willicewc · 1 year
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Quick sketch of an au where Shrewpaw/Shrewtail survives :)
Shrewtail might be a bit of everyone's dad like Brackenfur ? From his few apparitions in the books, he is a nice, understanding and friendly cat who cares about others !
He would not take kindly to Spiderleg ignoring his kits. I like to imagine that maybe, instead of Leafpool talking to Spiderleg about his role as a father when he is sick with a cough, it would be Shrewtail !
I just really like Shrewpaw, he was one of my favorite character from the second arc when I was a kid !
I would also like to thanks everyone for your support, reblogs and comments on my recent posts, it means a lot to me !! :) Sometimes I can be a bit clumsy with how to answer as I use Tumblr mainly as a personal blog to post ideas and sketches so please forgive me for the delay in answering or for my clumsiness !
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spectorwing-blog · 7 months
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Just Daisy and all her kits
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magpiesky · 2 years
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With, at one point; his sister, his sister's wife, and his daughter all in the nursery...... Cloudtail should have been the first tom to be a queen
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leafpoolstanblog · 5 months
Willowpelt retires.
Cinderheart, Poppyfrost, and Hazeltail become warriors.
Foxpaw and Icepaw are apprenticed to Ashfur and Squirrelflight. Frostfur retires after their apprentice ceremony.
Darkstar dies. Jaypaw is re-apprenticed to Mistlebird. Runningstar promotes Ashfur to deputy.
Squirrelflight dies when the tunnels flood :( Icepaw is reapprenticed to Spiderleg.
Daisy and Spiderleg have a litter; Rosekit and Toadkit.
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willow-wc · 7 months
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Alphabet Warrior Cats Day 4-D! For letter D I did Daisy the Horseplace cat who joined ThunderClan at the lake territories! With her she has Rosekit (The cream kit who becomes Rosepetal) and Toadkit (the black and white kit who becomes Toadstep.) i wish I darkened the line art but it’s too late now lol. Hope you like it!
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bonefall · 2 years
Why is applefur jealous of marshwing ?
Her jealousy definitely didn't start off murderously strong. It was pretty standard stuff before the Dark Forest twisted it into open hate.
Marshwing and Applefur are from the same litter, but Marshwing's life is charmed. He's saved from an eagle, by the warrior who becomes deputy of ThunderClan, surviving serious wounds. He's a marvelous apprentice. He grows quickly into a respected warrior. He's picked to go on the journey to save the lake at the beginning of OotS.
Basically; He's a great warrior. It's not too out of left field to be jealous of him.
Another dimension I do want to add though-- Toadkit died in the fox trap that canonically kills Marshkit. He might have died saving his brother. I think it could be VERY juicy if the Dark Forest starts encouraging Applefur to blame Marshwing for this, saying that he was supposed to die instead.
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Last but certainly not least, it's Toadjay!
Silly little man. Big orange cat energy. Nothing going on in that brain of his. DVD logo bouncing around in that empty ass skull of his.
His mentor is Warblermoon!
he reminds me of someone
can't really place it.....
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letyachan · 46 minutes
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Son of Daisy and Spiderleg
"You're the best at fighting. ThunderClan's so lucky to have you. I don't think you'll ever get hurt! I'm going to be like that one day. I'll defend my Clan and none of my enemies will be able to touch me!"
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maplewood126 · 8 months
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Toadtail was one of Brackenstars strongest followers alongside Jaggedscar. He acted as deputy when smokestride left Brackenstars group for the rebellion near the end of the war. Toadtail is a brutal tom-cat who was a dangerous enemy in battle. Despite his more... round... structure, he is quick moving. He earned the suffix tail in his name after it got mangled by a fox and required amputation. He would die in battle after his throat was sliced by Vultureface (stormclan)
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duskliight · 1 year
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Toadkit wakes up every morning and chooses violence against tails…
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saffronscales · 2 years
22 Toadfoot?
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I won’t burn long
And evidence of your done wrong will be gone
In seconds I swear
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angiebumblebee · 4 months
LarkClan Bios #3- Mossflower
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Current Name: Mossflower Past Name(s): N/A Gender: She-Cat Pronouns: She/Her Age: 24 Moons (2 Years) Rank: Medicine Cat Mentor(s): Laurelclaw (Deceased) Apprentice(s): N/A Mother(s): Lionfang (Deceased) Father(s): Galefoot (Deceased) Sibling(s): Perchkit (Deceased), Toadkit (Deceased) Crush: N/A Mate: Tawnybreeze (Currently in HareClan) Offspring: ???
Description: Mossflower had always been shy. Play-fighting with other kits made her anxious, and she hated the thought of having to do it in real life. She would always find excuses to help out in the medicine den, cleaning out old nests and talking to sick patients. When she was a kit, a harsh Leaf-Bare caused an outbreak of yellowcough. The severe disease claimed the lives of Perchkit, Toadkit, and Lionfang, Mossflower's littermates and mother. Her father Galefoot was devastated by the losses and became distant when it came to his remaining daughter. Watching her family fall apart from such a terrible illness settled the idea of being a medicine cat apprentice in Mossflower's mind. Currently, now that she's LarkClan's sole medicine cat, Mossflower is a little worried. While she's completely confident in her abilities as a medicine cat and is still sure this is the path she would like to take, her relationship with a HareClan tom is leaving her torn. She doesn't want to abandon her duties and leave her clan behind, but she has a strong longing to follow her heart and be with the cat she loves.
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leafpoolstanblog · 1 year
Smokepaw is apprenticed to Runningnose. Tigerclaw tries to tell himself he wouldn’t have wanted to train a cat that was “weak-willed” enough to seek out a medicine cat apprenticeship. 
Fernshade and Wolfstep have another litter; Applekit, Marshkit, and Toadkit. 
And we’ll say Mothwing goes on the journey.
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theanoninyourinbox · 6 months
Longstar Au – Three Stars Rising, One Star Falling
Inbetween Books
Spiderleg is bullied into the Healer’s den by Darkmoon, and is revealed to be In The Family Way.  He refuses to name the Sire to the clan at large - citing Queen’s Rights - and entrusts the name to Sootfur, who joined the Elders as a Historian after his severe injuries fighting the badgers. Toadkit and Rosekit are adorable, but Spiderleg often leaves them in the Nursery with the Queens.  Sootfur visits often enough that the kits see him as their father.
Charkit of Sorreltail’s litter is discovered to have only three feet – Brackenfur suggests naming her Cinder but Sorreltail refuses, wanting her kitten to have her own future, not weighed down by her aunt’s sacrifice.  Her striking resemblance to the Healer, and her similar leg scenario, still weighs upon the kit, who works with Darkmoon and a supportive Cloudtail to exercise and navigate life.
On a border patrol, Whitewing finds an injured tom named Birch, and carries him back to camp.  He recovers from his (somewhat embarrassing) fall from a tree, and joins Thunderclan.  He brings tales of his birth family – The Sisters – and Longstar is curious but cautious about the group.
Frostfoot semi-retires to become a historian and tactician, and Whitestorm informs Longstar of his intention to retire as well.  Longstar despairs at choosing a new Deputy, and falls into a restless sleep after Flamewish drags him into their nest.  He dreams of the old Thunderclan camp, watches it shift into the new camp, watches it float and crumble in a dark sky.  Suddenly, a bright star flares, and the constellations of Silverpelt spring to life.  The star warps into a great cat, one half of their face spilling nebulas and colors, that cradles the clan back into a whole.  He wakes, knowing exactly who to name. The next day, Longstar calls a meeting, and announces Whitestorm’s retirement.  Longstar calms the clan, calling forth a cat who has cared for Thunderclan and for the connections that Thunderclan has created within their allied clans.  He calls forth Brightheart to become Deputy.  Brightheart is shocked but delighted, Cloudtail and Daisy dance around their mate, and their kits crow gleefully.
Soon after, Crowfeather comes over to visit Swiftpool.  He shares the news that his foster sister Nightcloud and her mate Gorseflicker are now parents to three kits – Breezekit, a little black tom; Locustkit, a black and orange tortie molly; and Eveningkit, a grey and golden molly.  Swiftpool notes that Hopfoot will have plenty of time to spoil his grandkits now that he’s retired.  Crowfeather jokes that Gorseflicker cried over his kits so hard he was kicked out of the Nursery by Nightcloud, and Swiftpool laughs so hard she goes into labor.
By nightfall, three more kits have been born.  Crowfeather names Jaykit after the brilliant blue of his eyes, Swiftpool names Hollykit after her spiky fur, and Lionkit is named for his loud cries.  As the kits grow, Lionkit is noted to have the shorter legs like his Granduncle Fireheart.  Jaykit is blind, but already uses his senses to navigate fairly well.  And Hollykit is anxious and easily moved to emotion by others. They are supported wholeheartedly by their family and clan.  
In Windclan, Breezekit plays with Whitetail’s kits Heatherkit and Galekit.  Locustkit and Eveningkit escape camp one night and discover a series of tunnels.  Mudstar is delighted to refound the Tunneler Role, with Locustkit loudly declaring that she wants to be one.
Leopardstar watches her clan grow, watches Hawkfrost befriend the local otters, watches Mistyfoot teach the next generation how to fish in these new waters.  She is determined to do better – to be better – and a starry-coated cat silently agrees.  Stonefur remains her unseen shadow for the rest of her days.
Blackstar and Russetfur, Leader and Deputy, chosen siblings, peer into the Nursery.  Tawnypelt and Rowanclaw are curled around three new Shadowclanners.  A golden tom – Goldenkit – a fiery orange tom – Emberkit – and a creamy molly – Dawnkit.  All the promise of a new morning, not weighed down by the cloying shadows of their grandfather.
Outside of the clans, Sol seethes.  He still has some of the power the Rotten Storm bestowed upon him, but knows instinctively that the day he uses the last of it, is the day he loses his voice forever.  In his wanderings, he comes across a mysterious old badger, who warns him that unless he changes his ways, unless he gives up on vengeance against the clans, that he will suffer in ways he could never imagine.  Sol glares at the beast, but his eyes catch on a berry juice mural of the moon overtaking the sun, and leaves with a new plan in mind.  Midnight scoffs at the foolish tom, knowing that no matter what he does, his waning power will strip him of everything he holds dear…
Sandstorm and her kittypet friend Millie make it to the Hope’s Rest Clowder, and Sandstorm does not take the news of the clans moving very well.  Thankfully, Darkstripe gives them basic directions to the mountains, and the pair of friends head off.  The Clowder’s friendly twoleg healer watches the exchange in interest. She’s convinced that these cats are intelligent, and vows to protect them as best she can.
Apprentice Adventures
On the day of their apprenticeships, Hollypaw chooses to become a Warrior, and is apprenticed to Ashfur He promises to help her grow into her own pelt, and Hollypaw nervously but proudly accepts.  Jaypaw wants to be a Hunter/Tracker, and is assigned to Brightheart and Snowthorn.  He’s giddy with relief, having doubts that he would be allowed to be anything but a Support Role.  Lionpaw has already been nearly living in the Healer’s Den, so it’s no surprise that she wants to join their ranks. His uncle and granduncle welcome him cheerily.
At the next Gathering, Jaypaw’s keen ears hear Mousepaw flirting with Riverclan apprentice Minnowpaw, and muses to Hollypaw that there may be a new cross-clan couple.  The Leaders are interrupted by a commotion – Coldlight screeches SANDSTORM?!?!?!?  Longstar leaps down and the whole of Thunderclan greets the long-missing molly.  She introduces Millie as a potential clanmate, and Graystripe immediately starts flushing and stammering.  Millie is charmed by the fluffy fool, and asks him to escort her to camp.  Coldlight pulls Sandstorm to the side as soon as they get in eyesight of camp, and has a private conversation with his long-time crush.  She asks for time to process his love confession, but assures him that no matter what, he will always be her friend.
The next morning, Sandstorm gathers up Longstar, Flamewish, and their many kits, and tells them of a dream she had.  A starry cat who identified himself as Micah had given her a Prophecy – Three of thine leaders kin shalt be gifted by the Stars, and They shall spark a great Light that shall Burn Back the Clawing Dark.  He had vanished before Sandstorm could pin him down and get an explanation, and freaked out Millie quite a bit. 
The group tries to figure out who it is, ruling out Cloudtail early to his annoyance and everyone else’s amusement.  Swiftpool points out her recent litter, and Fireheart notes that Lionpaw always seems to know where another cat is hurting. The apprentices are gathered, and after some questioning, Jaypaw admits to sometimes being in his sibling’s dreams. Hollypaw realizes that the last time she got into a fight (against a rather pissed off chicken that escaped the Horseplace) she hadn’t gotten heavily injured when it definitely pecked her hard enough to draw blood.  But when she stepped on a thorn she was bleeding?  Lionpaw easily talks about feeling other’s pain, but had thought he was just very empathetic?  Flamewish calls for Yellowfang, who pops in and confirms that Something Is Up.  The siblings are Star-Blessed, but not to let it get to their heads. The old molly scoffs, and says that Micah is an old Skyclan spirit, and had a noted soft spot for kits, so meant no harm.
The siblings are shaken, but do their best to keep on going.  Lionpaw finds his connection to Starclan when Jaypaw and Breezepaw fall into a hole during the Peacetime Competition and he has a Vision of their distress.  Jaypaw works hard with Brightheart and Snowthorn, testing his dreamwalking limits on his siblings – with permission of course.  Hollypaw finds herself more confident, knowing that the stars have a place just for her, and Ashfur praises her for starting to stretch herself.  She still finds herself easily shaken, but discovers a love of plants, leading to some Herbalist training.
However, the shadows of Miretrees are reaching out…
After a particularly bad day, Hollypaw wakes in a strange place.  It’s a piece of the border by the Lake, but the sun is low, and there’s the faint smell of blood and fur in the air.  A large brown tabby appears, his chest covered in leaves and flowers.  He asks her of her woes, and Hollypaw mutters about feeling unappreciated sometimes.  He proclaims that he will teach her to be a Great Warrior, but Hollypaw laughs – Ashfur is a great mentor, how could you, a random primping prettyboy, do any better than him?  She laughs herself awake, and Brambleclaw throws a massive tantrum in the Dark Forest.
While out hunting, Charpaw falls out of a tree, injuring her footless hind leg. Jaypaw helps her back to camp, and verbally tears the ears off of Sootfur for suggesting she retire to be an Elder or Support role, stop projecting!! Just because you couldn’t handle your business doesn’t mean that Charpaw can’t handle hers!!!  Brightheart has to hold him back but does NOT make him apologize.  Lionpaw states that even if Charpaw was, I don’t know, Cinderpelt’s reincarnation, it wouldn’t matter!  Darkmoon is touched by the brothers being so protective, but has to reassure Charpaw that no, Lionpaw was using a hypothetical.
Soon after, Millie gives birth to three more kits – Blossom, Briar, and Bumble.  Graystripe is startled but delighted – he had no idea she was pregnant – but takes to fatherhood again with joy and zeal.
At the next Gathering, Riverclan calls for aid – a bunch of twolegs have half-invaded their territory.  Jaypaw and Hollypaw sneak off to take a look, but are caught by Uncle Hawkfrost and his otter friends.  Hawkfrost scolds them officially, but lets them take a look at the tottering twoleg kits, and introduces Weed and Log, his otter pals.  The pair of apprentices get in trouble for sneaking out, but think that meeting the strange river dwellers was worth it.  Back at camp, Lionpaw dreams of an orange-and white cat failing to outrun the rising waters in a tunnel, and a hairless cat throws him out of sleep.  Somewhere else in camp, Sandstorm and Coldlight become mates.
Some time later, Locustpaw goes missing.  Jaypaw and Lionpaw join in the search, and along with Breezepaw, find her stuck in the tunnels.  As the rain makes the waters rise, Lionpaw remembers his dreams, and leads the groups to safety.  Locustpaw’s tail must be partially amputated, but she lives to dig another day.
Stormfur and Brook show up at Thunderclan camp, asking for aid.  Longstar agrees, and Foxflight gets the whole Journey gang back together, and drags her niece and nephews along.  Crowfeather brings Breezepaw and Galepaw to help – an accomplished hunter and a promising healer.  The group reunites with Feathertail, and she is delighted to meet some of her friend’s new families and hear about the rest.  She is gleeful at the thought of her half-siblings, but sad she won’t meet them in person.  Jaypaw wonders if he could pull them into one dream, but decides to just poke at Graystripe to bring his family for a visit sometime.  Lionpaw and Galepaw pester Feathertail for what helps with her back, and she happily gives them all the details.
After running off the intruders, the three siblings and Crowfeather have a bonding moment.  It is somewhat interrupted by Yellowfang and Tallstar’s spirits showing up, but they only confirm that yes, the siblings ARE Star-blessed, and to watch out for the Miretrees residents showing up, as Snowfur caught her ex-mate lurking around the borders of Starclan.
After a tearful goodbye, the group settle back into their clans.  Hollypaw once more dreams of the strange lake scene, but this time there are two brown tabbies.  The larger one begins to speak, but Hollypaw has heard enough stories about the death of Tiger”star” to recognize the injury – even half hidden by reeds and leaves – and screams for her Gran-Gran Yellowfang.  She flings awake, tumbling into Charpaw and Jaypaw, and Lionpaw bustles in to see what’s wrong.  She sputters out what happened, and Lionpaw runs for Darkmoon and Fireheart.  A confused Charpaw comforts her friend, as Jaypaw stomps around angrily.  Fireheart clears them out of the den, and makes them all sleep in the Hearer’s Den, for added protection.  Even with Fireheart assuring that the dark goes for everyone, Hollypaw wonders…did they come after me because I’m the weakest one?
And a seed of doubt is planted.
The Plot Thickens and The Sun Vanishes
Some time later, SOMEONE is trying to get Windclan and Thunderclan fighting.  It doesn’t work, but Mudstar asks that they spend a week out of contact, to see if both sides scent the same intruder.  Crowfeather bids his family a teary farewell, and Swiftpool clings sadly to her sister and Shrewleg for a while.  One night, Berrynose spots what he SWEARS is a Literal Lion, no, really, I am Not JOKING!!!  At the end of the week, Fireheart, Darkmoon, and Lionpaw go to gather herbs, and see a strange cat with a mane.  The tom loudly declares that he will be blocking out the sun tomorrow, and bolts before Darkmoon and Fireheart can catch him.  Fireheart moans about aching joints, and Darkmoon carries him back to camp, with Lionpaw telling Berrynose No That Was Not A Lion Just A Weirdo.
And then some of Windclan’s young bucks start a fight with a Thunderclan patrol.  Both clans send out everyone to calm the fight, and a Shadowclan patrol shows up, and Riverclan comes to yell at people.
And the ginger and black tom watches.
And the sun goes out.
Chaos ensues, everyone scrambling to figure out what’s happening.  The stranger cuts in front of Blackstar, who was leading the patrol, and Speaks.  The Shadowclan leader calls for his clan to follow him home, and they depart.  And a few nights later, Tawnypelt comes to camp with terrible news.  Blackstar, under the influence of the stranger Sol, has turned his back on Starclan.  There is something missing in his eyes, a blankness that reminds her of a dying cat.  He tried to put her apprentice-age kits into their adult roles, and thus she seeks shelter with them.  An appalled Longstar agrees, and Goldenpaw, Emberpaw, and Dawnpaw are welcomed into the apprentice den.  Jaypaw declares that it’s too crowded, which gives Longstar an idea.
The next morning, he promotes Hollypaw, Jaypaw, and Charpaw to their adult names.  Hollypaw becomes Hollywish, for her bright ideas for the future, and in honor of her beloved grandmother.  Flamewish is delighted at the surprise, and a jubilant Hollywish practically bounces in place.  Jaypaw is named Jaywhisker, for his sharp senses and even sharper barbs to the deserving.  Brightheart cries a little as her first apprentice is promoted, and Jaywhisker is a little overwhelmed with all the cheering.  And Charpaw is named Charheart, for her loving spirit and determination to never give up.  Charheart is embraced by her family, and beams delightedly.  Shortly after, Flyshadow comes running from the Healer’s den ASHFUR I’M PREGNANT!!! Whitewing also announces that she’s pregnant the next day! The clan is full of life and joy!
The Skies Grow Cloudy
But it doesn’t last.  Millie and Briarkit become ill, and it soon begins to spread.  Lionpaw and Emberpaw think it’s related to Sol – Riverclan has noticed dying fish, and Windclan has seen birds falling from the sky.  So the Thunderclan siblings and the Shadowclan siblings formulate a plan.
Emberpaw and Jaypaw decide to fake a sign, having a tree fall in front of Sol and Blackstar.  Lionpaw thinks that faking a sign might be sacrilege, but hopes that the Stars are forgiving of a lie to free a clan.  Hollywish and Dawnpaw leverage the tree down, and Goldenpaw makes ghostly noises…that are soon joined by Runningnose and Raggedstar.  The blankness goes out of Blackstar’s eyes, and he turns on Sol with all the fury of the blazing sun.  Sol flees, cursing the clans again, and Shadowclan is restored.  The newfound friends bid farewell, promising to stay in touch.
In Thunderclan camp, Longstar loses a life to the illness, prompting Jaywhisker to dreamwalk Kestrelpaw the Windclan Healer’s apprentice.  Lionpaw goes to gather the precious catmint, and nearly walks in on Breezepaw, Heatherpaw, and Antpaw having relationship drama.  He sneaks by, and returns triumphant.  At the next Half Moon ceremony, he is promoted to Lionblossom, for his ability to make hope blossom wherever he goes.
And then a fire breaks out.
The trio are trapped on one side of the fire, and as Swiftpool and Foxflight maneuver a branch to help them, the ginger and black shape of Sol tries to stop them.  The mollies beat the stuffing out of him easily, and he flees.  Lionblossom notes that Sol’s tail might be burnt, judging by the pain that Lionblossom feels.  Everyone reunites, with Ashfur having a nasty burn on his flanks, but all alive.
While out playing, Briarkit is attacked by a snake.  Honeyfern bravely leaps in the way and is bitten on the face.  Lionblossom, in just as much agony as she is, makes the swift but painful decision to remove the bitten eye.  Fireheart and Darkmoon arrive on the scene to a passed out Honeyfern and Lionblossom, and a screaming Briarkit.  After some emergency treatment, Honeyfern is stabilized, and Lionblossom wakes up mortified.  Berrynose and Poppyfrost are frantic, and when Honeyfern wakes, they take turns at her side.  Darkmoon notes that Honeyfern will most likely never hear out of her right ear, and will certainly never bear kits.  She and Berrynose begin to mourn, but Poppyfrost offers to be their surrogate.
A few days later, the newly named Breezepelt and Heathertail come to camp – they saw Sol leaving Windclan prey of Thunderclan land, and would you like to go Get Him?  A patrol is sent, and Foxflight is kept from finishing the beating she started earlier by the return of PURDY!?! She escorts the old tom to camp, and begs her father to let Gramps Purdy stay, plllleeeeaaassseee???  Longstar snorts at the obvious manipulation, but allows it.  Sol is locked in the Healer’s Den, and seems to be cooperative.
At the next Gathering, Longstar defends his choice to not kill the cat, he must be judged by Starclan.  The other leaders agree, Blackstar very brusque and standoffishly, but all seems to be going well.
Then Hollywish has to go into the Healer’s Den.
And Sol says his Last Word.
The light goes out of Hollywish’s eyes, and she bolts for the tunnels.  Jaywhisker hears his sister’s harsh breathing, and tears after her, Charheart and Lionblossom in hot pursuit.
Hollywish enters the tunnels and
(Atop the stones, Brambleclaw gives a baleful grin)
Lionblossom screams in pain, Jaywhisker paws at the rocks, and Charheart yowls for aid.
In the Healer’s Den, Sol coughs out pieces of his tongue, ashy and rotten.
And he laughs and laughs and laughs.
And in the Nursery, Whitewing and Flyshadow huddle around the kits, who sleep peacefully.
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