#which I like Sometimes but honestly
kotoyin · 1 year
are we all, as a com, perhaps coming to terms with the fact that we're probably better off at least briefly plotting before jumping into interactions?
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hellenhighwater · 5 months
Genuinely being a single woman in my thirties, living alone, is such a mixed blessing sometimes. I do love my house and when I'm here I literally never want to leave. But on the other hand, I do get tired of leaving to go hang out with people, even though I love seeing them. Especially because I have such a great group of friends but they live all over the place, geographically, and therefore most of them don't know each other. And I actually really love hosting? But I never have people in my house because logistically it's always more practical for me to go to them than vice versa.
But sometimes I buy new old dishes and wanna just have a little fancy wizard party, but all my guests are far away. Please may I have the teleport spell. Or a high-speed commuter rail system.
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anna-scribbles · 8 months
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they should've been at the club(infertility treatment centers)
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ryllen · 22 days
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danandfuckingjonlmao · 2 months
so five and lila being a thing is going right next to allison literally sexually assaulting luther in the box of things we are absolutely under no circumstances accepting as part of canon right
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gilbirda · 3 months
hot take but we as a society need to be more comfortable about discussing "icky" parts of history, and even telling the side of the "bad guys"
hear me out
history is written by the victors, and will be heavily biased. The defeated will be painted as evil, deviants and/or like they have always been "the bad guys".
Reducing people to "the bad guys" does a huge disservice to the opportunity of learning from the past, because it creates a distance between the modern reader and the actual events, it creates the comfortable position of "I'm not like the bad guys, so i will never make their mistakes"
I think is important we understand how and why people believed in something, and where did things turn a certain way. Yes. Even "the wrong side". Even the nazis. Even those people you are thinking about, whoever they are.
Because you are not immune to propaganda and it's so so so so important to understand what happened and how did we get to those points before we fall to the same techniques again and again.
"Learning from the past" isn't deleting the ugly parts or cringing when someone brings up war. Thinking otherwise is a huge mistake and precisely what someone who wants to make the same mistakes wants you to think.
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theaxolotlkween · 5 months
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Silly little comic I made.
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mamawasatesttube · 11 months
the thing about generally-accepted broad fanon batfam dynamics is that even if you disregard the complete stripping of all nuance in order to make a perfectly nuclear family with no lasting or significant conflict etc etc, half of it is all just built on vaguely (or explicitly) racist stereotypes anyway, like .......... ah yes the little half arab boy is a violent feral gremlin who can't fit in with refined polite society. the half east asian girl is the golden child who never speaks and is good at everything and has no flaws because she's the favorite who holds the family together. the romani one is a slut. LIKE. okay...!
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that-butch-archivist · 4 months
I'm not sure if this will take off but I'd love to be indulged. I just read through an old reddit thread where butches talked about what colognes they wore and liked, and got to thinking that it'd be fun to do the same.
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
I jokingly thought before that reading Junie B. Jones as a kid turned me into a feminist, but unironically, it kind of did.
I honestly think it comes down to the fact that Junie B. was not only allowed to be "weird," but her character arc never concluded like other girl characters would. In other media featuring "weird girls," the girl always ended her arc tamed - by force or convince, she would be prettied up, she would smile and be polite, and she would never speak out of turn. She would be perfect then, and would shed her veneer of individuality with the freedom that is conformity. As a kid, I noticed that girls weren't permitted to be "weird" like boys were. So when I read Junie B. Jones, I loved that she was frankly just fucking weird. She said things out of turn, she was rambunctious and imaginative and she was a realistic portrayal of a little girl. I loved reading those books because the narrative taught her lessons without punishing her for being weird, if that makes sense. So often, narratives punished weird girls for the crime of being a socially unacceptable girl, not for any true wrongdoing like lying.
Anyway, I just think it's interesting, because I watched and read a ton of books and shows and movies featuring girls and women, but none of them truly empathized with (or even tried to empathize with) weird girls on their own merits and capabilities and terms, or embraced the idea of a "socially inept/unacceptable" girl without punishing her in some way for her supposed ineptitude.
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muchmossymess · 16 days
okay but the unexplored potential of a revali and purah dynamic
revali is so keen to be the best of the best and push himself past all conceivable limits, and purah wants to find the limits of sheikah tech and magic only to barrel past them and nearly become god
so one day, purah comes to revali "how high can medoh fly?" and he pauses bc he hasnt thought about that much, which he realises is asinine how has he not thought of taking her higher "well her resting altitude is x but its possible to go higher, though i dont know her limits" and they just look at each other bc well now they have too know-
and it continues like that, purah coming to revali with questions about medoh or the rito or his wind magic or eventually just requests for assistance "i need you to fly this up there for me, clear out this monster camp, ect ect" and revali loving the attention and the chance to show off, and that hes able to prove himself as truly better (he often tries to rope in the other champions to compare) and purah is loving all the data and the chance to work so closely with a pilot and they both compliment each others personalities quite well, both sassy and intelligent and where purah is overbearing and bubbly revali is insecure and sulky
anyway this is all pre calamity stuff, i want them to be very good friends and cause chaos together and push each other to constantly better each other, and purah would scoff at revalis creative insults but internally laugh and file them away to use later, and revali may act uninterested when purah talks for hours about conclusions shes come to and different approaches they could take hes actually paying complete attention and thinking of ways to use this knowledge in piloting or training
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scary-lasagna · 7 months
Hii I love your style of writing so much🫶🫶
I was wondering if I could request the creeps with an s/o that has POTs and/or chronic fainting?
if your too busy please don’t overwork yourself, have a lovely day :D💞
Thank you!!! you too :] I decided to switch things up. Instead of pairing this type of ask with someone who knows what to do I present: Jeff.
This mans knows NOTHING.
But he's here for you. Because he loves you so much.
And this guy eats nothing but salty foods, so of course he's gonna eat a chip and then offer you the next one until the bag runs out.
And shit, if you have to take a spoonful of salt with a chaser, then he'll help you with that too.
And he's always hyper-vigilant about any dizzy-like movement you may have, always prepared to catch you.
And when it comes down to it, he'll just carry you wherever you need to go.
He doesn't really know anything else about it except that a.) he needs to catch you when you fall and b.) he loves you and loves to share his food.
Jeff will also check up on you throughout the day if he's working, or just away from home, to make sure you're doing alright.
Jack will give him any tips and advice that Jeff may ask, and will even slide him some prescriptions that may help some of your symptoms.
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ciderjacks · 2 months
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@vanweek2024 day 4 - food
peep the vanny
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puppetmaster13u · 11 months
Prompt 51
Hear me out: Either due to a prank originally or them both being genderfluid, Bruce and Kate swap vigilante outfits. Batman is Batwoman for a night and Batwoman is Batman, not that the goons know that. The thing is though… it’s kind of fun. So they do it again, and again. The criminals don’t know if they’re going to get kick in your teeth Batman or shoot your kneecaps Batman, they don’t know if they’re going to get flirt while terrorizing your gang Batwoman or terrifyingly silent while snapping someones leg Batwoman. It’s fun for them, and sometimes on slower nights they’ll swap in the middle of patrol. No one can figure out who the bats are, even in rumors or conspiracy theories. People trying to psychoanalyze them are pulling out their hair, the batkids when they find out are going wild with ideas on how to make it worse. 
Of course, come the Justice League, they continue to do their whole switching vigilante-sonas. 
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leadandblood · 1 day
What happens pre- A Fun Fact About Apples… ?
you can watch this on AO3 too and leave an anon comment there if you want <3
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