#Treating Chronic Back Pain with Physiotherapy
surabhi07 · 7 months
 Back on Your Feet: The Role of Physiotherapy in Lower Limb Injury Recovery
Injuries to the lower limbs can have a crippling effect on one's movement, independence, and general quality of life. However, people can regain strength, function, and confidence if they receive the proper rehabilitation care. A key component of this procedure is physiotherapy, which emphasizes active care to speed up recovery and ward off further injuries.
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fatal-blow · 18 days
what are some ways hypermobility can effect your body that no-one really talks about?
it's interesting actually because i don't think hypermobility is inherently disabling. we've all heard about those freaks (affectionate) who are active and healthy, but just happen to be able to contort their bodies into unbelievable shapes. so much of hypermobility seems to be the way it interacts with other factors. I'll go over some stuff that i know is directly related to hypermobility though!
hypermobility has little to do with joints, and everything to do with everything else. see, muscles are connected to bone by tendons. hypermobility increases the stretch of the tendons. this is like making the ropes attaching your hammock to the trees really stretchy. so when the actual muscle flexes, it first must pull the tendons tight before it can start moving the bone that it's attached to. ergo, hypermobility makes the muscles work harder to achieve the same results as non-hypermobile bodies.
for a lot of people who have hypermobility and don't realize it, and now have chronic pain, this is often due to the overuse of muscles. you are not weak, you are not frail, you are just very, very tired. please look at my pinned post--learning how to treat trigger points has allowed me to treat my pain!! it's reversible!! you CAN get better!!
relatedly, this is why building muscle can help combat the negative effects of hypermobility. but you can't build your muscles until they've been treated for overuse. this is where i think a lot of physiotherapy falters.
seems to be related to estrogen! because estrogen is involved with collagen synthesis, and collagen is the thing in the tendons that makes things stretchier. I've yet to read more into this in detail, but considering hypermobility seems to affect those with higher levels of estrogen in the body, I'm not surprised.
similarly, pregnancy causes the tendons and ligaments to loosen, presumably due to the aforementioned effects of estrogen. whether or not things go back to normal after pregnancy, I don't know.
hypermobility can also affect the veins and nerves, making THEM stretchy as well. I'm more knowledgeable about the muscular impacts, but I've seen suggestions that varicose veins are more likely, causing the veins to stretch around blockages rather than. be blocked by them.
in a fit of irony, i, personally, think that hypermobility actually saves the body from the effects of stress--or more specifically, body wide muscular tension. because when your muscles get tight enough, they pull on the bones and start pinning nerves and crushing veins--literally crushing you to death. having a wibbly, squishy body could totally counter that. could even be why women tend to live longer than men! this bullet point is pure speculation on my part though, so take that with a grain a salt (or however much you want to trust my hypotheses gjfj)
the way hypermobility presents in people can make it difficult to diagnose. for instance, people who aren't super stretchy could be hypermobile, except their muscles have stiffened up so much that they seem like they have normal range of motion. my mother, queen of eds, is like this! that's why it's important to look across a broad range of diagnostic criteria, and consider your history and the current state of your body.
I DONT...actually think stretching makes hypermobility worse. but i do think stretches need to be targeting the right spots to be effective. unfortunately this requires knowing things both about the human body and your own body. it's a lot of work.
oh also hypermobility can make your body feel less stable and more unbalanced. and when you feel unbalanced you start clenching muscles so you don't fall over. and then those muscles get overused and tired, so you clench other muscles to keep THOSE muscles from failing. it's a nasty little feedback loop that can be difficult to break, and if allowed to continue, it can really fuck your shit up.
but i really do want to stress that so many of the problems related to hypermobility are not only treatable but reversible. muscle overuse is a HUGE problem with hypermobility, but after reading the book in my pinned post (and realizing that every pain pattern in there matched MY pain patterns) I've been able to work on recovery.
like i had symptoms of carpel tunnel, of tendonitis, bursitis, even some symptoms of diabetes and pancreatitis, (and more but if i keep listing them we'll be here all day) and the muscle treatment in that workbook has steadily reduced and eliminated those symptoms. my mother was practically bed bound by her disability and now she can go on short walks and feels better than she has in a very long time. it's reversible. you don't have to be in pain forever. we can all get better (it'll just take a while, I've been doing this for a year and a half and I'm still working at it, but what matters is that I'm better)
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temsikghosts · 3 months
Ghost Swap treat!
Ghost Swap treat for @doctor-yoshi-soul who asked for the following prompt:
doctor-yoshi-soul: Yomiel's jail time (and/or how other characters deal with it);
Thankfully I already had some drabbles of it among my notes, so I hope you enjoy them!
Jowd and Yomiel
Jowd was sitting down in front of the visitor’s center from prison, waiting for the blond man to come. It had become an habit for the detective to come and see the man who started everything. Jowd knew Yomiel’s pain, more than anything else in the world, after all, he, himself, had been behind bars, feeling sorry for himself and wanting nothing more than to end his pathetic existence. He didn’t want Yomiel to have the same thoughts, so the detective kept coming to talk to him about it, help keep his head in the right place.
As soon as the blond man appeared, Jowd opened a warm, friendly smile, though Yomiel’s face retained his sorrowful expression. He rolled on his wheelchair and positioned himself in front of the detective, facing him from the opposite side of the glass window.
“Detective.” He said in a calm, neutral tone.
“Yomiel.” The detective replied back, smiling at the man. “How is your recovery doing?” He glanced briefly at the wheelchair.
“Oh?” Yomiel’s gaze followed the detective’s, looking into his own wheelchair. “It’s… going okay I guess. The physiotherapist says I will be able to walk again if we keep doing the physiotherapy sessions, though right now my legs aren’t strong enough to walk on my own yet. Everything hurts and even if I do my recovery well as the doctor says, I will still suffer chronic pain for a long time to come, maybe all my life. But that’s a small price to pay, for all the trouble I caused everyone.”
Jowd couldn’t see his eyes behind the dark lenses, but he could guess Yomiel’s gaze darkened as he recalled the events of that fateful night.
“Yomiel…” The detective started, sounding calm. “I already told you. I forgave you. For everything.”
Yomiel simply shrugged, lifting his gaze back to the man in front of him.
“Why, Jowd?”
“I forgave you because I saw that you were truly sorry for the role you played in what happened. It’s as simple as that. How can I unforgive what has already been forgiven? It is over. It is done. Why do you doubt that? Why do you question it?”
 Yomiel shakes his head and looks away from him. His shoulders come up in a half-shrug, as if the answer is obvious and it just hasn’t occurred to the detective yet.
“Because I don’t deserve your forgiveness.”
Jowd should probably have expected it. Yomiel wasn't really that different from him.
“What do you want me to say, Yomiel? That I finally got my revenge on you? You're the one behind bars now, thinking he doesn't deserve a second chance because he did something awful. You're feeling the exact same pain I felt, during these past years. And yet, seeing you like that... It doesn't bring me joy. Not when I understand what you're feeling, more than anyone else. Revenge is a pitiful thing that doesn't bring any satisfaction. You should know that, even more than me.”
Yomiel lifted his head to stare at the man sitting across from him. It was hard to read his expression behind the shades covering his eyes, but it was as if Jowd could feel the sting of pain and guilt behind them. They were too familiar for the detective.
“Jowd, I took your daughter hostage. I manipulated her to alter her contraption and kill her own mother. Your wife. I manipulated her again and wanted to make her kill you. You're saying you forgive that?”
Jowd shook his head.
“And I have all the right to be mad at you for that. But this Kamila haven't experienced any of it. If she remembered, then I would find it more difficult to forgive you for that, yes. But she doesn't. Neither does Alma. You did nothing to them, in this new present. So why should I be mad at something that didn't happen this time around?”
Yomiel chuckled inwardly, refusing to let Jowd's words get to him. He couldn't understand how this man could forgive him, after everything he did.
“Jowd—” The detective didn't let him continue.
“You are not that same man anymore, Yomiel. Why is it so hard for you to see that? I saw the way you helped in the end. Saw how much you tried to help Lynne, the girl you were so desperately trying to ruin. You risked your own life for her. That's when I saw that the Manipulator was gone, dead. You are a new man now Yomiel. Rejoyce this fact... And live your life. The woman you love is waiting for you, just outside these bars.”
Yomiel felt tears coming to his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He didn't want to break down in front of the detective, didn't want him to see his most vulnerable side. Even with all these words, Yomiel refused to believe he was worthy of anything, let alone Jowd's forgiveness.
“She doesn't know the monster I became. She doesn't deserve me. I—”
“Yomiel!” It was the first time Jowd raised his voice since this conversation started.
“Haven't you listened to what I just said? You are not that man anymore. She doesn't know and she never will. It shouldn't matter.”
And yet, to Yomiel, it still did. It still hurt to know what he had been able to do, when left at the bottom of despair.
Yomiel and FianSissel
Sissel had come to visit Yomiel, just like she always did, everyday, ever since he was arrested. Ever since the incident, Yomiel had a stranger air of self-deprecation and guilt and he was far from the man she once knew. Sure, Yomiel wasn’t the cheerful, optimistic type, not when his life had been trauma conga line, one after the other, with an alcoholic mother, an absent father and all the bullying the suffered when they were both in school, but still, he wasn’t so down like…. that. She could understand why though, but even so…
“Sissel…” Yomiel let out a sad sigh as he stared at her through the other side of the glass window. “Why would you waste your time waiting for me? You deserve someone better.”
Sissel felt her throat tightening at his words. Her heart clenching inside.
“What makes you think that?”
“I threatened a child, Sissel! I could have killed her!”
“You wouldn’t.”
Yomiel shook his head.
“You don't know that.”
She lifted her eyes back at him with fierce determination.
“You're not that kind of person, Yomiel. You wouldn't have hurt that child.”
Yomiel looked back at her, chuckling to himself and shaking his head. Thinking how he manipulated Kamila to alter her own contraption to kill her mother.
“What if I did? Would you still think that?” He blurted out before he could stop himself. Sissel stood firm, however.
“I know you. You wouldn’t.” The fierce determination in her eyes as she said this was enough to confirm to Yomiel that if she knew the truth of that night, of what he did... She would never forgive him. And that thought was like a knife being twisted in his heart.
“Yomiel... You risked your life to save that child... Detective Jowd told me. You could have died in that park! You saved her! You are a good man! D-Do you know what could have happened if you died there? If you... If you died there... I-I would’ve—”
Her voice broke as tears started to form in her eyes.
“STOP!” He suddenly yelled, looking into her eyes. “Don't say it. Please don’t.”
“I’ve—” She sobbed.
“Sissel, DON’T!” He knew what was coming. He didn’t want to hear it. She lowered her eyes, finally letting her tears fall,
“I would prefer to die than to live in a world without you.”
As soon as she said those words, Yomiel couldn't help it. Looking at her, he could see in his mind the exact scene he saw when he got home. Of her cold body, devoid of her smile, completely lifeless. The shock and the awful realization hitting him when he saw the suicide note. Yomiel immediately broke down in tears, sobbing uncontrollably as the memories flooded him.
“Yomiel…” Sissel tried to get his attention back. Damn it, how much she wished she could hold his hand. He couldn’t reply, he couldn’t say anything, he could just sob.
“I-I'm sorry Sissel I can’t— I need a minute, please…”
Sissel felt her heart clenching in her chest. She didn’t want her first talk with him to be like this... But she respected his wish and stood up from the chair. “I’ll come later.” And she walked off the room. Just as she was outside, she brought her handkerchief from her purse and allowed herself to cry, not wanting to break down in front of him to make things worse.
“How did it go?” Detective Jowd asked when Sissel came out, sniffing.
“I... I hoped it would be better... I made him cry.” She said quietly. Jowd raised an eyebrow.
“Really? What did you say?” Sissel sniffed, looking at the detective.
“He asked me why I was waiting for him. He kept insisting he wasn't a good man. I told him I believed he would never hurt that girl, that he even risked his life to save her...” She gulped down a sob. “I told him that if he had died... I would prefer to die than to live without him.”
Ah. Jowd immediately understood why Yomiel broke down now. The fact that he was so immersed in his guilt to have insisted he wasn't a good man was such a familiar feeling to Jowd. Which seemed rather ironic to have his own former enemy in the same situation as him.
“He's just going through a lot right now, Sissel. Give him some time, he'll get over it.” Sissel sniffed again.
“I know. Thank you so much for all the support, Detective Jowd.” The detective put a large hand over the petite woman's shoulder. “It's the least I can do. I could have killed him that day in the park. I'm still really sorry for that.”
“It's okay, detective. What matters in the end is that you are helping him now. Let's not think about what could have happened. What matters is now.”
“You could tell that to him.” Jowd said with a bittersweet smile. He was tired of telling this to Yomiel, maybe he would listen if it came from Miss Sissel instead. “If you ever need someone to talk to, you can always call me or Alma, okay? You're not alone anymore, Sissel.”
Sissel smiled weakly, nodding as she wiped her tears. “Thank you so much detective.”
“You're welcome.”
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eezalignphysio · 11 months
Best Orthopaedic physiotherapy in Gurgaon | EEZ ALIGN
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Understanding Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic physiotherapy is a specialized branch focused on treating musculoskeletal conditions, such as joint and muscle problems. If you're experiencing pain, stiffness, or recovering from surgery, physiotherapy can play a crucial role in your healing journey.
Our skilled orthopaedic physiotherapists in Gurgaon employ a personalized approach, tailoring exercises to your specific needs. From targeted strength training to flexibility exercises, the goal is to enhance your mobility and reduce discomfort. Techniques like manual therapy and joint mobilization are often used to alleviate pain and improve joint function.
Education is a key component—learning about your condition empowers you to actively participate in your recovery. Whether you're rehabilitating after surgery, managing chronic pain, or preventing injuries, orthopaedic physiotherapy promotes overall well-being and functional independence. Trust our dedicated team to guide you towards a healthier, more mobile life. 💪 #OrthoPhysio #RecoveryJourney #MusculoskeletalHealth
To know more-
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initiala · 2 years
Do you have any tips/recommendations when it comes to looking for a chiropractor? I know you've mentioned going to one before, and between my desk job and general skeleton weirdness, I'm starting to think a visit would probably be a good idea on my end. Or if you recommend a different kind of professional, like a physical therapist instead, that'd be great to know too. Thanks for any advice!
I don't have that many tips, just because I feel like I got really lucky with my old chiropractor and she was the first one I visited and felt like it was a good fit.
Definitely look at their website, make sure they're actually a chiropractor that will do stuff and not just some "vaccines are bad, try these essential oils while we do bone restructuring". My chiro specifically has on her website that she practices the Gonstead method, which means she took X-rays of all the areas where I was pointing out pain, using different tools to see if I had any disc problems in my spine, and did a lot of palpation when I was both sitting or laying down and moving to make sure things were where they were supposed to be. I feel like that helped me more, because she could pull out an X-ray to make sure we were focusing on the right spots, and it looks like (on the internet, anyway) it's generally regarded as the most effective method for pain management.
There's also six other kinds of chiropractic care but this one's the one I felt worked for me.............and also I haven't experienced any other kind.
Other people have said that a better alternative (their words, not mine) is physiotherapy/physical therapy, because it's helping teach you how to move and flex your body around in a better way than you currently are to improve your quality of life, and also there's more focus on muscles and tendons, whereas chiro focuses on bones.
Here's a couple of good comparison articles about the differences and benefits of each, while not trashing each other.
I honestly can't say which is going to be better for you specifically, because only you know where your pain radiates from. If you feel like you're not able to move as well as you should for a person of your age and health status, then you might need physiotherapy more. If it's more centered on your torso and neck, it might be chiropractic care. And hey, who says it can't be a little of both? (well. your insurance might. but that's them)
I first went to a chiro because I, a full-grown adult, kept getting double-ear-infections, which is not a thing adults should get (I blame the water in Texas) and my mom suggested a chiropractor because it helped some of her coworkers' kids. (idk. I'm not a scientist or a bone specialist or whatever, I just know it worked) And while I was there and getting looked at, I was able to get some ongoing chronic pain issues treated as well. I didn't know it was my hips being slightly displaced that was causing my lower back issues, just like I didn't know that my upper spine had been curved because of all the books I had to carry in my backpack in high school and college, so we were able to start correcting that! And now I'm not like, chugging a bottle of ibuprofen every other day.
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sanjeevaniclinic · 3 minutes
Physiotherapy in Borivali West – Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic
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If you are seeking expert physiotherapy in Borivali West, look no further than Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic. Headed by the highly experienced Dr. KK Mishra, our clinic offers specialized treatments tailored to each patient’s needs. With a combination of advanced techniques, personalized care, and a commitment to healing, Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic stands out as one of the leading destinations for physiotherapy in Borivali West.
Why Choose Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is essential for improving mobility, reducing pain, and enhancing the overall quality of life. Whether recovering from an injury, surgery, or managing chronic conditions, physiotherapy helps in restoring movement and function. At Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic, we provide comprehensive physiotherapy in Borivali West that addresses various conditions and injuries, ensuring each patient receives individualized treatment plans.
Personalized treatment is crucial for quick recovery.
Comprehensive Physiotherapy Services
At Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic, we offer a range of services that cater to different needs. Some of the key areas we specialize in include:
Post-Surgery RehabilitationOur post-surgery rehabilitation programs are designed to help patients regain strength and mobility after operations, ensuring a faster and more efficient recovery.
Sports Injury TreatmentSports injuries can be debilitating. We offer specialized physiotherapy in Borivali West for athletes, helping them recover swiftly and safely from injuries like sprains, ligament tears, and muscle strains.
Chronic Pain ManagementFor those suffering from chronic pain due to conditions like arthritis, our physiotherapy sessions provide long-term relief and help improve daily functioning.
Neurological RehabilitationWe offer expert rehabilitation for patients suffering from neurological conditions such as stroke, Parkinson’s disease, and multiple sclerosis, with a focus on restoring movement and independence.
Sanjeevani Physiotherapy offers holistic care for diverse health conditions.
Expertise of Dr. KK Mishra
Under the leadership of Dr. KK Mishra, Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic has earned a reputation for providing top-notch physiotherapy in Borivali West. Dr. Mishra brings years of experience, having treated a wide range of musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. His expertise, combined with a patient-centric approach, ensures that every individual receives the best possible care tailored to their unique needs.
Dr. Mishra’s dedication to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest physiotherapy techniques allows him to offer cutting-edge treatments. Whether you're dealing with acute injuries or chronic conditions, his personalized approach ensures optimal results.
Expert care under the guidance of Dr. KK Mishra.
Benefits of Choosing Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic
There are several reasons why Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic is a preferred choice for physiotherapy in Borivali West:
State-of-the-Art Equipment: We utilize the latest equipment to provide effective and efficient treatments.
Patient-Centered Approach: Each patient receives a tailored treatment plan based on their specific health concerns and recovery goals.
Convenient Location: Located in Borivali West, our clinic is easily accessible to residents in the area.
At Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic, we believe in treating the root cause of your discomfort, not just the symptoms. Our holistic approach ensures a faster recovery and helps prevent future injuries.
Advanced technology and personalized care ensure effective recovery.
Get Back to an Active Life with Physiotherapy
At Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic, our goal is to help patients live pain-free, active lives. Whether you are recovering from surgery, an injury, or dealing with a chronic condition, our physiotherapy in Borivali West services are designed to restore your strength and mobility. With a dedicated team led by Dr. KK Mishra, we ensure that each patient receives comprehensive, compassionate care.
Regain strength and mobility with expert physiotherapy services.
Contact Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic Today
Ready to begin your journey toward better health? Visit Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic for expert physiotherapy in Borivali West. We are committed to helping you regain your strength, reduce pain, and improve your overall well-being.
Visit Us:Bathia Apartments, A/1, Swami Vivekananda Rd, next to Vijay Sales, Borivali West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400092 Call Us: +91 9594 698 293 Send a Message: [email protected]
Follow Us on Social Media:Instagram | Facebook
Start your recovery journey with Sanjeevani Physiotherapy Clinic today!
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suoxi-hospital · 28 minutes
Acupuncture is recommended by the World Health Organization for more than 100 conditions.
01) Adverse reactions to radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy
02) Allergic rhinitis including hay fever
03) Biliary colic
04) Depression (including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke)
05) Desentery, acute bacillary 
06) Dysmenorrhea 
07) Epigastralgia (Acute peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis, and gastro spasm)
08) Facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders)
০9) Headache
10) Hypertension, essential
11) Hypotension, primary
12) Knee pain
13) Leukopenia)
14) Low back pain
15) Morning sickness
16) Nausea and vomiting
17) Neck pain
18) Pain in dentistry (Including dental pain and temporomandibular dysfunction)
19) Periarteritis of the shoulder
20) Postoperative pain
21) Rheumatoid arthritis
22) Sciatica
23) Sprain
24) Stroke)
25) Tennis elbow
26) Abdominal pain (in acute gastroenteritis or due to gastrointestinal spasm)
27) Acne vulgaris
28) Alcohol dependence and detoxification
29) Bell’s palsy
30) Bronchial asthma
31) Cancer pain
32) Cardiac neurosis
33) Cholecystitis, chronic, with acute exacerbation
34) Competition stress syndrome
35) Craniocerebral injury, closed
36) Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent
37) Earache
38) Epidemic hemorrhagic fever
39) Epistaxis is simple (without generalized or local disease)
40) Eye pain due to subconjunctival injection
41) Facial spasm
42) Female infertility
43) Female urethral syndrome
44) Fibromyalgia and fasciitis
45) Gastrokinetic disturbance
46) Gouty arthritis
47) Hepatitis B virus carrier status
48) Herpes zoster (human (alpha) herpes virus 3)
49) Hyperlipemia
50) Hypo-ovarianism
51) Insomnia
52) Lactation, deficiency
53) Male sexual dysfunction, non-organic
54) Meniere disease
55) Neuralgia, Post-herpetic
56) Neurodermatitis
57) Obesity)
58) Opium, cocaine, and heroin dependence
59) Osteoarthritis
60) Pain due to endoscopic examination
61) Pain in thromboangiitis obliterans
62) Polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-Leventhal syndrome)
63) Postextubation in children
64) Postoperative convalescence
65) Premenstrual syndrome
66) Prostatitis, chronic
67) Pruritus
68) Radicular and pseudoradicular pain syndrome
69) Raynaud syndrome, primary
70) Recurrent lower urinary tract infection
71) Retention of urine, traumatic
72) Reflex sympathetic dystrophy
73) Schizophrenia
74) Sialism, drug-induced
75) Sjögren syndrome
76) Sore throat (including tonsillitis)
77) Spine pain, acute
78) Stiff neck
79) Temporomandibular joint dysfunction
80) Tietze syndrome
81) Tobacco dependence
82) Tourette syndrome
83) Ulcerative colitis, chronic
84) Vascular dementia
85) Hypothermia
86) Irritable colon syndrome
87) Neuropathic bladder due to spinal cord injury
88) Pulmonary heart disease, chronic
89) Small airway obstruction
90) Induction of labor
91) Malposition of the fetus
92) Renal colic
93) Cholelithiasis
94) Labor pain
95) Urolithiasis 
96) Whooping cough (pertussis)
97) Chloasma
98) Choroidopathy, central serous
99) Color blindness
100) Deafness
Apart from acupuncture, physiotherapy, chest therapy, occupational therapy, Chinese foot therapy, acupressure, tholiau, psychotherapy, ozone therapy, CVFT, and brain stimulator are used to treat various complex pain-related diseases in SUO XI Hospital (Acupuncture). SUO XI Hospital (Acupuncture) is the best pain and paralysis hospital in Bangladesh. They always by your side for your healthcare and emergency needs.
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worldtopnews99 · 5 hours
One Body LDN - MSK Physiotherapy | Sports Massage Mayfair
Experience Top-Notch Physiotherapy and Sports Massage at One Body LDN in Mayfair
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Are you searching for the best physiotherapist near me? Look no further! At One Body LDN, our Physiotherapy and sports massage clinic in Mayfair, West London, offers comprehensive care tailored to your individual needs. With a focus on musculoskeletal (MSK) injuries and an array of specialized services, we are dedicated to helping you regain your movement and alleviate pain effectively.
Why Choose One Body LDN for Physiotherapy and Sports Massage?
Expert Physiotherapists
Our team of experienced MSK physiotherapists is trained to address a wide range of conditions. Whether you’re dealing with sports injuries, chronic pain, or recovery from surgery, our physiotherapists are equipped with the skills to optimize your movement and speed up your recovery.
Comprehensive Range of Services
At One Body LDN, we offer a variety of services to cater to your needs:
Physiotherapy: Our physiotherapy sessions are tailored to help you manage and recover from conditions such as sciatica, lower back pain, tennis elbow, and more.
Sports Massage: Designed to prevent injury and enhance athletic performance, our sports massage therapy is perfect for athletes looking to recover from intense training or competition.
Osteopathy: Our osteopathy services focus on diagnosing and treating a variety of musculoskeletal issues, ensuring holistic recovery.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Our clinics are equipped with advanced technology and equipment to provide the highest standard of care. We believe that a comfortable and modern environment is essential for effective treatment and recovery.
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Flexible Scheduling and Availability
We understand that your time is valuable. That’s why we are open six days a week, allowing you to book your appointments at your convenience. Our physiotherapists are also available for emergency treatments, ensuring you receive the care you need promptly.
Insurance Affiliations
Our clinic is registered with leading health insurance providers, including AXA, Bupa, Cigna, and WPA. This means you can access our services with peace of mind, knowing that we cater to your insurance needs.
Your Path to Recovery Starts Here
At One Body LDN, our mission is to provide exceptional physiotherapy and sports massage services to the residents of Mayfair and beyond. We take pride in our personalized approach, working closely with you to understand your unique challenges and develop a tailored treatment plan that works.
If you’re ready to experience the best in physiotherapy and Sports Massage, visit our One Body LDN clinic today. Our dedicated team is here to help you reclaim your mobility and improve your quality of life. Contact us now to book your appointment!
Whether you’re dealing with an acute sports injury, chronic pain, or simply need to relieve tension through massage, One Body LDN is your premier choice for physiotherapy, sports massage, and osteopathy in Mayfair. Experience the difference of personalized care with our expert team today!
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stepinphysiotharapy · 20 hours
Step In Physiotherapy: The Best Physiotherapy Clinic in Noida
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That is the recovery and rehabilitation process no one can argue that the right physiotherapy clinic does matter. Step In Physiotherapy is the clinic where highly expert therapists administer tailored care for you to yield the best health from our side. Here's an in-depth look at why we are considered the best physiotherapy clinic in Noida.
1. Tailor-made Treatment Plans
Therefore, one of our strengths in Step In Physiotherapy is our approach to providing individualized care. What's good for one will not likely fit all, so every patient goes through intensive and strict assessment and customized treatment plans crafted to address the needs and goals of each patient. Whether injury recovery, chronic pain management, or surgery post-rehab, nothing but the best is guaranteed.
2. Experienced and Highly Expert Team
The physiotherapists at Step In Physiotherapy have experienced years with a wide diversity of cases. Every therapist is extremely well-trained and continually updates his/her knowledge with the latest techniques and sciences, as and when introduced. Patients will, therefore, be treated by the Best physiotherapy clinic in Noida.
3. Advanced Apparatus and Machines
The latest equipment and treatment technologies will be offered to you at Step In Physiotherapy. Be it electrotherapy or even therapeutic ultrasound, each patient would receive the most appropriate treatment for that particular condition. Innovation is our focus, making us a first choice among those searching for the best physiotherapy clinics in Noida.
We have a wide array of physiotherapy services offered across different needs, including:
   Orthopedic Physiotherapy: This covers musculoskeletal disorders which may include joint pain, fractures, and sports injuries.
   Neurological Physiotherapy: specially designed for patients having stroke issues, Parkinson's disease, and spinal cord injuries.
   Pediatric Physiotherapy: designed for children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, and other pediatric problems.
Sports Medicine Rehab: For an athlete who is rehabilitating after an injury or wishes to enhance his performance.
5. Success Stories: 5 Success Stories
These are five actual cases that show how our treatments work:
Case Study 1: Rehabilitation After Surgery (ACL Reconstruction)
This was an athletic young man who was a keen runner. We prepared a progressive rehabilitation program for him at Step In Physiotherapy, involving progressive strengthening, gait training, and balance drills. He was back to running pain-free in six months.
Case Study 2: Chronic Lower Back Pain
A 45-year-old office worker had chronic lower back pain. We made a plan of core strengthening, manual therapy, and ergonomic education. After eight weeks, he is able to continue his daily activities without discomfort, with a reduction of 70% in his pain.
Case Study 3: Stroke Rehabilitation
An old patient, whose cerebrovascular accident brought about partial paralysis, reported to Step In Physiotherapy. A thorough rehabilitation program consisting of muscle re-education, locomotion training, and functional training was planned and executed. Within three months, the patient regained 80% of his motor activity.
Case Study 4: Sports Injury (Tennis Elbow)
A professional tennis player had chronic elbow pain that impaired the ability to perform. After a comprehensive appraisal, we designed an individualized program of therapy involving soft tissue mobilization, stretches, and strengthening exercises. The player returned to the court in four weeks, with a significant reduction in pain.
Case Study 5: Pediatric Cerebral Palsy
There was a 6-year-old that presented himself to Step In Physiotherapy at a stage of cerebral palsy. We helped this child move about through sensory integration, balance training, and mobility exercises during six months. Over these six months, coordination and the mobility of the child improved pretty well.
6. Impressive Statistics Backed by Data
We believe in transparency and results. Our outcomes speak for themselves:
92% patient satisfaction rate: Most of our patients benefited from a marked improvement in their condition after our treatment.
80% success rate of post-surgical recovery: Our patients return to normal activity levels well within the expected time range.
65% faster recovery from sports injuries: Our sports rehabilitation program makes for recovery times that are significantly faster than those in traditional treatments.
85% in neurological cases. More importantly, patients with stroke and neurological conditions show a marked improvement in their mobility and functionality.
7. Convenient Location and Timings
Being situated in the heart of Noida, Step In Physiotherapy is very accessible for the residents of the city. We also provide flexible timings for appointments, which we have made easy for working professionals and busy people to see us without any hassle.
8. Affordable without Compromise on Quality
Even though we provide superlative services, we feel that quality healthcare should be delivered to all. Our charges are competitive so that patients get the best value in money without compromising on quality care. It is another reason why we stand out as the best physiotherapy clinic in Noida.
Conclusion: Why Step In Physiotherapy?
If you are looking for a clinic that gives you customized care, new techniques, and outcomes, then Step In Physiotherapy is the best physiotherapy clinic in Noida. With our well-trained team, the latest modern technology, and above all, the patient-oriented approach, we are waiting to help you recover better and live better longer. Whether you seek surgery rehabilitation, relief for chronic pains, or recovery from sports injuries, the physicians from physiotherapists situated at Noida from Step In Physiotherapy will help you every step of the way.
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orthocenter · 1 day
Best Knee Pain Specialist in Pune: Dr. Shrikant Dalal at Orthos Centre
f you're searching for expert care and relief from knee pain in Pune, Dr. Shrikant Dalal at Orthos Centre is a renowned specialist to consider. Knee pain can significantly impact daily life, whether due to injury, age-related conditions, or underlying health issues such as arthritis. Dr. Shrikant Dalal, with his extensive experience and advanced treatment methods, offers personalized care for a range of knee conditions.
Why Choose Dr. Shrikant Dalal at Orthos Centre?
Expertise in Knee Pain: Dr. Shrikant Dalal is a highly qualified orthopedic specialist with a focus on diagnosing and treating knee pain. His deep understanding of joint health enables him to provide effective solutions for patients suffering from acute or chronic knee pain.
Advanced Treatment Methods: The Orthos Centre, under Dr. Dalal’s leadership, is equipped with cutting-edge technology for accurate diagnosis and treatment. Whether it’s physiotherapy, minimally invasive surgeries, or advanced pain management techniques, the centre offers comprehensive care to alleviate knee pain.
Patient focused Care: Dr. Dalal emphasizes a patient-first approach, ensuring every treatment plan is tailored to the individual's unique needs. He takes the time to understand each patient's condition, lifestyle, and goals to provide optimal care.
Comprehensive Services: From diagnosis and treatment of ligament tears, and cartilage damage, to managing degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis, Dr. Dalal’s Orthos Centre covers a wide range of knee-related issues. They also offer post-treatment rehabilitation for quicker recovery and long-term wellness.
If you are looking for a knee pain specialist in Pune, Dr. Shrikant Dalal at Orthos Centre offers both expertise and a compassionate approach to help you get back on your feet.
For more information, visit Orthos Centre.
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surabhi07 · 7 months
Strengthening the Foundation: Core Physiotherapy Exercises for Limb Injury Recovery
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waterphysiorehab · 1 day
Expert Physiotherapy in Etobicoke
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Get back on your feet with the best physiotherapy in Etobicoke! At Waterfront Physio & Rehab, we treat everything from sports injuries to chronic pain, offering customized, medication-free treatment plans that enhance mobility and speed up recovery. Reach out today!
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onestepphysio · 3 days
Effective Orthopedic Physiotherapy: Improve Mobility and Relieve Pain Naturally
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Orthopedic physiotherapy is a specialised branch of physiotherapy that focuses on diagnosing, managing, and treating disorders related to the musculoskeletal system. This includes conditions affecting the muscles, bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons. Whether you're recovering from surgery, dealing with chronic pain, or looking to regain mobility after an injury, orthopedic physiotherapy offers tailored solutions to help you return to your daily activities with improved function and reduced discomfort.
The Role of Orthopedic Physiotherapy
Orthopedic physiotherapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation process by addressing the root cause of musculoskeletal issues. Through a combination of manual therapy, exercises, and other treatment modalities, physiotherapists work to restore strength, flexibility, and range of motion. The primary goal is to reduce pain, prevent further injury, and enhance overall physical well-being.
Common Conditions Treated with Orthopedic Physiotherapy
Arthritis: Joint pain and stiffness caused by arthritis can significantly impact your quality of life. Orthopedic physiotherapy can help manage symptoms, improve joint function, and reduce pain through targeted exercises and manual techniques.
Sports Injuries: Injuries like sprains, strains, and fractures are common in athletes. Physiotherapy helps in the recovery process, ensuring that you regain full strength and prevent future injuries.
Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: After orthopedic surgeries such as joint replacements or ligament repairs, physiotherapy is essential for regaining mobility, rebuilding strength, and ensuring a smooth recovery.
Chronic Pain: Conditions like lower back pain, neck pain, and tendonitis can be debilitating. Orthopedic physiotherapy offers a non-invasive approach to pain management, focusing on long-term relief and improved function.
Posture and Alignment Issues: Poor posture can lead to musculoskeletal imbalances and chronic pain. Physiotherapy can correct alignment issues, leading to better posture and reduced discomfort.
Benefits of Orthopedic Physiotherapy
Pain Relief: Through targeted treatments, orthopedic physiotherapy can significantly reduce or eliminate pain, allowing you to move more freely and comfortably.
Improved Mobility: Customized exercises and stretches help restore flexibility and range of motion, making everyday tasks easier.
Enhanced Strength: Strengthening exercises focus on specific muscles and joints, providing the support needed for long-term stability and function.
Injury Prevention: By addressing underlying issues and improving overall body mechanics, orthopedic physiotherapy helps prevent future injuries and complications.
Personalized Care: Treatment plans are tailored to your specific condition, ensuring that you receive the most effective care for your needs.
Orthopedic physiotherapy is a powerful tool in managing and overcoming musculoskeletal issues. By focusing on natural, non-invasive treatments, it offers a pathway to improved mobility, reduced pain, and a better quality of life. At One Step Physio, our experienced physiotherapists are dedicated to providing personalised care that addresses your unique needs. Whether you're recovering from an injury, surgery, or dealing with chronic pain, we are here to support you on your journey to better health. Take the first step towards a pain-free life with our expert orthopedic physiotherapy services.
By choosing One-Step Physio, you're taking a proactive step towards better health, all while enjoying the comfort and convenience of your own space. Why not take the first step today and bring expert care right to your doorstep? For more information, visit our website: https://onestepphysio.com/
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hillcrestphysio05 · 4 days
Best Therapeutic Healing Methods at Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford
Finding the right treatment for pain, injuries, or mobility issues can be challenging. At Hillcrest physiotherapy abbotsford, patients receive expert care through a variety of advanced therapeutic techniques designed to promote healing, reduce pain, and enhance overall well-being. Whether you are recovering from an injury or looking to improve your physical health, the team at Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford offers a comprehensive range of services to meet your needs.
Why Choose Physiotherapy?
Physiotherapy is a medical practice aimed at treating and preventing physical impairments through movement, manual therapy, and other modalities. At Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford, the focus is on helping patients regain mobility, alleviate pain, and strengthen their bodies. This clinic specializes in treating musculoskeletal problems, post-surgical rehabilitation, and chronic pain conditions.
Patients seeking physiotherapy Abbotsford benefit from personalized care plans tailored to their specific needs. The expert team works closely with each patient, ensuring that treatment is effective, sustainable, and designed to deliver long-term health benefits. With years of experience and a deep understanding of human biomechanics, the therapists at Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford are dedicated to providing the best possible care.
Manual Therapy for Pain Relief
One of the primary healing methods offered at Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford is manual therapy. This hands-on approach involves the manipulation of muscles, joints, and soft tissues to relieve pain and improve mobility. Whether you suffer from back pain, neck stiffness, or joint problems, manual therapy can be incredibly effective in addressing the root cause of your discomfort.
At Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford, manual therapy is often combined with other treatments like therapeutic exercises or acupuncture for maximum results. The therapists use advanced techniques to mobilize joints, reduce muscle tension, and improve blood flow, all of which contribute to faster healing and reduced pain. This approach is ideal for patients with chronic conditions, as well as those recovering from sports injuries or surgeries.
Exercise Therapy for Strength and Flexibility
Exercise therapy is another core method of treatment at Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford. Patients are guided through individualized exercise programs designed to build strength, flexibility, and endurance. These exercises are tailored to the patient’s specific condition, ensuring that they target the right muscles and areas of the body.
Through regular sessions at physiotherapy Abbotsford, patients can improve their overall physical health and prevent future injuries. Exercise therapy also plays a key role in rehabilitation following surgery or trauma, as it helps restore normal function and accelerates the recovery process.
Acupuncture for Holistic Healing
In addition to traditional physiotherapy treatments, Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford offers acupuncture as part of its therapeutic services. Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves the insertion of fine needles into specific points on the body to alleviate pain and promote healing.
At Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford, acupuncture is used to treat a wide range of conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, and stress-related disorders. This therapy is particularly effective for patients looking for a non-invasive way to manage pain and enhance their body’s natural healing abilities. By stimulating specific points, acupuncture helps improve energy flow, reduce inflammation, and release endorphins, which are the body’s natural painkillers.
Posture Correction and Ergonomics
Many people experience chronic pain or injuries due to poor posture or improper ergonomics. At Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford, posture correction is a key part of treatment for patients dealing with musculoskeletal issues. The therapists work with patients to improve posture and educate them on proper body mechanics that prevent strain and injury.
With specialized assessments, the team at physiotherapy Abbotsford can identify posture imbalances and provide corrective exercises to realign the body. This not only helps relieve current pain but also prevents future injuries, making posture correction a vital aspect of long-term physical health.
Holistic Approach to Health at Physiotherapy Abbotsford
One of the distinguishing features of Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford is its holistic approach to healing. The clinic believes in treating the body as a whole, which is why they incorporate multiple therapies into their care plans. By combining manual therapy, exercise, acupuncture, and posture correction, the therapists at Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford ensure that all aspects of a patient’s condition are addressed.
This integrative approach allows patients to experience faster recovery, improved mobility, and a better quality of life. Whether you are dealing with a sports injury, chronic pain, or a surgical recovery, Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford provides the tools and support needed for optimal healing.
For those seeking comprehensive and effective therapeutic healing methods, Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford offers a variety of treatments that promote full recovery and long-term well-being. With personalized care, advanced techniques, and a holistic approach, physiotherapy Abbotsford provides patients with the best chance to overcome pain, improve mobility, and lead a healthier life. Whether it’s manual therapy, exercise, or acupuncture, Hillcrest Physiotherapy Abbotsford is dedicated to helping you achieve your health goals.
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Best Physiotherapy Treatment in Gurgaon
Few names in Gurgaon are associated with as much expertise and trust as Gold Medal Physiotherapy  when it comes to physiotherapy treatment in Gurgaon . A safe and efficient way to regain mobility, increase strength, and improve overall quality of life is through physiotherapy, which may be used to treat musculoskeletal disorders, chronic pain, or accident recovery.
Why Physiotherapy?
When it comes to treating a variety of ailments that impact posture, mobility, and muscular function, physiotherapy is essential. It is a complete strategy that focusses on developing physical resilience to prevent future difficulties, going beyond merely treating injuries. Being a developing metropolis, Gurgaon is seeing a rise in the number of locals looking for non-invasive, drug-free treatment alternatives. This is where Gold Medal Physiotherapy excels, providing individualised care tailored to your particular medical requirements.
Gold Medal Physiotherapy: A Reliable Option for You
Gold Medal Physiotherapy is a premier physiotherapy facility in Gurgaon, renowned for its highly skilled staff of practitioners committed to offering top-notch care. Their physiotherapists are well-trained, have a lot of expertise, and have a kind demeanour. Every patient receives the best possible care because of the clinic's dedication to patient care, state-of-the-art technology, and customised treatment programs.
Issues Gold Medal Physiotherapy Treat
A comprehensive spectrum of diseases is treated by Gold Medal Physiotherapy with specialised care, including:
Neck and Back Pain
Sedentary lifestyles, postural problems, or muscular imbalances are common causes of persistent back and neck discomfort. Physiotherapists assist in the reduction of pain and restoration of function through physical treatment, tailored exercises, and ergonomic recommendations.
Athletic Injuries
Sports-related injuries can impair an athlete's recuperation and performance. To hasten healing and avert further injuries, the physiotherapists at Gold Medal Physiotherapy employ research-backed methods such as soft tissue mobilisation, rehabilitation exercises, and recovery protocols.
Rehabilitation Following Surgery
To regain strength and movement after surgery, meticulous post-operative care is frequently necessary. In close collaboration with physicians, Gold Medal Physiotherapy creates rehabilitation plans that facilitate quicker and more effective patient recovery.
The Joint Pain and Arthritis
Joint pain and arthritis may be challenging conditions to live with. Physiotherapists at Gold Medal Physiotherapy use electrotherapy, manual therapy, and customised exercise regimens to improve joint function and relieve pain.
Disorders of the nervous system
Physiotherapy is essential for helping people with neurological disorders including Parkinson's disease and stroke regain mobility as well as enhance their balance and coordination. To meet such demands, Gold Medal Physiotherapy provides customised programs.
Personalised Care Programs
Gold Medal Physiotherapy's dedication to providing individualised care sets them distinct from other Gurgaon physiotherapy providers. Since no two people are alike, the Gold Medal physiotherapy creates a personalised treatment plan for each patient based on their unique requirements and medical background. To get the best outcomes, they combine manual therapy, therapeutic exercises, posture correction, and education in a holistic approach to treatment.
Modern Technology Equipment
Modern equipment is used by Gold Medal Physiotherapy to deliver the best possible care. With the use of cutting-edge electrotherapy devices and rehabilitation tools, their facility guarantees that patients receive excellent care that is safe and focused on getting results.
Gurgaon Offers Convenient and Accessible Healthcare
Due to its convenient Gurgaon location, Gold Medal Physiotherapy is easily accessible to city dwellers from all directions. Their patient-centred approach guarantees customised consultations, follow-up treatment that keeps patients on the road to recovery, and flexible appointment scheduling.
Go no farther than Gold Medal Physiotherapy for dependable and knowledgeable physiotherapy care in Gurgaon. You may feel secure knowing that your health is in capable hands thanks to their skilled staff, individualised treatment programs, and cutting-edge facilities. Whether you're healing from an accident, managing chronic pain, or just trying to increase your general mobility and well-being, Gold Medal Physiotherapy provides the assistance and attention you need to resume your pain-free lifestyle.
Visit us: www.goldmedalphysiotherapy.com Call us: +917303051565 Add: P-384, Sector 39, Gurugram
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duodiyet · 6 days
Physiotherapy Treatments for Chronic Pain
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Among the most successful approaches to control persistent pain are physiotherapy sessions. From exercise to manual therapy, many therapies can help reduce pain and increase mobility. Furthermore a natural and safe method of treatment that can be tailored to fit every patient's particular requirements is physiotherapy. Millions of individuals all around suffer with chronic pain brought on by aging, illness, or injury. One's quality of life may be seriously compromised by chronic pain. One treatment choice is physiotherapy.
The Benefits of Physiotherapy Treatments for Chronic Pain
In physiotherapy, treatments seek to provide injured or weak parts movement and function. For those who wish to avoid medicines and surgery due to their simplicity in fit into their daily life, it is fantastic. Physiotherapy for chronic pain is one of the key advantages in that it can help reduce pain without using medications. Those who choose a drug-free approach or suffer negative effects from painkillers will especially gain from this. Physiotherapy can also assist to lower inflammation, increase range of motion and flexibility, and hasten healing. Related Article: 5 Point Physical Therapy Furthermore a very customized kind of treatment are physiotherapy treatments. To be able to deliver treatment especially tailored for their patients, physical therapists invest time getting to know them. This implies that rather than only treating the symptoms, physiotherapy can be customised to target the fundamental causes of chronic pain. All things considered, physiotherapy is a safe and efficient approach to control persistent pain; it can also enable patients to take charge of their life and lead pain-free lifestyle. The five most successful physiotherapy therapies for chronic pain will be discussed in the following part.
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Physiotherapy Treatments for Chronic Pain
The 5 most effective physiotherapy treatments
Manual Technique A subtype of physiotherapy, manual therapy seeks to reduce pain and improve mobility by use of hands-on approaches. This can call for soft tissue mobilization, joint mobilization, and massage among other things. Conditions like back discomfort, neck pain, and arthritis benefit most from manual therapy. Manual therapy has one advantage in that it might offer quick relief of pain and stiffness. This is so because it lowers inflammation and allows muscles to relax. Manual therapy can also boost healing and help circulation be better. Therapy with Exercise Another great approach to control persistent pain is exercise treatment. This comprises several workouts meant to increase general physical ability, flexibility, and strength. For fibromyalgia, chronic low back pain, and osteoarthritis especially, exercise treatment can be quite successful. Exercise treatment has one advantage in that it can help to increase general physical capacity. Patients may so engage in daily living activities with more ease and less pain. Exercise therapy can also help to lower future injury risk and enhance general health. Sound Healing Ultrasound treatment, a type of physiotherapy using high-frequency sound waves, can promote both healing and pain reduction. For plantar fasciitis, bursitis, and tendinitis especially this works well. Ultrasound treatment has one advantage in helping to lower inflammation and encourage healing. This is so that the afflicted area receives more blood flow, therefore accelerating the healing process. Ultrasounds also help with pain and stiffness reduction. TENS Treatment TENS, or transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation, therapy is a form of physical therapy whereby the afflicted area receives an electrical input. This can increase mobility and aid to lessen pain. For fibromyalgia, neuropathic pain, and chronic low back discomfort especially TENS therapy is quite successful. TENS therapy has one advantage in that it might offer instant pain alleviation. This is so as it prevents pain signals from getting to the brain. TENS treatment can also encourage healing and assist circulation be improved. Treatments including acupuncture One kind of physiotherapy called acupuncture uses tiny needles placed in particular body sites. This can help to lower discomfort and enhance general physical ability. For osteoarthritis, neck pain, and chronic low back discomfort especially, acupuncture works quite well. Acupuncture has one advantage in that it could relieve pain right away. This is so because it releases endorphins—the body's natural painkillers. Apart from that, acupuncture can assist lower inflammation and enhance general physical capacity.
How to get started with physiotherapy for chronic pain?
Making an appointment with a physiotherapist is the first step if you would want to begin physiotherapy treatments for chronic pain. At your first visit with your physiotherapist, they will evaluate your situation and create a specific treatment plan for you. The foundation of this approach will be your needs and goals. Related Article: Fibromyalgia Back Pain Read the full article
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