#Toni defects from the BoS always
explosivedarling · 5 months
Once again I find myself revisiting my Fallout 4 verse and now having actually played it, I feel like my original two passes of this verse are unsatisfying to me. So here's probably the final update to her Fallout 4 verse separated into two first one is following the logic that Toni is the LW/Courier, the second would be following the logic that Toni is neither and follows her Wastelander verse detailed here
Wastelander Verse
Originally from the Capital Wasteland, Antonia hitches a ride with a caravan headed to the Commonwealth, mostly due to a growing wanderlust after her little adventure with the Lone Wanderer, she leaves Rivet City behind with the blessing of her parents.
While she knows her way around a pistol Antonia isn't a fighter normally but can defend herself if push comes to shove and earned her passage through her ability to repair clothing and basic items. Once the caravan arrives in the Commonwealth, she parts ways with them to strike it out on her own where she eventually ends up in Goodneighbor.
Antonia offers her services as both tailor and seamstress to the population at large, she travels to Diamond City a lot and can be encountered there or at Goodneighbor. In Diamond City she has a modest stall in which she offers her services.
She will ask the Sole Survivor if she can join them as she's growing restless sitting around doing textile work and wants to see what else the Commonwealth has to offer, they can choose to decline Toni's offer in which case she goes off on her own regardless of their intervention.
Like other Wastelanders, Toni fears the Institute but still advocates for an evacuation order to be issued and doesn't approve of its destruction without the Sole Survivor doing so, begging them to think about the senseless destruction of lives just because of the actions of a few.
She views the Brotherhood of Steel a lot more charitably than others would because of her experience in the Capital Wasteland and what the Lone Wanderer and by extension the BoS did for the population at large.
━━━━ ◦ ❖ ◦━━━━
Toni stayed in the Mojave for six years before she leaves it all behind having grown restless she returns to the Capital Wasteland where she lives in relative anonymity though it isn't long before people catch wind of her arrival and she's forced to leave again. Toni desires nothing more than to live a quiet life, she leaves the Capital Wasteland once again before the rumors are ever confirmed.
She hitches a ride to the Commonwealth by caravans earning her keep as either a caravan guard or courier. Once she arrives, she settles down very briefly in Bunker Hill before making her way to Diamond City. Once there she establishes a little stall once the Sole Survivor shows up she will ask if she could join them on their journey or pays them to let her join them, though either way the Sole Survivor can choose to turn her down.
Antonia will leave The Sole Survivor's side if they ally themselves to the Brotherhood of Steel, she's doesn't leave unless the following conditions are met: Madison Li is recruited to the Brotherhood. She has no ties to the Railroad outside of helping Harkness out but she is sympathetic towards their cause. Toni also has neutral opinions about The Institute, she will, however, become hostile and leave if The Institute is destroyed without issuing an evacuation order.
Destroying the Railroad also causes her to become immediately hostile once again due to the fact Antonia is vehemently against the wanton destruction of lives.
She offers no companion quest and only vaguely alludes to her adventures in both New Vegas and the Capital Wasteland at high affinity. If taken to the Prydwen or the Boston Airport she will ask to be left behind and seems paranoid at being around the Brotherhood of Steel, passing a difficult speech check allows the Sole Survivor to know that Toni was once affiliated with the BoS and passing another difficult speech check has her being honest about just how deeply involved she was with both East and West Coast chapters though she still won't tell anyone that she was the Lone Wanderer back in the Capital Wasteland and those who were around during her time there may or may not know who she is.
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God, this one was super long but it also involves Tony, Zira ( @heliocentricgeometric), Bob ( @thechaoticwave), and Luna ( @imagine1117) in a four way conversation.
Some exciting stuff happens in here and Tony’s a bit of a dick but he comes around in the end.
We started off in the general chat by joking that there can’t be two Tonys! There’s only one! Rhodey and DJ sided with Bob - the traitors. Tony went over to Zira, and that’s where this starts.
Tony and Zira’s Chat
Tony and Rhodey’s Chat
Tony & Rhodey Compile a List
(Read more for mobiles users.)
Tony: We can't have two Tonys. It's absolutely ridiculous
Zira: I was going to suggest numbers but those feel bad to have. Is dueling an appropriate problem solving technique?
Tony: ...No. Would be nice, though.
Zira: Wild.
Tony: I'm pretty sure Bob has a mean poker face. Comes with the beak...
Zira: I meant like just beating the shit out of each other until the weakest relents.
Tony: Er, definitely not.
Tony bob: I'd rather not do that.
Tony: This is a Bob-free zone. Go back to over there.
Zira: Yeah, I didn’t like doing it either. Asher was mean and loved to pick fights
The One and Only Tony: Kids like to do that.
Tony bob: (goes back over there and starts projecting mentally at Tony and Zira): I don't get what's so hard about this... I'm Tony.
The One and Only Tony: Though probably not how you're saying it, I guess? Please tell me these were wrestling fights.
Zira: I’m pretty sure there’s only one Tony.
The One and Only Tony: You can't be Tony because I'm Tony and THANK YOU, ZIRA
Zira: And weren’t you Bob like yesterday?
The One and Only Tony: I can't believe I'm saying this but he was Bo. I mean, Bill.
Zira: No problem :D Lots of b's
The One and Only Tony: I suggested Jerry but Bob seems like it fits him.
Tony bob: Okay, two things. The group is clearly in majority in agreeing with me, and I don't know what you're talking about. I was always Tony?
Luna: How about a hyphen? Tony-who-is-_
Zira: What? You’ve never been Tony before today.
The One and Only Tony: (slowly turns on Luna) Tony-who-is-what?
Zira: Did you get a concussion?
Tony bob: No... I'm very sure on this
The One and Only Tony: That's an excellent question, Zira.
Zira: Tony-who-gave-me-candy.
The One and Only Tony: (definitely does not melt at Zira) You were very sure that you were Bo.
Tony bob: I'm Tony.
Zira: But also do I need to do a concussion test?
Tony bob: And... candy?
The One and Only Tony potentially Tony-who-gave-Zira-candy: Yes, do it. No candy.
Zira: Candy is great!! I found out about it yesterday and he let me have some :D!
Tony bob: Fine. What's this concussion test you speak of? Congratulations on your candy, Zira.
Zira: Do you have any of these symptoms? Headache, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, confusion, dizziness, sensitivity to light, changes in sleep patterns,  mood changes, difficulty concentrating, or memory problems?
Tony bob: Yes! I'm very confused.... at you two. I'm Tony, always have been..
The One and Only Tony: Maybe go slowly so he can remember all of that. The guy has enough trouble remembering his own name.
Tony bob: Excuse me, I know my name, thank you very much.
Zira: Obvious memory problems.
The One and Only Tony: (nodding) Exactly.
Zira: Hmmm
Tony bob: I'm glad you agree with me.
The One and Only Tony: She's not agreeing with you!
Zira: The problem here is that I don’t know your baseline. Maybe this is normal for bird people.
The One and Only Tony: (makes a face)
Tony bob: Maybe..
Zira: Is there a book on bird people? And surely there’s a better, more scientific name.
The One and Only Tony: Bird people seems to work, considering he looks like a giant bird.
Clearly Tony bob: If there is, I'd like to read it.
Zira: Do you not know your baseline?? You could be dying right now and there would be no way to know!!
The One and Only Tony who is definitely Tony: (deadpan) Oh no.
Zira: Is there even a difference in what’s fatal, or how you feel pain, or what it’s like when you sleep or eat or--
Clearly Tony bob: I, Tony, am very clearly alive and functioning
Zira: --there’s no way to know
The One and Only Tony: You seem to be malfunctioning somewhere.
Zira: This confusion and memory loss could be a symptom of a much larger issue! Or it could be completely normal.
Clearly Tony bob: I don't know what you guys are saying! I don't have any confusion or memory loss.
The One and Only Tony who was Tony first: God why.
Zira: I don't know, birds are weird.
The One and Only Tony: Oooh, wait - WAIT
Zira: Maybe I should brush up on my bird facts- wait what
The One and Only Tony: (pulls out tool and does something to it)
Zira: :o?
The One and Only Tony: This is you on our first meeting
(The One and Only Tony waves tool that starts to play a sound)
Bob's voice starts playing: I'm Bo.
Zira: :O!
Clearly Tony bob: I've never said a word in my life... who is that?
Zira: What???
The One and Only Tony: This is your voice!
Clearly Tony bob: What?
Zira: You have said words in your life. Many times!
Clearly Tony bob: ...No I haven't.
The One and Only Tony: This is how you sound like.
Zira: You’re saying them right now!!
The One and Only Tony: You definitely are.
Zira: Also that is a very interesting device.
The One and Only Tony: Why, thank you.
Zira: You use words!
Clearly Tony bob: That would be very hard for me to do.. I would know if I had talked.
(The One and Only Tony shuts off device because it keeps repeating I'm Bo on an infinite loop)
Zira: And the commonly accepted definition of saying varies from situation to situation but usually simply means conveying information. Usually in a way that can be heard, but also written, seen, etc.
The One and Only Tony: Score one for knowledge.
Zira: The use and development of language and understood meanings is actually very interesting, and to ignore that for the sake of nitpicking is to disregard years of cultural development and shifts
Zira: (deep inhale)
(The One and Only Tony is on tenterhooks)
Zira: And FURTHERMORE I find EVERYTHING you say to be suspect in light of the names you have apparently lied about and or forgotten, which most likely shows a deep running strangeness that could indicate a tendency to simply do as you wish with no regard for consequences.
The One and Only Tony: (raises eyebrows)
Clearly Tony bob: Hmm. I meant word of mouth, but I neither lie or forget, especially for something so important such as my name.
Zira: Which is a very dangerous trait for an operative to have!!
The One and Only Tony: Oh, uh--
Clearly Tony bob: ... Operative?
The One and Only Tony: Why don't you take a breath and calm down, Zira?
Zira: (wheeze)
The One and Only Tony: (cautiously pats Zira on the shoulder)
The One and Only Tony: And another one, please
Zira: Ok, ok, so is operative not a way to refer to people?
Clearly Tony bob: (glancing between Zira and Tony, confused)
The One and Only Tony: Hmm, not really. Not here, anyway.
Clearly Tony bob: What-?
Zira: Hmm. Does this tie back to the sense of appreciating people for being people as opposed to means to an end?
The One and Only Tony: (points to Bob) You be quiet.
The One and Only Tony: (to Zira) Yes, it does.
Zira: Ok, ok, that makes sense.
Clearly Tony bob: (raises hands in a "I come in peace" way)
Zira: People have such an obsession with being their own people and not being used. That’s really nice.
The One and Only Tony: Yeah... It is.
Zira: I like presents and names and candy. And Bob or Bill or Bo or whatever. I’m sorry for calling you suspect.
Clearly Tony bob: Tony.
The One and Only Tony: I'm sure there are other things that you like.
Zira: It’s a quirk and doesn’t make you defective or bad.
Clearly Tony bob: And I don't understand what happened, but it's fine, I guess.
Zira: I like you! And I like the grass and the sky and books and getting to go outside and inside when I want--
Clearly Tony bob: (glances off to the side, seemingly to the middle of nowhere)
Zira: --and not being yelled at and you guys!!
The One and Only Tony: (smiling)
Zira: (beams)
The One and Only Tony: I like all those things, too. And I like you, too. Bob's a little suspect right now but I guess he isn't bad.
Clearly Tony bob: (only to Tony) “These are a few of my favourite things~”
The One and Only Tony: (looks at Bob)
Clearly Tony bob: Thank you, Tony :)
Zira: :D In his defense everyone is suspect and a possible threat but that’s ok!! It keeps one on their toes. :)
Clearly Tony bob: (trying to smile, but it looks really weird on a beak)
The One and Only Tony: ...That is certainly a way of looking at things. But I can't argue with it either.
Clearly Tony bob: I'm standing right here, but constantly looking over your shoulder isn't good mentally. I've seen the effects close-up, and they're not pretty.
The One and Only Tony: ...
Zira: What do you mean? It keeps you sharp and then you die.
The One and Only Tony: (looks at Zira in alarm)
Clearly Tony bob: What?
Zira: And then the death is relief from the constant fear and anticipation. It brings a new appreciation for the inevitable. :)
The One and Only Tony: (smiles back reflexively)
Clearly Tony bob: No! This is exactly what I mean!
The One and Only Tony: Wait, no--
The One and Only Tony: Sure, some wariness is good, but not that kind of wariness.
Zira: Is this another thing that they were wrong about?
The One and Only Tony: I mean, yeah, you need to keep an eye on things. Sometimes things go bad and you didn't expect that.
Zira: Dang, did they get anything right??
The One and Only Tony: Being watchful is okay! Trusting anyone and everyone isn't a good thing. But don't take it that far.
Clearly Tony bob: Listen, I know...people that have constantly ran and kept one eye over their shoulder at all times. It wasn't healthy. I could tell, everybody could.
Zira: At this rate you’re going to tell me that being happy and comfortable should be a regular thing.
The One and Only Tony: That'd be nice, wouldn't it
Clearly Tony bob: It very well is.
The One and Only Tony:  (coughs)
The One and Only Tony: Things to aspire to!
Clearly Tony bob: It should be, at least....
Zira: Huh. It just, y'know, seems like your main goal should be to further the goals of what you’ve been assigned. But I guess that’s another thing with like, being an individual. A person with hopes won’t do anything for the mission.
The One and Only Tony: It is, yeah.
Zira: Oh.
Clearly Tony bob: Assigned goals? The mission?
The One and Only Tony: Just, y'know, things.
Clearly Tony bob: (only to Tony) You clearly know what she means, what's going on?
The One and Only Tony: What's the meaning of life? I've heard it's 42 but don't quote me on that
Clearly Tony bob: (reflexively) 42
The One and Only Tony: Deep philosophical discussions when no one else is keeping watch. You know things go. Yes, 42
Zira: Don’t worry, Ton - I mean Bill; I’m just learning how to be a person :)
Clearly Tony bob: By Ioun, one of the monks used to say that all the time.
The One and Only Tony: Clearly a monk with knowledge. We're all learning how to be persons. Some are further along than others. Take Bob-- 
Zira: Who can’t remember his name.
The One and Only Tony: --I don't think he's yet figured out the concept of a name.
Clearly Tony bob: I have. >:(
Zira: Sure you have.
The One and Only Tony (waves tool around): I am going to play this conversation back. I mean, I only have 6 seconds time but I can do it.
Zira: (aside to Tony) Is this how you Small Talk?
The One and Only Tony: (whispers) Not really
Zira: Oh, ok
The One and Only Tony: (whispers) More of an argument. Small talk would be over drinks and maybe some food.
Zira: (turns to Bob) Hhhow about libraries, huh?
Zira: Shit, I don’t have any of those.
The One and Only Tony: (whispers) Your favorite book.
Clearly Tony bob: (perks up, it's very clear as a bird and kinda disconcerting) Libraries are great! I love knowledge.
Zira: UhhHH - what’s your favorite book?
(The One and Only Tony shoots Zira a thumbs up)
Zira: :D
Clearly Tony bob: Oh, I can't say for certain. I haven't read all books to ever exist yet, so that would be biased to all the books I haven't read. What about you?
Zira: All of them except the ones about murder; they make me nervous.
(The One and Only Tony definitely does not smile. He covers his face with a hand)
Zira: Wait, shit, I’m not supposed to talk about murder.
The One and Only Tony: (snorts and then coughs)
Zira: I once found one about dancing and gave it to my friend and her smile made it my favorite.
Clearly Tony bob: (a bit flustered) Oh, um, that's fine! you don't have to talk about something if you don't want to. Dancing, I've heard, is very fun.
Zira: I’ve never done it but she loved it :)
Zira: And I loved seeing her happy so it was nice.
Zira: Whaaat about you? Do you have any friends? Wait.
The One and Only Tony (whispers): No, that's great!
Clearly Tony bob: Yup, there's Dr Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff.
Zira: :o
The One and Only Tony: Bless you
Clearly Tony bob: (reflexively) And you as well.
Clearly Tony bob: What? I'm very confused.
The One and Only Tony: As am I. I suppose telepathically speaking works well for something. Dr. Wolfschedlbalrg.
The One and Only Tony: ...orf?
Zira: Dr Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff sounds like a very interesting person.
The One and Only Tony: :O
Clearly Tony bob: No, no, it's Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff
The One and Only Tony: It sounds...exactly the same??
Clearly Tony bob: Yes! He owes me 3 silver.
Zira: No? It’s Dr Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff.
The One and Only Tony: (sighs) No, it really is Dr Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff.
Zira: He owes you three silver? For what?
Clearly Tony bob: He told me nobody could say it without stuttering.
Zira: I’ve been told I’m a nobody.
The One and Only Tony: Well, I guess now he owes me 3 silver, too. And you are definitely not a nobody.
Clearly Tony bob: (runs up and pokes Zira) no, I can feel you! you're definitely real.
(Zira kinda recoils at the sudden contact)
Zira: That’s very kind of you. But clearly being a nobody puts me at an advantage
The One and Only Tony: (pushes Bob away) Maybe x-nay on the sudden touching
The One and Only Tony: Mmmmm...yes, and yet no. Act like a nobody but don't believe you're a nobody
Clearly Tony bob: (jerks back and flutters on a nearby tree branch) I'm so sorry! And I second what Tony said.
The One and Only Tony: For once we agree on something.
Zira: You all are very sweet!! I think I like you more than my other team.
The One and Only Tony: You are going to make me blush.
Zira: And you can fly!! I wanted to ask about that!! Your bones must be hollow to enable that sort of movement--
Clearly Tony bob: (sends a mental smiley face)
Zira: --which makes you much more sensitive to blunt force
The One and Only Tony: Ooh, science talk.
Zira: I will brush up on my bone knowledge for this.
Clearly Tony bob: (edges back further on the branch)
(The One and Only Tony is bouncing)
Zira: And can you puff up your feathers to preserve body heat? Or is there some way to keep cool? And does it affect your strength? I know you’re slower on the ground due to your feet being unfit for the flat surface
Clearly Tony bob: (ruffles feathers and just looks like a fluffy ball)
Zira: Is there a concern about muscle atrophy, as sometimes you’d probably have to go long stretches without flying?
Zira: :o! And your feathers must be sensitive, the nerves running through them would make it very painful if they were broken. I should also brush up on any bird related rehab in case of the worst.
Clearly Tony bob: I... guess?
The One and Only Tony: No guesses. This is a great idea.
Zira: Yes, birds also often cannot tell where windows are and slam into them hard enough to go into shock and either die from that or from being defenseless on the ground, which is very sad.
The One and Only Tony: Didn't you almost crash into a door that one time?
Clearly Tony bob: I generally can't tell where anything is, I have shit eyesight
Clearly Tony bob: SHHHHHH
The One and Only Tony: Yes, and you forgot to close it.
Clearly Tony bob: Well, I was trying to cause a distraction! I was in a hurry!
Zira: Maybe we should do drills on that, to improve your general awareness of threats even while visibility is limited.
The One and Only Tony: That is actually a great idea. Especially in the dark. Because we're blind.
Zira: Preemptively strike against vulnerability. I can see in the dark.
The One and Only Tony: And that is a very useful skill to have.
Clearly Tony bob: ...what do you have in mind?
Zira: Hmm, maybe try something with blindfolds.
Clearly Tony bob: (sends a spike of panic) No blindfolds please!
The One and Only Tony: I mean, you can't see anything otherwise in the dark.
(Zira kinda starts muttering to herself and turning over how to improve blindsight)
Zira: No blindfolds?
The One and Only Tony: Hm... Really dark glasses? Might not fit without any ears...
Zira: Respecting the choices and boundaries of others is important in order to preserve the individual’s integrity
The One and Only Tony: Oh, wait straps
Zira: So no blindfolds
The One and Only Tony: How do you feel about dark goggles, Bob?
Clearly Tony bob: Dark... goggles?
The One and Only Tony: Like glasses, but they'll be strapped around your head. And we can make them super dark.
Zira: Dark, slightly see-through glass placed over your eyes. Removable whenever you’re uncomfortable.
Clearly Tony bob: Okay..?
Zira: Great! I can write up a training regiment that could get us started!
The One and Only Tony: Great, so in lieu of blindfolds we just need goggles.
(Zira wanders off in search of paper and some writing stuff and then plops down and starts scribbling)
The One and Only Tony: And that's that for a while, I think.
The One and Only Tony: (looks at Bob) Bob.
Clearly Tony bob: It's Tony
The One and Only Tony: Mm-hmm. Sure. Whatever you say, Bob.
Clearly Tony bob: See? I knew you could see reason :D
(Tony lifts up his small tool, blows over it gently while staring Bob in the eyes)
(The tool starts playing I'm Bo and My name is Bill. Since always?)
Clearly Tony bob: I don't sound like that
(Tony waves the tool in Bob's direction, then walks backward in the direction of safer pastures to the oxen. He gives Rhodey and DJ pointed glares)
Clearly Tony bob: (whispers across to Tony) I'm Tony.
(The tool lands at Bob's feet)
(It's still playing Bob's voice on a 6 second loop)
The One and Only Tony: AND I EXPECT THAT BACK
Clearly Tony bob: (Tony bob repeats "I'm Tony" to The One and Only Tony every time he hears "I'm Bo")
(The One and Only Tony hears it in his mind very clearly)
(The One and Only Tony is seen doing some deep breathing exercises)
(Clearly Tony bob flies a bit higher on the tree, completely unrelated)
(As The One and Only Tony's message can't be heard that high up he gets rid of it)
(Tony bob is still whispering it to The One and Only Tony and then blows a mental raspberry at him)
(An arrow thunks on the tree trunk)
(This arrow has an image on it that says BOB'S TREE)
(Tony's bob "voice" increases in volume)
The One and Only Tony: (seems to think)
(Zira is still absorbed in whatever she’s writing)
The One and Only Tony: (travels out of the clearing entirely)
(Also Completely Unrelated, Tony bob flies until he's 110 feet away from The One and Only Tony)
Luna: Maybe we should calm down and work on teamwork? If we're going to work together we should all be friends. Maybe we should think of other things to do like Zira’s doing?
(The One and Only Tony can still hear Tony bob)
Luna: And it’s good to know about each other to help when we get hurt so maybe we should find a library to find out more about other races
Clearly Tony bob: I'd love to learn more! (swoops down and lands beside Luna)
The One and Only Tony: I wiggle my fingers and someone might get a healing if they're nice. I already know DJ's stuff. And Zira has volunteered taking over Bob's healthcare
Clearly Tony bob: I'm Tony.
The One and Only Tony: No, he's Bob, as that arrow on his tree clearly states
Luna: Tony, be nice to Tony.
The One and Only Tony: >:O
Clearly Tony bob: (beams at Luna)
Luna: He obviously feels strongly about it and you're hurting his feelings, which is mean.
(Zira nearly falls over)
(Elsewhere in the chat, @thechaoticwave asks inu to do an intelligence saving check. Inu rolls a lovely 19. Bob’s spell goes awry.)
The One and Only Tony: ...what did you just try?
Zira: Tony is nice!
Clearly Tony bob: I tried to make you believe >:(
Luna: We can just call you both Tony.
The One and Only Tony: You can't make me believe something I know isn't true, and that's really not okay.
Zira: He taught me the Small Talk and gave me candy and listens to me.
Luna: (big smile)
The One and Only Tony: That kind of mental manipulation is not good
Zira: Mental manipulation isn’t good?
Luna: Yes, he's a good person.
The One and Only Tony: It's not!
Zira: Isn’t it like, normal for a superior to bring someone into line by whatever means necessary? ...Oh. This is another individual rights thing
Luna: NO
The One and Only Tony: (takes a deep breath)
The One and Only Tony: No, Zira. That's not normal.
Clearly Tony bob: I... I shouldn't have done that, Tony. I'm sorry
The One and Only Tony: (to Zira) It happens, but it's not okay.
Zira: Oh. Ok.
The One and Only Tony: And none of us are superiors to each other here.
Clearly Tony bob: What Tony said.
The One and Only Tony: We're...friends,  I suppose.
Luna: We're all friends
The One and Only Tony:  Even...Tony. (looks like he's pained)
Zira: I love having friends!!
Luna: Which means we have to be nice and respect each other
The One and Only Tony not for a day: (looks at Bob) As long as you don't do it anymore.
Zira: Respect is for everyone?
The One and Only Tony: ...I should say yes, shouldn't I?
Zira: I thought you had to earn that.
The One and Only Tony: Yes, you have to earn it
Luna: Everyone
The One and Only Tony: Earn it.
Clearly Tony bob: I say it depends.
Luna: Unless they hurt you. Then you can stop them.
Zira: Ok! So if I do really good then I get treated like a person.
Zira: Wait what
The One and Only Tony: No, you get treated like a person regardless of what you do.
Zira: If someone hurts you then you just respect them more so they don’t hurt you.
Clearly Tony bob: Nono
Luna: If someone hurts you, you leave.
Zira: Another rights of an individual thing...
The One and Only Tony: No! You don't respect someone who hurts you.
Luna: Zira, anybody who hurts you isn't a good person.
Zira: It feels like everything is about respecting the integrity of others. And sometimes someone needs to hurt me--
The One and Only Tony: Absolutely not.
Zira: --if I’ve done something wrong…
The One and Only Tony: And if anyone ever tells you that, send them to me.
Tony!!! bob: I was taught that you have a base amount of respect for everyone. And then, depending on their actions, your respect for them either goes up or down.
Luna: You shouldn't hurt someone unless they hurt you first and only to stop them - not as revenge
The One and Only Tony: (side-eyes Luna)
Zira: Oh.
Luna: So they really shouldn't be hurting you.
Zira: So I’m gonna guess and say that everything is about respecting the integrity of others.
The One and Only Tony: Yes, that's a good way of looking at things.
Zira: Even me. I deserve respect and not to be hurt?
The One and Only Tony: Yes
Zira: :o
Zira: What about people you’re fighting?
The One and Only Tony: Hm, well… I operate by they hurt me, they're going to get hurt, too.
Tony!!! bob: Well, why are you fighting them?
The One and Only Tony: But I try not to kill anyone.
Zira: Well, we normally fight things because we were ordered to.
Luna: That’s a good rule, Tony.
The One and Only Tony look I'm still Tony and will stay Tony for longer than a day: Well, right now we're fighting people because they're picking fights with us.
Zira: And then we were supposed to kill them all except for the ones that were useful
Luna: Fight people who fight you or innocents.
Tony!!! bob: .... disregarding orders, if you ever saw yourself in a fight, why would you be there?
Zira: ....
Zira: This might be bad, but I don’t like fighting.
The One and Only Tony: That is totally okay. You don't have to fight if you don't want to.
Luna: That’s okay.
Zira: It’s scary and I don’t like people and I know that makes me a coward and a bad soldier and--
Luna: You’re not a coward. You were very brave.
The One and Only Tony: Furthest thing from a coward that I've seen.
Tony!!! bob: Look, I don't know much about your background. But if you don't want to fight, that doesn't make you anything. You had no obligation to do anything
Luna: And it’s ok not to like people
(Zira smiles and its kinda watery)
Zira: You guys are all crazy.
Luna: If you don't want to do something tell us and you won’t have to do it
(The One and Only Tony slowly telegraphs his movement towards Zira)
Tony!!! bob: It's been known :)
(The One and Only Tony pats Zira's arm)
(He's unsure how a shoulder hug might be received at this point)
Luna:  And we're all a little crazy together as friends.
The One and Only Tony: You're a healer, right? Or you like healing, anyway.
Zira: Yes!
The One and Only Tony: Then you can be our healer if you want? You don't have to fight
Zira: I love being able to fix people. I would very much like that please. (she cringes a bit after saying that)
Luna: You're our healer then.
The One and Only Tony: It's done.
Zira: :D!!
Tony!!! bob: You'll be a great healer, Zira.
Luna: Great. Do you want a congratulatory hug?
Tony!!! bob: :OOOOO!!! Group hug?
The One and Only Tony: Not you, B-Tony
Luna: Group hug
Zira: Hug?
The One and Only Tony: ...Or go to the side if you're joining in
Tony!!! bob: (cringes)
Luna: If you want a group hug
The One and Only Tony: ...yeah, hug if you want it
Zira: No, no, what is a hug?
The One and Only Tony: Bend down
(Zira bends down)
The One and Only Tony: (slowly moves in)
The One and Only Tony: This is a hug.
(The One and Only Tony has wrapped his arms around Zira's shoulders. She's skinny)
Zira: :O!!!!
(All 5'5" of Luna throws her arms around them)
The One and Only Tony: Oof
Zira: Meri used to do this all the time when I was sad!! I didn’t know it had a name
Zira: !!!!! I love hugs!!!!
The One and Only Tony: ...yeah, it's a hug. You can have more if you want.
(Tony!!! bob: slowly moves in and wraps both arms and wings around the others. the wings are warm.)
The One and Only Tony: DJ always jumps on me if he wants one.
Luna: You can always come to me for hugs, but you'll have to sit down
The One and Only Tony: Yeah, you're a bit tall for any of us to give you one
Zira: I will!! (hugs you back, beaming)
Luna: I like your wings, Tony. Very good for hugging
The One and Only Tony: I don't - oh
The One and Only Tony: (sigh)
Tony!!! bob: thank you Luna :D
Zira: I have to go keep doing that write up, but thank you so much for the hug!
The One and Only Tony: Sure thing, kid. Hit me up if you need more. And you don't always have to ask. DJ's got me prepped for surprise hugs.
(Zira kinda disengages and tosses a huge smile over her shoulder as she turns)
(Luna falls over)
Zira: Thank you, Tony!! And fake Tony! And Luna!
The One and Only Tony: (is delighted and can barely stop at looking at Bob)
(There's a feather on Zira's knee, because that's pretty much how tall he reaches)
(Zira vanishes back to writing)
Tony!!! bob: .... I'll take it.
The One and Only Tony: (pauses)
The One and Only Tony: (looks at Luna and Bob)
The One and Only Tony: You two don't get free hugs.
Tony!!! bob: ... fine. Luna, you get free hugs from me.
Luna: We can hug each other.
The One and Only Tony: (shakes head) And now I'm going to go climb a tree.
Luna: Have fun.
Tony!!! bob: Flying would be easier :)
The One and Only Tony: ... (looks back at Bob)
Tony!!! bob: But yeah, you have fun. Luna and I are going to hug each other.
The One and Only Tony: Yeah, wings are cool. (he's smiling slightly)
Luna: I'll go think of some more team building exercises.
(Tony!!! bob hugs Luna)
The One and Only Tony: You two knock yourselves out.
Luna: After we hug 
(Luna hugs back)
(The One and Only Tony is studying the tree where his arrow is stuck)
(Tony!!! bob steps back and goes to The One and Only Tony)
(The One and Only Tony jumps up on the closest branch)
Tony!!! bob: (only to The One and Only Tony) Hey, uh, things got kinda heavy and I never got the chance, but I'm sorry, Tony. I shouldn't have tried to mind control you like that.
The One and Only Tony: Mm...no, you shouldn't have. But... I guess why I understand why you did it. I don't know why you keep changing names every day, but I can live with it.
Tony!!! bob: I'm not going to make any excuses, but I got carried away. Is there any way I could make this up to you?
The One and Only Tony: (looks back down to Bob on his spot on the branch)
The One and Only Tony: (does a double-take on realizing Bob isn't there)
The One and Only Tony: (almost falls off branch)
Tony!!! bob: Whoa! Careful there; are you okay?
The One and Only Tony: Fine. And, uh...hold onto that thought, I guess. I'll think of something. Because, no, I'm letting you off that easily by asking you to get that arrow. (gets to next branch)
Tony!!! bob:: ... I could get it for you anyways, if you wanted.
The One and Only Tony: (does not look down because Bob isn't there)
The One and Only Tony: (almost does so anyway)
(Luna wanders off because she saw a cute rabbit not that anybody’s paying much attention)
The One and Only Tony: ...
The One and Only Tony: (sigh)
The One and Only Tony: Sure.
The One and Only Tony: (mutters) Wings really would be useful about now, wouldn't it, Tony
(Tony!!! bob was hovering there the whole time this conversation was going on)
Tony!!! bob: Wings are useful, yes. (yanks out the arrow and swoops down to The One and Only Tony, handing it to him)
The One and Only Tony: (does not startle at Bob's sudden appearance)
The One and Only Tony: Er, thanks...Tony.
(The One and Only Tony gets rid of the BOB'S TREE message on the arrow)
Tony!!! bob: It's no problem, Tony
The One and Only Tony: I bet.
(The One and Only Tony gets down without any issues. Climbing was always a problem.)
Tony!!! bob: Boop
The One and Only Tony: !!!
The One and Only Tony: Are you trying to give me a heart attack?
Tony!!! bob: Is that not how it's said?
The One and Only Tony: For what?
Tony!!! bob: That's what Dr Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff does..
The One and Only Tony: Well, if that's what Dr Hubert Blaine Wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorff does. (sigh) It's done like this.
The One and Only Tony: (taps Bob's beak) Boop
Tony!!! bob: :o
(Tony!!! bob goes to boop The One and Only Tony, but is confused since The One and Only Tony doesn't have a beak)
Tony!!! bob: (taps The One and Only Tony's mouth) ...Boop?
The One and Only Tony: (snort) It'd be my nose
(The One and Only Tony taps nose)
Tony!!! bob: Oh!
Tony!!! bob: (taps The One and Only Tony's nose) Boop!
The One and Only Tony (resigned): Yeah, you got it.
Tony!!! bob: :DDD
The One and Only Tony: Boop
Tony!!! bob: Boop!!
The One and Only Tony: ...I'm stopping now before I officially lose it
Tony!!! bob: Okay. Thank you, Tony
The One and Only Tony: Sure, don't mention it. You have a nice time nesting. Has to be more comfortable than sleeping on the ground.
Tony!!! bob: Right yeah, birds nest. I will have a great time... nesting. You have a great time ground-nesting, too, Tony
The One and Only Tony: (sighs) I definitely will, thanks.
(And Tony!!! bob: swoops into the trees to ... nest)
(The One and Only Tony goes to consider life and...plot)
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Toy Story 4
The most highly anticipated family friendly movie of 2019; Toy Story 4. Does it still have a place in this world, or did Toy Story 3 corrupt a perfectly good franchise?
The trailer introduced us to a new character; Forky (Tony Hale),a new friend Bonnie made at kindergarten. As well as introducing us to Duke Caboom (Keanu Reeves),Gabby Gabby (Christina Hendricks),Bunny (Jordan Peele),Giggle McGiggles (Ally Maki),Ducky (Keengan-Michael Key) and finally an unvoiced role for Vincent.  
With also bring back fan favourites, Woody (Tom Hanks),Buzz Lightyear (Tim Allen) and Bo Beep (Annie Potts) and of course, Bonnie (Madeleine McGraw) from Toy Story 3.
The trailer shared with us that Woody was going on an adventure to save Forky who we believe accidentally falls out of an R.V window.
Toy story 4 is so much more than that.
This movie gives us a flashback to nine years ago explaining why Po Beep wasn’t in Toy Story, the perfect tying of a loose end. As well as giving us that sweet reminder of those who grew up on the first two Toy Story movies.
Before bringing us to the currant day; Bonnie experiencing her first day at kindergarten, with the sneaky help of Woody giving Bonnie an idea to create a new friend. After coming home; Woody introduces Forky to the gang.
The story follows Woody and his nagging instinct to keep Forky safe and by Bonnie’s side even if the trash does like to run off.
The way I see Forky and the best way to explain it is Forky is just like a toddler who just wants to go, go explore, go run and go find their freedom. Wood has to act like the parent figure; trying to explain to Forky the toy rules which Forky doesn’t like because his simply a spork that knew he’d end up in the trash.
Toy Story 4 is beautifully put together movie that hits the nostalgic sweet spot of any Toy Story fan. It’s got the balance of light and dark unlike Toy Story 3 where it turns dark really quick. The baddie of this story is Gabby Gabby a defective toy who just wants to be owned by a kid.
At times you will cry, you will laugh as well as jump a few times throughout the movie.
Toy Story 4 makes us believe that toys always have a purpose even if we don’t want them no more. The circle of a toy life.
A must see for any Toy Story fan.
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