imatiredtheme ยท 2 years
The Silenced Dj
My interpretation of Yugo's lore video, with some added stuff.
As the archivist placed the record(book) back, he found the need to read more. Something that happened often, he picked up one record(book), then another, and another, until he spent hours digging through the blue files(yellow pages). Usually leaving everything else he was supposed to do until the last minute. Eh, he'd written enough today, what's a few more records(books)? After reading a darker story, it was good to read something to lift you spirits, and though it made the next dark story hit harder, the emotional roller-coaster that followed was worth it.
And he knew just the one, while it wasn't exactly a happy story, it was inspirational. From the last few years of the Doomer's time, when a regime heavily restricted the populous. Yet, there was still one person that stood against them, up until his untimely death. Even then, many carried on his ideals, rioting in the streets, attacking patrols, and overall making the regime's job extreme difficult.
His metal fingers picked out the old video footage and accompanying articles before going back to his seat.
Article 277 of the android regime, under the National Protection Act, records the mental state of the nation and manages this.
The fifth item states that in order to record and regulate humanity's mental state, it is strictly prohibited to have more than a certain number of entertainment activities.
Bullshit. He thinks to himself every time he reads the opening words. He had no clue what the higher ups at the time where planning, but the effect was the complete opposite. It didn't help the first thing the tin cans did was dump a popular DJ into the river after crashing one of his concerts.
The DJ in question? A man named Yugo Asuma, who had quite the rebellious streak.
He'd been reported for minor incidents throughout his childhood, becoming a real thorn in the android's side when he entered the music industry. Holding numerous concerts in broad daylight to protest the restrictions and android regime, attracting an impressive crowd each time. Unfortunately, with the passing of Article 277, he was tossed into the river and never seen again. The archvivst wasn't surprising that a large group revolted in response, which lead to a period of chaos that destabilized the entire economy and eventually lead to the Doomer's extinction. By some ironic fate, the only surviving video of Yugo Asuma was his final moments, which the cyborg had watched many times by now, just like the escapee's footage.
There where actually multiple perspectives of the video, from the android's eyes, a nearby building's security camera, and even a lucky or unlucky bystander with a phone. His favorite was from the security camera, where he could clearly see everything going on. Well, about as clear a 400 year old record can get.
The first thing that greeted him upon pressing play was a blaring horn.
Then the rising roar of the audience alongside the music. Hands waved in the air, cheering with all their might as the black clad man appeared.
"Are you ready?!" He shouted to the crowd, his accent thick but not overbearing. The next second the beat dropped as he raised a hand in the air, the crowd's cheering following. It was difficult to see through the sea of hands, but the DJ's figure stood out on stage. A wide fanged smile on his face as he spun the black disks. Behind him, big and bold, the words "Hope in The Dark" and "Rights for Humans" in clear protest.
His advanced hearing picked up the noise before the ones in the video did.
The steady humming of a helicopter, growing louder each second. Like ominous dark, thundering clouds on the horizon steadily growing closer.
Yugo was the first to spot them, head snapping up as he froze. The audience quickly following just as the bright red androids showing themselves.
(There was always a bitter taste in his mouth knowing the resemblance he bared to the machines.)
Yugo's turntable shattered to pieces as the head android landed directly on it. The music abruptly cut off just as the crowd screamed and quickly fled the scene. A few braver members finding shelter nearby to watch the scene unfold. Yet in the face of their imposing forms, Yugo stood firm, face contorting into a scowl at the sight. Barely contained rage seething out as he glared, voice sharp and defiant.
"Oi oi oi! What the hell are you doing here?!" He demanded, crashing his concert was something he had, regrettably, gotten used to. Smashing his equipment? That was a fast, one way ticket to his shit list. Though these guys where definitely on something worse just by existing.
"'DJ'," The cold, static voice of the androids began as it stood, towering over the small human. "We've warned you several times."
"And we also told you that there wouldn't be a next time." A second spoke as the other two flanked either side of him. Effectively trapping him on stage, though he didn't seem very worried.
The man let out a short, bitter laugh before taking off his headphones. Not bother to hide his clear disgust towards the empty tin cans. "I'm still following all your 'rules', man," He used the term loosely. "What's your problem?"
"A new statutory provision has just been established," The head android immediately responded as it displayed the infamous article.
Article 277 of the android regime, under the National Protection Act, records the mental state of the nation and manages this; the fifth item states that in order to record and regulate humanity's mental state, it is strictly prohibited to have more than a certain number of entertainment activities.
Yugo simply stared at the words, oddly silent as the red beings continued. "It has been determined that you are doing more than the regulated number. Therefore, you have been designated as a target of the purge."
"Do you really think you can manage people's minds like that?" A sardonic smile spread across his face, the big sleeves of his jacket just barely hiding his clenched fists. "No! That's why you gotta add more weird rules, again!" He scoffed, unafraid of their empty gazes, cold static voices, and looming forms. "You don't understand humans at all!"
"This has been implemented based on past statistical data and human behavior," The android spoke, if he didn't know any better, or if they where at all any part human, it had just snapped. "There is no error in our android regime." Another continued as if stating a fact as clear as day, when in fact, every action went against human moralities. When every new 'rule' made the people more and more afraid. When every appearance brought him closer and closer to grabbing the nearest thing and turning the stupidly pristine metal to scrap.
"No, you are still ignoring us," Yugo's voice was surprisingly calm despite how badly his fist was trembling. "You don't know the reason why we're all stuck in this kind of place," It was happening again. No matter how loudly or how many times he spoke, they didn't spare him even a second of thought. "Cuz there's no light in this world. You know?" They where hardwired to enforce all the bullshit rules, and fully believe every word the guys in charge spoke. "There's no hope." Why would they bother listening to the words of every other human suffering as a result of the select few?
Even if he fell to his knees and begged, even if he cried his eyes out, they wouldn't listen.
His voice would never reach them through the overwhelming static in their heads.
The same song and dance as before.
"But we're still playing hard. We need to live for tomorrow too."
But there was one key difference between the past and the present. He wasn't afraid. At least, not of them.
"Come on, we own this freedom!" His voice rose, internal rage spilling into it. It was tiring, holding it all in. Suppressing all the noise in his head, acting like he didn't want to tear these things to pieces every time he saw them. "Don't take it."
"Whoever refuses to accept our commands will be eliminated. That is our policy." The androids warned as they moved closer the to DJ, seeming unconcerned with how badly he was shaking from the anger inside.
Another laugh escaped him, and he placed a hand on his head from the annoyance that was growing. The entire situation was absurd, and idiotic. "No! What the hell, man. You don't make any sense!!" Everyone had a breaking point, and honestly? Yugo was rapidly approaching his as rage began to boil over. The only thing that stopped him from going wild was the click of a bullet loading.
He froze again, the cold steel of the android's built in gun pressing against his forehead. Suddenly mortal fear replaced his blinding rage, and any protests he had quieted. The cold voice of red metal ringing in his ears.
"Stay silent and do not disturb the order. Submit to our voice. Know your place, human."
Oh, here we go again.
This wasn't the first time he'd been in mortal danger, and it wasn't the first time someone tried to silence him either.
This world is trying to keep me in the dark.
Throughout his life, the world seemed to deny him of everything. From the first time he played the guitar, to now, as he stared down the barrel of the machines that controlled everything.
And I really have no idea how to deal with it.
Music was his escape. The one way he could express everything he felt inside freely, uncaring of judgment and simply being him. And people loved it, they flocked to his voice, wanted even a taste of freedom that the world denied them.
This world is hard to live in.
But that didn't stop others from trying to stop his music. Simply by circumstance, or by destroying the things he loved. Everywhere he went, it was the same. But he kept playing, because he didn't- couldn't- give up what made Yugo Asuma, Yugo Asuma. It was tiring though, when the noise from others became too much. When it overwhelmed him, and he couldn't hear his own voice through the static. It was tiring, you know?
When they seemed to find fault in everything he did, no matter how hard he tried. How they isolated him, so he couldn't lean on someone. How when he was alone, he let out all the emotions locked inside so they wouldn't have more fuel to the fire. How everywhere he went people criticizing everything about him. His music, his voice, his looks, everything-
"Yugo, are you crying again?" How Ike-sensei placed these headphones over his ears one day, and everything stopped. "You know? We can block all the bad noises like this." He had said, after another day of criticism and isolation.
"Sensei, nobody wants to play with me. They all say I'm awkward." Yugo had admitted back then, the dam of emotions finally breaking as he cried endlessly.
His Sensei had just smiled gently, and brought him close. Silencing his cries with affection and comfort. "Oh you are not awkward! Every single person is special, I think people just don't see it," Ike-sensei had reassured his younger self, as calm and warm as ever. Before Yugo had begun to sing, before he found escape in tunes and notes. "There are many people in the world with different ways of thinking and cultures, and we live on by accepting each other. Yugo, why don't you try to learn English? You want to make friends, don't you?" He had suggested after Yugo's tears dried.
"I want to! But..." He had jumped at the chance, deprived of social interactions and company. "No one speaks English here... And I'm sure people will judge me." His fear had held him back, the want to be accepted and treasured kept him from anything that might make him more of a target.
"But you can make friends with people from all over the world. Isn't that wonderful? I'm sure you can do it, Yugo." Ike-sensei had known exactly how to quell his fears, the world was vast, with billions of people living in it. If he looked hard enough, Yugo would surely find people who accepted him.
"But I..."
"To borrow a couple of words from a certain demon I know," He had suddenly said, placing his hands on Yugo's shoulders to look him in the eyes. The scene engraved into his memory ever since. "Listen, 'you can be anyone you want. So don't be afraid and live your life, cause this world is full of hope'."
"I don't understand it in English." Yugo had pouted, not processing the words until much later, when he had complete his first song. The words ringing in his ear, giving him the strength to stand firm in the face of ever increasing restrictions.
"Well, I'm looking forward to the future." Ike-sensei had laughed, opening a textbook to begin Yugo's lesson in English.
You can be anyone you want. So don't be afraid and live your life, cause this world is full of hope.
But was that true?
The more years that passed, the more it seemed the hope Ike-sensei talked about diminished. The more time went on, the harder it was to be himself when everything was against him. The more he pushed, the further he went back. The more people where drawn to his music, the more targeted he became. Everything he did just lead to things becoming harder and harder, more restrictions, more rules, more enforcement, and less room to breath. Less time to sing, less places to have fun, and less freedom to do what he wanted.
Where was the hope in this hard to live in world?
He couldn't find it.
He, like so many others, was stuck in this abyss. This never-ended cycle of rules and regulations.
How much did he have to give up to get here?
How much did he sacrifice for tomorrow to come?
Too much to give up.
If he gave up now, obeyed these things for once in his life, what would that say? What would happen to all the others like him in the world? What would Ike-sensei think, knowing all his efforts ultimately went to waste?
Never mind his sensei, how could he face himself knowing he caved? When he spent all his life fighting the tide? Well... The answer was simple.
He couldn't.
"If I have to give up on what I wanna do... I'd rather leave this world!"
Yugo smiled, the rush of adrenaline fueling his burning hatred and rebellious spirit. His hand relaxed, voice even and calm.
The few remaining screamed in horror as the gunshot rang out, Yugo's body jolting back as bright red sprayed through the air. The smoking barrel filling the air with a burning smell as the androids didn't waste a second in grabbing his falling body. Dragging it haphazardly to the nearby river as a handful of onlookers suddenly sprang out of hiding. Desperate to save the last hope in their dark world. They didn't make in time. The loud splash of Yugo's body breaking water echoed in the empty concert grounds. Never to be seen again.
So was the end of the beloved DJ, Yugo Asuma.
Silenced for crime of being himself.
The archivist leaned back in his chair, and scrolled through the rest of the article. The fallout of the incident was huge, protests of people donning his outfit and blasting his music filled the streets. The android regime often resorting to violent measures to contain and disperse the crowds. Not that it helped, as people just found more and more ways to indirectly fight the regime and its restrictions. He chuckled at the thought of what the higher ups must've been thinking reading all the reports. The biggest advocate for freedom was murdered in front of everyone, and they thought it'd make everyone fall in line? Yugo was right on the money calling them idiots.
With another amused chuckle he got up to return the record(book) to its rightful place and browse for the next story.
Oh, here we go again.
He felt weightless, drifting in the freezing waters. Yet his breath escaped him every second, and his ears rang with the echoing shot.
This world is trying to keep me in the dark.
He doesn't know why he didn't die from the gunshot, but he did know it left a mark somewhere on his face from how badly it burned.
And I really have no idea how to deal with it.
Being slammed back first into the water didn't help with the dizziness he felt after the impact. Now his eyes struggled to open without vertigo flooding his senses.
I guess there was nothing I could do.
He faintly heard voices from above, shouting something inaudible from above the water. But he couldn't find it in himself to focus in on anything but the roaring thud of his heartbeat.
You now? Even in the hard times, I just wanted to play around.
He briefly worried about his cherished headphones, wondering if they'll ever work again. Before the cold realization slowly dawned on him.
I wanted to play freely, clumsily, and without any regret.
His large jacket that usually offered warmth and comfort now dragged him further and further away form the surface. Towards the dark abyss of the river, silencing him forever.
It concealed my loneliness, and showed me new things.
But forever is a long time, and there would be too many people missing the sound of his voice, or never hearing it at all.
All the while, I wanted to find a hope out of this darkness.
Light, gentle and calm, filled the dark water. Prompted Yugo to crack open his eyes at the sudden brightness, turning to look at the source. His blurry vision couldn't pinpoint the exact location, just the general direction of the soft violet-blue glow. It flowed in wisps, swaying in the current as it drew towards the injured man. A soft voice beckoned, clear despite his ringing ears and throbbing pain.
Yugo... Yugo Asuma.
It called his name, seeming to welcome his form as he grew closer. Small strings of color tenderly wrapping around his cold fingers, seeping with a warmth he desperately needed. Although he thought this entire encounter was a fever dream, or a hallucination in his final moments. Either way, the light radiated warmth, and his rapidly freezing body needed it to survive. Even as his blood filled the water, there was still a tiny voice inside him that said live. Screamed at him to not give up, and find what he'd always searched for.
He reached out, hoping to grab onto something.
A hand reached back.
Nails black, skin pale, but warm.
Yugo's blurry vision could only make out a magenta blob before darkness overtook him once more.
The rush of wind as cars sped past, the steady thumping of passing bystanders.
"Oh! Is that guy okay?" One spoke, spotting the black clothed man slumped against a wall.
"Hey, come! Leave him there! I think he's just a drunk." The other urges, despite the water dripping off his black and blue hair, and the slow trickle of red from his head injury.
Yugo Asuma didn't die.
In fact, he's doing very well.
With so many new friends, and the light he'll never let go.
He'll never know what force brought him hear, but when the night is over, he'll remember to say thank you, again.
Happy belated Birthday Yugo!! ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’™
I literally wrote this in like 4 hours in a frantic speed-type session.
I originally planned on releasing Uki's lore fic than this one, cause it makes more sense when looking at the plot I have laid out for the 5 fics. The reason why is because Yugo inspired me a lot. For context; I have a Wattpad account, and I only have a few stories/chapters published out of MANY. Why? Because I lost all confidence in my writing. I still wrote, but I never shared it with anyone, because I hate it but couldn't bring myself to delete it. Hearing about Yugo's experiences helped me a lot with regaining even a fraction of the confidence I had when I first started writing.
I love writing, I really do, but when it comes to sharing it with others? I want to tear it apart. That's been my life for the past few years.
It probably as to due with the fact I don't own social media but.... I won't go I into my personal life.
I'm currently broke though, so I can't support any of Nijisanji as much as I want, and I can't draw and don't own Twitter. So this is honestly as much as I can do. I'm trying to get an ao3 account, but IDK how long that will take.
I just wanted to support my favorite DJ and contribute even a little to this beautiful community the YuGuys have created.
Thank you, Yugo, for inspiring me to at least try and be better! Writing may not be my career, but it's something I've loved since middle school. Thank you for helping me bring it back!
If he ever reads my other work I'm going to throw myself out a window-
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imatiredtheme ยท 2 years
Some info
Pronouns: She/They/He
*awkward laugh of idk*
Sleepy-chan(reader) works
Sleepy-chan meets Noctyx
Sleepy-chan(vtuber) works
Sleepy-chan meets Noctyx
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