here, you should be getting ready for bed by now."
"No, I'll help." Minho single-mindedly refused your offer. "And too, I can't sleep with this raging boner you gave me."
Too sudden, too out of nowhere, your neck snapped to him when you heard him said those words. His expression was neutral, as natural as if he had said and had done nothing wrong. Still washing dishes and bowls, scrubbing and rinsing like he has been doing the same thing for years. Did he heard himself at least, or was it a thought that went loose.
"Oh, sorry." What the fuck were you supposed to reply to that? Thank you? Was that a compliment in disguise of some sort? Feuling the fire even more, the desires becoming stronger and intense, he had agreed to throw away his principles already.
Minho inched closer to you, his eyes on yours as he asked nicely for attention. "If I tell you that I want to fuck you right here right now, would you be mad?"
Face flushed, hot as when you would place your hand on your tea cup to check the temperature. He was evil, disregarding your state of mental stability by saying things of the same kind so out of pocket. He, for a fact, waited for the right time to confess his sins. The kettle was boiling all night, the heat and steams were his deepest thoughts.
You turned off the sink, your hands cool and wet and smell of dish soap from the water. For a split moment, you were solely looking at each other, begging either one to make a move. Minho leaned in towards your direction, his bare forearms brushed gently against yours. The alcohol in both of your bodies made the moment all the more intimate, slowly yet steadily closing your distance between each other, breaking down the wall of sexual tension you had unconsciously built that stood with all its might.
The faint taste of his strawberry chapstick on your tongue, his lips was a little sticky but so soft that you didn’t quite mind. There was no way of stopping him, as you too, did not want to stop the thrill ride that was ongoing. Letting out heavy breaths as he sucked dark red marks onto your skin, lips painting your blank canvas. May he be the only alcohol you would get drunk on, let you drink him up like your sorrows and distress.
“Oh, Minho.” You breathed, moaning out his name as his hands rushing to take off your pants. Hot tongue making a line on your stomach down to your sex, freely as his mouth worked on you like how you dearly enjoyed his food. Both your legs resting on his broad shoulders just did nothing but helped spread you wider.
Your sweet voice singing out to encourage him, using his tongue in all directions that favoured you. Stomach knotting with alcohol and dinner and a heaven he had created for you, coming onto his lips, a result of prolonged temptations.
Every fabric that touched yours and his bodies that day were all scattered on the floor by second round. Never even seen your best friend naked, and here you were admiring his ex-boyfriend’s entire unclothed figure with no ounce of shame left in yourself. You could not keep your hands away from him, so greedily touching him in different places.
Neither could wait any longer, deciding to lay each other’s pride out on the dining table. Minho placed his lips on yours, closing his eyes yet still seeing the vivid image of you in his dark mind. With each passing second, his cock making its way into the very depths of you. You hugged him quite tightly, as if you haven’t scored anyone in a while.
Your eyes told him everything he needed to know, you body twitching and squirming under his embrace, the silent language that told him every one of your secrets. Thrusting faster and harder, wanting to hear you make some more music for his aching soul. Minho grabbed your legs, pushing them against your torso as his cock went deeper into you. You could barely keep your eyes open, or could you stay present with him. This pleasure felt like a dream, a dream that softly pulled you in.
Minho kissed your lips once again, “Baby, don’t sleep on me, I’m not done with you just yet.”
But as much confidence that he may has in him, he was nearing his high and coming apart for you along the way. Minho’s vocals were heavenly when he sang for you, and were just as heavenly when he came into you. He kept going despite being out of breath and tired for you, he started something and he was going to finish it.
Second time felt much more powerful than the first, almost like he gave his all. You could feel his seeds dripping out from inside of you, onto the dining table and even the chairs. Dirtying everything all over again, now you had more cleaning to add onto your list. Guessed neither of you were going to get any sleep tonight.
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lizlazer · 2 years
my girl
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Possessive!Tangerine x fem!Reader
1.5k words
rated E, more fingering so nsfw, no minors~
thank you to local fandom legend @avocado-writing for reading this over!
for @northerngalxy who asked for:
"Tangerine x reader where a drunk guy is trying to kiss her…?"
i found a TikTok of a man who said a certain key phrase in this fic, and i had to write it coming out of Tangerine's mouth. enjoy!
It’s a warm summer night, but a steady breeze makes it bearable. You’re out at a bar with Tangerine, who showed up without warning at your door a few hours ago. 
“How long would it take you to get ready, if I wanted to take you out?” he asked, knowing the answer, but grinning mischievously. 
“Maybe thirty minutes? What’s gotten into you? This can’t be the same Tang who left a week ago,” you said, heading into your bedroom to change. 
He followed behind you, watching you undress. Leaning against the doorframe, he was wearing a striped button up shirt that was barely buttoned, dark jeans that fit him perfectly, and black leather loafers. Never without his gold jewelry, he removed his medallion and placed it gingerly around your neck. Aside from your underwear, it was the only thing you were wearing. 
“I want you to wear this tonight,” he said, his hands sliding down your arms to thread his fingers through yours. “Make sure it’s visible.” He’d met your eyes in the mirror, and it had been so hard not to shove him down onto the bed and take him then and there.
Tangerine is in a rare fantastic mood, not an ounce of the usual grouch in him. After dining at the most decadent Italian restaurant, you’ve decided on a night cap at your favorite local spot. The inside of the bar was packed, so you grab a table on the patio. The tables and chairs are black wrought iron, with an outdoor bar off to the left. They’ve strung lights between the brick walls of the buildings enclosing the space, and they give everything a soft, romantic glow. 
Tangerine is telling you what he can about where he’s been, about Lemon, and the books he read on the journey there and back, joking often and laughing loudly. His good cheer is contagious, and you find yourself smiling so much your cheeks hurt. Every time your drink gets low he’s dutifully heading over to the bar to replace it. After you’ve had a few, you can feel the warmth of the alcohol radiating through you. You ask him to get you a glass of water, and he carefully collects your empty glasses and gets up.
Tangerine is only gone for a few seconds before a stranger comes over to your table. You didn’t notice him at first, busy reaching for your phone in your bag, but the scrape of metal against concrete causes you to jerk your head up. He’s pulling out a chair and sitting down next to you, way too close. 
“Hi,” he starts, clearly a little drunk but not totally inebriated. “I’ve been trying to get up the nerve to talk to you all night.” Everything about him looks expensive, from his suit to his haircut. There’s something predatory in the way he’s watching you that immediately puts you off.
“I’m here with someone,” you tell him flatly, pulling out and unlocking your phone. You’re hoping he’ll take the hint and leave you be, but no such luck. 
He reaches over, putting his hand over the screen. “Give me a chance. I promise I’m a better time than that pretty boy,” he says with a smirk, cocking his head toward Tangerine at the bar. “Let me get your insta, at least.”
“Careful, your jealousy is showing,” you tell the creep, pulling your phone away and replacing it in your bag. “Kindly fuck off and let me enjoy my evening, thanks.” 
He only smiles, and it puts you in the mind of a snake. “I could have you begging for me,” he says, clearly trying some kind of bedroom voice. To you, it sounds like a bad Batman impression.
Before you can respond, two massive hands come down on his shoulders, squeezing hard.
“I don’t think I quite caught that. D’you wanna repeat that for the class?” Tangerine asks, trying to rein in his own fury. The veins in his hands stand out prominently, reaching up his arms.
The man tries to twist out of his grasp, stand up, something, but Tangerine forces him back into the chair.
“No no, none of that. Listen to me,” Tangerine says, leaning down next to the creep’s ear. Voice low and full of venom, he tells the man, “You’re trying to get into her DMs, yeah? But you see my necklace around her throat? ‘Cause at night she’s sucking the rings off of my fingers.”
“Jesus, Tangerine,” you sigh, rolling your eyes, desperately trying to fight a grin.
He gives you a quick wink before getting deadly serious again. Jerking the chair back, the man puts his hands up defensively, cowering. 
“Look, man, it was just a joke,” the creep says, looking like he wants to collapse in on himself.
Tangerine steps in front of him, pulling him to his feet by the lapels of his suit jacket. 
“Look, man, I can’t see the humor,” Tangerine mocks him, shoving him into the table of men who were laughing a minute ago. He rolls ass-over-teakettle across the surface, finally hitting the ground with a thud. 
“Any of you wanna say something?” Tangerine challenges, cracking his knuckles, but they all look away quickly. “That’s what I fucking thought.”
He comes over to you, holding out his hand. “Let’s go, love.”
Without a word, you place your hand in his, and he leads you through the bar and back outside, now on the street. His skin is hot against yours, and you know he was hoping for a brawl. The man loves a good old fashioned fistfight.
After a few blocks of walking in semi-stunned silence, you stop, pulling him towards you. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you bring him into a kiss. His lips press hard against yours, and you catch his bottom lip between your teeth. Groaning, his hands go to your hips, pressing your bodies together.
He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
“Careful, ‘cause I will fuck you on the street,” he tells you, catching his breath.
“Maybe I want you to,” you tease, pressing your lips to his again. His kiss is eager, yearning, his tongue parting your lips. One of your hands threads through his hair, messing up the carefully combed curls. Your nails drag against his skull and he moans into your mouth. Without stopping the kiss, he drags you both over to the side of a short brick building, and pushes you up against a wall. You’re thankfully on a residential side street that happens to be deserted, because neither of you bother to check if anyone’s around. One of his legs pries yours apart, and he lifts up the skirt of your dress. His fingers rub against the soft fabric of your panties, teasing around your clit but not touching it directly. 
“Can I have you right here, love?” he asks, his hot breath on your lips. You smile.
“I nearly jumped your bones at the bar, in front of god and everyone. All that to say yes, absolutely,” you tell him, laughing. His mouth moves along your jaw, kissing and licking his way up to your earlobe. Just as he gives it a sharp bite, his fingers push inside of you. Unable to stop the loud moan that escapes you, you bury your face in the crook of his neck. He starts off slow, letting you get used to one and then two digits. 
“That’s my girl, taking me so well,” he says, looking at you with so much pride it hurts. “Telling other men to fuck off,” he laughs. His thumb finally starts circling your aching clit. The pressure alternates as his fingers pump in and out of you. A bead of sweat rolls down his throat, and your tongue darts out to catch it. He picks up speed until you’ve got his hair in a death grip with one hand, digging your nails into his rock hard forearm with the other. The orgasm hits you quick, your thighs capturing his wrist in a vice, pushing your body down his fingers, trying to get him as deep as possible. You bite into his shoulder, moaning his name and -yes oh fuck yes- into the fabric of his shirt.
Letting you recover against him, he slowly withdraws his hand from you, replacing your panties and righting your skirt. Dazed, the thought of what he said earlier comes crashing back to you. You take his slick hand, bringing it up to your lips. Drawing his index finger into your mouth, you taste yourself as you drag your tongue down the length of it. Your lips tighten around the onyx signet ring and you suck on it. It comes loose easily, lubricated by your own arousal. Releasing his finger with a pop, you spit the ring into your hand, never breaking eye contact with Tangerine. His expression is something between stunned and painfully aroused.
“Was this your plan all along?” you ask him, dropping the ring into his shirt pocket. 
“I’m not that clever,” he shrugs, giving you a wolfish smile. His hands slide up your back, pulling you off the wall and flush against his body. He kisses you tenderly, tasting you. “Now let’s get out of here.”
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444rockstargf · 2 months
"be my undercover lover." | spencer reid
summer bummer. - lana del rey
⊹₊⋆ synopsis: bad things happened when you made friends with the enemy, so what would happen if you fucked him instead?
fill out the taglist form! : @thirtyratsinasuit @auggiethecreator
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criminal!female!reader x spencer
word count: 1.5k
contents: public sex, unprotected p in v, creampie
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a flicker of lightning illuminated the dark alleyway as the storm continued to rage on.
a shaky breath exhaled your lungs as you took a long drag of your cigarette, the smoke providing you warmth as you leaned against the stone-cold wall. you pulled your dark hood over your eyes, watching as cars zoomed by the alley, their lights sparkling against the wet sidewalks.
raindrops cascaded down the material of your long black jacket, the cloak concealing your identity. it was extremely dangerous for you to be out in the open at this time, but you had needs that desperately needed to be attended to. you glanced at your jeweled watch, the long arm of the clock striking 2 in the morning. as if on cue, the dim lights of a car stopped right outside of the alley, followed by the sound of an individual stepping out and making his way inside.
you kept your head down, the dark figure appearing in your peripherals. he held an umbrella, warm brown hair blowing in the wind as he took slow steps toward you. you put out your cigarette, approaching him until you were mere inches apart. “h-hey… i made it.” spencer’s voice trembled, mostly from fear and chills. he was dressed in his usual suit and tie, a few stray drops of rain cascading down his jawline and trickling down his neck.
you pulled him deeper into the enclosed spot, checking to see if the coast was clear before taking off your hood, your striking eyes meeting his soft gaze. he used the umbrella to cover your head, then you smiled softly. “i didn’t think you’d make it.” he smiled nervously. “i’d never want to disappoint you, darling.”
his eyes immediately caught a glimpse of the priceless watch hiding under your sleeve and his heart sank. if word got out about a genius FBI agent hooking up with the city’s most feared and corrupt criminal, who knew what would happen to him or you? you were opposing forces, fighting against each other in a battle that had no end in sight. but you were the most good-looking delinquent he’d ever laid eyes on. you had him wrapped around your finger, just as he did with you.
as you two stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed to be an eternity, you pushed him against the wall, placing your hands on his chest as you pulled him into a needy kiss. his eyes fluttered shut as your smooth lips moved against his in an intimate act that hadn’t been committed in far too long.
the umbrella slipped out of his grip as his hands found your waist, pulling you into his body as he sloppily kissed you on your open mouth. your hands ran through his drenched hair, his grip moving to your hips as he fondled with the leather material of your tight skirt. he groaned deeply into your mouth, making you smile into the kiss as you whispered softly. “...did you miss me, spence..?” 
he nodded, panting as he pulled away for just a second. “s-so, so much, baby. you have no idea…” you had become his worst addiction. the dark succubus who kept him awake in the depths of the night, constantly yearning for you. you grinned, wrapping your arms around his neck and connecting your wet lips with his again. he grabbed your ass, lifting you up and pressing you against the opposite wall. your tongues fought a silent war as both your and his arousal got nearly impossible to hide. your thumbs trailed down his chiseled jaw, frantically moving down to unbutton his dress shirt.
you pulled away for a moment, your lips swelling from the intensity of the kiss. spencer panted, starting to kiss your neck and leaving a sloppy wet trail behind him, moving down your collarbones and stopping right above the lacy rim of your blood-red camisole top. he looked up at you, brown doe eyes glazed over with lust. you wrapped your legs around his waist, never wanting to depart from him.
he spoke with his voice growing hoarse, his throbbing cock pulsating against the restricting material of his dress pants. “c-can i have you, baby..? i need you, i just need you so bad…” though you usually loved to torture him like the heartless criminal you were, you were just as needy as him at this moment, if not more.
you nodded, feeling his boner rubbing against your soaking crotch. his eyes lit up at your approval. he tore off the thin fabric of the top with his gleaming white teeth, an action so effortlessly attractive that you bit your lip to prevent any sheepish noises from coming out. he freed your tits from the clothed prison, eyes widening at your erect nipples pointed directly at him.
he took one of your tits into his mouth, swirling his tongue around your stiff peak with a low groan. you tossed your head back, feeling heat pooling in your core from the stimulation. all the talking he did made him dangerously good with his tongue, a few simple flicks of it nearly pushing you off the edge.
he rolled his hips against you, his cock nearly tearing through the fabric of his pants. you reached a hand down to hastily unbuckle his belt, letting it fall to the wet ground with a metallic clang. you unbuttoned his pants and his cock eagerly sprung out, the tip rubbing against your clothed slit and making you gasp.
you slipped your panties to the side, grabbing spencer’s shaft and using the tip to play with your needy clit. he moaned into your chest, looking up at you with a pleading gaze. you swallowed hard, slowly putting him inside of you, inch by inch at a time. you gasped as he pushed his hips upward, forcing the remaining amount inside of you.
his chest rose and fell as he felt your tight, gummy walls clenching around you with such desperation. with both hands glued to your ass, he thrusted in and out of you, loud moans slipping from your glazed lips. spencer buried his head in your chest, hiding the tears that filled his eyes from the pleasure that came with being inside you once again.
there was a large price that came with having an affair with your enemy, but moments like this made everything worth it. he lifted his head to kiss you on the lips again, feeding his moans into your mouth as he fucked you at a rapid pace, his balls slapping against the wet, gooey base of your hole. his cock had a perfect curve that helped him hit your cervix with every moment, intentional or not. 
you moaned and whimpered in his mouth, the alley filling with sounds of skin slapping together and other lewd noises. your tight hole nearly crushed him alive as it convulsed around him, his balls tightening up as a familiar sensation coursed through his veins. despite the rain, your bodies were on fire. a blaze that would remain hot forever.
“cum for me, spencer… n-need to feel you inside me…” one billion words of protest filled his mind, but nothing would feel better than filling you up with his seed. his clean, organized thrusts began to lose their composure as his moans became harder to suppress. you thanked the heavens for sending this storm, or else you two surely would’ve been caught by then.  
his eyes filled with that haze of lust as he looked you right in the eye, his orgasm hitting him like a ton of bricks. he bit his lip so hard that he drew blood as he pushed you all the way down, his cock reaching your guts. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as he filled you up like a sweet dessert, your hole swelling from the presence of his cum.
beads of sweat rolled down spencer’s forehead, his cheeks tinted with pink as he slowly set you back on the ground, your knees weak as you used the wall for support. “o-oh goodness, i-im so sorry. you told me to, y’know, a-and i just thou-” you interrupted his rambling with a deep kiss, your teeth hitting his for a moment as you tasted each other. 
you pulled away abruptly. “you talk too much, pretty boy.” his eyes were wide and hazy. he cleared his throat, nervously scratching the back of his head. “s-sorry…” you looked up at the sky, the storm finally starting to clear. you rolled your skirt back down, using the torn remnant of your top to cover your exposed tits.
spencer’s eyes were glued to him. you looked him up and down, raising an eyebrow. he quickly caught the memo, tucking his softening cock back into his pants. you nodded, pulling your hood back up and starting to walk back out of the alley. but his voice stopped you in your tracks. “i’ll really miss you, y’know that?” you turn your head, shooting him a half-smile. “i will too. until we meet again, my love.”
with that, you left him in the dark, disappearing into the night.
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author's note: thank you all for blowing up my inbox last night!! i promise to get them all out as soon as I can.
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anundyingfidelity · 2 months
𝟒𝐎𝐎 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭 request: Loki loving (female) Reader's moles and freckles. He sees the moles and freckles as constellations. He wants to explore her constellations all over her body.
aah thanks a lot for your request!!! such a long time since i didn't write something for loki and i love him a lot helppp. and totally i loved this prompt, is honestly so cute <3 drabble under the cut!
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STARS APPEAR — Loki x fem!reader
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Word count: 463.
Genre: fluff, suggestive.
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His kiss was tender. The surprising coldness of his hand on your cheek sent shivers down your spine as you tasted the mead on his lips, his body pressing against yours while your back touched the soft sheets over the mattress of his bed, the black-haired prince hovering over your figure as you laid down. Your heart beating with anticipation as you broke the kiss. His fingers traced your cheek in a delicate manner. His green eyes took all the beautiful spots on your skin.
“What?” you whispered against his lips.
Loki leaned down as his cold fingers followed the skin of your neck, taking in the charm of your freckles and moles adorning your flesh. He always adored them, and how much they reminded him of the stunning view of the asgardian skies, filled with stars and the captivating constellations his mother used to talk to him about when he was a mere child. You were breathtaking.
“You’re gorgeous, my love.”
His lips traced down your cheek down to your collarbone, tasting the sweetness of your skin. Loki made sure to leave a small kiss on the beautiful freckles covering you completely. He totally worshiped them with his tongue and lips, the sweet moans and gasps falling off your mouth increasing the excitement building inside him. Your hands tangled on his hair as he kissed the valley between your breasts, still covered by your dress. The dress he especially picked for you to wear to the feast. He wanted to rip it off and worship every inch of your body as the goddess you were, just like you deserved. For him, you were the most precious creature he ever saw. And he called you his, only his.
He cut you with a passionate kiss against your lips, his hands going down to your sides. “Shh,” he shushed you softly, taking the thin sleeves off your shoulders.
You chuckled against his wet mouth, the fire inside growing as he slowly requested for permission to continue further. “We left the ball a little bit early.”
“I have more important things to do,” he teased, nipping the skin of your neck. You granted him access, his tongue licking gently.
“You just came back from Vanaheim, they were celebrating you and your brother,” you smirked, your fingernails scratching the back of his fine leather suit as you felt your hips moving on its own, looking for some friction between both of you. “I thought you’d want to have some more fun out there.”
He angled himself again to look at your flushed face, covered in fine sweat.
“Believe me, love. I plan to. But I’d rather trace every perfect spot on your body, here in my bed,” he purred.
Gods, you were counting on it.
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akunya · 1 year
Imagine for a moment: Lucifer takes the reader out shopping for clothes (since they don't have very much).
I imagine the reader is picking out lots of little dress shorts and blouses, overall femboy/ouji aesthetic, and Lucifer is having a hard time keeping his eyes and hands off of the reader. It boils over a bit when the reader asks Lucifer for help zipping up the back of his shorts and Lucifer starts getting handsy.
It starts with his gloved fingers gliding over your hips, then sliding down your thighs. He says you look gorgeous, right as his hands wander to the soft bulge between your legs. You watch him through the dressing room mirror as Lucifer gropes at your slowly hardening cock.
He asks how it feels, and it takes you a moment to realize he means the clothing, not his squeezing. You barely mumble out some semblance of a yes, too entranced by his free hand carefully undoing the buttons of your blouse to cover up with anything else.
"Tell me how good it feels." He instructs, untucking the white chiffon from your shorts and dragging down your fly.
This is risky and you know it, but you've wanted this attention for too long to say no now.
Ahem if you don't write it I might cough cough
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“tell me how good it feels..”
pairings: lucifer x m!reader
summary: what a precious little thing you are..
tw: EXHIBITIONISM, public sex, DUBCON/NONCON, mindbreak. size difference, lulu makes teases your small dick (lol), master/sub dynamics, ownership, etc.
notes: i read this ask at around 3am and nearly died. if you have already written it or are still planning to, please send it to me - id love to read!
here is my (short) little take on it.
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"tell me how good it feels." he instructs, untucking the white chiffon from your shorts and dragging down your fly.
your breath hitches in your throat, words struggling to come out as he palmed your hardening cock in his hands. it was so obscene doing something like this in public, and yet, lucifer acted without hesitation nor shame. the feeling of his cool leather gloves against your crotch only caused you to melt further, stumbling in his arms.
“at a loss for words, y/n?” the demon chuckles, kissing a spot behind your ear that made you tremble. wearing such innocent, frilly looking clothes made this feel more provocative than usual. lucifers suit and dark clothing contrasting with your own reminded you how powerful he was. you were sure no one back home would believe you if you told them a demon from hell had started feeling you up in the fitting room stall of all places.
lucifers skilled hands tugged the shorts down a bit, just enough so that your cock would be exposed. you closed your eyes shut, too bashful to watch him tease the tip, smearing all of your pre on his glove. “you like when your master touches your cock, pretty boy?” the demon licked the shell of your ear, hot breath against your neck.
“y-yes master!” you gasped, your hands grabbing into his forearms for measure. the loose white blouse you were wearing felt suffocating, atmosphere growing hotter and hotter. the older man didn’t stop, simply cooing at your feeble state. he loved feeling in control. with every weak moan you let out because of him, his pride only grew larger.
“look at you, little thing. your cock won’t stop dripping when i touch it. you’re such a slut sometimes, y/n.” lucifer emphasized the last sentence by squeezing the base of your dick, fluid dripping onto the floor with how much spilled out. you whined again, practically humping his hand as he coo’ed at how pathetic you looked.
“lucifer, i can’t, n-not here!” as much as you loved when lucifer played with you like a toy, the last sliver of dignity in your mind screamed at you, reminding yourself that you two were in public. lucifer frowned, his brow furrowing in slight annoyance.
“you will. do you forget who owns you, little human? me. you are mine.” he groaned, practically panting on your neck as he pumped your cock almost painfully hard. it felt so intense, your whole body was shaking, moaning wantonly in the dressing room.
“..and if i order you to cum all over yourself like the slut you are, then you will. so, cmon boy. cum for me.”
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thisblogisaboutabook · 3 months
When the Lightsinger Calls (I Hear a Symphony)
An Azriel Drabble
Azriel daydreams of his mate -Inspired by ‘I Hear a Symphony’ by Cody Fry
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I used to hear a simple song.
The warm winds of summer blew through the Illyrian mountains as Azriel sat sprawled on a thick branch fifty feet in the air, one leather covered leg dangling as the other stretched across the branch, his back resting against the trunk of an old Oak tree.
Cassian had been butting heads with Devlon for hours. Same shit, different day as they heatedly negotiated new terms for the training of Illyrian females. Devlon, of course, remained as stubborn as an ass. Even after decades of his bullshit, it never failed to chafe Azriel’s nerves that they were under the regime of the most powerful High Lord in Prythian’s history yet had to make nice with stuck-in-their-ways pricks like him. Today in particular had left Azriel feeling less than giving.
Cassian booted Azriel out of negotiations in record time, which admittedly, was likely for the best. Azriel’s dominant stance, deadly gaze, and violent whirling shadows were not best suited for these futile attempts of “sweet talking” Devlon out of his deeply rooted misogyny. If Azriel had his way Truth Teller would do all the talking, but diplomacy unfortunately took precedence.
He may have put up more of a fight when storming out of the Camp Lord’s office had Cassian’s weapon of choice today not had a unique way of toeing that line between diplomacy and force in a way that even Truth Teller could not. No blood spillage necessary, though, Azriel thought with a smirk, the weapon could do just that as well.
The warmth of the suns rays shining through the rustling leaves and the scratch of bark lightly grazing the sensitive membranes of his wings - hitting those spots he could never quite reach - had Azriel drifting off into a light dream state.
As he began to doze, shadows hummed around him, the whistling breeze mixing in with their whirring as they sensed for any incoming threats.
Blending in with their simple song, the creek nearby babbled with the sounds of trickling water, crickets chirped beneath rocks below.
His thoughts became more vivid as his conscience drifted deeper into sleep.
His jaw ticked, wings jerking slightly as he dreamed glimpses of deep red coating his marred skin from the countless souls he’d drawn blood from, lifeless bodies scattered across bloody battlefields, dark cells, the bright flare of roaring fire scalding a child’s hands, his shadows melody becoming broken as they attempted to soothe their master.
The melody became lighter as the flame in his dreams became flashes of light, blurred glimpses of a lovely face appearing in and out of his dreams. A soft laugh intertwined itself with his shadows, the solemn hymn becoming lighter, with vibrant bursts of energy leaving his heart fluttering. More images of the ethereal face flickered through his mind, soft blush dusted cheeks, a radiant white smile, supple fingers tracing the muscles of his chest, plush lips on bare skin, all appearing to the beat of the rising staccato. His lips quirked upward in his sleep as his guard dropped lower and lower and the melody continued growing louder, building into the crescendo of the loveliest symphony he’d heard yet, even in Prythian’s most renowned concert halls.
The music filled Azriel’s entire being, leaving him light as shadow, his flaws forging themselves from ugly into something beautiful, something worthy, as the melody carried his soul toward the light.
Just as his body began to slump out of the tree a sing-song voice brighter than day awoke him. “Careful, Shadowsinger. One might think you’re sleeping on the job.”
He looked down to his beautiful mate, the face his dream had called him to. “My little Lightsinger, did you give Devlon hell?”
She beamed. “Worked a little on him. The girls get seven more hours per week and Cass or I can do spot checks whenever we please. I’ll push for more when we meet again in a few months.”
“That’s my girl.” His eyes shone with the pride filling his chest as he launched out of the tree and swept her off her feet.
“Let’s go home.” She whispered, pressing a kiss to his nose. Azriel only blushed and did just as his lady said, the two falling into companionable silence as her light and his shadow mingled in harmony the entire flight back to Velaris.
And now I hear a symphony.
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ssailormoonn · 8 months
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L Lawiet X Fem!Reader
WC; 2.9k┊!MDNI! ┊TW; Voyeurism? Slight cock warming, quick sex, bottom L (Still the dominant power) - Top reader (the submissive), P-I-V, light thigh riding, unprotected sex, pregnancy reveal
⋆·˚ ༘ *𝒮𝒴𝒩𝒪𝒫𝒮𝐼𝒮 :: {Y/N} takes a visit to see L at the hotel with the task force members present because she couldn't wait any longer to see the man, she has some special news to tell him. Although, he already knows.  Cover name; {C/n} | True name ; {Y/n} {Lawliet}
m.list | death note m.list
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The soft, ambient hum of the hotel's grand reception area envelops me as I stride confidently through the abundant space. The polished, marble tiles beneath my Mary Jane heels seem to create rhythmic clicks the further I walk, never missing a beat, my steps at the same pace.
Clad in a red slip dress that gracefully hugs my form, its silky fabric shifting sensuously with every movement. The dress, with its subtle, elegant shimmer, hints at both sophistication and a hint of allure. It drapes effortlessly a few inches above my knees, swaying with each step, drawing the eye with a subtle flirtation.
A leather coat, dark and supple, wraps around my shoulders like a protective shroud. Its rich scent mingles with the faint fragrance of my favorite perfume, more like L's favourite perfume, he prefers sweet-scented perfumes and I have found the perfect sweet vanilla perfume that I hope he likes compared to the other ones. The coat's collar frames my face, adding a touch of mystique to my appearance, while its sleek design implies both power and sensuality.
As I approach the reception desk, I can't help but notice the curious glances from other guests.
"If it's no trouble," I say, my voice carrying a tone of polite assertiveness, "I would like to get a key card for room 258."
As I speak, my {e/c} eyes lock onto hers, the intensity of my gaze reflecting my self-assuredness. I notice the subtle widening of her eyes, a fleeting reaction that suggests she might have momentarily misjudged me, perhaps assuming I was going to be a nuisance.
My request is delivered with a poised confidence that leaves no room for doubt, dispelling any misconceptions and ensuring that my intention is clear. "Um. I need you to confirm your relationship with the occupant first before I hand over the card. If you don't mind of course!"
"I'm the occupant's wife," I saw with a smile teasing its way onto my face, "I'd like the key card now."
"Yes, of course."
The elevator ride was surprisingly short and quick, considering Mr. Watari had arranged the hotel room to be on a relatively high floor. The floors seemed to glide past as the elevator ascended, and the soft, ambient music playing in the background added a touch of serenity to the journey.
The distinctive beep of the elevator signaled my arrival at the designated floor, and the doors slid open with a whisper of sound. Stepping out, I found myself in a well-lit corridor adorned with tasteful artwork and plush carpeting. I began scanning each door for the room number I sought.
My footsteps were hushed by the luxurious carpeting as I moved gracefully down the corridor. It didn't take long before I spotted the number I was looking for. Room 258. My destination was right in front of me, and I couldn't help but appreciate the attention to detail and opulence that characterised this hotel.
I slide my key card through the scan and it lets out a solemn beep as I crack open the door it seems I had not alarmed anyone to come and see who was coming through, although, they probably had cameras stationed everywhere. 
As I burst into the room, I'm immediately met with the sight of several men in sharp suits, undoubtedly the members of the task force who have been tirelessly working on the Kira case. Their presence adds a layer of gravity to the room, emphasising the importance of the mission at hand. Do I care? No.
My {e/c} eyes quickly scan the room, and I spot a solitary figure at the very end. It's L, perched on a chair, indulging in a slice of cake. 
Without hesitation, I slip off my jacket and make my way toward L's seat, my footsteps quick but controlled. In the process, I toss my leather coat to one of the task force members, who gasps in surprise at my unexpected and swift action. The room falls briefly into a stunned hush, the abruptness of my entrance leaving an indelible impression. 
I turn my head to address the young man who's speaking muttered something, noting his light brown hair and honey-colored eyes. This must be Kira, the one they've been pursuing so relentlessly.
"You can't just come in here and run over to Ryuzaki, we don't even know who you are," He says.
As the young man with light brown hair and honey eyes holds the back of my dress, I feel his firm grip preventing me from moving any closer to L. 
With a momentary pause, I assess the situation, understanding the need to establish trust and credibility with the task force before I can approach L further as they obviously do not know who I am. I let out a sigh.
"L, did you not tell them who I am?" I say crossing my arms, "I feel offended. And you, Kira. Are you holding me back because you want something from me? I didn't say yes. You can't shove tea down someone's throat if they don't reply or say no."
"My son is not Kira," A man peaks up.
"What are you talking about," Kira replies.
"She speaks about consent in the context of tea," L says while chewing on his strawberry cake, "Anyways, {C/n}, what are you doing here? I thought I told you not to come until the investigation is over."
"I missed you," I say, "I'm sure you knew that."
"I did."
"So, that leads me to come back to you," I say slapping Kira's hand off the grip on my dress.
"It doesn't matter, you aren't safe here," L says sternly, "Leave."
"I don't think I've heard Ryuzaki so...." Another member of the task force says this time in a younger voice.
"No," I say childishly.
"You are not safe here, {C/n}" He says through another spoonful of cake, and my mouth drops.
"Kira!" I say pointing back at the light brown-haired teen, "Doesn't my name! So who cares!"
"I care, now leave."
L's annoyance becomes palpable as he lets out an exasperated sigh. He places his plate, which once held a slice of cake, onto the table in front of him, and the clank it makes upon contact with the surface resonates throughout the room. His frustration at the disruption is evident, and it seems he's eager to address the situation and clarify the reason for my sudden appearance.
"Could everyone leave." L's command is authoritative, and the members of the task force obediently comply, exiting the room, and leaving us alone.
With the others gone, L remains in his seat, not making any move to approach me. It's clear that he's feeling a sense of unease, a rare vulnerability that he allows only in my presence. The facade he wears in front of the world drops, and he knows he can be more himself when we're alone together. This unspoken connection between us is a testament to the unique dynamic of our relationship and the trust we share.
I walk confidently in front of L, taking a motherly stance with my hands on my hips as I peer down at him. His gaze remains downcast, and he slowly places his feet on the floor, unfolding from his characteristic egg-shaped sitting position.
As I stand before him, a few moments pass, and then I feel his hands gently rest on my waist. My heart quickens, and I shiver at the intimate contact. L buries his head into my dress-clad stomach, seeking comfort and closeness.
As I wrap my arms around L, pulling him in closer, he responds by encircling me with his own arms, drawing me near. My fingers gently trail through his obsidian hair, and I feel a soft groan escape his lips in response to the sensation. His hands tighten around my waist, and I can't help but chuckle at his endearing reaction, knowing that even in the midst of the most challenging cases, he still wants to have my affection no matter what protests he makes.
"You've been acting moodier lately." L's observation about my moodiness doesn't go unnoticed, and I frown in response, not quite ready to share the news or discuss my feelings.
L doesn't press the matter further. Instead, he gently pulls away from our close embrace, leaning back into the chair. He pats his lap, and I understand his unspoken invitation. Without hesitation, I eagerly sit on top of L, straddling him, finding comfort and solace in the unique connection we share. It's in these moments of intimacy that we can find solace and support amidst the challenges of the Kira case.
"I missed you," I whispered, my voice choked with emotion as tears welled up in my eyes. The weight of our separation had been unbearable, and now, in this moment of reunion, all I wanted was to hold him close and feel his presence once again.
"I know you did," L says, his voice filled with warmth and understanding as he wraps his arms around my waist. The weight of our separation is unbearable, and in this moment of reunion, all I want is to hold him close and feel his presence once again.
"Why am I crying?" I manage to say, my voice trembling with emotion, tears welling up in my eyes.
"You must be stressed about something, what is it?" L asks, his concern evident in his eyes. His words carry the longing, emptiness, and joy of seeing me.
The truth is, the rawness of our separation has left me emotionally vulnerable. The longing to be with L, to feel his touch and hear his comforting words, has taken a toll on my emotional well-being. It's a natural response to crave that deep connection, to feel the warmth and love that L brings into my life. The day I found out about this... It was Near's intuition that mentioned it, I didn't even think of a possibility that it happened.
I take a deep breath, trying to compose myself, and finally manage to say, "It's just the weight of missing you, L. It's been unbearable and something else."
L's eyes soften, and he pulls me even closer, his embrace providing a sense of solace and comfort. We may have been physically apart, but our bond has remained strong, bridging the distance between us.
"Take your time," he whispers, his voice filled with understanding. "I'm here for you now, and I'll always be. Let yourself feel, and know that I'm here to hold you through it all."
And at that moment, as I let myself surrender to the overwhelming emotions, I realise that the power of our connection transcends physical presence. It is in the tenderness of L's embrace, the reassurance in his voice, and the unconditional love we share that I find solace, healing, and a sense of home.
My whispered words carry a sense of longing and urgency as I address L. I reach out and gently drag the collar of his white tee to the side, exposing a patch of his skin, and press my lips against it. L's response is a soft sigh, his reaction to my touch evident.
"I want you," I murmur, my voice filled with desire and need. "It's been too long, and I can't... I can't function without you."
Our connection goes beyond the professional, and the intensity of our bond is underscored by the intimate moments we share, especially in the midst of such a high-stakes case.
"You're not well, are you sure you don't want to tell me anything before we continue?" He asks in a soft tone rubbing the back of my head as I continue to trail kisses around his neck.
"After," I say desperately, "Please, after. Want you now."
"Whatever you want, love."
I shift myself so I'm perfectly aligned to where his bulge is proding beneath the fabric of his jeans and I grind myself down on him causing a breathy sigh to leave my throat at the relieving action. His grip turns to hold my hips before dragging his hands up to my waist, bunching up the silken fabric to my waist and I whimper when he plays with the hem of my underwear.
"You really are that needy, love," He whispers against the shell of my ear and I bury my head in the crook of his neck.
"Stop," I mumble against his skin to stop the teasing as it's making a deep flush rise against my cheeks.
I feel his two skilled fingers drag my underwear to the side and drag them down my slit causing me to let out a moan at the feeling. "So wet already," He comments and I disregard the comment as I whimper in response instead of answering.
His two fingers slide in my heat and I nibble on the flesh of his neck and L groans in response. I grind myself down on them causing a string of moans to leave my mouth. He curls his fingers and I grind myself back and forth against his long digits. I felt a coil in my stomach tighten and my whimpers became louder.
"Ngh, L," I whimper out as I wrap my arms tighter around his neck, "'M gonna- gonna cum."
"You're doing so good for me," He praises, "Come, {Y/n}."
My juices spill over his fingers, I let out an exasperated sigh and arch my back into him. "Do you want more, my love?" He questions with a soft voice and I hurriedly nod in reply.
I fumble to get the zip to his pants down and I let out a whine as I struggle, L rubs the back of my neck to calm me down as I am being very needy in wanting him, to show me that he isn't going anywhere.
I finally unbuttoned and put down the zipper, he lifted his hips to help me pull down the fabric to his knees and I saw the growing bulge beneath his underwear, my mouth watered at the sight as I couldn't wait to have him inside me rearranging my insides. I pull down the fabric of his boxers and his length springs out and hits his stomach that was covered with his white shirt, L lets out a hiss at the action.
I hold the base of his length and give it a light squeeze while a breathy moan leaves his mouth as I trace the veins on the underside of his cock with my thumb. My hand travels up and down his dick rubbing the strings of pre-come that leaks from him, the moans continue to slip out of L's mouth.
I drag my body up once more while aligning myself with him and draping his swollen tip against my folds. A moan leaves my throat and a hiss respectively leaves his own. I sink myself down on his length and we both hold onto each other tightly. I messily pressed my lips against his and the ecstasy within my body continued to grow as the pleasure grew.
In a moment of unspoken desire and passion, I lean in closer to L, my intent clear in my eyes. Our lips meet in a messy kiss, and the world around us seems to fade away. My heart races, and a cascade of emotions courses through me as I press my lips firmly against his. The taste of the moment lingers on our tongues as move my hips against his. 
His cock hits that soft gummy place within my walls making me whimper against the kiss with L's groans reciprocating the pleasure. His hands massage my waist as he helps me carry his weight as I ride him.
"Hah~," I moan pulling away from his mouth as I feel him guiding my hips faster I bury my head within his neck and I nibble on the flesh causing L to tilt his head back at the sensation. I then realised that I had left a mark and that he'd have to cover the red splotch up but that didn't matter. I was so close to coming that my whole body felt weak underneath his warm touch.
I started to chant his name in desperation of wanting to come and I felt his hand press against my lower abdomen making me let out a high-pitched whine as the pleasure coursed through me even higher. "Come on, you can do it," L reassures me, "Come for me, love."
I let the coil in my stomach release and I felt L's own come spill within me that carried a moan from him. I let myself slump against him with his cock still sitting within my gummy walls. Nuzzling myself closer to him he wraps his arms around me. "What did you want to tell me?" He questions delicately against the shell of my ear making me shiver.
"I was visiting the orphanage because the kids missed me and Near asked me something..."
"Yes, love? What was that?"
"You probably already know but I took a test only because the poor baby Near was worried about me," I say remembering how embarrassed Near looked when he asked if I was pregnant, "It came back positive..."
"I already knew that you were pregnant, love. It was just a moment of time before you realised yourself," L says rubbing the back of my head reassuringly.
"You're not mad, are you?"
"I could never be mad at you, my love."
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siilvan · 9 months
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characters: rodolfo “rudy” parra
summary: an undercover operation goes awry, leaving you and rudy in a tight spot – literally.
prompts: 3. "first one to make a noise loses" & 19. "the choice is yours"
genre: general, fluff, fem!reader (no desc.)
warnings: not proofread (i'll do it later </3), cursing, brief mentions of canon-typical violence, classic stuck-in-a-closet situation 😏, like two spanish words since i'm still a beginner lol
word count: 1.9k
note: RAHHHHHH RUDY MY LOVE‼️‼️🗣️ once again, shoutout to @glitterypirateduck for curating this event!!
also wrote most of this while fighting off sleep so if it's bad, i'm sorry, i have another rudy fic on my WIP list <3
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things can't get much worse than this, right?
"a simple mission," he said. "just a quick in-and-out." he said.
you swear, you're going to to kick alejandro with the heels that you're wearing if you come out of this alive.
as you go to round a corner, a few voices make you stop dead in your tracks and tuck yourself back against the wall. it's a small group, no more than four men, and you hold your breath as they stroll right past you without even sparing a glance in your direction.
if there's anything to be thankful for, it's the lack of discipline in the guards. they're all too worried about getting drunk at the party still raging elsewhere than catching the "agent" in attendance.
you let out a soft sigh as you watch them disappear down the corridor, until footsteps quickly approaching from behind make you jump and spin around, preparing to face the would-be attacker.
before you can even turn, though, a pair of gloved hands grab ahold of you, one coming up to cover your mouth as you let out a surprised yelp, and the other pressing you into the wall again. it's an instinct when you fight back, lifting your foot and stomping on theirs, praying that the heel of your shoe is enough to force them to loosen their grip and give you a chance to escape.
the grunt that leaves them – him, you realize – sounds all-too familiar. you hesitate, which gives the man enough time to yank his foot back and lean closer, mumbling something into your ear despite the pain lacing his every word.
"it's me—!" he says through a pained groan. the dots finally connect in your head and you crane your neck to look at him over your shoulder.
the man stares at you through a black balaclava, but his eyes are unmistakable. it's rudy.
"what are you doing here?" you ask, voice slightly muffled against his palm. rudy pulls his hand away and steps back, giving you space to face him properly. you mutter a quick apology upon seeing him stumble a bit, obviously sore from your attack, but he brushes it off with a casual wave of his hand.
"heard about the situation over comms, figured you could use some help." he shrugs as your gaze drops, dragging over the dark suit that sits snugly on his form. "we need to move quickly. the security's scattered right now, but it won't be long until they find the body." he adds, tapping your shoulder gently as he moves past you.
you follow close behind as he starts down the corridor that the group of guards came from earlier. "i'm assuming you mean the guy who's clothes you're wearing – did you not hide him well?"
rudy pauses at another intersection, holding a hand up to signal for you to stop behind him. "didn't have time to. i was more worried about you."
with the way he says the words so casually, you know that it's nothing more than work to him. helping a fellow soldier, assisting you in the field for the sake of the mission, doing his job as the second-in-command. still, you don't miss the way your heart skips a beat at the thought of rudy rushing to your aid for a different, more personal, reason.
after a mumbled "come on," he's continuing down the hallway with you right behind him, the distinct sounds of your heels clacking against the floor with each step and his leather oxfords echoing off the walls.
you nearly slam into his back when rudy suddenly stops in the middle of a hallway, opening your mouth to protest, until you hear aggravated grunts and conversation coming from further down the corridor. before you can react, though, rudy's grabbing your shoulder to guide you as he swings open a nearby door and hastily shoves you inside it.
he slips in with you and lets out a heavy breath as the door softly clicks shut behind him, leaving you in almost total darkness. you press your back to the wall and flinch when the handle of a broom brushes against your spine, making you shuffle forward a bit to get comfortable in the cramped space.
unfortunately, "comfortable" equals standing so close to rudy that you worry about him hearing the rapid beating of your nervous heart.
you're in a small room, some kind of broom closet, with one of your superiors confined and standing just inches away from you. the shadows obscuring your face end up being your saving grace— if he could see the way you're reacting to the close proximity, you'd probably die from sheer embarrassment.
"they were heading our way?" you manage to ask, whispering through the pitch blackness.
you can make out some movement in the shadows akin to a nod. "party guests aren't allowed in this area. it's safer to hide and let them pass by." rudy mutters in reply, shifting. his hand, covered by a dark leather glove, grazes your arm lightly, his touch leaving behind a faint heat that slowly spreads through the rest of your body.
he lifts his arm fully and finds something that you can barely make out: a string, hanging in the air between you two. rudy gives it a single tug and suddenly you're squinting, eyes adjusting to the dim, artificial light that fills the small space from the bulb at the center of the ceiling.
seeing him semi-clearly again is enough to make you stare, eyes greedily drinking up his disguise as he keeps his attention trained on the little bit of space at the bottom of the door. you manage to tear your gaze from him after admiring the way the balaclava clings to his focused expression, clearly outlining strong features that you know will make you melt all over again once the mask is removed.
fleeting shadows obscure the light coming in from the crack, signaling that the group from before is passing by. you remain quiet, practically holding your breath as you watch the last person's silhouette appear and disappear under the door, the group's conversation gradually fading as they continue down the hall without a single alarm raised.
rudy goes to open the door, hand firmly wrapping around the knob, but when he tries to twist it open, you're both a little shocked at it not budging. he twists it again, but to no avail.
"mierda," he whispers harshly, fidgeting with the doorknob. "it's stuck." he adds, shooting a glance in your direction.
you briefly meet his gaze and blink at him, swiftly understanding the implications.
you're alone, very lightly armed, and trapped in a stuffy closet with your second-in-command whilst surrounded by enemies. somehow, things did find a way to get worse.
the two of you fall into a tense silence as you take in the situation: rudy, testing the strength of the door once more, and you, carefully listening for anyone nearby with an ear pressed against the wall. catching a guard's attention isn't ideal, but two or three men shouldn't be too difficult to take out discreetly.
you don't hear anything for what feels like ages. no footsteps, no voices, not even a peep from your ally. with a frustrated huff, you pull back from the wall and settle for staring into the minimal space between you and rudy.
at some point, he pulls off the mask, allowing you to drag your gaze up to his uncovered face. you can see thoughts swimming behind his dark irises, plans being formed off the cuff, preparation for any and every possible outcome. if rudy's anything, it's meticulous and levelheaded, even in a bad situation. he's everything a leader should be, and you commend him for it.
the silence lingers heavy in the air, settling like an uncomfortable weight on your shoulders. you swallow down the lump in your throat awkwardly, wracking your brain for an excuse to break it.
"first one to make a noise loses," you mumble, sending him a cursory glance.
rudy chuckles softly, his shoulders drooping slightly. he meets your gaze and seems to relax, lips twitching into a small smile. "i think you lost when you said that."
you roll your eyes half-heartedly. "that doesn't count." you lean in, mirroring his smile. "you lost by responding, though."
he concedes, lifting his hands in a mock surrender. "you got me, i guess you're the winner." he says, before letting his hands fall to his sides once more.
you're left staring at each other again. the tension dissipates with those few words, however, and you let yourself bask in the warmth of his gaze. it isn't special, you know that rudy looks at all of his allies with the same warmth, but a part of you clings to the hope that his affection is reserved for you. it's silly – juvenile, even – to think of your teammate like this. what you have is just a schoolgirl crush, feelings that he'd never reciprocate—
"you look beautiful," he utters, nearly inaudible despite the lack of other sounds. "i, uh... wanted to tell you that before the mission."
did you hear that correctly?
you keen under his praise, muttering an equally soft "thank you" before mentally kicking yourself for the awkward response and opening your mouth to speak again. "you look handsome. maybe you should've been on this mission instead." you add with a laugh.
"you were handling yourself just fine." rudy says, eyes narrowing when you shake your head.
"there's a reason why you had to step in. besides—"
"—besides, why would i miss out on this view?" he asks. you stop short, jaw practically going slack. again, did you hear that correctly?
you blink at him, dumbfounded. "that's bold."
another mental kick makes you flinch at your own reply.
gloved hands wrap around your own, guiding your hands to sit between yours and rudy's bodies. he squeezes them gently, a comforting gesture that sends a shiver coursing down your spine.
"maybe this isn't the best place to say this," he starts, thumbs rubbing soothing circles into your skin. "and, maybe that's exactly why i finally can say this, but... i've always thought that you're beautiful." he continues, voice dropping from a quiet timbre to a whisper.
"i want to be more than just teammates, if you'll have me." he quickly says, his grip tightening as his eyes search yours for an answer.
"rudy..." you trail off, before he speaks – again.
"the choice is yours. i'll respect your decision, no matter what it is."
if you didn't know better, you'd tell yourself that you're dreaming. it's not an ideal confession, not in the slightest, but there's something about it that's so very him. your chest tightens in the best way as you slide your hands from his, fingertips dancing up his arms until you cup his cheeks and bridge that final gap.
the kiss that follows is chaste and saccharine sweet. strong arms circle around your waist, drawing your body closer to his, grounding you in the moment as you threaten to slip away in the pure bliss of it.
after a few moments, you manage to pull back enough to give a verbal answer. "if we get out of here, then it's a date."
rudy chuckles, warm breath fanning against your lips. "keep your weekend open, cariño."
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