hq-analysis · 1 month
Haikyuu!! Chapter 241: The Chance that Was Left to Us
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Awww first years Daichi, Suga, Asahi, and Kiyoko with their captains. The cover is oddly poignant and bittersweet in comparison to the action-packed chapter. Anyway, I’m back to yell about the great scenes in this chapter. So it’ll be image-heavy, as usual. Onward!
Karasuno keeps on attacking that every has gotten a spike in at least once.
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Even the rare ones: Daichi and Tsukishima.
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Tsubakou is still keeping their cool regardless. They are truly nationals veteran. I have to tip my hat to Maruyama. Somehow I can understand why he’s the one with number 1 on his back, though I wonder why he’s not the captain. That’s one awesome dump by the way. Good job captain.
Now on to everyone in Karasuno!
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Hinata being a good blocker and decoy.  Although he is still considered less of a threat as a blocker compared to Tsukishima. At least you’re not getting ignored unlike before Hinata. That’s still progress. 
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Hahahahahahahahaha. Really, these two. Tsukishima has gotten to know Kageyama well enough to guess what’s on his mind. And Kageyama picks up Hinata’s odd nicknames, really Tiredshima? Hinata’s really rubbing off on him, isn’t he?
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Tanaka’s jump serves are getting better! Three serves on a row! Though the last one’s a bit of a miss. Still, he remains calm to turn it into a punch serve. Always the strongest mentally, our future ace, Tanaka!
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Noya, our guardian deity. ‘nuff said.
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Asahi has truly made his presence known as the Ace. His serves and spikes are to be feared. Go Samurai guy! *snickers*
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Daichi is getting more observant of his kids and aware of his surroundings. I have wondered at his expression before it’s later shown with his quick reaction to cover for Tsukishima. Good job Dadchi!
And last but not least, Suga! It’s about time for all third years to shine!
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Everyone’s expression is cute btw, especially Daichi’s and Hinata’s but… Kageyama’s? What’s with his face? XDD
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potatosetter · 3 years
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boink >3<
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orangejuuuice · 4 years
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Tiredshima! . . . . i might keep drawing tsukishima bec i really enjoy doing his hair. actually i just prefer coloring brightly colored hair in general haha (one of these days i’ll draw yachi too except she won’t have droopy eyes)
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mdmpsychosis · 4 years
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Tiredshima! . . . . i might keep drawing tsukishima bec i really enjoy doing his hair. actually i just prefer coloring brightly colored hair in general haha (one of these days i'll draw yachi too except she won't have droopy eyes)
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k8ecrowley · 8 years
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So much love...
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bika-x3 · 8 years
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Daichi receiving Sugamama with open arms ♡♡
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acheez · 2 years
i was on tsukki wikia and the amount of nicknames he has left me:
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Tsukki (by Yamaguchi, Hinata, Bokuto, Kuroo, Koganegawa, Lev, Shimada and Takinoue)
Glasses, Four Eyes (by Kuroo, Bokuto, Tendō and Oikawa)
Skinny (by Kuroo and Bokuto)
Stingyshima, Four-eyed Jerk Face, Suckyshima (by Hinata)
Lil' Bro Shima (by Akaizawa)
The Smirky Read Blocker (by Nishinoya)
The Normal Guy, Mr. Vanilla (by Tendō)
Tsukki-dude, Tsukki-poo (by Bokuto) (anime)
Tiredshima, Wearyshima (By Kageyama)
Pesky Firefly from Karasuno (by Shirabu, Haikyū-bu!! only)
Glasses-kun (by Yonezawa)
The Clever Blocker
Weirdo Quick Killer (by Ukai)
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mizumelona · 4 years
male matchup for haikyuu (karasuno) please? i'm a 5'2 female with long golden brown hair and light brown eyes. curvy figure. baby faced and long eyelashes, i look way younger than i am. i love that i'm quick witted and clever. i'm learning to love that i'm a giant friggin nerd. i have a very sweet disposition, but when i'm irritated or upset, my bite is extremely sharp. typically patient and slow to anger. i'm a bit too realistic, and i don't sugarcoat anything(1/2)
[i need someone who can take my sass and give it back to me, someone who isn't too sensitive. i enjoy dark humor, and wouldn't mind playful roast battles with my boyfriend. i'm not clingy, but i can be really affectionate. more than anything, i want someone to peacefully co-exist with. someone who's okay with being in the same room, doing different things and still considers that "spending time together". i really love meteorology/storm chasing, and i've been a ballerina for over a decade. (2/2)]
Ah so cute! Thanks for sending your request!
Out of the Karasuno boys, I ship you with…
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Forreals tho it’s so obvious why am I even here
Ngl the reason you probably caught Tsukki’s attention is your impenetrable wall of patience. He kept trying to roast you the first time you two met but you deflected everything and followed up with the sweetest smile. He got flustered and forgot to keep up his salty face.
The boy can reciprocate sass. Cue roast battles for days.
BUT he once made the mistake of pulling his usual salty attitude when you were already having a bad day. It wasn’t pretty. Ever since he’s gotten into the habit of asking how your day was at the beginning of your conversations to gauge how sassy to be.
He also loves when you tell it how it is. You sat in on Karasuno’s practice once and gave Hinata some well intentioned criticism. Hinata looked really dejected so you felt a little bad, but Tsukki was out here snickering.
“My girlfriend is the best”, *breaks down laughing*
Yes he gets flustered when you’re affectionate with him. Major blushing over the most trivial displays of affection. Don’t let the idiots on his team know.
For all his time spent playing volleyball, he’s still a low energy organism at the end of the day. He doesn’t mind at all if you both spend the day in his room sitting around.
Yes, you periodically drag him out to go storm chasing. Yes, you had to fight him to get him to come with you the first time, but once he saw the wonder in your face while you two were out he knew it was all worth it. Nowadays, he looks forward to going with you.
He definitely gifts you cute dinosaur collectibles.
He goes to all your performances. Akiteru convinced him to bring flowers first time he went, and it’s become a tradition for him to bring them. Except one time it backfired,
“Is that tsukki in the flower shop?”, “Where’s tiredshima going?”
And that’s how the whole Karasuno team ended up at your most recent performance. Tsukki was hella irritated, but honestly it was kind of cute. You teased him afterwards and gave him a kiss on the cheek. The whole karasuno team gasped. Tsukki blushed to his ears. He acted salty as usual as he walked you home afterwards, but the only thing you noticed was the stupid grin on his face.
Ya’ll are so cute together I can’t even
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udaitenma · 8 years
* (1/2) Hi! I’m just curious so I decided to ask: I was wondering how big (or small) does your team’s proofreader/editor change with your (or all TLrs of MS) translations. IIRC you mentioned sometimes your TLs were changed or some were even omitted (like your notes). Sometimes I read different interpretations/translations of the dialogues from other fans (as well as other MS projects like TG) with explanations. I heard that MS is more liberal when it comes to their TLs (or so they say?)
* (2/2) But I’m really grateful with your team’s work. You’re doing the community, the fans great favor of delivering us our favorite manga series for free. I’m just really curious with the process, especially the perspective of the translators (since Japanese is a very context based language). Thank you for reading! (English isn’t my native tongue so I may not express it properly. Sorry. ^^)-Hey - It really depends a lot on the week, the chapter, what I “originally wrote” and if that seemed weird to the proofer, or not. If I’m really unhappy about an edit the proofer makes, I’ll usually salt and ask for it to be changed. (Tbh in the past I used to argue a lot about the Bleach proofing changes when I was on Bleach, and I almost got kicked off the team for that HAHA but yeah we’ve been through a lot of ups and downs.) People always say MS is more “liberal” like it’s a dirty word. I don’t even know if “liberal” should be the correct terminology to describe translation style. In my opinion, taking unwarranted liberties with the translation and making shit up is not what a translator should do. However, translating everything word for word is just as egregious. It loses out on the nuance of the text, loses out on the way a character is portrayed, and loses out on how emotions are conveyed in the new language, if everything is translated word for word to the original text. It sounds unnatural, and it’s a lazy and unskillful way for a translator to do their work. People get so sanctimonious when translating and they say the do the translation literally, but too literal a translation and that just shows a shallow understanding of the base language they are translating from in my opinion. 
Like if I were translating French and I had written “and my ass is made of chicken”, I’m sure that’s really hilarious but it’s only going to be fully appreciated by the people who understand that it’s the french way of calling out someone on a lie - sure, it will make them feel great that they got the “in joke” and understood what the “original text” was, but the “English” way of saying it would be something more like “yeah and pigs are flying”. There is also a Japanese saying that can be translated to ‘a man like fresh split bamboo’. Do you want the Japanese in a translation note, and for the translator to ask the readers to go and google it? If people want to learn a language by reading literally translated text, they are better off actually opening a text book and learning the language rather than getting a language boner every time a Japanese translation satisfies their ego that they understand the original text or whatever.
See here in Haikyuu 241, “chance truly does, favour the prepared mind” is the common english phrase.
The FA version is an attempt at a word-for-word literal translation of the Japanese raws. If you wanted to know how this universally very common phrase is said in Japanese, you should go and pick up a textbook and start studying Japanese. If you liked the FA version because you could learn what the Japanese for it is,.. you should… go and pick up a textbook and start studying Japanese. A professional translation should not sound so awkward and janky imo. 
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I used to be more of a “literal” translator, but I guess I’ve slowly shifted my style a bit. The reasons for this is twofold.  One is undeniably a little bit related to the proofing - too literal, and I know it’ll definitely get changed, so I try to make it sound better in English (like natural English) in the first place so I can ensure it’s correct and that it won’t get changed into something that has a chance of being incorrect/compromising the nuance and feel of the sentence. Secondly, I have come to realise that it’s a waste of Japanese ability to translate everything word for word. It’s also important to be able to capture the nuance of a sentence, make sure it doesn’t sound janky or unnatural in english, and make the experience of reading a chapter immersive - as immersive as it would have been if people were able to read the original text. I want to have style when translating - if I wanted to get a literal translation, I’d just shove the whole thing into google translate. 
Some things that the proofer will edit, is for example, if you remember last week there was the sentence “cool as a pillow”. Now, that phrase is not really in my vernacular. Maybe the proofer honestly says it, or maybe he just wanted to spice things up a bit, I’m not sure. I am not a big fan of the phrase he used, and I understand that people want to know what the Japanese text actually said in this circumstance. I originally did only write “calm” in the text file. However, stuff like this part here in 243 this week:
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He says “nice game” in the original, but I felt like if he spoke English, he would say ‘good game’ as that is a more common phrase in natural sounding english than ‘nice game’. The word ‘nice’, as in ‘naisu!’ is something that has found it’s way into the Japanese language, and used a bit differently in certain cases to what is natural in English. You also know the phrase ‘gg’ gamers use? ;D That’s also why I felt this would be more common, if you hc that these guys do know gaming terminology to some extent (if they were English speakers). 
If you want to compare some bubbles between MS and FA scans (tbh I’m not a fan of the FA translations as they are rn, I miss the casanova translator :( but I went through their scan for you
My translation: It sounds more natural to me that when speaking to a friend, you’d make the language flow with the use of the word “over” and so forth.
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FA version - missing the word “over”, but nbd.
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My translation: In Japanese, using the person’s name could easily just mean “you”, but I thought I’d include the ‘Daichi’ here. I wanted to convey the nuance and flow of the sentences so it reads well in English too. I don’t feel that I sacrificed the original Japanese meanings, and I did my best to maintain the natural conversational tone and flow. I used “came to our match” to clarify, in the original Japanese it just says “Tashiro-san and Kurokawa-kun came!” which lacks a marker indicating where they “came to” - it’s very obvious by context and sounds natural in Japanese, but sounds unnatural in English to just end a sentence like that.
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FA Translation - You can see that they clarified by saying “tashiro and kurokawa are here” instead of “came to the match” which works too. Different choice of working, works too.
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My translation:
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FA translation:
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Again, same deal.
These aren’t the proofer’s doing, these are my choices for what I think sounds most natural and smooth in English.
As for the other discrepancies, like Lazyshima vs Tiredshima, as I’ve talked about last week… well, I don’t like to say this because think it’s in bad taste for me as a translator to badmouth other translations and call them out on their mistakes for no real reason (and I honestly can’t be bothered) but those are FA’s mistakes, to put bluntly. Same for “past students” vs “old boys”, the raws say “old boys”. I was actually tossing between OB and Alumni, but I think the use of the word “old boys” as a direct translation doesn’t lose out when it’s sounded in english - as in it doesn’t sound super weird or janky since ‘old boys’ is a thing in English too - so I just left it as is, direct from the raws.
If you see the display board page this week with all the school’s names - there are discrepancies there too between the two versions, because there is more than one way to read the Kanji. There are many alternatives per place name. That page probably took me the longest to translate,  because I spent a long time considering each of the different readings, and choosing what was the most common and likely reading and gave a lot of thought into it - I hope that pays off, and if there is clarification on the readings in hiragana in future chapters, I hope I could give people the right reading the first time, despite how insignificant that board is.
Another example you can see discrepancies is the chapter title for this week:
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sorezore no shosen, and FA has put “the other first matches” or something like that but ‘sorezore’ doesn’t really mean ‘the other’, it means ‘each/respectively’. Nothing in the word ‘sorezore’ could mean ‘other’. Not in the dictionaries, and not colloqually/contextually. Furthermore, even based off context, I think this chapter focuses on not only fukurodani and nekoma’s first matches, but also the wrapping up of karasuno’s first match and some insight into their match - so I wouldn’t translate the title as ‘other’. I would say this was a mistranslation. but I’m going to leave it there now because this could go on forever and I don’t want to just trash FA’s translations. 
To wrap it up - there’s no real way to definitely explain to what extent a translation is liberal, or literal, or which is better, etc. I can tell you too liberal is bad, too literal is also bad. I try to not to be google translation simulator 2.0 - so I do my best to make sentences flow and convey the nuance for an immersive and authentic reading experience (yes, newsflash, you can have an wholesome, different authentic reading experience without having the sentence being word for word translated from the Japanese to please the ego of people who want to feel like they know Japanese without actually putting in the hours and effort to consult a textbook)  .If the proofer changes too much, I will do my best to ask it to be changed. FA goes too literal in my opinion, but their translation has the bare bones and there is a demographic that do enjoy that particular style. However, because I’ve read the raws, I can tell you it’s not like the literal translators don’t have their liberal moments when the inspiration hits. It’s not really fair to ask a translator to explain exactly how literal/liberal their translations are - it’s honestly best to just learn the language yourself, get fluent, and judge for yourself. I know a good translation when I see one, as well as the fact that I can see laziness and mistakes when I see one - but it’s a bit difficult to exhaustively explain. 
Anyway, sorry this got so long. This is why it took me a while to reply, because I had to think of a response and set aside the time to write it! But I’m grateful for your interest and appreciate your support. Thank you, I hope you keep an eye on all the translations and enjoy the story. 
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thefairymagiduelist · 8 years
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Pfft Tiredshima, that’s a new one XD
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owl-setter · 8 years
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Tiredshima hahahahaha I can't
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udaitenma · 8 years
Hey Tenka! Thanks for the translation as always, you're awesome! Just read the FA translation as well, can I get clarifications on stuff? Like tiredshima/lazyshima, Tanaka's line about serving, and the page with tsubakou's 3rd years? If it's not too much trouble!
*cracks knuckles* Let’s do this lol.
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BATESHIMA! The “bate” comes from the word “Bateru” which means “To be tired/ to be worn out”.  
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There is no subject indicator here. So we don’t know from the words alone, whether Tanaka is talking about his own first service ace, or, Karasuno’s first service ace, or, The match’s first service ace, or, THE FIRST SERVICE ACE OF THIS ENTIRE INTER HIGH, OR, THE FIRST SERVICE ACE IN THE ENTIRE HISTORY OF SPRING INTERHIGHS EVER. 
L0l. So we have to look at context, and judge by elimination. Tanaka can’t be talking about the first service ace in the match against Tsubakou, ‘coz Himekawa at the very least aced twice in a row. He can’t be talking about the first ace for Karasuno, ‘coz Yamaguchi has aced in 234. (I can’t remember if anyone else has aced - but Yams has.) So I concluded Tanaka was talking about his own service ace. This is also based of the fact that Tanaka has been practicing really hard on his spike trajectory, and that the members of Karasuno in general (including Tanaka) are usually harsh on themselves, more so than they are on their teammates. 
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I’m guessing you’re talking about this line? It’s a very slang-y / colloquial sorta line, note the small text in the bubble that says “三年的に”. the “teki (的) part just means “-like”, so it would be translated to “third year like”. Which I think I wrote down in the translation, “Like the third years you are...”. Contextually,  Tsubakou captain wants his fellow third years to step up to the mantle and take their place as the senpai they are, and yell out that they’ll deal with Asahi’s tough serves (for morale boosting and showing the leadership and reliability that is expected of them as experienced senpai of their team). Hope that makes sense!
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udaitenma · 8 years
SHRIIIEEEEK - Suga's back! I'm so excited, Tenka! Thank you for the speeedy translation. (I'm laughing at Tiredshima and the way he's running off the court - hee hee)
You’re welcome, I had heaps of fun! Always makes my day to see prince suga ;d
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udaitenma · 8 years
Woah .. like seriously dude.. that was fast translations!! Thank you. Iloveyou 😘😘
Hahah I love you too! Thanks for reading babe ;9 TIREDSHIMA HAHAHAHAHA OMG KAGS PLS 
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