tripleglitchwriting · 5 months
I think cannonicaly cybertronians cannot cry, they are physicaly unable to. So imagine tarn the first time he cries. Maybe it's because of something in the past, unalbe to cope with the stress of the hole situation or cause of an emotional overload. Reader would eighter keep a distance or cradel tarn to them
I ended up going a little silly with this one lmao
Tarn has been gone an unusually long time. Usually he’s threatening to kill you or whatever, but somehow he made it off the table. You were afraid he’d somehow gotten into the vents or disappeared somewhere else, you didn’t doubt his ability to actually harm you, but the faint sounds of sniffling lead you to a different conclusion.
In human culture, crying is typically seen as weak. While Tarn doesn’t exactly know this, he didn’t want you to see him leaking whatever was coming out of his eyes. His face felt hot and his nose was dripping, absolutely disgusting. He couldn’t control what was going on with his body, not even the noises that he was making.
You found him in a cabinet you’d apparently left slightly ajar. His overall demeanor was still the angry ball of hate it usually was, but now he was more vulnerable than ever. You couldn’t coax him out. He was the one to start up a conversation.
He asked what was happening to him. You told him the truth. “They’re tears”, you said, “humans usually get them when they’re really sad or really happy… and I don’t suppose you’re very happy.”
“This is disgraceful. Disgusting.”
“Yeah, well, it’s natural.”
“Not for me, not for a cybertronian!”
“But you’re not-“
“Shut it, you insolent organic piece of slag!” More tears poured from his face. You got the feeling this level of emotion wasn’t normal for him. “When I get back into my body, I swear to primus I will tear you limb from limb, and I will make it as painful as possible. I won’t stop until this miserable planet is dust.” He looked angry, but only for a second. His words hitched on sobs and cracked in pain. He tried his best to put on an intimidating persona, he did everything he could to scare you off, but he was too small. Too weak. You just stood there staring at him.
If he still had a spark, it would be aching. He felt his world shatter and with it the remainder of his composure. Tarn lost it. He cried. Hard.
No matter what he threatened you with, he still needed help. And when he was done crying that’s what you would offer him. That’s all you could do, really. Maybe one day he’d come around.
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tripleglitchwriting · 5 months
tf idw, Reader/oc & tarn
tarn end up on earth, laying in snow barely contious not understanding anything. And later learning also organic(still has some cybertronian features and his mask) barely give inches talk. How this happened, no clue! Maybe it's divine punishment(that happened after meg's kills him), maybe it was an artifact, maybe a magic curse. He gets found by a human, who knows what Will happen. Maybe they're a musician, doctor, pred, ... Imagine all the joys tarn will have dealings with an organic body, mental breakdowns(over everything) and an organic/human who je is now powerless against.
Oh my god Tarn having to deal with a human body is so funny to me. Having to eat, breathe, take care of his skin and hair, going to the bathroom, he hated all of it. Why were there so many different options of fuel??? He would be PISSED and especially reluctant to interact with any humans.
Though, the one that helped him out of the snow was unusually kind- a curtesy not many have shown him. They took him in (as unwilling as he was) and showed him how to live in a new body.
At first he was disgusted by nearly everything. The softness of furniture, the texture of food, the squishiness of his own skin. (Seriously, his body was incredibly inefficient). But the one who took him in didn’t scoff at him or disregard his new appearance. They didn’t know what he really was, or what he had done, and yet when he told them they didn’t run. They weren’t scared of him. Everybody was scared of him… except them. Even in this new organic body he could kill them, use any weapon to pierce and tear at their feeble flesh. Even after he threatened them, made attempts at their life, destroyed their things, they still tried to make his life as comfortable as possible.
The rest of the DJD would inevitably find him. And when they did they would turn him back. And then they would lay waste to this miserable planet for what it did to him. That was the plan, anyway. But now he felt his spark- heart melt at the sound of their violin. The complicated rhythmic movements of their fingers on the strings played a melody unlike he’s ever heard. He had no power here. But for the first time… he felt like he didn’t need power. He just wanted to sit and listen, to be what his previous life could never afford him.
A person.
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tripleglitchwriting · 5 months
Fun thought Tarn returns to normal mid redemption arc. Reader is now his pet. The species maybe be unworthy but he feels the need to repay the reader's generosity as a host. And you can take this with varying degrees of sincerity and menace.
Brb I’m going to think about this for hours now.
AUUUUUUUGUGGH Oh to be treated well by a big scary robot man. He realizes the reader was only trying to help him, but they’re still a tiny little organic. He still needs to pay them back, so what better way to do that then to give them a “better life” with him? Hehshehehheehe
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
Whatever kind of drunk tiny Tarn is, Reader will have to deal with hungover Tarn. Cause if Tarn's accidentally geting Drunk treating alcohol like high-grade, there's a good chance he's going to get white girl wasted. As a Mech he had quite a high tolerance both from being huge and being a substance user. In his fleshy body, not so much. Picture Reader has half of a handle of rum or bourbon they keep on hand for medicinal/culinary purposes. Tarn ends up drinking most of it. Poor bastard feels like death warmed over from once the puking starts to when the hangover clears out.
This is a very sad pathetic wet cat who thinks he's dying and has limited recall of what happened the previous evening.
Oh buddy, he’s gonna be so confused. Going from “I can’t believe you idiots drink this for fun” to “I can’t believe this body is to weak” to “what do you mean I can’t drink the whole thing why is it even there”.
Reader is very calming trying to explain it, but he is puking his guts out and cannot hear them. He is so incredibly frustrated that he doesn’t even have the energy to express it, so he just lays down without saying anything and just passes out again.
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tripleglitchwriting · 5 months
if Reader saves tiny tarn from a falling object or animal and gets hurt as a result how would tarn react ?
Depends on where he is in his “learning how not to hate humans” arc. If it’s early in the arc he’d probably either scoff and claim it was the least they could do, remain completely silent about it, or start threatening them again. If he gets hurt, he’d at first try to fight the reader trying to help him, but being so small there’s not a lot he can do. To save his ego, he’d probably say the reader should be helping a higher being like him because they’re an insolent organic or something.
If it’s later in the arc, he’s a lot more appreciative. At least the most appreciative he could be. Tarn is not happy about anything in the situation at all, but realizes the reader is genuine in their willingness to help. Instead of threatening or trying to be high and mighty, he might just huff or mutter out a thank you. If the reader does a good job healing him, his perception of organics might just shift a little in their favor.
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tripleglitchwriting · 5 months
tarn gets burritoed at least Once
He must stay burritoed until he apologizes for trying to kill reader. He is not happy about this.
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tripleglitchwriting · 3 months
tiny tiny tarn
The first time tarn gets really injured by an animal or from falling it would be somewhere between early and the middle in his relationship with the reader. So he wouldn't accept help and/or wouldn't lay down and rest(do what they tell him for his health). They would have to 'force' his somehow. Eighter by tucking(burritoing) him in some thick blancket so he can't really move or carry him around in their hands/him laying in you lap
😭����😭 He’s like an angry cat. He is PISSED.
I think if it was a smaller injury he’d mostly be upset about how fragile the human body is and he would NOT hold back of voicing his opinions about it (despite the fact he has said the exact same thing for over a month now). He’d try and act like he was better than the pain but eventually just try to hide from the reader until it healed.
If it was a bigger injury, like a broken bone, he’d be in more immediate trouble. Reader wouldn’t be able to take him to the hospital or anything because, obviously, so they’d just have to try and help on their own. Personally I’ve never broken a bone so I don’t know how it feels, but I assume he’d be in incredible amounts of pain. He may be used to pain in his normal body, but with his new body he can’t just turn off the pain. Like with a minor injury he’d still try to play it off. He wouldn’t get very far. They’d have to give him a cast AND wrap him in a burrito because that guy does not want to ‘stoop down to human level’ or whatever.
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tripleglitchwriting · 3 months
Reader gets drunk or is high do to some meda she had to take.
After returning home everything is a bit foggy a friend droce you back.
You see tarn, looking very displeased, about to most likely shout at you for who knows now. You pick him up, he startels.
Laying on the bed/couch you cuddel and eventualy fall asleep.
Hehehe small evil man is forced to endure a night of soft cuddles 😌
He’s very upset reader picked him up without asking and he’s even more upset that they’re not putting him down. Only then does he realize humans have something similar to engex, so he’s just going to have to deal with it for now. In the morning? Who knows.
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tripleglitchwriting · 3 months
tiny tarn starts to have a panici attack and Reader tries to get him through it(she puts him on her chets to hear her heart beat and breathing)
Tbh I can’t really see Tarn as a character having a panic attack because he’s always so in control of himself, even if he lost most of that strength physically. He’s way too bullheaded to let a human EVER see his weakness.
However, him being in such a different predicament than he’s used to would definitely have some mental effect on him. He wouldn’t let it show, really he’d just take out his emotions on the reader by insulting them and threatening violence. At least at first. As time passes, they both know his threats are empty.
It’s hard for me to write sympathetic Tarn because he’s such an awful person in canon. If he’s willing to go as far as he does to keep the Deception cause “Alive” (or whatever his goal is, I don’t actually know) then he will never EVER stoop to the level of someone he thinks isn’t even a person. I can see him breaking down those barriers bit by bit if put in the right situation, but unless there’s a very specific circumstance in which he lets himself sit on the readers chest, I can’t see it happening.
Though, what would be a specific circumstance where this could happen? Let’s explore some options.
-Reader forces him too. Maybe the man has gotten too rowdy or is in dire need of a mental reset. Maybe he’s now actually coming close to doing some damage, so reader takes things into their own hands. Literally. Tarn thinks this is some sort of human torture method. I mean, he can’t move and is being forced to come in contact with an organic being, what could be worse? But through his tiredness (another byproduct of his new body) he finds the beat of their weird spark to be comforting. Eventually, he falls asleep. Reader teases him for it after and does NOT let him live it down lmao.
-Tarn, for some reason, demands they do it. Maybe he things he can burrow into their chest and poke out their heart. (He is way underestimating how strong human skin and bones are) Maybe he thinks is a power move to have them cuddle him. He is really just trying to preserve any kind of power he has left. Reader agrees and the dumbass falls asleep. Afterward, he claims that was on purpose.
-He somehow got high or something. Or just mentally inhibited in that way somehow. He is so confused and doesn’t quite understand what is happening. In this state, he just likes the rhythm of the readers heartbeat and the warmth of their skin. Neither of them speak of it afterwards, but Tarn is secretly appreciative for it. Not that he’s ever admit it. (Note: I’ll put it out there that he’s not drunk because you shouldn’t lay a sleeping drunk person face up because they could throw up in their sleep and drown. If you have an asleep drunk friend, always lay them on their side! In this situation I just think the reader doesn’t want throw up on their shirt)
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
tiny tarn accidentaly gets drunk. What does he do ?
I think drunk Tarn would either be an asshole or really sad. I can see alcohol just intensifying his already violent tendencies. Or, if he’s really tired or for some reason not angry, he’d just be sad. Quiet.
It could do some good for his character development, being vulnerable and all. Because high grade is different than alcohol he wouldn’t be used to the effects it has on the human body. That would cause a whole other issue, but overall the whole ordeal would either result in a broken nose or a wet cat trainwreck of a man.
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
At what point would tarn's feeling towards Reader change ? (When would he stop hating them or start to not think of them as lesser ) Did something happen for him to change his mind ?
Hmmm, usually character development in stories happens after a couple key events depending on the character. With him being small, or even human sized, it would take him some time to even think of talking to reader on the same level as he would anyone else. They’d need to build trust.
Things like giving him food, teaching him how his body works, earth culture, and especially just listening to him talk. Tarn is used to dominating other people by force or by intimidation. Here he has neither of those things. He can’t force them to let him go, he can’t talk them to death, he can’t call on his friends, and he has no leverage. He’d feel vulnerable, and in any other situation that would mean death.
If reader treats him well and as an equal even after he lashes out, that would probably confuse the hell out of him. He’d think it’s stupid at first and decide that it’s just what “lower lifeforms” do, but after they repeatedly do it and after he realizes it is helping, he begins to open up.
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
Tom(friend): "Kelly!"
Kelly(reader): "Tom, it good to see you. How have you been ?"
**Tom happily talks while you keep a fingers over tarn's mouth while he's in your hoddy potcket**
Tom: "...but anyway how has it been for you? Anything exciting happen ?"
**holding a tiny person in her clothes who is actively trying to murders her hand**
Kelly: "not really. It's been normal all things considered"
I almost forgot to answer this one!!
But yeah, accurate lmao. Tarn would absolutely be trying to move her hand away or stab it with whatever he has. Tom’s gotta be suspicious of that moving thing in your pocket though.
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
what type of movies or show do you think tarn would Like the most ?
Probably horror. Slashers specifically. Why not watch a bunch of humans get gored in horrific ways? It’d probably be therapeutic for him.
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
reader gets drunk or has a depressive episode and just grabs tarn(or another members of the djd) and holds them close. Thats how they fall asleep
Awwww post redemption this would be really sweet. He’s kind of put off at first but he realizes you need this right now. So he huffs and lets it happen, maybe even snuggling in a little bit.
A little less fluffy pre redemption arc. He’s mostly screaming the whole time or secretly plotting to kill you somehow. It doesn’t work and he ends up falling asleep, much to his displeasure.
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tripleglitchwriting · 4 months
Reader in the Tiny Tarn AUs: I have no idea what the hell is going on and why you fell out of thin air into the snow in front of my house. Whatever's going on I wasn't leaving you to die of exposure in a blizzard.
Tarn: You don't believe that I am a mech!
Reader: Something prereternatural is going on. You being a Cybertronian forced into a human body/minature version of a human body is as good an explanation as anything else. And it explains how you are an adult in an adult body without any of the basic knowledge of bodily functions better than anything else I can come up with. So that's the assumption I'm running with.
Tarn: I.. wait, come again?
Reader: That being the case, the fact we have enough common ground to even communicate at all sits dead in the middle of the ven diagram between convergent evolution and malign intervention. So to clarify my prior offer. I am willing to pull out my old anatomy and physiology textbooks and go through the basics of how the body you curently inhabit functions. Including topics that are generaly considered taboo, too basic to mention or too base to speak of. That way you have the groundwork to begin makeing informed decisions regarding the current state of your physiological needs.
Tarn: Such a generous offer. And what, pray tell, good doctor, would you be receiving from this arrangement? Unless it comes from some inate sense of goodness?
Reader: Ignoreing the profession ethics and obligations I take very seriously? Also ignoring the potentially career breaking legal liabilities if you fuck off and die doing something stupid on my property? Well let's see we're snowed in together untill the snow stops falling and I/we can clear a path out to the main road. Untill that point, I have to deal with your sparkling personality every time you're startled by a normal bodily function or physiological variation. It's a way to combat the detrimental psychological effects of confinement and make my both of our lives easier.
Tarn: I will consider your offer, then.
PHEHEHE Tarn vs. Logic who will win? (it’s logic) He really got his ass beat with that one LMAOOO
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tripleglitchwriting · 5 months
Reader staring straight into tarn’s soul while on the palm of his servo, and he’s unnerved because you’re silent and you’re not usually this silent. Full on brick wall-stare. It’s been half a minute now and he’s getting concerned
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Looking at him like this while I pray he doesn’t obliterate me
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