#Tokyo ghoul Uta
aaanttt · 21 days
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this is so cute uGH
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ryanthel0ser · 6 months
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I find it so funny that these characters are shipped together and both are voiced by Yuichi Nakamura and Takahiro Sakurai and both have the black and white color scheme thing going on
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ladyyatexel · 10 months
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sometimes you love a guy so much it comes out as cannibalism :)
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baldrsun · 2 months
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We all know how Tokyo Ghoul should have really ended 😌
It's a shame that Uta was so mediocrely thrown out of the plot 🙃
It seems to me that the theory that Uta is the first One-Eyed King is much more interesting and logical than what we were given in the end.
Me and the Devil
Was walkin' side by side
Me and the Devil
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fairy-writes · 1 year
Hello there 👋
I was wondering if you could write a one-shot for Uta?? Something fluffy w/ a shy/sweet human!reader 😊
Thanks in advance! 💜
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Pairing(s): Uta x Gender Neutral!Human!Reader
Notes: Songfic with the song “Don’t You Dare (Make Me Fall in Love with You) by Kaden MacKay
When Uta first realized he was in love with you, admittedly, he panicked a little. 
You were a human. He was a ghoul. It wasn’t a relationship that was supposed to work. 
He couldn’t be in love. That was just absurd. He had more exciting things on his plate than love.
Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare enchant me with those eyes
If I fell through your skies,
There's no way you would catch me
There's a tear in my heart,
But your patch wouldn't match me
Uta first met you when he was at Anteiku, and you happened to walk in. It was busy. Most, if not all, of the tables were full, and when you began to approach, he got an idea of what was happening. 
“Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full.” You ask shyly, and he gets the feeling that you’re nervous. Which is understandable with his appearance. He was used to it. 
He nods once, and your expression relaxes as you sit down. The tenseness of your shoulders eases, and you pull out a sketchbook and flip to a new page as Touka brings over your drink. You smile at her and whisper a “thank you.”
You sketch in silence until he feels the need to have a conversation. It’s more of a whim, really, the urge to get to know a human to learn if they’re all like the CCG and Doves. 
“What are you drawing?” He asks, and you jump. But you turn around and show him nonetheless, and he’s blown away. 
It’s rough, with stray lines in some places, but it’s a perfect picture of himself, reclining in the chair and his coffee in hand.
You even got the lettering of his tattoo around his neck right.
The longer he stares, the more fidgety you become. 
“Sorry, I can get rid of it if you want. I know it might be rude to draw other people without permission—” 
“No, no, it’s beautiful. Thank you for choosing me as a model.” He finds himself saying, and his cold heart flutters when you beam. 
You end up gifting him the picture, and after you exchange names, you leave. 
He finds your number hastily scrawled at the bottom of the drawing. 
Being near you still adds to the size of my sighs,
There's still seismic events at hellos and goodbyes,
And I still need reminders of why it's unwise
To stare
So don't you dare
The longer he thinks about it, the more he likes the idea of you becoming friends. You’re shy, but you’re sweet and a brilliant artist. You would be entertaining, at least. 
But he’s likely never to meet you again, so that idea snuffs out like a candle. So he doesn’t text you. 
At least until you walk into his shop. 
You are admiring one of his masks on display when he enters the room from the back. He had heard the door jingle but wanted to finish some of the final stitching of the current mask he was working on. It was for the new half-ghoul Kaneki Ken. But that was beside the point. 
What were you doing here?
Don't you dare make me fall in love with you
Don't you dare do something so cliché
Just get out of my daydreams,
You're an unwelcome guest
And stop making me miss you
'Cause you leaving's for the best
You look up as he comes in, and confusion brightens your eyes. 
“Uta?” You ask, and he nods,
“That’s me. Welcome to HySy ArtMask Studio.” He says, more out of habit than anything. You offer him a smile, and he finds his heart trembling at the sight. 
What was wrong with him?
“I heard there was a mask studio that could offer a lot of inspiration. I didn’t know you owned it.” You comment as you cradle your sketchbook against your chest. Your pencil is stuck behind your ear, and you’re dressed in a thick knit sweater and trousers. Your boots scuff against the floor. 
He finds himself gesturing to the masks. 
“Make yourself at home.” He says, genuinely meaning it. 
'Cause I just couldn't stand having you as my crutch
You're a simmering stovetop I was tempted to touch
If you ever return, it'll burn me too much
To bear
So don't you dare
After the initial text, you are really the only one keeping up the conversation. Sure, Uta replies, but he keeps a certain amount of distance between you two. Mainly for your safety. 
But for whatever reason, you keep coming back. 
Your presence becomes a regular in his shop. You come every Friday, right after your university classes. Even though you are his age, if not a year younger, you say you are working toward your bachelor’s degree in—you guessed it—art. 
You say you want to open your own shop and sell your artwork. 
Much like him. 
And I know it's all so shallow, but a shallow cut still stings
And before my heart becomes Amelia's heir, I need to clip its wings
So don't you dare keep mocking me with those
Thousand little things that I adore
Let me ignore you, don't let me care
He tries to ignore you the closer you two become. 
For your safety. 
At least, that’s what he tells himself. 
And don't you dare leave me still in love with you
Nothing's fair when love is war
And I just can't endure any more of the fight
When the casualties rise with my heart rate each night
At first, Uta thinks he’s dying. Of course, that would explain why you always make his heart race and his blood run hot. 
That would explain why you’re always on his mind. 
Though I know I'm to blame for the glances I'd steal,
For the time I kept spending pretending it's real
And now that it's ending, I still have more feelings to spare
But don't you dare
It takes a talking to from Yomo for him to realize what’s going on. 
Don't you dare
When Uta first realized he was in love with you, admittedly, he panicked a little. 
But he doesn’t hate the idea. 
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i know i'mma sound silly- but uta x gn reader relationship hc's-? if you write for him that is-
yes i do. I hope you like this
Uta boyfriend headcanons
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Uta would care about you.
He would really care about you.
Such feelings are new to him.
Usually Uta doesn't like changes, but this situation is an exception.
You met Uta when you got lost in his shop.
You were new in town and managed to get lost right away.
And you were really interested in him.
This is why you started dating.
Itori will never leave him alone because of this.
He would be possessive.
It's best that he doesn't get jealous.
Otherwise, he might eat his rival.
If you wore his clothes it would make him feel better.
Other Ghouls won't dare to attack you if you smell like him.
He wouldn't be a good PDA in the beginning.
But Uta enjoys it a lot.
He likes your hugs.
Uta is usually a big spoon.
He usually holds your hand.
Or gently bites your ear.
Uta does it often.
He likes to draw pictures or other art of you.
Uta often says that you are his muse.
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bored-storyteller · 10 months
Warning: gore, cannibalism (between ghouls)
Author's note: I realized that I was much braver with Uta at first. Let's try again.
Tokyo Ghoul, Uta x Human!Reader
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What is mine
There is a smell of blood in the putrid air. Your blood.
The ghoul holds you in its arms like a sacrificial victim.
“That's mine.”
“I didn't know, sorry...I'm not the type to go around stealing other people's food, believe me.”
Looks nice, him. He has dyed blond and blue hair that escapes from his wildly done bun. His locks fall on a face that would look like an angel's, if it weren't for those veins that flow like streams from the black and red eyes of a demon. He doesn't have to shine with intelligence since he doesn't wear the mask, or maybe he trusts too much in his abilities, for someone so average.
Uta picks you up when the younger ghoul hands you over to him: you are cold, you are shaking, you are crying. He doesn't know if you're paralyzed with fear or blood loss from that wound on your shoulder.
Your blood tickles his sense of smell, and his palate. Your fingers grip his sweater, and he holds you just tighter. He doesn’t blame the other one, your perfume is intoxicating now that your flesh is uncovered.
He mustn't be happy to give up on you, he wouldn't if Uta weren't so much stronger than him.
The Mask Maker gently puts you on the ground, he feels your fear: you are afraid of everything now, even him.
That person tried to take you away from him, to keep you for himself. And that person expects him to get you now.
“Luckily I'm hungry.” He says as he looks into your eyes. If you can be more afraid than you already are, he doesn't know. But it doesn’t matter.
The ghoul with the beautiful face was going to say something, but it's hard to talk when your vocal cords are torn.
The carotid artery hangs from the bite mark like a slack string, part of it between Uta's teeth; a flick of the tongue and it disappears between the lips.
The eyes of the predator victim are wide open, incredulous. Gorgeous, perhaps.
How long can it take for that slit throat to heal? A lot of time. Too little.
Uta bites again, blood gushes, there is a muffled scream.
The taste of that meat has nothing to do with the smell you give off, but Uta is hungry.
He's hungry, and your broken skin makes him lose control.
Someone must be eaten by him.
That ghoul wanted to eat you.
He wanted him to eat you himself.
He was about to lose you, in a way or another.
His hands dig into his chest, the intricate black patterns on his fingers covered in ferrous red.
“What a greedy you are... you already ate, huh?”
The stomach of the other demon is full, Uta wonders who is in there: “It was he a boy? A girl? Young or old? An unfortunate student? All of them?”
Uta smiles. That won't be of any use now that it's out of the body, it's not right to waste it.
He won't even need his intestines, right?
And the heart? What does the unfortunate one do with his heart?
The bones crunch as they crack and open, like the crust that covers the filling.
Maybe it still moves, or maybe it doesn't, but it doesn't matter.
The teeth sink in like in an apple, they tear it, now there is no more life. But is the soul still there?
Uta is full, but still gobbles it up. He devours that body that is not meant to be eaten, that modifies his, that drives his mind crazy. Assuming Uta can go any crazier than that.
No, he can't freak out, there's you. But Uta is crazy to love you.
Your voice sounds desperate. How long have you been calling him?
He looks at you with his delicate face smeared, the top of the other ghoul's skull hanging from his fingers gripping his blond hair.
Now he comes to you, he promises you. He just has to make sure you don't get eaten too.
“Is there still a soul in these eyes?” He asks the half head as he brings it up to his gaze. He can't even tell where the jaw and tongue have gone, but that's not a problem.
Those eyes that stare at him glassy and half open Uta hates them. He doesn't even bother to remove them from the eye socket; he rips the first one off with just his teeth and swallows it whole, then does the same with the other one. It's not difficult, and if inside there is the core of that stupid, then he lets it rot in his depths together with the remains of his body.
Now there is no more danger for you.
The head rolls away, no one will wonder what happened to someone like him. It's a ghoul who disappeared in the fourth ward, at the end.
Uta calls your name as he leans in front of you, sweet and gentle as ever.
He watches your hand press on the wound on your shoulder: "Let me see." He asks you softly.
You obey, but you still smell of terror. You've never seen him eat like this, not someone like him.
The fingers that used to butcher now fearfully touch the edge of your wound.
"It's not serious... you’ll be ok, everything is fine." He murmurs reassuringly, barely licking the blood that drips from you. It will be enough to remove that hateful taste from his tongue.
His hands take your face, holding it like never before. His thumbs wipe away your tears and massage your cheekbones as he contemplates you. The blood is now on you too.
He looks into your glassy eyes and something unknown stirs inside him.
He is losing you. It's the only thing he can think of. You seem so distant now.
How he can stop you, unarmed as he is. Not even the idea of consuming your body to hold you within him brings relief, and he doesn't know why you upset his functioning.
But Uta is bizarre, there is no situation in which he follows a rule of his.
You are so different from Renji to him, your delicacy makes you complicated and elusive. Your delicacy prevents him from breaking you.
He can't afford to lose you too, he understood it when his chest tightened on smelling your blood. You and Renji are the only things that still make him walk in this world, which still allow him to experience lively emotions. It's not the RC cells that risk driving him crazy, it's you.
“I love you.”
His whisper is so sweet you might think he's about to cry.
It seems strange to say, those are not words that are well suited to a language like his, especially in a world where secrets must be kept between the ribs. But that's the only thing worth letting you know right now. A ghoul love, a clown love, but it's love.
And he almost gasps when he sees your eyes light up with life again, as you look at him as if you were seeing him for the first time.
He doesn't expect to find your arms around him, nor to meet your lips.
You kiss him like it's not okay to do, like he hasn't just eaten someone. You don't seem to mind the blood smearing your face, the metallic taste on his tongue. You seem to ask him to swallow you, but there is no room for you.
The lovers: two crazy people kissing among the remains of a corpse.
It's a good stage for you two.
“He wanted to put you in his place…” He whispers as he holds you like he never held you.
“You wished too?”
Don't you already have your answer?
Your eyes travel from him to over his shoulder, but his hand covers them. He stares at the grimy tattoos on his knuckles for a split second, wondering how they got there.
It's to protect you, perhaps, or to protect him who is wrong and rotten even among monsters.
“Forget it.” He tells you.
You shake your head. He's covered you so much in ghoul blood that at first glance you wouldn't be able to tell who the perpetrator is between you two, but all those red marks on you are testament to his touch.
“I don’t want to do it. I don't want to lose anything about you” You tell him, and there's an adoration in your voice that he always pretended not to hear.
“No. Will you take me home?”
He gives you a quick nod, and just watches you as you climb onto his back. Your grip around his neck is reassuring.
“You'll make it?” You ask, as if he's never brought you like this. He scoffs at you as he settles your legs on his hips.
He's so grateful to feel your weight on his back and not in his stomach.
“I feel heavy actually, you say it's your fault?”
You huff, and your heel taps playfully on his thigh. He pinches you lightly, affectionately.
You are alive, he wants you to be alive. There is no one in the world who could look at his melancholy and smile as you do, marveling at a monstrous beauty.
What criminals you and he are, walking off into the night, away from the eyes of the world, leaving behind the trail of sinful blood.
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pfpanimes · 1 year
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⌕ tokyo ghoul • uta.
like or reblog if you save/use.
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moranished · 5 months
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Uta (Tokyo Ghoul)
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liannelara-dracula · 6 months
Hello, I love your writing! Can I please request relationship headcanons for Uta from Tokyo ghoul? 😊
Uta Boyfriend Hcs
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Requests are open
🖤The most wholesome yet chaotic couple.
🖤He loves you a whole lot and I say this because he doesn’t keep a girlfriend so that’s why you’re special. Normally Uta will just sleep around or have one-night stands. He won’t go through a relationship, the closet he’s had is friends with benefits but no actual dates or care.
🖤So when he realized he had feelings for you he thought about actually pursuing you, which means he liked you for a long time before asking. So it took him forever, like years, to ask you. Well he didn’t even ask you. He took things slow he didn’t just take you to the bed. He waited to get to something like that because again he actually liked you!
🖤Anyways, Uta doesn’t appear to be affectionate but he’s actually very affectionate (in a needy way) and sexual with you 😂. Its just mostly behind close doors. And he is such a fool for you.
🖤Is constantly attacking you with kisses and hickeys. There are lots of make outs so if Renji walks in on you two he should be surprised.
🖤One of his favorite things is to grab you by your waist with his arm when you walk by him and he’s working at his craft desk and sits you up on his lap or pins you on the desk. Sometimes it’s just to say “hi” and other times it’s just for fun.
🖤A cruel jokester at heart so he is always pranking or trying to scare you. His scaring is something as simple as his hand crawling up your back if you wear a backless top. Or just when you’re home alone and all you feel is someone’s arms wrapped around you. Although sometimes he gets Halloween props to scare you, which isn’t fun.
🖤Gosh and his laugh is so obnoxious and it gives you chills because he will usually just chuckle during something sexual which is already enough to make you embarrassed but this is worse! His laugh is like cynical.
🖤Once you realize it’s a joke you are hitting him in the chest playfully since he pulled you into him. And he loves it when you do that. Even when you nudge him or burry your face into his chest of fear or embarrassment of something.
🖤“This isn’t funny!” You’d pout, with his arm around your waist as he just teases you more.
🖤“Awww, you were scared. You even called for me.” He’d smirk seeing your eyes get watery as you looked away. Of course, he’s attentive to your feelings so he will notice. Though of course, he tried to see if he actually pushed the limits.
🖤“Shut up.” You’d say, your hands covering your face. Given how you reacted and how Uta was a sucker for your tears he felt guilty that he made his girl cry, or so he thought. He tends to forget that you love to joke around a lot yourself.
🖤Hearing your little sobs he felt guilty, “Hey, c’mon, I’m sorry baby.” He’d admit taking your hands away from your face only to see you smile and laugh.
🖤“Got you!” You’d laugh, only to make him smirk, “You’re such a liar.” He’d tease before chasing after you around your shared apartment.
🖤You share an apartment, he first gave you the key to his place and the more you spent time together he wanted to move to where you wanted to. But it took a while to convince you to move to the city with him. He’d ask you every day to move in with him.
🖤You are probably an artist yourself so your whole apartment is a studio and has many aesthetic and edgy things.
🖤Like he has candles of naked woman, abstract paintings, photographs of you (preferably nude), plants, and more. ( and he makes more than half of this joke and fully claims that you are his muse.
🖤His nickname for you is "my muse". Like he calls you other things like babe, doll, baby girl or y/n but "my muse" is a special nickname. Mostly because he has never used a creative nickname such as this one. He will rarely use "sweetheart" but he does use it.
🖤If you are an artist get ready for paint wars, color arguments, styling of supplies and the constant request of drawing him naked.
🖤You should also be prepared for all the “sit on my lap while we draw together” times, the drawing games, the “your my muse,” speech, him baringin in your room to ask for critique when your in the bathtub or changing, and the “you are art yourself complements”
🖤When you’re making art he will randomly kiss you which usually catches you of guard and often times make you mess up.
🖤Gosh, when it comes to kissing this man doesn’t let you go, nor let you breathe. He always has his hands on your face which keep you from pulling away, he cups your face and his hands are so much bigger than your face.
🖤Even after he’s given many kisses and you seem to be at loss of energy, he still has plenty of it too keep kissing and make you out of breath. He has a lot more stamina in sex and pda then he lets on.
🖤If the windows are fogged up enough, he writes on the car, "We just fucked" after you two have sex.
🖤Smokes in bed with you while cuddling. He is into drugs and would get you into it for sure.
🖤You trace his tattoos when you cuddle and loves it. He was probably the one to give you your first tattoo. It was probably a little butterfly on your shoulder or chest.
🖤Anyways he is a cuddle monster so you usually become the body pillow but even when he’s not squishing you, you’re the little spoon. Always.
🖤He writes songs and wants you to listen to them. Will write a song about you. In fact, he’d make an album based on your relationship. Always writes messages on the CDs he gives you (like in the photos.)
🖤If you have a significant height difference where you're the shorter one, he loves this. Loves to tease you about your height.
🖤“You’re so tiny.” He’d grin, patting your head in the process whilst you pout.
🖤He rests his chin on your head when he back hugs you. I mean he’ll put things on higher shelf’s if you can’t reach it so then you can ask him.
🖤He’d joke about not seeing you cause he’s taller.
🖤loves bringing you into his chest or torso and then look down at your cute face.
🖤Makes you sit in his lap.
🖤Loves it when you kiss his cheek as a thank you.
🖤Digs your colorful vocabulary too. Its no secret that his partner would curse, however he usually doesn't but is amused by you doing so.
🖤Super playful with you and a dare devil. He will dare you to do things. This was especially before you two were dating and just friends. "Flash the next person you see on the street" he'd laugh.
🖤"Easy," you'd scoff lifting your shirt up to flash a taxi driver.
🖤You once dared him to go streeking, lol.
🖤Likes to take pictures of you two all the time. He has so many of you both being silly instead of being romantic.
🖤Other times they are straight-up sexual. Which he keeps private and to himself.
🖤I mean he has pictures of you two posing shirtless you only have nipple coverings on you, just black x and so does he. But you two are goofing off in the photo.
🖤I mean, you two have suggestive photos where he’ll be gripping your ass or boobs.
🖤He has a lot where you smile too.
🖤Paints you sometimes and he prefers it if your not wearing a lot of clothes. In fact one time he painted you when you were in bed after a night of sex.
🖤This mostly because he thinks you look really hot after that and you look better than anyone else he’s fucked so, he’s definitely painting you.
🖤And when you tried to move he stopped you.
🖤“Uta what is all of this?” You’d say about to move out of bed.
🖤“Don’t move please, I’m not finished.”
🖤You’d smile at this, “okay, I promise I won’t.”
🖤Sometimes you find him painting or sketching something and you usually back hug him before kissing his cheek which he loves. "What are you drawing?" You'd smile.
🖤Anytime you kiss his cheek to say “hi” or “thank you” he really likes it. I mean hell, he even puts his hand on your hip.
🖤It’s one of the ways you greet him when you come home from school/work. Usually he stops everything once he knows you’re home. And he completely focused on you.
🖤Anything you say will be on his mind, and he almost never forgets anything you say.
🖤Though he finds debating with you very fun. Tells you fun encounters he had which are mostly meant to throw you off so that you can just tell him he’s dumb and then laugh about it with him.
🖤He loves making you laugh and he’s pretty good at doing that. I mean it usually leads to you crying because you're laughing so much.
🖤When he teases you, you end up hitting him a lot.
🖤He’s pretty observant of you so notices even the little things, he knows when your upset right off the bat.
🖤You’ll be doing something productive with him and even if you’re acting normal he asks if you’re fine because he knows you. He tries to get your mind off of things sometimes by just talking to you.
🖤When you two have more serious talks he is holding you by the waist, while resting his chin on your head. He rubs your upper arms soothingly
🖤I know most think he’s not big on affection but he can honestly never sit still. He always has a hand on your back, hip, ass, thigh, arm, shoulder, boob, etc. He holds your hand a lot too, especially in public.
🖤Uta isn’t ashamed of PDA he does whatever he wants whenever. So it’s really up to his girlfriend if there’s a limit.
🖤Although he’s more explicit at home with you. I mean he’d literally play games with you just to have sex
🖤But in public he's not ashamed to talk about things with you, like he likes whispering things in your ear to get you to blush. He also likes playfully biting your cheek or ear lobe.
🖤Randomly pulls you away from a crowd just to kiss you and give you hickeys. So many hickeys it’s gonna look like you’ve been badly hurt.
🖤Literally tries to create abstract art of hickies. He’s made them trail into a heart before on your hip.
🖤You’d constantly try to covering up and he’s always teasing you.
🖤“Nice scarf, you plan on always wearing one?”
🖤“Shut up. Maybe I wouldn't have to if you weren't such a leech.” You'd remark.
🖤Buys a lot of crap, and loves to buy you gifts that are such a troll, like a cum rag. One time he bought you a towel that said “cum rag” just for you. “I bought it for when you squirt so I could help you clean up.” He'd say shamelessly to which you'd just hit his arm.
🖤You call him ugly as a joke and gives you the biggest glare ever and he’ll attack you in cuddles or by picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
🖤Gosh has tickle-fights a lot, and you never win. He always locks you in many awkward positions and has you squirming.
🖤Uta is very carefree and isn't picky about appearance or have too much preference, he loves all kinds of woman. So he wouldn't care if you are curvy or not, he finds purpose in both.
🖤In fact, if you were flat chested he'd love to tease you about not having boobs. Wholesome of course.
🖤He'd call you a board sometimes to which you just hit his arm, "Shut up, you're even flatter." You'd claim.
🖤Flat or not he still likes grabbing your boobs.
🖤Very overprotective, even if he doesn't always show it. He never really lets you out of his sight, like ever. Even if Uta doesn’t go everywhere with you, he does want to know where you're going just in case.
🖤But he is a little controlling over his girl, and this is mostly because he always feels the need to protect her. He babies his girlfriend a lot, he be littles her often. Which is a sorta is red flag since he thinks you can’t handle things on your own.
🖤He would definitely have an age gap with his partner, say about 5-8 years. Even ten years, where he is older than her. He's not into older women.
🖤Also doesn't surprise you if Uta knew you when you both were younger he just took forever to go out with you.
🖤So he always interviene in a potential fight, when a guy hits on you, etc.
🖤“I told you I can handle it on my own.”
🖤 "No, you can’t."
🖤Even when you’re going into a certain ward he doesn’t let you go alone because he feels like you’ll get hurt.
🖤 "I was just going out."
🖤 "Oh perfect, I'll come with you then." He'd say, grabbing his keys to accompany you.
🖤“Uta, I can go on my own.”
🖤 "It's dangerous, I'm coming with you." He'd insist.
🖤 "I'm not a little girl, I can handle myself. I've walked there many times." You'd eye roll, having enough of his overprotectiveness.
🖤He’d give you one look of disapproval before saying, “Get in the car, Y/n.” He’d place his hands on your shoulders and turn you to the direction of the car before opening the door and nudging you to get inside.
🖤“Seriously? I’m fine.”
🖤“You have to understand something, my girl is my responsibility.” he'd argue.
🖤Speaking of which when he gets jealous, he gets jealous!
🖤He will act very calm with you but between him and other guy he becomes a completely different person. When he’s jealous he asks a lot of questions which even leads him to sound a little snarky which catches your attention. Although he will be very quiet if he's not asking you questions.
🖤You question if things are okay but he brushes it off. As your lover he usually tries to gain reassurance through affection. He sometimes fights with you about this but it's not always.
🖤It's not pretty when you both fight, well, he may seem like a good boyfriend, but your relationship can be abusive. Especially if the two of you are ghouls, abuse is different than the way humans would see it. Either one, ghoul relationships tend to have toxicity. I won't dive deep into this but I think that there are forms of abuse that ghouls may revert to even with their partners, this doesn't have to mean physical, even verbal abuse because again, they are not human. They do not have the same mentality as human beings. If his partner is human its very likely that she has felt abused or mistreated once or twice, if not more in their relationship just by what has said.
🖤For instance, in a really bad argument, he may revert to a threat such as "eating her" when he first met her instead of keeping her around.
🖤If she's a half-breed he'd make harsh comments about her upbringing and if she was a ghoul just like him he'd tell her to not be so soft.
🖤Though he doesn't show his barsh nature to you (he hardly does) if he ever is angry enough, he might. This once led you to call him a monster because he wasn't the same person you had come to know.
🖤He will try to apologize to you after some deep thought, but it takes forever for you to just get to that step with him. There have been numerous times when you've cried yourself to sleep or ignored him for weeks. There are many relapses in this relationship because he is hard to love.
🖤Aside from this, he would do anything for the girl he loves. He's practically blind for her.
˗ˏˋ 𝑎𝑙𝑙 𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑟𝑖𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑠 𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑔𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑢𝑡 𝐼 𝑑𝑜 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑜𝑤𝑛 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑠 ˎˊ˗ ©𝟐𝟎𝟏𝟔~Present
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trinket-o-pawsum · 2 months
Years later still wondering, if ghoul skin is near impenetrable how the hell did Uta get his tattoos??
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ryanthel0ser · 6 months
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baldrsun · 2 months
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And yet, I really love this character.
He has absolutely gray morals and this makes him so interesting, lively and incredibly mysterious!
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fairy-writes · 1 year
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Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Requester: @bublipuppy
Fandom(s): Tokyo Ghoul
Pairing(s): Uta x Reader
Prompt: Sharing a kiss after a massive battle (Action Prompt #13)
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, Human!Reader, CCG Investigator!Reader
I got both at pretty much the same time and didn’t want to pick and choose
This is a prequel to my oneshot linked HERE
Also, I used google translate for the French in this. Sorry if it’s incorrect!
TW: Tokyo Ghoul typical violence and gore
This is for my 1K followers event! It’s going on between June 8th and June 22nd!
It’s dark. Almost overwhelmingly so. You ready your quinque and creep through the rolling fog that is almost debilitating. 
For you humans, anyway. You were sure the ghouls you were hunting could see just fine.
Suddenly, you hear something. 
Spinning on your heel, you drive the point of your quinque deep into the eye of the attacking ghoul. She falls with a scream, though that scream is cut off abruptly by your weapon to her throat. 
As soon as her gurgles die out, you lower your weapon, tuck it under your arm, and press your hands together in prayer.
“God… please allow this woman to pass on to the afterlife. Forgive her of her wrongdoings.” You whisper into the night air and feel a hand on your shoulder. 
“You know you don’t have to pray for them, right? They’re ghouls. Not people.” Comes your squad member’s voice. You turn to see Naoki—Rank Two Investigator and resident cynic of your squad. 
“Human or not, they still deserve something.” You retort, and he backs off, hand raised as he apologizes. 
How you can tell he doesn’t mean it.
The two of you steadily make your way through the ranks of Aogiri Tree, with you offering brief words of prayer as the ghouls die. Naoki looks on with a sneer twisting his lips, but you ignore it.
Perhaps the prayers are for your own conscience. 
Maybe they actually do something.
You’d never know until you die. 
You hear your name, and you whirl, tightening your grip on your quinque. 
It’s Yū. Another Rank Two Investigator and your apprentice—almost a prodigy, really. They were slight in build, one of the smaller investigators you knew in the CCG, but a talented one nonetheless.
“Arima Kishou wants you to take on the north sector. Naoki and I will take this section from here.” They say and you nod, adjusting your white coat before taking off toward the mentioned part of Aogiri Tree’s base.
The fact that Arima Kishou was trusting you with this task… you weren’t quite sure what it meant. Part of you was elated. Were you being scouted for a promotion? You were a First Class Investigator, so that meant Associate Special. Class Investigator was next.
What would Uta think?
You reached the north end of the base and immediately was attacked.
The tentacles of the ghoul’s kagune created craters in the concrete and you skipped back, wielding your quinque as if it were a sword. You gripped the smooth handle with both hands, swinging it and crashing it into the head of your opponent. 
The skull caved in with a crunch, the light abruptly dying from the ghoul’s eyes. He crumpled to the ground and you offered a prayer.
In the middle of your words, you heard the sound of footsteps. They’re running, soles of their shoes slapping against the ground. You pivot, ducking under the deadly blow and the ghoul goes tumbling.
He’s on his feet in a flash, a snarl twisting his lips under his mask. His kakugan is a mess of black and crimson. 
But before he can send another attack your way… hands sprout from his chest and he’s quite literally ripped in half.
You stand in shock. 
And then you see him.
He’s dressed in a long cloak. He spots you, eyes widening just the slightest bit, and you lower your quinque. He calls your name and suddenly you’re running forward, dropping your weapon, and throwing your arms around him. You don’t care about the blood that stains your otherwise pristine white coat.
His arms are strong as they wrap around your waist and he noses your hair,
“What are you doing here?” He asks, pulling back and looking at you in vague concern. He wasn’t one to show a lot of emotion, but you didn’t care about that.
“The chairman wanted us to lead a strike against Aogiri. But nevermind that! What are you doing here?!” You demand and he shrugs, 
“Yoshimura wants us to rescue Kaneki.”
The artificial one-eyed ghoul. 
Uta had told you that he had been kidnapped by Aogiri’s Jason. That had been days ago. 
You only hoped that he was alright.
“Is this your lover, mon ami?” Comes a voice and you stiffen, stepping backward and picking up your weapon, all the while not taking your eyes off of the taller man in front of you.
Even without his mask, you recognized the violet-haired ghoul.
Uta places a hand on your back,
“He’s with me.” He whispers into your ear. Even then you don’t relax. You don’t trust him. He’s eaten countless innocent people, ran a damn restaurant where other ghouls could do the same.
Gourmet offered a flattering smile and gave a grand bow.
“It’s a pleasure petite fleur. Uta here has told us much about you.” He grins and you glare, ignoring his comment.
“I have a job to do.” You snap at him and prepare to leave your lover’s side.
Only for him to snag your waist and pull you back in for a kiss. You once again ignore Gourmet’s comment about the affection.
“Come home safe.” He whispers against your lips. You pull back, mildly dazed at the sudden kiss.
“Uh… sure…” You whisper and he smiles, pressing another kiss to your forehead before disappearing, Gourmet vanishing soon after.
You turn to see Naoki and Yū staring, astonishment on their faces and a dark look in Naoki’s eyes.
This was going to be very complicated to explain.
Very complicated.
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usagi-best-boy · 8 months
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The good boys: Tsukiyama, Uta, & Yomo
Tokyo Ghoul
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bored-storyteller · 11 months
Warning: none, mention of bones but very metaphorical
Tokyo Ghoul, Uta X Human!Reader
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You feel a lump in your throat tighten as you walk around the dark room.
Usually the light is always on, waiting for you, no matter what time you arrive.
“Uta…?” You call, while inching forward, already expecting to get no answer. Something must have happened to him, you think just before all the anxiety melts away.
"I’m here. Take it easy…"
You sigh with relief as his soft voice reaches you from the bedroom.
Even if there is not a single light bulb lit, the lights of the city color the room with warm and elusive colors, urban lights of the suburbs of Tokyo, the living Tokyo of those who hide from the sun.
He's sitting on the bed, his back to you, the red iris looking at you over his shoulder is surrounded by an artificial yellowish reflection that makes the black background shine lowly. In the clutter of an underground artist's room, all that would be missing would be the smell of instant ramen or two in the morning frying, but you know there can be no such thing in a ghoul's house.
“The scent of your fear is all too inviting.”
Yes, the only smell of food that can be there is yours.
“I wasn't afraid.” You mutter.
"I wouldn't mind if you admit it."
Even if he is joking, what you have in front of you is a serious Uta.
You lie on your stomach, your head is close to his thighs and your gaze flees beyond the window where his is lost too.
“How was your night with your human friends?” He asks you, and you think for a couple of seconds to answer; it could be a trap, or it could be a good way to figure out what's going on in that twisted head of the most complex and absurd person you know.
"Boring?" You try uncertain.
"That's a lie, but I appreciate the effort."
A submissive grunt escapes you, but you soon focus back on him: “What about you? What are you doing?"
“I contemplate the moon.”
The moon. The moon adapts to him: so fickle, surrounded by darkness, variable, never the same but always itself.
Now, beyond the lights of the suburbs, it’s a thin segment, a germ that has yet to grow, a vaguely orange hue that could resemble a smile.
“It looks like a backbone.” Uta says, and you look at him with exasperation in your eyes.
"Seriously? We can watch a horror movie if you really feel like it.”
Now even his eyes seek yours, they feed on them.
You look at each other in the silence, both of you waiting for something, but then it's you who speaks: "Do ghouls and humans see the moon the same way?"
Usually it's you who gives this kind of answers, you who justify your nature in front of him, but this time you came first. This time he is the one who has to let you know what floor each of you are on.
"I guess you see a slice of melon, or the smile of the Cheshire Cat... instead I..."
“Even the poet and the scientist see two different things, that's not what I mean.”
Now you are sitting too; your left knee brushes his right. Uta looks at them for a moment without saying anything.
"Yes…I guess the moon is the same for everyone." He finally admits.
“And it's different for every single person in the world.” You add, bringing your meditation back to the satellite beyond the bright blanket of the city.
“Was it the melon or the smile?” He asks you after a while.
"The smile."
“I'm tired of being imaginative!” You retort pouting, now looking at his profile who has also turned his nose up towards the sky "and it's always better than your macabre taste."
“It could also be a rib.”
You puff. You rest your head on his shoulder and a yawn escapes you, it's been a long evening.
"Stop that."
"All right…"
Your fingers begin to trace the black lines on his arm, you almost don't look at them, your touch follows them, you know his skin almost as much as yours.
"Sometimes I forget that you belong to the world of those who see the smile of the moon..." He says quietly, and you're not sure you really heard.
He won't say anything else, and you know it. It's already so much that I've discovered that little thread of his soul, the one that's always tense when you go out with someone who's like you.
"The moon doesn't care about us." You say.
"How cruel."
"Or reassuring. Ghouls or humans, we are nothing before the universe."
You raise your head but you don't look at him, your eyes remains beyond, beyond humanity and all the worries that for better or for worse are destined to end.
"This is even scarier. In theory." He tells you, but you feel his lip piercing cool a tiny piece of skin from your neck. He will kiss you, or bite you.
It doesn't really matter.
It doesn't matter if the ghoul's presence is so reassuring to the human, it doesn't matter if someone judges them. Their union is not that important, not under the sight of the moon.
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