#Thoma sees weird bs on the daily
scarletooyoroi · 1 year
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"....." No words.
"Did that person.. Just try alchemizing this boneless bizza?" Is that why there was some rampaging piece made of hellish dreams, cheese and pepperoni invading Mondstadt?
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stardustizuku · 1 year
I have to ask out of curiosity, on the TVTropes wiki page, the Miraculous Ladybug page says that the show is a Magical Girl/Superhero genre hybrid of sorts. If you believe that is the case, since I believe it might be just speculation, would that change or impact what the rules can be established or removed in either of these genres?
The reason why I made the essay with Magical Girls at its focus - was simply because I’m more well versed in Magical Girl stories than super heroes. As well as the fact that it hurt me deeply as a fan of that genre.
But let it be known. Miraculous Ladybug suck ass as a Superhero story too.
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For mostly the same reasons as I stated in the Magical Girl Analysis because…
Well, Magical Girls ARE superheroes.
Like, sexism has sort of wrapped peoples’ idea of what Magical Girls are but despite all the frills and cuteness - these are girls that fight evil on a daily with super powers and secret identities.
You see, Japan and the USA have very different ways of marketing their animated show for children. Japan has a very gendered demographic, you have Shoujo and you have Shounen. They’re aimed for different audiences. While boys have stuff like Kamen Raiden and Super Seitan, girls have Pretty Cure. They serve the exact same purpose they’re just - gendered differently.
The USA has…also! Gender. Just. One.
It’s supposed a nebulous “kids” with mass appeal, aka unisex of sorts…? But no, really it’s just boys. And maybe girls to get them to buy toys.
When it comes to superheroes in particular, that’s the main difference.
It’s not a Magical Girl with Superhero thing, but American Superhero for girls with Japanese Superhero for girls.
The real issue MLB has when it tries to shoehorn in the Superhero theme is that…it sorta sucks?
Like, if it’s lagging behind Magical Girl adjacent takes in the western hemisphere, it’s outright losing in the SuperHero department.
While Anime has been sort of mainstream for the last 20 or so years (maybe less), which leads to maybe 15 years worth of Magical Girl takes in western cartoons…
There’s almost a century worth of Superheroes before MLB.
Everything that could have been done by MLB was done by superhero stories at least in the 1970’s.
Even the idea of “girls superhero” is something seen before. Like, we have the powerpuff girls, we have wordgirl, we have Kim Possible, DC superhero girls, totally spies…
It’s not a new concept. In fact, superheroes are such a common concept that blockbuster movies are running out of ideas. So they’re throwing everything they can at the board to see what sticks, creating something so Goddamned convoluted no one has the brain energy left to keep up with it.
Sounds familiar?
It’s obvious that the creative team took heavy inspiration from magical girls to make their superhero story. In their head, and at surface level, this makes sense.
BUT as I’ve stated above, there’s a cultural difference between Magical Girls and Superheroes each baked into the identity of each genre.
This is the rough equivalent of trying to mix English Mythology with Japanese Mythology, knowing only about yokai and fairies in regards to each…if you know nothing it sorta makes sense but if you KNOW
Then it’s total BS
Which by the way, American and Japanaese superheroes mixed in, with Chinese culture as powers made by a French guy who knows next to nothing about any of these cultures…
Do you get why I keep calling Thomas’ weird attitudes towards his project a “fetishization”? It’s because it is.
To summarize, even if you take this show as more of a Superhero story, it still sucks. My points would (for the most part) still stand. With the added caviar that it’s not only shameful for its lack of interest in its own genre - but the fact that every single person and their mother would see the story as 100x more uninspired. Because at least 5 other comics from 70s would have done smth similar with either powers or identities.
The only redeeming quality it had was it target towards little girls and doing so by borrowing the Magical girl aesthetic.
Which it fucking spat on and I’m still pissed about it.
In regards, and trying to answer your question - it’s complicated.
This would essentially be a massive cultural exchange challenge.
For example, the reason why superheroes in the USA have powers given to them as failed experiments and radioactive waste, while Japan has magic or aliens… is very much tied to their history and cultural identity.
The values that each have reflect on their superheroes too - American Superheroes may value individualism more than Japanese superheroes do.
And again, there’s the whole gendered thing. Superheroes stories in the USA tend to lean more gender neutral for mass appeal, Japanese superheroes are very heavily coded as in what they’re meant for. (Cough the reason why there’s so much queer subtext in magical girl stories cough)
So, asking the question “what rules should it make so that it’s a hybrid between these two genres”, while a valid one, I’m not sure I can be the one to answer it.
Because it depends. On what the creator saw, what they wanted, what they intended to say by mixing these two.
This is not something you ask AFTER you’ve your show. These are the questions you ask BEFORE it.
To properly create a hybrid, you ought to have a vision. And take parts of each to create what you wanted to say.
MLB borrows (or should I say steal?) aesthetics and surface level aspects of both genres. It broke as many American superhero rules as it did magical girl ones.
In specific, The Alger Ego and Theme stands as something it fucked over in BOTH. But it also failed superheroes. In what way, I really wouldn’t be able to tell.
I’m not a fan of superheroes. I don’t know why people like them, I don’t know why they watch them. I have a mild understanding of them but trying to tell you in the same depth as I did in the Magical Girl Essay what exactly they did wrong…would be an impossible task to me.
But if Thomas thinks that we, the magical girl fans, are mean to him…oh boy. Wait till he tells a Marvel Stan he thinks he’s made the best superhero story ever.
I would pay money for that
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nothingbutimagines · 7 years
Oh, Brother (Harry Holland)
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Pairing: Harry Holland x Actor!Reader, Friend!Tom Holland x Costar!Reader
Warning: Cursing
Summary: Y/n is Tom’s close friend and co-star. The two have never dated and have never planned to, but when the pair are interviewed, the host keeps trying to see if they are indeed, a couple, causing a bit of trouble for Tom’s brother, Harry. 
Author: Dizzy
A/N: This was requested by an anon who said “omgogmgkfmlss please write a harry imagine where you're toms costar and Harry goes to one of your interviews and the interviewer keeps trying to suggest that tom and you are a thing so he storms out and after wards you ask him what's wrong and he admits his feelings to you. Omgodkd i would die if you wrote this omg”. This is my first Harry fic! Enjoy!
Masterlist Request Any Of These
You listened to the sweet sound of laughter as you began to tell the story of how you got into a twitter argument with an old co-star of yours, a story you hadn’t told before. 
“So, Ryan Reynolds and I are good friends, right?” You ask rhetorically. “Well, I was tweeting about how I liked the old Amityville movie better than the 2000′s remake and Ryan immediately tweets back telling me to ‘drop dead you punk ass Primadonna. We all know I’m superior to that old shit.’ And I am laughing just at his bs response, so I tweet back ‘I make more money than you, you old shit. I am superior.’”
“And what did he say?” The interviewer asked between laughs. 
You glanced over at Tom, who was looking at you with the largest grin on his face as he chuckled. 
“Well, he simply says, ‘prove it’. And I’m pretty sure Tom was in the hotel room with me when I had to go on this little expedition to compare our net worth and I had to screenshot it and then send it to Ryan, who tweets back, ‘you may have won the battle, but I will win the war.’ and I am like ‘Oh, it’s on.’ so, I reply with, ‘In your dreams, you Richard Cranium.’ and he goes, ‘I know what you are, but what am I?’ to which I reply with, ‘A forty year old man who thinks playground rhymes win wars.’ And that ended our twitter ‘feud’.” 
At that point, Tom bursts out in laughter as he held his stomach. “So now you have beef with Ryan Reynolds?”
You shrugged. “Possibly.”
The interviewer composed herself as the laughter began to wind down and you and Tom shared a knowing look, readying yourselves for the next question, which you guessed was the one you both dreaded. 
“So, the whole world wants to know, and I want to know, are you both a couple?”
You sighed as Tom bumped his shoulder with yours softly. You hated getting those questions time after time. The questions you and Tom got asked daily always made you wonder why no one could accept a man and a woman being just friends. 
“No, actually, we’re not a couple.” Tom stated. “We’re just really close friends.”
“Are you sure?”
Tom chuckled. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
“Well, then could you explain the kiss you two shared on Zendaya’s snapchat story a few weeks ago?”
Tom glanced at you as you shifted uncomfortably. “Would you like to explain, Y/n?”
You nodded slowly, forcing a smile. “Sure. So, us and the rest of the Homecoming cast and Tom’s mate, Harrison, decided to play a game of dirty truth or dare and my dare was to sit on Tom’s lap and kiss him and I really didn’t want to drink this weird smoothie concoction Jacob made if I didn’t complete the dare, so I completed the dare.” You explained. “And if you watch all of Z’s story, she explains what we’re doing.”
You looked away from the interviewer and locked eyes with Harry, who sat and watched the interview from a distance. You smiled at him and gave him a little wink, watching as he smiled back before you looked away. 
“There’s no way you two aren’t a couple, I mean, I saw the way you kissed in the video.”
You smirked. “That’s the magic of acting. When you have to kiss someone you’re just friend’s with, you get really good at faking a feeling.”
“And how do you feel about what she just said, Tom?” the interviewer asked, her blonde hair falling in her face as she locked eyes with him.
Tom chuckled. “Um fine? I feel the same way. I have no romantic feelings towards Y/n at all. We’re honestly just mates.”
“Exactly. We’re just friends and the times we do go out, just the two of us, we’re just on mate dates or friend dates. Just to pals, hanging out.”
“But you guys are so affectionate. I mean, I think it would be pretty amazing to see your romance onscreen to come offscreen.”
You smiled, trying not to laugh at how idiotic it all felt to you. “I love the idea of going from close friends to lovers, it’s a great concept-” you were cutoff for a moment by the sound of someone storming out of the room. You turned to see Harry storming out before you locked eyes with Tom and continued what you were saying, “but me and Tom are almost like siblings.”
Tom put a hand to his chest. “Oh, brother-zoned. That hurt, Y/n.” he said with sarcastic hurt. 
You laughed and playfully punched his shoulder. “Sorry, but you’ll get over it.”
“Oh, well, I’m getting the signal that we need to wrap this up. So, thank you so much Tom and Y/n for coming. It was a pleasure having you.” 
“I wish it was a pleasure to be here.” You muttered under your breath as Tom bumped your shoulder with his own.
“We had a great time, thank you.” Tom said for the both of you before you both rose from your seat and shook hands with the blonde woman.
“We need to go find Harry.” You said quickly, turning to Tom. 
“I know.” Tom replied as he followed you out the door you saw Harry rush through. 
“What was his problem? He seemed really upset.” 
“Oh, I don’t know...” Tom said unconvincingly. 
You narrowed your eyes, you gaze running over Tom’s face. “You know something and you’re not telling me it.” 
“Me? Oh, I don’t know anything.” Tom replied, pointing to his chest when he referred to himself. 
“Thomas Stanley Holland, what made Harry so upset?” You asked, looking into his brown eyes. “Come on, Tom, you can tell me.”
“Uh, um, I think I hear my name being called, good luck finding him!” Tom stammered before running away from you like you were the plague. 
“Fine. I’ll go find him myself.” You muttered as you began to walk down the hallway in the opposite way Tom had ran. 
As you walked down the hallway, you heard the sound of someone talking, you assumed to themselves, since you couldn’t hear another side of the conversation. You turned the corner to find Harry seated on the ground as he hung up his phone. 
“Harry!” You jogged over to the boy and knelt down beside him. “Are you okay? You ran out of the room faster than me when I hear there are donuts.” 
Harry looked up at you, his lip caught between his teeth as he gazed into your e/c orbs. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine, darling.” He replied. 
You looked right through his forced smile and demeanor. “You’re just like Tom, thinking you can hide shit from me. Something’s obviously wrong. What’s wrong, honey?”
“It’s really nothing, Y/n. You wouldn’t understand it.”
“I understand more than you realize.” You explained. “Just tell me. Please.” 
“I like you, okay? And seeing you and Tom and hearing you guys talk about your relationship kills me. I mean, I didn’t know you guys kissed and I sure as hell didn’t know you like the idea of falling in love with him.” Harry sighed heavily as you mentally took a step back. 
“Harry Holland, you are the biggest idiot I’ve ever met.” You smiled. “I don’t like Tom, we’re just friends. Nothing more. I have no romantic feelings for him and he doesn’t have any for me. He’s like my brother.”
“Then what does that make me?” Harry asked, a bit hurt.
“The guy I like.” You said simply as his eyes grew wide and a chuckle escaped your lips. “You didn’t know that huh? I thought the guy who couldn’t keep a secret would tell you that before I did, but okay.”
“You like me too?”
“Yes!” You cried. “God, you are oblivious. Even though I just fucking said I did.”
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