#shu yammio
imatiredtheme ยท 2 years
First Tumblr story post let's go.
Some context: This can be seen as an x reader fic, or a stand-alone. Sleepy-chan refers to both the reader and a vtubersona, so you can read it as you like! Background lore for Sleepy-chan; they were a small vtuber, but then was falsely accused of something which lead to their graduation, as well as some disorders like insomnia. They also had to physically move to get away from the toxicity, which is when they met Yugo. He hadn't debuted yet, then they got together and he debuted. Now they sometimes come into his stream if they're having trouble sleeping because Yugo helps a lot with their insomnia.
Set during the Luxiem v. Noctyx collab. Yugo had to step away for a moment, but Sleepy-chan didn't want anything to happen so they took over and proceeded to kick everyone's ass.
Chaos ensued, which leads into this!
Join one call.
Sleepy-chan typed to the world chat as Yugo pulled up a second chair to sit by them. Both sides would most definitely want an explanation of how Yugo went from a relatively new player to an absolute pro in the span of a few seconds. Noctyx likely already had figured it out, but they'd tried to stay out of the spotlight, for the most part, this was Yugo's channel, they didn't want to take focus away from that. Thus why almost none of the other Nijisanji members hadn't met them yet.
"I didn't know you played Valorant." Yugo commented once he sat down. Sleepy-chan stiffened a little, shrugging casually to hide their growing anxiety.
"I have experience." They simply said, not wanting to dive any further. Games like Valorant were their way of releasing all the pent-up stress from... Back then.
Why r u still here? Hurry up and graduate.
They spotted the comment in their chat, freezing for a moment.
It's okay. They don't know what they're talking about. They don't know. They thought while taking a calming breath. Moving to ban the user to prevent the pit in their stomach from growing. It's fine. Everything is fine.
They lightly shook their head, focusing on the present and not the comments from back then. Different place, different time, different person. Yugo took notice of their slightly bitter expression, before leaning over a softly kissing their cheek.
"They'll love you, I'm sure of it." He reassured, one arm hugging them gently. Sleepy-chan hummed, snuggling into his neck to chase off the sudden negative thoughts. All at once, the growing anxiety vanished, and they let out a pleasant sigh. At the beginning of their relationship, Yugo always flinched when they made physical contact, a side effect of growing up in a world controlled by androids. He did have someone there for him, unfortunately, that person left when he was still a young teen. Leaving him to figure out the rest on his own, with more and more restrictions coming each day.
Not that they were any better. But with enough time, patience, and affection, the both of them grew to welcome physical affection. Now, it was common for Yugo to suddenly hug them from behind, or for them to plop on his lab when they need a rest.
They let out a small smile as the others came onto the call.
"Somebody please explain what just happened." Ike was the first to speak up, sounding very tired.
"We got our asses kicked. That's what." Uki grunted a tad upset that he kept dying early on each round after the sudden shift in "Yugo's" behavior.
"Did Yugo hold back on us earlier? Or did he have an ace?" Sonny theorized thinking back to how easily they were beaten.
"OR he's been secretly practicing off-stream." Alban pouted, still a bit salty that he was the first to go.
"Or he has a secret roommate who's an absolute gamer?" Mysta offered, seeing as Yugo wasn't exactly the quiet type. They didn't speak a word while demolishing the mixed team.
"Don't look at me, I've got no clue either." Shu defended as Yugo went to unmute them.
"Yeah, I was just as surprised as you guys! I kept going "what the fuck"!" Vox exclaimed shortly after, one minute Yugo said he'd step away for a second, and when he comes back suddenly they were winning!
"It was pog," Luca chimed in. "But the no talking part was unpog."
"I have an idea..." Fulgur spoke up, being one of the few who had met them during the Getting Over It stream. Sonny interacted very briefly during one of Yugo's technical difficulties, but he must've thought they were just a friend.
"So..." Yugo started awkwardly and immediately a roar of voices sounded.
"Yugo, what the fuck was that?"
"Yo, did you pay someone?"
"Why did you always target me?!"
"I'm gonna get you back for this."
"Do you have a secret roommate?"
"Man's bamboozled all of us!"
"Yugo carried."
A small whine escaped Sleepy-chan's lips at the buzz of noise. Yugo quickly squeezed their hand for comfort just as Fulgur's voice shouted over all the others.
"Can everyone please shut the fuck up?!"
"You okay?" Yugo whispered as the cyborg spoke.
"I'm okay." They nodded as the other quieted down Fulgur let out a loud sigh.
"Okay," He began as Sleepy-chan looked over at the chat. Blue hearts and crescent moons flooded in, numerous messages of support causing a smile to form. How very different from their own chat way back when. "Yugo, I have a theory, but if you don't want to explain, you don't have to." A few voiced their displeasure at the suggestion, although understandable. They really hadn't planned on revealing themselves at all, but when the nightmares became too much, and they started losing hours of sleep, they had to do something. Yugo was the only one they felt safe with, the only one they truly trusted. While they did their best to not interrupt the stream itself, only trying to appear at the end, some night were worse than others. They still worried about derailing the stream each time they knocked on his office door.
They still remembered the backlash from the beginning, memories buried deep burned, they had feared Yugo could face the same treatment as they did. Forced to quit due to someone else. Or kicked out of Nijisanji for breaking contract, something that came far too close to happening. Yet, after he explained their situation, the exact opposite happened. Support came pouring in, people made assets for the two, even creating a model to use. The staff became aware of their insomnia and disorders and permitted them to appear due to the unique circumstance. Ironic that the fallout of their darker days now became part of the reason for their brighter ones.
They wondered when the lights were off, and Yugo had long gone to sleep, if this had been the reaction back then, would they still be streaming? Would they have listened?
"Well, if you're still okay with it." Yugo suddenly asked, bringing the fatigued individual out of their thoughts. Their eyes flickered to the screen, seeing the waiting members, the overwhelming support, and the encouraging smile.
If they'd had all this back then, how different would things be?
"Yeah, it's fine with me." They spoke up, loud enough for the discord to pick up, and with much more confidence than they had.
"Ayo, who was that?!" Alban shouted undoubtedly shocked at hearing their deeper voice.
"Who the fuck?" Uki blinked, trying to place a gender to the ambiguous voice.
"This is so pog!" Luca cheered, always ready to welcome someone new.
"Woah! Did that come from Yugo??" Vox exclaimed as his chat went wild with another deep-voiced member appearing.
"Holy shit..." Mysta muttered when they chuckled at the reactions. Their smooth, deep, and enchanting voice caused familiar reactions to the fox and his chat.
"Wait, is that the same one from back then?!" Sonny asked as he finally remembered the deep voice that had helped Yugo before.
"Okay, that explains a lot." Shu chuckled as he quickly pieced it all together. Ike only sighed at the revaluation, of course, Yugo had a pro gamer just laying around, because why not?
"I knew it!" Fulgur slightly cheered at his theory being correct. "That was Sleepy-chan, wasn't it?!" He quickly questioned as many of their chats also remembered the time when Yugo was revealed to have a significant other that often slept during his streams. A lot of people feared he'd be kicked off so early on but were both thankful and confused when he remained.
"Correct!" The one and only Sleepy-chan laughed once more as Yugo watched with a proud smile. "I've been waiting to meet you guys!"
"Introductions! Finally!" He cheered, bringing them close even though the others couldn't see. "This is my darlin', who we call Sleepy-Chan!" The Dj introduced while hugging them tightly, they giggled at his antics, nuzzling his head.
"Hi everyone!" They greeted, to which many returned. Yugo's smile only grew at the positive reception they received, the small part of him that worried the others wouldn't be so supportive vanished as they all laughed and complimented Sleepy-chan's skills.
"Yugo's in heat! He's in heat!" Alban cried as soon as he saw the chance to get some payback. "Someone google what to do!"
"Hey, I am not!" Yugo quickly denied in Japanese as the others burst out laughing.
"Oh, how the tables turn." Vox commented as the Phantom Thief and the Dj began to bicker.
"I didn't sign up for this..." Ike quietly lamented as the two energetic members went at each other while the others laughed.
Sleepy-chan looked at the discord server, seeing all the 10 names lighting up as the groups playfully bantered while chat egged them one. Then turning their gaze toward Yugo, watching as his slightly annoyed expression became tinted with amusement and joy. Taking a moment to bask in the pure bliss they felt when watching the interactions, they couldn't help but smile wide and laugh along.
If they had this kind of support back then, it was obvious that things would've been different. But, what had happened led them to meet Yugo, which lead to supporting him. Support grew to admiration, admiration grew to love, and love grew mutual. If someone had told Sleepy-Chan they would have all this during those times, they would've laughed at the irony of it all before blocking them. Now though, as they thought back to those times, it felt like a bad dream that lingered for too long.
A bad dream that vanished the moment they woke, embracing the new day in the arms of the man they loved.
All of them feel so OOC ;-;
Constructive criticism is welcome! This if a my first time posting something like this on Tumblr!!
How do I add read more-
"When Yugo said he needed a bathroom break, I thought he'd be gone for longer," Vox commented as he remembered how the character faced down for a few seconds before the camera went back up. "Should've known something was up when he came back a few seconds later." The demon chuckled, the sleepy one had gotten them all good.
"I didn't want anything to happen while he was AFK so I kinda took over?" They admitted while shifted nervously, still feeling a bit guilty at taking over his stream for a short period. "Thankfully, I have some experience with the game."
"Some?!" Mysta echoed loudly as others laughed at the obvious understatement. "You kicked our asses!"
"To be fair, I did try to nerf myself with a no ult rule." They defended as Yugo laughed loudly at the indignant squeak that came after.
"That's my Sleepy-Chan!" He cheered loudly, pride clearly spilling into his voice.
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imatiredtheme ยท 2 years
Some info
Pronouns: She/They/He
*awkward laugh of idk*
Sleepy-chan(reader) works
Sleepy-chan meets Noctyx
Sleepy-chan(vtuber) works
Sleepy-chan meets Noctyx
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