#just something to think about ⁽ᴴᵉᵃᵈᶜᵃᶰᵒᶰˢ⁾
explosivedarling · 5 months
Toni's complicated relationship with Benny
She slept with him that much is obvious. She's attracted to him on a physical level, she hates him for attempting to murder her and yet, Toni forgives him always, she does spare him even if it brings down Caesar's wrath upon her. Toni contemplated killing him out of revenge but once they spoke at the Fort and she understands his goals and motivations. She sees herself in him, just another pawn on the board to be sacrificed. The more deeply she becomes entrenched in the fate of New Vegas, the more she remembers his words.
Toni doesn't expect Benny to thank her or even understand why she allows him to leave. Part of her hopes that he alone choses the path to redemption or at the very least once she gives New Vegas its freedom that he does what he thinks is best for himself and the people he cares for. She finds herself thinking about Benny in passing a lot as the months and years go by not in a romantic sense, but she hopes he's still alive and doing well for himself.
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exspirarchived · 8 years
     So I’ve been thinking more about the fact that Tiris is straight up a six-foot-tall, eight-feet-long black wolf (with a four-foot-long tail), and I’ve been thinking about how utterly inconvenient that would be for Zoen. She basically lives with a horse in a city that was not designed with indoor horses in mind. If she was an orc in Orgrimmar, it wouldn’t be a problem, but she was a Lordaeran refugee languishing Old Town before graduating to a murder victim with an apartment on the docks.  
     I mean sure, he’d be great for intimidation purposes. You have to be a special kind of stupid to jump someone who’s got a freakin’ garn at their side, even if they’re just some little waif. Plus he’d have been warm and soft, perfect for sleeping on when out in the woods or when the temperatures dropped. But at the same time there’s always the danger that the rickety stairs or the dilapidated floors might give out from under his considerable weight. Not to mention, he’s kind of an uncommon sight, yeah? He can certainly ghost through a forest, because he’s a wolf, but it would be harder to do so through the streets. When you’re a pickpocket and a petty thief, the distinct lack of inconspicuousness that he brings to the table can become dangerously disadvantageous.
     Plus, she has to feed him. Gray wolves, apparently, can survive on two-and-a-half pounds of food a day. Considering Tiris is about twice the size of a gray wolf, we’ll say he would probably need five or six pounds a day. A day. Wolves can go weeks without food if need be, which he’d probably have to, since Zoen and Sparks were very often incapable of affording to feed themselves, much less him. (Though Zoen would absolutely be the type of person to skip a meal or two to make sure he got something for himself.)
     There are other things that would make taking care of Tiris an utter pain, of course. He’d have to be left outside often whenever Zoen goes into smaller or more clustered areas. Dog hair would get everywhere. Bathing him would be a legendary nightmare. And if he ever gets too excited when he sees someone he knows or likes, there is always the small but considerable possibility that he will accidentally kill them should he rush over and topple them over.
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explosivedarling · 5 months
Once again I find myself revisiting my Fallout 4 verse and now having actually played it, I feel like my original two passes of this verse are unsatisfying to me. So here's probably the final update to her Fallout 4 verse separated into two first one is following the logic that Toni is the LW/Courier, the second would be following the logic that Toni is neither and follows her Wastelander verse detailed here
Wastelander Verse
Originally from the Capital Wasteland, Antonia hitches a ride with a caravan headed to the Commonwealth, mostly due to a growing wanderlust after her little adventure with the Lone Wanderer, she leaves Rivet City behind with the blessing of her parents.
While she knows her way around a pistol Antonia isn't a fighter normally but can defend herself if push comes to shove and earned her passage through her ability to repair clothing and basic items. Once the caravan arrives in the Commonwealth, she parts ways with them to strike it out on her own where she eventually ends up in Goodneighbor.
Antonia offers her services as both tailor and seamstress to the population at large, she travels to Diamond City a lot and can be encountered there or at Goodneighbor. In Diamond City she has a modest stall in which she offers her services.
She will ask the Sole Survivor if she can join them as she's growing restless sitting around doing textile work and wants to see what else the Commonwealth has to offer, they can choose to decline Toni's offer in which case she goes off on her own regardless of their intervention.
Like other Wastelanders, Toni fears the Institute but still advocates for an evacuation order to be issued and doesn't approve of its destruction without the Sole Survivor doing so, begging them to think about the senseless destruction of lives just because of the actions of a few.
She views the Brotherhood of Steel a lot more charitably than others would because of her experience in the Capital Wasteland and what the Lone Wanderer and by extension the BoS did for the population at large.
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Toni stayed in the Mojave for six years before she leaves it all behind having grown restless she returns to the Capital Wasteland where she lives in relative anonymity though it isn't long before people catch wind of her arrival and she's forced to leave again. Toni desires nothing more than to live a quiet life, she leaves the Capital Wasteland once again before the rumors are ever confirmed.
She hitches a ride to the Commonwealth by caravans earning her keep as either a caravan guard or courier. Once she arrives, she settles down very briefly in Bunker Hill before making her way to Diamond City. Once there she establishes a little stall once the Sole Survivor shows up she will ask if she could join them on their journey or pays them to let her join them, though either way the Sole Survivor can choose to turn her down.
Antonia will leave The Sole Survivor's side if they ally themselves to the Brotherhood of Steel, she's doesn't leave unless the following conditions are met: Madison Li is recruited to the Brotherhood. She has no ties to the Railroad outside of helping Harkness out but she is sympathetic towards their cause. Toni also has neutral opinions about The Institute, she will, however, become hostile and leave if The Institute is destroyed without issuing an evacuation order.
Destroying the Railroad also causes her to become immediately hostile once again due to the fact Antonia is vehemently against the wanton destruction of lives.
She offers no companion quest and only vaguely alludes to her adventures in both New Vegas and the Capital Wasteland at high affinity. If taken to the Prydwen or the Boston Airport she will ask to be left behind and seems paranoid at being around the Brotherhood of Steel, passing a difficult speech check allows the Sole Survivor to know that Toni was once affiliated with the BoS and passing another difficult speech check has her being honest about just how deeply involved she was with both East and West Coast chapters though she still won't tell anyone that she was the Lone Wanderer back in the Capital Wasteland and those who were around during her time there may or may not know who she is.
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explosivedarling · 3 years
which rage language are you
open the floodgates
your frustration turns into tears quickly. the strength of your fury is so potent that it sets off the waterworks out of pure rage. you hate it, because whoever's pissed you off thinks it's funny, like you're not tough and you can't defend yourself. you can, you just need to get through the haze of emotions first.
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explosivedarling · 3 years
—    BASICS :      Antonia Leyva.
▸     IS    YOUR    MUSE    TALL    /    SHORT    /    AVERAGE ? :     Toni is 5′5″, she’s itty bitty!
▸   ARE    THEY    OKAY    WITH    THEIR    HEIGHT ? :   Yup! 
▸  WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ? :    Auburn 3c hair usually worn loose, she might switch it up with Senegalese twists, a braided puff and double puffs
▸ DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ? :   Hours. Toni gets incredibly meticulous with her grooming and makeup often planning her outfits to coordinate with her makeup.
▸  DOES   YOUR   MUSE   CARE   ABOUT   THEIR   APPEARANCE   /   WHAT    OTHERS    THINK ? :    Depends. Toni knows first hand how her body is often ridiculed or seen as disgusting by some people. She’s confident enough not to care or let it get to her so in that respect she doesn’t care!  However when it comes to people she’s close to she cares a great deal about what they think of her and how she presents herself, after all a good first impression is necessary.
INDOORS    OR    OUTDOORS ? ▸ A mixture of both. RAIN    OR    SUNSHINE ? ▸  Sunshine, she doesn’t like gloomy weather it puts her down FOREST    OR    BEACH ? ▸   Beaches!  PRECIOUS    METALS     OR    GEMS ? ▸ Both FLOWERS   OR   PERFUMES ? ▸   Perfumes.  PERSONALITY    OR    APPEARANCE ? ▸  A little bit of both. BEING    ALONE    OR    BEING    IN    A    CROWD ? ▸  Being in a crowd. She’s an extrovert after all, it’s very energizing to her. ORDER   OR    ANARCHY ? ▸   A little bit of both. PAINFUL    TRUTHS    OR     WHITE    LIES ? ▸  Painful truths. Toni doesn’t appreciate being lied to. SCIENCE   OR    MAGIC ? ▸  Both. Although her mom’s a Baptist and her dad’s an apatheist he can’t let go of the superstitions and mysticism of his home country and fostered the culture in his house. PEACE    OR    CONFLICT ? ▸   Peace. NIGHT    OR    DAY ? ▸      Day. DUSK    OR    DAWN ? ▸     Dawn. WARMTH    OR    COLD ? ▸   Warmth MANY   ACQUAINTANCES    OR    A    FEW   CLOSE   FRIENDS ? ▸   Both!  she’s a social butterfly READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?    Playing  games
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ? :  Oh man idk really! I’ve admittedly never thought about any bad habits for her lmao. No actually I take that back, Toni keeps her workspace cluttered with a lot of scrap fabrics.
▸   HAS    YOUR    MUSE    LOST    ANYONE    CLOSE    TO    THEM ?      HOW    HAS    IT    AFFECTED THEM ? :   Not particularly?  Her maternal grandfather died before she knew him, she’s seen pictures of her granddaddy and feels kind of sad that she never knew him. 
▸   WHAT    ARE    SOME    FOND    MEMORIES    YOUR    MUSE    HAS ? : Making tamales with her dad when she was little!
▸   IS    IT    EASY    FOR    YOUR    MUSE    TO    KILL ? :    Only in Fallout and Dragon Age. Toni’s a Martial Pacifist in those kind verses
▸   WHAT’S    IT    LIKE    WHEN    YOUR    MUSE    BREAKS    DOWN ? :   She’s very melodramatic. She’ll cry for days ▸  IS    YOUR    MUSE    CAPABLE    OF  TRUSTING  SOMEONE WITH  THEIR LIFE ? : Yes! Toni’s overly trusting, sometimes to a fault. I’d say it’s veering into naiveté territory but Toni just wants to see the good in people
▸ WHAT’S  YOUR  MUSE  LIKE  WHEN  THEY’RE  IN LOVE ? :  Toni’s a naturally soft and tender woman, but she gets extra lovey-dovey and sappy in relationships! Toni’s love language is physical touch so expect her to be always holding hands with her love interest and gifting them things like clothes she’s created.
TAGGED  BY :  @themercifulmother​ TAGGING :   nah
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explosivedarling · 5 years
I just think of how Jaime anglicized his name to James because he got annoyed at people calling him Jamie and having to correct the pronunciation.
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explosivedarling · 5 years
nail biting | throat clearing | lying | interrupting | chewing the ends of pens | smoking | swearing | knuckle cracking | thumb sucking | muttering under their breath | talking to themselves | binge drinking | oversleeping | snacking between meals | skipping meals | picking at skin | impulse buying | talking with their mouth full | humming/singing to themselves | chewing gum | leg jiggling | foot tapping | hair twirling | whistling | eye rolling | licking lips | sniffing | squinting | rubbing hands together | jaw clenching | gesturing while talking | putting feet up on tables | tucking hair behind ears | chewing lips | crossing arms over chest | putting hands on hips | rubbing the back of their neck | being late | procrastinating | doodling | shredding paper | peeling off bottle labels | forgetfulness | running hands through hair | overreacting | teeth grinding | nostril flaring | slouching | pacing | drumming fingers | fist clenching | pinching bridge of nose | rubbing temples | rolling shoulders
Tagged by: @s0ldier-of-misfortune (thanks!)
Tagging: steal this
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explosivedarling · 5 years
Have some older Toni headcanons in this trying time
After finding moderate success in the fashion industry working for well known fashion designers, Toni effectively retires to chase her dreams of owning a store.
In her late 20s to early 30s, Toni marries her spouse and has/adopts/coparents (if her spouse previously had kids) kids.
It is in her late thirties that she's able to put up her first brick and mortar store with some financial help from her parents but it's mostly her own blood, sweat and tears. She's very proud of herself and so are her parents. Magnolia and Dario occasionally come to visit their big sister.
In her early 40s Toni is still surprised that she was able to achieve her dreams. She now has a steady flow of clientele, whether they buy from her clothing line or drop off clothes to be tailored.
at 45, Toni opens her second store in her hometown.
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explosivedarling · 5 years
repost    &     fill    in    the    words    you    most    associate    with    your    character.
animal  :   doves and ladybugs
color  :    pink
month  :   october.
song  :   polka dots and moonbeams - Wes Montgomery
number  : 6
day    or    night  :   afternoon
plant  :   hydrangeas 
smell  :  a perfume with both fruity and flowery notes in equal balance
season  :   beginning of spring.
food  :    soul food
astrological     sign  :   cancer
element  :   water.
drink  :  hibiscus tea 
tagged by  :  @chewshides​ (thanks for the tag!  tagging  : @rotlaust​ / @pussyliqucr​, @thx-lost-yxars​, @daggersandsparks​ / @chaotic-criminal​, @ajisainotsuju​, @longthoughtlost​ / @fromlandtosea​, @maternalmelancholy
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explosivedarling · 5 years
So I've thought about it and I'm no longer comfortable having Catherine or Toni as atheists, Jaime stays as an apatheist however.
Catherine was raised in a Baptist household but eventually broke off and more or less believes in Omnism nowadays, she still turns to her bible in times of need.
Toni on the other hand is still sort of figuring herself out
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explosivedarling · 5 years
REPOST Don’t Reblog. Bold what applies best to your muse or italicize if it sometimes applies. Feel free to add options onto any section if you feel something is missing!
Tagged by: @fadedbouquet​ tagging: y’all
Tumblr media
Do their bra and panties match consistently? Yes | No | Not applicable  Do they wash their makeup off before going to bed? Yes | No | Not applicable  Do they wear socks? Yes | No What do they usually wear to bed? Nothing | Undergarments | Pajamas (nightgowns) | Whatever they were wearing that day | Tomorrow’s clothes Are they – Fashion over function | Function over fashion | Trendy but values function too Their clothes are usually – Stained | Raggedy | Like new | Well worn | Depends on the clothing 
FINANCES? LET’S SEE How do they handle their money? Blows through the entire paycheck | Sets some money aside, spends the rest as needed over time | Holds onto it as long as possible, spending here and there | Spends freely | Lives past their means
How do they handle their bills? Sets aside bill money each cheque | Pays them right away | Pays them last minute | They’re frequently overdue | Irrelevant - does not pay bills  What are they most likely to buy? Food | Clothes | Furniture | Hobby (Art) supplies | Work supplies | Trinkets | Movies | Games | Spend it on others | Charity | Books | Alcohol | Drugs | Technology
AN APPLE A DAY How often do they get exercise? Frequently | Occasionally | Never Do they drink? Always | Often | Occasionally | On rare occasions | Never Do they do drugs of any kind? Yes | Sometimes | No Do they smoke? Yes | Sometimes | No What ailments do they have? Blind | Deaf | Physical handicap | Bipolar | DID | Gender dysphoria | Depression | Anxiety | Paranoia | Learning disability | Asthma | Food allergies | Other allergies | Insomnia | Migraines | Mute | Epilepsy
EDUCATION MATTERS What education have they reached? None | Elementary/Primary | Middle/Secondary | High/Tertiary | College, bachelors  | College, masters | GDA | Workforce training | PhD | Other Do they frequently learn new skills? Yes | On occasion | Only as needed | Not usually How do they learn best? Visually | By ear | Hands-on | Logically | Socially | On their own
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explosivedarling · 5 years
Been kind of in an urban/modern fantasy kick sooo....
Toni's magic shop is a place where she can refine a portion of her powers (precognition and aura reading)
The shop is more like a botanica than a new age shop. She sells charms and amulets, herbs with medicinal and magical properties, candles, perfumes, incense, etc. She also offerings tarot readings, diloggun readings, palmistry and mirror scrying.
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explosivedarling · 5 years
things my muse can do
bold - things that your character can do! italicized - things that need some work!
bake a cake from scratch | ride a chocobo  | drive a submarine | speak a second language | dance | catch a fish | play an instrument | throw a punch | build a deck | ice skate | program a computer | change a flat tire | fire a gun | sew | juggle | play poker | paint | fly a kite | sculpt | write poetry | change a diaper | sing | shoot a bow and arrow | ride a bike | swim | sail a boat |do a backflip | play chess | give CPR | pitch a tent | flirt | stitch a wound | read palms | use chopsticks | write in cursive/calligraphy | use an electric drill | braid hair | make a campfire | make a mixed drink | do sudoku puzzles | wrap a gift | give a good massage | jump-start a machine | roll their tongue | magic tricks | yoga | tie a tie | skip a rock | shuffle a deck of cards| read morse code | pick a lock
Tagged by: @america-redefined Tagging: naaahhhhhh
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explosivedarling · 5 years
A post idk how many years in the making
I think I've mentioned before that Toni knows how to sew because of her aunt Rosa, and her aunt Dorothea is the one who encouraged Toni to pursue her dreams of being a fashion designer. When she was growing up Toni would sew cosplay costumes for herself and friends, she eventually took commissions for the costumes then stopped once she was in her sophomore year of high school. She didn't start sewing costumes again until she and her sister joined community theatre (she always tailored her own clothes and did other things such as making skirts from pants, etc.)
Toni's personal goal when she opens up her own online store is to make clothes for people like her, she knows how hard it is to find good clothes her size. Got a dress you really like and it doesn't come in your size? She can replicate it. Clothing needs minor or major alterations she can do that too. Most of her bread and butter are commissions works but she has some original designs as well.
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explosivedarling · 5 years
I know a while ago I said Dario studied philosophy but I’ve honestly changed my mind about it and I strongly feel like Dario studying philosophy is at best a minor degree or courses he took frequently. I think Dario studying criminal psychology is better suited to him.
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explosivedarling · 5 years
More urban fantasy headcanons
Her parents met while Jaime was on shore leave with his Marine buddy. They met at a restaurant, he was head over heels for her and with all the suaveness he could muster Jaime went to say hello to her.
He didn't know about his wife's secret until much after their honeymoon he wasn't really surprised he had sort of pieced it together but never bothered bringing it up as it wasn't his place to say anything and understood that Catherine would have told him eventually.
Toni's transformation at the beginning is tied to her emotions, under stress, embarrassment or intense joy her scales manifest once she has better control over her transformation (which isn't much but still) it's only when she touches water do they manifest, once she has complete control over it can she transform her lower body consciously.
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