#To Sail the Blue [3katanas]
n4kama · 11 months
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@3katanas liked for Sanji
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"Moss-head! Can you please stop your boyfriend from calling me a bloody penguin! It's bad enough that I have you insulting me at every turn. I have not done anything to your boy toy!" Sanji huffed in annoyance as he finished cleaning up from lunch, he automatically handed the swordsman a beer even though he was annoyed with him.
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advcnturewithin · 1 year
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@3katanas asked: ❛  i’ve been thinking about bending you over that table and just having my way with you.  ❜ (for Harry)
Harry shivered in response to the words whispered in his ear, a small noise of desire slipping past his lips as the images began to invade his mind, a heat flushing up the back of his neck and cheeks.
Ever since sparring with Zoro had turned into something more, the two of them couldn't seem to be apart for very long, it had even come to a point where Luffy usually requested that Harry and Zoro work together; the two of them protecting their crew and their captain to the best of their abilities while the others did their own things.
However, today was different. Luffy had gone with Sanji, something about wanting to find a specific kind of meat while Nami and Ussop went shopping; Gil following behind them as he usually did when he thought he might need to protect the other two, Chopped had also decided to go with them to stock up his own supplies since Gil always offered to carry them back too.
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"What's stopping you?" Harry taunted quietly as he leaned back against his partner, he knew that Sanji would beat the living shit out of them if he found out they christened his kitchen, but there was a thrill there that made Harry eager.
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bloodofthefates · 11 months
x. 'you got to be kidding me. that clown was worth 15 million berry. we should've stuffed his head in a bag and brought it with us. ' for Nami (I decided) from @3katanas
“What?!” Incredulity colored and raised the tone of her voice like a rigged mainsail. Nami spun on her heel, eyes wide and practically filled with dollar signs printed with the font of every wanted poster in the East Blue. “And we just left him there in boxes?! Getting paid in snacks?” The final word came out like a curse, her anger apparent and rising but the soul source of it the straw hat in the distance where Luffy remained contentedly seated on the ship’s figurehead. Staring at the back of his head for a moment, her jaw dropping as she shook her head wondering not for the first time that day if she was sailing with actual lunatics. “I’m gonna kill him.” She breathed, looking back to Zoro with her hands on her hips, at least feeling justified in her feelings that he regretted not collecting the bounty for the clown pirate too. Especially after destroying the entire town and enslaving the remaining residents for his own twisted amusement and fanfare. “I knew Buggy had a reputation but mostly just that. I didn’t know it was a reputation worth 15 million berry.” She groaned, running her hand over her face as her fingers pulled at her eyelids and down onto her lower lip. “You think we can still make it back and snatch just his head?” She asked suddenly, her conspirator voice coming out softly as if she was already halfway through bartering a deal he hadn’t even agreed to yet. “I can be in and out of there before anyone even notices. I’m faster.”
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n4kama · 11 months
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@3katanas liked for Killian Hook
Killian caught sight of the green-hair before he spotted the others with him, the sight of the swordsman made his hand automatically move to the sword on his hip before he took a deep breath to calm his temper.
He followed after the group and waited until his target split off from them, his hook catching a hold of the fabric at the collar of his shirt; yanking the former bounty hunter out of the street and into the alleyway with him.
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"I think you and I need a chat lad" Killian drawled darkly, his eyes flashing a little as he remembered gaining den den mushi from Gil about how his son had been attacked and had actually died for a few moments before they were able to bring him back.
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n4kama · 11 months
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@3katanas liked for Gil
Gil hesitated for a moment at the doorway of the medical cabin, he had been struggling to enter the cabin since Chopper had finally stabilized his best friend, the group had also stayed outside the doors, all had sat on the floor while they waited for the green light from Chopper about Harry being okay. It was hell.
The only ones to help Gil keep his sanity were Nami and surprisingly Sanji as the two of them bracketed Gil.
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He gave a small sigh as he moved to stand beside Zoro, he wasn't sure if the swordsman had gotten any sleep or had eaten anything; his hand shook as he rested it on Zoro's shoulder. "Have you eaten?" he questioned softly.
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n4kama · 7 months
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@3katanas because we're both enablers!
Pain was the first thing that Killian was aware of his consciousness finally came back to the surface. The next thing to flit across his awareness was the binds that were keeping Killian's arms spread above him, there was no room for him to tug against to try and gain some leverage, and it was easy for him to note that he didn't have his hook attached to the stump that the late Admiral Pan had given him when Gol D Roger was a rookie.
Keeping his eyes shut, and his body as relaxed as possible, Killian began to note the various injuries that spanned his body, if he wasn't found soon, then his other hand would be lost due to how tight the rope was binding him to the wall. His face was littered with cuts considering how sticky his skin felt with blood, but he was lucky that he didn't have any fatal wounds over the rest of his body.
He knew why he wasn't fatally injured yet.
The World Government had finally decided to send the worst of the worst after him, but also wanted his son and the 'demon' killed too, Killian was the bait after he had surrendered to keep Smee and CJ unharmed. His First Mate, the closest thing he had to a father, was held at knifepoint, already battered and bruised while trying to protect the teenagers after Gaston was knocked out with a blow from behind; the thing that made him surrender immediately was the threats made towards his daughter, something that a few of them had commented about already losing a chance to do to his son.
A sadistic smile began to grow as his eyes fluttered open, grimacing at the blood obscuring his view, he could easily hear his captors getting nervous as the 'SLINK' of metal echoed down the corridors where he was bound.
Looks like his son-in-law had taken the bait, but the idiots didn't realize that they had made themselves the prey rather than the predators.
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n4kama · 10 months
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@3katanas liked for Harry
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"Babe... you need to stop hovering." Harry sighed fondly as he gave his lover a small smile and watched him closely. Most would probably be exasperated with the hovering when healing, but Harry knew that Zoro was terrified of him dying again.
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n4kama · 10 months
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"Heave! Ho!. Til first light. She'll give a fight to all who try to claim The Shadow" Harry sang softly as he sat on the figurehead of the Going Merry, watching the darkness of the horizon as they sailed onwards to their next adventure "None can tame the one the sailors call The Shadow"
Gil frowned lightly from where he stood in the doorway of the kitchen, his eyes focused on his best friend sadly but he could easily spot the green hair of the man Harry loved.
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"A mighty tempest grew. The banshee cried 'Turn back!' but our resolve was true."
"I'm not sure if it'll be a good idea for you to go up there" Gil warned Zoro in an almost whisper, his eyes still not moving from Harry even when he spotted Luffy and Sanji inching closer to listen to Harry as he continued to sing softly. His friend was probably unaware of the fact that his voice was being carried along the winds so that they could hear him "This was his momma's song, as weird as it sounds, Uncle Killian says she would sing it while she was pregnant... he only ever sings this when something is wrong but no one can ever get him to open up... not even his Pa"
"We pointed bow ahead and shouted, 'We’ll break through!'. The jaws of hell can't hold us back" Luffy and Sanji shared a sad look when they caught Harry's voice breaking slightly when singing about hell not holding them back.
[ @3katanas hope it's okay that I give our boys some soft angst ]
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n4kama · 5 months
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[ Harry is a brat for @3katanas, he loves his man ]
It was rare to get the jump on Zoro, so Harry wasn't entirely sure if he had managed to catch his lover by surprise or if Zoro was humouring him but he was going to take advantage of it anyway.
He slipped the soft fabric around the slat of the railing where Zoro was napping and quickly linked said fabric around his lovers wrists before tying them up with a grin.
Slowly moving to kneel between Zoro's legs as he nudged them apart, Harry carefully ran his tongue up his lovers abs, looking up at the same time to catch his gaze. It was Zoro's own fault for napping in the sun and looking so tempting with his shirt slightly open.
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It had been too long since he had last had any physical intimacy with the man he loved, so he was taking advantage of an empty ship even if it was still before the all clear deadline that Chopper had given him.
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n4kama · 10 months
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@3katanas liked for Killian
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"How angry do you think my son will be with me for the state you arrived home in?" Killian asked amused as he eyed the swordsman, he had yet to face his son, knowing the guilt might actually cause the Captain to break down at seeing his son injured
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n4kama · 11 months
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@3katanas liked for Harry
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"So... hypothetically" Harry started nervously, a guilty look in his eyes as he shifted a little on his feet, the hat on his head being pushed down a little further as he tried not to look his partner in the eyes; the feel of the hat pressing down on his new ears was slightly uncomfortable but he needed to talk with Zoro before he revealed anything. "If we ended up with a third Devil Fruit eater on the ship... one that didn't mean to eat one, how would we handle that?"
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advcnturewithin · 1 year
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@3katanas asked: [ FORMAL ]  ―  for sender to tie receiver’s wrists together with their tie. (for Harry)
Harry was overwhelmingly bored, while he loved the little missions that the crew had been going on as they sailed, he hated when they were required to dress up like the penguin did every day. He felt uncomfortable in a suit and tie, all he wanted to do was take the bastard thing off but they were stuck in the gathering until they had the information needed.
The only good thing that had come from wearing the suits is that he had a feeling that Zoro may like how tight the suit pants were for Harry, especially since that was definitely something that Harry was happy about when he noticed that the fabric framed his partner's ass perfectly.
Feeling a hand tugging him into a restricted part of the building made him tense, until he caught the glint of the three swords that dangled from his partner's ear; he stayed still with a confused look as his tie was removed before he stiffened, heat building through him as his hands were tied behind his back with the fabric.
"mo ghràidh?" Harry questioned in breathless amusement
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n4kama · 11 months
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@3katanas asked: ❛  that’s it, baby, nice and slow. keep doing that and i might reward you later.  ❜ - for Harry [ACCEPTING]
Harry didn't know how to react to the words practically purred by his partner, he felt a shiver run down his spine as he gave Zoro a small glare over his shoulder.
Why his partner was being a pain in the ass while they were in a store where he could pick up some cleaning supplies for their weapons, he had asked the helper if they could try a particular item for his hook because of the difference in materials.
He didn't expect Zoro to be a tease while he cleaned his hook.
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"Really... while I'm just cleaning the hook?" Harry deadpanned in fond exasperation, the tips of his ears going red, "And what reward would you be able to come up with baby? what if I go against your orders and go fast?"
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n4kama · 7 months
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@3katanas asked: "so is that a ‘no’ to solving this with murder…? "
"It's a 'we'll see'" Gil snorted in amusement as he watched Harry closely, it was irritating him too that their latest adventure required subtly but also someone to get information from some of the women in the bar.
Usually, it was Nami that got the information that they needed, but that was when it was men that she needed to out-drink and steal from. Zoro, Luffy, and Gil weren't the most subtle about asking so resulted in being caught out easier, Sanji was useless actually talking to women without having a nosebleed and Chopper was so tiny.
So Harry was the choice, he could be suave when he wanted to be and flirt like the best of them, he also had the accent that sent girls wild and roguish good looks.
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"Depends on how uncomfortable they make him" Gil reasoned with the swordsman "Then we'll murder the target ourselves so the information isn't needed."
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n4kama · 7 months
The Sea
Wild Black Hair
A Hook linked to his belt or in his hand.
Old, worn, red, and black leather coat with silver inlay. His father's old coat.
black leather boots and pants
white, worn, and a bit tattered, shirt.
His Fathers first hook
A dagger on his hip
Three sword earrings in his right ear.
His parents wedding rings on a chain around his neck.
Leans against the closest surface when listening.
Closes eyes when focused on surroundings.
Easy-going smirk almost permanently on his face
A hand moves to his hook when feeling threatened or uncomfortable
The sound of sea shanties when relaxed. Or old songs of warning when somber.
relaxed naps beneath the sun [Usually with Zoro, Gil or Luffy]
The smell of polish on a silver blade.
Thumps of daggers hitting a wooden target when relaxed
Cackles of mischief shared with his best friend or lover.
tagged: @3katanas tagging: whoever wants to steal!
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n4kama · 11 months
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@3katanas asked: [COLLAR]: sender grabs receiver by the collar to pull them closer - for Sanji
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An involuntary whimper, that was a mixture of desire and shock, escaped Sanji as he was gripped by the collar and yanked close to the boy who he seemed to have a 'love-hate' relationship with.
He wasn’t entirely sure what had set Zoro off to grab him, they had been bickering like they usually did even though it was just them in the kitchen rather than around the crew. Their bickering often getting worse when they were around others.
"What moss-head?" Sanji snapped but his voice was weaker than he hoped it would be.
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