#Though tbh even if Ga On DID have a lock on it I imagine Soo Hyun knows it xD
amethystina · 5 months
Got to say, I love your works! Especially the recent 'It is mine to avenge'. It's honestly awesome.
When do you think Yo Han would start to track Ga On? Because he definitely would, but could you see him doing it during the show, or starting post-canon? Do you think it would be triggered by something like Ga On going off the radar for a bit or Yo Han taking the initiative before anything happens?
Thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! It's been a while since I stretched my action-writing muscles, it felt like, so it was a nice change of pace! ;)
As for when Yo Han started tracking Ga On, I'd say: As soon as possible. And I could definitely see him doing it during the drama. It could have started as a way to keep track of Ga On because Yo Han knew Ga On was a spy, but then they got closer and he just... never stopped. Because, at that point, it was more due to protectiveness than anything else.
Like, honestly. There's a scene in episode 3 where Yo Han comes back from his fight with the man who planted the bomb in his office and he hands over Ga On's phone. Or gives it back, rather, since, apparently, he's kept it hostage since the explosion? He even says that he's giving it back as a present since Ga On had behaved that day.
(How very Morally Grey Gothic Hero of you, Yo Han, kidnapping young, doe-eyed men to keep them locked away inside your hugeass mansion)
What's to say Yo Han wasn't tracking Ga On the entire time, since he apparently had unrestricted access to Ga On's phone for at least a whole day?
That's mere speculation, though. We're not really given any indication that Yo Han is tracking Ga On during the drama but, if you want to, it's easy to find arguments and opportunities ;)
But, either way, I think that Yo Han would start tracking Ga On before anything actually happens, as a safety measure. I mean, someone who's so keen on being at least two steps ahead of everyone else (not to mention extremely protective) wouldn't wait until after a threat has already showed up, would he? He'd want to secure an easy and reliable way to track Ga On long before that.
And as for how long it takes Ga On to figure out that Yo Han is tracking him — and how he reacts when he does? Well, those are clearly different questions entirely xD
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