#Titus comes back from his rut induced vacation and finds Ardyn and Cor trying to court one of his disaster children
sparklecryptid · 2 years
“I’m stealing one of your Glaives,” Ardyn announces himself as he walks into Regis’ office and proceeds to sprawl dramatically in the chair in front of Regis’ desk.
“Are you?” Regis sounds vaguely amused, as though he knew this was going to happen. Ardyn would like to think that he’s not as predictable as Regis seems to think he is but Ardyn knows that Regis saw how Ardyn watched the fight between Cor and Nyx with delight. “At least ask him first.”
Ardyn rolls his eyes. “You don’t need to know whether or not Cor and I intend to court your Glaive,” Ardyn points out, “Besides, if we have our way he won’t be yours for long.”
Regis finally puts down the paperwork he had been going over and levels Ardyn a look that is decidedly unimpressed.
“I’m not sure that he’ll be won over as quickly as you think.”
“But you didn’t deny that we’ll win him over.”
Regis raises an eyebrow as he thinks of all the times he’s listened to Titus bitch about how troublesome the Kingsglaive are.
“You’ll have to deal with more than just Ulric,” Regis says, “He’s quite a pillar in his community.”
Good luck goes unsaid. Both of them know exactly how protective Galahdians can get.
“It’ll be a nice challenge,” Ardyn says with a glimmer in his eye, “They can’t be that bad.”
“You’re losing memories in you old age.”
“My memory is just as sharp as it was two thousand years ago!”
Regis doubts that.
Ardyn huffs in annoyance and stands to leave.
“My job here is done,” he tells Regis, “You now know that you’ll be out of a Glaive soon enough and that is all I have come to say.”
“Ardyn,” Regis calls as the man makes his way to the door.
“Watch out for Titus, he gets protective over his pups.”
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