#To do something stoopingly is to do it with a slumped posture
unravelingwires · 4 months
Jaya physically showed the most signs of the war after it ended. That made some sense. Astra was a healer, the person who most commonly patched Jaya up after scraps, so she knew that Jaya won her fights by tanking injuries most people would dodge. When people expect self preservation, having very little gives you an edge. It wasn’t that much of a surprise that she was the first person after the war to start physical therapy, walk with a cane, or avoid the stairs.
It was kind of sad to see the most active person Astra knew slow down so quickly. Jaya seemed happy with the trade off, with being soft and worn instead of quick on her feet and made of sharp edges, but Astra remembered the way Jaya looked when she scrambled up trees, and she kind of missed it.
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