What After Grade 10? CBSE / ICSE / SSC or IB
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Batch of 2019, has celebrated their Farewell parties and is celebrating their academic milestone with completing Grade 10 and the end of schooling years for many. In India, generally post Grade 10 students join the Junior College and many also continue with Grade 11 and 12 as a part of the Higher Secondary school at their current institutions. What happens after Grade 10 is a big decision for many parents and students, irrelevant of the curriculum the students have completed their Grade 10 with. The
 Let's see the two key aspects in a general scenario:  
It is no longer necessary to continue studying in the same curriculum post Grade 10. Many students like to join a Junior College post Grade 10 either by choice or they have to join other institutions because their school has facilities only up to Grade 10. Those colleges that do have a Junior College, offer limited seats if they are a continuation of a Secondary School. They must accommodate their own students, first who have cleared Grade 10 and then offer the remaining seats which is pretty tedious to get with the online automated allotment of available seats in Junior Colleges. It surely doesn’t make sense to struggle and work so hard in CBSE up to Grade 10 and then complete Grade 12 through the SSC board. Many students struggle to get into the rat race for admission in the science stream, find themselves studying Commerce no sooner than they joined or may be a year later.
In Maharashtra, students have the option to complete their Grade 12 through SSC in most of the Junior Colleges, limiting the subject options within any one stream from Humanities / Arts, Commerce or Science. Grade 11 is still very early for the students to decide on the subjects they could like to pursue their career in. As we all know that Grade 12 scores somewhere define the future career options and admission to the tertiary level educational institutions, colleges / universities in India or overseas.
Is it necessary to pass Grade 10 only through CBSE / SSC / ICSE curricula?
No! Students can always study subjects of their choice at the level they are comfortable and pass their Grade 10 without the competition of 99 / 100 percent. Their grades and certificates are recognized by the best of national and international schools and colleges where they can continue to study IB Diploma Program at the best boarding schools in Maharashtra, like the Cathedral Vidya School. Here we offer the IB Diploma Program along with the facility to prepare and appear for IELTS and SAT exams the most widely recognised Language and aptitude test for university admissions.
While students are studying subjects of their choice, there are also enjoying a well-balanced and healthy lifestyle at the international residential school Lonavala. The pressures our teens face we have them here as well, but it disappears somewhere between sports and co-curricular activities, inter house competitions and CAS trips. The 24 hours student centric routine at the best boarding school in Mumbai gives students the opportunity to prepare for their ambitious dreams, of pursuing their next academic course in the best of universities or colleges in India or overseas.
IGCSE an IB Diploma Program helps both parents and students to avoid that unnecessary pressure of tedious tuitions and preparatory classes, and the worries involved in getting into the a Junior College within the stipulated time. If the Grade 10 or 12 scores aren’t up to the mark, students also stand the opportunity to re write their exam papers with adequate preparation, while they continue to join their next college course with a provisional admission. These are crucial years not only in terms of academic foundation but also social skills and life skills. At this stage students are old enough to join a residential school, leaving behind the comforts of their home and family for a while to develop life skills and time management skills under the superior pastoral care at co-ed boarding schools in Pune. Students enjoy the learning process in brotherhood / sisterhood with many students who come from different backgrounds, they make new families with people they call teachers and friends; they outgrow weird qualms and fears together with the support of the counsellors, teachers and their friends. It’s much easier to learn to stand up for themselves, learn to even fight back and speak up when required in the safe and supervised environment at a residential school. It gives the students the time to sit back and recognize themselves, their own potentials, overcome fears and enhance their personalities. Simple things that parents of teenagers struggle with at home can be learnt and
To understand more about the benefits of IGCSE and IBDP, you may contact the school Admission Office or visit the campus with a telephonic intimation. Even if your children haven’t met the cut off marks making them ineligible for admission in the Junior colleges or other institutions; your children can always continue to study the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program at good boarding schools in Pune.  
The least you can do to avoid the thought of limiting your child’s abilities, morale and self-confidence to just their academic scores in CBSE, ICSE or SSC. The young students have a candle lit at the end of the tunnel. Explore the modern face and experience of academic excellence defined by competing with yourself rather than the rigid minimum cut – off percentage required admission in some institution which may or may not be your child’s cup of tea. Let’s give them an opportunity to explore themselves and be the best version of themselves.
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Why to Join A Residential School? – Cathedral Vidya School
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Residential School, a place where kids not just study, they likewise live there. Sending your kids to a boarding school isn't as simple for guardians. The advantages of teaching your youngsters in residential schools are numerous. Read the benefits of educating your children at a Residential school in Mumbai.
Read Here- http://thecathedralvidyaschool.blogspot.com/2018/09/why-join-boarding-school.html
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Saturday Clubs – Residential School Mumbai
It's so much fun to learn something new every term!!
Students were given the opportunity to enjoy their hobbies and enhancing their creativity while they study at residential school in Mumbai.
This is the best time to nurture the skills that each one is born with and those that they can imbibe.
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Sports At School
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School, where students not only learn but it also offers students opportunities to interact with each other through sports. Sports can be enjoyed through exciting games, playground activities and board games which make students active. It’s always fun to play games or pursue some kind of sport.
Somehow, this fun is taken back seat in the lives of the current generation. Nowadays, kids are inclined towards video games, mobile phones, and cable and satellite networks with hundreds of channels to browse. They want to stay indoors and enjoy screen time more than play games outside. As per the experts, the youth need to go out, play some games, and have some activities outside the comfort of their homes.
One school which believes that “health is wealth” and is continuously working towards making its students physically active, is Cathedral Vidya School, Lonavala. Cathedral Vidya School is one of the best IBDP Schools near Mumbai. It focuses on providing quality education to its students; along with regular sports training. They have regular morning and evening sports sessions, where the focus is on fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
•    The best international boarding schools in Pune believe that through sports students also groom their personality and enhance key skills of being good team players. It inculcates team spirit, cooperation amongst students, negotiation skills and making good decisions. 
•    Regular interaction through sports enhances friendships and builds trustworthy relationships among students.
•    It bonds the teacher-student relationships as well. Sometimes it acts as an ice-breaking point for many new friendships among students.
•    By participating in aerobic activities such as running, cycling, or swimming students appearance improves too, they are better able to manage their weight.
•    Aerobics improve the stamina and builds a healthy immune system in students. 
•    Improved muscular strength and endurance exercises challenge the muscular system, building stronger muscles.
•    Exercise is a great mood-booster and has proven to be an effective method of stress relief.
•    Exercise decreases LDL (bad cholesterol) levels and increases HDL (good cholesterol) levels.
•    It Wards off osteoporosis. Building dense, strong bones is another benefit of physical activity.
•    We all know the importance of sleep and a steady sportif routine which enhances healthy lifestyle and routine.
•    Exercise is good for your mental health too, as it can overcome feelings of anxiety and depression, sharpen your focus, and improve self-esteem.
•    When you cumulate all of these benefits, what do you get? A longer, healthier, more enjoyable life!
At Cathedral Vidya School students attend sports throughout the year, they have so many options to choose from; even when they are preparing and writing their board exams, IBDP or IGCSE EXAMS.
When students pursue IGCSE and IBDP they also have the opportunity to prepare for their career in sports; which is an opportunity for students today.
Source Link:- https://medium.com/@cathedrallonavala/sports-at-school-efa9e2bb06d8
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Academic Year 2018 - 2019 Begins - Boarding School In Mumbai
We have just commenced our annual academic session for 2018 - 2019. Our #IGCSE & #IBDP students are keenly working on their Assignment Planners while the Middle School students are signing up for the co-curricular activity clubs.
Read Here:- https://bit.ly/2QcwHcY
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IGCSE Class Of 2018 - We Are Proud Of You!!
Congratulations To Each One Of You.
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Do you know what is Brain Training and how it really helps the children and how the best boarding school in Mumbai can really help to be a part of the existing teaching methodology for your children?
Well, you must know how the engaging factors of brain training allow the children to strengthen cognitive skills or a specific cognitive skill and through the computerized practice it grows out to be something better than before.
Brain Training helps the young children to train the following;
·         Enhanced attention span
·         Processing information quickly
·         Retaining information
·         Enhanced memory and retention of information
·         Ability to shift attention from one place to another effectively
Our mind is one of the most valuable tools nature has gifted us, and unless it is being used it would turn sluggish and inefficient enough to analyze the complicated problems, hence the constant training is required.
Below mentioned are some of the daily exercises co-ed boarding school in Pune follow to increase the potential of their students’ mind.
·         A random approach to explore extensive reading; which can range from magazines, newspapers, to any kind of books. This allows the readers to increase their knowledge of a variety of facts and interesting topics.
·         Practicing Mathematics, which lets the students bring focus, dedication, and intelligence all together at the same time to find out the right solution to a problem.
·         Proper exercise, meditation, and diet are one of the most practiced strategies followed by the IBDP Schools near Pune. It helps in improving the overall ability to perform better.
 The top ib boarding schools in Mumbai are considering this approach more seriously and allowing their students to practice the brain training to master the ability of communication, memory, problem-solving and reasoning.
We, at the Cathedral Vidya school comprehend this very fact and hence have included the vast potential of brain training in our curriculum as daily activities, so students can see the world from a different perspective and perceive, analyze, achieve, and create better solutions.
Being one of the best Residential school Mumbai, CVSL truly believes, that it is very important to give students the best tools for creating the future, and that tool is none other than their own learning to use their mind efficiently, this is boosted well by our trained and experienced staff.
CVSL has earned the title of the best boarding school in Lonavala, due to the expertise and practice of extensive years of experience in teaching coupled with the top infrastructure, allowing the students to attain the best opportunity to reach new heights of unexplored limits.
Reach us for any admission related query at:  [email protected] /+91 8007221100, +91 9920956507
And help your children climb the ladder to their visionary success!!!
Source Link:- https://thecathedralvidyaschool.blogspot.com/2018/11/how-brain-training-helps-school-children.html
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CIMUN 2018 - Best Boarding School in Mumbai
Best Boarding School In Mumbai affiliated with Cathedral & John Connon, offering the #IB & #IGCSE Diploma Programme. We are inviting you to participate in the CIMUN 2018, hosted by the most prestigious institution in Lonavala, Cathedral Vidya School.
Read Here:- https://infogram.com/cimun-2018-best-ib-board-schools-mumbai-1hnq411o0x7k43z?live
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Life at CVSL, International Boarding Schools in Pune
Sports have a very positive influence on the overall holistic development of the children. Our students at the Cathedral Vidya School, an international boarding school in Pune also have had multiple opportunities to participate in district level, state level and national level competitions. This year 3 of our students were at an #Worldlevelbadmintoncompetition.
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