#Total drama manitoba
chaoticker · 6 hours
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june ships part 1 hehe
guys do u fw with either of these
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nocofamilyau · 12 days
How did noah and cody start dating? also- what was their reaction to mikes D.I.D, i think it would be pretty funny
well, it was kinda awkward at first, given that they've been living with each other for a while now, so they just stuck to smaller things like screwing around at the mall and making a day of it...
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...if only they knew (22/24)
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sadamitusw · 8 months
october means that it's time for halloween posting
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goobergoobertin · 4 months
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Chester gets canceled. A stupid mini comic 💀
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comfortzoneart · 7 months
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more total drama art
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brookiidookiii · 8 months
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ROTI contestants in the hunger games.. what if we did that huh
OKAY IM GONNA GO INTO A LOT OF RAMBLES AND RANTING UNDER HERE LMAOO I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS i need to get it out my system. ofc since theres only 13 contestants for ROTI, id have to include some pointless ocs that only serve the purpose of getting slaughtered but ehhh theyre not that important. for the districts-
district 1- lightning and dakota (altho dakota is more trained for the cameras than actual combat)
district 2 - brick and jo
district 3 - B and female tribute
district 5 - sam and staci (i have no clue where to put him since realistically theyd die first thing in the bloodbath. "yeah, did you know my great great great great great great half aunt susan invented the hunger games? ya, before them people just watched TLC")
district 7 - mike and zoey
district 8 - anne maria and male tribute (once again didnt know where to put her. maybe id switched mike and zoey to be district 8 since zoey can make clothes)
district 10 - dawn and male tribute
district 11 - scott and female tribute
district 12 - cameron and female tribute (maybe ill put him and staci together)
any unnamed districts or characters, just assume theyre filler characters . mikes alters are still here, except mal because i dont like mal and hes too OP. and for the winner??? im sticking to the elimination order in the show for this one to avoid any problems (also itd be fun to see how cameron could kill jo) so the finale comes down to brain vs brawn once again
cameron, zoey and mike all have their little alliance for a while (until scott kills of mike at the feast) and for a while it comes down to cameron feeling guilty and upset because he knows that if the three of them made it to the final 3 together, cam would be killed off immediately. brick jo and lightning and the other careers (minus dakota) all have a little alliance and until it comes down to just brick jo and lightning, jo and lightning are planning to kill off brick together. that is until brick sacrifices his life for jo (im thinking a collapsing cave?) and dies and jo feels guilty forever
dawn and scott have an alliance as well until dawn tries to poison his drink, but since scott is a farmer boy and would know a lot about how to recognize tainted water, he swaps his drink for hers, killing dawn with her own drink.
manitoba, svetlana, and vito are all mikes alters and theyre careers. chester is just chester he doesnt do much.
btw there wont be that much romance, only between mike and zoey (though a svetlana and anne maria mutual attraction isnt that bad..). ofc i also have my bias as a jock shipper too but thats all for now. ill probably make more with this au lets see
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lettermanjack · 9 months
I've been stuck on a Total Drama hyperfix for 3 weeks now so here have some hyperfix doodles. NSNDNND
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I love both of them so much idk why 💀.
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I don't care if Noco is a rarepair THEY'RE CUTE DAMNIT DON'T JUDGE ME 😭. Also Gwen has a cool design.
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I don't care if Scott is an objectively shitty villain THE FANART OF HIM IS FIRE-
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Honestly fuck the reset button, bring back the alters I miss them. That reset button was such a shitty plotline- but other than that Mike and all of his alters are A teir.
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totaltism · 20 days
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mfw THE scottitoba guy is back
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totaled-drama · 11 months
Can we see how the different alters interact with the kids!
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Manitoba has NO idea how to talk to children. He’s so nervous that he’s going to accidentally swear in front of them or something.
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mikeytea · 1 month
I got so bored and I saw a funny meme format that I had to draw every single one of my favorite characters from every fandom I’ve been in 😭
( this is mostly a shipping post for these guys if it isn’t noticeable )
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trashrunes · 4 months
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System icons
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starryluminary · 10 months
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I like imagining this was a whole event to them with props and backgrounds and the like. It feels homey and like they’re a family
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kaithefirst0127 · 8 months
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Drew some of mike's alters can u tell my favorite one
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Not sure if it has been asked before but Mike (+ alters without Chester) reacting to transmasc reader without any surgeries/hrt yet?
Damn sure, Dude! I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, as I am a cis woman, but I will do my best!
WARNINGS/NOTES not understanding what being trans is, and struggling to accept one's body, a bit of transphobia from Mani :( +A FUCKING COME BACK!!!!! YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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He doesn't... 100% get it, as he's a cis man, who's very comfortable in his own body, even if he shares it with others.
Though he doesn't really get it, he'll do his best to help you and understand along the way.
He'll do his best to help you feel affirmed (calling you by your preferred name and pronouns, getting you a binder and helping you with it, and comforting you)
Somedays he's really worried about you, but he knows you'll be okay in the end.
He does his best to try and get you what you need, whether it's comfort, the reassurance you ARE a man, or simply letting you take your time in deciding if you really need/want those surgeries or care and standing by your decision.
If you know you really need them, he'll do everything in his power to help you get that care. 💙
Like Mike, he doesn't understand, but mainly why you'd wanna change from a hot babe to a guy.
Once you explain, he doesn't really mind (even if he's never felt that way, seeing himself as the hottest person to walk the earth).
He does his best to let you know, that while you're not a hot babe, you're sure as hell a hot dude in his book, and anyone who disagrees can get a kick to the nuts for all he cares
He's not 100% sure if he's into guys or ready to date one, but you guys can still be the best of buds if he decides he's not okay dating a dude.
Either way, you're still his hottest bro. And your bromance will be forever. 🔥
He doesn't get it.
He still thinks of you as a bit too feminine, mainly because you have boobs still and you're nothing like a guy.
He still treats you like a girl but will use your preferred pronouns and name.
He's all for helping you get your needed surgeries and care, but for now, he still thinks he should treat you like glass. 🥲
She... Understands the feeling.
While she wishes she could get the care to be more of a girl, she can't change the body too much in fear of making the others feel uncomfortable in the body they share.
So she understands living in a body that doesn't feel yours/like you or doesn't fit into your gender.
She will do everything she can to help feel more like a man, no matter what it takes.
Even if she can't get the care that she needs, she know that you can, someday. 💜
He uses up all the free time he gets to find out what it's like to be you.
While sharing a body with a bunch of losers SUCKS he knows it can't be as bad as what you go through.
but while he hates her as much as he does, he will talk with Svetlana to get a better understanding of how you feel.
He tends to think about stealing money to afford HRT for you.
He may or may do it.
He's going to do it unless you stop him.
You're really the only person who can, but you're going to confuse him if you try.
He cares and will do anything (legal or illegal) to get you what you need. 🖤
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comfortzoneart · 7 months
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matty-alien · 15 days
If Mike and his alters were written by Vivziepop.
Jk, just a stupid ass voice over of Roti.
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