#Totally extraneous to the msg but if you’re interested? Go ahead and read
trashogram · 5 months
I’m not sure what disgusts me more, charlastor or radioapple.
“Oh these male characters hate each other? I want them to fuck! The female protagonist has a loving relationship with another female character? NO, I want the male villain to fuck her!”
Alastor is also ostensibly asexual, but that doesn’t matter to all the porn addicts in this fandom.
It makes me want to vomit.
I’m sorry you feel that way.
Please don’t take that as condescending or anything - I know it can come across that way but I mean it genuinely. Getting angry over fandom shipping is not new or alien to me, but I know it makes me feel shitty and hurts me more than anyone else. I imagine it’s much the same for my peers. It’s just not worth it in my opinion.
I don’t think I’m the right person to vent to unfortunately. I like Charlastor actually, even some of the porn — imo it’s more interesting than Chaggie (bc poor Vaggie has no personality in the show aside from being attached to Charlie at the hip. Not even a retconned backstory of her being a fallen angel could make me like it — which isn’t on the ship so much as it is the writing and lack of care from the creators, but that’s a whole other rant). They’re cute as friends for sure, but Vaggie still needs more.
I’m also very lax about character sexualities as well. It doesn’t offend me if a bi female character is shipped exclusively with women or men, if she’s a lesbian or straight, etc. so I reason that it needn’t offend others if fictional characters that represent fans’ sexualities are changed in fanon.
And I do fandom for fun, and am responsible only for my personal experience. I know not everyone thinks the way I do so I’m try to be courteous to that, but that doesn’t mean I need to bend over backwards to appease others’ feelings.
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