chimeradrive · 2 years
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Chimera Drive
The More-Or-Less True Story of the fictional band Triton
Introduction to the story as it happens to be...
[Full page screenshot below the cut because I think that particular page looks neat]
To truly understand where it began, we must go back before the beginning. To a time when these three vital components of the band were just beginning to find themselves aware of their existence in this world of music and hype. A journey back through time to find the source of the madness and the inseparable friendship that spawned the band that made one of the greatest craters in music history. A… Who are we kidding? These three guys and their spawn are all crazy in some sort of way, and it’s a wonder no one’s gotten killed yet. Anyway; here’s their story.
The Ralphie Allen Story — Sweet Beginnings
Born in Blackpool as Raphael Reese Allen, Ralphie Allen’s exposure to life was, at best, mundane. The first twelve years of his life was spent focusing greatly on his studies, with sprinklings of piano lessons and staring at others who played with intense concentration, trying to engrave his brain with the different ways to play after his schooling and practicing in place of any other activities that a child of his age might do in that time. By the time he was thirteen years of age, he was more than just “pretty good”.
By the time he was 17, Ralphie Allen was looking to form a band, and found three musically like-minded lads to form a band with. This band would later become known as [REDACTED], and would lead all four young men to great fame.
The Benny Lake Story — Baby In A Trash Bin
Born in the general vicinity of East London as Benjamin Allen Lake, Ben Lake’s life began as that of a borderline war orphan, his veteran father battling shell shock and considerable injuries. Ben’s life was spent balanced between what little education he was actually getting, skipping classes he cared nothing for, and doing his best to help his parents care for his younger sister, Elizabeth, even at a young age. At the age of 12, he had some form of employment, though his parents never questioned it, and his grades in school were moderately alright.
By the time Ben was 17, he had dropped out of school to pursue a career in music with a pair of friends, eventually finding some more people and forming their own small band that, admittedly, only lasted a few years.
The Kim Williams Story — Flower Children
Born in an undisclosed location in the United States that involved mountains, Kimberly Sioux Williams was a member of a family that was strangely half full of hippies, and half full of somewhat-traditional rednecks. Kim’s early life consisted of trying to teach himself to play the drums, then using that knowledge to beat the bullies away from his slightly younger cousin, who also possessed an… Odd name for a boy of that era. His grades never faltered, and all things considered, he was a school darling.
At age 17, Kim and his cousin were planning on making a rock band all their own when a local guitarist approached them and asked them to join his band. Kim accepted, and his cousin initially did as well, only to disappear after An Incident in the woods outside the family’s vacation cabin in the woods.
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chimeradrive · 2 years
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