#Too bad it won't load on my first character I was curious to see how god Gale worked after Wyll and I went to Avernus
hiddenbysuccubi · 10 months
I love the hugging DLC. Good update Larian.
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nanigma · 2 years
I know it's been a while but if youre still up for answering some questions im curious what your answers to 14, 31 and 32 is.
How did I not see this ask before?? Sorry anon. Uh let me dig up that questionnaire..
14. Something you really don't like about this series?
Well more of the recent trend towards player pandering. It's definitely more pronounced with avatars, but Alm also showed traces of this treatment in SoV. I legitimately feel like the devs don't want you to feel bad anymore, because it would ruin the power fantasy. See: Being able to recruit almost every student in 3H even in the cases where it doesn't make sense.
As we have seen in Hopes now.. this can come at the cost of making the players feel bad in entirely different ways. By trying so hard to make people not be sad that "they" i.e. Byleth isn't the center of the world anymore, they made most of the plot and the "conclusions of the spin-off unrewarding and frustrating. Because nobody gets to be happy without Byleth us.
If we go by game mechanics, it's definitely weapon durability. It just leads to loads of annoying inventory micro-managing.
31. Some moments of Fire Emblem you keep thinking of?
Oh there is plenty, but I'll limit it to one from each game I played.
Sacred Stones: I'd have to say L'Arachel's entire introduction. She is such a memorable character and I love her to bits.
Path of Radiance: The cutscene at the start of the gathering of the Laguz Royals. It's just so epic and does a really awesome job of introducing the Laguz factions and showcasing their different backgrounds and stances towards each other. I love the laguz in general so of course this would be a favourite. haha
Radiant Dawn: Can I say the opening cinematic? Cause it's the best in the series imo. It really gets you pumping and teases a lot of the good stuff ahead of time. (cheating so I can have more moments up here) I won't be more specific, cause I have a mutual I gotta show it to first.
Awakening: Emmeryn's death. That cutscene really hit hard. I really like how it was animated too.
Fates: Oh gosh so many moments. If I really have to pick one, I'd say it's the reveal of possessed Takumi at the end of Conquest. It's a very chilling and creepy scene, especially once you know it's basically an animated corpse you are facing. Truly tragic fate for my fave, but it still sticks in my head.
3 Houses/Hopes: Just putting these together, uh... I'd have to say the scene at the start of AM's post timeskip where you find Dimitri. It's especially memorable for me, because I got to it after a 12 hour gaming marathon at 5 am. Let's just say it made an impression right before I zonked out in bed.
32. What direction you wish this series would take?
Honestly, I'll just be glad if they take something away from 3 Hopes and that is 1) Shez worked a lot better than Byleth simply due to being an actual character and not the center of the entire plot. 2) Radically diverting from an established characters personality is a bad idea. 3) Pandering towards a character to the point where you warp the plot around them to suit their needs is also a bad idea.
That would really help. I would also like it if they somehow recaptured Tellius sense of storytelling, but I am not holding out hope.
Anyway, sorry again for the very late answer. Hope you still liked it.
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How to grow your blog - For Beginners!
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Since I receive quite a few messages about how I grew my blog and how others could improve theirs, I decided to do this post to help you with whatever knowledge I gathered throughout my time on here.
Disclaimer: These are only my personal observations, there's no proven success if used and they may differ in other people's case.
Things I will discuss below will include;
Masterlists / Navigations
So, I guess it's time for us to begin :)
First and foremost, interactions are the most important elements of Tumblr. These can include asks/ comments/ reblogs/ reblogs with comments and any sort of interactions with other blogs.
Asks are important because while you're having fun and chatting away with people, your name shows up on their blog and their followers might be intrigued by your user name or what you said and they check out your blog.
Comments. When you read a fic or see a beautiful edit and leave a comment on that certain post, most of the time the creator will check out your profile and other people who leave comments might find you sweet and head to your blog as well. It's nothing deep with an underlying meaning. It's simple curiosity. If what you write is kind or relatable, people feel drawn to you.
Reblogs. Reblogs are one of the most important part of Tumblr. That's the only way your art can be spread. Sure, tags are important and helpful, but reblogs are the ones that keep your art alive. When you reblog a post you're essentially sharing someone else's content with 10, 100 or 1000 people without your knowledge.
Reblogs with comments are possibly the most important and significant part of this site. You don't just share someone else's art, you also add your positive comment to it, which draws people's attention. When you reblog someone else's art, they might check out your blog and they might reblog yours. Of course, it's not a rule nor should it be expected, but from my personal experiences, I have gained loads of followers through my mutuals. Their kind words and love for my fics have drawn quite a large traffic to my blog and vice versa.
Masterlists / Navigations
Many people will tell you that tags are enough and you don't need a Masterlist. I disagree. Whilst tags are good and useful, tumblr's tags aren't reliable and on top of that people can be quite lazy. The easiest way to showcase your art - whether it be fanfiction, fanart, gifs, drawings, video edits and such - is to basically offer them to your visitors/followers on a silver platter. It can be a bother at times, always keeping it up to date, but when people have to search for your content they get discouraged because let's be honest, we like things that are easily accessible.
Masterlists can be a single Tumblr post or a Google drive document where you add the link of your creations. In my Masterlist you can find different characters, organised by different fandoms. If you use Google drive make the document readable [but not editable] for the public.
Some people, such as myself, create Navigation posts, where they add relevant sub menus which help their followers navigate easier on their blogs. These can contain where to send "asks", "rules" that the owner of the blog might set, "blog recommendations", "side blogs", "about me" menus and the like.
Although I mentioned that tags can be unreliable, they're still a necessity. Search for relevant tags and use them when you post your art. Meanwhile reblogging is the easiest way to get your creations out there, people do regularly search for tags when they wish to see something and the only way they will find you is if your post appears in tags.
If you're not sure whether your tags are working, you can always head to your dashboard, click on the 👤 in the right upper corner, go down to the posts menu and look for the post you want to check on. Once you found it, click on the tag that you would like to search for. If it shows up in the recent tab of the search results, it means the tag is working, but if after 5 minutes of posting it's still not there, you might need to reupload your work. Unfortunately Tumblr has some issues with the tags and it takes two or even three attempts at times to upload something correctly, whilst other times it might work immediately.
On a side note, if you reblog nsfw content or triggering content, you might want to tag those appropriately. Tw food, tw blood, tw. etc. Depends on the content of the triggering post.
You can also create your own tags. Such as "XY's inbox" for your asks or "XY shares" for anything that you reblog from others. This way people can block those tags and see only those posts on your blog that they might find interesting.
Taglists aren't a necessity, especially because there are many different ways to notify your followers of new creations, but it's certainly useful. The reason I think taglists are important is because tumblr won't always show your posts on everyone's dashboard, especially if they follow loads of people. However, when you use a taglist, and mention people on your newest posts, they will be able to get a notification of your update.
Of course, if you feel like tagging people might be bothersome, you might create a side-blog where you reblog your posts and people can turn on notifications to be notified of your updates. This option has been rather popular recently, because usually we reblog and post many things on our main blogs and people don't want to get notified about every trivial post, so a side-blog with the most important posts might just be it for you.
This might be confusing so let me be less vague. As I said, we can be rather lazy and that doesn't mean we're bad people, we might just had a difficult day or too much to study or work and we just want easy access to content. Being simple is a necessity. Though it's good to be creative and unique, such as creating a Masterlist that's called "Where the stars shine", it's not obvious for many what is hidden behind those words and they might not be curious enough to check it out. By being simple and obvious, as I said before, you're offering your content on a silver platter. Simple and neat. Sometimes people just need things to be easy to find.
I have been told many times before that my blog is very organised and I feel very proud about that because it means people can find things easily. Of course, it's not proven, but I think that could be a factor in growing your blog. But as I've said, these are only my personal observations.
I hope this helps. Have a nice day :) Heloise Daphne Brightmore
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