#Tobias galochio
razzzar · 3 years
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This au has been stewing in my head for the past few weeks and is heavily inspired by “The Song of the Sea” and @the-family-fortune and @razputinrp ‘s Sea Life story.
As for the family background: The Galochio’s are a cruel family of magical owl folk who prey on other fairy creatures to use in their magical rituals, these rituals can show the future, heal the sick, open portals or even place a bad omen on people or families. At one point the Galochio’s attempted to create a giant tsunami to destroy a town on the shore for discovering and killing Zalto’s wife Maligula, the family were cooped up on the deck of an old boat in desperate need of repairs. The Aquato’s, a family of selkies noticed the ritual happening nearby and had to put a stop to it. It would draw too much attention to the other magical creatures and plus it was the Galochios. Nobody liked them.
The ensuing battle was difficult but the owls were out of their element and most of them either fell into the ocean or were knocked out of the sky by the selkie’s magic into the merciless waves, few were able escape onto dry land. And those who did would would spend the next month working on a ritual to bring true suffering unto the Aquatos. The ritual would force them to stay on land no matter how much their heart longed for the sea, for if they dared to touch the seawater they would find themselves dissipating into sea foam. The aquatos were lucky to be out of the water after the curse had taken its full effect. But one by one they gave in to the siren like call of the sea and turned to foam, Augustus was the only one able to stay strong enough to resist its call. He would later fall in love with a travelling merchant and have five kids with her. Still, no matter how far they travelled all but Donatella’s hearts would ache to go back to the sea, their true home.
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the-family-fortune · 3 years
#every new chapter is just like: please don’t hurt child#and then he does and I just want to strangle zalto#but he’s not real so I can’t :(#so my oc can do it for me >:)
He better make it count. He better kill Zalto in one hit!! 
Fr though I was ecstatic to see Tobias on my dash the other day and I personally believe all Galochio OCs deserve one free swing at grandpa piss
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razzzar · 3 years
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Back on my bullshit with my boy Tobias :3
And yes, Tobias is Greek though I’m not a native Greek speaker so I’m hoping what I wrote is at least understandable.
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razzzar · 3 years
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Tobias may be skinny but he’ll kick ur ass
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razzzar · 3 years
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razzzar · 3 years
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Might have gone a biiiiit overboard but it looks cool right?
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razzzar · 3 years
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Black velvetopia Tobias
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razzzar · 3 years
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Here’s a lovely oc I’ve been working on!
So pretty much his powers allow him to only use clairvoyance and telekinesis on haunted objects but one day to tried to use them on the ocean and it destroyed his mind so he had to go with the psychonauts before his health could get even worse and he learned to be comfortable with his powers which can now only control water. Tangent time: so my version of the Galochio curse is not just the water wanting to kill are actually Galochio’s who are stuck haunting the individual Aquato’s until they finally drown. However, there’s only a limited number of Galochio spirits who haven’t moved on and all of them are already haunting someone so when a new Aquato is born a living Galochio will die at the same time and haunt them. So Tobias became a field agent and had no idea that is little sister had sadly passed while he was on missions. He had no clue about this until years later he was finally able to visit his mother, only to find her horribly ill. Suddenly being a psychonauts wasn’t about practising his psychic control, but now about getting help for the only person left in his family. But it even the greatest doctor couldn’t help her and she died. Tobias never got to be with her during her final moments and he is now filled with hate forthe psychonauts for keeping him in the dark about his families death, Zalto for inflicting this horrible curse, and the Aquato’s for being utterly unaware to the suffering they caused to his mother and sister.
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Much more in depth version of his background below the cut, warning: it’s long, like really long. And touches on some topics that may upset some readers.
Despite being in a family of powerful psychics, Tobias couldn’t seem to use his psychic powers. They were there, he had the potential but he couldn’t use them in any normal way, it wasn’t until his mother brought home a haunted wood cutters axe that he realised his potential. She had gone to a nearby village and had bought one at good quality for an insanely cheap price because it was supposedly haunted, the rumours were that a crazed woodsman used it to kill people who wandered to close to his home. The axe was pretty heavy and both Tobias and his little sister Lavinia wanted to prove who was stronger, When Tobias grabbed the axe his vision began to swim and he could see everything that the.. axe could see? No, it wasn’t the axe. It was the spirits who possessed the axe he could see from. Moments after finally realising his special power he promptly collapsed.
Despite being in a family of powerful psychics, Tobias couldn’t seem to use his psychic powers. They were there, he had the potential but he couldn’t use them in any normal way, it wasn’t until his mother brought home a haunted wood cutters axe that he realised his potential. She had gone to a nearby village and had bought one at good quality for an insanely cheap price because it was supposedly haunted, the rumours were that a crazed woodsman used it to kill people who wandered to close to his home. The axe was pretty heavy and both Tobias and his little sister Lavinia wanted to prove who was stronger, When Tobias grabbed the axe his vision began to swim and he could see everything that the.. axe could see? No, it wasn’t the axe. It was the spirits who possessed the axe he could see from. Moments after finally realising his special power he promptly collapsed.
Tobias quickly became obsessed with using clairvoyance on any item that was even slightly rumoured to be haunted, which more than often gave him nasty headaches from trying to attune to ordinary items. He found he could use his clairvoyance on anything that was haunted: technology, nature, even full on houses! One day he tried it on a pond that a child had drowned in. What Tobias saw was breathtaking, he could see everything! He saw the little tadpoles darting through the mossy reeds, the little bugs paddling on the surface and everything in between. There was also this strange group of spirits barely there within the water...
If he could see so much beauty from a little pond what else could he see from say, a river? Or even the ocean? He told his mother about what he had experienced with the pond, and she was so proud of how far he had advanced, however, her loving smile faded when he brought up the foreign presence,she told him to stay away from this presence. However, all this did was strengthen his desire to discover what this was and how far his vision could go.
Over the course of several months he tried larger sources of water and discovered that he could telekinetikally move it with the spirit’s permission of course. He tried these powers on steams, rivers and lakes, sure they hurt to attune to, especially the village river where he could see from so many different spirits that it gave him a migraine but this was nothing some practise couldn’t fix. The strangest thing was the strange spirits who were too distant to attune to but were always there. All this practise eventually led up to the moment where he and Lavinia had borrowed some money for a bus to the beach, where Tobias would put his clairvoyance to the test with just how far his powers could go. For when he attuned to the seawater he was instantly bombarded with EVERYTHING all at once and it HURT!!! He didn’t know what was happening to him or how to make it stop! So he stood there, horrendous pain racking his body until he finally collapsed, his mind deathly silent.
He made it home safely and was extremely lucky to survive such an attack but his mind had shut down from the trauma and it was almost as if he was dead with a pulse. It took nearly a full year before he had recovered enough to be independent again, but he could never be the same. For starters he could no longer control his powers, he could no longer attune to haunted objects but stepping within 3 metres of any water would instantly activate his clairvoyance. The strange spirits within the liquid were now the only spirits he could attune with. And if he went even closer to the source the spirits could move the water on their own, with his telekinesis. Tobias began to avoid water like the plague, even refusing to drink it. His mother and sister became exponentially worried for him and his quickly deteriorating health. His mother got in contact with the psychonauts, the greatest and most ethical psychic researchers and employers to try to help her son find a way to get past his fatal fear of water. Seeing as Tobias wanted to get help and stop his family’s stress he agreed to go to the European psychonauts branch.
Over the years he learned to be more comfortable with his intrusive powers and relearning how to at least influence the water’s movement, practically building a bond with what he now knows as the unfortunate Galochio’s who drowned in the big top. He became comfortable enough to test himself in real world situations. The psychonauts were very supportive of him and his growth, always making sure that he was well both physically and mentally. He went on missions with other agents and generally had a good time them. Finally after a long and dangerous mission Tobias used his leave time to visit his family and fill them in on the incredible adventures he’d taken.
The cabin had hardly changed though it was quieter than it was before, then again, he’d been away for years and Lavinia could have gone out on this day. He entered to find his mother in bed, deathly pale but still alive, she reminded him of how he was before he’d joined the psychonauts. Tobias questioned her about what had happened while he was gone. He was told that Lavinia had died only a year after he had left and his mother had been ill for the past 8 months. Tobias truly wanted to help her, he truly did but she told him there was nothing he could do. He didn’t listen to her and after a heartfelt goodbye, returned to the psychonauts to demand the best aid for his mother. He received the news 4 weeks later that she had passed. Leaving Tobias as the last known Galochio. He spiralled into depression and lashed out at anyone who even looked at him the wrong way. A few days later he received his family’s scrapbook, inside were collections of fond memories and on the final page was a letter by his mother. It was a sort of goodbye letter, or at least the first paragraph was, the rest detailed the past of the Galochio clan that she avoided talking about: the Aquato’s and the curse that they unintentionally wrought on both clans.
He was able to have closure for his family at least. But his hatred was now split between Zalto and the Aquato’s, and he would never rest until he could take revenge on at least one of them, though he couldn’t just go hunting for them. He was still stuck with the psychonauts with no where to go. So he’d just have to be patient and hope that one of his personal targets would pop up on the psychonaut’s radar...
Until 4 years later when receives and urgent message from the American Psychonauts branch to fly over and help with the aftermath of Truman Zanotto’s kidnapping...
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