#Tinhorn Creek
project1939 · 3 months
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200 Films of 1952
We're goin' for 200 now, baby! I've got the list and I've got just the right amount of madness to commit to it! So it's 172 down, 28 to go!
Film number 172: The Duel at Silver Creek
Release date: August 1st, 1952 
Studio: Universal 
Genre: western 
Director: Don Siegel
Producer: Leonard Goldstein
Actors: Audie Murphy, Faith Domergue, Stephen McNally
Plot Summary: A gang of claim jumpers is terrorizing towns in the Old West. When they kill the father of Luke Cromwell, he becomes “The Silver Kid,” determined to catch them. The Marshall has also lost a loved one to the gang, and witnessing the Silver Kid’s shooting skills, he deputizes him. Do they also have help from a new beauty in town? 
My Rating (out of five stars): *** 
This is practically a cartoon western- it's a simple story with very stylized sets and costumes, and nearly everyone, and I mean everyone, has a nickname. We meet The Silver Kid, Lightning, Brown Eyes, Dusty, Johnny Sombrero, Rat Face, Tinhorn, and Pop! I almost felt I should have a nickname just watching it! Despite, or perhaps because of it all, it was a highly enjoyable watch. Nothing groundbreaking for sure, but fun is fun. (minor spoilers) 
The Good: 
Audie Murphy. I knew him as a famous cowboy, but I assumed he was a low rent version of Gene Autry or Roy Rogers. Boy, was I wrong! He wasn’t a trained actor- instead he was literally one of the most decorated soldiers in U.S. history, committing heroic acts of astounding bravery. He became an actor after WWII, and he wasn’t bad, actually. He was no Olivier, but he wasn’t wooden either. His baby face and smaller stature put him “Kid” roles, which is pretty ironic, considering he was probably more brave and skilled than the macho men he acted with! 
Steven McNally as Lightning the Marshall. He was the real lead in the film, even if he wasn’t a celebrity on the level of Murphy. He was perfectly capable as a masculine good guy holding down the law. 
We got a Femme Fatale! Faith Domergue was fun in the role. 
I also liked the character Dusty, played by Susan Cabot. Put a cute girl in jeans in a Classical Hollywood film, and I’m there for it! 
The plot was clear and well-paced. 
There was a pretty good street gun duel, and I’m not normally into that. 
The film surprised me with some visually interesting camera work. There were some cool shot compositions, fast pans, and wobbly tracking shots that almost looked hand-held. 
I found the campiness highly entertaining. Costumes that looked right out of Hollywood studio warehouses. A 19th century cowboy in a black leather jacket. A set that screamed “Back Lot, Western Town.” The nicknames. Technicolor that looked like a storybook.. 
The Bad: 
Sometimes the camp was a little too much. 
It also often felt more like a TV show than a movie. The budget clearly wasn’t A level. 
A Hispanic character named Johnny Sombrero? Really? The character itself felt a little racist, making him a Mexican “baddie.” 
There was definitely a lack of depth and character complexity- this is a “what you see is what you get” kind of film. It’s not an allegorical western like High Noon, The Searchers, or Bend of the River. 
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princegastronome · 8 years
A tour of sixty wineries in seven days through BC's Okanagan. Day 2. C.C. Jentsch Cellars Road 13 Gehringer Bros Tinhorn Creek Cassini Cellars Kismet
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martinberthelot · 2 years
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Future bottle of @tinhorncreek.🍷 #oliver #britishcolumbia #grapes #raisins🍇 #raisin #vines #grapevines #winery #vignoble (at Tinhorn Creek Vineyards Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cghif-zlOOK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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jamie-and-emma-so · 2 years
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Lunch at Tinhorn Creek. Last minute ad hoc reservation ends up surprisingly satisfying ❤️ #kelowna2022 (at Tinhorn Creek Vineyards Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdxKDquL4bI8jJaOVrCe9IUi2BUcUzxZW41zBw0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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buzzdixonwriter · 6 years
Writing In The Fred Astaire Style
Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire were both incredible dancers, yet with diametrically opposed styles.
Kelly always wanted to make sure you knew how hard he was working and that you appreciated how hard he was working.
Astaire, on the other hand, made it look natural.
Writing is like that.
Some writers want you to see how hard they’re working at their craft.
Others just want the story to flow naturally, smoothly, effortlessly even though the amount of craftsmanship is just as high -- in fact, perhaps even higher, since part of the skill lays in how well it’s hidden from view.
A prime example of Fred Astaire style storytelling is in one of my all time favorite movies and, depending on how I’m feeling at that particular moment, arguably my favorite or second favorite Western, Rio Bravo (written by Jules Furthman and Leigh Brackett off of a short story by B. H. McCampbell, directed by Howard Hawks).
Rio Bravo frequently gets dismissed when people evaluate classic Westerns because it contains no obvious Big Important Themes such as those found in The Searchers or High Noon or The Ox Bow Incident.
All of which, in my way of thinking, are Gene Kelly style examples of storytelling.
The beauty and joy of Rio Bravo is how naturally, smoothly, effortlessly it unfolds, how deceptively simple it seems.
Simple?  Ha!
The moment you pop the lid on this baby you realize it’s as intricate as a Swiss watch.
Let’s analyze one of the most important scenes in the film, a relatively low key moment not nearly as entertaining or as exciting as the rest of the picture, but absolutely crucial in setting up much of what will come in the story.
And not just by the plot threads it introduces but how those plot threads will interact with other plot threads.
[I’m drastically streamlining the story here in order to get quickly to the key scene, which is the fourth scene in the final edited film.  The movie follows the plot of the final draft screenplay very closely, though it’s clear they were fiddling with the dialog during production and eliminated several redundant scenes or lines in the final cut.]
Scene 1 / credits:  A freight wagon train approaches the town of Rio Bravo
Scene 2:  Sheriff Chance (John Wayne) and Dude (Dean Martin) arrest sadistic bully Joe Burdette (Claude Akins) for murder.
Scene 3:  Pat Wheeler (Ward Bond) and Colorado (Ricky Nelson) lead the freight wagons into Rio Bravo.  They’re stopped at the edge of town by Dude, whom Wheeler only knows as the town drunk.
Scene 4:  Wheeler, Colorado, and the wagon train are stopped again near the jail by Sheriff Chance.
WHEELER:   Chance, what's going on here?   People stopping me.  Everybody telling me what I can and can't do.   Next thing, you'll be telling me what to do.
CHANCE:   Pat, I will tell you.
WHEELER:   What?
CHANCE:   Stop your wagons.
WHEELER:   I give up. [signals wagons to stop]   Now don't tell me what's going on.   Just leave me wandering around in the fog.  I like it. I'm getting used to it.  It makes me feel so good.
CHANCE:   You better look out, Pat, you'll blow up and bust.
WHEELER:   Listen, Chance, remember me?   Your old friend Pat Wheeler.   Now, will you please--
Dude rides up.
DUDE:   Hey, Chance!  What do you want to do about this outfit?  Do you want to take their guns?
CHANCE:   Got any new men with you, Pat?
WHEELER:   No, nobody except Colorado here.
CHANCE:   Where'd you take him on?
WHEELER:   Fort Worth.
CHANCE: What does he do?
COLORADO:   I speak English, Sheriff...if you want to ask me.
CHANCE: All right, buster, what do you do?
COLORADO: I'm riding guard.
CHANCE:   Pretty young for that, aren't you?
COLORADO:   Just how old do you have to be, Sheriff?
WHEELER:   You remember Ryan from Denver, don't you?
CHANCE:   Rocky Ryan?
WHEELER:   That's his boy.  He tells me the kid's faster than he was.
CHANCE:   He better be, packing a pair of guns.
COLORADO:   Now, Sheriff, if it's the two guns that bother you, I could give you one of them.   I could let you have them both.  They wouldn't do me too much good.  That fellow in the door there has a shotgun on me.
Chance turns to see Stumpy (Walter Brennan) aiming a shotgun through the barred security window on the jail door.
CHANCE:   Stumpy, didn't I tell--
STUMPY:   I know.  I'm going.  I'm going.
CHANCE:   You can keep your guns, Colorado.
COLORADO:   Thanks, Sheriff. I don't want any trouble.
CHANCE:   Well, then don't start any.
COLORADO:   I won't, unless I tell you first.
CHANCE:   That's good enough.  Pat, you can put your wagons in that corral.
WHEELER:   I ought to do just that.
CHANCE:   What?
WHEELER:   I'm just guessing, you understand.   It seems to me that you've already got some trouble here.
CHANCE: You're guessing right.
WHEELER:   It so happens that part of our load there is fuel oil and dynamite.  Would you like to have that sitting next to you?
CHANCE:   No, I wouldn't.
DUDE:   They could put them over there by the creek.   Near the Burdette warehouse.  If it's going to blow that's just as good a place as any.
CHANCE:   Show them the way, Dude.   You can go along, Colorado.
COLORADO:   Is that the way you want it, Mr. Wheeler?
WHEELER:   Go ahead.
Dude leads Colorado and the wagon train to the creek.
CHANCE: Let's get out of the middle of the street.
WHEELER:   Now that you're satisfied and that the kid's got his guns...would you mind telling me what this is all about?
CHANCE:   We've got Joe Burdette in here.
WHEELER:   Joe Burdette in jail? Nathan's brother?
CHANCE:   That's right.
WHEELER:   What are you holding him for?
CHANCE:   They were about to bury the reason when you were coming in.
WHEELER:   Murder?
CHANCE:   No other word for it.
WHEELER:   No wonder this town's in such a mess.   What does Nathan say about this?
CHANCE:   Nothing. He's not talking.  Just doing.   You saw part of it.  He's got this town so bottled up that I can't get Joe out or any help in.  There are men over there watching us.  They're his.  I can't make a move without him knowing it.
WHEELER:   Who you got helping you?
CHANCE:   You met half of them.
WHEELER:   You mean that fellow with the badge that stopped me, and who else?
CHANCE: Stumpy.  You know him.  He's watching Joe and guarding the jail.
WHEELER:   A game-legged old man and a drunk.  That's all you got?
CHANCE:   That's what I got.
WHEELER:   If I ever saw a man holding the bull by the tail, you're it.  It's a good idea putting my wagons where they're safe.   Guess I better see they did it.
CHANCE:   I'll see you later.
Let’s break down what this scene does:
In a very naturalistic manner, it introduces a character who (a) logically doesn’t know what is going on and (b) logically needs to know what is going on so our protagonist can deliver a lot of necessary expository material without it sounding like a bald faced info dump.
It tells us what the stakes are:  A lone sheriff and two woefully deficient deputies up against a rich and powerful foe determined to thwart justice by rescuing his brother with the help of a gang of hired guns.
It introduces three very important characters who will be absolutely necessary in the resolution of the story:  Wheeler, who will get killed because of his friendship to the sheriff, and as a result provide both an opportunity for Dude to redeem himself as well as the impetus for Colorado to insert himself into the fray over the objections of Chance; Colorado, who is shown to be a cocky smart ass yet recognized and respected by Chance based on how coolly he reacted when he realized Stumpy had a gun on him; and Stumpy, whom we’ll soon learn has his own motives against the Burdette brothers that will prove vitally important at the climax when ///he/// shows up over Chance’s objections.
Look also at Colorado’s line:  “I won't [start any trouble], unless I tell you first.”  That’s a set-up that pays off when a new character and sub-plot, Feathers the gambler (Angie Dickenson) blows into town.  Chance has reason to suspect her of cheating at cards and confronts her on it, but Colorado interrupts them by revealing he’s spotted the actual card cheat and is letting the sheriff know before he accuses the tinhorn; this puts Chance in the position of having to apologize to Feathers for suspecting her without cause, and that leads to a burgeoning relationship that further leads to Feathers saving Chance’s life by providing a distraction that lets Colorado shoot two of Burdette’s men who have the drop on the sheriff (which in turn results in Colorado being deputized).
Oh, and there’s one last crucial element this scene supplies…  
There are few greater sins in writing than the deus ex machine -- the “god in a machine” -- who swoops down without preamble at the last second to save the protagonists.
The deus ex machine is the writer forcing themselves into the story, making it work the way they want it to work instead of letting it flow naturally, smoothly, effortlessly.
And at the climax of Rio Bravo -- when Chance and Dude and Colorado are pinned down by murderous fire from Burdette’s warehouse, hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned and about to be outflanked by Burdette’s men -- what flows more naturally, more smoothly, more effortlessly than for Stumpy to show up with a case of dynamite he took from Wheeler’s nearby freight wagons, determined to see both Burdettes pay for their crimes?
That’s a lot of dramatic weight in one simple little scene, and until the end credits roll you never know it’s there.
 © Buzz Dixon
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quenchmagazine · 5 years
Cabernet Franc destined to be a mainstay BC red
Cabernet Franc destined to be a mainstay BC red
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Cabernet Franc is destined to be a mainstay BC red By Tim Pawsey
Is Cabernet Franc destined to become a mainstay BC — dare I say Canadian — red?  It’s entirely possible that the lovechild of Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc may well…
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jamesthewineguy · 6 years
Tinhorn Creek Okanagan Valley Pinot Gris '13 93 Points- Episode #2068 - ...
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Jorge Miroslav Jara Salas: Shipping Wine Across Provincial Borders with Dan Paszkowski, Canadian Vintners Association
  Our guest this evening is the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Vintners Association (CVA), the national association of the Canadian wine industry representing wineries across Canada, responsible for more than 90% of annual wine production. He represents Canada’s national wine industry on all federal policy issues.
And he joins me live now from his home in Ottawa: Welcome to the Sunday Sipper Club Dan Paszkowski!
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Tell us the story of what sparked your own interest in wine? Where were you? How old were you? What happened? What were you feeling?
Mission Hill Family Estate vineyard: Syrah grapes along Black Sage Road. Osoyoos, BC
Then later on, how did you start working with the CVA?
What is the CVA?
Give us some quick stats about the Canadian wine industry please:
How many wineries are there?
How many hectares of vineyards?
Annual sales?
How fast is it growing?
Does Ontario produce 80% of the wine?
How much does the Canadian wine industry contribute to Canada’s economy? $9 billion. How is that calculated?
For every dollar spent on Canadian wine in Canada, what’s the impact on the economy?
For every $1.00 spent on Canadian wine in Canada, $3.42 in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is generated across the country.
How many Canadians are employed in the wine industry? 37,000
What are the most critical issues right now facing the Canadian wine industry?
Why is this so critical to the industry, and to us as wine lovers? (This is a big question so let’s break it up so we don’t get a long monologue please
Provincial Territorial Ministers during a conference in Niagara were buying cases of wine to bring home; or CALJ representatives at a meeting in Kelowna were buying more wine than they could consume in their hotel rooms. In both cases they knew that it was illegal to transport wine home.
A winery is legally allowed to deliver wine to a customer in Texas but has to refuse a customer visiting from New Brunswick.
Sandra Oldfield, previously of Tinhorn Creek. ordering a gun from another province, to make the point that it’s easier to order a firearm than a bottle of wine.
Liquor Board reaction in 2012 after Bill 311 was passed, implemented personal exemptions to suggest they did not disallow direct delivery. In 2018, Premiers suggest the answer is to double the limit …. unless you live in a border community, this is of no value. If you live in Kitchener you have to travel 1200 km to MN or 550 to QC to buy two Cases of wine.
Canada is the only wine producing country that doesn’t allow consumers to order wine for direct delivery to their home from any Canadian winery located in any province .
Do you think it makes sense that Canadian wine lovers can’t access their favourite Canadian wines directly from the winery?
Enjoying Canadian wines directly from the winery should be your choice, yet these regulations make it illegal for you to do that.
What do Canadians themselves think about this issue?
88% of Canadians believe that Canada’s agricultural and wine industries will benefit if there are more ways in which local wine can be purchased.
94% of Canadians support a constitutional right to ship legally-purchased wine between provinces.
What’s the impact on the wine industry from these regulations? How much would the industry grow if there were no provincial boundaries?
Are we talking about shipping just Canadian wines across the country, or all wine eventually; say if I want to buy a Tuscan wine from an Alberta liquor store and I live in Ontario?
These regulations restrict the growth of thriving wine industries in B.C., Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia and also up-and-coming grape growing regions in other parts of Canada.
What can we, as Canadians, do to help?
You have the power to change these laws. Let’s get it done together. Contact your local politician today by filling out the simple form where?
Now looking at international trade, what are your concerns about selling Canadian wine to the United States, especially with NAFTA under negotiation?
What are your views on cellared in Canada wines that are not made from 100% Canadian wine?
What other issues face the Canadian wine industry?
What are the major new trends in the Canadian wine industry, aside from growth in the number of wineries, diversity of wines made and overall better quality?
Do Canadian consumers as a whole recognize the quality of Canadian wine, or is their perception still dated?
What does the Canadian wine industry need to do now that it’s not doing, to ensure its success in the future?
Describe the downright weirdest Canadian wine pairing you’ve ever had?
      Do you think it makes sense that Canadian wine lovers can’t access their favourite Canadian wines directly from the winery?
Enjoying Canadian wines directly from the winery should be your choice, yet these regulations make it illegal for you to do that.
If you think this is ridiculous in this day and age, let your local politician know by emailing them right now!
We believe that Direct-to-Consumer shipment respects your consumer choice, and helps grow the Canadian wine industry – something we can all get behind.
Dan Paszkowski is President and Chief Executive Officer of the Canadian Vintners Association (CVA), the national association of the Canadian wine industry representing wineries across Canada, responsible for more than 90% of annual wine production. Mr. Paszkowski is a member of several professional associations and represents Canada’s national wine industry on all federal policy issues. He co-chairs FIVS Social Responsibility Working Group, 2016-17 Industry Chair of the World Wine Trade Group (WWTG), member of Canada’s National Alcohol Strategy Working Group and National Alcohol Strategy Advisory Committee, member of the Canadian Association of Liquor Jurisdictions (CALJ) Social Responsibility and National Quality Assurance Committees.
Some facts:
The Canadian wine industry contributes $9 billion to Canada’s economy
Over 37,000 Canadians are employed in our industry
88% of Canadians believe that Canada’s agricultural and wine industries will   benefit if there are more ways in which local wine can be purchased
94% of Canadians support a constitutional right to ship legally-purchased wine between provinces
These regulations restrict the growth of thriving wine industries in B.C., Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia and also up-and-coming grape growing regions in other parts of Canada
You have the power to change these laws. Let’s get it done together. Contact your local politician today by filling out the simple form here
  Video 2 Free My Canadian Grapes & Wine: MP Dan Albas
  Shipping Canadian Wine Across Borders, Bill C-311 and Free My Grapes
      Dan Paszkowski
  Wine industry launches campaign to lift restrictions on wine shipments
The Canadian Vintners Association (CVA) and its members have launched a campaign encouraging Canadians to let their elected representatives know that interprovincial trade restrictions on wine are outdated and harm the growth of Canada’s wine industry.
“Canada is the only wine producing country that doesn’t allow consumers to order wine for direct delivery to their home from any Canadian winery located in any province,” said Dan Paszkowski, President & CEO of the CVA. “We call that Direct-to-Consumer shipping and we’re asking Canadians to contact their MPP or MLA and demand that it be permitted.”
The campaign, which features digital advertising and social media content, is timed to coincide with the anticipated release of the Alcoholic Beverages Working Group (ABWG) report. The ABWG, which was formed as part of the Canadian Free Trade Agreement, is made up of federal, provincial, and territorial officials. It is tasked with making recommendations that will support the trade of alcoholic beverages within Canada, while being mindful of social responsibility and international obligations. The ABWG will submit its recommendations by July 1st and on the basis of that report, the federal and provincial governments will determine how trade in alcoholic beverages within Canada can be improved.
  “We know that nine out of 10 Canadians believe Direct-to-Consumer shipping should be permitted,” said Paszkowski. “So, we’re asking them to go to Act Now and make their voices heard. The Working Group report is a significant opportunity to make this right and for provinces to make this choice available to their citizens.”
Direct-to-Consumer would lead to important growth for the country’s highest value agricultural industry. Indeed, free interprovincial trade would positively impact the economy across the country.  Industry research shows that for every $1.00 spent on Canadian wine in Canada, $3.42 in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is generated across the country.
The ‘Act Now’ advertising campaign will run in Alberta, Ontario and Quebec for two weeks, and be distributed via CVA members throughout the country.
About the Canadian Vintners Association Canadian Vintners Association (CVA), the national voice of wine in Canada, advocates for the national wine industry at the federal and international levels. CVA is dedicated to improving the business success and return on investment for individual wineries, while assuring the continued growth and prosperity of the entire Canadian wine industry.
@cvawine https://ift.tt/2x6dHF2
                  Canadian Vintners Association | Association des vignerons du Canada 310-440 Laurier Ave West | 440 av Laurier ouest, bureau 310, Ottawa ON, K1R 7X6 https://ift.tt/1vaJ2io | @CVAwine
  Full Transcript:
Natalie: 00:01 Talking about some hot-button issues in the Canadian wine industry, for example, I live in Ottawa and I love this is a beautiful bc Pinot noir, but you know what, I can’t buy it legally, at least, you know, calling up the winery of going online and trying to buy this wine, which is kind of insane. I have to fly out there to get it. And , that’s one of the issues we’re talking about tonight. Cross-border shipping of our own wines, , and a lot of other issues and trends that are facing not only the Canadian wind industry but us. We as Canadian wine lovers,
Natalie: 02:03 Open. So let me just. So I’m looking at this and we will get going with our guest intro because it’s going to be a great conversation tonight. I’ve got the guest to talk to you about all of these issues, not just cross-border shipping, but many others as well. All right, so let me give you a brief intro here. , our guest this evening is the president and chief executive officer of the Canadian Vintners Association Cva, the National Association of the Canadian wine industry, representing wineries across Canada and responsible for producing more than 90 percent of annual wine production in this country. He also represents Canada’s national wine industry at all federal policy issues on all federal policy issues, and joins me live now from his home in Ottawa. Welcome to the Sunday Sipper Club, Dan Paszkowski. Hello, Dan. Oh, Natalie. Hi. How are you? Good, good, good. , I want to make sure that everyone can see and hear you just fine to me a little bit low, but, we’ll see if that’s just me and my earbuds or if, what folks are feeling. So, maybe you can sit close and speak up because we’ve got a lot of issues to talk about tonight. , so tell us, before we jump into all of these issues, Dan, tell me about you personally and why, where did you first get an interest in wine and what, what, where were you, what happened to sort of trigger that interest in wine
Dan: 03:37 at a young age My mother’s, my mother’s from France, so there was always wine in the house and my, my uncle always made a made wine every year, whatever they, a local bounty provided. So he produced blueberry wine and cherry wine. I grew up in northern Ontario, so grapes that were an option for us. So it goes way back and the university, I just started getting a growing a growing interest in, in life, trying wine from buying a few models from different regions and it sorta became a, not a connoisseur, not a sommelier, but I bought a big enthusiast.
Natalie: 04:15 Awesome. That’s great. And so tell me, what wine, which wine is in your glass tonight?
Dan: 04:21 Well, so now you pulled out of the cellar, a wonderful, a glass of British Columbia wine.
Natalie: 04:30 How convenient. I have the Tantalus Pino Noir and I’m loving it and also crying in my beer because I can’t get this wine. I can’t order it a legally, at least. I’m sure there are ways around that because I live in Ontario, which is just insane. So that kind of, , before we dive right into that issue though, of the direct shipping, let’s talk about the Canadian wine industry to give people a perspective of just how important and grassroots literally, I don’t mean to punt on it. This industry is to us. So how many wineries give us a sense of how large the industry is? How many wineries are there now in Canada?
Dan: 05:09 We have roughly 700, great wineries in Canada today. And that’s up from roughly around 300, 350 wineries back about a decade, a decade ago. So there’s been a significant explosion in investment and they indicated wine industry in British Columbia and Ontario for in particular, but also in the province of Nova Scotia.
Natalie: 05:30 Right. And how many hectors of wine are there are? Sorry, vineyards?
Dan: 05: 36, it was about 31,000 acres that are, that are planted at the, at the moment that, that would translate into, I think approximately 12,500 hectares.
Dan: 06:23 Okay. There are roughly around 700 wineries currently and in Canada in six producing provinces there. There’s been a significant explosion in the number of wineries that have opened in the past decade.
Dan: 06:48 300 to 350 wineries that have opened up in the past decade in Canada, mainly in British Columbia and Ontario, but also significant investment in Nova Scotia and the province of Quebec.
Natalie: 06:52 Okay. So, Dan, that’s good. So the winery, the wine industry is really growing fast quickly. What are the annual sales of Canadian wine?
Dan: 07:37 Oh, well currently we’re at around 165 million liters per year. About 50 million of that would be 100 percent Canadian wines. And the difference would be the international blends that we produced, which are a blend of the imported and domestic wines.
Natalie: 07:54 Okay. And, , does, Ontario produce about 90 percent of the wine?
Dan: 08:02 No, . They’re probably about half of the, of the wine production in Canada with a British Columbia. I’ve come again, come again, second, followed by Quebec and Nova Scotia.
Natalie: 08:14 Okay. And, tell us like, just, let’s get a sense of  the importance of the Canadian wine industry. How much does it contribute to Canada’s economy and, and how is that calculated?
Dan: 08:27 All right. The last study that we, that we completed a was in march of 2017 and that was based on 2015 data. , what the study told us that we’re roughly about a 9 billion dollar industry. , and the way that we, that we calculate that as we take a look at all of  the wind production, the grape production. Now we look further down the line in terms of the, the impacts on transportation, on liquor boards, on multiple retail outlets, on the restaurants and bars to come up with the multiplier effect of the Canadian wine industry, which comes out to be about 9 billion, which I anticipate as is over 10 billion at this point in time.
Natalie: 09:09 That’s significant. And you know, as I was saying in the intro or previous videos, it’s a really, it’s such a value added industry to be. I can’t think of anything comparable except maybe cheese in Canada that’s that much value add when it comes to our agricultural products. So that’s where it’s probably adding all of this, you know, value to the Canadian economy. And, you know, one thing I like to say is there’s nothing else we put on the dinner table that’s still in its original package except for maybe why we don’t, you know, we don’t labeling or apples or you know, you don’t know where they come from, but wine often the bottle is on the table and thus the value add it’s right there in front of us.
Dan: 09:53 Correct. I mean, it is the highest value added agricultural product in the, in the world. And what our study showed is that for every bottle of Canadian wine produced and, and purchased in Canada, contributes about $90 to the Canadian economy. That’s 100 percent Canadian, a Canadian wine. So if we compare that to an imported bottle of wine, you’re looking at about $15 and sixty cents. So, you know, Canadian purchasing Canadian wine, it makes a significant contribution to our economy.
Natalie: 10:23 Okay, well that’s significant. And how many people work in the Canadian wine industry?
Dan: 10:28 We estimate about 37,000 people direct indirect, jobs that are created by the Canadian wine industry.
Natalie: 10:48 This is so valuable and so interesting. People are loving it, but we just need to keep it up the vole up. All right, so, now let’s start with this whole cross-border shipping. Maybe you could in a, in a nutshell, tell us what the issue is because if I understand it correctly, the federal government is fine with us shipping, buying wine across the country, but it’s the provinces that are the stopping gate, if you will maybe summarize what is the issue and why it’s important.
Dan: 11:19 Well, basically in 1928, the federal government have put in place legislation which created the liquor board system and you’ve got all alcohol has to flow through the liquor board in the province where the wine or other alcoholic beverages are being consed. That legislation wasn’t changed for some 80 something years. And finally, the federal government amended, amended the laws, to say that it is no longer a criminal violation to bring wine across provincial orders. That legislation in 2012 was passed both in the House of Commons and in the Senate, which, as you can imagine, is a, is a historic event for any piece of legislation in Canada. so what the legislation did, it says you are allowed to bring a wine on your person or by a courier or transport across a border. , but the regulations have to be established by the, by the provinces.
Dan: 12:19 And, what immediately happened was that the majority of the provinces, immediately established a very low personal exemption. Women’s Ontario, for example, put in place you can carry one case of wine back into Ontario as long as that wine is carried into the province on your, on your person, a few provinces. When further Manitoba immediately opened up its borders, British Columbia immediately opened up its borders. Nova Scotia, a few years later, opened up this border. So currently we have seven provinces that have not agreed to open their borders to direct consumer a delivery of, of wine. And that’s what we’re trying to address right now. The federal government is very supportive, but it is a provincial decision and individual problems. The decision to open up a and they have been having those discussions. The premier is mapped in July of this year and they almost came to a decision to double the amount of the personal exemption in Canada.
Dan: 13:17 So let me explain what that means. If you would now be able to bring in two bottles of wine, but to an in Ontario you’ll be able to bring in two cases of wine, not one case two cases, , but Natalie, if you live in Kitchener, you would have to travel 1200 kilometers to get to the Manitoba border, 550 kilometers to get to the, to the, to the pullback border, it’d be able to make use of this personal exemption. It makes absolutely no sense unless you live longer along a provincial border like we do here in Ottawa. There are no wineries across the border. I mean, I want to get some wine from British Columbia, but I’m wondering the lucky ones that get there one or two times per year. Most Canadians don’t, aren’t in that position to get there and actually purchased the wine to be able to carry those two cases of wine or one case of wine back with them. And that’s, that’s where the problem was.
Natalie: 14:06 Yeah. So why are they, why do they think that’s a solution? Why aren’t they just saying, Hey, Canadians buy Canadian wine, wherever you like and however much and get it shipped right to your door, what’s stopping them from doing that
Dan: 14:19 while the two, two arguments that they’ve put forward? I guess three, number one, they would argue that from a social responsibility perspective, you can’t, you can’t have wine delivered to your home from a, from a, not from a winery because kids would be ordering wine. I don’t know any kids that would order wine from British Columbia, pay $4 per bottle transportation costs and wait a week for it to arrive for, for next Friday night. Nobody plans in advance. In addition, we allow for direct delivery of wine within the province of Ontario, within the province of British Columbia. So it’s already within, within the, within the province, interrupt provincially. The second issue is taxation. I’m the liquor boards argued that they would lose, they would lose too much revenue by allowing this to happen and that these wines would displace wines per sale in the liquor boards.
Dan: 15:08 , we argue that’s not, that’s not the case name. As Canadians become more educated about, about wine, they’re gonna stop at the liquor store and continue to purchase wine that overtalking about a year, our small lot hard to find wines that are not currently available then in the province, if they are available in the province, why would you pay three to $4 a bottle and have it shipped to your home? It doesn’t make sense. And a third issue that they put on the table is, is an international trade obligation, that this would be a violation of international trade obligations. And we put forward a number of proposals that would suggest that you do. There are ways that you implement this, that, that would meet those international trade obligations. So there’s, these are the three excuses they put on the table that had been holding things back for the past 80 years.
Natalie: 15:53 Is it just about protecting the local liquor monopolies? Really?
Dan: 15:58 I believe it’s a, it’s thin. There was a, you know, they don’t want to open up that door, in fear that the door would, would blow open, and have an impact on all of the monopoly system operates so well we view is that that tax is a majority of those taxes could still be collected, but if the liquor board isn’t offering any service for delivery of that, for the delivery of that wine, then they shouldn’t be able to charge a cost to service charge for that because the wineries doing all, all of the work, you know, sales taxes, GST, those things, as with any means of e-commerce, you know, the province has the right to collect those taxes.
Natalie: 17:26 All right, so, so Dan, do you think that if, if we were permitted if they did open the borders to Canadian wine, would all wines be next necessarily or do you think that the shipping costs would just discourage people? Like, say I want a Tuscan wine that’s only available in out in Alberta Liquor store it. I live in Ontario. Do you think that’s what follows next?
Dan: 17:47 Okay. Currently, currently, if you to have that, if you want to access that particular Tuscan wine, you can go through your liquor board and have it procured for you from the province of Alberta or you go to order the wine through your liquor board directly from the, from the winery in Tuscany.  there are many options to be able to access those lines., we don’t believe that this is going to be a significant channel for wine. I mean, you know, most wines are fairly well represented. Liquor boards across the country. So in all, I think if it was made available to, to imports a, it would be a very, very small channel. Not even worth the importance actually, putting in place the measures to be able to provide that one case of wine, a special line to a consumer in the province of Ontario.
Dan: 18:36 Case that in the case of Canadian wines, maybe we estimate that, you know, maybe 130,000, 250,000 cases of wine would, , would move across the country through the direct to consumer delivery channel. Extremely important for those small lot wine to be able to get a bill bad that loyalty amongst consumers across the country because as we know, no liquor boards carry a lot of wines, but they’re, there is, there are many wines that are produced that are award winning globally recognized, but they’re small lot they’ll never, they’ll never enter into the, into the liquor board system. So unless you traveled to Nova Scotia or to, or to British Columbia and visited that winery,, you’re never going to be able to have the opportunity to,, to purchase it with a without a winery to consumer delivery system in this, , in this country, there will be an ability to collect something, some red tax revenue off that wine that’s being shipped in the mean, what the provinces we’re talking about it in July was the double the amount of personal exemption. But no, none of the provinces police that. None of the problems to collect any tax revenue on that. I mean, you could travel to pull back a 100 times today, Natalie and bring and bring a case of wine across every time you’d be with within the rights of the law but Ontario is not collecting any tax revenue every time you would do that. So what we’re proposing, it is an option that is very viable.
Natalie: 19:56 Wow. Wow. That’s just seems to be like, let’s, let’s vote for sanity. People here. I’m just going to acknowledge some of you in the comments because you are just pouring in here and I really appreciate it. , so we’ve got,, let me just go back down here. Elaine. Bruce is in Calgary. Linda Michaels is in Pennsylvania, highly regulated state. She knows she’s a very Canadian in the way her liquor board works. David Head is here from Ontario. Francis is in Ottawa. Jason is here from London, UK where it is dark and he has had to deal with issues. , Facebook does not. Okay. Paul is here. Paul Hollander says some years ago I tried to have wine shipped from Pennsylvania to Virginia. It was a no go. Likewise. I tried to send a bottle to a friend in Massachusetts and was stopped. Asher, Asher, I’m glad you’re here. , Francis says, doesn’t the model in Alberta actually generate more revenue for the province than the loan Crown Corporation approach it? , the LCBO and Ontario. Dan, maybe you can answer that one, please. If you know,
Dan: 21:26 I’m not familiar with, with what the revenues are in the province of Alberta. I mean they do have a privatized system there, which is slightly different than the other jurisdictions and you know, it is something I think other provinces have looked at. , but that’s, that’s a political decision as to what decision to move to move where Alberta did 20, 25 years ago.
Natalie: 21:47 Yes, absolutely. Elaine Bruce says Albert is lucky in that way. I felt bad for my Ontario friends and just wanting to ship a wine home from a boy who just wanted to ship wine home from Bordeaux. Could this be an issue of supply and demand? Linda asks, economies are more and more just based on Justin, based on just in time supply chain. Yeah, you’re right. , so,
Dan: 22:23 yeah, about Alberta, Alberta, I’ll, you know, it’s, it is a province which has really, in favor of a trade. Yes. But as soon as bill seats 3:11 passed in 2012, shortly afterward they amended their legislation, which continues to allow the residents of Alberta to travel to British Columbia, Ontario and bring a tractor-trailer load of wind back on. But they cannot order one bottle of wine by a courier or I’ll stay with and have that delivered by courier. Otherwise, they’d be in violation of the law in Alberta and be penalized by, by a fine and slash or jail time.
Natalie: 23:02 Really. Even in Alberta. Wow. I don’t get this at all. It just seems so tangled in a mix of taxes and lobbying and not what’s good for consumers. It just really does not make sense. Trying to even find a reason for the way things are. , so tell me, Dan. I’m about when the, the terror, the provincial-territorial ministers met in a conference for a conference in Nyack right now. They were buying some wines themselves. So what happened there?
Dan: 23:35 Oh, it was, it was quite interesting because this was a couple of years ago when every year the premier’s and territorial premier’s neat in a, in a different province. This year was in New Brunswick and a couple of years ago were in Ontario. And in the evenings there, their delegations, we need a different wineries across the province and a premier has enjoyed the wine and they were buying cases of wine at these, at these wineries, mean much more wine than I can imagine you can consume in your hotel room at night. So a while it’s not good enough for Canadians to be able to bring line home with them or have wine delivered. The premiers were definitely, we’re enjoying the wine and we’re bringing Ontario wine home back to their back to their jurisdiction, which would be in violation of their own loss.
Natalie: 24:18 Again, more just, it doesn’t make sense. It does not make sense. And tell me about, so, so even they are trying to do things against their own legislation. , but tell me what a Sandra Oldfield did from Tinhorn winery. what, what did she do to prove a point?
Dan: 24:37 This goes back a number, a number of years, but I mean, in terms of trying to show a Canadians and politicians how ridiculous it is not to be able to order a case of wine from the winery outside your providence., she ordered a firearm from a different province, now that firearm delivered to her, to her home and British Columbia. It arrived a couple of, a couple of days later, but it made, it is, it is so ridiculous that you cannot order a case of wine from your favorite winery and have it delivered to your home province, but you can order a firearm, for many, any jurisdiction across Canada and have it couriered to your home.
Natalie: 25:13 That’s great. And we’re about to legalize cannabis, but why? No, no, you’ve got to, you know, better watch those Merlo drinkers. They’re just going to, we’re going to go off on a bender. Okay. So, now tell me, Dan, you made a point sometime when we were earlier, chatting about this earlier, a winery is legally allowed to deliver wine to a customer in Texas, but not, but it has to refuse a customer visiting from New Brunswick. So, so we’re talking to Canadian winery can send off wine to Texas, but not someone who lives in Canada, is that right?
Dan: 26:17 That’s correct. I mean, it’ll take Niagara for example, we have a lot of fantastic Quebec tourists that visit the Niagara region because , in a province of Quebec wines have less than one a quarter of one percent market share. So they come to Niagara, they visit the region, they stopped by the wineries and an owner gave me this example is, you know, I’ve got a queue at my cash register of,
Dan: 26:44 of tourists buying, buying one, two cases of wine. A guy from Texas approaches, the till and, and says, you know, can you ship this back? There are two cases of wine back for maybe a lot easier than, than traveling with it in my trunk. Of course, we can do that. We’re going to arrange the courier service for you then, then a Canadian, whether it’s from New Brunswick or whether it’s from, from Quebec approaches, and says, you know what, it’s a great idea. I mean, rather than rather than my risk and spoiling the wine in the back of my trunk, can you ship that wine to my, to my home province? And unfortunately, the winery has to deny that opportunity and it will be illegal for, for him or her to ship that wine to go bad or to, or to New Brunswick and therefore no sale isn’t necessarily lost, but it just points out to how ridiculous this is and how challenging it is for a winery in Canada.
Dan: 27:40 unlike any other widget that sold in this country, you have to reject the opportunity to make a, a potential sale or to build that loyal relationship with that consumer and another in another province who may go back, love the wine and tell the story of the wine to their friends, order more wine. Maybe their friends will not order wine. , because it’s not available in their jurisdiction at the end of the day, you know, it’s possible that the liquor board May, may list that product, but well, it’s not listed. It’s not available unless you, unless you order it or stop by the winery.
Natalie: 28:08 Wow. I love the scenarios. You propose. It just, it puts it into stark relief, this issue. , I got some interesting comments from Jason Davis. This is a crazy way to promote a wine region. I agree. Jason. Surely consumers like us can do something even if it’s lobbying. Hey, nice segway. Dan. Where can we go? Is it just for Canadians or anybody to sign that petition? That’s online? Tell us about that, what, what, what we need to do to lobby for our local politicians.
Dan: 29:15 and, there is a website called freemygrapes.ca so that, that does have a petition to write to your local, politician to encourage them to do, to do the right thing and, allow for winery consumer delivery in this,, in this country and that, that is extremely important at this point in time. for a number of reasons. Number one, the premiers have that, you know, we have to do something about internal trade given the given the trade protectionism that has taken place around the, around the world, there is an opportunity to create trade and in Canada, in fact, the value of internal trading Canada is greater than Canada you trade agreement or a trade agreement with China for that matter. So there are great opportunities and  premiers recognize that they have taken the first step to open up discussion on this in July.
Dan: 30:06  , which was a positive, a positive development in itself. , the federal prime minister has created a, a, a minister of internal trade, administer Dominic Leblanc from, from New Brunswick, and now has the responsibility for, for internal trade. the cabinet met last month and they had a broad discussion on, on internal trade, and the prime minister agreed, to hold a first ministers conference with all premier’s before the end of this year in which internal trade will likely be a topic of discussion. So if there is an opportunity to, get a groundswell of support from, from Canadians, to their provincial, their provincial leaders, this is the time to do it. We do have a big window of opportunity here to, to make, a significant accomplishment.
Natalie: 30:55 Awesome. That’s great Dave had said, we get wine shipped all the time from Nova Scotia and BC, so Dan, you don’t have to make an official comment, but what I hear from wineries, and I’ll just put it out there, ar online wines. It’s just technically illegal and you can make no comment, but I want to make it clear to people that you can contact wineries and ask them to send you wine. , that’s what I believe.
Natalie: 31:49 I don’t know other people like Dave Head. Do you have experience in that? Like, I know, I do know that people ship regularly, a favorite Nova Scotia winery up here that are distributed across the country, but you can’t get all their wines and vice versa. So there are ways to do it directly. And there are some advocates like openly, like painted rock John Skinner, he’s all in, he’s shipping lines everywhere and he makes no bones about it. He’s not being like secretive or private. It’s just like, this is insane. I should be able to ship my wines wherever, so I don’t know if there’s any other thing you want to add to that,
Dan. It’s okay if you don’t.
Dan: 32:28 That is a personal decision of the individual wineries to make. Yeah. they’re trying to keep their, their consumers a happy and maintain that loyal base in, like I said, in seven of 10 provinces. It is technically illegal. , I don’t think that any provincial governments want to undergo an another Gerard Comeau case. , so unless
Natalie: 32:53 case where the, he tried to buy beer and bring it across the border in New Brunswick is that,
Dan: 32:59 that’s correct. A beer, wine, and spirits across the border from Quebec into the province of New Brunswick. And you know, if, if, if the case, if a Canadian consumer was, was challenged or a winery was challenged for having a case of wine delivered to them, took action, I think that would be an international media story, that would last for a significant amount of time. And we’d be the laughing stock of the world because we are, probably the only wine-producing jurisdiction in the ground, that globe that doesn’t allow for a wide readership, a case of wine to a consumer in a different different province or state or country, if you, if you, if you live within the European Union for that matter. So it’s a, it’s a personal decision. And then is a provincial decision as to whether or not they’d want to take action, which I doubt that they would
Natalie: 33:51 the only wine producing country, most likely that doesn’t allow shipping of its own wines within its own borders in the world that I know you’re online. If you can post that link to free my grapes where people can sign up and it’s so easy to use. I’ve done it and it, it’s got the letter drafted to your local politician to say, Hey, this is insane. Free my grapes. So if somebody could post that in the comments below if you’re still here or somebody else, that would be great. I’d really appreciate it. I’m now and you’ve done surveys. , so I mean, you’ve surveyed, you’ve asked Canadians about this issue, and so what have the results there? What, what do Canadians actually think about, you know, agricultural and wine industries being able to ship within the borders?
Dan: 34:41 the latest survey we did was in December of 2017 and nine out of 10 Canadians, agreed, that, that, Canada should amend its rules to allow for winery to consumer delivery, inner provincially, the nine out of 10 Canadians. I mean that is a really, really solid statistic to tell the government that a consumer wants to access. They think this is ridiculous.
Natalie: 35:07 Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Especially when I think of all those tiny small wineries that as wine lovers we want and for that little tiny business, that entrepreneurial startup who can’t get into the liquor board because that’s just too big a vole to fill. The only way you can survive is having a direct relationship with those zealot fans across the country. I mean, it just, it’s that connection needs to be made.
Dan: 35:33 It is, it is the first step right here. You’re absolutely correct for that small winery. Can’t access to liquor board system and in their province or have distribution outside of their province for that, for that matter. currently, the only option is to, is to hope that a tourist is going to drive down the gravel road that really is the only available option. And the United States, you know, when the Supreme Court ruled in 2005, it was unconstitutional, , not to allow for direct delivery within the state, but not to allow an estate winery to ship into that state. We currently have 45 out of 50 states that allow direct to consumer delivery in the US. Those small wineries are making better margins, a reinvesting back into their winery. They’re growing, they’re increasing their production and now they’re at the point where they’re ready to export. And where are they going to export to? They’re going to export to Canada because that is the closest and the easiest option for them. , so we’re, we’re in a really awkward predicament here and not being able to access our loyal consumers across the country through direct delivery when it’s creating a real economic opportunity for us. Producers, we’d like to have that same opportunity for our 700 wineries,
Natalie: 36:42 right, with our consumers, so absolutely. Yeah. So we, we’re allowing all these small little artismal startup wineries in the US and elsewhere abroad to get a foothold here and tying the hands behind the back of our own wineries. Like again, honestly, that’s just insane. Especially, you know, again, from the, a sampling of wineries, but also, you know, if you believe in regional food pairings, wine, and food, what goes together, what grows together goes together. Wine and food made from that region. I’m supporting local, all the, you know, the big movement of drink, local, eat local, hundred kilometer radius, all that stuff. This goes clearly in the face of that. So anyway, I think we’re preaching to the converted, but we still, we’re gonna, we’re gonna say we’re going to sing all the hymns tonight. , so what. Oh, let me go back here because Gwen Barton has joined. Welcome, Gwen and Deb have a posted the link to act out.freeMygrapes.ca. So go there folks and sign up. It’s so easy now. So Dan, turning to another cross-border issue a lot is in the news lately about the Nafta negotiations. Do you think there’s an impact for Canadian wines, the wine industry, and also for Canadian wine drinkers?
Dan: 38:01 Well, I mean, Nafta. Nafta was signed many, many years ago and you know, it, it, it’s predated by the Canada, US free trade agreement in 1,988. And really what’s happened over the past 30 years since that agreement was signed, is that the United States has seen double-digit growth in terms of value and vole sales into, into Canada. they’d gone from roughly $19,000,000 the worth of sales to $500,000,000 worth of sales and they’re currently the number one bottled wine importer into, into Canada. So they’ve done extremely, extremely well underneath the, underneath the agreement in the case of Canada. I mean, we’ve increased our sales by 200,000 cases a year into, into The US. So we only sell right now with the 17 of, of the safety of the 50 states. And, really, it’s been a one-sided, one side of the agreement from that, from that perspective, largely to do with the way that the US system operates.
Dan: 39:03 They have a three-tier system which is a challenge to access the consumer through compared to a monopoly system in Canada where it’s a one-stop shop for us to, for us producers. So, you know, we believe that there will be progress made in that, in that agreement, likely through harmonization of  the line regulations such as labeling, things of that, things of that nature to reduce the costs of, of a shipping line between, between the two, the two countries. but at this point in time, we really don’t know whether there’s going to be any, any additional movement in the fast track process that’s a that’s currently underway where wine doesn’t appear to be anywhere near the top of the list of subjects that, at the minister’s are currently talking about.
Natalie: 39:48 Interesting. Because I’ve heard too that for California wine, which is the bulk of why made in the US, Canada, is the number one export country was very important to them.
Dan: 39:59 We are extremely important to, to California in particular. Not only is it the largest wine producing state in the United States, a 94 percent of total us imports into Canada has come from the state of, of California. So it is, it is, has been extremely lucrative, for us, US wine producers from that particular state. The growth has been exponential at about 12 to 13 percent average annual growth for, for a year. Any sector, would be licking their lips to be able to have that annual growth.
Natalie: 40:36 Wow. Well, Jason Davis says we’re starting a revolution here tonight. I agree, Jason. And that requires a toast. There you go. And let me just acknowledge a few other comments that have come in. I’m, Jason says one solution. All Canadians should live in the UK. I traveled to France and see if they can prove that the wine they are buying is for personal consumption as they can bring in 95 liters. Wow. Okay. And Linda says we’re limited in bringing Canadian wines to the US. She’s down in Pennsylvania. , all. Alright. So, and then just one question I meant to ask you, Dan, do you have any notion or any idea what the growth might be for the Canadian industry if we had no provincial boundaries if we just dropped all the cross-border shipping boundaries within our own country for all these little small wineries. What how, how fast, how much, how far could our wine grow?
Dan: 41:35 Well, I think, I think it’d be extremely important for, for every winery in this, in this country, what we’re talking about through direct to consumer delivery is not, you’re under $10 wise. We’re looking at the super premium super premium wines that, that would be a moving through that, through that channel. I’m just given the fact that that transportation costs that you adopt to incur a three slash $4 for a per bottle to have that shift from let’s say British Columbia to do Ontario. so the analysis that we’ve done is that we estimate that will be somewhere around a hundred $30,000 to 150,000 cases of wine. This would be high value, high-value wine. So it’s wine that’s not currently available in, in the province to where the consumer is seeking that, seeking that product. So it’s going to build that brand loyalty that, that winery loyalty with that, with that consumer a, they typically, typically, they’ll, you’ll finally be able to have a wine club that actually shifts to two members outside of the borders of your, of your province.
Dan: 42:39 You will be able to take advantage of a full advantage of what your, your website can do or what social media can do or different forms of e-commerce going to do. I mean, it’s, it’s incredible that in this day and age, a winery invests in those forms of social media to be able to sell, to consume to the limited number of consumers within their own province. so what it’ll do is it will, it will expand those opportunities. They’ll build that load, that loyal following it will provide, will provide provinces with information of the other one that’s entering into the province, from a different jurisdiction and give them the opportunity as free research, right? Given the opportunity to start listing this, , this tantalus recycling that I’m drinking right now that currently isn’t available and at the LLC deal, but if they see that there are 30, 40, a hundred cases of that, being sold, they have the option of listing that product, which, which they currently don’t. So I think it creates great opportunities for the winery. I think that creates great opportunities for consumers. We’re going to increase their knowledge and men are going to hopefully go out there and spend more, spend more money buying Canadian. That’s Canadian wine,  whether it’s through direct delivery, but in particular, I think they’re going to increase their purchases at their local. They’re local retail stores, which is going to create more, more generation of, more tax revenues for, for that particular province. So it’s a win-win, win situation.
Natalie: 43:59 Absolutely. More tax revenues, more into the economy, more jobs, everything. It’s all going toward that higher value-add. It just makes so much sense. So, folks, this was a great conversation. If you’re enjoying it, take a moment right now to share this video. If you’re watching the replay, please share it out. It’s an important conversation and even more comment on why you’re enjoying this video, because as you know, at the end of every session next week, I’ll be drawing for a winner based on who shared and commented on this video. And as always, if you want to take your knowledge to the next level, join me on a free online wine video course on how to taste wine like a pro. All right, Dan. So let’s move on to one other issue here that’s a bit of a hot button. What do you, what is your opinion view on wines that are labeled as cellared in Canada? So there, they’re bottled here in Canada, but they don’t contain 100 percent Canadian juice, grapes, wine if you will.
Dan: 45:01 Well, you know, from my perspective and that of our organization is, you know, as long as, as long as the label is truthful to the consumer as to what is in the bottle, which, you know, it is the case. , the intercepted the consumer to decide what they want. They want to, to purchase. The vast majority of Canadians do buy wine under $10 for a bottle. And if we didn’t produce that bottle here in Canada, it’s definitely being produced in different parts of the world. There’s three blended wine production happening everywhere in the world. And, and our sales would be displaced by an important, by product. I mean, we’ve had this discussion, over the, over the years. , currently, there has been a ruling by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to amend the label from salaried in Canada important than domestic wise to international blend from import and domestic, a domestic wine.
Dan: 45:57 So it is, there is no Canadian connection to that to confuse consumers as, as a number of people said was the, was the case in the past. It very clearly states that it is an international brand and within that blend is imported and domestic a domestic content. So it’s a very clear, and we’re at the point now of transitioning into that new label and as the, as the wineries burned down their current stock of labels, they will be replaced with a, , with the new, with the new labels, which, like I said, I think it was as clear a consumers have told us that it is, that it is clear and we hope that that will, that will end that end, that debate. And we will, we’ll continue to produce those two types. Those two types of lines, many, many people that,, including myself that, that the one in my younger years, a purchase to purchase these types of these types of wines and you know, then I eventually graduated into a, into a higher price to higher price product. So, I mean, I think it’s better for the Canadian economy to produce those products truthfully here in this country rather than producing them buying an $8 Chilean wine and graduating to a15, 20, $30 Chilean wine and never leaving. Never leaving that,
Natalie: 47:13 category. You’re right. So the training wheels, we should have the training wheel wines right here. But I, I agree with you. I didn’t know what was happening. The international blend. I think that’s a fair label and section in the, in the liquor store. It bothers me when I see cellared in Canada. I think so misleadingly, but I’m glad that’s the direction that, the labeling is headed in. Dan is pitch hitting for us with the Canadian for the Canadian wine industry with politicians and lobbyists and so on. So Dan, what are the other trends that are facing the Canadian wine industry or Canadian wine drinkers? Is there anything that we haven’t talked about that you want to bring up right now?
Dan: 48: 07, trends as in, as in favorite types of, of wine
Natalie: 48:10 or issues or, you know, what are we going to see in the future? Where’s it going? It could be anything. Maybe that’s just too broad of the phrasing, but is there anything, you know, we’ve talked about cross-border shipping, we’ve talked about celler in Canada and Nafta. Is there any other hot-button issue that you think we haven’t touched on that we should talk about?
Dan: 48:31 Well, I think the key thing that both federal and provincial governments are interested in is a signing more free trade agreements, , expand our trade portfolio, diversifying our, our, our exports of a, of all of all products. , you know, that, that, that really is a young in a way being spurred by the challenges that we’re currently having with, with the trip administration for, for example. , but we’re not, we’re a small wine producing country. , we do export a and we’re exporting some fantastic wines for different parts of the world, but we’re never going to be a, a big play or in the export market. , at the same time, we only have a 32 percent market share of wines produced in Canada. If I break that down to sort of 100 percent Canadian wines, we have about a 10 percent market share in this country for those, for those wines which leave almost 70 percent market share for, for imports.
Dan: 49:32 We are one of the top destinations for wine from some countries from around the world. , and it’s an easy market to, to access. So, you know, they, the removal of internal barriers to trade is extremely important because unless we can gain a larger share of our own domestic market, it can’t turn our attention to shifting a couple of cases of wine outside of Canada. So the linkage between growing our exports and removing internal barriers to trade are very much linked, but something that, that we also have to do a better job of and that we are talking to governments about is, better promotion of our wines, across, across, across this country in countries such as Europe or Australia. The United States are spending millions of dollars building their brands in this country and, you know, we just don’t have the to do that.
Dan: 50: 29, you know, where were these foreign governments are subsidizing and providing grants, to wineries to export access to Canadian marketplace that, that’s the two hands that are tied behind our back, that isn’t allowing us to grow. And, you know, if we don’t remove these barriers to trade, we can’t export. We can’t take advantage of these free trade agreements. they’ve removed import tariffs now on 91 percent of all the line that comes into this, this country that’s really a competitive challenge for our, for our producers. So I’m doing more in terms of marketing our product in Canada. Removing internal barriers to trade are critical to take advantage of all the other issues that we have to face in a, you know, as a small producer in a cool climate.
Natalie: 51:15 Absolutely you, you encapsulize it’s so well done. And you know, I see ads online and in magazines funded by the European Union. It’s all over the place and you just know when that funding comes into the market, it’s just a wash with wines from various European countries and it’s just not there for Canadian wines. , we need to get behind this. I mean it’s, it’s grassroots
Dan: 51:41 Austraila just announced that they’re providing their industry $50,000,000 to, to build their brands in the export market. Canada is one of the top destinations for, for Australia, you’ve got the European Union and providing 40 percent of every dollar in a grant for new equipment and machinery. So it’s difficult to compete, with, with those countries when they’re receiving such, such a significant amount of support from there, from their local government. So we’re looking for, is the ground floor, was the cellar wine within our own country?
Natalie: 52:12 Yeah. Yeah. Just some basic leveling of the playing field The vineyard field. Wow. Okay. So some heavy topics, but some great discussion. , let’s lighten it up as we head into the home run here a homestretch, Dan. , do you have a favorite Canadian wine and food pairing? Is there anything that pops to mind?
Dan: 52:35 Well, me and my wife are really big fans of a grilling and, you know, Cedar Plank Salmon is probably one of my, one of my all time favorites. , you know, and the period that I, it’s a little bit unique I would think, but, it is, Syrah I mean Riesling or chardonnay with, my salmon but, you know, it sets a meaty oily fish and, and having a, having a fantastic Syrah to go along with that matches really well. And we thought it was different when we tried it, but if anybody wants to try it, it’s a fantastic pair.
Natalie: 53:09 Try it because Syrah is low in Tannin and if you’ve got those grill marks on the fish, you’ve got that smoky flavor that will come in through the wine that just might work. Dan, we might try that. , we’re getting some wonderful comments here. I just, I want to acknowledge them. , Jackie tuning in from London. Really interesting show. How can we get Canadian wines to the UK? There’s a big push for that too. There’s been a lot of trade shows and things at Canada house showcasing Canadian wine. She says, can’t find them anywhere. Here. Need me some Pino Noir from Niagara. Jackie, we’re going to jump back in the comments after this chats over and give you some links and so on and, and point you in the right directions. I know it’s sparse, but it’s starting to happen. Devin. Vancouver says, absolutely. Removing barriers to trade is important to Canadian wine while becoming more than a blip on the worldwide, a worldwide wine market map.
Natalie: 54:07 Paul says, the only Canadian wines we see in Virginia, a couple ice wines, I’m Linda says I will look for Canadian store in US stores. Any recommendations. I’m Jackie. You won’t even let. Okay. So we will, we will post in there. We’ve got a lot of international people here on board tonight. So I’m so glad you all are so interested in Canadian wine. , but we’re going to post more in the comments in answer to you because you need some links. You need some resources and some specific direction that we will put in after our chat is over. So let us just go to a bit of the lightning round here. Dan, what’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
Dan: 54:51 your gut, your gut instinct., nine times out of 10, , you know, what, what your thoughts are about a particular wine or what your thoughts are about what might pair with a, with a particular food dish are. Correct. So I just say stick. Stick with your instincts. You wont go wrong.
Natalie: 55:10 And if you could share a bottle of Canadian one with anyone living or dead, who would that be?
Dan: 55:18 you know, I, I pull out maybe Robert Mondavi.
Natalie: 55:21 Oh, that one. This is Canadian wine. No, no, no, no, no.
Dan: 55:25 I’m just thinking here with Y’all. He is an icon and you know, if I, if I wanted to share a bottle of wine with somebody, I’d like to do a blind tasting with somebody with somebody of that stature who can recognize the quality of wine that we’re producing a up here. So.
Natalie: 55:43 Okay, so you’re saying you’d like to taste with Robert Mondavi and bring him a Canadian wine. Right? Right. Gotcha. Okay. Okay. Yes. All right, cool. And, , and if you could give us a wine tip, some type of piece of the device that we could do or implement this week to up our Canadian wine savvy game, what would you suggest we do?
Dan: 56:09 I think to, you know, to restaurants, , across Canada. I’d say start putting more, , more Canadian wines on your menus in general. , but start putting more Canadian wines on your menus by the glass, , and to consumers, I’d say take the opportunity to try Canadian wines by the glass tastes against another chardonnay or another, another syrahum. And, , I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised once you do that over and over again. I think you are going to very quickly turn towards a Canadian wine as your, as your wine of choice, as I think that’d be my advice to both restaurants and consumers.
Natalie: 56:49 Good way to finish. Alright, Dan, where can we find you online? Do you want to point us to that free my grapes? Is that the url you’d like to use or what would you like to point us to?
Dan: 56:59 You know, we, we help, we help create freemygrapes many, many years ago to build that conser support for direct conser delivery, which I think will happen happen soon. , but you can also find us at a, on twitter @Cva wine, or you can find me @Danpaszkowski, on twitter, or you can visit our [email protected] to get all kinds of information or, or thoughts and perspectives from myself or our organization.
Natalie: 57:28 That’s awesome. So folks, stay tuned. I’m, I’ve got more for you after we wished in a, a good evening. But Dan, I raised my glass, my Canadian, my glass of Canadian Pino Noir from Tantalus. You’ve got the reisling. I’ve got the Pinot Noir. And , thank you for such a great chat, like so many great insights and a folks take action on what we’ve talked tonight I talked about tonight because you know, the talk isn’t worth anything unless we act www.freemygrapes.ca, All right Dan, thank you so much for spending part of your Sunday evening with us. I really appreciate it.
Dan: 58:06 Alright, thanks for the invitation. It was a, it was a lot of fun and , enjoy your Sunday evening. All
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from Jorge Miroslav Jara Salas https://ift.tt/2x6wHU2 via Fuente
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mywinepal · 7 years
My Interview with Sandra Oldfield - A Heart Beating for BC Wine
My Interview with Sandra Oldfield - A Heart Beating for BC Wine @sandraoldfield @tinhorncreek #bcwine @bcwas
If you are familiar with BC wines at all, you should know of Sandra Oldfield and the winery she helped start with her husband Kenn Oldfield and friends Barb and Bob Shaunessy, called Tinhorn Creek in Oliver in 1993 and first vintage in 1994. This year, 24 years later, life changed for Sandra and Kenn when Tinhorn Creek was sold to a large Canadian winery called Andrew Peller, which owns wineries…
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ediblevancouver · 6 years
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Capture ‘The Creek.’ This opulent red blend from @tinhorncreek made our mouths very happy. Almost makes the end of summer worthwhile, when big BC reds are back on the table 😋🍷 . . . #bcwine #bcvqa #okanaganvalley #cabsauv #merlot #cabfranc #malbec #petitverdot #bigredblend (at Tinhorn Creek Vineyards Ltd) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnNSVdTFqAk/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ga7f74qwyytb
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sethmeeyn · 7 years
Get ready for events season
Before this weekend, if there are tickets still available, Tinhorn Creek hosts Girls Night Out with Miradoro Restaurant, with wine, food, vendors, and door prizes, for $25 per person (yes, men can join) on Thursday night. Get tickets online in advance. Also on Thursday night, Opera Kelowna will be hosted ...
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whitetoque · 7 years
Andrew Peller Ltd buys 3 BC wineries | Grower
Andrew Peller Ltd buys 3 BC wineries | Grower
"Andrew Peller Ltd, headquartered in Grimsby, Ontario, is buying three British Columbia wineries for $95 million. CEO John Peller has signed definitive agreements to acquire Black Hills Estate Winery and Gray Monk Estate Winery. A letter of intent aims to acquire Tinhorn Creek Vineyards near Oliver. The deals, expected to close by end of October, will offer the wineries access to capital as well…
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oddepia · 7 years
Andrew Peller buying 3 B.C. wineries for $95M
Andrew Peller buying 3 B.C. wineries for $95M
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Ontario-based wine producer Andrew Peller says it has signed definitive agreements to acquire Black Hills Estate Winery and Gray Monk Estate Winery and a letter of intent to acquire Tinhorn Creek Vineyards. Read entire story.
Source: CBC | Business News
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quenchmagazine · 7 years
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Is consolidation in the Canadian wine world a good thing? The announcement earlier this fall that Andrew Peller Limited was purchasing well-known and established British Columbia wineries Gray Monk, Black Hills and Tinhorn Creek for a combined $95 million created quite the stir in the Canadian wine industry. The sale of any one of the wineries might not have caused a great deal of surprise as each, for various reasons, had been rumoured to be on the market. I #tastdIQ #InsideQ #quenchmagazine
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airgeadais · 7 years
Ontario-based wine producer Andrew Peller says it has signed definitive agreements to acquire Black Hills Estate Winery and Gray Monk Estate Winery and a letter of intent to acquire Tinhorn Creek Vineyards.
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