#Tho it can be a bit nerve wracking starting to talk to people pre-planning or talking about stuff during threads it just makes it nicer
kotoyin · 1 year
are we all, as a com, perhaps coming to terms with the fact that we're probably better off at least briefly plotting before jumping into interactions?
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I’ve officially met my secondary goal of making the merge again! Yeees!! Last Tribal went well in the big picture: Drew idoled, Timmy wasted his, and Dennis went home. Buuuuut, I wasted mine too, which is a huge bummer. I showed my cards too early... either this merge is going to be my second shot, or the death of me.
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So real talk, I’m not a fan of these huge merges. There’s way too many plans and players to keep track of... and with this “blind” twist, this round is going to be total chaos. I just hope that the connections I built up pre-merge carry me through this.
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God bless Randy and his photoshop skills... he made an INCREDIBLE fake merge idol! I’m really confident that when people see this, they’ll be like “oh shit”. The only person I’ve told is Chris... if we use this right, it’s as good as having a real one!
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This being a blind week really has me worried. People are going to feel incentivized to do whatever the hell they want, because they’ll face ZERO repercussions for their actions. As for who I’M voting, that’s still tbd. After last round, I’m taking a little break from calling the shots.
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Trying to juggle my Civilians’ alliances with Dan and Tracey while pushing to get Timmy out is proving to be a bit difficult. Chris and Drew are fine with telling them where the villains are voting, but it’s a BLIND round! Why not take advantage of it and make it seem like we aren’t all on the same page?? It would make the two of them trust us more if they really thought we were 100% done with Heroes vs. Villains!
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Wow we love a potential swing vote situation. I hate not knowing where that power is because I just find it hard to believe someone got a better time than me for it. 13:37 was faster than Drew’s 14:15 for immunity ugh, unless he’s lying. I’m just frustrated bc I hate being in this position, but also it’s a blind round so if I voted out Timmy, the vote count wouldn’t matter. Unless of course he has the power or the immunity (if Drew is lying). I wish the heroes would come up with a plan bc like I’m stressed. It’s obvious to me that I’m the swing and I just don’t want it to be obvious to others. I’m telling Pat a lot rn just bc if anyone here I trust him the most. But also, it makes me nervous to open up so much in games, I don’t wanna get burned 
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I know pat won a major idol so I'm pretty stoked about that!! Idk who the other winner is but i hope it isn't tracey because that's who we're all voting. I have a feeling she won tho.
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Dark weeks always scare me because who knows what the fuck is actually going to happen. My alliance wants Tracey out but who knows if that will actually happen. Dark weeks are a good time to go against alliances because there is really no way to know since the vote count isn’t revealed so I could be fucked, anyone could be fucked.
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Slow slow slow your boat, gently down the merge, merrily merrily merrily, this game is but a flop.  I feel like its finally starting to pick up but this dark week slowed it down just when it was getting going. Apparently Tracey is Karen? wig. (can i say that if im straight idk). Anyways i can flip on the villains and vote karen ( which i really wanna do ) but im not gonna,, its too early to flip on my alliance. not that i want to, id love to go to the end with charlotte sammy and ricky. but i need revenge for france and thats coming at the expense of karen. 
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I’m legit not sure what’s happening tonight I’m screaming. There’s literally so many options and I’m one of them. It’s so nerve wracking 
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okay sorry ive been hella sick so idk what really is going on except that the villains are voting out timmy tonight and that i really wanna work with drew and dan. also mark is very nice to talk to and we're gonna watch wrestling together on sunday god fucking bless. i really want chelsea and madison out soon and im trying my best to steer my four villains away from wanting to vote dan or drew bc i want them here. thats pretty much it lmfao goodnight]
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hmmm okay so thing have been interesting. 1-My tribe was the only one that did not have to go to tribal last round.  I was super pumped because I feel as if one of us would have went home.  Then....while watching the tribal.BAM idol play. BOOM. another idol. WHAM. another one.  I am telling you there were idols flying left and right. Like how did y'all find those idols so fast...?  Okay so Dennis got voted out which is like good for me because I knew he would be a challenge threat and a social threat in general.  Moving on, we merged! HaLlElUjAh PrAiSe the LORTTT.  I was getting bored, not gonna lie....but it is still boring everyone is like not talking....okay but anyways, this is a dark round and umm I was so shocked bc I thought I was gonna win the puzzle. I got a time of like 15 mins...how did someone beat meeee:/ that puzzle was a monster. Idk but there are two people that have a lot of power and I am not sure who but I am gonna vote Timmy bc like I don't think he could have won the puzzle? peace yall, hope I am no being blindsided.
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Hello meeeeerge!!!!!! So last round was crackt, 3 idols flushed, my boi denny got voted out and I got a vote????? So uh that was wild sjdjkdmdkxn but now merge is here and it's a new game I guess smdjsjndid like personally I was thinking the split was gonna be idk more dramatic but like I don't want to work with the heroes and like they're throwing my name around so clearly they don't want to work with me, except maybe dan????? Idk he's so fucking wishy washy ugh!!!!! I'm like very nervous like I think I can trust the villains bc I've mostly talked to them today and they all seem to want to keep me and me and Chris might even have an alliance going after this which like....how crackt is that?!?! Literally the last person I'd want an alliance with but we're both low on the totem pole so like....we really don't have much choice. I also want to work with drew for sure and maybe mark, the other villains I'm a little if-y about idk like I would like to think me and ricker are on good terms and me and Sammy seem to have left everything in the past so we'll have to see after this blind week. Anyway!!!!!!! Fuck the heroes! Villains are skinny!
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Okay so it’s merge and it’s the dark week makes me so nervous. I’m trying to use my mark connection to keep me alive amongst the villains. I’m hoping to keep Chelsea and Dan alive and like somehow make it to the end with one of them. I want a lot of villains on the jury but I don’t want a villain available to get votes. OH I won the reward and from conversation I did the best in the puzzle???? ME???? I don’t believe it but Yas bitch ( to myself)
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So I’m super afraid I’m gonna go home this round, I need a ducking idol y’all! I really want Timmy to go home so that’s a mood, if he doesn’t, I’m gonna DIE!
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