#This vanitas lore is making me bonkers what is up with him fr
akimojo · 2 years
Okay something that's really fucking with me rn is the fact that both xehanort and baldr could sense people's hearts and that that's what drove baldr to the darkness, which then led to xehanort going down the same path
So basically their ability to sense other people's hearts, and the loss they experienced adding onto their vulnerability, drove them both insane and they became antagonists. It's probably fair to say that they were more susceptible to resorting to darkness BECAUSE of their high empathy
And that's so fucking interesting knowing sora ALSO has the ability to sense people's hearts to the point where he can actually connect to them like he did with ventus, and he has also gone through grief and loss and yet never fell to darkness
UNLESS you count rage/anti form, which we still don't know much about at all save for the fact that xehanort was somehow able to force sora into rage form in kh3 (maybe that was related to xehanort's ability to sense sora's heart? He could've been able to yank it out of him while he was still affected by kairi's death)
What makes it even more notable is vanitas, now that we know that he was originally one of the ancient darknesses. What I'm wondering is if the reason why sora hasn't fallen to darkness yet is because of vanitas' presence in his heart? As in, could vanitas have unknowingly been protecting sora after ventus, roxas and xion left his heart? There's a possibility that vanitas was still residing in sora's heart even after the others were returned to their own bodies, and if that's the case then what would death look like for them? Sora is in quadratum for sure, but what about vanitas?
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