#Tour Ubahn
electrosquash · 2 years
Currently paying ~1000€ for public transit in my little region and coming May i'll pay half of that for the whole country ... effervescent
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normally0 · 2 years
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The Magical Mystery Tour of The Museum Insel Ubahn, Berlin - Max Dudler It is with much joy that I see architecture referencing the magic of KF Schinkel once again. From the Altes Museum and beyond a plethora of devices have been reaped and understood for the making of mankind. The oeuvre of Schinkel is a tricky one, not necessarily clothed in the neo classical wolf skin that the majority seems to believe. He perhaps foretold the fear of climate before it became a reality and truly responded to the notion of the garden of earthly delights. Lest that be a warning to architects everywhere, there are factors embedded in the fortitude of Schinkel that the world has not even had the chance to comprehend or even fathom, but as needs must the Spree still flows without rising its banks and the story continues.
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Los Angeles: 25.01.23
Nach einem Kaffee und einem Microwellen- Oatmeal geht es auf zur Metro. Dort spricht mich ein Obdachloser an. Er ist echt nett und will mir mit der Karte helfen und ich vertraue meinem Bauchgefühl. Er kauft mit seiner Karte ein Tagesticket Knapp (4 Dollar) und ich gebe ihm 7 Dollar. Direkt danach spricht er ein anderes Mädchen an und wir stellen fest, dass wir beide deutsche sind. Als ich in der Metro dann mit Anna ins Gespräch komme, stellen wir fest, dass wir beide aus Karlsruhe kommen und beide zu den Universal Studios wollen...😳 Alles klar... Das heißt wohl,wir haben eine neue beste Freundin für heute.,🤗
Da ich noch kein Ticket habe, gehe ich zum Schalter... Die wollen 40 Dollar mehr, weil ich die Karte nicht online kaufe ... Whaaaat. OK. Anna wartet netterweise und richtet mir einen Hotspot ein, sodass ich die Karte online für "nur" 109 Dollar kaufen kann. 🥰
Los geht's und wooow wir stehen direkt in Hogwarts. Erstmal ein Butterbier trinken. Wow... Das ist süß. Anna beschreibt es wie folgt:
"Es schmeckt, als hätte jemand sämtlichen Süßigkeiten in einen Topf geschmissen und umgerührt." Jap das trifft es ganz gut. Puh, so viel bekomme ich wirklich nicht runter... Vorallem weil wir uns schon für eine Achterbahn in Hogwarts angestellt haben. Also lasse ich das kurzerhand einfach stehen und setze mich in die Achterbahn...
OK... Das ist echt ein ganz anderes Erlebnis. Die sitze sind freischwebend und wir folgen Harry auf einem Besen durch die Luft... Dabei werden wir von Drachen und Dementoren verfolgt, versuchen Arargog und seinen Spinnen auszuweichen, ebenso wie der Peitschenden Weide. Dabei werden wir wirklich hin und her geschüttelt und ich frage mich nur noch... "Wenn ich jetzt kotzen muss... wo fliegt die kotze hin?
Puh, wir haben es zum Glück ohne Zwischenfälle uberstanden. Schlecht ist mir aber trotzdem. 😳🤣 Ich finde so eine Indoor Film Achterbahn bzgl. meiner Reiseübelkeit noch viel schlimmer als eine normale Achterbahn... Schließlich bist du der Maschine komplett ausgeliefert und du weißt überhaupt nicht was als nächstes passiert. Schleudert die Maschine dich nach unten, nach oben, rechts links, schüttelt sie dich durch oder was passiert?
Nach der Erfahrung wird mir klar... Ich brauche eine Vomex und eine kurze Pause von Achterbahnen. Also geht es zur Studio Tour. In einem Ubahn Schacht kracht eine Ubahn auf uns zu und der Schacht wird plötzlich überflutet. Später wird eine Straße unter Wasser gesetzt und ich denke nur "Wow, davon hat Sven schon vor ca. 10 Jahren erzahlt..."
Was sehr ärgerlich ist, dass einige Attraktionen (wie Jurassic world) einfach geschlossen sind...
Bei den Minions wird mir (nur dank Vomex,) nicht schlecht und ich bin froh, als wir wieder draußen waren.
Alles in allem waren die Universals sehr enttäuschend. Das Preis Leistungsverhältnis stimmt einfach überhaupt nicht. Und ich bin froh, den Europapark zu haben.
Auf dem Hollywood Boulevard angekommen, hören wir eine megaaaaa Sängerin. Ich will mit ihr singen schießt es mir in den Kopf 😊
Wir warten und warten, während sie mit Fans redet. Irgendwann bezieht sie uns mit ein und wir erkennen, ahhhhh der Speaker hat den Geist aufgegeben ... Nunja... Wir machen einfach Shallow auf dem Handy an und singen drauf los.
🤯 Was für eine Überwindung und gleichzeitig ein Wahnsinns Gefühl 😍
Mein Real- LA -Erlebnis:
Ich stehe in Hollywood und singe auf der Straße... Allltaaaaaaa. Später kommt ein Mann dazu. Und seine Art... Er ist ein laufendes Klischee eines dunkelhäutigen, schwulen Amerikaners. Ich habe noch nie jemand getroffen, der so einen dreckigen Wortschatz hat... 😳
Er redet über den Unterschied zwischen weißen und schwarzen Männern, ihre ..., Wie er von ihnen rangenommen wird etc. 🤯 Das gehört einfach zum real LA Feeling dazu. Irgendwie mega spannend...
Abendessen gibt es noch beim In and Out (Burger) und dann geht es wieder nach Hause ins Bett.😊
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makrostil · 10 years
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tour 2014
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amasplit · 7 years
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Ubahn 35mm film photo
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dreimalfuermich · 2 years
Dienstag, 16.8.2022
In Proletenlichtes Glanze, in der Ubahn Todesschein---
fahl und kaputt kommt der kaukasische Hautton im neuen Licht in den neuen U-Bahn-Fahrzeugen der Verkehrsbetriebe. Bitter, schon morgens so scheiße auszusehen. Tu doch mal einer weniger visuals, ach nee, geht ja nich, bin ja selber drin. Das schwarze Hundefell hingegen, das kommt gut.
Da lass ich doch schnell den Blick ins Buche schweifen, direkt zwischen diese zwei attraktiven und weichen Schenkel, die wir SEITEN nennen. Sex und Erotik.
Da ist dieser eine Obdachlose—denn man kennt ja seine Obdachlosen, aus den Routinetouren und Wegen, die man zurücklegt, aus den Nahverkehrsformen der Wahl, wie man das Personal aus den Serien oder Büchern kennt, die man schaut oder liest—dessen shtick ist, dass er seine Sätze immer förmlich in den Waggon schreit, und dann so abgehackt, jedes einzelne Wort kommt so schluckaufartig aus ihm heraus, wie gesagt, brüllend. Klar, ist wahrscheinlich irgendwas Trauriges dahinter, das sich dem anderen Traurigen einfach so hinzu addiert, auf diese ganz mörderische, normale Art. Mich nervt dieser Typ dermaßen mit diesem Geschrei, weil es mir direkt in die Knochen geht, er hat diese Gabe, er hat das Talent, das Gehör reicht ihm nicht, er zerstört einen von tiefer drin, und so bin ich eben ausgestiegen, seinetwegen, ich sah ihn da stehen und dachte, ohne nachzudenken, nee, fuck that, ich steig aus, und so tat ich. Von dort an trugen mich meine Füßchen. Dafür, so scheints, und ich sags ganz ganz vorsichtig, sind die Nachbarn von unten, der sog. Wanderzirkus, in den Urlaub. Nice!
Die ultradeutsche Perversion. Gestern zu beobachten, wie an den Nachrichten-Screens der Republik groß die Meldung kam: Heute wird die Gasumlage bekannt gegeben. Ich musste erstmal lachen, Wahnsinn was hier wieder abgeht, was sich hier wieder entrollt. Weiß dieses Land eigentlich, wie krank es manchmal ist, so ganz offensichtlich und unumwunden defekt, wahrscheinlich, wie würde man sagen, wie klingt so ein Vernichtungsbefund, PATHOSEXUELL, oder so? Diese Sucht nach dem Todesnahen, das normale Leben wirklich um jeden Preis in der Theorie, im Geiste unmöglich machen, vernichten, zerstören, "problematisieren”, untot leben 4ever in Germany, wo die Kunst und die Dichtung...... Die Gasumlage ist das Substitut, das symbolische Hinrichtungsdatum, für Jeden, denn hier, in Deutschland, auch im b u n t e n Deutschland, wird niemand vergessen, wir haben ein Erschießungskommando für wirklich JEDEN guten Spirit, die landläufige Manie ist die Todesmanie, die freischwebende Aufmerksamkeit ziehts zur Grube hin, und heute wirds 30 Grad bei Sonnenschein. Ihr bekommt mich nicht, ich kann mir selber Flak-Witze erzählen.
P.S.: Ich wollte ein Buch in die Schweiz schicken, mit der Post. Die will 18 Euro dafür haben. Das sei seit 2019 schon so, meinte der nette Typ an dem Postdinge zu mir, so ganz locker. Da mussten wir beiden bisschen lächeln. Ich habs dann als Maxibrief für 7 Euro probiert, kam aber leider paar Tage später wieder. War schade, weil es macht Spaß manchmal, mit dieser stumpfen Tour durchzukommen.
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leonieandtheworld · 5 years
Ich habe diesmal extra für euch (und ein bisschen für mich) festgehalten wieviel Geld ich für was ausgebe pro Tag und auch generell. Damit ihr seht, dass das gar nicht so teuer ist und dass man da nicht jahrelang sparen muss bis man sich soetwas leisten kann. Man muss nur mit seinem Geld umgehen können und sparen. Je mehr man spart, desto länger kann man bleiben.
Ich habe ein sehr gutes Mittelding gefunden. Ich habe zwar nicht viel Geld ausgegeben und darauf geachtet immer das günstigste Angebot zu wählen, jedoch habe ich auf nichts verzichtet, das ich machen wollte.
Ich hatte 3 große Ausgabenpunkte: Essen, Unterkunft und Transport.
Und dann kam natürlich noch der Rest hinzu, das ich unter Sonstiges aufgelistet habe.
27 Tage Thailand ohne Hin und Rückflug: 31229 baht = 892,20 €
Essen: 8972 baht = 256,35 €
Ich habe nicht ein einziges Mal selbst gekocht. Ich war jeden Tag essen. Morgens, mittags, abends. Manchmal war das Frühstück bei der Unterkunft mit dabei und machmal war ich nur 2x Essen und zwischendurch hatte ich einen Snack. Ich hatte viel Geld sparen können, wenn ich nur Thaifood gegessen hätte, weil Westernfood immer teurer ist. Ich habe immer gegessen, wenn ich Hunger hatte und hatte eigentlich zu jedem Essen auch ein Getränk. Alkohol habe ich unter Sonstiges gezählt.
Unterkunft: 8972 baht = 293,70 €
Ich hatte sehr verschiedene Unterkünfte. Vom 10 bis 4 Bett Zimmer im Hostel, 3 Bett Zimmer im Hotel, 2 Bett Zimmer im Hotel und ich hatte auch mal einen Bungalow für mich alleine, war alles dabei. Ich war mit allen Unterkunften zufrieden. Hostels sind super um neue Bekanntschaften zu machen und dank der Vorhänge vor dem Bett merkt man gar nicht, dass da noch andere Leute sind. Oropax brauchte ich auch nur seltenst.
Transport: 6947 baht = 198,50 €
Hierzu zählen alle Arten von Transport. Tuktuk-Fahrten, Busfahrten, Zugfahrten, Grab , Ubahn, Metro. Erstaunlicherweise sind Langstreckenbusfahrten günstiger als die gleiche Route mit dem Zug, aber dennoch habe ich mich fur die Zugvariante nach Ko Tao entschlossen. Denn das war halt immer meine Vorstellung vom Reisen in Thailand. Verträumt aus dem Zug schauen. Und deswegen habe ich das auch gemacht. Lustig sind auch die 3. Klasse Zugfahrten in den Regionalzügen. Ganz viele Leute, wenig Platz und nur Ventilatoren. Abenteuer pur! Und spottbilllig.
Sonstiges: 5030 baht = 143,70 €
Alles andere kommt hier hinzu. Schnorchelausflug, 4 Island Tour, Alkohol, Kleidung, Schmuck, meine neue Bauchtasche, Postkarten etc.
An einem Durchschnittstag habe ich somit folgendes ausgegeben: 33€
Essen: 9,50€
Unterkunft: 10,50€
Transport: 7,30€
Sonstiges: 5,30€
Ich habe die perfekte Balance gefunden zwischen sparen und doch alles erleben, was man erleben wollte. Ich meine teurer gehts doch immer. Ich habe immer geschaut, dass ich für den Preis den ich zahle das Beste bekomme und so war es jeder einzelne Cent den ich ausgegeben habe wert und ich wurde alles genauso wieder machen.
Nun ja bis auf die Gebühren zum Abheben am Bankomaten. Das kam immer auf 220 Baht , 6 Euro pro Abheben. Das war schon etwas ärgerlich und da fallt mir auf die ca. 20 Euro sind in der Statistik nicht mit drin. Weiteres verspreche ich nicht, dass das auf den Cent genau stimmt aber so plus minus sollte alles passen.
Weiteres war es echt aufwändig das Ganze zu dokumentieren. Hab jetzt aber eine coole App gefunden.
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Visit Berlin like the cutest roommates!
A day in the life: 
Wake up bright and early at 11am! You’ve got a big day ahead of you. First, there’s no better way to start a Saturday than by eating at Thai park. It’s the best Thai food you can get in Berlin and a great way to catch some sunshine with the locals! Next, you have to head over to Museum Island to go see the Berliner Dom. So beautiful! Head inside to get a 360 view of Berlin from the top of the Dom. After that, be sure to take a tour of an Underground Bunker at Berliner Unterwelt to hear what life was like during WWII or the Cold War. Then, for dinner head to the best restaurant in all of Berlin, Ruyam’s. Be sure to eat a delicious Kebap and drink a mango Ayran (Do NOT miss this!). Once, your day comes to a close, head home and get dressed in all black for the evening. Then go check out the Brandenburg Gate and take a stroll through the Tiergarten before heading to the Deutscher Bundestag to watch the sunset over Berlin.  After that, head over to a spätkauf to buy a pomegranate Club Mate and mix in some Jaeger. It’s the best way to start the night, trust us! Then head out to one of our favorite bars, KlunkerKranich or MultiLayerLaden. If you want to move on from there, do it! There are so many more bars and clubs worth visiting. Once you’re done for the night, be sure to head back on the UBahn and take pictures of your friends that fall asleep on the train, but you should probably wake them up for their stops!
If this day just wasn’t enough, check out our super great map of Berlin and see some of our other favorite places to visit! Always feel free to ask us more questions about Berlin or our time there! After all, Berlin is the best city and we’d love to share it with you!  https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1p1yH6BB4e2S_fPUzfPs1kY-58cEtTDpM&ll=52.516979166822566%2C13.380472856955976&z=17
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chaletnz · 6 years
The Trip Begins in Sofia
An afternoon flight allowed me ample time to prepare for my next European adventure. I took a leisurely breakfast with Alice at the hotel, ran all of my errands and even had time to pick up a chicken sandwich on my way to the airport. Although we waited for 30 minutes in the bus to the aircraft, all was smooth on the flight and I realised that it would only take 2 hours and not 3 because of the hour time difference. We arrived to rolling green hills, small clusters of houses and dry farmland that was probably grateful for less hot weather. The shuttle between terminals drove me around the airport right at sunset and I enjoyed some spectacular views of the air traffic control tower and large letters spelling Sofia in both English and Bulgarian. Inside Terminal 2 I changed 20 euros into local currency Bulgarian lev and then bought 2 tickets for the metro as my hostel had instructed. One for me and one for my bag! It was a much more advanced subway system than I'd anticipated - the scrolling sign inside and the announcements were in both Bulgarian and English (actually better than the Ubahn in Frankfurt which is only in German). After a journey of about 20-30 minutes I arrived at Serdika station which is right in the centre of Sofia and serves as the change station between the two metro lines, I walked upstairs to some deafening club music which was outside a bank of all places and desperately tried to navigate my way to the hostel. I walked down a dark main road and followed the directions to find my way into a little courtyard where I simply followed the sound of people speaking English and felt like I must be in the right place. I was checked in by Antonia who was super helpful and friendly despite my feeling uncomfortable with all of the socializing in large groups happening around me. I was shown to my room and then headed out for a quick Lidl trip to buy some water and a shower gel for the trip. Back in my room I planned out some activities for tomorrow and chatted to an American lady called Wendy who had also just arrived. It was actually a very comfortable bed and dorm room, unfortunately 2 of the roommates came in quite late and woke us up. And in the morning there was a mad scramble to get up and shower in the only shower between 15 people. It definitely made me think back to my leisurely mornings in the hotels! Once the scrambling was over I got ready and went to the free breakfast in the main hall, it was chaos with so many people fighting for cutlery and plates and two young Bulgarian ladies in aprons trying frantically to replenish the food. I took a waffle and grabbed the nearest free seat at a table with some hungover Germans. After my light breakfast I packed my day bag and headed off, first stop was the bank to exchange some cash. I walked down one of the central roads Alabin and found the huge court house with its two lion statues outside. A little bit further down I reached the 2 Giraffes espresso bar for my morning cappuccino. I had just enough time left to quickly find the street art I had spotted last night and then I met the walking tour guide Slavyan and the other participants at the court house. Around the corner opposite the St Nedelya church we began with a short history of Sofia - one of the oldest cities in Europe at around 6000 years old. The church was the site of a terrorist attack in 1925 that killed almost all Bulgarian political and influential leaders except for the king. A funeral was being held in the church whilst stacks of explosives lay below, by his own good fortune the king was running late and that is how he survived. Next we visited Serdica square where the St Sofia Monument stands. Slavyan told us about the "big misunderstanding" relating to this monument which was a millennium gift from the government of Sofia to its citizens. It was presented as a monument to St Sofia after whom the city was supposedly named but historians disagreed and said the city is not named after the Saint. The church was also not pleased at the depiction of a "Saint" with such an open dress. But the monument stayed put and that was that! We followed Slavyan to the Sveta Petka Orthodox Church. It was from the 14th century and nearby some ruins from the 4th century had been excavated, it seems that the Bulgarians loved to build their new buildings on top of old ones. Outside the mosque Slavyan pointed out the synagogue (the 4th largest in Europe) and told us about the Jewish population's interesting history. When Germany approached the Bulgarian border the Bulgarians were forced to ally as they did not have a strong army, however each time the trains came to take Jewish people to concentration camps the citizens worked together to save them. The king himself even stood on the train tracks and said they could only be taken over his dead body. We passed through the hot springs next and were invited to drink some water in hope to improve our cardiovascular system. Across the road we saw an old bath house that had been converted into the Sofia history museum and had beautiful gardens and a fountain laid out in front of the building. We passed by the Communist headquarters building where 700-1000 administrators would have worked but now it functions as an office for the socialist party which is the second or third political party in present day Bulgaria. Slavyan led us underground to the ancient city ruins of Serdica and showed us exactly where the east gate was located and in doing so we ended up taking a convenient underpass to cross the road and emerge outside the presidential office. Luckily we arrived just in time to see the guards marching for the changing of duty and we could all take a photo before Slavyan took a group photo of us. Next we passed through some archways to arrive in a courtyard where the St George church (also known as the rotunda church) is located. It was built in the 4th century and is one of the oldest buildings in the world at 1600 years old. In front of our next landmark; the National Art Gallery, formerly the royal palace, Slavyan directed us around to tell the story of the royal family in a bit of a performance so we understood how Bulgaria had initially "imported" its royal family but eventually ended up with a Bulgarian-born king. As we walked down the yellow brick road Slavyan told us about how the government had bought these expensive yellow bricks to look more European however once it rained for the first time and it was discovered that they were slippery and impractical, the government decided to lie and say the bricks were a gift for the royal wedding so that the citizens wouldn't know that so much money had been spent on the slippery bricks. We walked up to the Hagia Sofia which was the church responsible for the renaming of Sofia from its original name Serdica. And then we had reached our final destination, the one and only Aleksander Nevski Cathedral with its shiny golden domes. The grandest building in Sofia made with only the best materials, including a total of 22 tonnes worth of bells imported from Moscow. The largest and heaviest bell weighs 13 tonnes and it has been said that if you were to ring all of the bells together then the windows in the surrounding buildings would blow out! After the tour I went to take some photos of the cathedral and went inside to see how big it really was. Then I retraced my steps to get photos of everything we had visited on the tour. I felt hungry and luckily stumbled upon a supermarket to buy a milkshake and an oat bar for sustenance. Then I walked up to the central train station stopping only for a short break at the Lion Bridge. I bought my onward ticket to Skopje, Macedonia and luckily I checked the details in the agency because the woman had accidentally given me the morning bus rather than the afternoon one! My last big excursion for the day was a trip out to the NDK where I walked through the Bulgaria Square and into a quiet neighbourhood to find a speciality coffee shop called Dabov to enjoy a flat white. On the way back I watched the skaters for a while, especially the inline skaters as they were waxing all of the steps and getting in everyone's way. On my walk back I found a Bulgarian Apple Bandit cider in a supermarket which of course came back to the hostel with me to drink while writing my blog!
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electrosquash · 1 year
I think i love the Blame! vol 6 cover because it reminds me of this
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robin-in · 6 years
In the Hotel Room (13 December 2018 11:45 PM)
We got to sleep in TODAY! 
I woke up at 10:00 AM so that I would have time to go to a cafe to get food to eat for lunch. The cafe that I went to also had strawberry rhubarb pie, so great find. 
After meeting the class in the lobby at around noon, we hopped onto a train to Pottsdam, and then to a palace called Sans Sousi. I think that this was my favourite thing that we have done in Berlin so far, maybe on the trip. Our tour guide was a guy dressed in period clothing, who was acting like he had just woken up in 2018 after falling asleep in 18something. It was really funny. While giving us a tour of the palace and explaining aspects of history, he would also provide us with what we believe the person who he was pretending to be thought. The palace was really cool, though kind of pretentious and gaudy periodically. It embodied the idea of, “it’s awful. I hate it. I love it” for me. The last room was all yellow and decorated to look like a tropical forest, and was possibly the worst. If only we had been able to visit this palace during the summer, there probably would have been more to see. 
After the tour, we hopped onto a bus then train back to Haupthanhof. It was much quicker to take the train than the ubahn, so thank you to Tyler’s new friend. Asher, Aidan, Cassidy, and I hung out in Hauptbahnhof until we decided to walk over to the Bundestag. Cassidy and Asher went to go look for food while Aidan and I went to the Ampleman shop. There were a lot of cool things there, and I definitely want to go back to either that one or the one on Unter den Linden. 
At around 6:00 PM, we left to go to the Bundestag, arriving at around 6:15 PM. We then stood around for a while waiting for the rest of the class to arrive. Getting into the building was really easy, and listening to Parliament talk was interesting. They spent most of the 50 minutes that we were there discussing the humanitarian efforts that they have been doing over the past 70 years and patting themselves on the back. This was not what we were expecting to see, and what we were there to watch did not start until we only had about 5 or 10 minutes left. We were there just long enough to hear the AFD start talking. It is kind of hilarious how much most of Germany does not like them. 
After seeing Parliament, our class went up into the glass dome of the parliament building, which was really cool. It was also really high up, cold, and there was an alarm going off. Still, the view was cool. I then went with  Asher, Aiden, Tyler, Ryan, David, and Taylor to Mustafas for duernor. Tyler lead the way, and it was a bit of a trek. We did get to see several of the sites people go to Germany to see, as we walked down Unter Den Linden to get to it. The food was not quite what I expected, but I really liked it. That may have been because I was super hungry. I give it roughly a 4/5. We then stopped at Curry 65 (not sure about the number), where I got fries. 
Back at the hotel, I talked to Heather for a little while, then switched to facetime to talk to our cat, Fitzwilliam.
Daily Rating
Palace: 9 fake ruins out of 10
Tour: 10/10
Palace: 9/10
Fake ruins: 8/10
Bundestag: 8 falafels the AFD is not allowed to have out of 10
Cool architecture: 10/10
Politics: 6/10 
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marcostrongblog · 4 years
STOCKHOLMER U-BAHN KUNST TOUR - Die Stockholmer U-Bahn wurde 1950 eröffnet und verfügt derzeit über 100 Stationen. Sie wird oft als die längste Kunstgalerie der Welt bezeichnet...
Grundlagen der Stockholmer U-Bahn
Die Stockholmer U-Bahn (Tunnelbana auf schwedisch) wurde 1950 eröffnet und verfügt derzeit über 100 Stationen. Sie wird oft als die längste Kunstgalerie der Welt bezeichnet, da 90 der Stationen individuell mit Kunst geschmückt sind. Hintergrund der Kunst unter Tage ist, dass die Bahnhöfe teilweise in den blanken Stein geschlagen wurden. Danach wurden die…
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casparchan1993 · 7 years
A mini tour with metro #shanghai #shanghailife #shanghaicity #shanghaiist #china #chinese #urban #urbanjungle #urbandecay #modern #cityview #cityscape #citylights #city #skydancer #skyscraper #wolkenkratzer #building #high #development #trip #travel #tour #metro #ubahn #underground #reise #bluesky #iphoneonly (hier: Shanghai, China)
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leonieandtheworld · 6 years
Tami & Leo on tour
1 Monat zu Hause ist vergangen wie nix und ich bin froh dass der Spruch meiner Eltern vor 3 Jahren: “das sind die letzten Sommerferien deines Lebens“ nicht der Wahrheit entsprochen hat und ich mitten in den coolsten Sommerferien meines Lebens stecke! Und nun ist es Zeit für das nächste Kapitel:
Juhu juhu juhu! Heute geht es wieder los und diesmal mit Tami! Also jedes mal, wenn ich wir schreibe meine ich uns :-D Leonie und Tamara voll on Tour! Gestartet hat alles am 30.12.2017 als ich Tami erzählte: “Du woasch was? I fliag Kanada“ und sie mir geantwortet hat sie wär dabei! Kein Zögern, nur diese halbe Sekunde überlegt und schon ging die Planerei los! Und hier stehen wir nun 7 Monate später und warten auf den Flughafenshuttle! Juhu juhu! Also ging es los, nach einer lieben Verabschiedung in Mösern von unseren Eltern und bald schon standen wir in München. “Erstmal zur Info“ (Spoiler: sagen wir an jedem Flughafen, Bahnhof und Ubahn-Station unserer ganzen Reise).
Als die Info dann meinte unser Flug sei gecanceld worden fiel uns erst mal der Mund runter. Aber wir gingen die Sache locker an und gingen trotzdem zu unserem Gate. Unsere Fluggesellschaft war aber nicht persönlich vertreten und deshalb haben wir angerufen. Wir sollen 3 Stunden warten und dann werden sie uns Bescheid geben. Also erstmal Mci und abwarten. Ich bin immer noch stolz auf uns wie ruhig und relaxed wir geblieben sind!
Dann kam die Info: Ja ihr bleibt heute Nacht in Paris und morgen fliegt ihr über New York (mit Übernachtung) nach Toronto. Gleich noch das Beste rausgeholt: eine weitere Nacht in New York und einen gratis Weiterflug von Toronto nach Montreal! Ganz ehrlich wir glauben es immer noch nicht, wir freuen uns riiiiiesig!!!!! Also ab ins Flughafenhotel, das mega modern ist. Man kann mit einem IPad das Licht ein und ausschalten sowie den Fernseher und die Jalousien und die Dusche kann man farblich in jede Farbe ändern. Wir können unser Glück kaum fassen. Das Hotel und 1 Nacht im Hotel in NY + Essensgeld zahlt Kiwi. Wir verpassen zwar die Niagarafälle und Toronto und eine Nacht in Montreal, aber wir freuen uns dennoch wie Honigkuchenpferde! Am Abend haben wir dann noch auf uns angestoßen und sind ab ins Bett um morgen fit für Paris zu sein.
Fazit des Tages: Pläne sind dazu da um umgeplant zu werden!
Hotel Flughafen Paris: mega cool
Wetter: zu heiß
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diedachse · 6 years
Half Term
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We're back in Berlin, catching up, reminiscing and missing it all very much.
Top priority - a day with Vivian, before she flies off to Bhutan later the same evening.
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We spend some time hanging out in Temelhofer Hafen while the kids have some noisy fun at the nearby 3D Mini-Golf & Laser-Tag. it's Elliot's birthday, and the boys couldn't be happier.
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After a lot of running around, Jackson heads home with Elliot and Willem for crazy play time, and Archie and I scoot round to visit Dorothee and Ben, where the boys hang out together, letting Dorothee and I nip out for an early evening dinner with Sofieke at Kopps.
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Day 2 and a chance for Archie to catch up with a whole group of friends joining together to celebrate Noah's birthday at the Potsdamer Platz VR studios. He meets up with Ben first, and they make their own way on the UBahn together.
Jackson's excited to be making his way to Nathan's. Nathan's just arrived back from a trip to Indonesia. The timing of our trip seems perfect because many friends are returning to Berlin after being away for the school holidays. The boys hang out, while Fanny and I catch up, talking mainly about Bali & their plans and progress building their home and retreat. Sounds idyllic.
I scoot off for a couple of hours to meet up with Christina & Torsten as we grab a delicious, traditional German lunch together. Lovely, but not nearly enough time together before I'm needing to get back for Jackson.
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The day is racing on, and we're soon on our way to Lichterfelder West to spend the evening with Manas' family. Nanu cooks one of her outstanding Nepalese dinners and we are all immensely happy to be together again. Archie stays the night - huddled up together reading their favourite Tom Gates books, delighted in every way. It's so truly wonderful to see these two best friends back together again.
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Saturday arrives and we've more fun ahead. Jackson meets up with Torge - a long awaited reunion. Torge was away during our last visit here, so these guys were thrilled to see each other after 18 months apart.
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Meanwhile Archie is hanging out at Felix's.
Neil and I meet up with Tom and Sophie and their adorable new baby, to enjoy a long lazy lunch in our old neighbourhood.
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Then, as luck would have it, Neil managed to get hold of last minute tickets to watch Hertha Berlin v Leipzig at the Olympiastadium - a brilliant Saturday evening for all the boys, especially Jackson & Elliot!
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Our final day starts with coffee and cinnamon buns from Zeit Für Bröt with Valeska & Torsten and their 4 children. We last saw them in the UK in the summer, as they spent their vacation touring Scotland & England, including Bath.
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And last, but by no means least, we meet the Galler family for a long, lazy lunch. So happy to see these guys. So much to be thankful for - mostly, their generosity for loaning us their apartment during our visit, while they were surfing in California! It's always fantastic to see them. So very glad they returned before we had to leave.
We'll be booking our next trip back very soon.
0 notes
grgop · 9 years
Budapest: The grand tour (part 2)
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After having a lunch break at Baotiful it was time to visit the Parliament. It was now already 3pm and the problem was that it was darkening slowly, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to use my analog camera.
The Parliament of Budapest
On our way to the jewel of Hungary we stopped shortly at the circular Szabadzag Square to take  a few shots since it had nice architecture. And there you could see the biggest building in the Budapest and Hungary at all through Vecszey Street. On our way to the Lajos Kossuth Square where the Parliament is situated we passed by the small bridge in the street, again something popular for the tourists. And there we are! Lajos Kossuth Square is really huge, spacious, somewhat "clean" and hmm how could I describe it. So the first thing you see and that attracts your eyes is of course the Parliament which looks marvelous. It has this Neo-Gothic and a Renaissance style with the pikes and tall windows with a dome in the center. The colors of the roof is brownish-blood-like (or of some berries) which makes it look like a cake when looking from far away (as the locals joke). The Parliament was built right on the banks of the Danube with only one car road and the promenade built between the river and the building. And on the other side of the river is the Buda castle.
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Apparently the square was renovated since the blocks looked new and I've just seen on Google Maps that it was turned into a construction place before so that must be it. There is also lots of space, maybe 100m between the Parliament and the other buildings so it's in the center of attention. Around the square there is a tram rail along with the pedestrian and bike tracks so it must be very nice for the people who use the transport to go by the Parliament house. At least we don't have it in Croatia since our Parliament is on the hill and far from the tram. And a lot smaller, you wouldn't even notice it.
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And of course, there are two soldiers standing firmly in front of the entrance, similar like the British ones at the Buckgingham palace. They don't move nor pay attention to you. Behind them was apparently some pool but without water this time.
Culinaris Shop with International food
After the Parliament my friend told me there was a cool store with food; sweets and drinks from all around the world and that it might be interesting to visit it. Why not? This shop is in the Marko street 5 minutes away from the entrance of the Parliament.
Once you enter it you will probably first notice huge amounts of chocolates everywhere with the nice packagings. I haven't seen much of it before as again compared to for example Croatia you cannot expect experiments with designs of the packagings. Here on the contrary it was. And as expected - the prices were much higher. I was tempted to buy some because of the visuals but ended up buying Cola can with taste of Vanila. Smells good. And it's not only about the chocolates and candies, there are drinks, vegetables, pasta, milk products and everything else you can find in other markets, just here in small amounts and much more expensive of course. After happy shopping we decided to go back home but visit some other places on our way there.
Christmas atmosphere in the evening and the Tiger shop
Now comes a bit blurry part for me and unfortunately forgot some of the names of the items (chocolates :D ) we bought but there are few interesting things to mention. So we headed in the direction of south 3 kilometers until we took the tram in front of the Market Hall and the Liberty bridge (hm, there's "liberty" something on every corner there!). I don't remember much except for drinking this Cola until we came to the park with the Big Ferris Wheel. Which meant we were also at the Deak Square with the St Stephen's Basilica. We passed by the giant wheel and left the Elizabeth Square to Vörösmarty Square with another huge pile of the markets selling drinks, food, clothes and other souvenirs. This was a cheerful place, not to big but enough for hundreds of people. From there our next destination (and recommendation) was the Danish Tiger Shop.
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It's in Vaci street and look like a small IKEA. It's the store with simple design and with affordable prices. It's on the two floors where you can buy stuff for the garden, tools, something for the kitchen, deductive toys for children and my favorite part - equipment for artists, designers, illustrators...for 2-5 euros you could get fine sketchbooks, watercolors, markers and tons of other stuff I never mention in my regular life. I bought there some watercolors for 3 yours and looks very sophisticated. If you want to buy some presents for the children and you also want them to experiment with that and learn something - I highly recommend you going there! Everyone can find something inside. After the shop we still were walking down the street and saw some souvenir shops. Now my heart couldn't ignore them any more so we stopped by to buy a few magnets. :D
Leves bar and the soups
My friend then recommended going to this Leves Bar, a take-out restaurant, where we could get some warm delicious soups. Let's go! We came to the avenue with the LIberty Bridge, City Market Hall and the Corvinus Uni, there was the tram station. It took us only one stop, actually could have walked 5 more minutes but who cares. (I don't have a photo of Leves Bar so I'm going to use theirs from the website.)
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There we took for a normal price two soups each. It smelled really good but we made a deal to wait until we get home. And on my surprise, one was pink and tasted a bit sweet. I was not used to this kind of soup but it was nice, more like some strange juicy joghurt?! You can find more info about the restaurant on their Facebook page.
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Now after few tram stops we came back home and made a 2 hours long break since my colleague had something to finish, we had dinner, played a bit PS4 and then ready for more. After all, we've been walking around for almost 7 hours and did almost 12 km.
Szimpla kert and langos
The last things to visit in the evening were this nice bar and some place to eat again and maybe try Langos. Szimpla kert is a cool bar and also a clubhouse in Kazinczy street 14 (and in this street you can find lots of other bars and fast food places). Apparently the street is one of the popular places in Budapest, according to my friend, and this bar was also full of people. There are also lots of foreigners who discovered the place. We were one of them. It is also on two floors in an abandoned old building but from the inside was made alive with the retro stuff. Bikes and colorful lights on the ceiling. There are lots of rooms with the walls without the doors, just go through the hall. If it gets too crowded so you don't find a seat you can find the place at the bar. (Unfortunately, don't have an picture of interior I took so here is one from Alraune Reruhcs)
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After a drink we wanted to find a place to eat and ended up in the nearby space in the same street with several tents or markets which served fast food. There I ordered my first Langos which tasted really good. Miss it.
Since it was already midnight we headed home. My last night in Budapest was over.
The last bar and back home
My bus was leaving around 11.30am from Nepliget so we had a time to go to one more bar. Since it was Sunday lots of them were simply closed. But then we went to Corvin Mozior Cinema and found one bar to be open. And after an hour or less we used the metro to go the bus station. Again the scenery of many homeless people lying on the floor. My yellow RegJet bus was waiting there. Time to say 'until next time' came and after showing the ID card I got into the bus. Changed again in Bratislava to another one. There was the same girl/student serving the passengers so I ordered again hot chocolate (and she remembered it from 2 days ago) so I enjoy an hour back home while listening to the radio.
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Back in Vienna at Stadion Bus Terminal. It was now sunset approaching. I stepped into the Ubahn and soon was home. I'd thanks firstly my friend for the big tour and being a great host as well as to her friend at home. And the guys I met on Friday. I really enjoyed me stay in Budapest and it's totally worth of visiting. Thanks for reading.
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