#The parallels between baldr and xehanort and the ones between xehanort and sora..... Hello???
akimojo · 2 years
Okay something that's really fucking with me rn is the fact that both xehanort and baldr could sense people's hearts and that that's what drove baldr to the darkness, which then led to xehanort going down the same path
So basically their ability to sense other people's hearts, and the loss they experienced adding onto their vulnerability, drove them both insane and they became antagonists. It's probably fair to say that they were more susceptible to resorting to darkness BECAUSE of their high empathy
And that's so fucking interesting knowing sora ALSO has the ability to sense people's hearts to the point where he can actually connect to them like he did with ventus, and he has also gone through grief and loss and yet never fell to darkness
UNLESS you count rage/anti form, which we still don't know much about at all save for the fact that xehanort was somehow able to force sora into rage form in kh3 (maybe that was related to xehanort's ability to sense sora's heart? He could've been able to yank it out of him while he was still affected by kairi's death)
What makes it even more notable is vanitas, now that we know that he was originally one of the ancient darknesses. What I'm wondering is if the reason why sora hasn't fallen to darkness yet is because of vanitas' presence in his heart? As in, could vanitas have unknowingly been protecting sora after ventus, roxas and xion left his heart? There's a possibility that vanitas was still residing in sora's heart even after the others were returned to their own bodies, and if that's the case then what would death look like for them? Sora is in quadratum for sure, but what about vanitas?
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psianabel · 2 years
complete jumbled thoughts about Dark Road because holy fuck: Spoilers for like literally everything.
holy shit holy shit holy shit ok so, getting this out of my way,
I'm eating well with Xehanort being a Blueblood LMAO. Called it, love it. The sheer irony of him being a child of destiny and us knowing how his story ends up - delicious.
So many parallels you can draw between Xehanort - Eraqus and Sora - Riku here. In the end Sora is the one who Xehanort should have become and just, goddamn. I'm still on the path of thinking MoM is the reason why this didn't happen, pushing him further into the darkness (talking about love and its false light. man.), then Eraqus leaving him alone and as such, the balance between them destroyed (just as Baldr and his sister),
Baldr eh. Just holy fuck. So i guess he did bring Ragnarok... just not how we expected it to end up lol. Poor boy, oh man. Just. oh man. Oh man.
Bragi hfkdjdodjfofjg GIVE IT UP FOR LUXU REVEAL THREE, congratz to the people who called it episode one, i wasnt one of them lmao jfidjdodg. For me its fucking hilarious now honestly. Luxu please get vessels with not so similar names.
I fucking screamed when Odin summoned Master’s Defender and then called No Name forth, I AM EATING WELL, THESE TWO KEYBLADES MAN. MAN !!!!!! Also extremly interesting how No Name's nature is known, and mannnnnnn him retiring and giving these two keyblades his last two pupils im fucking. h.
KH game with the highest death toll i guess LOL (excluding UX with the keyblade war), my heart already hurt when Hoder died and then THE DEATH DIDNT STOP LIKE HELLO, i actually had to stand up and take a deep breath when Hermod and Urd died like WTF MAN god god god god goodbye i liked u a lot :(
Xehanort having Hoder in his heart got me a lot, just. man. man. There is this small interaction after they are fighting Vidar and Baldr shows up, Xehanort clutches his chest - because Hoder is reacting to Baldr....... its so similar to Sora with Anna and Elsa in KH3 ...... wahhhhhh..... delicious.... just,,, Xehanort and its connections to other people. MAN..
This whole thing with the true Lights is so INTERESTING. Like, they are objects ???? before the Princesses of Heart were a thing... thats so good.
Still wrapping my head around with that summoning of Kingdom Hearts. And ... killing 13 lights for that. god Baldr was so close and it was so so cruel my god. SEEING THEM ALL DIE WAS SO. NAH MAN. NAH. like YEAH WE KNEW THEY WERE ABOUT TO DIE BUT FUCK.
Their names are all soooo interesting. Not going through them all, i just have to mention the heartless that is the final boss has the name of Baldur's ship that carries his dead body in the Norse mythology....... just. oh.
so. the "secret ending". Im fucking yelling at the fact Blue Robe is KHML Player with UX Player reincarnated. just. THIS IS THE PLOT I HAD PREPARED FOR MY PLAYER HELP THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC FJDKDBDKFJG also no Player - Xehanort anymore which im, ah well, but Still they have a close connection which is enough for me now i guess -
Baby Xehanort calling Lauriam a skinny boy with pink hair had me laughing so much. like TRUE but dont come for my boy like this ahsjshdodjdkf. I'm kinda :worry: about Skuld's involvement for Xehanort's Mom as i dont really want her .... to have stayed behind ..... but for me to truly accept that I have to see it in ML myself. Still holding onto Subject X, but man,,,,,, Nomura why.
Xehanort saying he wants to have 14 lifetimes has me so c: I really wish for Young Xehanort to return. He should live a life that belongs to him .... i hope he gets to see that. I really want him to hang out with the Guardians of Light...
The whole Underworld thing is going to be so interesting in KH4, because they essentially did the same thing here like Donald and Goofy are trying?? At least we know now that the Underworld is like, universal, for KH worlds. I hope we get to see the upper classmen in some form again. 
This game is an emotional rollercoaster that definitely would have worked better if they released these episodes... episodic. This whole ending was Such an Experience.
Just holy crap I am excited for Missing Link.
My mind is mush. I'm dead tired. What a phenomenal experience.
Missing Link, you have so much explaining to do. And goddamn im in for this ride.
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