polinsated · 1 day
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polin moments -> flipped [requested]
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dagonet · 3 days
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Astérix et Obélix : Mission Cléopâtre (2002) réal. Alain Chabat [requested]
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hughiecampbelle · 2 days
The Boys Preference: Sacrificing Yourself
Requested: Could we have the characters reacting to reader on a mission and they do that thing like, "You go ahead, I'll catch up!" when actually they plan on sacrificing themselves to the job can get done? - anon
A/N: THIS IS SO ANGSTY I LOVE THIS REQUEST!!! My love, thank you for requesting!!! I feel like that elmo meme where he's surrounded by fire lol. I hope you like it my love!!!! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Butcher knew what you were doing. You urged him to run, to leave, and it hit him. He tried to talk to you, to stop you, but you pushed him, ordered him away. The look in your eyes told him everything. You knew exactly what you were doing. You weren't naive or stupid. You knew you weren't going to make it out of this. You're begging him now. Please, Butcher, go! He knows there's no stopping you. You've made up your mind. So, he does as ordered. And when they hear gunshots, one after the other, until there is an eerie silence, he walks away. Disappears. No one hears from him for weeks. He goes over that day incessantly. Was there really no talking you out of it? You seemed so sure, so tired. Did he take the cowards way out? No one blames him, but he definitely blames himself. He doesn't go to the funeral. He can't bear to look at any of your friends. They'll wanna know what happened. How could he explain it? How could he tell them he knew what you were doing and still let it happen? If it was him, he wouldn't have wanted anyone to talk him out of it.
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Hughie can't breathe. You let go of his hand. He thought you were right behind him. Everyone did. But when he turned back, when he called your name, you were still inside. The building was burning, engulfed in flames. Everyone grabbed at him, telling him it would be stupid to go back in, that it was too late. Your supe abilities had started the fire, but if you wanted to stop them, if you wanted to put an end to this fight, then you had to (quite literally) blow the place up. Blow yourself up. Hughie gets away, but it's too late. It happens slowly. The sounds. The building collapses. Hughie bent over, panicking, gasping for air. There's still a chance, he says through ragged breathing, but The Boys share a knowing look. There isn't. Everyone inside was dead. You saved them, but at what cost? He beats himself up about it every day going forward. He still can't believe it. He should have grabbed your hand, he should have known.
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Annie blames herself. She should have known. She should have realized. She should have stopped you. You weren't a Supe, you were just selfless. You knew you wouldn't have made it out. Annie could have. She could have if her powers were working. Its her fault. If she could have stopped them, then you wouldn't have done this, you wouldn't have sacrificed yourself. She should have been taking care of you, protecting you, not the other way around. Wasn't that her Jon? Wasn't that the only thing she ever wanted to do? Help people. Take care of them. Take care of you. If you're not safe with her, who is? When she realizes what you've done, it's too late. Hughie and Kimiko try to talk to her, reminding her that there's no way anyone could have known about your plan, but she doesn't want to hear it. She doesn't want to feel better. She wants you back.
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M.M. is angry. He didn't know what you were planning. He didn't know the last time he saw you would be the last. You disappeared inside, turned off your ear piece, turned off your phone, and never turned back. He yelled and screamed and begged for you to answer him, but it was too late. By the time he went in alongside The Boys, when it was finally safe to do so, you were dead. So was everyone in the building. He was wary of you at first, being a Supe and all, but he warmed up to you. He cared about you. It wasn't supposed to end like this. It wasn't supposed to end at all. He was angry. At himself for not being able to stop you, for not realizing, but also at you. You'd been so used to relying on yourself. You had a team now. You had Marvin and friends and colleagues to rely on. You didn't have to sacrifice yourself. You didn't have to do this. There was another way. There always was.
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Frenchie can't believe it. He knows you didn't come out. He knows everyone inside is dead. And yet, he can't wrap his head around the idea that you're gone. You sacrificed yourself like that. Like it meant nothing. There's a funeral and The Boys are all mourning in their own way, but he's stuck in denial. He waits for you to come bursting through the door, looking for Butcher to yell at or signing with Kimiko. He watches your desk collect dust, wondering why you haven't been around to clean it. They try to talk to him, about you, but gets so hung up on the fact that they're saying everything in past tense, he can't bear to listen. You were right behind him. You were running together, escaping, but when he got out you were nowhere to he found. He tried to go back in, but it was too dangerous. He cursed himself. He still does. There must have been something he could've done to stop you. There must've been something he missed in your last interaction together.
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Kimiko doesn't understand. She can't wrap her head around it. She tried to stop you, to scream, but it was too late. You were trying to distract Homelander, letting your friends get away safely. It was a death sentence. And yet, you stepped up and challenged him. He hated you the most. He'd never back down from a fight with you. Frenchie grabbed her and pulled her away. She could have fought back. Why didn't she fight back? By the time everyone is out and far enough away, Homelander gets bored and uses his lasers to slice through you slowly, agonizingly. You spend the seconds you have left grateful. Kimiko and The Boys got away. They're safe now. That's what really mattered. Kimiko shuts down. She's angry and hurt and can't bear to be around anyone who tries to make her feel better. She isolates herself, spending time in your apartment, around your things, waiting for you to come home. You don't. You can't. You never will.
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0o-junebug-o0 · 2 days
OH OH OH how about a coffee shop/bookstore date like reader is new to town and Spencer decides to take them out to his favorite book shop and coffee shop (gn reader if possible:3)
Ways to Say "I Love You"
thank you so much for the request! I had a blast writing this
spencer reid x gn!reader (no use of y/n)
wordcount: 2.6k
cw: nothing, just pure fluff
You pace in circles around your living room, avoiding the boxes still piled up along the walls. You’ve been here two months already, but starting as a new professor and researcher at Georgetown has kept you so busy you simply haven’t had time to finish unpacking. You suppose you could do it now, a distraction would probably help your nerves, but you’d rather continue with your circles. 
You check your watch. You have six minutes until Spencer will be here. He always arrives exactly on time, never early or late if he can help it. You take a deep breath. “It’s just a date,” you whisper to yourself. “No expectations. Just have fun.” You know you will but your heart is beating so fast and hard that you can feel it in your chest. 
To be honest, you don’t know why you’re so nervous. You’ve known Spencer for years. You met at CalTech in your freshman year of undergrad while he was finishing up his third PhD and you’ve kept in touch through letters and occasional visits ever since. He even flew out to watch your thesis defense. 
You’ve loved Spencer for nearly as long as you’ve known him and the fact that he asked you out is like a dream come true but you can’t help but worry that he’ll realize he made a mistake.
A knock at the door startles you from your thoughts and you almost trip over a box. You glance down at your watch. It’s two o’clock exactly and you can’t help but wonder how long Spencer waited outside your apartment door before knocking. You take a deep breath and run your hands down the front of your shirt, smoothing down any wrinkles in the fabric, before making your way to the door.
You will your shaking hands to be still as you unlock the door and pull it inwards. Your jaw nearly drops at the sight of Spencer. He’s dressed how he usually is, looking as good as always, but he’s wearing his glasses and smiling softly at you, a nervous flush on his cheeks. He holds a bouquet of flowers in his right hand. The bouquet is made of three types of flowers. You recognize the sunflowers and daffodils, but not pale purple, pinwheel-like ones.
“Oh, Spencer, thank you!” you say, taking the bouquet as he hands it to you. You bury your nose in the flowers and smell them with a smile. “This is lovely! Come in while I put these in some water.”
You step aside and Spencer slips awkwardly into your apartment. 
“Ignore all the boxes,” you laugh. “I’ve been too busy to finish unpacking.”
He nods, looking around your apartment as he follows you into the kitchen. He seems twice as nervous as you are. 
“Can you hold this for me for a moment?” you ask, holding out the bouquet. He nods and takes it from your hands. You turn around and climb onto the counter to reach the empty vase you’d placed on top of the cabinets once the housewarming flowers your parents sent you had died. You slide off the counter and head over to the sink to rinse off any dust. 
You dry the outside of the vase with a dishtowel before filling it halfway with water. You set the vase on the small dining table pressed against the wall. “So, where are you planning on taking me?" you ask, taking the bouquet from Spencer and slipping it into the vase. 
“There’s a nice little bookstore and coffee shop right next door to each other not far from here. I was thinking we could go there if that’s alright.”
You smile at him, his obvious nervousness making yours fade. “That sounds great,” you say. “But first, now that our hands are free, can I give you a hug?”
Spencer nods and pulls you into a tight hug, resting his face in the crook of your neck. You’ve always loved his hugs, they make you feel safe and loved. And knowing that you could probably count on your hands the number of people Spencer feels comfortable hugging makes it feel that much more special.”
“I’ve missed you,” you whisper.
“We saw each other last week,” Spencer says, sounding confused.
You chuckle and end the hug. “I know, but it still feels like it’s been years.”
Spencer’s brow furrows. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“I’m just saying that because we saw each other so rarely before I moved here I still feel like I haven’t spent enough time with you now that I am here. Like I need to make up for it. I can still miss you even if I’m close by,” you tease.
“Oh, then I missed you too.” 
You chuckle lightly and pat him on the shoulder. “Alright then, Spence, take me to that bookstore.”
The walk wasn’t a long one and with the nice spring weather and catching up with Spencer, it almost felt like it went by too fast.
“This is it,” Spencer says, stopping in front of a cafe. 
You look at him confused. “I thought we were going to the bookstore first.”
“We are,” he says with a smile. He reaches his hand out toward yours and after a brief moment of hesitation, takes your hand in his. You can feel yourself blush and you wonder if your face is as red as Spencer’s has become. 
He guides you toward a small alleyway about three feet wide with a cat sleeping on a book painted on the ground and leads you down it. The alley curves to the right and then back to the left and at the end is a little courtyard and an old brick building. There are stacks of books on and under a wooden table at the side of the courtyard, shaded from the sun by an awning that extends from the wall of the neighboring building. Along the back of the cafe are three small tables with two chairs each and along the third side is a small garden filled with wildflowers native to the DC area. 
A large window covers the front wall of the book store and there’s a classy-looking decal of the same image on the alley floor a sign that says “Alleycat Books”. The view inside the store is mostly blocked by stacks of books but through the gaps, you can see shelves stretching along the walls from floor to ceiling and multiple shelves in the middle of the room, all filled to the brim with books.
You look around the courtyard in awe. 
“Spencer, this is amazing!”
He smiles at you, his nose scrunching up adorably. “I’m glad you like it. But the inside is even better.”
You laugh as he leads you to the door and opens it for you with an awkward little bow. He’s right, the inside is better. It looks almost magical. Floor-to-ceiling shelves cover every inch of the side and back walls. About fifteen feet away from you, halfway across the room, another floor-to-ceiling shelf with gaps on either side acts as a divider. Two rows of three shoulder-height shelves with gaps between each of them fill the ten-foot width of the room in front of the dividing shelf and based on the line of sight you have through the gaps of the divider, the same seems to be true on the other side. A woman greets us from a small desk in the corner as we enter and Spencer waves awkwardly at her as you nod your head in greeting. 
“The sci-fi section’s over here,” Spencer says, leading you to the back half of the room. “I know it’s your favorite genre.”
You laugh and nod, tilting your head to read the titles of the books. Spencer laughs softly as you start to tilt your whole body to read the names of the books on the lower shelves. 
“I’m going to look in the poetry section,” Spencer says. 
You nod in response, your upper body still tilted almost horizontal. You hear his footsteps retreat to the opposite side of the divider. You stand to see where he ended up and can’t help but laugh when you see his hair poking over the two rows of books on the divider. 
“What?” Spencer asks.
“Stand on your toes,” you say with a laugh. 
His head rises as he does what you say and you stand on your toes as well to see his eyes poking over the books.
“I can see you,” you tease.
“Yes.” You can hear his smile in his voice.
You laugh and return to browsing the books. Your gaze brushes over a copy of DUNE and you pull it from the shelf to look at the cover. “Spencer!” you call, running around to the other side of the shelf. He looks at you with raised eyebrows. You hold out the book. “There’s no sticker! I love this book and I’ve been trying to find a copy without the sticker for so long! I hate the stickers.”
“They do ruin the covers.”
“Well, that’s it. I just wanted to show you. I’m going to keep looking.” 
You both spend almost an hour looking around the store and by the time you’re both satisfied, you’ve found three books, including the copy of DUNE, and Spencer has read two collections of poetry and found a vintage copy of The Count of Monte Cristo.
Spencer tries to convince you to let him pay for your books and after a brief and silly argument, he relents to only paying for one of them. You make sure to pay first so he can’t try to tell the cashier to put all of your books on his card. He pouts slightly when as you pay, but you won’t let him guilt you into relenting. You smile and pat softly on the shoulder as he sets his book and the third of yours on the counter to pay.
Once he’s finished, he holds his messenger bag open and you slide the books inside. Ever the gentleman, he holds the door for you again on the way out. “What kind of stuff does the cafe have?” you ask as you lead the way through the alley back out to the street.
“They have hot chocolate, so that should make you happy,” Spencer says. You step out of the entrance and turn around to watch him emerge. “They have really good pastries too. And toast with butter and honey.”
“Hmm, I think I’ll get that and a hot chocolate.”
“The toast? You nod as he opens the door for you. “Okay, I’ll order while you grab us a table.”
You look around the room for the perfect spot as Spencer heads to the counter to get in line. There’s a small table for two in one of the corners by the window and you slip into one of the chairs to claim it. 
You can’t seem to take your eyes off Spencer as he waits. He’s just so beautiful. His hands clutch the strap of his messenger bag and you can see his fingers tapping slightly. When it’s his turn he shifts his weight from side to side as he orders. He’s never been able to keep still the entire time you’ve known him, but that’s just another thing you love about him. You smile and wave at him as he turns around and a flush lights up his face. He holds up a small stand with the number twelve on it and sets it on the table as he slides into the seat across from you.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Spencer asks, embarrassed. His cheeks are still bright red.
“No reason,” you say. “You’re just pretty.”
Spencer’s face gets impossibly redder and he hides his head in his hands. “Y-you’re pretty too,” he mutters, his voice muffled behind his hands.
You reach across the table, gently grabbing his sleeves to tug his hands away. He stares at you with wide eyes. He opens his mouth to speak but before he can a waiter comes with the food and drinks and Spencer shuts his mouth again. 
You thank the waiter and Spencer mutters a thanks as well. You slide your hot chocolate and toast over to you and Spencer moves his coffee and croissant to his side of the table.
“What were you going to say before our food came?” you ask, spreading the butter and honey onto your toast.
Spencer’s blush, which had started to fade, comes back in full force. He lowers his eyes to his coffee as he tears open a couple of packets of sugar and dumps them in.
“That I’m really glad you’re here. In DC,” he says awkwardly, stirring the sugar into his coffee with a wooden stir stick. “I’ve missed being around you. And I like that you’re so close now.”
Your face heats and you know that you’re blushing now too. 
“I’m glad, too, Spencer,” you say softly. He raises his head to meet your eyes. “I really like being around you. And I’m really glad you asked me out. I’ve liked you for years and now that I’m here and we can actually see each other I would’ve done it if you hadn’t.”
Spencer smiles widely at you, his nose and eyes crinkling and his tongue poking out slightly between his teeth.
You and Spencer stay in the cafe long after you’ve finished your food and drinks, just talking about anything and everything. You tell him about your research and invite him to come to some of your lectures and he tells you about work and his team. Eventually, the conversation slows and you and Spencer walk back to your apartment in a comfortable silence only occasionally interrupted by Spencer voicing a thought because he knows you like to listen.
Once back inside your apartment Spencer holds open his messenger bag so you can take out your books and set them on the dining table to put away later. 
Spencer gently runs his hand over the bouquet in the center of the table.
“Vinca minor,” he says softly, pointing at one of the purple flowers. “The lesser periwinkle or dwarf periwinkle. It’s a member of the dogbane family and is native to central and southern Europe and southwestern Asia. In the language of flowers, it means early and sincere friendship and tender memories.” He points at a daffodil. “Narcissus jonquilla. Commonly referred to as Jonquil or Rush daffodil. It’s native to Spain and Portugal and represents desire or returned affection. Helianthus annuus. The common sunflower, it’s native to the Americas and represents loyalty and adoration. But I mostly just included them because they’re your favorite.”
You can feel your cheeks warm with a blush and you smile big and wide at him, enough that your eyes close partially. “Spencer?” He looks up at you and you take a few steps forward until you’re right in front of him.
“Y-yeah?” he asks, stuttering slightly.
“Can I kiss you?”
His eyes widen and he nods. You reach up to cup his cheek and kiss him softly. It’s full of love and care and words that should have been said years ago but are finally being shared now. You pull away with a smile and chuckle as he chases after you slightly. You drape your arms around the back of his neck and look him in the eyes. “I love you too, Spencer.”
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anewgayeveryday · 14 hours
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Fizzarolli and Asmodeus from Helluva Boss-Gay and Pansexual respectively
Requested by Anon
Status; Alive and Dating
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mj-iza-writer · 2 days
I don’t really know if you like this type of whump but i gathered up the courage
Human caretaker who has a rough backstory with vampires (maybe their whole family got killed or they almost died to vampires in the past?) saving vampire whumpee from vampire hunter whumpers
Sorry this took so long to post back. I absolutely love vampire stories, and I love this idea so much. I hope you never feel nervous about asking me for a request, I absolutely love doing them. Thankyou so much, I hope you enjoy.
Caretaker sat by the fire, the only noises were their occasional sip from their tea, and the gentle crackle of the fire.
Caretaker had been reading a book their father had written before he died. It was titled **How to Kill Vampires**.
Caretaker read the book, feeling as though their father was telling the stories in person. Unfortunately, their father had gotten to cocky in a fight with a stronger than average vampire. They died from their injuries soon after.
Caretaker hated vampires. They only wished they had enough courage to hunt them. They could never follow in their families foot steps. Every member had met tragic ends.
The next morning Caretaker stepped outside to enjoy a leisure walk around their gardens.
The home they lived in had been in their family for generations. It still had remnants of the families' past. Caretaker had tried to make it more inviting now. They seemed to be ending the families' traditions.
Caretaker turned a corner and almost had a heart attack.
A body lay against one of the fountains. It was mostly in the shade of the statue, but the fingers was sticking out in the sun. Black smoke rose from the fingers.
"Vamp...vampire", Caretaker stepped back in fear and aww.
Tiny weak whimpers came from the body.
Caretaker inched cautiously to get a closer look. From a few feet, they could see a wooden spike laying in the limp hand of the vampire.
The vampire made a grimaced face and weakly pulled their body in from the sun. They didn't have long until the sun would fully envelope them.
Caretaker slowly turned and walked away, "the sun will take care of them soon and finish the job of whoever stabbed them. No need for me to get my hands dirty."
"Ple....", the vampire pleaded, "ple....", they gasped in pain.
"You dare beg me for mercy... you slime. Allow the sun to do the honor of killing you", Caretaker growled, "your kind killed plenty of my family. Why should I show you mercy?"
"I pro... protected yo.. your father Gerald", the vampire panted, "I'm Whum... Whumpee... the... they promised me a safe place if I-I ever needed it. He said I was th.. the only one he... he'd show mercy to", the vampire frowned, "I just ne..need to reco.."
"Whumpee?", Caretaker stepped back to get a closer look.
The vampire squinted their eyes open and nodded weakly.
That was a story Caretaker's father purposely left out of their books. They didn't want anyone to know they had been saved by a vampire, then showed them mercy.
"Is Ger..Gerald around?", Whumpee sighed as they felt the sun come close to their foot.
"He died a while ago", Caretaker knelt down, "how did you know about me?"
Whumpee groaned as they tried to pull their body in tighter.
"Oh right... give me a second", Caretaker got up and ran for a nearby shed.
They pulled out a tarp and hurried to the vampire.
"I allow you into my home", Caretaker stated loudly before running inside of the house and down to the dungeon.
"I'm sorry, but I still don't know if I trust you", Caretaker laid the vampire on the floor and reached for some shackles hanging on the wall.
"I don't care", Whumpee winced as they felt the cuff tighten around their wrist and click, "just as long as you let me lay like this, I don't care what you do to me."
Caretaker knelt down a few feet away, "how did you know about me and where this house was?"
"While Gerald was healing from his wounds, he told me stories and showed me a few pictures of his family. I brought him here when he had enough strength", Whumpee whimpered as they moved their hand.
It was the first time Caretaker had seen the wound.
"They got you good, huh?", Caretaker frowned.
"Ymph", Whumpee grunted, "that's what I get for taking blood so close to the road. It wasn't even worth it either. The blood was dead already."
Caretaker made a terrified face.
"Relax. It was from a dead animal that had just gotten run over", Whumpee whispered, "I don't take from humans unless I'm desperate. They consent most of the time for me to do it."
"May.... may I rest for a while", Whumpee whispered, "I'll answer more questions later if you want."
Caretaker nodded and got up to leave.
"Thankyou for giving me sanctuary. I will be out of your hair soon", Whumpee mumbled into the floor.
Caretaker nodded, then left.
"I don't have the heart to tell them they are staying. I may not be able to kill them, but I can keep them here. I can protect people in that way at least", Caretaker crept up the stairs, "in a way I will be protecting them too... right? Maybe I can honor my father by protecting them and others."
Just before Caretaker decided to go down to the dungeon to break the news to Whumpee that they were being kept as a prisoner a knock came to the door.
Caretaker hurried to answer it.
"Hello" a person in heavy equipment greeted, "I was hunting vampires last night and I seemed to have lost one. A witness said they were seen on your property."
"Yes I found them this morning. They have been taken care of", Caretaker smiled, "I'm from a family of hunters myself. Thankyou for what you are doing though."
"I need to check to ensure they are gone?", the person grinned with fire in their eyes.
"I let them fade into the sun, all that's left is the stake that was stabbed into them", Caretaker watched the judgemental look, "how many vampires do you know that can survive the sun?"
"Not many, but I know you aren't one for killing them. That's why I started to do it", they smirked, "so where are they then?"
"Fine, you caught me. In my families dungeon, where they will remain for good", Caretaker frowned, "you may not go check on them. Matter of factly, you can get off of this property."
"No need to be so testy. I'm only doing what you wouldn't. You're a shame to your father and your family", they frowned.
"I mean you're fresh meat... a newbie, you probably have markings all over your back. A vampire is just waiting to take your life force", Caretaker sighed, "I don't need you coming in here with targets on your back. You'd be allowing vampires in without them being invited into my home. I don't need that."
The hunter made a confused face.
"You really didn't research, did you?", Caretaker frowned, "not all vampires survive soly on blood. There are other ways they take your life force as well. Have you been blessed by a priest to protect against that."
"You're speaking nonsense", the hunter forced themself in and overpowered Caretaker, "lead me to the dungeon."
A dagger was poked into Caretaker's back.
"You don't know what you're doing", Caretaker started to walk.
"Shut up, you don't know what you talking about", the hunter warned.
"Right, the rightful descendent of a family of vampire hunters doesn't know what they're talking about", Caretaker frowned.
"I said shut up", Caretaker received a slap on the back of their head.
They followed Caretaker into the dungeon and down the steps.
Whumpee had sat up now. When they saw who was coming, they lifted their knees to their chest and frowned.
"You again?", Whumpee frowned, "not much in way of sanctuary if you deliver the killer to their prey", Whumpee looked at Caretaker.
"I tried. There's a dagger pointed in my back. What do you want from me?", Caretaker argued.
"You've left me quite defenseless even. Chained to the wall. What is a vampire to do?", Whumpee grinned, revealing their fangs.
Caretaker was thrown to the side, and they fell to the floor.
Whumpee looked at the hunter angrily, "you're weak. You can't call yourself a hunter if you haven't had the right training."
"And yet, I'm about to kill you", the hunter laughed, "they are about to keep you a prisoner here. I'm only saving you from permanent imprisonment."
Whumpee frowned at Caretaker.
"I was coming to tel...
"Oh shut up", Whumpee snapped their fingers at the hunter.
The hunter automatically froze in place.
"You did mark them?", Caretaker frowned, "so you take life force as much as you take blood?"
Whumpee nodded, "I need to feed from them, I can't heal my wounds completely without it."
"I can't let you", Caretaker frowned.
Whumpee stood up weakly and limped to the hunter, "you don't get a say in this. My mark is on them. I'm not taking it away. I have to save myself too."
Caretaker got up and stood in front of Whumpee to block them, "I won't allow it."
"Look, I gave up a lot of things after I protected and healed your father. That included drinking human blood unless I absolutely have to. Animal blood will not heal me", Whumpee limped forward, ignoring Caretaker. The chains jingled at their movements.
"Why would you do that?", Caretaker frowned, "vampires are monsters?"
"I use to think the same about hunters until I met Gerald. Not all hunters are bad and not all vampires are bad. At first they were as uncertain as I was, but they allowed me to do what needed to be done to heal them", Whumpee gulped down a knot, "I'm staring at the one who killed them. Am I not?", Whumpee looked past Caretaker at the hunter.
Caretaker turned to see the hunter nodding with tears running down their face.
"Your father allowed me to mark him as mine. They were my special human. They couldn't be killed by vampires, I do hold some respect for actual hunters. Your family was always respectful. There was no way your father was killed by one of us. A human did it."
Whumpee frowned, "the stake they used on me had your father's markings on them. I looked after I pulled it out."
Caretaker looked at Whumpee sadly, tears threatened to fall.
"I need you to allow me to avenge their death. Your father was dear to me, let me have this", Whumpee pleaded, "you don't have to watch. Your father always said you were sensitive to these things. He always said you would amount to so much because you were not wanting to follow in the family business. Let me avenge Gerald for you."
Caretaker turned to the hunter.
"Did you really kill my father?"
"Answer them", Whumpee knelt down weakly, "tell us what you did", they ordered.
"I surprised Gerald from behind while they were hiking in the forest. I attacked them and killed them. Then staged it to look like a vampire attack. I stole what was left of their equipment", the hunter still looked like they were in a trance, "after taking their things to my home, I led the police to the scene. The story was retold and retold until it became the truth. No one would ever know it was staged. I would fall in line as the next great hunter."
"Though you're an idiot who did it all wrong?", Whumpee frowned, "nod your head to agree."
The hunter had more tears as their body obeyed the vampire.
"That's why hunters get blessed by priest so they don't become mindless puppets", Caretaker stated.
"Give me a while to feed", Whumpee frowned, "they killed my friend. Gerald's blood screams for vengeance, and they almost killed his legacy."
Caretaker's legs felt like lead as they started to walk away from them.
"Come, kneel before me" Caretaker heard Whumpee order. They didn't dare turn and look.
Whumpee sank their teeth into the hunter's neck and snapped their fingers.
Caretaker heard the person scream then gargle cry as they climbed the stairs out of the dungeon.
They waited until late evening before going back down into the dungeon. They didn't want to see anything, and they dreaded the knowledge that the body was still down their.
They came closer to where Whumpee was.
"I was beginning to wonder if you'd ever come back down here again", Whumpee smirked.
"Where is the body?", Caretaker frowned. There wasn't any sign of them.
"You hit the nail on the head when you asked if I took life forces. I don't leave anything behind when I feed", Whumpee frowned.
Their was silence between the both of them.
"So you want a vampire prisoner huh?", Whumpee snickered.
"Th-that was before I knew all of this", Caretaker frowned, "I'm sorry I've spent so long hating all of you because I didn't know. I almost let you die because of it. I'm sorry."
"It's alright", Whumpee grinned, "I can be a prisoner if you want. As long as a few rules are followed. I think you could use a vampire roaming the house, keeping you safe. You don't exactly carry the same presence your father carried. Plus, that idiot burnt my hideout down last night."
"Oh so you need a place to stay is what you're saying", Caretaker grinned.
"It will be perfect for the both of us", Whumpee grinned, "you can keep me in shackles if you want, I don't care. I'm old enough, I've had my fun. I guess I could use a change. I enjoy letting humans think these things can keep me controlled."
Caretaker frowned.
"I mean, oh no chains", Whumpee stated sarcastically, "I won't injure a descendent of Gerald though. I will protect you."
"As comforting as that sounds. I-I don't know about this. It kind of defeats the purpose of this building", Caretaker sighed.
"You defeated the purpose of this place a long time ago. You refused to hunt vampires. Now you have gardens growing where blood was once shed", Whumpee frowned.
Caretaker looked down shamefully.
"I'm not saying that to make you feel bad. My point is things can change, this place your family. You don't have to hold onto those traditions so tightly. Your father was proud of the person you were becoming", Whumpee looked around, "you could use some protection though."
Caretaker agreed, "can you tell me about those days when you healed him? I feel like he didn't tell us everything."
"They probably didn't. It would go against the hunter's code" Whumpee laughed.
Caretaker sat down, "and how were you able to mark them."
"As long as your father allowed me to, I could break through the seal the priest set. I am very old, I've learned to do a lot of things", Whumpee sat for a minute to think, "okay I'll tell you the story."
"It was cold that night", Whumpee started, "I had been following Gerald for a few miles. I knew who they were, and I kept my distance, but I was still curious. They had gotten attacked by a bear. Their camp was destroyed, and they were badly injured. Their blood was actually what got my attention."
"They were trying to get home or to safety. They collapsed and kept mumbling that they needed to get home. I showed myself after they collapsed."
Whumpee laughed, "they were startled when they saw me. 'Typical bloodsucker like vultures. I won't let you eat me'. I only rolled my eyes. I wanted to see the great hunter up close, I told Gerald. Leave it to a bear to do you in."
Caretaker listened curiously. It sounded just like their father. This was a different story though, not how their father told it.
"After a few minutes of watching them fail to kill me and cursing at me, I offered them a hand after they fell face first into the snow."
"They asked why I would help them. I told them I needed to have some fun. Plus they helped keep the vampire population low. I knew they planned on killing me at some point, but that was the fun of it. I got them to my hideout and into my bed. Cleaned and dressed the wounds, fed and hydrated. It took forever to get Gerald to rest though. They were so tired by the time they fell alseep."
Whumpee smiled, "I had that pain in the butt for a good month or more. I carried many messages between Gerald and your mother. That is the true reason why I knew where this house was. Finally, they had enough strength for me to get them down the mountain and here. They allowed me to leave my mark on them to keep them safe after that. I could check in occasionally, but I've been gone for a long time apparently."
"Yes its been a while", Caretaker nodded.
They sat in silence for a while again.
"I'll let you have this dungeon for your own space... if that's alright. The other rooms have windows", Caretaker sighed, "be careful if you go up there during the day. It's very sunny. You'll be safe down here. It's not like this is being used anymore."
"Thankyou", Whumpee grinned, "so I take it the Madame has passed as well. She tried to kill me the first time I came here as well. She was very kind after that. She would occasionally offer the neck of a prisoner to feed me", Whumpee chuckled.
"That sounds like my mom", Caretaker laughed, "she passed a little after my father."
Whumpee nodded, "I see."
In the night Caretaker found themself awake staring at the ceiling. Many thoughts on their mind.
They heard the floors creak outside of their room.
"Oh right, on top of everything I've allowed a vampire into my home", Caretaker sat up as they heard the creaking go down the hall, "where are they going?"
Caretaker quietly wandered down the hall until they heard Whumpee whispering.
They peaked around the corner to see Whumpee sitting on the floor looking at a painting of Gerald and the Madame.
Whumpee turned to see Caretaker.
"I didn't mean to wake you. I was just, uh, talking to my old friend."
"I do that occasionally. You didn't wake me, I have a lot of things going through my mind. My world feels like it was turned upside-down today", Caretaker came closer.
"I know the feeling", Whumpee nodded.
"So what's next?", Caretaker frowned.
"I don't know. That's for you to decide. I'm not limited by time anymore", Whumpee stood up, "I'll be here to protect you now. I promise Gerald that much."
"Thankyou", Caretaker watched Whumpee take another glance at the picture before they walked away.
"Dawn is approaching. You should get some rest', Whumpee spoke over their shoulder.
Caretaker nodded in agreement.
They went to bed after that. Mind still racing.
"What a turn of events. The descendent of vampire hunters is now being protected by a vampire", Caretaker smiled as they rolled over to fall asleep.
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all.
@villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived
@sacredwrath @porschethemermaid
@monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz
@bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13
@notpeppermint @cyborg0109
@idontreallyexistyet @painfulplots
@whumpbump @everythingsscary
@skittles-the-whumpee @expressionless-fr
@theforeverdyingperson @legendarydelusiongoatee
@candleshopmenace @whumpanthems
@lavndvrr @ivymyers
@starfields08000 @a-living-canvas
@lumpofsand @watermeezer
@indigoviolet311 @whumpy-mountains
@3-2-whump @risk606
@electrons2006 @paperprinx
@whumprince @kaz-of-crows
@mis-graves @decaffeinatedtimetraveler94
@sausages-things @sunglasses-in-the-bentley
@isikedmyself878 @daffyduckcommittedtaxfraud
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godsofhumanity · 2 days
Eileithyia: Enyo, what are you doing? Enyo: *shaking a piggy bank* I’m just trying to figure out how much change I have inside. Eileithyia: You could always take it out and count it. Enyo: Where’s the fun in that?
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Writing Dialogue
Dialogue is a spoken exchange between multiple characters in a play, film, TV show, or another type of creative writing.
Writing dialogue reveals character development, speech patterns, and mannerisms, which can also propel the plot forward.
Often, authors employ realistic dialogue that captures how specific people speak.
Sometimes they use direct dialogue (showing what a character wants), and other times they are rich in subtext (illuminating depth beneath the surface of the exchange).
How to Format Dialogue Dialogue formatting can show verbal exchanges between two characters effectively.
Consider these guidelines on how to punctuate dialogue:
Quotation marks. Writers should use double quotation marks to encase a character’s spoken words. Single quotation marks may appear within dialogue when someone is quoting another.
Dialogue tag. Writers typically insert a comma at the end of a sentence as a dialogue tag to denote the speaker (such as: “Let’s eat,” Travis said.). The comma should appear comma before the closing set of quotation marks.
Closing punctuation after quotation marks. An exclamation point or question mark may also appear before the closing quotation marks.
New paragraph. When characters talk back and forth to one another, start a new section each time another character speaks a line of dialogue.
How to Write Dialogue
Consider the following writing tips from Judy Blume on how to craft strong dialogue:
Dialogue breaks up your text. Writers can use dialogue to enliven long blocks of text. “I'll flip through a book, and if it's dense, dense, dense, dense, no paragraphs, no dialogue, I don't want to read it,” Judy says. “But dialogue lightens up your book on the page. You want white space on the page. Dialogue gives you that: playlets, I often put in little playlets in my book; it's like a little play within a scene.”
To write better dialogue, read more of it. Authors write great dialogue by reading great dialogue. “Reading and reading and reading, you will find what's good dialogue, what you think is good dialogue, and what you think is wooden and not very good dialogue,” Judy says. “And you will learn from that just by reading it and reading it and going to the next book and finding it because it's there. It's in every novel. There's dialogue.”
Keep your word choice simple. In a few of her earlier works, Judy did not use the word “said” when writing dialogue. “I decided that I would write this whole novel without ever using he word ‘said,’ that said was such a boring word,” she says. “‘He said.’ ‘She said.’ I had my thesaurus by my side, and my characters did everything but say. My characters exclaimed. They beguiled. And they did everything but say. Throw away your thesaurus when you’re writing.”
Write realistic voices. Developing a character’s voice requires observing real-life exchanges and using smart word choices. “It’s a question of capturing the way people talk when they're talking to each other on the street, you know, in the workplace, wherever,” Judy says. “Your characters should each speak as themselves, meaning they are believable and recognizable.”
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icycoldninja · 1 day
*Tippy toes in a not-so-suspicious manner* “Hey god, it’s me again 🧍‍♂️👁️”
Can you write the DMC men + Sephi with a reader who has long hair like the Victorian ladies back then?
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She takes very good care of her hair like massaging her scalp to stimulate blood flow, washes her hair carefully, oiling the ends and occasionally trimming it, hair serums, etc
And the reason is that when she was young with her mother, she complimented how beautiful and lovely her hair must be when she gets older and how long it’ll be. That imprinted in her mind and in order to pay homage to her mother, who now had passed away tragically due to a devil-attacking incident, it’s also a way to remember her as sometimes when she looks into the mirror, she would always see her mom in herself mainly due to her long hair and how she looks almost like a carbon copy of her mother
But it can be a hassle, taking care of it due to how long it is and how much time to care for it. In some fights, her hair would get caught up in something or a demon trying to grip her hair, resulting in her almost getting caught several times no matter how much she tied her hair up
She knows she needs to cut it because it can be a life or death situation, but she’s also really reluctant because other than her hair, she doesn’t have anything that can physically remind her of her dead mom
Ok, please enjoy!
DMC boys + Sephiroth x Reader with very long hair headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante thinks your hair is very beautiful and has laid his grubby hands on it more than once, though he only did this without your permission one time.
-He doesn't really care how you maintain your hair because he is a dude who doesn't understand haircare, but he is interested in all the shiny tonics you have.
-He watched you perform your haircare routine once, and only managed to get through half of it. How anyone has the patience to do all that is beyond him.
-When he heard why you want to keep your hair so long, his heart really reached out to you. He missed his mom too, so he knows what that yearning feels like.
-He doesn't want you to feel like you have to cut your hair, but it's getting in the way of your missions, and if you don't find a way to keep it tied up and out of the way, it will put you at risk.
-He finally came up with a solution, and that solution was to tie your hair up with regular hair ties, then wrap it in nylon cord to keep it from coming undone. While it looks ugly, it's functional and doesn't really damage your hair.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil thought your extremely long hair was rather impractical, but said nothing.
-Your cabinet full of hair supplies was annoying, but Vergil kept his mouth shut.
-The mounds of hair you leave on the floor was absolutely infuriating, but Vergil kept these thoughts to himself.
-Your reasons for keeping your hair so long resonated within him, because he knew what it was like to miss your mother that badly. If he was born a girl, he would have done the same.
-He understood you were saddened about having to cut your hair, but if you didn't, you would be at risk during missions.
-He assured you that even if you cut your hair, you still looked a lot like your mother, and that you don't need hair to keep her memory alive. She was in your heart, and always would be.
-Besides, you didn't even get it cut that much, just up to your hips, so not much had changed.
□ Nero □
-Nero thought your hair was really nice, and really wanted to touch it.
-How you took care of it was a mystery, and while you did offer to show him, he declined since he wasn't really interested.
-You do make a mess; hair accumulates on nearly every surface, specifically the bed and couch.
-Being someone who never knew his mom, Nero understands why you are so adamant on retaining your hair.
-He didn't want you to cut it either, but this was a matter of practicality and safety. You should, or you risk getting injured because demons will use it as leverage.
-With a lot of help from Nico, Nero managed to get you a specially engineered hair tie that keeps your hair secure and free of damage while you fight. Hooray, now you don't need to cut it!
● V ●
-V thought your hair was very beautiful, silky smooth, and impossibly shiny.
-He wanted so badly to touch it, but knew better than to, because in doing so, he might make it dirty.
-Watched you perform your hair routine and was dazzled by the sheer amount of stuff you do with it, and how long it takes.
-He wanted to help you, but had no idea what he was doing and didn't want to ruin your hair, so he resigned himself to just watching.
-He knew you didn't want to cut your hair because you cherished the fact that you looked like your mother. He didn't want you to cut your hair either, he thought it was very beautiful.
-But perhaps you could compromise and just trim it to your waist? That way it would still be very long, but easier to manage.
♡ Sephiroth ♡
-Now, Sephiroth is different from the rest of these chumps.
-He understands haircare and takes it more seriously than young women on TikTok.
-He helps you through everything you need to do, even sharing some of his own tips.
-Visitors think you live with Bigfoot given the amount of hair littering your floors and other surfaces.
-Being a Momma's boy, Sephiroth knows that your memories of your mom are precious to you, so under no circumstances will he allow you to cut your hair.
-If he can manage, then so shall you. He will help you any way he can.
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Richie Lipschitz from Starkid's Hatchetverse-Transmasculine
Species; Human
Requested by Anon
Status; Deceased
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dagonet · 2 days
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La Folie des grandeurs (1971) réal. Gérard Oury [requested @umi-klouh]
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hughiecampbelle · 16 hours
The Boys Preference: How They Propose
Requested: Hii Can I request with the boys x reader with how they'd propose? - @ghostlyaccurate
A/N: I love this request! Thank you for sending it in!!! This was so sweet to picture! I hope I've gotten every character Right!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Butcher doesn't exactly propose. He does, in a way, but it's not romantic or grand. You're half asleep, curled into a ball on your side of the bed. He lays beside you, smoking, when he starts talking. You only start listening halfway through, half-asleep, when you realize what he's trying to say. He loves you. A lot. And since the world is ending, and since he's not doing well, and since he's wanted to do this from the moment he met you, would you want to marry him? You sit up, asking him to say it again, thinking you're still dreaming. Butcher leans over and gets the box from his nightstand. He hands it to you, too afraid to look you in the eye. Will you marry me? He asks again. The ring is perfect, not that it really matters. You have your answer immediately. Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!
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Hughie proposes, it's just not to you. The shape shifter says yes for you. They love it! The ring is beautiful. Hughie is ecstatic. He tells everyone. It isn't until you're trying to kill them do you find the ring on their finger. You're not mad. He had no idea it was them and not you. Still, you're hurt. This major part of your life, your relationship, and you weren't there for it. Hughie wants a redo, he tells you he can always do it again, and though you know it would make him feel better, it wouldn't make you feel better. You ask him, more than you should, if he wants to marry *you* and every time he tells you how much he loves you, how much he cares about you, what he loves about you, not them, not the shape shifter. He gives you over a dozen reasons why he wants to marry you, not them. He feels awful that he didn't realize you weren't you sooner. This was supposed to be a special moment and instead it was ruined.
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Annie has had this proposal planned forever. She hid the ring deep in her closet where she was sure you'd never find it. When she knows you're working late one night, she gathers candles and flowers, placing them all around the apartment. When you get home, for a split second, you fear you've missed a major holiday or anniversary. Seeing the panic on your face, she reassures you you didn't forget anything. She's had this big speech planned about how much she loves you and how kind you are and strong and smart, and she gets about a third of the way through, before you blurt out a yes! You apologize, letting her finish, and she's completely relieved that you said yes. She slips the ring on your finger, unable to contain her happiness. After everything you've been through, everything you've faced together, something good has finally come out of it.
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M.M. comes to a realization after his major panic attack that life is short and if Homelander is going to kill them all, he'd like to die as your husband instead of your boyfriend. He's had the ring for a while, but this scare is what puts the plan into motion. There's never a right time. It seems like when he works up the courage, something happens, the plan falls apart, and he has to put the ring back in his pocket. Finally, when you're hiding away while Neuman gets exposed and Singer needs protection, he asks you in front of everyone. Maybe it's not the best time, he's quick to say that, but if something were to happen, he wants to at least be your fiance. You can't believe it. You certainly weren't expecting it. Of course you say yes. When the time comes to split up, you and Marvin plan on getting married somewhere far away, preferably warm with unlimited cocktails.
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Frenchie waits until it's life and death. Samer injected you with the virus and the only way to stop it is by cutting off your leg. It's excruciating. He needs something to distract you and this is the perfect (imperfect) opportunity. He hands you the ring, saw in hand, and asks you to marry him. You're so stunned, so shocked, so full of adrenaline, you can't feel anything. Frenchie, what are you saying? He only lets himself smile for a second before continuing to cut. I want to marry you, mon coeur. Is it really that silly? Yes! To both! When you're finally okay and your limb is growing back, you ask him if he's serious. You don't want him to ask you just because he thought you were going to die. He makes sure you understand he's wanted to marry you forever, it just took that extra nudge to get the courage to ask you. He wants to marry you, he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. He always has.
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Kimiko doesn't want to make a big deal about it. She doesn't want to risk being rejected in front of everyone, not that you would, but she has this fear. She waits until the group splits up, saying their goodbyes, when you're in the car together. She gives you this big long speech about how you taught her to love and trust again, that you showed her what friendship and partnership look like. It's so long, in fact, you get lost and ask her, nicely, to get to the point. Will you marry me? She signs, an embarrassed smile spreading across her face. You stop the car, wanting to give her your full attention. Are you asking me if I- Want to marry me? She finishes. She doesn't have a ring or anything, but you don't need one. Your face hurts from smiling so much. Are you serious? She nods. Yes! Yes, I would love to marry you. She leans across the passenger seat and kisses you.
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hellgifs · 3 months
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coi leray via tiktok
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