#Trading Losers 2018 Masterlist
curio-queries · 3 months
Run BTS: 053 | BTS Outing part 1
Original Air Date: 03 JUL 2018 Episode Length: 25:28 Total Parts: 4 YouTube English Subtitles: No Title Song: Blood Sweat & Tears
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Synopsis: BTS on a short trip! There's a full day of activities and games ahead. This episode covers games to earn snacks on the busride, shopping for groceries for their dinner, Jin/Jimin's walk, and everyone's arrival at the house.
Production: The bus games were fun and the guys definitely had their entertainer skills in full force. The idea of a weight limit at the grocery is perfect for a variety episode. They're also so good at taking advantage of what happens with the guys to incorporate; like the Jin-Jimin walk. What a great tangent and it was excellently captured. good work camera team and editors! I really am curious how many episodes they expected to make from this when they planned it out. 4 seems excessive at this point in their production process but it's clearly perfectly viable given the footage captured.
Endearment: This episode is kind of the epitome of hanging out with the guys on a road trip. The do a great job of keeping the entertainment energy up throughout the day.
Winner/Loser: none
Best Cheater: Jin
Member Moments:
RM: RM just chilling in the back, doing his own thing for most of the ride.
JN: Jin was so confident in his gaming skills this episode! ah, but it makes for great entertainment
YG: Yoongi's encyclopedia: breaking a boiled egg..instantly disproven by JK
JH: I love how the guys are so used to arguing that the nonsense answers make sense. Hobi immediately tries to discredit Jimin's win until Jimin reminds him they're on the same team.
JM: I just love Jimin's personality on the wak with Jin. So willing to enjoy the time instead of viewing it as a punishment.
V: V is such an excellent photobomber this episode. every now and then his pic on those shirts just stands out. Like Jimin pointing it out in that Polaroid.
JK: JKs iconic moment of volunteering Jin to trade for ice cream.
Bonus Content: The bonus content is so wholesome! i love just hanging out with these guys. Also, we learn that this ep was filmed immediately after the escape room, they were still there when they changed into the V shirts and doodled on them. I believe the album Jimin refers to is Love Yourself: Tear.
CQ Rank: 5
(CQ Eval Date: 25 FEB 2024)
Check out this post for my Masterlist of all episodes and descriptions of how I'm evaluating these.
Previous Episode: 052
Next Episode: 054
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amethystina · 5 years
Masterlist Trading Losers 2018
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It took me way too long to get here (and I deeply apologise) but here is the masterlist from Trading Losers 2018 with all the entries and my responding trades.
Since this got pretty long, you’ll find them under the cut!
The first trade:
The Depths of Silence by donutsweeper
Length: 2 167 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: G / Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst
Summary: Cougar decided he hated the quiet.
Where You Belong
Length: 25 330 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Hurt/Comfort, Grief/Mourning, Canon-Typical Violence, Minor injuries
Summary: Jensen is excited when he learns that they're getting a team member, even just on a trial basis. Except, when he actually meets this Sergeant Alvarez, it quickly becomes apparent that the man is, for lack of a better word, not quite there. He's wary and aloof, distancing himself from the rest of the team, and clearly carries some kind of baggage. Jensen knows he shouldn't meddle, but he can't help but feel that Alvarez shouldn't have to go through this alone. The man needs a friend.
And, come hell or high water, Jensen decides he's going to be that friend.
The second trade: 
A Midnight Clear by Quire
Length: 2 507 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / None
Summary: Jensen doesn't seem to realise he's a problem.
That's what the problem really is.
Art: With You
The third trade:
Mooch by imafriendlydalek
Length: 6 647 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / PTSD, Anxiety Attack
Summary: Jake can't help but feel intrigued by his hat-wearing neighbor, who has been mooching off his WiFi.
Art for the fic: Mooch
The fourth trade:
my lover's got humour he's the giggle at a funeral by buckybunnyteeth
Length: 1 122 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / First Meetings, Meet-Cute, DADT Mention, Canon-Typical Violence, Pre-Slash
Summary: Sgt. Alvarez. Who is looking at him with a distinctly amused look on his face.
Competent, kind, sexy killing machine. If he’s good with kids than Jensen’s done for.
Or; Jensen meets Cougar for the first time and is weak.
Five Times Cougar Thought Jensen Was Bad at Flirting and One Time He Didn't
Length: 11 571 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Bad Flirting, Some Jealousy, Fluff, Pining, Happy Ending
Summary: Jensen has always been bad at flirting. Over the years, Cougar has seen him strike out time and time again, to the point where he kind of feels sorry for him. It's almost impressive how terrible Jensen is at it, but Cougar has accepted his best friends' lack of prowess as one of those things that makes Jensen who he is.
Cougar is therefore not sure what to believe when he starts noticing some conflicting evidence. Clues that suggest that, maybe, Jensen isn't as terrible at flirting as Cougar has been led to believe. Why Jensen would lie about something like that is a mystery, but it can't be denied that Jensen is definitely hiding something.
And Cougar is going to find out what.
The fifth trade:
If I Touch You, Will You Listen? by wakandan_wardog
Length: 2 626 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: G / Prequel, Supernatural Elements, Pining, Pre-Movie, Unintentional BDSM
Summary: Cougar has a bad feeling as they prepare for the Fadhil Operation, he probably should listen to it, but there's no way to sell Clay on 'the spirits think it's a bad idea and Mama always warned to listen to them', so he stays quiet. But Jensen... He'll stick close to Jensen, and maybe warn the tech to stay sharp. He probably doesn't need to put his hands on Jake to do that, but, oh well.
Art: Jensen and Cougar as Cupid and Psyche
The sixth trade:
Your Pain is My Gain by Shi_Toyu
Length: 2 265 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Graphic Depictions of Violence, Injury, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Serious Injuries, Head Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, First Kiss, Mistaken Character Death, Misunderstandings, Grief/Mourning
Summary: When Cougar's injured on a mission, Jensen will do whatever it takes to get him back to safety... but at what cost?
Art for the fic
The seventh trade:
You’re Speaking My Language! by Aerica_Menai
Length: 2 265 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Graphic Depictions of Violence, Injury, Major Character Injury, Blood and Injury, Serious Injuries, Head Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, First Kiss, Mistaken Character Death, Misunderstandings, Grief/Mourning
Summary: Jensen was doing a great job of hiding his asexuality and his gigantic crush on Cougar - until the two started watching Merlin together and staging a ship war (discussion, really) that brings to light more than just their feelings about two characters in love...
Length: 13 607 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Asexual Jake Jensen, Internalized Acephobia, Pining, Misunderstandings, Happy Ending, POV Multiple
Summary:   Jigsaw /ˈdʒɪɡsɔː/ noun 1. a puzzle consisting of a picture printed on cardboard or wood and cut into various pieces of different shapes that have to be fitted together.
2. a complicated problem that can only be resolved by assembling various pieces of information.
3. to arrange or place in an intricate or interlocking way.
How, one piece at a time, Cougar and Jensen find their happy ending.
The eight trade:
Arrow, meet knee by karnavi
Length: 7 355 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Fluff, Cuddling & Snuggling, Getting Together, Non-Sexual Intimacy, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Fix-It, Mild Sexual Content, Dream Relationship
Summary: Jensen is still blurry on the details of how he got himself and Cougar out of New Jerusalem alive, he blames it on shock and adrenaline. The fact remains that getting their lives back after putting Max down is now just a really long period of secret committee hearings, interviews and presenting loads of evidence.
Somewhere along the process Jensen and Cougar came to a mutual agreement about their feelings for each other with almost ideal precision and no actual consultation.
Neither is complaining.
Siren Song
Length: 31 204 words
Rating/Warnings/Tags: T / Pirate AU, Period-Typical Racism, Period-Typical Homophobia, Internalized Homophobia, Slavery, Catholic Guilt, Canon-Typical Violence, Injuries, Blood, Happy Ending, Religion, Religious Discussion
Summary: Carlos has always taken great pride in his uniform. He is a respected lieutenant within the Spanish Navy, liked by his men and known for his outstanding morals and efficiency. All of that changes the day he meets Jacob Jensen — a man with a bold, mischievous smile and eyes as blue as the sky.
Suddenly, Carlos's world isn't as neat and orderly as he once believed. He starts questioning things he shouldn't — starts wanting things that are forbidden — and, piece by piece, Carlos's world crumbles around him. He tries to resist, but, no matter how hard he struggles, he can't get Jensen out of his mind, or stop the changes the man has set in motion.
The question is simply who Carlos will be once he emerges on the other side.
Go give them all some love! <3
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emospritelet · 5 years
Masterlist Day 2019
Behold, my masterlist of Rumbelle variations boinking and angsting their way through various scenarios!
I checked all the links the other day so they should work. If any don’t, please let me know, as they seem to have a tendency to break or send you to the wrong fic. Under the cut because - well, because there are a lot 
Multi-chapter Masterlist
Multi-chapter Masterlist
All fic links are to AO3, and you may need an AO3 account to read some of them, as I have them locked down due to unprotected fics being scooped from that site without consent
The Long Game - Rumbelle. Winner of TEAs for Best AU and Best FIc in 2014.  Gold and Belle have known and loved one another in a hundred lives, and he’s spent the past seven lifetimes searching for her.  Humour, angst, and plenty of smut. COMPLETE - rated E
Bound For All Eternity - Rumbelle. Remix of The Long Game and TEA winner of Best Remix in 2015.  Belle meets Gold when she’s 16, with all the awkwardness that entails.  WIP - rated E
Playing to Win - Rumbelle. Series of one-shots from the Long Game verse, based on prompts received.  Most of them are smutty.  WIP - rated E
Homecoming - Ogilvelle.  Winner of Best Anyelle in TEAs 2019.  AU in the Long Game verse, set in 1905.  Mr Ogilvy has been looking for his lost love for centuries, and has been giving up all hope of finding her.  That is, until he receives a visit from a young woman in search of a job as governess. WIP - rated M (for now)
Penance - Rumbelle. Winner of Best Barely Legal Belle in the TEAs 2017. Teacher!Gold and Student!Belle begin an illicit relationship following an encounter in his office.  One of the angstiest things I have ever written. COMPLETE - rated E
Knowledge is Power - Rumbelle. Set after 5x12.  Belle’s emails with ‘the Oxford professor’ turn out to be very helpful, and she starts to develop a relationship with him. COMPLETE - rated E
The Stranger - My first Ivelle fic and TEA winner for Best Ivelle in 2016. Colonel Ives arrives in the town of Storybrooke, and gets the attention of the local librarian. COMPLETE - rated E
Buried Treasure - Golden Lace fic. Lacey tries to take Mr Gold’s mind off his lost love. I fully intended this to be PWP, but it turned angsty :(  COMPLETE - rated E
Neverland - Rumbelle. Mr Gold is Belle’s English teacher, and also works as an escort. She unknowingly hires him for her first time. COMPLETE - rated E
Pixie Dust - Rumbelle. Remix of Neverland and winner of Best Remix in the TEAs 2017. Belle is unhappily married to Gaston and discovers he has been unfaithful.  Ruby suggests hiring an escort.  COMPLETE - rated E
The Course of True Love - Rumbelle. Angsty version of how the fight scene in 6:04 might have gone.  Also a kind of fix-it fic, in the end.  Winner of Best Angst: Hurts So Good in the TEAs 2017.  COMPLETE - rated E
Outsider - Rumbelle. Winner of Best AU in the TEAs 2018.  Belle is running from her past, when she stumbles into Storybrooke, and its most infamous resident   COMPLETE - rated E
Tiger Lilies - Winner of Best Anyelle fic in the TEAs 2017.  Golden Lace/Rushacey fic set in the Neverland verse.  Lacey has a complicated relationship with her college professor Dr Rush, and decides to hire an escort that looks like him to work out some of her frustrations.  COMPLETE - rated E
Vermillion - Rushbelle. series of one-shots based on prompts for the Tiger Lilies verse. WIP - rated E
Waiting Game - Golden Lace.  Winner of Best Angst: Oops! in the TEAs 2018. Lacey is Neal’s college friend, and ends up sleeping with Mr Gold when he comes to visit Neal one day.  The whole thing gets angsty due to a misunderstanding, but it’s resolved :)  COMPLETE - rated E
Empty Corridors - Golden Lace.  Winner of Best Golden Lace Fic in the TEAs 2018.  Lacey has a bad relationship with her father, and it only gets worse after she hears about the offer he once made Gold.  Unable to make rent, she takes matters into her own hands.  But is Gold as ruthless as the town thinks? COMPLETE - rated E
Sacrifice - Rumbelle.  Winner of Best AU!OUAT in the TEAs 2018.  A new curse has stolen everyone’s memories, Gideon has been de-aged and Belle lives in a tiny house in the crappy part of town, unable to make rent.  When her landlord Mr Gold threatens to evict her, she offers the only thing of value she has.  COMPLETE - rated E
Cuckoo’s Flight - Rumbelle.  Dr Hopper releases Belle from the asylum, and she meets Storybrooke’s notorious landlord at the Rabbit Hole.  Season 1 AU. COMPLETE - rated E
Tis The Season - including Rumbelle, Golden Lace, Rushaceyrush, Dwarf Star, Swan Queen, Swanfire, Swanfirequeen, Wooden Swan, Floof Family, Malcolm x Fiona, Red Cricket, Brave Warrior, Dragon Queen.  Mostly fluffy ficlets with a festive theme. COMPLETE - most ficlets rated T, some rated E
Crystal Tears - Rumbelle.  With the ogres approaching her lands and her father betrayed by his own men, Belle must get away to safety.  With the help of Graham, her father’s Master of the Hunt, she flees the castle in the midst of a storm, finding her way to the Dark Castle, and its strange inhabitant…  WIP - rated M
Sparks - Rumbelle. Series of Dark Castle one-shots. Belle and Rumple adopt a baby dragon. WIP - rated E
Dark Heart - Rumbelle.  Winner of Best AU and Best Mr Gold in the TEAs 2019.  After a brief affair with Mr Gold and a bitter break-up almost two years ago, Belle returns to Storybrooke to visit her sick father.  But there is a secret that she has been keeping.  COMPLETE - rated E
Twisted Fate - Rumbelle. Remix of Dark Heart in which Belle manages to tell Gold she’s pregnant about seven months in. She’s wary and hostile, and he doesn’t know how to make things better, but he’s determined to try for the sake of their child. WIP - rated E
Kiss of Life - Rumbelle.  Hospital AU slow burn fic.  Winner of Best Storybrooke in TEAs 2019.  Belle moves to Storybrooke and gets a job helping out at the hospital, where she develops a crush on Dr Gold. COMPLETE - rated E
Things Left Unsaid - Woven Lace.  Winner of Best Woven Lace in TEAs 2019. Weaver takes Lacey in to save her from the streets, which leads to a one-night stand and a surprise pregnancy.  Three and a half years later, Lacey asks for a divorce, but all is not what it seems. WIP - rated E
Opening Lines - Woven Lace.  Prequel to Things Left Unsaid.  Detective Weaver’s world changes forever when a young woman bumps into him after witnessing a murder.  Friends to lovers with eventual smut. COMPLETE - rated E
Closing the Circle - Rumbelle.  Winner of Best Smut: Kink and Best AU!Gold/Rumple in TEAs 2019.  Belle, Mulan and Aurora have an interest in supernatural creatures, so what happens when they travel to Storybrooke to interact with the creatures that live there?  In Belle’s case, mostly hot sex with ancient vampire Mr Gold.  WIP - rated E
Sugar and Spice - Woven Lace.  It’s Christmas Eve and Lacey’s oven isn’t working, so she asks her neighbour if she can cook Christmas dinner at his for them both. Snark, sass and eventual smut. COMPLETE - rated E
Goodbye Kiss - Woven Beauty.  Detective Weaver has been in love with Belle French almost from the first moment he met her, but never thought his feelings might be returned.  Christmas fluff and smut.  COMPLETE - rated E
I.O.U. - Golden Lace.  Lacey is desperate for cash, and tries to sell some debts to Mr Gold.  Sass and sex ensue.  COMPLETE - rated E
Honourable Members - Sutherelle.  Belle French is an ambitious and feisty new MP and Prime Minister is equally irritated and fascinated by her. COMPLETE - rated E
Key to the Cell - Dark Castle Rumbelle. Belle doesn’t want the marriage her father has arranged for her, and seeks help from an old book, and the Dark One. WIP - rated M (for now)
Most fic links are to AO3
Last Man Standing - Golden Lace.  Gold and Lacey are both escorts, each thinking the other is their client for the evening.  Just smut, really - rated E
A New Chapter - Rumbelle Secret Santa 2014.  Belle gets Rumple a special Christmas present, and tries something new - rated E
Made to Measure - Rumbelle RCIJ 2016.  Fashion designer!Gold makes actress!Belle a dress for the premiere of her film.  Lots of sexual tension and eventual smut - rated E
Ever After - written upon seeing the promo for the FTL AU in 4X21 and 4X22. Lady Belle unlaces Sir Rumple from his leather pants - rated E
A Taste of Freedom - Ivelle - written for Rumbelle Order in the Court.  Smutty one-shot where Belle is Ives’s defence attorney in a murder case - rated E
Nothing But The Truth - Rumbelle.  Thus far my only Dark Castle Rumbelle smut fic.  Belle makes a deal with her master that has unexpected consequences for them both - rated E
Valley of Water - Rumbelle.  Written for the Rumbelle Summer Vacation event. Rumple, Belle and baby Gideon visit the Lake District.  Fluff and smut - rated E
Number 9 - Rumbelle.  Winner of Best Smut: PWP in the TEAs 2018.  Post season six finale fic.  Belle wants the stamina to keep up with the Dark One, so asks Rumple to make a potion.  Smutty smut! - rated E
Wolf’s Time - Rumbelle.  Winner of Best Spinner!Rumple in the TEAs 2018. Rumbelle Revelry fic.  Spinner!Rumple meets Witch!Belle - rated E
Midwinter’s Kiss - Rumbelle.  Belle has been looking forward to the Midwinter Festival in the Dark Castle, but things get even more exciting when Rumple takes her on a trip to Arendelle - rated E
Small World verse (WovenRushBelle, Woven Lace, Golden Lace, Woven Golden Lace) - rated E
Love and Trust - WovenRushBelle.  Rush and Belle are in a committed relationship but Belle has always wanted a threesome, so Rush asks his best friend…
Small World - Woven Lace. Weaver meets a girl called Lacey in Roni’s, and she’s just his type…
Turn Left - Golden Lace. Lacey returns to Storybrooke and decides to sleep with the pawnbroker she’s been trading sarcastic comments with
Off Duty - Woven Lace.  Lacey’s loser boyfriend is arrested and jailed, and when she meets the detective responsible in Roni’s bar, sparks fly - rated E
Bravery Will Follow - Rumbelle.  Reunion smut set post 2x01 - rated E
Drinking to Forget (Woven Lace) Winner of Best Series and Best Detective Weaver in the TEAs 2018 - rated E
Sex and Violence - Detective Weaver goes to Roni’s bar for a drink, and bumps into a girl called Lacey.  There follows banter, UST, and a lot of smut
Round Two - Weaver is teased by Alice and he and Lacey have another night of hot smut at his place
Probable Cause - Lacey dresses up for Halloween and she and Weaver indulge in tricks and treats!
Damaged But Not Broken - Weaver gets a new partner, and Lacey finds an interesting trinket at Alice’s place
Smoke and Mirrors - Weaver and French investigate a murder, and his feelings for Lacey grow deeper
Almost Like Family - it’s Christmas, and Weaver and Lacey have fun with eggnog before being interrupted by Alice and French
Living Arrangements - Weaver begins to realise the depths of his feelings for Lacey, and makes an important decision
Rude Awakening - Rumple has his memories back, but reacts very badly to seeing someone who is the image of his dead wife.
Lost and Found - Lacey waits for Weaver to wake up so she can yell at him.  Alice guides Rumple to the truth about his lost love.
Full Circle - Rumple takes Belle to Storybrooke to try to find a way to restore her knowledge of their old life and tries to keep her at arm’s length.  Belle has other ideas.
The Return - Rumple returns Belle’s memories at the wishing well
Honeymoon Series (Rumbelle) - COMPLETE - rated E
1. Newlyweds - Rumple and Belle’s wedding night, with a little angst, lots of smut, and Hook making Moe French very uncomfortable
2. Something Blue - the morning after the wedding night, and the diners at Granny’s take an interest in the newlyweds.
3. Cabin Fever - Belle tells Rumple that she found him attractive in his EF persona, and the Charmings happen upon the happy couple while on a walk in the woods.  Winner of TEA for Best Smut: Comedy 2015
4. The Many Uses Of Magic - Rumple shows Belle a useful spell, and Hook grosses out the occupants at Granny’s diner and gets a punch on the nose for his troubles
5. Red Velvet - Rumbelle roleplay - the Dark One’s maid has a problem that only he can help her with
6. Shadows at Midnight - Rumple has a flashback to his imprisonment with Zelena, and Belle is there to help him.  Starts of angsty, ends up smutty
7. Light and Shadow - Rumple takes Belle on a boat ride, with a little help from Lumiere
Erotic Destiny series (Rushbelle) - all smutty. TEA winner for Best Rushbelle and Smut: Best Anyelle 2015 - rated E
1. Power Play - Belle is determined to have the last word with Dr Rush, for once
2. Curious - Belle gives Rush a surprise
3. Control - Rush has been avoiding Belle since the ‘incident’, so she seeks him out
4. Personal Matters - waking up in bed with Rush leads to an argument.  Then smut.
5. Direct Orders - Belle and Rush have been fighting at work, and Young orders them to get some rest
6. Before the Storm - surprisingly just smut, no fighting
7. Third Party Evidence - Colonel Young finds out Rush and Belle are having sex
8. Open To Interpretation - Young tries to talk some sense into Belle.  It does not go well
9. Going Down - clue’s in the title *winks*
10. Green Eyes - Belle gets a handsome friend to come aboard Destiny, and Rush is jealous
11. Silence - Rush is being distant, and Belle tries to find out why.
12. Only in Your Head - when Belle is stranded on an alien plant, Rush resorts to drastic action in an attempt to save her.
Rushbelle one-shots
Fragile - Rushbelle. Rush is still mourning the loss of his wife when he meets a stranger in a bar who has her own grief. Please read the tags on this one - rated E
Pleasure in Grief - Rush is insensitive, and Belle is upset with him.  Smut ensues - rated E
Three’s Company - TEA winner for Best Threesome 2015 - RushBelleRush smut on Destiny - rated E
Hunger - Rush is infected with a vampiric parasite that wants Belle’s blood even more than he wants her body - rated E
Look Back in Anger - Rushbelle fic written for The Great Rumbelle Blow Off. Lieutenant Belle French decides to channel her irritation with Rush into sucking him off - rated E
Open Fire - follow up to Look Back in Anger.  Fuck or die fic where Lt French and Dr Rush are trapped on a planet in a rainstorm and seek shelter - and a way to keep warm - rated E
Extracurricular series - RumBelleRush teacher/student/teacher smut - rated E
1. A Shift in Focus - Prof!Rush fucks Student!Belle in his car
2. Crossing The Line - Prof!Gold goes down on Student!Belle in his office and later fucks her in his apartment.
3. Secret Affairs - the morning after, Belle has to deal with a suspicious Ruby and later goes to Rush’s office to arrange a date that evening, with smutty results.
4. Unrequited - Gold accidentally sexts Rush, much to Belle’s amusement.  She helps him feel better in his office.  Erotic art then appears around the university featuring Gold and Rush, and Rush trolls Gold, meaning Belle has to punish him with a public blowjob
5. San Francisco - RumBelleRush threesome smut!  TEA winner of Best Threesome 2016
6. Fire and Ice - More RumBelleRush threesome smut, wherein they’re snowed in at a hotel, and make use of a sauna, shower and Gold’s bedroom for sexy times.  TEA winner of Best Threesome 2017
7. Peaches and Longing - threesome smut in a hotel, following their car breaking down on a road trip.  Winner of Best Threesome 2018.
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smolbeandrabbles · 5 years
OG Masterlist
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All Reader Insert Unless Stated
Bloodline Danny Rayburn: Sway (Complete) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6  / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9 / Part 10
Kiss Me Slowly / Sweet Spot
Glow / All I Want For Christmas (Holiday Fics)
--- Adore Harold: Cruel Summer / Magnets / The Next Best Australian Record / Illicit Affairs
Animal Kingdom Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody: Sirens / Fall Here / Flaws / Last Habit / Everybody Gonna Talk / Violet Skies / One Thing Right / 4 In The Morning / Trade Off / Innocence Begin Again (Request) ...Ready For It? - x OC Jealous Andrew / What Kind Of Boyfriend..? / How He Gets The Girl (Headcanons) Australia Emmett Dutton: When She Says Baby / Starlight / Living Proof / Hanging On DJ Got Us Fallin’ In Love (Modern!AU)
Baby It’s Cold Outside (Holiday Fic) Babyteeth Henry Finlay: You / Whisper Beautiful Kate Ned Kendall: Somewhere On A Beach / Play It Again
Come What May (Soulmate!AU) Black Sea Fraser: Quit Breaking Up With Me / Keep The Girl / Makin’ Waves / Hurry Baby / We Were Like Captain Marvel Talos / Director Keller: Science & Faith (Complete) - x OC Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / What I Never Knew I Always Wanted
Director Keller: Out Of Nowhere Girl (Discontinued) - x OC Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Still Don’t Let Me Forget / Breakfast in the Afternoon / When The Lights Go Out
364 Days To Go (Holiday Fic)
The Dark Knight Rises John Daggett: If I Didn’t Know Better / Nothing On But The Stars / Hungover in a Hotel Room  Dress
Jay Arr
Darkest Hour George VI: How Did You Love (See sentence challenge below) (Platonic) Idiot Box Kev: Sober Saturday Night The King Henry IV: Hail To The King (Platonic) / Castle 
Knowing Phil Beckman: End of the World This Kiss / Just Another Thing The Land of Steady Habits Anders Harris: Kiss You  Paper Rings / Somebody to You
Marshmallow World (Holiday Fic) Lost River Dave: Speechless / Undisclosed Desires / Getaway Driver Mississippi Grind Gerry: Win Life /  Double Rainbow 
Somethin’ I’m Good At / You Kissed Me First Needle Detective Meares: Cheers To That / Don’t Call Me Angel The Outsider Ralph Anderson: Sure Be Cool If You Did /  Bienvenue From Hell, Mon Amour / Made in the USA / Cold Night / I Could Not Ask For More / Thank you Muppets, No More Questions! / My Last Name Hold Me (In Your Arms)  The Edges (request) Halfway Home / Control / How Not To - Shifter!Reader (Complete) Under The Weather (Holiday Fic)
Almost Maybes - x Jeannie (Book Canon)
The Place Beyond The Pines Robin Van Der Hook: Diamonds or Twine      Part 1
Meet Up In The Middle Prime Mover Johnnie: End Up With You / My Oh My
Driving Home For Christmas (Holiday Fic)
Ready Player One Nolan Sorrento: Gioco Finito (Discontinued) - x OC Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 Loser Like Me (Intern!Sorrento)
When The Wine Wears Off
Billion$ / The Other Side / Video Games / Money,Honey / Kiss Me Quiet (Requests)
Nolan Baby (Holiday Fic) Robin Hood (2018) Sheriff of Nottingham: Selfish (9/?) Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Part 7 / Part 8 / Part 9
Young God Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Director Krennic: The First Time / The Hands I Hold
My Eyes / Champagne - x OC
Grace, Too (Request) I Think He Knows / Hero / Protector / I Know Places (Request Series - Complete) 
Common Threads: Part 1 (StopMakingSensePodcast Collab AU) Secret Men’s Business  Doug Peterson: Good Goodbyes
Slow West Payne: Nothing I’ve Ever Known Houston, We Got A Problem (Modern!AU) Spies in Disguise Killian / Tristan McFord: Mine / Blank Space / Feel Somethin’ / Glitter Makes People Happy / Fresh Start Fever
Penguin, James Penguin (Holiday Fic... kinda)
Dangerous Kind The Scientist - x OC Tangle Vince Kovac: The Honey / Back on Love / One Heart to Another / Chaser / Want to Want Me / Middle Distance Runner Love The Way You Love Me  - x OC
Trespass Elias: Veritas / Spera Untogether Martin: Home Alone Tonight / Rumor (Track 1) Like You Say You Do / Get Even / Lover (Track 2)
I’ll Name The Dogs / Music (Track 3: Request Series) I’m a Girl  (Request) Last Christmas (Holiday Fic) Vertical Limit Malcolm Bench: Yellin’ From The Rooftop / The Outdoor Type
Winter Night (Holiday Fic)
200 Follower Thank You! Multi-Mendo Preference - How They Propose
Request Challenges
7 Deadly Sins / 7 Heavenly Virtues (Complete)
Lust: Good Woman - Danny Rayburn x Reader Gluttony: Sugar - Nolan Sorrento x Reader Greed: Going ‘Round - Talos x Reader Sloth: Time Well Wasted - Anders Harris x Reader Wrath: Next Contestant - Director Krennic x Reader Envy: I Drive Your Truck - Robin Van Der Hook x Reader Pride: Favourite Scar - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader
Chastity: All To Myself - Payne x Reader Temperance: Hide The Wine - Sheriff of Nottingham x Reader Charity: Most People Are Good - Captain Emmett Dutton x Reader Diligence: Moderation - Gerry x Reader Patience: Cross Me - Director Krennic x Reader Gratitude: This Is The First Thing / I Do Now - Director Krennic x Reader Humility: Almost Easy/Power & Control - Dave x Reader 
100 Sentence Prompts Challenge (Complete) 2 & 94. Wide Awake - Orson Krennic x Reader 5, 18 & 31. How Did You Love - George VI & Reader (Platonic) 6. Stay Here Tonight - Gerry x Reader 15. Black Coffee - Nolan Sorrento x Reader  21. Faster Gun - Payne x Reader 27. Le Bien Qui Fait Mal - Dave x Reader 29. This Is What You Came For - Nolan Sorrento x Reader 42 & 84. Dare Ya - Gerry x Reader  43. Flatliner - Orson Krennic x Reader 47. Beat This Summer - Nolan Sorrento x Reader 65. Be Kind - Andrew ‘Pope’ Cody x Reader 72. When I See You Smile - Danny Rayburn x Reader 80. Trouble - Ralph Anderson & Reader (Platonic) 87. I Don’t Wanna Go To Bed - Director Keller x Reader 91. How Deep Is Your Love - Danny Rayburn x Reader 95. Try it On, Take it Off - Orson Krennic x Reader
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