#Too many endermeants for Vader
❛ that’s how you want me, isn’t it? desperate, jealous, and willing to kill for you. ❜
All this lines sounds so good!
So…… dear Anon…. After almost two years I brought you the promised fic with this sentence 🙈 I’m so sorry it took me so long. As a compensation. It’s a 5K fic 👉👈 I hope you’re still over here and you’d enjoy it. It was very funny to write.
I’ll like to thanks @fishnamedsushi who was my beta for this 🤗 thank you so much!!
This sentence came from the “HeroxVillain sentence starter”. There are still many very good I’ve not tried. If you want me to play with one of them…
Now enjoy!!
Obi-Wan pushed the bar’s door. He didn’t want to be there. He was so tired of the war and all the dirty tactics he had to use in the name of the Republic to gather information. He had been raised to be a protector of the peace, a negotiator, to bring calm all around him. His main goal on a normal day was to teach meditation to the Younglings and then drink tea in the gardens with the old Masters. He didn’t aspire to be a famous warrior or general, he didn’t want to attract the attention of the Senate or the people around the galaxy. He was content with his family and the peace they brought to him.
So, when this same family asked him to go to the lower levels of Coruscant, where not even the sun shone, to try to gather as much information as he could about a shady bounty hunter who had kidnapped the son of a crime lord, well… what could he say? He wasn’t pleased about his mission and he couldn’t wait for the war to finish. Because he was sure the Republic was going to win, with more or lesser consequences, but he didn’t contemplate a galaxy where the Separatists would win the war. That was sure.
“A whiskey,” he asked the barman. It wasn’t as if the beverage was going to be good, but he wasn’t going to try any of the other ales.
When he had his drink, he sat at the end of the place. He began to see if he could locate the man Master Sinube had pointed out to him. It was amazing how Master Sinube knew the lower levels. He had said that it didn’t matter if there was an intergalactic civil war, villainy at its most base level would not be affected. And by what Obi-Wan was seeing he was right: gamblers, spice dealers, sex workers, slave traders, bounty hunters; they were all reunited in that bar. It would have made a cantina in the Outer Rim pale in shame.
“What’s your deal, handsome?”
Obi-Wan looked up and saw a Twi’Lek. He was wearing expensive clothes. Too expensive for this kind of place. Obi-Wan had left his Jedi robes in the Temple and was wearing clothes that made him blend in with the masses –even if he wasn’t sure he would ever blend in with his accent and his well-trimmed beard. The Twi’Lek was wearing clothes made of the most expensive material and he had jewels all over his hands, arms and lekkus. He was almost begging to be robbed at this level. However, if he was so calm about it, it was either because he had someone that protected him, someone powerful –or he was an idiot.
Obi-Wan smiled at him, crossing his fingers internally for the Twi’Lek to be protected. He turned and leaned an arm on his chair.
“I work with the most powerful merchandise in the galaxy, sugar.”
The man seemed to not understand what he was saying, but it did not stop him from smiling. “How so?”
“He means information, Tal.” Someone sat next to Obi-Wan. Every nerve on his body raised. He didn't like that someone was so close to him —well, besides one particular exception, but he wasn’t there so Obi-Wan had to deal with the thing in front of him. It was a male human. He was dressed in a more sober manner than the Twi’Lek, but Obi-Wan had seen enough crime lords to know when he was crossing the path of one of them.
“Go play with other little things,” the crime lord said. “I think you caught a big fish here.”
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes internally. What he wouldn't do for the Jedi Order? He wanted to be back in its gardens.
“So,” grinned the crime lord. “What a beautiful thing like you doing in a place like this?”
Obi-Wan hid a grunt in his glass and tried to smile. Kicking him in his balls would not help him.
“Lot of things. A better whiskey for example.”
The man came even closer to him. Obi-Wan had to restrain himself in every way to not shove him into the other side of the bar.
“I have plenty of good whiskey at home.”
Was that a hand that Obi-Was was feeling on his knee?
“Or maybe not.” He took the hand and pushed it away without losing his smile. “I’m searching for a very specific kind of whiskey, you know? Of the rare kind.”
The crime lord raised an eyebrow and leaned his chin on one of his hands. “And which kind are you searching for, may I ask?”
Obi-Wan calmly drank his absolutely undrinkable whiskey. “A rare kind from Anxion, one only produced in its capital. Have you heard of that?”
The man seemed surprised for a split second. Anyone who wasn’t Obi-Wan wouldn’t have noticed it. However, it was clear that he had noticed what kind of information Obi-Wan was asking for. At that time, in Anxion’s capital, there was a very difficult blockade. The Jedi had discovered that the bounty hunter was hiding behind that blockade. They needed any information that could help to go through it —smugglers’ runs, spies, anything. Master Sinube was sure that in the lower levels of Coruscant, there were enough people who would know every secret passage to every system and planet in the galaxy. They just had to find them. He had pinpointed a first idea where Obi-Wan could start, but those kinds of investigations could end everywhere.
“Well,” the crime lord shifted his position, “I may have a contact that could bring you your priced whiskey. But,” he put his hand on Obi-Wan’s leg again, this time much higher, “every information comes with a price. All the question is if you are willing to pay for it.”
Obi-Wan was about to tell him that he could shove his information, and his hand, where the sun didn't shine anymore when he noticed that the man was gasping. He was opening and closing his mouth without saying a word. It was as if he couldn't breathe.
Then, a sudden force lifted him from his seat and shoved him into the nearest wall. Obi-Wan followed the movement for a moment before his brain supplied him with the information of how it was possible. He turned and saw the culprit. Obi-Wan felt as if his breath was taken away too.
His memory didn't do him justice. He was even more gorgeous than Obi-Wan remembered.
With a simile of the Jedi robes, protected by armour, with a long cape, all in black, Darth Vader, Lord of the Sith, stood in all his glory in the middle of a dive bar in the lower levels of Coruscant.
“That’s how you want me, isn’t it?” He was talking to Obi-Wan, his eyes shining with golden fury. “Desperate, jealous, and willing to kill for you!!!”
The Jedi realised the kind of image he was offering: he was drinking alcohol —something he didn't do often—, smiling at a stranger, who had his hand on his thigh. It was amazing that the crime lord —whose name Obi-Wan had never learned, nor wasn't interested in— hadn't perished on the spot. Darth Vader was known for his fits of rage.
Obi-Wan decided that he needed to calm the atmosphere. He tried to approach the Sith with caution.
“My dear…”
“Don’t ‘dear’ me!” Vader cut him off. He was extremely angry. “He had no right to touch your body.”
Obi-Wan raised an eyebrow and continued his slow approach until he touched Vader’s cheek. “What have we said about my right to decide who touches my body?”
Vader looked in another direction. They had strong discussions about the topic. Obi-Wan wasn’t against Vader’s possessiveness, he liked it in fact, but it was Obi-Wan’s right to choose who could touch him and who couldn't. And he had made it clear to the Sith Lord that he wouldn't let him decide anything about his body.
“My dearest, my beloved, look at me.” He forced the man to look into his eyes. “Look inside my mind.”
Obi-Wan didn't know how it was possible, but Vader was so strong in the Force that he could pass his shields —one of the strongest in the Order— and look inside his mind for whatever information he wanted, without hurting him. Forcing someone’s mind was usually painful for the person, but Obi-Wan found it pleasant when it was Vader who did it. He never let anyone else do it. It was Vader’s privilege only.
The Sith took Obi-Wan’s waist and brought him close. He leaned his forehead to Obi-Wan’s. The Jedi felt something prodding near the walls of his mind and he let him in. Vader was incredibly powerful; but at the same time, he was warm. A warmth that Obi-Wan had only felt a few times. He liked to be embraced by Vader’s Force Signature; he felt secure like he hadn’t felt since the war began.
Vader looked inside his memory, back when he had been given the assignment by the Council, and when Master Sinube helped him to find ways to retrieve the information. Then, he searched for Obi-Wan’s feelings about the crime lord being too close. Obi-Wan could feel how relieved he was that the Jedi was revolted about being touched by someone else.
However, while they were submerged in each other’s minds, they heard the crime lord trying to get away from Vader’s Force grip. Obi-Wan had been so immersed in how Vader felt, that he had completely forgotten about the man.
“Stay still,” said Vader, still angry at the man. “I’m not finished with you.”
“Dearheart.” It was the only thing that Obi-Wan had to say. Vader knew what he implied with that simple word.
“I’m not releasing him!” He defended himself. “I’ve read his mind. The things he wanted to do to you… he’s lucky to be alive!”
“My love.” Obi-Wan kissed Vader’s cheek. He knew it was a low blow, but Vader loved physical contact and Obi-Wan didn't want to be the reason for a man’s death.
Vader took Obi-Wan’s waist and kissed him on his lips with determination. “I’m going to propose a deal to your Council. If they are good little Jedi, we could all leave with what we want, without anybody being hurt.”
Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes. “What’s the deal?”
Vader smiled like a loth-wolf. “You are mine for a month and I give them the information they want, and release this man. If they refuse, I give you back but I squeeze the information out of this bug’s head. There is no third option, Obi-Wan. If I don't have you, I'll take my vengeance on that worthless thing.”
“Dearthart.” Obi-Wan caressed his cheek. “You know there is no need.”
“There is.” He leaned his head on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, putting his nose in his neck, so he could smell him. He was hugging him tightly. Obi-Wan felt grounded. Vader was taller than him, but the Jedi felt wrapped by the Sith, and kept secure in his warmth.
Obi-Wan chuckled. “You’re impossible.”
Obi-Wan didn't assist at the conversation between Vader and the Council, but when Vader took him in his arms and took him with him to not leave his side for an entire month, he knew that he had saved a life.
During that month, Obi-Wan would hear Vader discuss several times with his Master. He was being stubborn about not being at the front in the war. Obi-Wan was worried about Vader. He knew that Sidious, his Master, was really dangerous and heartless.
“Anakin, I don’t want anything to happen to you,” he said one day. “Come back to the front.”
Vader, whose real name was Anakin Skywalker —a name that Obi-Wan thought was beautiful—, but Obi-Wan didn't want to say out loud in public, took his hands to reassure him. “Sidious needs me. He’s not going to kill me. Besides, I’m stronger than him. I could kill him if I want.”
“Never underestimate your opponent, my love.”
Obi-Wan was proved right when, just two days after his month with Anakin, Sidious launched an order galaxy-wide: every Clone, who served with the Jedi for years loyally, turned against them and began to kill them at sight. Obi-Wan was at the Jedi Temple when it happened. He saw an entire legion marching toward the Temple. He had never been so afraid in his entire life. He knew his duty was to defend his home, and the people inside of it. But when it happened, he was teaching a class of Younglings about meditation. He looked at them. They were so afraid, so uncertain about what they had to do, where to go. He was their role model?, \ their protector\; they were the future of that home that was about to be burned down. Obi-Wan had to protect them with his life!
Without thinking twice, he took the Younglings through the secret tunnels and left the Temple by the sewers. They were afraid, feeling all the Jedi dying in the Force and they knew that something horrible was happening, even if they didn't know why it was happening.
Obi-Wan surfaced on one of his contacts. As he had not been an active general in the war, he had kept all the contacts he had on the lower levels of Coruscant. That man’s name was Dex. A Besalisk who had a little Dinner in Cocotown and had Obi-Wan's entire trust.
“Obi-Wan? What are you doing here? And those kids?” The Jedi had woken him up in the middle of the night by knocking at his door with a bunch of frightened children.
“The Temple has been attacked. The Clones are killing everyone. Even the children. I need your help to save them.” It was then when Obi-Wan realized the horror that had befallen upon them: when he heard himself telling the story with his voice frightened.
The Besalisk opened his eyes widely and let them all in. “You may need to get rid of those Jedi robes. I’ll see if I have something for the children to wear. You can sleep in my house for the night. But you’ll have to move fast out of Coruscant.”
Obi-Wan nodded. “I know. Can you look for them tonight?”
Suddenly, all the children surrounded him begging him to not leave them. He knelt at their level. “Dex is someone I trust. He will protect you. I need to find us a way to leave Coruscant safely, little ones. Be brave.”
The Younglings were scared and didn't want to leave Obi-Wan, but they understood that their home wasn't safe, not anymore.
Obi-Wan left them to Dex, changed himself to some normal clothes the Besalisk let him borrow, and ran. He needed to find a way out, the planet would be quickly closed and every ship closely inspected. He couldn't take long.
The fact that he hadn’t been a general in the war saved him from being spotted in the streets, the Clones didn't recognize him without his Jedi robes. But it also reduced his trusted allies. He didn't have friends in high positions that could prepare him a ship in seconds to leave the place.
He knew that this had been Sidious’ plan. He knew that every Jedi was a target because he was feeling them dying around the galaxy. But he didn't know what to do. He was a pacifist. He wasn’t even capable of chastising Anakin when he was being too…
OH GOSH! Anakin! Where was he? If this was Sidious’ plan, he should have led the Clones on the attack of the Temple. But Obi-Wan didn't feel him. Had been sent away in another, more important mission? But what could be more important than killing every Jedi, sworn enemies of the Sith?
I’m stronger than him. I could kill him if I want.
“Oh, please, Anakin, be careful.”
Obi-Wan came back empty handed. Coruscant had been closed quicker than he had thought and all his contacts couldn’t give him a pass through the blockade. They gave him, however, children’s robes, and a vibroblade. If there was something that could identify a Jedi quicker than their robes, it was their lightsaber.
When he was arriving at Dex’s house, he felt that there was someone inside that wasn't there when he left. He didn't recognize the Force signature. He was sure that the kids and Dex were alive, but they were tense. He didn't know what was going on, but he would risk his life to give the children a chance to run and save themselves. So, he tightened his bag full of clothes, assured the vibroblade, and entered the place.
Inside there was a man. A human male. He was tall, broad, with grey clothes. He looked too sure of himself, as if he was used to stressful situations.
“Good night,” his Master hadn't raised a man without manners, so Obi-Wan saluted.
“Good night. Dex has let me inside of his house.” He had a Core accent. “May I present myself. I’m Senator Organa. I think we have some friends in common.”
Obi-Wan came to where the children were, next to Dex, who was seated in front of the Senator.
“I’m not so sure. I don't have many Senator friends.”
The Senator smiled. “I don't wish you, or the children, any harm. I rescued Master Windu from a terrible battle he faced. When we passed over here, he felt a group of Force Sensitive people hidden. But he was too badly injured to come.”
Obi-Wan raised internally an eyebrow. There were many coincidences for his liking. The man just rescued an injured Jedi that, of course, cannot be there to prove his sayings.
“And what do you want, Senator?”
“Help you. You need to leave Coruscant.”
Obi-Wan simulated a thought. “You’re right. But moving so many Younglings at this time of the night would be too obvious. I may have an idea, if you would agree with it. We could transform them into school children. Can you find a large speeder? A school trip is easier to simulate in the morning than whatever we could think at this hour of the night.”
The Senator smiled confidently. “Of course. I will inform Master Windu that I found you. What is your name? You didn't tell me.”
Obi-Wan gave him is more warm smile. “Lux Lars. I’m just a knight. Never had a Padawan. So don't even think of calling me master.”
The Senator shook his hand. “Nice to meet you, Knight Lars. I’ll come tomorrow morning with the speeder.”
“Thank you so much. We’ll be here.”
And the man was gone.
“Gullible for a Senator,” commented Dex.
“We are not going to go with the man?” asked one of the children.
Obi-Wan smiled. “No, little one. Your lives are my responsibility and a supposed Senator that says that he knows Master Windu… In these dangerous times, I don't trust anyone who I haven’t met before.”
They left Dex’s house that same night before dawn. Obi-Wan knew that the children needed to sleep. Luckily, Dex had better contacts than Obi-Wan. He found them a departing ship to Alderaan. Obi-Wan would have wanted a world further away from Coruscant, but Dex’s contact hid them in their shop so perfectly, that Obi-Wan was in a perfect spot to think about their next movement without worrying. The children understood what was going on, and that they had to be quiet. They meditated during the day and ran free in the forest during the night under Obi-Wan supervision.
However, when Obi-Wan was negotiating to travel in the Outer Rim, someone unexpected visited the shop.
The poor Master of the Jedi Council found himself tackled on the ground by a group of very enthusiastic and happy children. The poor man looked tired, and ill, and he was missing part of one of his arms. He had to have faced a very difficult battle.
“I’m so happy you are alive, Master,” said Obi-Wan when the children let the man breathe a little.
“Me too, Obi-Wan. The news had been so awful around the galaxy. Seeing so many children alive and well at once…” his voice broke. It was so heartbreaking to see such a strong Master lose his voice like that.
The children fussed a little longer around the Master, brought him a cup of tea, and then ran to play in the backyard of the shop where they were hiding.
When he was sure they couldn’t hear them, Obi-Wan dared to ask the question that had been burning him since that fateful day.
“Do we know what happened?”
The Kourun Master nodded. “Vader and Sidious fought. I don't know what triggered their fight, but it resulted in the release of what has been called ‘Operation Knightfall’.”
Obi-Wan felt a cold sweat on his back. He had an idea of the reason for the fight. But he couldn't tell Master Windu that. He couldn't say that he was probably the reason for the Jedi Order’s fall.
“I felt a huge darkness in the Senate,” continued Master Windu, unaware of his inner struggles. “I ran towards there to try to help whoever was in danger. I would have never imagined I would find Vader and Chancellor Palpatine fighting with red lightsabers.” The man drank a little of his tea. “Vader was quickly knocked out and Palpatine attacked me. We fought and I won. Vader, who had recovered his senses by then, was telling me to kill him, that I didn't know how wicked he was… I should have listened. But I didn't want to, it wasn't the Jedi way. When Palpatine saw himself cornered, he took out some device and said something about an Order number 66. And the galaxy fell apart. I felt every Jedi die.” They fell silent for a moment. Everyone in the room remembered that terrible moment. “Vader was enraged. I’ve never seen him like that. I knew he was temperamental, but this was another level. He cut my arm off in his rage, and Palpatine electrocuted me.”
Again, the Master was silent. Obi-Wan let him. He was probably grieving on the people who had died, on the arm he lost, about the terrible situation he found himself in because he wanted to help. Obi-Wan was trying to bury his guilt. Vader’s attachment to him had started all this horror. He would never recover from that.
“The Chancellor thought he had Vader back. That he had vanquished me and finally took over the Republic. He ordered Vader to march to the Temple and kill everyone there. However, Vader just raised his lightsaber and cut his head off. I didn't see him coming. I think that the Chancellor didn't see him either or he would have stopped his attack. He was swift and merciless. He frightened me. But the worst part came just after. He came close to me. I thought he was going to kill me. The electrocution had weakened me, I couldn't move. I thought it was the end. But it wasn’t.” Master Windu looked at Obi-Wan’s eyes intensely. As a member of the Council, he had known what linked Anakin and Obi-Wan. The Jedi wasn’t sure he could look him in his eyes. “Vader spared me because he wanted to kill me in a weird offering in your funerary pyre. He was sure you had died in the Temple.”
Obi-Wan sat overwhelmed. He didn't know how to absorb all the information Master Windu had given him. He knew that Anakin was alive, that he had killed Sidious, but he had lost his mind thinking that Obi-Wan was dead. But he wasn’t, he had just flown with children trying to save their lives from murderous Clones.
He decided that he needed to analyze his feelings about it later. There were other, more important, things to think about.
“What had happened with the Clones? Are they still searching to kill us?”
Master Windu shook his head. “No. And we have to thank Vader for that. He stormed into the Jedi Temple and ordered them to stop. As he is a Sith, he has the same authority as Sidious. He managed to cancel the order. But it has been a disaster. The Clones are in shambles. That attack betrayed everything they stood for.” Obi-Wan saw in his eyes as the horrors didn’t stop with Sidious’ death. “Without the Clones, the Republic cannot fight the war. But Vader told us that Sidious was manipulating both parts. A group of Senators is trying to negotiate a cease-fire.”
“And the Temple?” Obi-Wan wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer to that question.
“It has been a massacre.” Master Windu sounded so defeated. “Vader stopped the Clones, but I saw so many corpses… I’m so happy you took the children and hid them away from there.”
Obi-Wan looked outside, where the Younglings were playing happily. He remembered that night. He could never thank Dex enough for what he did that day.
“I thought about leaving them with a friend and coming back to help… but I needed to know they were completely safe. And that night, it wasn't an option.”
“You would have died. You did well.”
Obi-Wan cried. For days he had thought that with his decision he had condemned many of his siblings in the Order. He was a good fighter. He could have saved them. But with Master Windu’s reassurance that he would have died defending the Temple, he felt better on his decision to stay with the children and protect them until they would be safe.
That same night they went to the palace on Alderaan and officially met Bail Organa, Senator for Alderaan, who looked really like the man that tried to help them that first night at Dex’s house. In Obi-Wan’s defense, he had never liked politics, and wouldn’t have trusted a Senator, even if he had known that that man was, indeed, Senator Organa.
Queen Breha welcomed them in her palace as long as they wanted. Coruscant wasn’t a place for the children, and the Temple was still a place full of death in the Force. Besides, Master Windu was still recovering, so it was better to have them all reunited in the same place together.
The children liked the palace, and Queen Breha was a great host to them. She gave them places to run and play all over the palace. Obi-Wan was reassured with so many guards looking for them, if something happened again, they would be looked for.
A few days after moving to the palace, a big ship arrived. Obi-Wan didn’t have to look at the logs to know who was there. He recognised his Force Signature the moment he breached the atmosphere. Bail didn’t agree with his arrival, nor Breha, and Master Windu would prefer to not be near the man. When he landed on the landing pad, Obi-Wan was arguing with the royal couple.
“I don’t want him on my planet, Obi-Wan,” Breha said. She wasn’t a woman to whom you could not say no easily.
“He’s not going to hurt anyone. He doesn’t have a reason, nor is he in danger.”
“Tell that to Master Windu,” countered Bail. “He isn’t here because he dreads the man, but because he doesn’t trust him near the children. And we agreed with him.”
Obi-Wan put his hands on his waist. “When did you have that conversation with Master Windu? Those children are my responsibility. I do not appreciate being left aside when those decisions are made.”
“We thought that you cannot be neutral…”
Obi-Wan interrupted Senator Organa. “You do not wish to finish that sentence, Senator, in a moment Dearheart. I protected those children from the moment the Temple fell, and I’ll not let anyone, whatever their position or rank, decide their future based on groundless assumptions. Until Master Windu’s full recovery, I’m the sole responsible for them. If you dare to make another decision without me, you won’t see us ever again. Is that clear?” He turned then towards Anakin, who had arrived at their position. “Hello, my love.”
Anakin smiled with a dumb smile. “Need my help? I can maim, torture, kill, or even propose a very charming and fast ship to the other side of the galaxy.”
Obi-Wan laughed. He hadn’t laughed like that since the last time he saw the Sith Lord. He had missed him dearly.
“I think it would be quite alright.”
Anakin shook his head and took him in his arms. “Now it’s alright.” He sank his nose on the crook of his neck and inhaled deeply. “I thought you had died.”
Obi-Wan caressed his golden curls. “So I’ve been told. And they told me that you have been quite dramatic about it.”
Anakin squished him a little more in his arms. “I’ll not survive losing you. Not the galaxy. Nothing makes sense without you.”
Obi-Wan knew that he should chastise Anakin for this possessiveness, that his role, as a Jedi, should be to serve the entire galaxy. But he found it quite difficult when he was so perfectly wrapped in his arms.
“I’ve missed you.”
“You are not leaving my side in the next sixty years.”
“NOOOOOOO!!!” A bunch of children came running from every possible hidden way and wrapped themselves in Obi-Wan’s waist and legs. “If Obi-Wan stays with you, he will not be able to take care of us.”
“And who's going to be my Master?” said one little girl, to Anakin’s growing horror. “I’ve already decided he’s going to be my Master when I’m going to be of age.”
“Forget it!” said another one. “I’m older, he’s going to be mine.”
“I wanted to be his Padawan!” cried a third. “I already selected the beads for my braid.”
“No one is going to be Obi-Wan’s Padawan!!” panicked Anakin, looking at all the children around them as if he didn't understand how they had materialized near him. “He doesn’t take Padawans.”
“And who says that?” Obi-Wan smirked. “I like those children. And if I want the title of Master, I have to knight at least one Padawan, you know?”
He faced a group of very happy faces with stars in their eyes, and one distraught face.
“Then knight me!” busted out Anakin. “I know everything there is to know about the Force, and I can handle the Light Side.”
“That’s cheating!!” All the children revolted. “You are an adult, and we were first!”
Anakin stuck his tongue out. But it wasn’t what attracted Obi-Wan’s attention.
“You can handle the Light Side?!”
Anakin shrugged. “Of course. I’m the son of the Force. Light Side, Dark Side; there is no difference for me.” He came close to Obi-Wan’s ear. “And I know you like I call you ‘Master’... Master.”
Obi-Wan was sure he was blushing. And he was sure that Master Windu would have a heart attack when he would tell him that Darth Vader wanted to be knighted in the Jedi Order just because he was jealous of a bunch of Younglings that wanted to be his Padawans. But that night, in his bed, in Anakin’s arms, surrounded by the stubborn younglings who didn’t want to leave his side, he was also sure that things were going to be alright. The Force felt lighter, as if it wanted to confirm his feelings. He fell asleep in Anakin’s arms, surrounded by happiness.
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