advcnturewithin · 5 months
Feeling the fingers grip his chin startled Stiles enough that he visibly flinched back in surprise that someone other than Peter was willing to touch him without shoving him into the wall or out of the way. Wide eyed, Stiles moved his gaze back to the elder in front of him as he kept himself from pulling away from the touch; something inside of Stiles immediately trusting the other, and weirdly wanting to keep the grounding touch between them rather than hide away like he had been instinctively doing with the wolves of the McCall Pack.
"I wasn't strong enough to keep him out... I wasn't quick enough to keep my dad from being taken by the Darach so had to do the ritual that opened my mind to Him in the first place." Stiles argued softly, dismissing the attempt of comfort from the Kitsune "I made it easier for him to escape and to use me... If I hadn't..."
Reluctantly, Stiles pulled away from the touch and dropped his gaze to the ground as he started to twist the fabric of his hoodie in his hands, biting his lower lip hard enough that the taste of blood filled his mouth and reminded him that this was real.
"He's not my alpha. I don't have an alpha" Stiles spoke firmly, even though it broke his heart a little, he had known the moment that Derek had given up his alpha spark that Scott would never be Stiles' alpha even if Stiles remained human. The boy that was once his brother in all but blood had changed ever since he was bitten and it was a change that Stiles knew would always keep him and Scott separated. Stiles saw the world as it was, dangerous and grey while Scott still believed that there was only a world of black and white, with no in-between. "As scary as it is to admit... I only really have Peter. Ever since... Not even my dad can look me in the eye, the only thing keeping me in Beacon Hills right now is the fact that Peter needed his contacts to have a place to send information to when he was searching for answers."
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He didn't miss the way the other avoided his gaze nor the haunted look within their depths before Stiles looked away. It was a look he'd seen before in those who survived horrible traumas. Often it was from ones who believed deep down, possibly even subconsciously, that they shouldn't have. Whatever the reason, it had his hand shooting out, fingers gripping the young Kitsune's chin and forcing his face back up.
Remaining silent until those brown eyes once more met his he stated simply. "It's not your fault Stiles."
Letting the words hang in the air for a long moment he then continued. "The truth must be revealed, not for the sake of others, but yourself. Secrets such as these will eat you alive from within. If your alpha is unable to help you through this time then he is no true alpha nor a male that should be followed."
He didn't give too shits how Scott would handle the news. There were two options for the young male before him and they both hinged on if his friends and alpha would be able to support him through this time period or not.
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
Holding eye contact with the elder was difficult for Stiles, he had been having difficulty looking in the eyes of anyone other than Peter these days. Peter knew what he was going through most of the time, the wolf didn't really have as much guilt wracking through him as Stiles did, but he knew how it felt to deal with deaths of innocence on his conscious; even if it wasn't his fault. Peter held his pack's deaths in his conscious, believing that he could have done more.
Just like Stiles blamed himself for all the deaths that he had on his, even though he wasn't even in control of his own body.
The questioned startled him, and caused dream to run through him at the very thought of Scott knowing. He shook his head quickly and dropped his gaze as he felt afraid of the thought of the alpha of Beacon Hills finding out about him being part of the Supernatural community now.
"He..." Stiles swallowed as he tried to get his mouth to actually form the truth that he had been afraid to speak for some time, "He probably wouldn't handle it very well... he never accepted his own change, and, well... none of the McCall Pack really trust me. Not after Void"
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He'd arrived after the nogitsune had all but consumed Stiles. Forcing his subconscious into the background while he was in the mental institution. At least that was the information he'd gathered from the others. The fact that Stiles had been able to retain any part of himself was impressive and almost unheard of. There was a reason why the Nogitsune was the most feared of their kind and not just because of their base nature for chaos and destruction. They were powerful and often easily consumed their victims mind and soul until nothing was left to save.
To come back from such a possession was a feat in itself.
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His gaze flicked to Stiles' brown one, locking with it and holding as the answer to his first question was given. Ensuring the younger male knew that he had his full attention. Waiting for him to finish before sighing and sitting back slightly on his heels. Watching the newborn Kitsune for a long moment before asking the question he had a sudden feeling Stiles feared. "Does Scott know that you've been turned?"
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
On this blog I probably should have done this post ages ago but tbh, my one piece muses destroyed my muse for most of my older muses so I apologize for this. I will be keeping some of them, but not many.
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Okie dokie... I should have probably done this a couple of weeks ago, but oh well...
I'm going to be going on a hiatus/semi-hiatus with most of my threads going into my queue as well as some other things while I also sort out a new blog that will allow me to decrease my muses from both blogs.
[Putting this under the cut because it's a reason for this decision]
I have a week off work this week, however, I am also going to be going through small withdrawal symptoms as my doctor has decided to wean me off my anxiety medication. After being on this particular medication for over two years, it seems my body has become used to it and I'm beginning to suffer from side-effects that are causing me to feel detached from myself and reality most days, and if I'm not working then I can't find the energy to push myself to leave my bed.
I have also had to undergo blood tests to see if there are any other issues within my body, and am awaiting an appointment to have a laparoscopic surgery to determine if I have endometriosis as well as the severity of it and whether or not I can have children naturally which has always been a big thing for me.
Add all this together and my anxiety is haywire so my muse is very rarely awake nor is my desire to do anything but curl up and zone out with my kitty cat.
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
Jefferson nodded lightly in confirmation of the fact that Arendelle was covered in snow, in all honesty, it would probably be a little cute to see how Chesney acted around snow in both his mortal form and his Cheshire form. He chuckled at the offer of hissing at any guys that got too close to his youngest and grinned at how protective Chesney was.
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"I know it might be a bit cold... but I'm sure you'll be able to handle it and if I request to the Queen that you are to accompany Ally even if Ally isn't aware... well, you can cause some chaos if any supposed gentlemen decide to be un-chivalrous with our girl and the Queen cannot protest." Jefferson reasoned "It will be up to you if you want to reveal yourself to Ally and enjoy the ball as well, or you can keep to the shadows, but I will always trust you to keep Ally safe,"
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Chesney couldn't be entirely sure of that, but he would reserve furter protest until the Hatter told him what the mission was. Jefferson was someone Chesney trusted entirely - more than his own family at times. If it was thought this mission would be okay for him despite his tendencies towards chaos, Chesney could respect that. Plus Jefferson was one of the people the shifter always wanted to impress.
"Arendelle? With the snow?" It could be interesting. Snow. It would be interesting to see how much his fut could blend into the snow. "I can do that. I can hiss at any guys who get too close if you want?" a bodyguard-ish gig was something he could do. It helped he had claws and could scare anyone away from the youngest Hatter.
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
"Yes, but there is always the possibility that he asked me as a friend to keep others away from him so that he could have peace and quiet and he can also dissuade his parents from trying to arrange matches" Ally reasoned even though her blush deepened at her sisters words, the reasonings that she was coming up with was mainly something she had overheard from the prissy princesses of the school after they learned that she had been invited by her friend.
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Ally leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her sisters cheek before she nodded "You know your own style Han... but you are one of the few that wouldn't push conservative fashion styles onto me because it's a ball, you'd tell me the truth about if a dress would suit me or if the colours would wash me out and such. Please Han... I wanna spend time with my big sister...."
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"Typically, when one is asked to a ball be a Prince, it's because they like you." The redhead pointed out with a hum. A lot of Auradonian social norms were a foreign concepts to her, but one of the things that had always made sense when she had attended school was that people tended to invite their crushes to ball with them. Especially when it came to the royalty. To many rules to navigate being seen with someone they weren't interested in.
"Are you sure you wish for my help?" Hannah's eyes glanced down at the bright orange dress she was wearing and the lime green tights. "I'm not sure my kind of style would be appreciated at a Royal Ball - but I can tell you how pretty you look in everything you try on?"
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
Harry arched an eyebrow at his princess with just a look of fondness in his eyes as he gave her a 'really? You have to ask?' stare. He knew how his Princess worked, knew how possessive she could be and how vengeful when someone thought that they could tell her what she should do and who she should be with. The idiot made his disdain of Harry quite clear whenever they had to interact so it was easy for the pirate to put two and two together.
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He tugged her close and wrapped his arms around her waist, leading her in gentle movements even if there was no music before he pressed a kiss to the crown of her head.
It was idiotic that people thought that they could ever convince Vivian to abandon Harry just as Harry would never leave the side of his princess, even in death he would be by her side. Most of the territories and their powers knew that the two were an unbreakable bond that not even Uma could damage, not that she would, but it was an unspoken rule to leave them be or suffer the fate of Wonderland and Pirate Ire.
"I would be insulted if you hadn't" he quipped teasingly.
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@n4kama/@advcnturewithin asked: "I’m going to miss that boy. At least he’s in a better place now." [Harry for his princess, obviously <3]
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She blinked, surprise etching over her features as she turned to look at him, one elegant brow arching. "How in the world did you know I poisoned his tea?"
For she'd indeed poisoned the irritation that couldn't handle her rejection. Claiming that he, as the Son of King Candy could offer her so much more than a mere pirate. She'd been willing to allow him to live, even after such insults to her choices were made, until he'd offered insult to her dark knight. It was then that she'd slipped the poison into his tea. Offering words of assurance that she'd reconsider her options, before moving away to find her pirate.
It wasn't often that they all gathered like this. Various territories and powers in one place one the Isle often lead to deaths and violence. Which was precisely why she was sure no one would realize it was her actions that had caused the boy's death.
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
Ally snickered in amusement at Chester's reaction to her words, she had watched him set up the trap from as far away as she could be to try and hide her presence from him. She had no idea if he would have thought she was trying to stop him, but it was the opposite since she loved his brand of humour and enjoyed the chaos that he brought to Auradon. "You should be proud, Ches, considering I already thought you could be a massive pain in the neck as it was" she snarked with a small laugh at his over dramatic reaction "Of course... Some of us Wonderland-born thrive in your chaos so you haven't exactly achieved being a pain in my neck yet"
The blonde watched with a fond smirk as she heard the prissy princesses scream about their dresses before the obvious scream about blood even though it was only paint. Sometimes she wondered why she was stuck in this school... Then remembered it was the only way to keep her grandmother off their backs now that she was getting to the age that could be used for an arranged marriage.
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"And here I thought the words you would be waiting for your whole life would be something similar to being classed in the ranks of chaos that the Heart's and many others are in" She continued to tease as she moved over to the Cheshire and took the button from him, if the Headmistress caught him with it then he would be banished and her amusement lost, whereas Ally can easily lie through her teeth and claim that some of the princesses had irked her so Chester had offered her ideas. If the Headmistress thought that Chester was being somewhat helpful even in his chaos then he would still be around and still get his credit and the ire of everyone he pranked. It was sort of a win-win, she just hoped he could view it as such.
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@advcnturewithin asked: “   Well, I have to hand it to you. You’re a bigger pain in the neck than I would have ever thought possible.   ” [Ally to Chester]
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A shocked expression appeared over his features as his head whipped in her direction. Psychodelic eyes widened in surprise for a moment before he literally started to tear up. Dramatically raising one hand and wiping away a tear when it fell down his cheek he offered her a brilliant smile. "That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me."
This of course was done as he held a button in his other hand, an elaborate trap having already been set up to cause red paint to fall from the ceiling as if it were raining blood. After the last ball he'd attended he'd naturally decided that Auradon didn't know how to throw a party.
Sniffling slightly he then sighed, wiping away another tear. "To think I'd hear the words I've been wishing for my entire life on this night." Pressing the button he paused, waiting for the screams of horror and surprise to fill the air from the other room as he concluded. "You've warmed my withered insane heart Ally."
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advcnturewithin · 5 months
Stiles gave a short nod, noting the tone of voice that immediately halted any questions that Stiles could have sent his way about how he was used to dealing with situations that were similar to panic attacks. Usually, he would bombard others with questions without noting the desire not to answer them, but the side of him which was developing slowly since Void was deferring to the man automatically.
It was strange, having someone in front of him that made him want to actually listen to them without even trying; not even facing the villains of their pack had made him shut up or focus on their own desire for him to not question things.
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"None" he admitted quietly as he went back to chewing lightly on the cord of his hoodie "Peter noticed something different and approached me about it... that's why he went to you. But most of the stuff I know is from my own research, or from past experiences from when I've helped the others through their transitions. When Derek was still around, he needed a hand with Jacks because of the kanima still blending into his wolf shift... and Lyds with her banshee stuff. I'm the one people go to for help",
His pack never really noticed when Stiles was the one in need of help
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"Something like that." He didn't provide any further details even though he remained crouched before the other. His hometown was remote, away from modern civilization and so when younger kitsune were first allowed to leave, they often went with an elder to help if the sounds or scents of a city were too much for them. It wasn't regarded so much as a panic attack but as a natural part of growing up for them. Something they all had to deal with at some point in their life.
However, he'd come to learn that turned supernaturals had it worse since the heightened senses weren't something they were born with. Though the young alpha here seemed to have a much better grasp on his than most turned supernaturals. Particularly since he'd not had a true pack or alpha to guide him in learning.
Shifting back to settle more of his weight on his heel his head tipped to the side as he watched the other. "What kind of help have you received since shifting into a kitsune?"
As he waited for the reply he looked Stiles over, trying to figure out just what kind of kitsune the other had become after the nogitsune had left him. There were many of his kind after all and his main concern was that because a void kitsune was the reason he'd turned it would be the kind Stiles had become.
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advcnturewithin · 9 months
Stiles was usually used to moments of hypersensitivity. It was a part of growing up with ADHD, hypersensitivity to everything around him, which had often led to panic attacks or isolating himself when he was small But what he was dealing with now seemed ten times worse, it wasn't just hypersensitivity, but it was like the noise of the car horn physically hurt with how loud it was and how quickly it bombarded his system; as if the very vibrations of the sound attacked his nerve endings.
His eyes had automatically closed as he tried to keep the sound and pain at bay, but somehow it was like he could physically picture the elder kitsune in front of him, his voice was soft but closer to him than it should be given the mans height and Stiles being hunched over. When he cracked his eyes open slightly, he noticed that the man was knelt in front of him, he took a deep, shaky, breath as he tried to focus on the soft tone of the others voice, the even softer vibrations slightly soothing; it reminded him of times where his dad was willing to hug him close, listening to the man murmur reassurances, most of the words inaudible but the vibrations always sounded soothing.
That seemed to have stopped ever since the nogitsune, his father could barely look at him, it was why Peter had become the grounding source for Stiles which wasn't exactly healthy considering the mental state of the wolf.
Slowly focusing on the instructions of the man, Stiles managed to calm down enough to note the subtle hints of the kind of cleaning agent that someone would use on blades, a smell he recognized from when Argent showed him his collection months ago to try and scare him; it didn’t work, it just made Stiles more curious. He also recognized the smell from when he held one in the illusion that Void had made him experience. But rather than getting scared, it made him feel slightly comforted.
"Past experience with panic attacks?" Stiles questioned roughly as he finally started to get his bearings again, his eyes roaming over the elder male, there was something about him, an aura of age that made Stiles feel like a little kid.
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Standing before the new Kitsune he watched Peter leave the room from the corner of his eye, arms folded over his chest and stance firm. His feet planted with the kind of strength that made him seem immovable. Attention never left the other until the door was closed and then slowly shifted back to Stiles.
When the other doubled over, hands flying to his ears he sighed softly. It was like dealing with a newborn, only worse because he was a teenager.
Finally moving he crouched down before the other, putting him lower than the younger male to provide a level of comfort. It wasn't submission, but a sign that he was no threat as he said softly but firmly. "Focus on my voice and nothing else. Let the rest of the world fade away. Listen only to me and use my voice as an anchor. Then focus on what you can feel and smell. Let your other senses come to the surface over the one that's causing you pain."
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advcnturewithin · 10 months
Peter raised an eyebrow at Zoro's order, he looked over at Stiles to make sure that the teenager was okay with being left alone; while Zoro was once trusted by his late sister, Peter held more respect for Stiles than he did Zoro and had more worry for the young man so refused to leave him alone.
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"I'm okay, Creeper," Stiles mumbled quietly when he noticed that Peter hesitated, he spotted the hidden worry in the wolf's eyes, Peter being the only one who actually noticed that Stiles hadn't been right since the nogitsune incident. He gave a weak smile when Peter gave a dramatic huff and left the apartment to the two foxes.
Stiles chewed his lip nervously as he tried to keep his twitching at bay, automatically flinching, his hands shooting up to cover his ears at the sudden sound of a car beeping its horn outside of the apartment, pain shooting through him at the noise.
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He'd come not because of the request from the irritating wolf who had called in the favor that had been owed to his sister and previous alpha, but because of what had just happened in Beacon Hill. The boy before him probably didn't recognize him since he'd arrived after the Nogkitsune had taken him over, but he knew who he was. Stiles. The right hand of the new young Alpha of the area.
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"Get out wolf before I cut you in two." He had no patience for the failed alpha and quite frankly didn't feel like smelling him either. Scott was probably one of the only wolves he'd ever met that he could tolerate. Leveling a dark look at the older male he arched one emerald brow, making it clear that either he left or he'd not be helping with the young male before him.
Though if he was forced to leave he'd be finding Stiles again, for the young mortal now had the lingering scent of his kind upon him. His aura in disarray as if fluctuating between mortal and supernatural.
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advcnturewithin · 10 months
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@3katanas finally gets his Kit
Stiles fidgeted with the drawstring of his hoodie as he nervously chewed on the collar of said hoodie, his eyes not even coming up from the floor as he heard the almost silent approach of someone coming closer.
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The young man wasn't sure exactly who he was waiting for, but he was also keeping the information from his friends too, he had asked Peter for assistance which may not have been a smart thing to do, but Stiles surprisingly trusted Peter Hale more than he trusted Alan Deaton.
When Peter had learned of the new senses that Stiles was dealing with, he had told him that he was definitely not a wolf, but he had also admitted that he could see what looked like shadows surrounding the young man when he used his wolf sight. So he had contacted a Kitsune he could trust to possibly train his favorite former human researcher.
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advcnturewithin · 10 months
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Stiles Stilinski - Kitsune Verse | Canon divergent from series 3B
When Void emerged from Stiles' body, neither of them was aware that he had left a small part of his fox within the human boy, it wasn't just Void draining Stiles that caused the young man to slowly lose his energy and get colder and colder.
It was the fox within him that was slowly changing his very being.
The moment that Void's temporary body was destroyed, the fox spirit came alive within Stiles and he became a Shadow Kitsune, not one born of blood, but one that has been born of chaos and pain. He is not a Nogitsune, not entirely, but his own fox can become stronger with the more chaos that he is surrounded by.
Tag: Born from Chaos | Kitsune Stiles Alternate Tag: Chaos and Strife | 3katanas
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advcnturewithin · 11 months
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@dreamingonthedaily asked: Have you tried the door? (Alora & ?)
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Jane huffed softly in light annoyance, her eyes moving to the other at her question "Of course I've tried the door... many may think I'm stupid, but I'm not... how are we going to get out of here?"
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advcnturewithin · 11 months
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@dreamingonthedaily asked: This? You couldn't see this? (Evie & ?)
Ally hummed in thought as she watched the former Villain Kid, the blonde never understood why they were called 'villain kids', it sounded wrong and like an insult rather than a descriptive term.
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"Not really," Ally shrugged lightly, twirling her pen in between her fingers, her eyes slightly unfocused due to the migraine building "My observational abilities aren't the best on bad days... my apologies if I broke something or have insulted you in anyway."
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advcnturewithin · 11 months
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@dreamingonthedaily asked: I know what your trying to do... (Gil & ?)
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"Oh? What exactly am I trying to do?" Carlos questioned curiously, his head cocking to the aide as he observed the older boy.
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advcnturewithin · 11 months
Stiles frowned at the unconcerned attitude of the young woman in front of him. He knew that many dismissed mental health and therapy, but even Stiles knew the benefits of having someone to talk to. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to find anyone in the know that could help him, but he always made sure to research techniques that could help his pack when they struggled.
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"Morrell is always in the wind... last I saw her, she was working in Eichen" Stiles offered with a light shrug, he was always wary around Deaton and his sister, they both tended to disappear when they were really needed, but knew to come back when they needed to offer unhelpful advice. "Satomi offering is good... but you need someone that isn't so entwined in your life, an unbias person to talk to so they can offer proper help."
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Carrie just shrugged, because the human in front of her was a part of Scott's pack, in the supernatural world, that made the druid anyone in that pack's. She scoffed a little and shook her head. "Druid's aren't the best placed for mental health. Deaton's sister is a therapist though, but she's in the wind at the moment. Satomi's assured me I can come to her whenever I wish though." That didn't stop the nightmares or her fear of hunters though, her mistrust of everyone.
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advcnturewithin · 11 months
Harry waved a small pin in front of her with a smirk and a small wink. They were Isle kids. Of course, he knew how to pick a lock.
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The smirk faltered a little as his eyes narrowed at being called a dog, he was Uma's first mate, the closest thing they had to friends on the Isle, he wasn’t some dog chasing her heel and following orders. But he kept those words locked in his head. He wasn’t going to let Mal know just how annoyed he was whenever someone insulted his loyalty to his captain by comparing him to an animal.
"If ya must know," Harry grumbled "I needed ta find some information and in this area, yer the one tha should know it if it truly is yer territory..."
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"Hilarious, but that door was locked. And I can handle you, if I need to." There's a roll of her eyes by his arrogance, a nature she's quite used to. This is her territory - he belonged on Uma's side of the Isle, not here. "Are you lost? Or did Uma let her favorite dog off the leash for the day?" Her head tilts, smirk on her lips.
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