#Traffic Studies: They conduct traffic surveys and studies to assess traffic flow
codecresttechnologies · 2 months
Creating an Effective Content Strategy for Drupal: Planning and Execution Tips
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An effective content strategy is crucial for maximizing the impact of your Drupal site. It involves planning, creating, and managing content in a way that aligns with your business goals and meets your audience's needs. Here’s a comprehensive guide to developing and executing a successful content strategy for your Drupal website.
1. Define Your Goals and Objectives
1.1. Identify Business Goals
Determine what you want to achieve with your content. Goals might include increasing website traffic, generating leads, improving brand awareness, or enhancing user engagement.
1.2. Set Specific, Measurable Objectives
Use SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to define clear objectives. For example, “Increase organic traffic by 30% over the next six months.”
2. Understand Your Audience
2.1. Create Audience Personas
Develop detailed profiles of your target audience, including demographics, interests, challenges, and behaviors. Personas help tailor content to meet specific needs.
2.2. Conduct Audience Research
Use tools like Google Analytics, surveys, and social media insights to gather data about your audience’s preferences and behaviors.
3. Audit Existing Content
3.1. Perform a Content Audit
Review your existing content to assess its quality, relevance, and performance. Identify content that needs updating, repurposing, or removal.
3.2. Analyze Content Performance
Use analytics tools to evaluate which content is driving traffic, engagement, and conversions. Identify content gaps and opportunities for improvement.
4. Develop a Content Plan
4.1. Create a Content Calendar
Plan and schedule your content creation and publication activities. A content calendar helps ensure a consistent flow of content and aligns with key dates and events.
4.2. Define Content Types and Formats
Decide on the types of content you will produce (e.g., blog posts, videos, infographics) and the formats that best suit your audience and objectives.
4.3. Establish Content Guidelines
Develop guidelines for content creation, including tone, style, branding, and formatting. Consistency is key to maintaining a professional and cohesive online presence.
5. Optimize Content for Drupal
5.1. Utilize Content Types
Use Drupal’s content types to create structured content. Define custom content types based on your needs, such as articles, products, or case studies.
5.2. Implement Fields and Taxonomy
Use fields to add specific data to your content types and taxonomy to categorize content effectively. This helps with content management and improves user navigation.
5.3. Leverage Content Layouts
Use Drupal’s layout options, such as the Layout Builder module, to create flexible and visually appealing content layouts.
6. Optimize Content for SEO
6.1. Keyword Research
Conduct keyword research to identify terms and phrases your target audience is searching for. Use these keywords to optimize your content.
6.2. On-Page SEO
Optimize content elements such as titles, meta descriptions, headings, and alt text for images. Ensure that content is structured logically and includes relevant keywords.
6.3. Technical SEO
Ensure your Drupal site is technically optimized for search engines, including proper URL structures, XML sitemaps, and mobile responsiveness.
7. Promote Your Content
7.1. Utilize Social Media
Share your content across social media platforms to increase visibility and engagement. Tailor your messaging for each platform to reach your audience effectively.
7.2. Engage in Content Marketing
Implement content marketing strategies such as guest blogging, influencer partnerships, and email marketing to amplify your content reach.
7.3. Implement Paid Promotion
Consider using paid advertising, such as Google Ads or social media ads, to promote your content and drive targeted traffic to your site.
8. Measure and Analyze Performance
8.1. Set Up Analytics Tracking
Use Google Analytics or other analytics tools to track content performance metrics such as page views, engagement, and conversions.
8.2. Review Performance Reports
Regularly review analytics reports to assess how well your content is performing against your objectives. Identify trends and areas for improvement.
8.3. Adjust Your Strategy
Based on your performance analysis, adjust your content strategy as needed. Refine your approach to better meet your goals and audience needs.
9. Maintain and Update Content
9.1. Regular Content Updates
Periodically update existing content to keep it relevant and accurate. Add new information, refresh outdated data, and ensure that links and resources are up to date.
9.2. Content Review Cycle
Establish a review cycle for your content to ensure ongoing quality and relevance. Set reminders to review and update content at regular intervals.
10. Foster Team Collaboration
10.1. Define Roles and Responsibilities
Clearly define roles and responsibilities for team members involved in content creation, editing, and management.
10.2. Implement Workflow Tools
Use project management and collaboration tools to streamline content creation processes and facilitate communication among team members.
Creating an effective content strategy for Drupal involves a comprehensive approach to planning, creating, and managing content. By defining clear goals, understanding your audience, optimizing content, and leveraging Drupal’s features, you can develop a strategy that drives traffic, engages users, and supports your business objectives. Regularly measuring performance, maintaining content, and fostering team collaboration will ensure your content strategy remains effective and adaptable to changing needs.
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speed-seo · 7 months
Content Optimization Checklist: Balancing Relevance, Readability, and Search Engines
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Crafting website content that effectively balances relevance for users, readability for the audience, and optimization for search engines is a tricky content optimization balancing act. It's easy to over-optimize content for keywords in ways that make it robotic to read. But it's also easy to get caught up in creativity and stray away from core user intent. That's why a disciplined editorial process is crucial. You need consistency across writers to keep content on track. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk through an actionable content optimization checklist covering all phases of content creation, from planning to execution and measurement. Follow this checklist to ensure every piece of content you produce: - Answers user questions and provides value - Maintains a human, engaging voice - Incorporates keywords naturally to attract search traffic Let's dive into tactical tips and examples for nailing each step of effective content optimization. Content Optimization Checklist Follow this 12-step checklist from start to finish when creating any new piece of content: 1. Identify Target Keywords and Questions - Conduct keyword research to identify high-priority terms and topic clusters. - Ask: What questions are users searching to find this information? - Focus on sufficient search volume and traffic potential from each keyword. 2. Outline Detailed Content Optimization Strategy - Map out sections of content that help answer target user questions. - Determine tone, types of information, research sources needed. - Set approximate word count and output format based on depth needed. 3. Conduct Background Research - Search engines to collect the most relevant data around topic. - Leverage surveys, expert interviews, studies, etc as needed. - Immerse yourself to become an expert on the subject. 4. Craft Keyword-Focused Outline - Structure outline around answering primary keyword and related questions. - Include relevant secondary keywords in each supporting section naturally. - Check overall structure flows logically. 5. Draft Compelling Headings - Create interesting H1 and H2 headings using target keywords where possible. - Use conversational language - avoid sounding overly salesy or technical. - Include numbers, action words, benefits, and curiosity triggers. 6. Write Killer Intro - Start with a hook capturing reader attention on why this topic matters. - Describe what questions will be answered in the piece. - Include primary keyword naturally in the first ~100 words. 7. Fill in Content - Expand outline into paragraphs, adding supporting details, examples, stats, quotes etc. - Maintain friendly, human tone - avoid excessive formality or keyword stuffing. - Include related keywords 2-3 times where it fits without disrupting readability. 8. Insert Images, Media - Find engaging, relevant stock or original images, graphics and videos to augment text. - Use images and media that reinforce keywords/topics visually. - Vary image placement - avoid all images stacked at top. 9. Apply Advanced Content Optimization - Include linked internal references to related content where relevant. - Insert structured data for rich search snippets where applicable. - Add anchor text links to external research sources. 10. Wrap Up and Promote - End with summary restating key questions answered in piece. - Insert clear call-to-action to visit relevant on-site content or convert. - Share content across owned marketing channels - email, social, etc. 11. Track Content Optimization Performance - Monitor pageviews, visitors, links, search clicks and other key metrics. - Review user engagement through scroll depth, time on page, CTR. - Assess against benchmarks from high-performing articles. 12. Continuously Optimize - Update content periodically with new facts, trends and insights. - Refreshing evergreen content helps maintain relevance and traffic. - Repurpose content into new formats (infographics, videos, audio) as needed. Executing a Keyword-Focused Structure Now that we've covered the full checklist, let's look at some examples and tactics for key stages like structuring Content Optimization around keywords. When outlining content, you want to focus first on satisfying user intent through questions: GOAL: What questions are users searching "" to find answers to? For example, for the keyword "content marketing": - How do I get started with content marketing? - What types of content work best? - How do I create a content strategy? - How do I measure content marketing success? Your outline then becomes: INTRO - Discuss growing importance of content optimization marketing - Recap questions piece will answer (with keyword) SECTION 1 - Getting Started with Content Marketing - Overview of what content marketing entails - Key steps for those starting from scratch SECTION 2 - Most Effective Types of Content - Breakdown of different content formats - When to use each type of content SECTION 3 - Creating a Content Marketing Strategy - Steps for developing a documented strategy - Components like personas, content map, KPIs SECTION 4 - Measuring Content Marketing Success - List of key metrics to track - Setting benchmarks and goals - Tools for reporting and analytics CONCLUSION - Summary of questions answered - CTA to learn more or contact you This helps search engines quickly recognize the relevance between keyword searches and your content while creating useful, in-depth content. Avoiding SEO Pitfalls Certain parts of the content creation process often trip folks up when it comes to balancing optimization with readability. Here are some common SEO missteps to avoid: Over-Keyword Stuffing Don't force primary or secondary keywords where they don't fit naturally just for density goals. This often ruins readability through disjointed verbiage. 🏆 GET IT RIGHT: - Mention keywords 2-4 times in the first 100 words where possible. - Aim for 1-2% target keyword density overall. - Include related keywords more liberally (5-8 times). Thin Content Don't create posts around keywords without sufficient depth. Sparse content lacks substance and looks like filler. 🏆 GET IT RIGHT: - Target at least 700 words for short articles, 2000+ words for pillars. - Include multiple sections, supporting facts/data, tips, examples etc. - Expand content whenever possible - don't downsize just to publish more quickly. Overly Technical Copy Don't let copy sound formal, dry, or robotic. Maintain an engaging, conversational style. 🏆 GET IT RIGHT: - Always write for humans first - imagine explaining to a friend. - Break up long paragraphs. Use active voice and simple language. - Use contractions, humor, pop culture references, and colloquialisms in moderation. Generic, Bloated Intros Don't open each piece with the same hollow intro or over-the-top claims. Hook readers with specifics. 🏆 GET IT RIGHT: - Open with a surprising stat or question related to topic. - Share a specific story/use case demonstrating topic value. - Keep it concise - don't spend half the post on a generic preamble. Continuous Content Optimization 👉 Don't treat pieces as "one and done". Revisit and improve published content over time as new trends and info emerges. A few easy ways: - Add fresh data points, new expert perspectives, additional current examples etc. - Update outdated sections that have evolved. Retire antiquated content. - Produce companion content expanding on niche angles and subtopics. - Repurpose into new formats like videos, podcasts, and visuals. Regularly optimizing evergreen content keeps it perpetually relevant for both users and search engines - fueling ongoing organic growth. Key Takeaways for Skilled Content Optimization Carefully balancing relevance, readability, and optimization when creating content is certainly an art AND a science. Here are some key tips to review: - Start with keyword/topic research and craft content around searcher questions. - Outline content addressing target topics in a logical flow first. - Include keywords naturally in headings, intros, section copy, structured data etc. - Maintain a conversational human voice - avoid awkward keyword stuffing. - Expand shallow content with varied supporting elements like examples, stats, tips, and media. - Continuously optimize evergreen content over time for perpetual relevance. Mastering this checklist enables you to produce content that attracts search traffic AND satisfies users once they arrive. Well executed Content Optimization makes content feel tailored specifically to answer each searcher's intent. That earns trust, engagement, links, and conversions. What other content optimization tips or examples would you add from your own experience? What stages of the process present the biggest challenges? I'd love to hear your thoughts! Read the full article
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aurizondatatech1 · 1 year
Navigating the Road of Data: International Traffic Survey and Data Collection Companies in India
In an increasingly interconnected world, data plays a pivotal role in decision-making, policy formulation, and infrastructure development. In a country as diverse and dynamic as India, understanding traffic patterns and collecting accurate data is essential for transportation planning, urban development, and more. International Traffic Survey (ITS) companies and Data Collection Company in India have emerged as crucial players in this domain, facilitating the collection and analysis of data related to traffic, mobility, and transportation systems. This article explores the significance and role of these companies in India's evolving landscape.
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International Traffic Survey Companies:
International Traffic Survey Company specialize in collecting, processing, and analyzing data related to vehicular traffic, transportation infrastructure, and mobility patterns. Their services are instrumental in aiding government bodies, urban planners, and businesses in making informed decisions. Some key aspects of ITS companies in India include:
Data Collection Technologies: ITS companies employ a variety of advanced technologies such as Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR), GPS tracking, traffic cameras, and sensors to gather comprehensive traffic data.
Traffic Studies: They conduct traffic surveys and studies to assess traffic flow, congestion levels, vehicle types, and road usage patterns. These studies are essential for designing efficient road networks and transport systems.
Toll Collection Management: Many ITS companies are involved in the management and operation of toll collection systems on highways and expressways, ensuring seamless traffic flow and revenue collection.
Public Transport Analysis: ITS companies also analyze data related to public transportation, including bus and metro systems, to improve the efficiency and accessibility of these services.
Data Collection Companies:
Data Collection companies in India specialize in gathering a wide range of data, not limited to traffic and transportation. They offer services that extend to various industries, including retail, healthcare, market research, and more. Here are some key functions of data collection companies:
Surveys and Questionnaires: They design and conduct surveys and questionnaires to gather valuable insights from respondents, helping businesses and organizations understand market trends and customer preferences.
Field Data Collection: Data collection companies employ field agents and enumerators to gather on-ground data, which can include information on demographics, geographic data, and socioeconomic factors.
Data Processing: They are skilled in data cleansing, validation, and analysis, ensuring that collected data is accurate and actionable.
Geographic Information System (GIS) Services: Data collection companies often provide GIS services, which involve mapping and geospatial analysis, helping clients make location-based decisions.
Custom Data Solutions: These companies offer customized data solutions tailored to the specific needs of their clients, whether it's for business intelligence, policy formulation, or academic research.
International Traffic Survey companies and Data Collection companies in India have become integral components of the country's data ecosystem. They contribute significantly to improving transportation infrastructure, urban planning, and decision-making processes across various sectors. As India continues to urbanize and modernize its transportation systems, these companies will play an increasingly vital role in shaping the nation's future. Their ability to collect, process, and analyze data is instrumental in making India's roads safer, cities more livable, and businesses more competitive in an ever-evolving global landscape.
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cool-cillian-murphy · 3 years
Truck Platooning Systems Market Is Fast Approaching, Says Research
Brief Summary of
Truck Platooning Systems
Trucks are the major type of vehicle adopting the platooning system. Platooning is a method where a group of two or more vehicles travels behind one another safely to experience less fuel consumption, reduced air drag, optimal use of road space thereby avoiding traffic congestion. There has been 4-5% fuel consumption shown by the leading truck using this method.  Truck platooning is recognized as the future of the transportation industry. Platoon is similar to the train’s compartment arrangement but with physical disconnects. If truck platoons are permitted to operate on truck-only highways, it is expected to lead to an integrated business model between the infrastructure service provider and transportation service provider and may also result in several public-private partnerships for financing the concept of truck platooning.
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Latest Research Study on
Global Truck Platooning Systems
Market published by AMA, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Truck Platooning Systems Market research report shows the latest market insights with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services.
The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors, Challenges and Current Scenario Analysis of the Truck Platooning Systems. This Report also covers the emerging player’s data, including: competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are Peloton Technology (United States), Volvo Group (Sweden), Scania (Sweden), Daimler (Germany), Navistar (United States), Toyota (Japan), Uber (United States), Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems (United States), Continental AG (Germany), IVECO (Italy).
Truck Platooning Systems Market Report offers a detailed overview of this market and discusses the dominant factors affecting the growth of the market. The impact of Porter's five armies on the market over the next few years has been discussed for a long time in this study. We will also forecast global market size and market outlook over the next few years.
Types of Products, Applications and Truck Platooning Systems Market Report Geographical Scope taken as the Main Parameter for Market Analysis. This Research Report Conducts an assessment of the industry chain supporting this market. It also provides accurate information on various aspects of this market, such as production capacity, available production capacity utilization, industrial policies affecting the manufacturing chain and market growth.
Truck Platooning Systems
Market segments and Market Data Break Down are illuminated below:
by Type (Autonomous, DATP (Driver-Assistive Tuck Platooning)), Application (Heavy Trucks, Light Trucks, Other), Services (Telematics, ACE, Tracking, Diagnostics), Systems (Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC), Automated Emergency Braking (AEB), Blind Spot Warning (BSW), Forward Collision Warning (FCW), Global Positioning System (GPS), Human Machine Interface (HMI), Lane Keep Assist (LKA), Others), Sensor (Lidar, Radar, Image)
What's Trending in Market:
Anticipated changes in the truck platoon business models.
The emergence of new businesses due to this market.
Undefined safety parameters.
Increasing user and public acceptance and concerns over Data privacy and cybersecurity regulations.
High cost of hardware technologies such as Adaptive cruise control (ACC), Blind-spot warming (BSW), Forward collision warning (FCW) which increases the overall cost of vehicles.
Lack of Infrastructure in the transport system in many countries.
Market Growth Drivers:
Interoperability of truck platooning method and platforms integrating connected technologies.
Rising adoption of advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) features and significant platooning system.
Advancement in technology and stringent vehicle norms in emerging economies.
Reducing CO2 emission and reduction in fuel consumption.
Region Included are:
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa
Country Level Break-Up:
United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc.
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Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Truck Platooning Systems Market:
Chapter 1:
Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Truck Platooning Systems market
Chapter 2:
Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Truck Platooning Systems Market.
Chapter 3:
Displaying the Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Truck Platooning Systems
Chapter 4:
Presenting the Truck Platooning Systems Market Factor Analysis, Post COVID Impact Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5:
Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2015-2020
Chapter 6:
Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Truck Platooning Systems market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7:
To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2021-2026)
Chapter 8 & 9:
Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source
Finally, Truck Platooning Systems Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies in their decision framework.
Data Sources & Methodology
The primary sources involves the industry experts from the Global Truck Platooning Systems Market including the management organizations, processing organizations, analytics service providers of the industry’s value chain. All primary sources were interviewed to gather and authenticate qualitative & quantitative information and determine the future prospects.
In the extensive primary research process undertaken for this study, the primary sources – Postal Surveys, telephone, Online & Face-to-Face Survey were considered to obtain and verify both qualitative and quantitative aspects of this research study. When it comes to secondary sources Company's Annual reports, press Releases, Websites, Investor Presentation, Conference Call transcripts, Webinar, Journals, Regulators, National Customs and Industry Associations were given primary weight-age.
Get More Information:
What benefits does AMA research studies provides?
Supporting company financial and cash flow planning
Latest industry influencing trends and development scenario
Open up New Markets
To Seize powerful market opportunities
Key decision in planning and to further expand market share
Identify Key Business Segments, Market proposition & Gap Analysis
Assisting in allocating marketing investments
Definitively, this report will give you an unmistakable perspective on every single reality of the market without a need to allude to some other research report or an information source. Our report will give all of you the realities about the past, present, and eventual fate of the concerned Market.
Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Europe or Asia.
About Author:
Advance Market Analytics is Global leaders of Market Research Industry provides the quantified B2B research to Fortune 500 companies on high growth emerging opportunities which will impact more than 80% of worldwide companies' revenues.
Our Analyst is tracking high growth study with detailed statistical and in-depth analysis of market trends & dynamics that provide a complete overview of the industry. We follow an extensive research methodology coupled with critical insights related industry factors and market forces to generate the best value for our clients. We Provides reliable primary and secondary data sources, our analysts and consultants derive informative and usable data suited for our clients business needs. The research study enable clients to meet varied market objectives a from global footprint expansion to supply chain optimization and from competitor profiling to M&As.
Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 (206) 317 1218
Connect with us at
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Duct Tape Those Islands: Reap the Power of Integrated Marketing Analytics
The benefits of having an integrated view of your marketing platforms and data are many-fold and companies have started realizing that silos don’t work in the digital era.
Imagine how these numbers will affect a marketing manager: As many as 900 million people having international connections on social media; about 360 million participating in cross-border e-commerce and digital platforms taking over both consumers and marketers like never before!
Yes, McKinsey Global Institute’s latest report just echoes the big changes engulfing the marketing world.
On one hand, touch points, channels, portals and real-time speed for reaching customers have increased exponentially. But simultaneously, marketers have started confronting the sheer scale, velocity, and complexity of data that is piling up all around them.
These are times when yesteryear approaches of mining data in separate buckets just won’t work. Besides the complications that this can bring for marketers, inability to stay integrated can amplify the opportunity lost in understanding today’s always-on, ubiquitous customer.
Having an integrated strategy to various tools, data sources, channels, campaigns and customers is the best game-plan today. This means a plethora of new customer insights and as a recent study from Forrester Consulting divulges, also a level-playing field with how customers now function by default.
Forrester has underscored how consumers expect to find what they want anytime, anywhere from their smartphones, tablets, and laptop and it is these micro-moments that pour in umpteen opportunities for marketers to connect and engage.
Another report from the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) has distilled that nine groups will generate three-quarters of global urban consumption growth to 2030, with just three of these  to generate half of consumption growth and to have the power to reshape global consumer markets over the next 15 years.
It has been discovered here that the amount of cross-border bandwidth that is used has grown 45 times larger since 2005 and the same is projected to go up by an additional nine times over the next five years. Why? Because the flows of information, searches, communication, video, transactions, and intra-company traffic will continue to spike at new levels.
The report also reminds that virtually every type of cross-border transaction now has a digital component (read how about 12 percent of the global goods trade is conducted via international e-commerce and 86 percent of tech-based startups surveyed by MGI are showing some type of cross-border activity.)
These are times when digital flows matter. They may have been almost absent 15 years ago but today they exert a larger impact on GDP growth than the centuries-old trade in goods, according to a new McKinsey Global Institute (MGI) report, ‘Digital globalization: The new era of global flows’.
Back in 2014, a McKinsey review of more than 400 diverse client engagements from the past eight years, across industries and regions unearthed that an integrated analytics approach can free up some 15 to 20 percent of marketing spending.
As per some other estimates, the multi-channel media campaign management market is predicted to be worth $2.7 billion within four years.
If we bring in Forrester’s findings here, we see that marketers must be able to tie performance to business results. In its survey, of the ones marked as “sophisticated marketers”, Forrester found 53 per cent stating they adhere to well-established metrics that tie directly to business objectives.
Yet, merely 26 percent of marketers surveyed believed that their marketing analytics tools are well-integrated and work seamlessly together, even though marketers with well-integrated tools are more likely to outperform revenue goals.
What marketers on the other side of the grass have to realize is that conventional systems and strategies won’t last for long in this fast-changing world. To approach, engage, and maintain the customer of today, all areas and buckets would have to be integrated so that a cohesive and well-tailored strategy can be applied in real-time moments of truth.
This would create the need for multi-channel media planning skills, performance tracking, apt automation platforms, skills and data interpretation capabilities. In addition, a re-assessment of traditional CRM systems or rigid, relational databases, or database warehouses is required because they might lack the flexibility and scalability that today’s needs warrant.
One may have to try out new ways like attribution modeling; advanced analytics approaches such as Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM); heuristic factors like reach, cost, quality (RCQ);  statistical modeling; regression techniques; and sophisticated algorithms around many areas covered by rules or new strategies.
This also calls for amplifying focus and recipes for embracing the actual power of big data and also the quality of data, richness of insight, granular assessments that should not be neglected.
New integrated analytics equips marketers with not only contextually relevant muscle but also scope for real-time research and modifications and a radical scope for personalization and engagement with customers.
The technology and tools are there but it would need an overarching strategic orientation, good top-level involvement, and cross-functional pollination to ensure that integration of data discovery, automated decision making, customer engagement, retention, campaign management, content distribution and ROI assessment works like a beautiful symphony across many points.
This is where one may finally be able to accomplish the power of predictive vs. conventional marketing analytics.
Get an integrated view because ‘360’ is the new ‘911’ for marketers.
Source: https://highpurple.com/blog/duct-tape-those-islands-reap-the-power-of-integrated-marketing-analytics/
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fnewstoday · 5 years
How to Open Cafe After Bankruptcy in 2020? Find Out Read here
According to analysts, in the United States in the first three years after the launch, about 60% of restaurants are closed, of which a quarter in the first year, about one fifth in the second year and almost one sixth of them close in the third year. The main reasons are the lack of initial capital, the wrong choice of location, errors in compiling the menu, problems with the staff, especially in terms of controlling incoming revenue and the lack of original ideas. However, many entrepreneurs after the first failures do not abandon the dream of their own cafe and, having gained experience, they again want to open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020. Bank of America / CFI Group a couple of years ago conducted a survey among private businessmen regarding the state of their business. Entrepreneurs rated the health of their companies and noted an improvement in business compared to previous years. In general, according to the so-called satisfaction index, small business owners have become more optimistic about their success. Most of them put 70 points out of 100 on the scale of a positive assessment of their work. Probably now is the right time to try again in the restaurant business and open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020. Find out further what problems entrepreneurs in the USA face, what are the risks, and what are they going through, starting such a business after a failure.
Where to start to open cafe after bankruptcy 
First of all, you need to find a place that largely determines the number of potential customers. Pay attention to the flows of people who are in that location, as well as what is around it. It will be good if you find nearby, for example, a hairdresser or a shopping center where people regularly go, a bus stop or other public transport. Pay attention to how your window will always be visible. Clients can see the sign for a few meters that is very important In addition, choosing a location, it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors that should be in harmony with the concept of the restaurant. What is within walking distance? Business center, university, school, supermarket? Parking, traffic jams, parks, shops, residential buildings, visual accessibility, other food outlets - everything matters for choosing a place. Ultimately, from the place and style there is an understanding of who your guests are. Understanding your client will ensure the success of your cafe. Having once chosen a target group, the restaurateur is simply obliged to study it thoroughly, in order to understand and, if possible, anticipate the expectations of customers, their feedback, and build high-quality communication. This is especially true for those, who already burned on this and now open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020.
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Business Registration
About 30 million small businesses are registered in the United States. These are companies whose annual turnover does not exceed $ 10 million. Anyone can open their own business in the USA, even without being an American citizen and without a residence permit. The local government is very loyal to novice entrepreneurs. There is no fundamental difference where exactly to register a company. The registration fee itself is notable for minor details and the procedure is approximately the same in any state. But it makes sense to register where the entrepreneur plans to live and conduct business. If this is inconvenient for important reasons, then you can create a company in any state, and then register it to do business in another one. This method is often used when an entrepreneur is located outside the United States, and there is no clear certainty where exactly he will live, yet. In this case, the company is registered in the state where, for example, the office of an immigration attorney is located, and a certificate of registration will come there. Or where there are friends who are ready to provide their address for receiving correspondence. It also happens that there are bureaucratic costs that you may encounter. For example, the Gas Service of the city for unknown reasons delayed the license. The reason was commonplace, as it turned out, just the officials forgot to put a tick in the computer program. The issue got stuck in place and could not be solved at all, while the entrepreneur continued to pay several thousand dollars a month for the rental of the premises, and the open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020 do not work for some indefinite time. You should rely on the fact that something may go wrong and cause any delays, which in turn can bring additional costs. That is why, according to professionals, opening a restaurant, it is worth having a capital reserve for 12-16 months in advance for operating expenses, including paying rent, paying salaries and purchasing products for restaurant. Of course, such a safety margin is not always available, especially for those who try to open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020. In this situation, you can find support from lenders, for example, here you can find companies working with bad credit borrowers.
Buy it or create it yourself?
After registering your new business, choosing a place and signing a lease, there is no way back. Now you have the option of moving only forward. You can choose a concept yourself and design a cafe, although most likely you will still have to contact the architect to draw your ideas on paper, which can cost you an average of about $ 5000. All papers must be taken to the Department of Buildings. A new cafe and obtaining licenses from scratch takes a huge amount of time and effort, as well as obtaining a full license for alcohol. Therefore, many prefer to buy an already working cafe. But you must always remember that if this business were successful, the owner would not sell it. All these stories are about the fact that the business is for sale, because the owner  tired and just wants to open something new, usually do not correspond to reality. For these reasons - that the restaurant is not for sale from a good life, it is worth looking for a place that could be bought for a small amount and invested in development, changing the kitchen, staff, interior, and reputation for your needs. Prices can vary greatly depending on the area and other parameters of the cafe. It is worth carefully choosing a particular cafe, even if it takes six months or more, and you also need to make sure that you have saved the amount of money for the development of your cafe. Lawyers and brokers can evaluate the contract, check licenses, but only the buyer can make a comprehensive assessment of the business. For these reasons, before you open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020, if you choose the option of acquiring a ready-made business, you need to carefully analyze all the documents, clarify whether the income is seasonal, check attendance, audience, and in general carefully clarify for yourself what is the real reason for the sale the cafe.
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 Optimize and improve your new cafe
Having chosen the option of buying a working cafe, do the optimization of its financial flows. Finding unnecessary expenses can get rid of non-constructive expenses that you got from previous owners. Former owners could approach the development of their cafe in a completely different way. For example, a settlement company, which supposedly helped pay employees salaries, taxes, and so on. They took about $ 500 a month for their services, while mistakenly made tax calculations. Many banks can find a special application for business, which is much cheaper - about $ 20 per month, very convenient to use and makes the correct calculations. When you open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020, you probably already know that you should not invite friends and treat them for free. Choose suppliers carefully. Some food service suppliers do not conduct business very cleanly and transparently, which often negatively affects food cost. Sometimes it can go as far as outright fraud, for example, delivering 10 pounds of products in 40 pound packaging by size or they can raise prices without warning for some items, which is easy to miss when you read the invoice, where everything is covered with numbers and letters. Many restaurateurs prefer to choose and buy all available products themselves, and order only something exclusive. There are specialty shops for restaurants, such as Restaurant Depot, that sell tax-free goods. To purchase products there, you will need to present your restaurant license. Another thing, if you have a chain of restaurants, then of course you can’t do without suppliers.
If you are not ready to spend all the time in your cafe yourself or are afraid that you will not be in time, then it is very important to find a good restaurant manager. From the business and human qualities of a manager there will be a significant share of the success of your cafe. The level of competence and decency will affect the entire work of the cafe - from the organization of processes to the quality of guest service. The staff of your cafe, in particular the waiters and bartenders, will work the way the manager will influence them or you by yourself as the manager. In large cities, they can consistently receive from $ 500 to $ 1000 tips per day. Managers often like to attach their relatives or friends to such jobs and give small work such as equipment repairs to them. Bartenders, in turn, can abuse their official position and your trust and pour more alcohol than they officially went through the checkout, and clients gave them generous tips for this. And in the end it turned out that there seemed to be a lot of customers, but all of them did not really pay, and the business fell into decay.
Cuisine choice
It is advisable to invite a professional chef to develop the menu of the cafe. Despite your personal gastronomic preferences, when you open cafe after bankruptcy in 2020, you should treat the it only as a business and focus on the tastes of your visitors. Often it is better to cook only famous dishes that most people like. It can be, for example, grilled chicken, which is very popular among Americans and in many cafes and restaurants it is one of the best-selling dishes. Guests also prefer chicken with Parmesan and chicken with mushrooms and onions. In different places dishes can have different names, but they are prepared in a similar way. In recent years, vegetarian dishes and seafood, such as mussels and clams, which in many places are even more popular than burgers, have become increasingly popular.
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Promote it
The American dream still exists, and therefore it is necessary to dream, even despite the failures that have befallen. If people notice a high level of service, then once they get to you, they begin to return. So you have regular customers, and after six months of work, there are practically no empty seats during lunch time in your cafe. The best advertisement is word of mouth when people find out about your cafe from your customers. If people like it, they tell their friends and they come. Creating the right atmosphere that attracts visitors to your cafe is the result of the coordinated work of all staff, and especially you However, it’s still important to advertise in a variety of ways to let as many people in your area know about your cafe. Advertising in various sources of information, hiring promoters and other marketing events can occupy a significant part of the budget, however, with the right approach, these investments are always quickly returned. You just have to choose the most effective channel for communication with potential customers and determine the source of financing. Find not only a suitable option for financial support, but a lot of useful information about personal finances, credit and business Read the full article
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major-final-project · 6 years
Research (Digital Bridge)
Week 1
Whether it’s building a new playground or developing a mobile app for pet groomers, there are multiple ways to satisfy a project brief. However, in order to design a product that successfully delivers business value, it is critical to first clearly define the design problem.
Ask your clients these three key questions at the start of every project:
What is the business objective?
What is the context of product use?
What are the user goals? What is the business goal? This is the most critical question that some design teams still don’t ask stakeholders. Understanding business objectives help your design because it allows you to drill for more specific information. Follow-up questions can unlock a wealth of insights that influence the design approach: How do you know this is an issue? Who is affected by the issue? When and how often does this occur? What benchmarks do you have and what change do you expect? Imagine that your client aims to reduce tech support calls for an e-commerce site. If customers struggle to complete purchases, drilling into root causes might reveal that logging into an account is a major hindrance, or that the website refuses to validate shipping addresses. Interviews with tech support teams can also reveal pain points that customers are experiencing.
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Understanding business goals also helps the design team focus and refine work through iterative user testing before full product launch.
For instance, if time on task is expected to decrease by 15% following an interface-lift, that’s a clear target to test against with prototypes.
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What is the context of use for this product?
Answers to questions using where, why, when, how often, and so on, describe context of product use and elucidate multiple design decisions.
At a macro level, context informs what technology should convey the design. At a micro level, context places restraints on interactions and the visual treatment of the interface.
Imagine a food manufacturer who wants his quality control technicians to enter production data (such as oil temperature) on a kiosk-based laptop on the factory floor. On the surface, this is a simple problem. But would this be a wise technology choice if the technicians have to enter multiple production values every five to ten minutes? A tablet that the user can carry would be a better choice given the context of use, but if the client doesn’t volunteer such information, how could the design team know to make this recommendation?
What do users expect?  
Business and user goals can be very different. Successful design finds common ground to satisfy them both.
Business stakeholders are often biased or completely naive about their users, making it all the more important to conduct research directly with the intended audience. Understand not only what users need to do, but also what motivates them and what attitudes they have toward their tasks.
When business and user objectives are mapped out, designers should create user flows that support desirable user behavior while satisfying user needs and aligning with their attitudes.
For instance, Amazon prompts shoppers with additional products while at the same time offering hassle-free one-click ordering. Similarly, TurboTax has helped its success by using clean and playful design that supports users during a task they likely find tedious, unpleasant, or even anxiety-inducing.
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(14 February 2019)
Summary: Do you need numerical data about your product’s user experience, but you aren’t sure where to start? The first step is choosing the right tool. Check out this list of the most popular types of quantitative methods.
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Going into a new office can always be daunting and difficult to adapt however I was introduced warmly into the team, I then was able to stand in a meeting that was a company overview talking through the different company goals and the different teams working on different products and projects. It was quite insightful to see how the company is growing and is needing an organisation and structure to keep the company streamlined and in full open communication. 
I then sat with Ashleigh and Tina to discuss the placements outcomes and goals for my project deliverables.  I then presented them with my time plan and other project deliverables. I will then get this signed off and share the google drive with both Tina and Ashleigh. 
 For the first week, Tina wanted me to start off researching into different research methods and user research techniques. On this blog post, I will be putting in different aspects of research I will find throughout my research time.
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Intro to User Research: 
It’s well understood that user research is what makes for the best user experiences but what are the right user research techniques for mobile apps? While, there is no doubt that any classic UX researchtechnique may be turned to mobile app user research – there are some techniques which have already been demonstrated to show proven value. Mastering these will help you develop better mobile apps that more closely mirror your users’ expectations.
Mobile is the fastest growing way of accessing the internet in the world. Mobile apps constitute the majority of activity on the smartphone platform. This presents huge opportunities for the mobile app developer but in order to get the user experience right; it also presents a big demand for high-quality user research.
The global app market is now worth more than $100 billion. That’s a significant chunk of change and to secure some of that market will require great user experiences from mobile apps. Mobile user research is the key weapon in the UX designer’s armoury to conquer some of that market.
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When to do research
The first thing to know is that there is never a bad time to do research. While there are many models and complicated diagrams to describe how products get built, essentially, you’re always in one of three core phases: conceptualising something brand new, in the middle of designing and/or building something, or assessing something that’s already been built.
There’s plenty to learn in each of those phases. If you’re just starting out, you need to focus on understanding your potential users and their context and needs so that you can understand your best opportunities to serve them. In other words, you’re trying to figure out what problems to solve and for whom. This is often called generative or formative research.
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Research goals:
Consider things like:
the stage of the project you’re in
what information you already know about your users, their context, and needs
what your business goals are
what solutions already exist or have been proposed
or where you think there are existing issues.
Where to do research: 
It’s often ideal to be able to perform research in the context of how a person normally would use your product, so you can see how your product fits into their life and observe things that might affect their usage, like interruptions or specific conditions.
For instance, if you’re working on a traffic prediction application, it might be really important to have people test the app while on their commute at rush hour rather than sitting in a lab in the middle of the day. I recently did some work for employees of a cruise line, and there would have been no way to know how the app really behaved until we were out at sea with satellite internet and rolling waves!
After determining your research goal, it’s time to start looking at the kind of information you need to answer your questions.
Quantitative data
Quantitative data measures specific counts collected, like how many times a link was clicked or what percentage of people completed a step. Quantitative data is unambiguous in that you can’t argue what is measured. However, you need to understand the context to interpret the results.
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Quantitative data helps us understand questions like: how much, how many and how often?
For instance, you could measure how frequently an item is purchased. The number of sales is unchangeable and unambiguous, but whether 100 sales is good or bad depends on a lot of things. Quantitative research helps us understand what’s happening and questions like: how much, how many, how often. It tends to need a large sample size so that you can feel confident about your results.
Common UX research methods that can provide quantitative data are: - Surveys - a/b testing - multivariate tests - click tests - eye tracking studies - card sorts.
Qualitative data
Qualitative data is basically every other sort of information that you can collect but not necessarily measure. These pieces of information tend to provide descriptions and contexts, and are often used to describe why things are happening.
Qualitative data needs to be interpreted by the researcher and the team and doesn’t have a precise, indisputable outcome. For instance, you might hear people talk about valuing certain traits and note that as a key takeaway, but you can’t numerically measure or compare different participant’s values. You don’t need to include nearly as many sessions or participants in a qualitative study.
Common UX research methods that can provide qualitative data are usability tests, interviews, diary studies, focus groups, and participatory design sessions.
Persona development: 
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brianobrienny · 4 years
The B2B Marketer’s Handbook of Marketing Automation
Automation is certainly a hot-button topic these days, especially among data-driven marketers. According to recent research from Social Media Today, 3 out of 4 marketing teams are utilizing automation in some form in their current strategies.
Most marketers have used automation to take over social media post scheduling, email marketing, and search and social advertising, with automated chatbots and other aspects of conversational marketing becoming more common as technology develops.
However, just because this technology is becoming more popular and common does not mean that it is without its issues. This same report found that although 72% of business leaders believe that automation is inevitable, they are worried about the implications it will have on their company. Many fear that it will interfere with customer relationships by removing the “human touch.” Others fear that it could have a negative impact on brand perception and increase the risk of mistakes and missed opportunities.
The truth here is that automation can be an incredibly powerful and effective marketing tool – if it is used correctly. The majority of companies that have used these strategies have reported incredible benefits, including 250% increases in engagement rates and 13% growth in purchase totals.
Since automation is considered as an inevitability, it is imperative that marketing leaders understand the implications and know how to implement this strategy the correct way.
Why is it helpful?
Some of the main benefits of automation are incredibly obvious. Clearly it can save your team time and make them more productive. But, can it actually improve marketing in any way?
The answer here of course is yes. According to one survey, nearly 69% of marketers agreed that automation could improve their targeting strategies and 46% believed it could improve the customer experience. Automation can also assist in lead generation and conversions rates while simultaneously cutting costs.
One of the main reasons that marketing automation can make such incredible improvements is because it ensures that all strategies are truly data-driven. Methods like ad targeting and lead generation require solid data and quick action in order to be effective – automation technology makes it possible for marketing teams to execute these strategies successfully.
How do you start?
Again, automation is really dependent on data, so in order to create an effective automated strategy, you need to have a significant volume of verified customer account information, along with clearly defined buyer personas.
Start off by conducting some intense audience research in order to determine the distinct deviations within your customer groups. Be sure that your audience personas and segmentation strategies line up. Your marketing team may have already created these personas in order to help them connect with your audience. However, be sure to correlate them with updated data sets to ensure their accuracy.
From there, you need to also define the buyer’s journey based on past consumer data. Since modern customers are interacting with brands through multiple channels these days, the buyer’s journey is much more complex than the model you learned in business school. It will not be a straight line – it will look much more like a winding “choose your own adventure” type map with multiple options leading to various destinations.
Therefore, it’s best to draw your own customer journey map that is based on your audience’s behavioral flow. For your website at least, you can chart the course your visitors take with the help of Google Analytics.
Pay attention to KPIs from various interactions. For example, what percentage of customers convert after their first interaction with your business? Where are these conversions stemming from (social media ads, targeted content, email leads)? How many interactions does it generally take before a customer makes a purchasing decision and where are the largest falling off points?
By answering these questions, you can start to see the places where automation systems can make the biggest impact. These platforms typically provide tools for campaign development and execution, as well as lead capture, scoring and nurturing. They give you the option of storing your customer data in centralized marketing databases, which you can then mine for analyzing web traffic, visitor behavior, and campaign results.
Some of the common features offered by B2B marketing automation tools are:
Landing page development
Email marketing campaigns
Social media scheduling and management
Lead generation and management
CRM (with functionality for Account-Based Marketing)
Add-ons and integration with other SaaS martech tools
Advertising and remarketing on major platforms and mobile devices
Dynamic, personalized content for website, emails, or other platforms
Predictive analytics
What parts of B2B marketing should be automated?
As with most marketing strategies, the methods that work best will vary from business to business. However, there are numerous strategies that seem to work quite well with B2B buyers and help companies to connect better with their audiences.
In B2B marketing, timing and content quality is everything. Since these purchases are often investments, B2B customers are often quite focused on gathering lots of information before they make a final decision. Furthermore, the customer experience that they have with your brand is extremely influential in their conversion.
One way that marketing automation can be extremely useful for B2B organizations is through automated live chat for instant interactions. Since the instant connection is so crucial in the fast-paced modern world, using AI technology to automate these conversions can be extremely useful for answering customer’s questions or offering them assistance and guidance to improve their experiences.
Another popular usage for automation in B2B marketing is trigger-based content targeting. B2B buyers’ content preferences change as they move from stage to stage in the customer journey. For instance, those who are in the early stages of a purchasing decision will interact with informative content like e-books, infographics, and podcasts, while late-stage buyers prefer more data-driven content like case studies, reports, and assessments.
If you are ready to get more traffic to your site with quality content that’s published consistently, check out our Content Builder Service. Set up a quick consultation, and I’ll send you a free PDF version of my books. Get started today–and generate more traffic and leads for your business.
The post The B2B Marketer’s Handbook of Marketing Automation appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.
The B2B Marketer’s Handbook of Marketing Automation published first on http://rssmix.com/u/11592782/rss.xml
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5 Reasons Why Saying NO to Home Staging is a Huge Mistake
Is Home Staging Worth the Cost?
Talk to any real estate agent and they will tell you that STAGING COSTS ARE NOT AN EXPENSE, THEY ARE AN INVESTMENT.
Talk to some “old-tyme” homeowners and they will tell you that HOME STAGING ISN’T WORTH THE COST.
In this article, Maria Saverino from Milagro Interiors schools us all about the Top 5 Mistakes you are making by not staging your home for sale.
There are no home sellers who have staged their properties with a certified stager and lost their money.
Staging is one of the best investments you can make, and the upshot is tangible, straightforward and immediate: Stage your home well and you will incite the best first impression, your property will sell faster and you will maximize your selling price, ensuring the best Return On Investment (ROI).
Think of home staging as loaning out some money and receiving it back with interest in a very short time!
According to the National Association of Realtors (NARS), for every $100 invested in staging, the potential return is $400.
A considerable number of sellers that I have encountered have shared certain assumptions about staging:
it is too expensive,
it’s just decorating or filling a house with “pretty” furniture,
it takes too much time and it is not worth paying for. 
As a stager with years of experience and direct knowledge of the benefits of staging, I would like to explain why these assumptions are worth reconsidering. Staging is Marketing! Your property becomes a product like any other product.
When it comes to staging a property, you are trying to sell your home, and you want to do it quick!
Your home becomes a potential purchase for every buyer that walks through your door, and it is about showing the potential of your space to attract buyers to achieve the optimum sale. The stagers do all the work, and in many cases, it could take as little as a day, depending on the size and scope of the project; larger spaces require more time and effort, but in all cases, stagers work very efficiently and have the best insight to showcase the property in a way that appeals to buyers’ emotions.
Avoid falling into the trap of false assumptions and overall, avoid falling into what I call “the Top 5 mistakes” for not staging your property!
If you do not stage, you risk maximizing your profit and putting big bucks into your pocket! Having a well-staged home will make your property look functional, aesthetically pleasing, inviting, and well cared for. It will turn your home into someone’s dream home, making the buying process quick; a well-staged home will peak the emotional experience for the buyer, helping them envision themselves living in your property, and arousing the desire to buy the property. It will justify your asking price and may also get you over asking.
The latest 2018 Home Staging Resource (HSR) study showed that 85% of staged homes sold between 6% to 25% more than their un-staged neighbours and a survey conducted recently by Home Gain, with more than 2000 realtors, found that investing in staging can generate up to 556% returns. So, rest assured that your house will be sold much quicker and for top dollar if you hire a certified home stager.
( Received top dollar for above picture)
 If sellers don’t stage their properties, they are putting their investment at risk of sitting on the market. This means fewer potential buyers willing to visit the property; few or none interested in buying the property and few interested in buying it for less than the asking price. To sell your home faster, it must stand out from the competition. A survey by Coldwell Banker Real Estate Corp. found that staged homes spend half the time on the market than non-staged homes. In addition, a recent study from the Real Estate Staging Association (RESA) stated that professionally-staged homes spend 72% less time on the market. 
With every extra day that your property spends on the market, questions begin to arise. Buyers begin to wonder why the property has not been sold, such as: 
Does the property have structural damage? 
Is the house old or not well maintained? 
Is the asking price too high? 
Are the sellers hiding something? etc. 
Don’t take the risk of putting these messages in your potential buyers’ minds. When it comes to selling, you never get a second chance to make the best first impression. So remember, when you’re out on the market you’re hot, and you don’t want to lose the momentum.
Having a well-staged property will attract more potential buyers willing to pay the asking price or over asking. If you don’t stage, you are lost in the crowd and risk having to lower your price to get some activity. The National Association of Realtors survey found that the longer a property stays on the market, the further the price of the property drops. This means that homes that stayed on the market for 13-24 weeks sold approximately for 6.4% less than the originally listed price, while those that stayed on the market for 4-6 weeks sold for 5% less than the originally listed price. Although it’s clear that staging yields considerable returns, most sellers don’t understand or perceive the huge benefits that staging offers during the selling process.
MISTAKE #4 - NOT MAXIMIZING YOUR PROPERTY’S STRENGTHS and minimizing its weaknesses!
 When you hire a Certified Stager you’re increasing your chance for a more profitable and faster sale. Only 10% of home buyers can envision the potential of an un-staged home. We bring out the home’s potential and increase the property’s value. The objective is to maximize a property’s strengths and minimize and disguise its flaws, giving it the best first impression to incite an emotional connection with potential buyers. According to NARS, almost a third of Buyers will overlook property faults when a home is professionally staged. Most buyers also have great difficulty in getting past the sellers personal decor and visualizing the potential of the property. The way we live in our home is not how we market our home. As stagers we understand the importance of furniture placement, creating good traffic flow, colour theory, de-cluttering and de-personalizing. We identify and highlight the focal points and we provide solutions!
( Above picture received offers on the second day!)
MISTAKE #5 - NOT OUTSHINING YOUR COMPETITION, (it’s a competitive market)
 As a seller, you have a lot of competition and you can bet that potential buyers have already seen other properties and are willing to visit more. Stagers understand the psychology of buyers. If you want to stand out from your competition, you need to make your property look stunning or you need to lower your price. Let’s face the hard facts: No seller is willing or will want to lower the price of their property, which makes staging the ideal solution for securing a more attractive sale price! So if you are selling your property, staging is the best way to go to secure a better return! Real Estate is a time-restricted market, you don’t want your property to linger on the market, you want to be hot and you want to stand out!
These are just the top 5 pitfalls for not staging, there are definitely more. Understanding the benefits of staging will help you better understand the added value that staging brings to the sale of a property to maximize your ROI as a seller. Including a stager as part of your selling strategy, will yield quick results and much quicker benefits. Your home is your biggest asset, so why not do what you can to increase your investment? Your chances of having a greater number of potential buyers willing to accept the list price or bid over asking are greater, and the likelihood of closing the deal right away is much higher!
About the Author
Maria Saverino is the founder of Milagro Interiors.
She is a Certified Ultimate Stager, Professional Photographer, Graphic Designer, and a wife and proud mom of two beautiful boys.
Her big skill set is a huge asset for her clients; helping them to sell their properties efficiently while maximizing the equity OR providing home styling which allows them to live in a comfortable and functional way. Maria’s keen eye for design and passion and exceptional quality service exceeds her clients’ expectations which makes them return continuously. Clients become family!
Maria will efficiently walk through your home to fully assess and provide you with detailed advice on how to best prepare to make a successful staging process. She is a natural and true designer at heart! Maria understands that home is where love resides, memories are created, friends always belong, and laughter never ends.
Want to know more about Maria Saverino & Milagro Interiors? Visit her social channels and check out all the services offered by Milagro Interiors. Subscribe to her youtube channel where Maria offers weekly tips.
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hanapbuhayph · 5 years
[Full-time] Civil Engineer at MSS Cycle Trading (Motorstar)
New Post has been published on http://www.hanapbuhay.tk/job/full-time-civil-engineer-at-mss-cycle-trading-motorstar-2/
[Full-time] Civil Engineer at MSS Cycle Trading (Motorstar)
Location: Manila Description:
Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities.
Qualifications and Skills:
• Inspect project sites to monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications and safety or sanitation standards. • Compute load and grade requirements, water flow rates, or material stress factors to determine design specifications. • Provide technical advice to industrial or managerial personnel regarding design, construction, or program modifications or structural repairs. • Test soils or materials to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations, concrete, asphalt, or steel. • Manage and direct the construction, operations, or maintenance activities at project site. • Direct or participate in surveying to lay out installations or establish reference points, grades, or elevations to guide construction. • Estimate quantities and cost of materials, equipment, or labor to determine project feasibility. • Plan and design transportation or hydraulic systems or structures using computer assisted design or drawing tools. • Prepare or present public reports on topics such as bid proposals, deeds, environmental impact statements, or property and right-of-way descriptions. • Design energy efficient or environmentally sound civil structures. • Identify environmental risks and develop risk management strategies for civil engineering projects. • Direct engineering activities ensuring compliance with environmental, safety, or other governmental regulations. • Analyze survey reports, maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography, or other topographical or geologic data. • Conduct studies of traffic patterns or environmental conditions to identify engineering problems and assess potential project impact. • Design or engineer systems to efficiently dispose of chemical, biological, or other toxic wastes. • Develop or implement engineering solutions to clean up industrial accidents or other contaminated sites.
Apply to this job
#Hanap Buhay #PartTimeJob #FullTimeJob #FreelanceJob #HomebasedJob #Philippines
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viscomyear1 · 6 years
Words for Book
Story for book
1. We live in a noisy world, and much of that noise is made by humans. Traffic, machinery, electronics—it’s a constant barrage of sound. How does our noise affect the animals around us? Unlike us, they can’t put in some earplugs, close a window or turn off the stereo. Recent studies are showing that our increasingly loud world is having negative effects on a range of animals, across a variety of habitats.
2.’Wait!’ I hear you say. ‘Natural landscapes aren’t always quiet either.’That’s true, nature can be noisy—from bird calls to wild winds, thunder and animal migrations, the natural environment creates and uses noise in a complex information network. Most animals, however, have specially adapted to the natural noises in their environment—they are aware of them, understand them and know how to use and interpret them.
The population and diversity of certain bird populations has been shown to decline or change when exposed to continuous noise generated by urban environments, such as roads, cities and industrial sites.
Several species have begun to adjust their vocal calls in an attempt to be heard above the din. Male great tits (Parus major) for example, have been noted to change the frequency of their call in order to be heard over anthropogenic noise. Female great tits prefer lower frequency calls when selecting a mate, but these frequencies are harder to hear over urban noise. Males who sing at higher frequencies are less attractive to females, but females may still mate with them if there are no lower-frequency singers available. Males are therefore placed in a difficult position—sing at a lower frequency and not be heard, or sing at a higher frequency and potentially be dismissed!
3. There are other effects too. A 2013 study by researchers at Boise State University created a ‘phantom road’ using a series of electronic speakers placed in the woods which played the sounds of a busy highway at regular intervals. The phantom road was situated near an important stop for migratory birds, where they would traditionally rest and fatten up before undertaking the journey ahead. For four days the team turned on the speakers playing the faux traffic noise. The results showed that during the periods of noise, birds stopping to rest in the area declined by more than one-quarter. When the speakers were off, the numbers bounced back. The researchers concluded that noise can change an animal’s most basic stay-or-go assessments of habitat, and ‘prompt more than the usual number of birds on thousand-mile marathons to skip a chance to rest and refuel’.
4. Birds are not the only animals affected by noise. A study published in 2010 found that noise pollution—specifically traffic noise—decreased the foraging efficiency of an acoustic predator, the greater mouse-eared bat (Myotis myotis). Successful foraging bouts decreased and search times increased dramatically with proximity to the highway. As the animals being hunted by the bats are themselves predators, the study noted that ‘the noise impact on the bats’ foraging performance will have complex effects on the food web and ultimately on the ecosystem stability’. Noise pollution could potentially interfere with other acoustic predators, such as owls, in a similar fashion.
5. Noise pollution can also kill off your sex life—at least if you’re a frog. A study conducted in Melbourne, Australia, by Dr Kirsten Parris and colleagues found that, for some highly vocal frog species, noise pollution is correlated with an increase in the frequency of their calls. This increase partially compensates for the loss of communication distance in noise-traffic areas experienced by these frogs. The mating call of male pobblebonk frogs could historically be heard up to 800 metres away by interested females. At very noisy sites, this is reduced to just 14 metres. If male frogs alter their call to a higher frequency to be heard, the females may not like what they hear. Female frogs of some species prefer lower-pitched calls, which often indicate larger and/or more experienced males. Once again for the male frogs, it’s a tough call—to not be heard, or to be heard and rejected!
The researchers concluded that ‘road noise can alter key survival behaviours’ and that ‘these findings highlight that the presence of animals in a location is no guarantee of population and ecological integrity’. So while noise pollution may not necessarily drive animals away from a site, it may alter their established behaviours and be having a less-obvious negative effect on their physical wellbeing.
6. Many cetaceans—marine mammals such as whales, dolphins and porpoises—live in a world largely defined by acoustic information. They use sound to communicate, and to navigate and monitor their surroundings, creating a picture of the world around them with 3D clarity. By emitting pulses of active sonar clicks they can echolocate food sources and pinpoint features in the environment around them down to millimetres. Their ‘songs’ and clicks can communicate with animals hundreds of kilometres away.
In the open ocean some species are even able to hear sounds thousands of kilometres away, from waves breaking on the shore to cracking ice. They use this information to help navigate and guide their migrations.
With the ability to hear being so important to these mammals, it is important to take note of the increasing studies showing that acoustic pollution from the human world can harm these animals in several ways.
7. Other incidences of beached whales show signs of physical trauma such as bleeding around the ears, brain and other tissues, as well as air bubbles in their organs. Known as barotrauma, this can occur from the sudden change in pressure caused by a sound. These symptoms are akin to ‘the bends’, an illness which can also affect human divers when they surface too quickly from deep water. Some scientists also speculate that mid-frequency sonar blasts may prompt certain species to quickly alter their dive patterns, resulting in debilitating or even fatal injuries.
While standings are an immediately obvious sign of some sort of distress or confusion, there are other, more subtle, ways that noise pollution can affect these mammals. A range of cetaceans have displayed changes in behaviour. For example noise has been shown to reduce humpback whale communication, with less ‘song’ during periods of noise, even when the origin of the noise is 200 kilometres away. Both right and blue whales have been found to increase the level of vocalisations when exposed to sound sources in their vocal range. In effect, they need to ‘shout’ to allow themselves to be heard. Chronic stress in baleen whales has been associated with low-frequency shipping noise, while other whale species have been shown to avoid important habitats (key breeding and/or feeding grounds) as they purposely evade areas of high noise. They can also experience lower respiration rates resulting in shorter dive periods. Whales off the coast of Western Australia have been recorded changing course and speed to avoid close contact with active seismic surveys.
8. It’s not only the larger animals that are being affected. Squid and other cephalopods have also shown negative responses to noise pollution. Even short exposure to low-frequency, low-intensity sounds―such as those produced by offshore oil drilling and commercial fishing―can disturb the balance systems of squid, octopuses and cuttlefish. A study conducted in 2011 collected 87 wild cephalopods across four species and exposed them to short bursts of low-intensity, low frequency sound for a period of two hours. The animals were then dissected to examine their statocysts (the organ responsible for their maintaining balance in the water). The results were disconcerting: every octopus, squid and cuttlefish had damage to its statocyst, including ruptured and missing hair, swollen nerve cells and even legions and holes in the statocyst’s sensory surface.
9. Even fish larvae are being affected. Recent studies have shown that larval fish and invertebrates are moving away from their traditional habitats. Interestingly, many are settling instead in places that have (low-frequency) noise caused by shipping. This movement has flow-on effects for the ecosystems that depend on these larvae.
Other species, such as hermit crabs, have been shown to be less responsive to visual predators when in high-noise environments. The authors of one study proposed a ‘distracted prey hypothesis’ to explain the finding, and noted that it demonstrates the potential for noise pollution to affect behaviours that are stimulated by non-auditory information.
So … what are we doing about it?
In response to the growing evidence regarding noise pollution and its effect on animals, some changes are being made.
Some of the ways noise in which pollution from traffic can be reduced are by developing quieter roads and cars; installing noise-reduction barriers around major traffic areas; lowering speed limits; educating drivers; and implementing relevant legislation to progressively reduce noise. Other strategies include the use of better materials; improved site planning; and the undertaking of detailed environmental assessments before construction on houses and industrial sites is permitted, with follow-up assessments after construction is completed.
Scientists are working to better understand where and how noise pollution is generated, and where it is causing the most problems. They are working with industry and government on solutions including, currently, establishing ‘quiet areas’ for marine species and reducing noise levels in critical habitats; developing greener technology, including quieter ships, hulls shapes and machinery; and advocating for national regulation relating to the amount of noise (by all sources) that can be released into the ocean.
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aurizondatatech1 · 1 year
Revolutionizing Transportation: Turning Movement Count Solutions and Traffic Survey Company in India
In the rapidly evolving landscape of urban development and transportation, data-driven insights have become the cornerstone of effective planning and decision-making. As India witnesses unprecedented growth in its cities, the need for comprehensive traffic data collection and analysis has never been more critical. This is where Turning Movement Count Solutions and Traffic Survey Company in India step in, playing a pivotal role in shaping the future of mobility in the country.
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The Importance of Traffic Data:
Traffic data is the lifeblood of modern transportation planning. It provides essential information for optimizing road infrastructure, improving traffic flow, enhancing road safety, and reducing congestion. With the expansion of urban areas and increasing vehicle populations, traffic data collection has become a fundamental requirement for urban planners, government authorities, and private sector stakeholders.
Turning Movement Count Solutions:
Turning Movement Count (TMC) solutions are an integral part of traffic data collection. They involve monitoring and recording the movements of vehicles at intersections and key junctions. TMC data offers valuable insights into traffic patterns, turning movements, and congestion hotspots. This information helps transportation authorities and planners make informed decisions to optimize traffic flow, improve road safety, and reduce environmental impacts.
Traffic Survey Companies in India:
Several specialized traffic survey companies in India have emerged to address the growing demand for accurate and actionable traffic data. These companies employ state-of-the-art technology and methodologies to conduct comprehensive surveys, including turning movement counts, traffic volume assessments, vehicle classification, and speed studies. Their services cater to various stakeholders, including government bodies, infrastructure developers, traffic management authorities, and research institutions.
Key Services Offered by Traffic Survey Companies:
Turning Movement Counts (TMC): Accurate recording and analysis of turning movements at intersections and roundabouts, providing insights into traffic behavior.
Traffic Volume Studies: Monitoring and analyzing traffic flow to determine peak hours, traffic density, and congestion patterns.
Vehicle Classification: Categorizing vehicles by type (e.g., cars, trucks, motorcycles) to understand their impact on road capacity.
Speed Studies: Assessing vehicle speeds to identify potential safety concerns and compliance with speed limits.
Parking Surveys: Evaluating parking demand and availability to optimize parking facilities.
Pedestrian Counts: Gathering data on pedestrian movements to enhance safety and urban planning.
Benefits of Traffic Data Collection:
Efficient Infrastructure Planning: Traffic data informs the design and development of road networks, reducing bottlenecks and congestion.
Safety Enhancement: Identifying accident-prone areas allows for targeted safety improvements, such as traffic signals and pedestrian crosswalks.
Environmental Impact Reduction: Optimizing traffic flow can reduce fuel consumption and emissions, contributing to a greener environment.
Smart Traffic Management: Real-time data enables authorities to implement dynamic traffic management strategies, improving daily commuting experiences.
As India embraces urbanization and strives for efficient, sustainable transportation systems, the role of Turning Movement Count Solutions and Traffic Survey Companies has become indispensable. These organizations are driving innovation in data collection and analysis, supporting the transformation of Indian cities into more connected, safer, and sustainable hubs of activity. Their contributions are paving the way for a brighter future in transportation, where data is the key to unlocking smarter and more efficient mobility solutions.
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hanapbuhayph · 5 years
[Full-time] Civil Engineer at MSS Cycle Trading (Motorstar)
New Post has been published on http://www.hanapbuhay.tk/job/full-time-civil-engineer-at-mss-cycle-trading-motorstar/
[Full-time] Civil Engineer at MSS Cycle Trading (Motorstar)
Location: Manila Description:
Perform engineering duties in planning, designing, and overseeing construction and maintenance of building structures, and facilities.
Qualifications and Skills:
• Inspect project sites to monitor progress and ensure conformance to design specifications and safety or sanitation standards. • Compute load and grade requirements, water flow rates, or material stress factors to determine design specifications. • Provide technical advice to industrial or managerial personnel regarding design, construction, or program modifications or structural repairs. • Test soils or materials to determine the adequacy and strength of foundations, concrete, asphalt, or steel. • Manage and direct the construction, operations, or maintenance activities at project site. • Direct or participate in surveying to lay out installations or establish reference points, grades, or elevations to guide construction. • Estimate quantities and cost of materials, equipment, or labor to determine project feasibility. • Plan and design transportation or hydraulic systems or structures using computer assisted design or drawing tools. • Prepare or present public reports on topics such as bid proposals, deeds, environmental impact statements, or property and right-of-way descriptions. • Design energy efficient or environmentally sound civil structures. • Identify environmental risks and develop risk management strategies for civil engineering projects. • Direct engineering activities ensuring compliance with environmental, safety, or other governmental regulations. • Analyze survey reports, maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography, or other topographical or geologic data. • Conduct studies of traffic patterns or environmental conditions to identify engineering problems and assess potential project impact. • Design or engineer systems to efficiently dispose of chemical, biological, or other toxic wastes. • Develop or implement engineering solutions to clean up industrial accidents or other contaminated sites.
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