#[Harry Hook]
theamityelf · 3 days
Harry: All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate him Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate him And if he even starts to slip I'll eliminate him All it takes is one wrong look and I'll-!
Uma: Harry. We get it. Chill.
Me: We get it. You're not allowed to say "kill" on the Disney Channel.
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imahumashipper · 2 days
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This is my favorite thing I’ve seen all day lol
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dovesdreaming · 2 days
Marked by fate
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Summary: you and Harry shared soulmarks, you were destined to be soulmates but that might be tricky when you too have a strong dislike for each other. However, when the barrier comes down and your reunited you see each other differently.
Soulmates. A concept that felt like a cruel joke on the Isle of the Lost. With the magic stolen and the barrier keeping everyone trapped, soulmates were nothing but a fairytale, a whisper from stories about Auradon, where life was good, perfect, and where people actually believed in destiny. But on the Isle? Destiny didn’t exist. Or at least, that’s what you had tried to tell yourself. You glanced down at the tattoo on your wrist, the thin lines forming a hook, identical to the one Harry Hook wielded. It was a symbol that bound you to him, a mark of fate that had linked the two of you since childhood. You’d known what it meant from the moment you noticed it, but instead of bringing you closer, it only fueled your rivalry. You hated the idea that you were tied to someone like Harry. The very thought was infuriating. And Harry? Well, he felt the same.
Growing up, you and Harry had been enemies. The son of Captain Hook, and you (Y/N), daughter of Rasputin, the sorcerer. Rasputin, who had nearly mastered the art of death itself. While your father was obsessed with dark magic and curses, Harry was all about chaos and control. The two of you had clashed constantly, and the rivalry between your parents only made it worse. The tattoo, the soulmark, felt like some twisted joke. For years, you and Harry pretended it didn’t exist, battling with each other whenever your paths crossed. Sometimes it was a smirk exchanged in the streets, other times it was full-on combat, using words sharper than any blade. Then, Auradon happened. You were chosen to leave the Isle, along with a few other “reformed” kids. You didn’t have much say in the matter, Ben had seen something in you, something worth redeeming. So, you left the grime and chaos of the Isle behind for Auradon’s golden shores. It felt strange at first, living somewhere so bright and peaceful. For the first time, you were free from the cutthroat world of the Isle, from its darkness and from Harry Hook.
The mark faded, barely a whisper of its former self. But that didn’t mean you’d forgotten. When the barrier came down, you could feel it. It was subtle at first, a twinge in your wrist, like a small pulse just under the skin. You stared at the hook tattoo, the one you had almost convinced yourself was a mistake, a glitch in the universe. But now, as the Isle’s barrier fell, the tattoo seemed to come alive, humming with energy. You knew what it meant. Harry was close.
For days, you tried to push it aside, to ignore the way your heart sped up whenever you walked through Auradon’s streets, knowing that somewhere out there, he could be watching you. But that wasn’t Harry’s style, he didn’t lurk in the shadows. No, if he was going to make his move, he’d do it boldly. He’d make sure you knew he was coming.
It happened on a day that started out like any other. You were walking through the bustling market, admiring the fresh air, the sound of laughter, something that was so rare on the Isle. You almost felt…normal here. But then, you felt it again. That pulse in your wrist, stronger this time. The mark felt hot, almost burning. Your breath caught in your throat. He was here.
You spun around, eyes scanning the crowd. And then you saw him. Harry Hook, leaning against a market stall like he owned the place, that cocky smirk plastered across his face. His pirate coat billowed in the breeze, and his signature hook gleamed in the sunlight. But what caught your eye wasn’t the smirk, or the hook, it was the way he was looking at you. Like he’d been waiting for this moment. “Well, well, lass” Harry drawled, pushing himself off the stall and sauntering toward you. His accent was thick, his voice low and teasing. “Fancy meetin’ you here”. Your heart was racing, but you forced yourself to stay calm, crossing your arms as he approached. “Harry”.
He stopped just a few feet away, his eyes flicking down to your wrist where the tattoo was still pulsing, glowing faintly. His own wrist bore the mark of a small, dark potion bottle, the symbol that represented your heritage, your tie to the dark magic your father once wielded. You hadn’t known what Harry’s mark looked like before, but seeing it now made your breath hitch. “You felt it, didn’t ye?” he asked, tilting his head with a wicked grin. “That’s how I found ye”. You didn’t answer, but the look in your eyes was enough. “I knew the second that barrier came down, lass. Felt it burnin’ through me veins, like fire”. He stepped closer, his eyes dark and piercing. “But I’ll admit, I didn’t think ye’d still be here. Thought ye might’ve run off, pretendin’ ye didn’t feel it too”. You scoffed, refusing to let him see how much his presence affected you. “What do you want, Harry?”.
“What do I want?” His voice was dripping with amusement. He tapped the hook against his chin, as though thinking. “Now, that’s a good question. What does a pirate want? Treasure? Power?” His gaze locked onto yours, and his smirk faltered just for a second, replaced with something more serious. “Or maybe it’s somethin’ else entirely”. You swallowed hard, feeling the tension between you. This was Harry Hook, your enemy since childhood. The one person you’d fought against, the one you had sworn you’d never let close. And yet, here he was, your soulmate. The one person fate had chosen for you, as twisted and unfair as that might be. Harry took another step forward, closing the gap between you. His voice dropped, low and almost dangerous. “I spent years hatin’ this, ye know. Hatred burned hotter than anythin’. But now?” He raised his wrist, showing the tattoo. “Now, I’m wonderin’ if there’s more to it than just hate”.
Your breath caught in your throat, but you refused to back down. “What are you saying, Harry?”. He chuckled softly, though there was no humor in his eyes. “I’m sayin’ maybe we stop runnin’ from what we are”. Your eyes widened, and for the first time, you were truly at a loss for words. There was something raw in his voice, something real that made your heart ache in ways you hadn’t expected. But could you trust him? Could you trust the boy you’d once called your enemy? “I don’t know if I can” you whispered, staring at the mark on your wrist.
Harry’s gaze softened, just for a moment. “Aye, I don’t blame ye. I don’t trust easy either. But this?” He pointed to the matching symbols on your wrists. “This doesn’t happen by accident”. You hesitated, torn between everything you knew about him and the strange, undeniable pull that connected you. The soulmark burned hotter now, urging you forward. Finally, you let out a shaky breath. “So… what now?” Harry’s smirk returned, but there was a flicker of warmth in his eyes. “Now, lass, we see where this takes us”. And with that, he extended his hand, his real hand, not the hook. You stared at it for a moment, your heart pounding in your chest. Slowly, you placed your hand in his, the connection sparking between you like lightning. And for the first time in your life, you didn’t feel like running. Maybe fate wasn’t such a cruel joke after all.
Thank you for reading!
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aiodenhunt · 20 hours
I srs think that , once his children come out to him, Hook will start to tell all of his lgbt related stories. 😭
Harriet comes out as a lesbian? Nice! Did ya know I dated Morgana’s son once?
Harry comes out as trans? Aight. Now learn how to navigate while you hear me talk about a friend who was also trans. (Morgie.)
Cj coming out as pan? -sniff- She likes everyone… like a true Hook… Like father like daughter…
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jaladdin · 3 months
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someday we'll find it the rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers, and me.
all of us under its spell, we know that it's probably magic.
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kaivenom · 5 months
How you meet the Descendants' boys HCS
Carlos de vil
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You are the only one hacker in Auradon, so when you saw another person on lind doing your thing on the Auradon network, you decided to discover who that person was. After some digging on the internet and some observation on the real life, you discovered that your oponent was the son of Cruella d Vil.
You approached him on his way to the school and he seemed really happy that someone shares his hobby and can teach him something.
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Your fathers were Yasmine and Aladdin and Ben had the incredible idea of introducing you to the VK because your parents were enemies. He tried to impress you but your father taught you how to deal with tricksters and that led to him having the personal goal of getting you flustered.
Chad Charming
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You were a tansfered student from Arendell, emparented with Ana and Elsa, Audrey was your guide on Auradon. She presented you to Chad and well, you being a princess so beautifull with such an attitude (ice Kingdom=strong personality) made him get speechless and start to follow you like a puppy.
Ben Florian
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Your father is the chesire cat so you can somehow travel between worlds and barriers so when Ben saw you with Island clothes on the lake he was captivated. You are not used to talking to people so you escaped with a smile. A couple of days later you came again and he was waiting for you with a basket full of food and invited you to talk.
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You were Evie's sister, the black ship of your family because you were always really nice and good and couldn't hide it. So you were the first one to apologize to him about the team's behaviour and you always greeted him on the halls. That make him took the courage to ask you on a date.
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His father knocked him out of the house for the night and he was wandering around the Island, you saw him and thru him a piece of bread. He was really hungry so he took it and then went to sit next to you. You didn't know why he did that but he was pretty funny and a little dumb so you didn't considered him a threat and let him sit.
Harry Hook
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You are Scar's daughter (hibrid or witch human-lion) and you were on Lady Tremain's hairdress store, this was now your territory. Harry entered the place to recolect the money of the month and when you confronted him about the new situation and took the money away from him, he proposed to himself to take on your nerves everytime he could.
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magedoesstuff · 2 months
listen, i love harry as much as the next girl right? but i am done pretending that ben wasn't an absolute catch, like look at this cutie
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i get audrey cause if this was my boyfriend and the daughter of the woman who tried to kill my mother stole him from me by giving him a love potion i'd be bitter and angry too. anyway, this is my official coming out as a ben girlie.
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Protective Flower
Pairing: Harry Hook x Fem!Reader
Wordcount: 1.4k
Summary: While making your rounds of the Isle making sure everyone still fears your name, you run into an old acquaintance. Someone oversees this and doesn't take lightly to others touching what is his.
Bingo: @eclipsingbingo with the square 'Jealousy'
*Gif does not belong to me
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Boots clicking with every step, you had not a care in the world as you walked through the Isle of the Lost. Why would you? You were the daughter of Madame Gothel, the Mother Gothel. Everyone on the Isle knew of your mother's story and with that came protection, a blanket of safety that her name alone offered you.
That didn't mean you let the glare on your features fall or had your back turned on anyone for too long. With brisk steps you passed through different sections of the Isle, never staying for too long. It was only when you saw the back of someone's head whom you never thought you'd see again.
"Jay?" You slowly question, your voice hesitant in case who you thought was in front of you was an illusion or just an insanely good look-alike whom you've never seen before that day. It was only when the boy's head of long brown hair turned and a whisper of your name left his lips that you knew it was him. "What are you doing here? I thought you had gotten off this island and were at Auradon."
"Some circumstances have changed," He muttered with a coy grin, bounding his way over to you. The fast approach made you take a few small steps back, trying to put distance in between the two of you in case he decided to try something, though Jay bypassed this easily, one of his strides making up for three of yours as he wrapped his arms tightly around you. "I've missed you. We all have."
You froze immediately as you were engulfed, not expecting the embrace and hardly knowing what to call it. The feeling that arose from being trapped within Jay's arms was odd, almost comforting. That didn't matter though as you kept your arms glued to your side, not raising them to return the gesture.
"I'm sure it would've passed," You mumbled, voice gruff as you remembered what it had been like before Jay, Mal, Evie and Carlos left the Isle. How things have changed since then. Your words caused Jay to finally pull back, which you were both grateful for since the action was weak, though also longed for it to return, the simple contact something you have never experienced on the Isle evoking something within you. It must have been some trickery Auradon had taught them. "You never did say why you were here. And if you're here, I'm assuming so are the others."
"About that," Jay trailed off, hand sheepishly going to rub at the back of his neck. The action instantly had you quirking an eyebrow, never before seen such an action from the taller VK. Or former VK. "Carlos actually sent me to come and find you. We were wondering if we could use your help. Like old times-"
"What do we have here?" A taunting voice called out, cutting off the end of Jay's sentence, not that you needed to hear the rest of it to know what he was asking of you. You didn't even bat an eye to the new voice, coming well accustomed to it in the past year, more so than before Jay and his little redeemed squad had run off. "Runnin' into ya two times in a day has got ta be a good omen."
Jay's whole deemer immediately changed at not only the sight of him but also the sound. Turning an annoyed glare that held more heat than you knew Jay could still muster onto the newest arrival, Jay greeted him with a less than pleased grunt, "Hook."
Harry Hook, in all his glory, came out from the shadows he had previously lurking in so the deranged grin he was flashing could be seen by all.
"Don't sound so sad ta see me," Harry's laugh felt as if a harsh bite had sunken into you. It wasn't unwelcomed but such a stark contrast to what Jay had offered you moments ago. His eyes fell on you quickly, blue irises sucking you in as he walked closer, sealing his spot at your side as he wrapped a tight arm around your waist and pulled you flush to his side. "I was wondering when the two of yer would meet again. It was only a matter of time I suppose."
Jay's eyes locked in on the hand on your waist, Harry's fingers flexing at the sight as they curled in tighter. The sensation didn't hurt, not when you've felt it before. It was almost comforting, though in a different way to how Jay tried offering it. You weren't oblivious enough to not understand that Harry was staking his claim, however, making it known to Jay how things were running this time around.
"I didn't know the two of you had buddied up since we've been gone," Jay had to drag his eyes away from where the two of you were connected, never taking his eyes off of you as he refused to look into Harry's.
"Things have changed since you and the others were taken off the Isle," You shrugged your shoulders up as you spoke, giving it to Jay plainly. After he and the others left you were without a gang to call your own, leaving you to resort to other means of getting by. "Not all of us were whisked away to be Princesses and Princes."
"I can see that," Jay breathes out as if the words were vile on his tongue. You weren't ashamed of this. Just because you had grown closer to Harry and his crew in his and the other's absence didn't mean you were going to flip a switch now that they were back. "It was nice catching up with you. If you want to talk more, you know where to find us."
"I'll see you around Jay," You bid your farewell, surprised that Harry was able to remain as quiet as he did. Not sparing you another word, though his eyes flickered down to where Harry kept his hold on you, Jay turned away so he could make his way back to the hideout he must've come from.
"Now wasn't that a lovely chat," Harry chirped, rounding on you once Jay was out of sight. His other hand came down to your hip, resting there tightly as he slowly began to back you up. "I was just on my way to warn ya as well of Mal and her little crew's arrival. Somehow ya always beat me to it though."
"I must just be lucky at sniffing out people with pretty faces," You say, not a second later your back came in contact with the wall behind you, a small huff leaving your nose at the contact. With a cruel quirk of your lips, you bring a hand up to pass through some of his hair. "Maybe that's how I found you all those months ago."
"Cute," Harry barked out a bitter laugh, bringing his face closer to yours. Some of that bitterness seeped into his face as he looked down at you, his next words coming as a sting. "Uma doesn't want ya going near them. Who knows what they've brought from Auradon. And we all know how close ya were with them before they left."
"Good thing Uma doesn't control what I do then," You dipped your face to the side as Harry tried to trap your lips in a harsh kiss, his teeth ready to make an appearance. Instead, a kiss was left on your cheek, the pirate recoiling back once he realised. With a smirk of your own, you leaned in, trailing feather-light kisses across his neck and jaw. Your lips ghosted his skin, never staying in one spot for too long. "Though I'm sure an exception could be made if you asked nicely."
"Stay away from Jay and his friends," Harry spoke lowly, lips chasing after yours as you continued to evade him. With a raised brow, you stared at him as if you were waiting for more, leaning back so he couldn't reach you. With an eye roll from his dark eyes, an abundance of eyeliner smeared around them, he grinned out, "Please."
You waited a few moments, bringing both of your hands up to cup his face. Dragging him slowly, you brushed your lips quickly against his, muttering before finally giving him what he wanted, "I'll consider it."
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itsss4t4n · 7 months
hi!! could i get headcanons of harry hook x daughter of alice from alice in wonderland? :)
a/n: Okay so i made two versions of this. I started writing more of like an actual story wich is pretty long and then realized that you probably asked for more short relationship headcannons. So this one is the shorter headcannons. I hope you enjoy :))
Trigger warnings: very short mention of bad family dynamics, not proofread, she/her pronouns if used
So here is the longer story version
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Harry hook x Daughter of alice in wonderland - headcanons
-Harry would constantly ask you about wonderland and try to compare it to neverland. Its not really similar but he trys anyways.
-knowing about and visiting wonderland quite often made you kind of an 'odd' person but harry loves it. Honestly that man oves anything that is different and weird. He would fit right in with his dramatic and theatrical nature.
-You would mock his accent constantly but you both know that you love it. Especially mixed with his raspy morning voice. Heaven on earth.
-Uma and gil also probably love you. How could they not when harry adores you like does.
-speaking of: he adores you so much. Words of affirmation and physical touch are his love languages. He is always complimenting you and huging you, holding your hands or just standing/ sitting as close to you as he can. 
-He knows how you love it when he tilts up ypur chin with the tip of his hook, and he fully uses it to his advantage.
-steaing his hook to annoy him or as 'blackmail'
-he would be so nervous to meet your family but they pretty much love him immediately.
-he finally has a family that cares about him and that he can feel safe in (other than his friends obv.) because lord knows his own family was awful. Except maybe harriet. Speaking of she is the only part of his family you actually got to meet. She loves you but would still give you the older sibling talk 'if you hurt him i will kill you', etc. etc.. But Harriet is incedibly happy that harry has found someone that loves him as much as you do.
-Honestly you would just be such a cute couple. 
-but also one that can cause trouble. A lot. You are not against some rulebreaking if its fun. you never were. And with harry its always fun.
-Now... on a sidenote: THAT MAN IS AN AWESOME KISSER! LIKE FR. 
-anyways.. you guys are perfect together. Accepting each other with all your flaws. 
-true love <3
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dizzydizney · 2 months
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I was going to put Maddox on here but I truly feel like he never gets found out for his crimes
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kabishkat19 · 1 month
Descendant VKs characters💜
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The VKs in the style of their parent’s animated films (Only the ones appeared in the films).
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starboye · 1 month
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pairing: prince ben x male reader x harry hook
request: hey can you do a ben x harry hook x male reader where they Both fuck you but harry is really rough while ben is gentle. and harry is very kinky with pet names and stuff
warnings: smut, rough sex, slight degradation, soft sex, lil praise, pet names, cursing, oral sex
harry hook and prince ben, known for being sworn enemies but they had to put that hate aside when you arrived to school, the hottest guy they had ever layed eyes on and they both wanted you, but you... well you had an ego to say the least, very snappy and rude, harry didn't like that much so he decided to fuck you and ben couldn't possibly miss the chance to fuck you.
"yeah such a good slut for a us right" harry grins watching you go dumb over his dick, your face shoved into a pillow as you let out a bunch of moans and whimpers "c'mon harry you dont have to call him a slut" ben says caressing your back to soothe the pain you feel lower "shut up ben we both know he loves this" harry grunts pulling your hair to lift your face up from the pillows.
you let out a loud whine as harry does so, trying to hide your face from the embarrassment you feel "hey you okay" ben coos wiping the tears from your face, you nod slowly at his question before trying to cover your face again, not wanting to be any more embarrassed than you already are "harry dont you think you could go a little slower" ben asks.
"no the whore deserves it, walking around here like he's better than everyone else" harry says moving his hands to grip your waist as hi thrusts become rougher and harder "don't worry it'll be over soon" ben softly say as you continue to moan "can you shut him the fuck up, if you don't i will" harry says, and you know he will i mean he's done it before (which resulted in you not being able to take for a week).
"can you suck it just for me" ben asks stroking his dick lightly, you nod and lower your head onto bens dick, sucking is slowly as ben grips onto the bed sheets "his mouth feels so good right, i trained it myself" harry chuckles thrusting forward hardly to push you down on bens dick quicker.
you gag at the feeling of his dick rushing down your throat "harry!" ben yells "will you shut up and just enjoy this" harry rolls his eyes, his thrusts into slowing down for just a second before pick up pace again, you pull away from his dick out of pure instinct because of the hours of fucking he's put you through "don't run from it baby" harry says says quickly grabbing your hips to plant his dick back in your sloppy hole.
you let out a gargled moan at the feeling of his dick back in your sensitive hole but ben soothes you with his gentle words "it's okay you got this darling" ben says lightly guiding your head up and down "mhm just like that up and down" he coos resting his back on the head board, letting out satisfied groans as you pleasure him.
"fuck m'gonna cum" harry groans "then please cum and let y/n rest" ben pleas, his eyes still glued to the sight of you swallowing his dick whole"you want him to cum in you" ben asks you, you nod slowly, feeling your second climax coming on "yeah i bet you would, such a good boy for us" harry says slapping your ass and wrapping his hand around your dick.
he jerks you off at the same pace of his thrusts; rough and quick wanting you to cum at the same time, you moan around bens dick as harry does so, his hands digging into the mattress to keep them from grabbing your head and fucking his cock into your throat "fuckkk" you hear harry groan before his cum floods your hole.
his cum painting your walls white is just enough tip you over the edge and cum in harrys hand "it's your turn now big boy" harry huffs looking at ben, your eyes stared up at ben as you continue to suck him off, i mean ben wanted to hold out for a little longer but the way your teary eyes and needy face look at him has him thinking he wants to start a family with you.
"f- fine" ben stammer as just with the first utter from his mouth you were rolling your tongue around his tip and getting his dick all the way down your throat, he let out a long groan as he came in your mouth, some of it dripping off to the side "be a good boy for the nice man and swallow" harry whispers in your ear.
you swallow all the cum with a gulp as you and ben hold deep eye contact for a couple seconds before you let out a wince of pain as harry pulls out of your sloppy hole "hey break it up you love birds" harry says snapping you both from looking at each other "yeah i gotta get going anyways, princely duties and all" ben stammers getting up to stop himself from getting another hard on.
"yeah me too, gotta go do some things for my parents" you say getting out of the bed and putting on your clothes and walking out the room, the way ben watched you go with admiration in his eyes made you think this isn't the last time you were gonna be filled by the two.
taglist: @mailmango @spermeboy @ghostking4m @gayaristocrat
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versusvirtuous · 2 months
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dovesdreaming · 2 days
Pirates charm
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Summary: Your the daughter of Meg and Hercules, everyone always compares you to your mother saying your exactly like her. You couldn’t deny it either especially with how you wouldn’t let yourself swoon for Harry hook.
Being the daughter of Meg and Hercules wasn’t easy. On one hand, you were expected to live up to your father’s reputation. The strong, brave hero of Olympus who could move mountains and defeat titans. People looked at you like you were supposed to be just like him- noble, pure, a shining example of what a demigod should be. But on the other hand, you were also Meg’s daughter. And that meant you were sarcastic, quick-witted, and more than a little cynical. If your dad was all about heroism, you were about surviving in a world where happy endings didn’t always happen. Your mother had made sure you understood that. She’d been there, done that, and wasn’t about to let you fall into the same traps she had.
You were, as people liked to say, the spitting image of Meg. From your sharp wit to the way you carried yourself, always with a knowing smirk and a hint of sass in your voice. You weren’t a wide-eyed optimist like so many people in Auradon. No, you knew better than that. Which was why Auradon Prep had become.. a little boring. The whole "perfect world" thing? Yeah, it got pretty old fast. Sure, there were plenty of bright, smiling faces and happily-ever-afters, but after a while, it all felt a bit fake. Like everyone was just pretending everything was perfect all the time. You needed something different. Something real. And then… Harry Hook showed up.
The first time you met Harry, you were standing by the docks, watching the Isle of the Lost kids as they arrived on their ship. Ben had done his whole "integration" thing, and now, here they were, villains' kids walking the pristine streets of Auradon. It was all very dramatic, with people whispering and staring at the new arrivals, like they were some kind of dangerous animals let loose in a zoo. You didn’t care about most of them. But then, you saw him. Harry Hook.
With his long coat, swaggering walk, and that trademark hook hanging from his hand, he made quite the entrance. His sharp blue eyes scanned the crowd, taking everything in like he was already planning his next move. His smirk was lazy, but there was a dangerous glint in his eyes that made you raise an eyebrow. And when his gaze landed on you? Oh, he noticed you too. His eyes flicked over your figure, taking in the sharpness of your features, the confidence in the way you stood. Unapologetic, like you didn’t care what anyone thought. It was enough to make him pause for a second, his smirk faltering before returning even wider.
“Aye, what do we have here?” he murmured as he sauntered over to you, his voice dripping with a Scottish lilt that sounded both amused and intrigued. “Didn’t know Auradon had girls like you”.
You crossed your arms, eyeing him up and down. “What? You thought we were all sunshine and rainbows?” He grinned, his hook tapping against his side as he stopped in front of you. “Somethin’ like that. But I think ye’re more storm clouds, lass. And I like that”. You gave him a dry smile, the corner of your lips lifting. “I aim to disappoint”. Harry’s grin didn’t falter. If anything, it grew wider. “Ah, ye’re trouble, aren’t ye? I can tell”. You shrugged, glancing at him with a bored expression. “If you’re looking for damsels in distress, you might want to look elsewhere”. “Damsels?” He raised an eyebrow, his smirk full of mischief. “I don’t do damsels. I like girls who fight back”. You tilted your head, feigning interest. “Good, because I’d rather throw myself off a cliff than need saving”.
He laughed, a deep sound that was rough around the edges, like he wasn’t used to laughing much. But there was something about you that seemed to break through his usual bravado. “Aye, I can tell”. After that, it was like a game between the two of you. Wherever you were, Harry wasn’t far behind, and every time he tried his usual pirate charm on you, you gave it right back with a smart remark or a sarcastic quip. He’d call you “lass” and you’d call him “Hook” with a roll of your eyes, but beneath all the teasing, there was something else. Something you weren’t quite ready to name.
Because despite all the back-and-forth banter, Harry Hook was different from the others. He wasn’t like the perfect princes of Auradon, who threw themselves at you with grand gestures and shining armor. No, Harry was raw. Real. He didn’t pretend to be something he wasn’t, and he didn’t expect you to either.You liked that about him, even if you’d never admit it.
One afternoon, you found yourself sitting by the lake, enjoying some peace and quiet when you heard footsteps behind you. You didn’t need to look to know who it was “Should’ve guessed you’d be here” you said, not even turning around as you leaned back on your elbows. Harry sat down next to you, close enough that you could feel the warmth of his body. “Can’t help meself” he said with a grin. “Ye’re just too much fun to annoy”. You glanced over at him, eyebrow raised. “If this is your idea of fun, you need a hobby”.
“Oh, I’ve got hobbies” he replied, his voice teasing. “But ye’re definitely the most interestin’ one so far”. You rolled your eyes, fighting back the smile that tugged at the corners of your lips. “You must be really bored”. Harry chuckled softly, but then his expression shifted, turning more serious. “Ye know, ye’re different from the rest of ‘em”.
That caught your attention. You turned to him, curious. “What do you mean?” He tapped his hook lightly against his leg, looking out at the water. “Auradon, it’s full of people pretendin’ to be somethin’ they’re not. All smiles and pretendin’ everythin’ is perfect. But you?” He looked at you with those intense blue eyes. “Ye don’t pretend. Ye’re real”.’You blinked, not expecting the honesty in his words. For a moment, you didn’t know what to say. You’d spent so long deflecting with sarcasm and wit that someone seeing through you like that threw you off balance. “I’m just me” you finally said, shrugging as if it didn’t matter. “Nothing special”. Harry’s gaze didn’t waver. “That’s where ye’re wrong, lass”.
There was something in his voice that made your heart skip a beat. You weren’t used to this, this raw, unfiltered honesty. People didn’t talk like that in Auradon. They didn’t look at you like they could see right through the mask. But Harry did. And, gods help you, you liked it. You cleared your throat, breaking the tension. “And here I thought pirates only cared about treasure”. Harry smirked, his teasing nature slipping back into place. “Aye, well, maybe I found somethin’ better”. Your heart did another unexpected flip at that, but you didn’t let it show. Instead, you gave him a lopsided smile. “If you think I’m going to swoon, you’ve got another thing coming”. Harry chuckled, shaking his head. “Nah, I wouldn’t want ye any other way”.
The two of you sat in comfortable silence after that, the sound of the water lapping against the shore filling the space between you. For once, there were no quips, no banter just a quiet understanding. Maybe you and Harry weren’t so different after all. Maybe, beneath the sarcasm and smirks, you were both just looking for something real. And maybe, just maybe, you’d found it in each other.
Thank you for reading!!
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aksandvks · 2 months
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According to the Book Disney Descendants: Up Close! Mal was born in 1999.
She was 6 years old when she wasn’t invited to Evie’s 6th Birthday Party, which took place 10 years after all the villains were banished to the Island. Which places it in 2005. (Isle of The Lost Novel)
That means that That Auradon was created in 1995.
It also means that Rise of Red takes place in 2025.
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supercap2319 · 5 months
Y/N: "What is the height of stupidity?"
Harry: "I don't know. Benjamin, how tall are you?"
Ben: "1.80 m. Why?"
Harry: "There's your answer, Duckling."
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