#Treatment for renal duplex system delhi
delhiapolohospitals · 2 years
With cutting edge innovation, best vascular surgeons in Delhi and experienced specialists, Apollo Hospitals Delhi is the best vascular treatment hospital in India. Vascular illness is a gathering of the veins (conduits and veins of the circulatory framework) where there is a problem and disturbance in the blood stream that can prompt handicap and even demise. Vascular medical procedure is a careful subspecialty which includes use of negligible intrusive catheter methods to treat illnesses of the vascular framework, courses, veins, and lymphatic dissemination. In any case, intracranial and coronary veins are excluded from vascular medical procedure.
The vascular framework is the organization of veins that move all through the body. Vascular medical procedure expert in India carry out vascular procedure to treat the accompanying circumstances:
Carotid Supply route Infection
Basic Appendage Ischemia
Ongoing Venous Deficiency
Fringe Vascular Sickness (PVD)
Aspiratory Embolism
Renal Vascular llness
Before the medical procedure
A vascular surgeon clinically assesses a patient premise of their clinical history and an actual assessment. The specialist likewise assesses non-employable measures, for example, drug treatment and chance component the executives. To analyze assuming that vascular medical procedure systems are required, the heart specialist might direct the accompanying tests to decide blood vessel blood stream -
Attractive Reverberation Imaging (X-ray)
Lower leg Brachial Record (ABI) Test
Ultrasound Output
Segmental Strain Test
Figured Tomography Sweep
Duplex Ultrasound Checking
Nonetheless, there may not be any side effects of vascular illness brought about by blood clumps until the coagulation becomes fundamentally bigger to obstruct the blood stream.
Before the medical procedure, the patient is screened, and an exhaustive assessment is finished. Patients having a high gamble should require oral beta-blockers a long time before the medical procedure to lessen the chance of a coronary failure.
Aftercare after any medical procedure
Aftercare after any medical procedure is significant. Be that as it may, the term of care will rely upon the kind of medical procedure, criticality and different elements. Now and again, the patient should be hospitalized for over 24 hours till what is going on standardizes.
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Pediatric Laparoscopy Surgery In Delhi
Pediatric Laparoscopy Surgery
Surgeries are scary, and when it is for your child it is the scariest! You would be terrified to make your mind to take your child to a surgery, preparing for the hospital stay and going through the child recovery process. The happy news is that, there are minimally invasive approaches to treat children with surgical conditions.
Pediatric Laparoscopic surgeries are performed by makings small incisions in your child’s skin, through which the surgeon inserts small tubes with a tiny telescope to see inside and then special instruments to operate on the child.
Pediatric laparoscopic surgery in Delhi
It would be your wisest decision choosing to do a pediatric laparoscopy surgery for your child in Delhi. The best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi has the specialised expertise to diagnose, treat and administer your child’s surgical conditions. He has the experience in handling the children patiently and in treating the child after a thorough examination and precise diagnosis. He also uses state-of-the-art facilities and specialised equipment. Your child is treated in a very comfortable and fearless environment by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi.
Conditions treated by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi
Advanced medical technology allows many of the surgical conditions to be performed through minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques. Below are few conditions treated laparoscopically –
Treatment of a blocked kidney
Ureteral re-implant to treat vesicoureteral reflux or a blocked ureter
Treatment of an ectopic ureter or a ureterocele
Treatment of an infected belly button
Removal of a bladder diverticulum (pocket in the bladder)
Removal of a nonfunctioning kidney
Treatment of an undescended testicle
Treatment of a swollen vessels in the scrotum
The procedure
The pediatric laparoscopic surgical procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. 3 – 5 small incisions are made in the abdomen, depending on the condition to be treated – close to the belly button, either side of the belly and below or above the belly button. Hollow tubes (cannulas) are inserted into the incisions to operate on the child. Initially, carbon dioxide is filled inside the abdomen to make enough space for the surgeon to operate. A tiny telescope (laparoscope) is inserted through one of the tubes, which shows your child’s inside organs on a television screen in the theater. The surgeon inserts special instruments through other tubes at the other sites to perform the surgery. Give your child in the hands of the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi, and you would have no fear and no worries.
The benefits of pediatric laparoscopic surgery for your child
Pediatric laparoscopic surgeries performed by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi is completely safe for your child. This technique has many advantages over the traditional open surgery.
There is no big cuts or big scars as the procedure is done through small incisions
This is a painless procedure as there is no big cuts
The healing of small incisions is faster than bigger cuts
No complications of incision healings
Quicker recovery and your child returns to his normalcy much faster
Less costly
Aftercare at the hospital
The aftercare given by the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi is commendable. It is accompanied with a family-centered care that ensures the parents are always connected with their babies during the whole stay at the hospital. Your child will be kept in the Post Anesthesia Care Unit for about 1 – 2hours. Once the child becomes conscious, he will be kept under observation in another room. During this time, he will be given some medications through an intravenous line. At the stage where the nursing staff gives oral painkiller medications, your child is also ready to sip liquid foods. The nursing staff will encourage your child to bend up and will take him to walk around the room, soon after the procedure.  This is to help with easy breathing and stimulate blood circulation.
How do you take care of your child after pediatric laparoscopy surgery?
The wound dressing can be removed in 3 – 4 days after surgery, following consultation of the pediatric surgeon. Small strips under the big dressing should be left in their places for about 1 – 2 weeks, and until the surgeon says they can be removed off. Your child can be let to have showers and make sure the incision area is made to dry well. Give your child ample rest for the first week and make sure no heavy lifting, no sports, no bike riding or swimming until he is completely recovered. Be cautious on any unusual symptoms of rare complications and be never late to call the doctor.
Corrective surgeries with no complications for your child is an absolute possibility by consulting the best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in Delhi. You need not have any hesitance in taking your child for a pediatric laparoscopic surgery in Delhi.
For More Info.(http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/)
Tag =  pediatric laparoscopic surgeon in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in delhi, Treatment for renal duplex system delhi, hypospadias surgery in delhi
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drprashantjain · 4 years
Ureterocele: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment - Dr Prashant Jain
A ureterocele is a condition that involves swelling of the terminal end of ureter. Ureter joins the kidney with the bladder. It is formed as aresult of obstruction at the junction of ureter and bladder. The condition can be detected during pregnanacy on antenatal scan. Also it can present with symptoms of urinary tract infection and urinary incontinence.
The condition can be unilateral or bilateral and sometimes may be associated with duplex system i.e. one kidney is supplied with two ureters. The condion as a result of obstruction can cause hydronephrosis with back pressure changes in kidney.Sometimes it can associated with vesicoureteric reflux.
Symptoms Of Ureterocele
Your child may experience the following symptoms due to ureterocele:
Abdominal pain
Urinary tract infection
Frequent urination
Painful urination
Burning sensation during urination
Urinary Incontinenece
Causes Of Ureterocele
The exact reason for this condition is not known. The condition may be due to a problem in the development of the urinary system during fetal development.
Risk Factors For Ureterocele
The exact cause of Ureterocele remains unknown. However, certain factors increase the risk of developing this condition. These factors include:
Gender: Girls are at more risk as compared to boys.
Race: This condition is more common in whites as compared to others
Diagnosis Of Ureterocele
Your doctor may diagnose ureterocele through the following methods:
Prenatal scan: The doctor may diagnose this condition before the birth of the child.  During the evaluation for the presence of hydronephrosis, the doctor may diagnose ureterocele through prenatal ultrasound.
Renal bladder ultrasound: Ureterocele normally causes urinary tract infection. Once the doctor diagnoses urinary tract infection in your child, he may advise you for various imaging tests. Renal bladder ultrasound may help in diagnosing ureterocele.
MRI: MRI helps in performing the comprehensive evaluation of the complete urinary system, including the kidneys, ureter, and bladder. The high-quality, detailed images through MRI helps in diagnosing ureterocele.
MAG III Renal scan: The doctor performs this test to determine the functional status of the kidney and to know the obstructive drainage.
Voiding cystourethrogram: During this procedure, the doctor fills the bladder with a solution with the help of a urethral catheter. The doctor takes the images of the bladder with the help of an instrument to determine the presence of ureterocele. The doctor also analyses if the solution is going back to the kidney (vesicoureteric reflux).
Treatment For Ureterocele
The doctor customizes the treatment for ureterocele depending upon various factors. These factors include the severity of the condition, presence of vesicoureteral reflux, size of ureterocele, effect on kidney function, and if the ureterocele extends into the bladder. Following are some of the options for treating ureterocele:
Conservative Management: This is adviced in cases who are aymptomatic without any back pressure changes in kidney.Rest of the cases might require some form of intervention.
Endoscopic ureterocele puncture: Your doctor may perform this procedure soon after birth or when your child is in the infancy stage. The doctor performs this procedure under general anesthesia with the help of a cystoscope. The doctor punctures the ureterocele to ensure the urinary drainage.
Upper pole nephrectomy: If your doctor diagnoses duplex kidney and the upper pole is not performing any function, he may advise you to undergo upper pole nephrectomy. The doctor removes the upper pole of the kidney through minimally invasive surgery.
Ureteral reimplantation: The doctor performs ureteral reimplantation through minimally invasive surgery. The doctor removes the ureterocele and reimplants the ureter to join it with the bladder.
Prognosis Of ureterocele    
Ureterocele has an excellent prognosis. The doctor should diagnose the condition at an early stage to prevent any permanent damage to the kidneys. If the doctor diagnoses the condition at an early stage, even the ureterocele of high severity may be effectively managed. Most children achieve normal urinary function after ureterocele treatment.
Complications Of Ureterocele
Following are some of the complications of ureterocele:
Hydronephrosis: The urine flows back, resulting in swelling of kidneys due to ureterocele.
Vesicoureteral reflux: The urine flows back into the kidneys, thereby increasing the risk of kidney infection and kidney damage.
Kidney stones: Ureterocele may also increase the risk of developing kidney stones.
Tag = Diagnosis Of Ureterocele, Symptoms Of Ureterocele, Ureterocele Treatment In India, best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
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Pediatric urologists treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children
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Pediatric Urology
What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A pediatric urologist is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Thin urine stream
Abdominal pain
Swelling in testis
Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
Pus in urine
Increased urine frequency.
Tags: best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
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Treatment for renal duplex system delhi - Dr Prashant Jain
The duplex renal system involves the presence of two ureters in a single kidney. The renal duplex system may be complete or incomplete. Many patients do not have symptoms. Most of these cases are diagnosed on antenatal scan or when they present with urinary tract infections. It is a congenital condition and may require various procedures to salvage the renal functions.
Duplex Renal System
The duplex renal system is also known as a duplicated collecting system or renal duplex. Urine formation takes place in the kidney. From kidneys, the urine flows to the urinary bladder through small tube-like structures. These tube-like structures are known as ureters. In normal case, one ureter from each kidney drains the urine to the bladder. However, in duplex system kidney gets duplicated forming two system with two ureters each. One ureter drains the urine from the upper part of the kidney while another drains urine from the lower part.
Types Of Duplex Renal System
The duplex renal system may be of the following two types:
Incomplete duplex renal system: In the incomplete duplex renal system, two ureters drain the urine from a kidney. However, the ureters join somewhere between the kidney and the bladder and enter the bladder as a single ureter.
Complete duplex renal system: In the complete duplex urinary system, two ureters drain urine from a kidney and enters the bladder at two different points.
Prevalence Of Duplex Renal System
Approximately 0.7% of healthy people may have a duplex renal system. The incidence of this condition increases to 2-4% in patients who already have urinary tract issues. The prevalence of incomplete duplex system is three times more in comparison to the complete duplex system. The condition is more common in females.
Symptoms Of Duplex Renal System
Till the urine from the duplex ureters drains normally into the bladder and is not refluxing, the person may not experience any symptoms. Sometimes the ectopic uretermay open outside the bladder like urethta or vaginal in fenmales causing urinary incontinent. Some of the common presentation and symptoms are :
Recurrent urinary tract infection
Urinary incontinence
Vesicoureteral reflux
Causes Of Duplex Renal System
The condition of the renal duplex system is congenital i.e., it is present by birth. It may be due to abnormal development of the urinary tract system. What causes this in the womb remains unknown.
Diagnosis Of Duplex Renal System
Your doctor may diagnose the condition through the following methods:
Physical examination: The doctor may perform the physical examination and ask you various questions about your symptoms. The doctor may ask you about an alteration in urination, medical history of urinary tract infection, and if you have a family history of a renal duplex system.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound may help in determining the presence of the duplex urinary system and associated hydronephrosis.
MRI Urogram or CT Urogram: The doctor recommends scanning to determine the presence of duplex ureters through 3-D imaging.
VCUG (voiding cysto-urethrogram) : To know the presence of vesico-ureteric reflux which is commonly associated with duplex system.
Treatment Of Duplex Renal System
Most people do not require treatment for the duplex renal system.
Surgery is recommended in a symptomatic child or in case of deteriorating renal function.
In case the patients require treatment, the doctor may recommend the following procedures:
Ureteral reimplantation: In this procedure, obstructed or refluxing ureter is disconnected and again reimplanted in  bladder.
Ureteroureterostomy: The obstructed or refluxing ureter is joined to normal ureter.
Hemi-Nephrectomy: The doctor does not commonly use this procedure. The doctor removes the part of kidney, which is not working properly. This helps in avoiding symptoms such as urinary tract infection and urinary incontinence.
For More Info.(http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/)
Tag =  Treatment for renal duplex system delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in india
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Best Pediatric Urologist in Delhi, India - Dr. Prashant Jain
What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A pediatric urologist is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Thin urine stream
Abdominal pain
Swelling in testis
Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
Pus in urine
Increased urine frequency.
For More Info.(
Tag =  best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india, best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric laparoscopy surgeon in delhi
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drprashantjain · 4 years
Duplex Renal System - Pedsurgerydelhi
The duplex renal system involves the presence of two ureters in a single kidney. The renal duplex system may be complete or incomplete. Many patients do not have symptoms. Most of these cases are diagnosed on antenatal scan or when they present with urinary tract infections. It is a congenital condition and may require various procedures to salvage the renal functions.
Duplex Renal System
The duplex renal system is also known as a duplicated collecting system or renal duplex. Urine formation takes place in the kidney. From kidneys, the urine flows to the urinary bladder through small tube-like structures. These tube-like structures are known as ureters. In a normal case, one ureter from each kidney drains the urine to the bladder. However, in a duplex system kidney gets duplicated forming two systems with two ureters each. One ureter drains the urine from the upper part of the kidney while another drains urine from the lower part.
Types Of Duplex Renal System
The duplex renal system may be of the following two types:
Incomplete duplex renal system: In the incomplete duplex renal system, two ureters drain the urine from a kidney. However, the ureters join somewhere between the kidney and the bladder and enter the bladder as a single ureter.
Complete duplex renal system: In the complete duplex urinary system, two ureters drain urine from a kidney and enters the bladder at two different points.
Prevalence Of Duplex Renal System
Approximately 0.7% of healthy people may have a duplex renal system. The incidence of this condition increases to 2-4% in patients who already have urinary tract issues. The prevalence of an incomplete duplex system is three times more in comparison to the complete duplex system. The condition is more common in females.
Symptoms Of Duplex Renal System
Till the urine from the duplex ureters drains normally into the bladder and is not refluxing, the person may not experience any symptoms. Sometimes the ectopic ureter may open outside the bladder like the urethra or vaginal in females causing urinary incontinence. Some of the common presentation and symptoms are :
Recurrent urinary tract infection
Urinary incontinence
Vesicoureteral reflux
Causes Of Duplex Renal System
The condition of the renal duplex system is congenital i.e., it is present by birth. It may be due to abnormal development of the urinary tract system. What causes this in the womb remains unknown.
Diagnosis Of Duplex Renal System
Your doctor may diagnose the condition through the following methods:
Physical examination: The doctor may perform the physical examination and ask you various questions about your symptoms. The doctor may ask you about an alteration in urination, medical history of urinary tract infection, and if you have a family history of a renal duplex system.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound may help in determining the presence of the duplex urinary system and associated hydronephrosis.
MRI Urogram or CT Urogram: The doctor recommends scanning to determine the presence of duplex ureters through 3-D imaging.
VCUG (voiding cystourethrogram): To know the presence of vesicoureteric reflux which is commonly associated with the duplex system.
Treatment Of Duplex Renal System
Most people do not require treatment for the duplex renal system.
Surgery is recommended in asymptomatic child or in case of deteriorating renal function.
In case the patients require treatment, the doctor may recommend the following procedures:
Ureteral reimplantation: In this procedure, obstructed or refluxing ureter is disconnected and again reimplanted in the bladder.
Ureteroureterostomy: The obstructed or refluxing ureter is joined to normal ureter.
Hemi-Nephrectomy: The doctor does not commonly use this procedure. The doctor removes the part of kidney, which is not working properly. This helps in avoiding symptoms such as urinary tract infection and urinary incontinence.
For More information visit = http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/treatment-of-duplex-renal-system-in-india/
Tags = Duplex Renal System, best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in India, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in India, Undescended Testis In Children
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drprashantjain · 4 years
Dr. Prasant Jain - Pediatric Urology
What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A pediatric urologist is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Thin urine stream
Abdominal pain
Swelling in testis
Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
Pus in urine
Increased urine frequency.
Tags = best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
Source = http://www.pedsurgerydelhi.com/genito-urinary-disorders-in-children-pediatric-urologist-in-delhi-india/
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Pediatric urologists treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children
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Pediatric Urology
What Is Pediatric Urology?
Children frequently suffer from Genito-urinary disorders. Infants are not able to comprehensively express the discomfort due to these disorders. In such a scenario, a trained and experienced pediatric urologist is required. Pediatric urologists are the doctors that diagnose and treat various Genito-urinary disorders in children.
The genito-urinary system includes ureter, kidney, bladder, and reproductive organs. It has been estimated that of all the disorders requiring surgery in children, almost 50% of them are associated with the Genito-urinary system. These disorders may include both congenital as well as acquired. A pediatric urologist is an expert in handling the simple as well as complex cases of the Genito-urinary tract in infants and children.
How Pediatric Urology Is Different From Adult Urology?
Pediatric urology is quite different from adult urology. The symptoms of pediatric disorders are different from those of adult urology. Most of the urological disorders are congenital disorders and requires altogether a different treatment approach. Most of these problems can be managed with close observation and may not require any intervention. Pediatric surgeons are now well-equipped to precisely diagnose and manage various conditions without any surgery. Minimally invasive surgery also plays an important role in minimizing complications.
What Are The Various Pediatric Disorders?
Following are the various pediatric urological conditions:
Hypospadias : Hypospadias is the condition in which the opening of the urethra is not present on the tip of the penis. It is rather present on the underside of the penis.
Undescended testicles: Medically known as cryptorchidism, it is the condition in which either one or both the testicles failed to descend.
Vesicoureteral reflux: This condition involves the flowing of urine in the wrong direction.
Bladder exstrophy: When the bladder protrudes outside the abdominal wall, the condition is termed as bladder exstrophy.
Pelvic-ureteric junction obstruction: This condition is characterized by impairment in the flow of urine at the junction of pelvis and ureter.
Epispadias: When the urethra opens on the upper side of the penis, the condition is termed as epispadias.
Other conditions: Various other pediatric urological conditions include Testicular torsion, Ureterocoele, Horseshoe kidney, Duplex kidney, Ectopic ureters, and Absent kidney or renal agenesis.
What Are The General Symptoms Of Pediatric Disorders?
Symptoms of pediatric disorders are presented based on the type of Genito-urinary disorder. However, common symptoms include:
Painful urination
Blood in urine
Thin urine stream
Abdominal pain
Swelling in testis
Urinary tract infection which may frequently recur
Pus in urine
Increased urine frequency.
Tags: best pediatric urologist in delhi, best pediatric urologist in india, best pediatric surgeon in delhi, best pediatric surgeon in india
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