#Trixie giving i am baby help me daddy
homicidalbrunette · 4 months
Here's 3 minutes of Katya and Trixie acting like an old married couple
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eerythingisshaka · 6 years
Play Though?  Pt. 2
Part 1
(Dad!M’Baku x Black!OC)
Word Count: 4.8K
A/N: I started the first chapter as a Reader insert, but I’m starting to feel more for original characters, so our main girl, Xavier’s mom and M’Baku’s love interest is Remi!  
Remi had a problem, a pretty big one.  A couple of days had passed since the unexpected friendship between M’Baku and both of their children.  Xavier had talked his mother’s ear off to death about his spunky little new friend he made, and it made Remi genuinely happy to hear.  She wanted her son to get in touch with his new friend again and have a solid friend, however thanks to her father, that may not happen.
M’Baku thought he was slick giving his number to her instead of the other way around.  This forced Remi’s hand to have to make the decision and time to make the phone call and invite them over for the playdate that was promised.  And sure, if Remi said she didn’t want to see M’Baku again, it would be a lie.  But she didn’t even know where to start with him.
“X, get your backpack, it’s time to go baby.”  Remi says, sliding her shoes on as she grabs her keys.  
Xavier drags his feet into the kitchen along with his backpack on the floor.  “Mama.”
“You didn’t pack your game in there right?  I don’t want a kid to steal it.”
Remi grabs her purse talking to herself.  “If I am late again, I’ll fire my damn self.  Shit!”
“Mama!”  Xavier yells out.
“Oh!  Mama’s sorry, I know that’s a bad word.”
“Daddy say that all the time.”  Xavier says matter of factly.
Remi turns to him with her hand on her hip.  “Excuse me?  ALL the time?”
Xavier nods, picking at his nose.  “Mama I don’t wanna go.”
Remi sighs walking over to her son and kneeling at his level.  “Why not?  You had a good time last week.  You have friends there.”
He shrugs.  “I don’t feel good.”
Remi puts a hand to his forehead.  “You’re not hot...Is it your tummy?”  
Xavier shakes his head.  “Sometimes I don’t wanna go is all.”
Remi looks at her son’s round face lovingly.  Her eyes looking back at her has always been a quick source of pride for Remi.  Her hair texture, face shape, and bits of personality brought back memories of when she was a little girl.  She took her time with him in moments like these.
“Well son, you know how Mama has to go to work everyday?”
“Not Saturday!”  He corrects.
Remi chuckles.  “Yes, smart boy.  Not everyday do I work, But when I have to I go.”
“But you’re big, you have to.”
Remi smirks.  “I am, but you have things to do too.  Like keeping your toys cleaned up, and eating your peas and carrots.”
Xavier crosses his arms.  “I don’t like those.”
“I know X.  But think when I wasn’t feeling good on your birthday and you wanted your favorite blueberry waffles and sausage links with lots of syrup and scrambled eggs?”
Xavier’s eyes widen with excitement.  “Can I have some now?!”
Remi shakes her head.  “No, but do you hear me?  I was sick and still gave your your favorite breakfast?”  Xavier nods.  “So things like that happen.  You do stuff you don’t want to because you want to do right for other people.  I wanted you to have a good birthday even though I didn’t feel good.”
“Whose birthday is it?”  Xavier asks.
Remi hangs her head from this merry go round of a conversation.  “No one’s.  But you have friends and learning to do, which you need to be a big strong boy, so we have to go.”
Xavier pouts heavily as she puts on his backpack and pushes him out the door and in the car.  Once she pulled up to daycare, Xavier’s face is covered in tear trails and snot bubbles, grips her hand tightly as she walks him to the entrance.  A smiling worker greets Xavier happily.
“Ohhh, are we having a rough morning?”
Remi smiles tightly.  “Kind of.  He wasn’t feeling like going out today.”
The daycare worker kneels down.  “Well I’m glad you came.  Today is when we learn about planting with crushed up Oreo cookies and gummi worms and all kinds of good stuff.  Doesn’t that sound fun?”
Xavier rubs his eyes hard nodding his head.  Remi rustles his braids.  “Sure does!  You go ahead with Ms. Faye and have a good day.  I’ll be back soon, ok?”
Xavier, hugs her legs with one healthy squeeze before going in.  Ms Faye stays back with Remi for a minute.  
“He’s been really great with the other children lately.  First whole week without even a threat of an incident.”
Remi nods, folding her arms over herself.  “I think that the word ‘threat’ is a bit strong but I appreciate the update.”
Ms. Faye shrugs.  “Look, it’s tough on everybody involved.  But we try to be supportive and encouraging so he is reminded that no one is against him.  Does he display any aggression at home?”
Remi shakes her head.  “And once again, please watch the words you use to describe his behavior.  Aggressive?  Never.  He is a mama’s boy, turns into a puddle whenever I call him out on the smallest thing.”
Ms. Faye nods stoically.  “Ok.  I know he used to mention visiting his father more often, has he been able to get time with him?’
Remi shifted nervously.  Xavier’s father was a sore subject for Remi to dive into at any point in time.  He is a slick talker, big dreamer which was half the reason Remi gave him the time of day.  He has a way of making her feel like a sinking ship was still rising on the other side of the surface if you hold your breath long enough.  But his promises never came to fruition and led her and eventually her son down a road that they barely got out of unscathed.  She’d hoped Xavier was still young enough to not be worried about the troubles of the past, but it doesn’t seem that way.
“We have plans to see him soon, yeah.  Just don’t bring it up to him, that’s a little too heavy to have on his mind when I’m not there.  Ok?”  Remi says.  Ms. Faye nods knowingly before bidding her farewell.  Remi checks her phone:  of course time got away from her again.
Remi zooms over to the beauty shop, parking in the back as she jogs in the back door to make it to her chair.  
“Uh uh!  I know you not trying to get past us that easily Re!”  
The voice that called her out belonged to Patricia or Trixie, the shop owner.  She’s a middle aged Black woman who looked like Storm’s auntie, grey locs and all sitting atop her head in a bun  and headscarf.  She’s putting a roller set into an elderly woman’s hair.
“I’m sorry Trixie.  I got behind dropping my son off at daycare.”  Remi says, prepping her area.
Trixie fixes her mouth before speaking.  “You spoil that boy too much.  Why don’t you have my cousin watch him?  She run a daycare from her house and won’t charge you an arm and leg to do it.”
“Are we just gonna forget the trap house she lives next to?  Or how she turns deaf and blind soon as someone calls her on that phone she stays glued to 24/7.”  Remi says.
Trixie waves her off.  “Oh the boy gotta learn how to handle himself in the world eventually.  When his father coming by to get him?”
Remi calls a waiting patron over to her chair.  “I don’t know anymore.  I haven’t tried calling him lately.”
“Oh hell, you shouldn’t have to!”  Mika says out the blue across the room.  She works with Remi too, started not long after Remi did.
“Thank you!  The boy ought to be calling you to spend some time with his firstborn!  I still wonder if he lying bout that…”  Trixie adds under her breath.
Remi starts walks her patron to a sink bowl.  “That’s the truth, believe me.   The man acts like his dick is solid gold and his sperm is diamond encrusted.  Surprisingly he don’t give it out willy nilly.”
Trixie helps escort her patron under a dryer.  “He was always so odd to me.  Too pretty to be like that, he oughta be having babies right and left.”
Mika chimes in from her filing her nails.  “He could be like Prince or Leonardo di Caprio out here: had all these women in a tizzy but no kids.  They kept they shit on ZipLoc.”
Remi and Trixie laugh at her suggestion.  “Ok, ok.  But to be serious a second, he should be calling you, for real.  He needs to see his son and you need a break.  I can tell you running yourself ragged making sure the sun revolves around him.”
Remi towel dries her patron.  “I’m good.  Xavier IS my world, I’m not ashamed to admit that.  I’m raising a Black man in the making, and I will not fuck this up, deadbeat daddy be damned.  Plus, I get me time with you all here.  That’s socializing enough.”
Trixie makes a face with a slight eye roll.  “I mean that’s noble and all, but hell, I don’t need you being a spinster at your age.  You still got all that youth, you need to put that beauty and energy into something that’s gonna appreciate it.  You know, someone that doesn’t require potty breaks and reads at high school level.”
Remi scoffs as she combs out her patron’s hair.  “What’re you trying to say?”
“GIRL GET YOU A MAN!  A date, a one night stand, a something with a dick and a pulse!”  Mika exclaims.  The whole shop goes quiet looking at her like the aftermath of an explosion.  “Y’all were thinking it.  You too Mae, I know you know.  You been married 50 yrs and his death didn’t stop you.”
Remi’s patron Mae turned around in her chair wordlessly away from Mika in response.
Trixie tries to even things out.  “Thank you for that Mika.  But what I’m trying to say is you need a night out or something.  You say you socialize with us but you never go outside of this shop with us, and that’s not cuz we ain’t tryin.”
Remi sighs.  “You right, you right.  I got a routine is all, and what if I go somewhere and-and Xavier needs me cuz he misses me?  Having a nightmare?  Wet the bed?”
“Ohhh my God.”  Mika groans.  
“Mika, shut the hell up.  Re, I get that.  When my kids were small, they had my undivided attention cuz I was young, younger than you, and had to hustle to make sure my babies had what they needed so their lives were good despite the circumstances they were brought in.”
“Thank you!  Yes!”  Remi exclaims feeling vindicated.
Trixie holds up a hand.  “But!  I didn’t have a life because of it.  I lost a little bit of what it meant to be me outside of being a mother.  Now, like I said I was younger, less established and had an extra couple kids before your age compared to your one.   All I’m saying is, you have a means to make a life for yourself still without losing yourself.”
Remi sighs.  “The boy is a handful though.  I won’t put a man over my son.  Even like this past weekend, some guy tried to talk to me up with his kid at the park.”
“Oh?”  Mika perks up.
Remi nods, oblivious to Mika’s excitement.  “Yeah!  Interrupting my time with Xavier so he could try and talk me up.  Like he wouldn’t take no for an answer.”
“Wait, wait wait.  Ok, first of all, what was the exact situation here.  Did he look like one of these dusty van driving niggas using a kid to lure women or something?”  
“No, Mika!  But he don’t have to, he’s a big ass dude.  Like a fucking...oak ass tree ass, thick looking nigga…”  Remi says hesitantly.  She bites her lip at the thought of his appearance, almost forgetting how handsome he is with the amount of time having passed.  
Trixie walks up to her pointing.  “Girllll, I see you!  He was FINE huh?  Light skinned, dark skinned?”
“Dark skinned, yeah.  His daughter is just as cute too, like gorgeous and smart.  He treats her like a doll.”
“How much time did y’all spend together??” Mika’s voice asks in a high pitched voice, fanning herself.
Remi stamps her foot.  “Y’all stahp!  It’s literally not like that at all.  He tried it though, giving me his number like he just know he gonna see me again.”
Trixie and Mika look at one another one second before falling out in laughter and praise dancing in the middle of the shop.  Remi looks at them in wide eyed wonderment before coaxing them to calm down.
“Aye aye!  This is a place of business y’all, the hell you doin?”
Trixie stops to catch her breath.  “Child this MY place of business, you better turn up!  If you don’t call this fine single father who gave you the go ahead to seek him out, I WILL!”
Remi rolls her eyes.  “It’s gonna be a waste of time though!”
Mika chimes in.  “Let him waste your time!  You got your time too organized, you stiff!  You need something to break down your walls….oh shit!  You see that double entendre!”  
Trixie and Mika screech, giving each other a high five.
“Excuse me!”  Mae says in Remi’s chair.
Remi turns to her.  “Oh oh, I’m sorry!  I’ll get you under the dryer right now.  Excuse the noise.”
She shakes her head.  “No dear, the man who is sweet on you.  Why not try to get to know him a little?  You’re too beautiful to be single, and you both have children.  There’s a lot to relate to one another about.”
Remi smiles sweetly at the old white woman.  “Thank you, I appreciate your advice Mae.  I’m still thinking about it though.”
“Well that is a start in itself.  Pray about it, you’ll know what’s right.”  Mae’s saggy cheeks lift a little as she smiles with a closed mouth as Remi escorts her to a chair for drying.
Mika and Trixie finally got off of the subject of Remi’s potential love life and got through the appointments of the day.  What little time she had to herself was spent thinking of dinner for Xavier and NOW checking the new contact in her phone and wondering if she should take the plunge dive in some uncharted waters.  By the close of business, Remi was zooming over to the daycare to see her little boy; she missed him so much by the end of the work day.  She’s thankful he is still small enough for her to hold and snuggle, though he’s growing up so fast.
When Remi arrives to the daycare, Faye walks Xavier out, who runs the rest of the way over to her.
“Hey X!  Did you have a good day?”  Remi asks, picking him up into a big hug.  He smelled like outside and the coconut oil spray she conditions his hair with.  
His little arms tightened around her head.  “Yeah!  I planted gummi worms and made mud!”
“It was pudding.”  Faye chuckled.  “Xavier was the life of the party today.”
Remi kisses his cheek greedily as she puts him in his booster seat in the back.  When she closes the door, Faye grabs Remi’s attention.
“Remi, he was great today.  He even helped out with the project, passing out our ‘flower pots’, which were just styrofoam cups.  But he really showed a lot of leadership and gentleness today.”
Remi looks back at her little boy in the car with pride.  “That’s what he is, gentle and bossy.”
Faye nods.  “So great.  He even had a lot of conversation for me today.  Someone he met taught him about plants before.  Some kind of strong trees from Africa?”
Remi searches her mind; she always took Xavier to the library for books of all kinds for him to learn about the world, but she didn’t recall anything from books or TV on that.
“Really?  I’ve got to ask him about that, must’ve been on PBS or something when I wasn’t paying attention.”  Remi surmises.
“Well it stuck, I love seeing comprehension in children at a young age.  He’s got a strong foundation for it in you.  Thanks for bringing him by.”  
“No problem!  I wouldn’t mind a discount on fees since he is such a joy.”  Remi says jokingly as she walks to the car.
“If only!”  Faye retorts, waving back proudly.
Remi and Xavier drive home, bopping to the radio edits of their favorite hits the whole way back.  Xavier’s mood lifted Remi’s so easily; she was dog tired on the way to pick him up after hours of being on her feet, but now she felt like they could party all night.  Looking back at his serious jam face mumbling the riff of a Miguel song tickled her, such a performer.
Once they arrived at their home, Remi starts to rundown the menu, heading to the kitchen.
“Ok X-man, we can have some spaghetti, I got turkey meat for sandwiches.  Or I could make those fish tacos, you liked those last time.”
“Mama, can I have my birthday today?”  Xavier calls from the couch he is standing on.
Remi closes the fridge door to approach her son.  “Mk, first, get off the couch.  We don’t even do that on birthdays.”
Xavier jumps off standing by his mom.  “Please?  Can I have my birthday?”
Remi pulls out some bread to make a sandwich.  “Sweetie, I don’t have any waffle mix or blueberries.”
Xavier crawls into a chair.  “No mama, I want birthday.  Not waffles.”  
Remi stops prepping the sandwich to look at her son carefully.  “Your birthday isn’t for six more months, why do you want to celebrate so early?”
“I want Sunny to come over and play.”  Xavier says reaching for a lunch meat slice to chew on.  
Remi looks at Xavier with confusion.  “Who is Sunny, baby?”
“My friend from the park.  Her dad came too, I want to see her for my birthday.”  Xavier says through a mouth full of meat.
Remi chuckles to go back to assembling her sandwich.  “X, you don’t need a birthday to see Jolasun, we can see her anytime.”
Xavier’s eyes light up.  “Can I see her tomorrow??”
Remi groans as she thinks.  “Uhhh, probably not….”
“If it’s my birthday tomorrow, can I see her?”  Xavier asks.
Remi gives her son a look.  “Xavier, what’s this birthday mess you keep talking about?  We will see her when I say we can,  I’m just not sure yet.”
Xavier’s face falls.  “But you say you do cool stuff for my birthday, even if you feel bad.”
Remi purses her mouth and steps away from the sandwich ingredients.  She pulls a seat up next to her son giving him her full attention.
“Listen, that’s different.  I told you that so you would understand why you have to go to school in the morning.  It doesn’t work for other things like seeing friends.”
Xavier’s eyes begin to water as he looks sadly at his turkey slice.  “But I want to see Sunny….”
Remi rubs his back.  “We will, X!  I promise we will, don’t get upset.”
Xavier sniffles.  “But you don’t want to…”
“No! No, I do want to see her.  She’s a lovely little girl.  I’m just nervous about...stuff.”  Remi says curtly.  Mika and Trixie could barely understand her thoughts on M’Baku, how would a 4 year old.
Xavier looks at her with puppy dog eyes.  “I am nervous too Mama.  At school and when I saw Sunny, but then I was happy because they were nice.  Sunny is too mama!”
Remi pulls her son in for a hug as chokes up a little.  His whole world crumbles so easily, she hated to see him get this way.  “X, now calm down so Mama can talk to you.  It’s ok to have friends and I’m glad you want to see them.  I;m so proud of you for being a big boy and not getting nervous.  Ms. Faye told me how good you were today.”
Remi nods, pulling him back to face her.  “Of course!  You’re always a smart little gentleman, don’t forget that.”  Remi wipes his tears and grabs a napkin to get at his nose.  “And I know Sunny thinks you’re great too.  So, since she knows how cool you are and wants to see you, why not go see her.”
Xavier’s face lights up again.  “For real??  Are we going to the park again?!”
Remi grabs her phone.  “Well, I don’t know exactly but I’ll call her Dad and we’ll see, ok?”  Remi gives him half the sandwich she made and a cup of juice and chips.  “Sit and eat while I talk.  Don’t drink all the juice and eat all the chips before you finish the sandwich.”
Remi walks over the the living room, sitting in her easy chair to scroll to his number.  Her heart felt like it skipped just at the sight of his name:  M’Baku.  Such a good name, took little effort once you got past the hard B, then your lips and tongue just fall in line with a whisper into the last two syllables.  It’s been days since their first interaction, would he even remember their interaction, her name?
She shakes her head free of toxic thoughts as best she could or she’d never go for it, and hit Call.  This is for Xavier and Jolasun after all, this would have little to do with you and M’Baku if she got her way fully.  The phone rang and rang in her ear, with each ring she wondered if calling was too much.  Maybe she should’ve texted or maybe go to the park like Xavier said and hope to run into-
“Hello?”  M’Baku’s deep, elegant voice bound through the phone to her ear, causing a tingle in her brain.  
“Oh, uh hey!  This is Remi, uh from the park?  You came over to help me with my groceries.”
M’Baku does a low chuckle.  “Yes, Remi, I haven’t forgotten you at all.  But I thought you had forgotten me.”
His tone dropping into a realm of hurt ego, it made him that much more charismatic.  “Well Xavier hasn’t forgotten Jolasun.”  Remi says, steering the conversation back on track.
“Tell her I said hi!”  Xavier yells from his chair with a mouthful of sandwich.
“....and he says hello.”  Remi adds.
“Ahh, I heard.  Jola is still napping, but I will relay the message.”  M’Baku says very relaxed, as if he is settling in comfortably for an intimate conversation.
An awkward pause of silence fills the conversation as Remi plays with her nails waiting for M’Baku to say something, anything to hopefully make her hang up an say that it can’t happen.
“Was...that all you called for?”  M’Baku inquires.  She could hear the smile in his voice.
“No.  Um, Xavier wanted to see Jolasun so I wanted to coordinate with you and see when you’d be free...basically.”
“Ah, so your son persuaded you.”  
“...yea.”  Remi adds curtly.
“Am I invited as well?”
“I mean you would want to bring her here I thought, so….in a way...yes?”
M’Baku groans demonstratively, muttering a few things under his breath for dramatic effect.  “Well, that is good enough for me.  Do you feel like having dinner tomorrow night?”  M’Baku asks.
“Uh, I mean I want the kids to spend time together, we’re not going-”
“Remember when I offered to show you an exquisite, nutritious meal that meat and plant eaters alike could enjoy?”
Remi smacked her forehead.  As hard as she tried to keep this conversation off of flirtation, she maneuvered herself into a ditch of embarrassment.  “Right.”
“Then me and Jola will come by, we can cook as they play, and we will all eat together, eh?”
Remi looks over to Xavier.  “That sounds nice, but I really don’t want to be stuck with trash and dishes.  Sounds like more work then I want to sign up for.”
“I know how to clean and take trash out.  I will bring my own pots, I am particular about my cookware anyway.”  
“Oh?  Are my pots and pans subpar?”  Remi quips.
“I don’t know yet.  I’ll have to come see for myself.”  M’Baku says.  Remi could practically hear his wink.
“Oh God, this is ridiculous.”  Remi shakes her head, gripping the bridge of her nose.  
“What is ridiculous is passing on a chance for a free meal and company since we all get along so well.  The kids have their playdate while we have our-”
“Dinner.  A good meal and babysitting, sounds lovely.”  Remi says.
M’Baku chuckles again.  “Yes, a meal in your beautiful home.  And I sincerely cannot wait for it.”
Remi felt herself getting warm.  The way he said beautiful, it didn’t feel like he meant the house.   She fought herself on wanting to hear that word from his mouth in connection to her instead.  “I...know Xavier and Jolasun will have a good time.”  
Remi hears shuffles on M’Baku’s end.  “I will have to let you go now, lady of the house is stirring.  See you on tomorrow!”
Remi smiles, saying goodbye before hanging up her phone and looking off into space for a bit.  She gets lost in remembering his features, his stance, matching his expressions with the cadence of his voice over the phone and imagining that wide smile excitedly planning a night with her and Xavier.
“Mama!  What he say?”  Xavier asks through a mouthful of crackers.
“Chew your food!  But they will be coming.”
“YAYYY!!”  Xavier pops out of his seat and runs over to his mom, climbing her feet roughly to get in her lap.
“Ouch, boy!”  Remi picks him up the rest of the way, laughing to herself as they embrace.  Xavier looks into his mother’s face, forehead to forehead, nose to nose.
“What do you say?”  Remi quizzes her child, her vision blurred as his features become a Picasso from her eyes crossing to look at him from point blank range.
“Thank you mama!”  Xavier’s breath smells like every component of his dinner.  She loved making her baby boy happy.  It’s not always so easy to do.
The next night, Remi lays out a couples of pots, pans, and various utensils to prepare for the night with M’Baku and Jolasun.  He texted earlier in the day to let her know he would be bringing groceries with him so Remi wouldn’t have to worry about having the right stuff, no matter how much she protested against this.  Remi still felt off about tonight, like something wasn’t quite copacetic but she reminded herself this was not a date.  More like a summer camp and they were the counselors….not horny ones like the movies always depict, that’d be gross…
It had been so long since Remi let a man interested in her inside of her home, she really was not sure how to act.  M’Baku could still be just a nice buddy, with little interest in her especially exclusivity.  
Remi groans at the tracks her mind went on.  She keeps steering into a romance thing!  The kitchen was set, so she changed atmosphere, going upstairs to check her face and make sure she was good to go  look-wise.
She tried to keep her outfit cute, but not too elementary school teacher-ish.  Enough to show her assets, but conservative enough to wear to church.  But not too formal to keep up with the kids and there impending messes, just over the line of looking like she cares.  She is at her house for this, but some freshening up is necessary for guests.  
She takes out a nude lip to touch up as she calls out to Xavier.  “X!  Come here so I can see you!”
Xavier’s feet stomp rapidly up the hall to stand outside her bathroom.  He has on his favorite CoryxKenshin shirt with a little plaid shirt layered over it and canvas pants with his Keds.
Remi beamed.  “You are so handsome!”
He looks down at himself, almost going into a headstand as his braids stood up to gravity.  “I do?”
“Yes!  Of course, always!  Are you excited?”
He nods.  “Are we going to sing happy birthday with cake?”
Remi laughs as she fills in her brows.  “No baby, remember?  We aren’t going to do your birthday.  This is a regular day with your friend Jolasun.”
The doorbell rang on cue.
“Sunny!”  Xavier exclaims racing away.
“Xavier, don’t open that door!  I’ll get it!”  Remi’s heart rate picks up as she tries to summon the energy of her co-workers to gage as much of the possibilities tonight has to offer as possible.  Checking her phone, looks like they are a but early, she thinks as she heads downstairs again.  
Xavier is bouncing by the kitchen, ready for an adventure.  His smiling face calms Remi effortlessly as she glides in her confident walk across the floor to the door, putting on a genuine smile as she opens the door.
“Hey, Remi!  And little man!  Look at y’all!”
Remi’s face drops instantly.  “Ron?”
Part 3
@yaachtynoboat711 @chaneajoyyy @bidibidibombaclaat@sarcastic-sunshines @great-neckpectations @wakanda-inspired @klaine15689  @foulmouthedandfanfic @nickidub718 @supersizemeplz @yofavcocoa @ashanti-notthesinger
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Fic Rec List
I am BIGLY procrastinating so I thought I’d spend some time compiling a fic rec list. Not comprehensive, or in any order. These are just the ones that I re-read or have made me lose my shit. Most of them are ones we’ve all read, but hey... You never know. If you don’t see one that you love on here, send me it! I may have missed some great things.
Barn Burner by campholmes - Hockey butches who hate each other turned girlfriends. There is something magic about this story for me. Maybe it’s the way it’s from Katya’s pov but I can clearly see each of Trixie’s thoughts because I’ve had them before and it’s like watching myself but through the eyes of someone who just wanted to eat Trixie’s ass this whole time. 
 They Don’t Make Em like They Do in the Coutry by yekaterina - Look, let’s just pause and say that half of this list is going to be yekaterina and campholmes but I’m not going to apologize for that. This one features a big age difference with the youngest of them being 30 (I, for one, am tired of reading about 20 somethings falling in love, she says as she fully has a fic about that) and a buzzed headed Trixie who inherited her daddy’s bee farm. Katya works at public radio and is written like a muggle version of Prof Trelawney and I’d quit my job to follow her anywhere.
Vegasboud and Down by yekaterina - Look, I’m showing some serious self control to only have this third on the list. I love this fic so much that it’s actually embarrassing. (No, really. My no drag knowledge friend got me a chocolate semi truck because when I got drunk at her house all I talked about was Big T. In my defense, chapter 2 had just dropped.) This fic features a nasty big dumb truck driver, a broken yet tough and witty erotic dancer, and an adorable rat pup. I can’t even talk about it because while I may be procrastinating, we’d be here all night.
Sandpaper by UNHhhh - Het sex? In my fic list? Yep. This shit is the hottest thing I’ve ever read. But besides that, it’s so well written, the descriptions are refreshing and vivid and sometimes I get lost in my re-reads because I’m fascinated by the small details the author has included.
Double Lines by UNHhhh - domestic pregnant trixie really gets me going. This fic gives me baby fever and I hate it for that but otherwise it’s sooo good. The little nickname in there thrills me. It all thrills me. The relationship is so strong and their fight they have in the middle just... it’s so good. I’m knocked out of words thinking about it.
We’ll take a pause from the holy trinity of authors and explore my other recommendations, but if you haven’t read every single work by those three authors then you’re wrong. 
Honey and Yarrow by katyazeroni - First, A+ for that author name. Second, this is so adorable and cute but also manages to be raunchy and realistic when you’d almost least expect it.  If every tumblr post about wanting a lesbian girlfriend got compiled into one fluffy little present featuring cacti, it’d be this. I love it.
I found a fox, caught by dogs by whenyourhairisalsoahood - This fic has actually changed me as person, no hyperbole. You’ve got yoga teacher katya (but she’s so much more than that in this story) dating a lighting tech Trixie. You’ve got accurate portrayals of past addictions, you’ve got cunty with a heart of gold Violet, you’ve got fisting. This fic has helped me find things within myself that are strong and good, it’s opened my mind to gender roles and where I’d like to ideally fall in them, it’s given me a new kink. It’s so wonderful and I cannot recommend it enough. 
Powdermill Lane by silvervelour - I’m a slut for any fic that takes place in the 90s and opens to a beach bonfire. This toys around with lost love that’s never truly lost and the idea that a small town doesn’t have to be a prison. It’s so much NOT a cliche that it’s jarring at first. I’ll admit, I read it slowly because it always went where I least expected. And I loved that. It’s beautiful and it feels like the type of fic to read while laying on the couch on a Sunday afternoon.
Take Off Your Pink Cowboy Boots by silvervelour - There are some authors that you can tell what they’ve experienced (or not) by how they write their fics. And I can tell you that silvervelour has been in a life changing kind of love. Their fics about Sashea are equally beautiful and soft and slow and calm, so go read those as well. This one is about famous Trixie and back up dancer Katya and for once it’s Katya taking care of Trixie, which is so sweet and kind. I love it, I love love. 
For All The Honest World to Feel by daremebyday - First, I don’t like non-aus very much, but this one is beyond. Second, I’m not sure I’m caught up on this because I had to stop reading because Trixie’s depression was hitting too close to home. But it’s smart and beautiful and cuts deep and I respect daremebyday so much for writing this.
Two Roads Diverged by artificiallale - 13 Going on 30 meets Trixie Mattel. This one in particular has consumed many a text message thread. It’s only 2 chapters in, but it’s one to keep your eye on.
Little Plastic Castle by artificiallale - Let’s do a little lale streak, eh? This one’s cute and sweet and can be read in a quick sitting. I’m a sucker for bakery aus and this little surprise about Katya’s identity was adorable to watch unfold. 
A Ticket to Anywhere by artificiallale - This is the good shit. I love an unreliable narrator and Katya is a plain dumbass in this. Plus there’s a subplot that really makes it worth the read. 
Girls Like Dollies   and   Wingwomen by artificiallale - If you like high school fics, here, drink your juice. If not, no biggie. I’ve stopped reading them, but I liked these when I first got into the fandom. GLD is cute because I love me a good “but I can’t be gay!” story line and WW is cute because it feels like Glee fanfic and I’m trash. 
LoveShack by mallstars - Bitch. This is it. This is my shit. Amber and I will text all damn day about these idiots. Remember that one house at college that was the party house of your crew and it sometimes feels like a liminal space when you think back on it? Welcome to this fic.  (Shout out to Billy and Ryan’s house on West End and special shout out to the bathroom across from Alex’s room where I gave my first oral.) 
A Patch of Heaven by miss_squid - Katya in a suit and Trixie in an ugly bridesmaids dress spend a weekend together. This is cotton candy cute.
When the Sun Comes Up by planecrashdreams - I wish this had finished, but I’m putting it in because it’s good stuff. Urequited (well, requited yet not acted on. Well, acted on but never mentioned again) love. It’s non-au, but I love me a good heart break every now and then.
There’s Beauty in a Work in Progress by acactusandalily - I’ll admit, I’m not sure about this one yet. I’m intrigued as hell and I love Trixie so much in it, but Katya has me a little worried, as do the tags. Guarding my heart with this until it develops, but I trust this author to give me a happy ending. 
Hello? by chantiemaya - GUYS. What was I doing putting this so low?!? A cheating fic DONE CORRECTLY?!? What. I love infidelity fics because I love seeking validation for my past mistakes but this one is great. It also consumed many a text message between Amber and I as we wondered what Joe was going to do. 
Every Other Freckle by missbinch - This reminds me of a favorite fic I read in another fandom. Trixie is Katya’s assistant, Katya is unhappily married to a senator. It’s well written and sweet and gives me butterflies. Currently on hiatus/unfinished.
Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now by trixyaas - You may be thinking to yourself, this is a lot of lesbian fic with zero historical or period pieces. You’re welcome. This is a 1915 fresh off the boat Katya working at Trixie, I’m sorry Beatrice’s daddy’s mansion. She’s about to be promoted to Trixie’s personal maid and spoiler alert Trixie is also a lesbian. What sort of hijinks could ensue?
Five Foot Three by thesemovingparts - Another college fic, this time featuring But I Can’t Be Gay Trixie Mattell, now with Added Trauma. The big part of this that makes me fall in love is that it features my girlfriend Chicago. My friend (the same one who bought the semi truck) has read this because she went to Columbia College and we both love it a lot. 
Troika by spoky - abandoned but so worth reading the first few chapters for the laugh. Guys, Trixie... and Alaska... are dating. And ask... Katya...  to top. I’m wheezin.
Weak by knox - And now we’re fully delving in to non-trixya territory. This one is violet/katya/trixie poly relationship and I’m pretty sure if you chant that phrase three times into a mirror, I appear. It’s damn good.
To the Sickle and Back by aphistas - Soulmate au, violet/katya. Takes place during season 7 filming. This fic shook me to my core and I love it to pieces. 
Strawberry Moon by vrginsacrifice - You know those movies that are so so so good until the end and you get so mad and you rewatch them to see if anything could have told you that it’d end so bad and you go online to see if there’s an alternate ending or a director’s cut? Anyway, read Strawberry Moon. Violet and Trixie compete for Katya’s love, but Katya is maybe to selfish to deserve either of them.
Something Borrowed by artificialjazz and Missbianca - THIS FIC IS MY LIFE. My life and my blood and my oxygen. Spoiled little courtney comes home to find a new wife to be Willam in her house. They end up fucking. They end up in love. The wedding is still on.
Strawberry Daquiri by missbianca - I love witney and I especially love witney in Willam’s pov. I especially love witney in Willam’s pov when they get the voice right for him. This is perfect and sweet and sad but then happy!
More Than I’m Supposed To by missbianca - one more witney because i fucking love witney okay someone needs to write more please
Possibly, Maybe by pichitinha - Coffee Shop AU with the sweetest little plot I’ve ever seen in my life. Cavities. This has suspense and drama and everything is exactly right for a fluff piece. I’m currently really behind in the thing I’m procrastinating on and even skimming this made my anxiety disappear for a minute. It’s good.
Sk8er Girl by Squeaky Pink - Look, I hate reccing things on AQ because it’s impossible to find anything, but this is adorable and I miss this author. HS au, bad girl Katya, good girl Trixie. What more could you want?
Unlikely  and Set Up by Spoky - This is Alaska/Kim Chi fic and that’s really all you need to know to get you to click. Adorable and short.
Art and Anatomy by Pink Shrooms - an oldie but a goodie. College roommates, trans Katya, pee kink, seriously good love. I can’t recall much about it as my list gets further and further, but I know it deserves to be here.
Dina’s Fun Aunt by Ellen Thwoorp - Look, this was one of the first fics I read and it still holds up to this day. It’s adorable kindergarten teacher trixie with eccentric russian katya. Trixie’s closeted, Katya is a woman in love. 
Willam Fixes Everything by Mistress - Oh, yall wanted a twist? Willam/Trixie with some eventual Trixya. Short and sweet, could read in less time than it’d take Willam to make 200 dollars, and it’ll leave you smiling. 
Welcome to the Dollhouse by fryshook - This whole thing reads like I’m high and I love it. Violet and Trixie have a weirdly tumultuous past and are hanging out when Katya sends them a video of him jerking off? I don’t know man but this thing brings me so much joy. It’s one-liner after one-liner.
Alright, back to the good stuff.
Busted Saddles by UNHhhh - Do you ever find yourself liking the aesthetics of brokeback moutain but you want lesbians? You’re in luck! There’s a moment where trixie rides a bike in yellow pedal pushers for a several miles just to bring katya a pie (and then she rides katya and eats her pie, yaknowwhatimean) (I’m getting delirious why did I take this task on.) But yeah this is a great fic I love it I love cowgirl Katya I love any fic that has a pick up truck because I’m southern trash.
Women’s Liberation is a Lesbian Plot by campholmes - Did you see Milk once in college? You’ll probably like this. All jokes aside, this is a lovely and beautiful story. You can tell the author has done her research (which can be said about everything she writes) and it’s really easy to visualize the girls and their personalities. 
The Right Allocations by campholmes - Yeeeeaaahhhh. I don’t even know. I love this song, I love this idea, I love this fic. Fucking Katya in shoulderpads borrowing a pen from Brian Firkus’s gay ass who then proceeds to have the best day of his life. How does the baseline from the song play in your head the whole time you’re reading? That’s good writing.
A Philosophical Anthology of Fucking by campholmes - First, im not just listing all of her fics here, but I am choosing my favorites to discuss. Let me live. Second, Trixie as a needy little bartender to Katya’s Judith Butler gig? It’s all I want. This phrase: “Katya is certain she’s complimented almost constantly, and she’s glad for it. She deserves it.” tells you everything you need to know and it’s such a good story.
Are You Good? by campholmes - You knew it was coming. It’s so good though! Sugar mama fic at it’s finest, with a really good fight in there at the end. Plus, some of the smut in here is insane. 
Rose Soap by campholmes - 70s lesbians. Weed. Bell bottoms. Falling in love. This list making has made me realize that I love fics with giant fights in them that bring them closer together. After I read this I bought rose scented lotion so I could smell Trixie. Hey, im gay whats up .
Glasnost by campholmes - Okay. But this one is too good. It shouldn’t even be on this list. This should be in a museum. Two Russians fall in love in the worst time in Russia, but Katya is too stubborn and selfish to be an active participant in their love. Huge fight. Yuge. I remember when it came out, I was texting up a storm about it. We took sides. (I think Trixie was right, no doubt.) I am patiently waiting for the last installment to see how the girls settle it all. Do not read with vodka or you’ll die trying to keep up with Katya.
Belle Femme by campholmes - This was one of the first fics I read in the fandom and I am so happy that it was. The first few paragraphs hit home in a way that was and still is so jarring that I had to screen shot them and send them to fellow teacher friends. 
Cactus and Lily by campholmes - remember that time Two Birds came out and we all fell debilitatingly in love with trixie? Campholmes wrote a fic about it.
Perestroika by campholmes - It’s too late in this to include reaction gifs but the blinking guy belongs here. So you’ve got little baby drags Trixie, still tight with Trannika and Kim, still pudgy and hasnt buzzed his head yet. Then you’ve got baby drags Katya who suddenly has to host Trixie in her apartment and Trixie falls in love with her HArD and then suddenly when your heart is so full you’re only at the end of chapter one?? And you get to see Trixie go to the Race and Katya transition and they like become adults with lives and each other and its all just magic.
*cracks knuckles* These next four are all just one chapter each but please listen when I tell you that it is all worth it. Just read them, subscribe to them, and when beatricemattel wants to grace us with their gifts, you’ll be rewarded.
Dinner’s Ready by yekaterina - hahaha so this was a concept that used to get mentioned right when I started following beatricemattel but I was never sure if I’d see it. Boy howdy. This is... unsatisfied housewife katya who drinks too much wine and loathes her life meets pink prim proper avon (mary kay?) lady trixie and somehow i swear to god you can look at the words, there’s no written tension but you FEEL IT because ao3 user yekaterina is not a real person who speaks and writes english like the rest of us, they are a messiah that has been granted to us
Pretty in Pink by yekaterina - You know that fuzzy pink sweater of trixie’s? This idiot wrote an entire fic about it. That’s it, really. I have the biggest heart eyes for this fic and soft sweaters and sticky little children who hide in libraries.
Here Comes Your Man by yekaterina - DILF brian. Daddy Brian with his daughter Jolene and his pink ass pants show up to a Valentines day party to meet this frumpy yet gorgeous woman and she realizes that he’s a D she’d L to F. dilf daddy brian. I can’t stop saying those words because they feel so right.
In Deep Trouble by yekaterina - Here’s a fun fact about me. I had my first wet dream after watching Whip It with ellen page. This fic is a roller derby fic. Katya seems intimidated by Trixie which is just my type of shit. 
Well, that’s all folks. It’s 1:44 am here, my alarm goes off at 5:30 and I haven’t done any of the shit I need to do before work tomorrow! Punch me in the motherfucking face, am I right? 
But I hope you find something new in this list to bring you joy. Send me things you think I’d like that aren’t on here. (Friendly Fire is on my list to read, I promise!)
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remeny-writes · 7 years
Merry Christmas-ish Part 3
So this is for the @rpdrficexchange. I got matched up with @honeyedcurves and I really hope you like it. If you don't, I can write something different.
TW hospitals
“So I was thinking…”
“Always a dangerous activity.”
“Oh shut up!” Katya laughed then grew serious, “we should move our Christmas up to November 5th.”
Trixie could run one of two ways with this, he could tell Katya that a heart would come or he could crack a joke. He chose the latter, “you just want your present earlier, ya big ol’ baby!”
Katya elbowed him in the shoulder. “Why do you know me so well? You're so mean! But seriously can we?”
Trixie’s mouth hitched up on one side in a lopsided grin, “ok fine!”
He gave in just like Katya knew he would, playing perfectly into his plan.
They got the call on their special Christmas Eve, they were curled up watching a movie and eating lasagne, well more precisely Trixie was eating and Katya was pushing the food around on his plate before pushing the plate away all together and grumbling about not being hungry. He had been getting worse lately and had been hospitalized twice in the past 2 weeks.
Katy answered the phone with shaking hands, automatically putting it on speaker and setting it on his chest since he found it too taxing to hold the phone up without losing circulation in his hand.
“Brian, we have a heart for you.” Dr Gilmour announced, the excitement in her voice was almost palpable. “It’s in the air now, it's been double and triple checked so we won't have a problem like last time.”
“Ok, we’re on our way.” Katya said in a monotone before hanging up. He refused to get excited this time, the last time felt like his trashy heart was being crushed to smithereens.
Trixie squealed and hugged him gently before grabbing Katya’s portable oxygen tank and yanking the fully packed hospital bag out of the front closet and throwing their phones and laptop and their various cords in. It had been carefully packed for months in preparation for this moment. Trixie had found the list on Pinterest. It had the basics like toiletries, lip balm and lotion, magazines they hadn't read yet, ear plugs and sleep mask, slippers and loose clothing. Then it had things they would have never thought of, 2 empty refillable water bottles, snacks for Trixie to stress eat while waiting, a battery powered fan for white noise since Kat couldn't stand the beeping on his previous hospital stays and a stuffed Tenderheart Care-bear from Ginger. An adult colouring book and pencil crayons were suggested for the pre-surgery waiting jitters by a fellow heart patient whom they met on one of Kat’s hospital stays in the last 10 months.
Katya labouriously sat up in bed, switching to the shorter oxygen tubing to his portable tank, it was only 5:15pm but he was as exhausted as if it were 3am and he’d been working out for 10 days straight. He had to stop 5 times on the way to the car, breathing heavily and being supported by Trixie who had offered to carry him. He bristled and declined, it was totally emasculating to be offered to be carried like a child, even if it was by someone who loved him as much as he knew Trix loved him.
There were no jokes even though Trixie drove like a madman again. He was grinning madly, he couldn't help it. Katya felt hope ignite in his stomach, he tried to suppress it but soon there was a small grin on his pale blue lips too.
Trixie pulled up to the front door, “wait a sec.” He ran into the hospital and returned pushing a wheelchair which he almost careened in the side of his Jeep in his haste. Katya opened his mouth to protest but closed it with a warning look from Trixie. Trixie brought him into the lobby, pressing Kat’s phone into his hand, “call your Mum while I park the car.”
Trixie rushed away, practically skipping and humming to himself. Katya looked at his phone for a minute before tucking it into his pocket. He had to make sure this was real, he couldn't bear being any more of a disappointment to her. He was back to being numb, he had apparently successfully squashed that pesky flicker of hope.
“Hi Brian! You made it!” Dr Gilmour rushed over and hugged him, picking up his wrist to check his pulse as if by habit while she looked around. “Let’s get this show on the road, like I said the heart is in the air, should be here in 45 minutes. Where’s Firkus? You ready? How do you feel? When was the last time you ate and how much?” Her questions toppled out in her excitement, she had gotten attached to “the Brians" as she called them, she practically bounced in excitement. They were such a lovely couple and she had fought hard on behalf of Katya. He was a talented man that made a mistake and it shouldn't cost him his life.
“He’s parking the car, one bite of lasagne about an hour ago because Firkus was giving me his puppy dog eyes and before that a boiled egg, ½ a piece of toast and ensure this morning at around 10. Haven’t had much appetite. So there’s really a heart?”
She put a hand on her cocked hip as she rolled her eyes and quipped sarcastically, “no, there’s no heart. This is all an elaborate ruse Brian.” She then did an uncanny impression of the soup guy from Seinfeld, “no heart for you!”
Katya let out a giggle, “aha! I thought so!” Trixie rushed up to them, pulling Katya’s hand into his and swinging them slightly.
“Ok Firkus is here, let’s go get you a new heart Brian!”
“One second, I just have to call my Mum.”
Trixie let out an exasperated sigh, “you didn't believe it was really happening, did you?”
“He didn't. Sceptical, sceptical man!” She tsked with a wink and then checked her beeping cellphone and let out a very nonDoctor-like squeal, “it’ll be here early, in 30 minutes! Let’s goooooo!” She tapped her fingers on the counter until Katya hung up with his Mum and then she grabbed the wheelchair handles and they were off.
“Daddy, why do we celebrate two Christmases?” A tiny girl in a scarlet velvet gown crawled into Trixie’s lap. He chuckled at her and put his guitar down as he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close.
“Well, 6 years ago and 2 years ago, miracles happened on November 4th.”
“Oh really? What?” She bounced on his knee in her excitement, this story never got old to her.
“Well 6 years ago, a man in Florida unfortunately died, but he gave the ultimate gift by signing an organ donor card. Your Papa was really, really sick.”
“It was his heart, right?” She said seriously, her brown eyes wide. She pointed one chubby finger to the center of her chest. A wide pink scar was barely visible, peeking out of the top of her dress.
“Mmhmm, exactly right Barbara.”
“So Papa got a new heart right?”
“You know that the answer is yes.”
“What happened 2 years ago?” She asked with a twinkle in her eye.
“Oh it was very exciting! We got a new houseplant! That fern over there!” He laughed at her look of indignation.
“Daddyyyy!” Barbara whined and pouted, “tell the story right!”
“Oh ok! If I must,” he sighed in mock exasperation and then continued, “your Papa was feeling sick, his new heart was being grumpy so doctor Gilmour,”
“God-mommy Olive?”
He nodded into her hair and kissed the top of her head, “Yes God-mommy Olive, do you want to tell the story?”
“Noooo! I’ll be good, I promise!” She said seriously then squealed when Katya picked her up and tossed her in the air once before putting her down between them, she climbed up and he cradled her on his lap, Trixie scooched closer and put an arm around him.
“The Christmas-ish story? Again?”
“So I was sick,” Katya continued, “anddoctor Olive decided I should be in the hospital for a few days for some medicine. We were at the heart institute and when I was feeling a bit better, we went for a walk around the hall and noticed a teeny little 4 year old girl.”
“Me right?”
“Yes you! You were so small.”
“You were pretty sick,” Trixie took over the story like he did every night, “we found out later that you had been in and out of the hospital a lot and we felt sad that you were all alone. We didn't know where your Mommy and Dad were so we’d sneak in and sit with you and talk to you, sometimes I would sing to you. Then we found out that your Mommy and Dad were very young when they had you and too afraid to hurt you because they loved you so much so we snuck in in the night and stole you and ran fast!”
“Silly Daddy!! Then doctor Mark fixed up my heart and you adopted me, right?” She let out a huge yawn and snuggled in deeper, blinking up at them sleepily. She didn't need them to nod, she knew the story and had asked to hear it millions of times. “I’m glad,” she muttered as her long-lashed eyes fluttered shut.
Katya leaned over to Trixie and gave him a kiss, “Merry Christmas-ish dear.”
“Merry Christmas-ish honey, oh honey.” Trixie said with a giggle.
Katya sighed happily and thought ‘we started new traditions and we’ve made our own family because of it’ his newish-to-him heart filled with gratefulness and relief as he looked down at Barbara adoringly, 'I didn't destroy anyone.’
(hope the end wasn't to floofy!)
Dear beloved reader,
Thanks for reading my story! I hope you liked it and it just broke your heart a tiny bit but the ending glued it back together. Whether you liked it or hated it and want me to die in a fiery plane crash, feel free to send me feedback! Please?
On a serious note, please consider becoming an Organ Donor, it can even be put on your licence (or health card in Canada) if you think your family would disagree. It really is the ultimate gift and you can't take it with you. I, myself, am a tissue donor recipient, I am very grateful that it was an available option for my parents. (I was like 4 when we started to age 7)
Organ donation is also close to my heart as my Godbrother and very best friend, Jeremy, died when I was 12 while waiting for a heart. He was only 8.
I know it's a hard decision and I know some religions prohibit it, I would just be glad if this makes at least one person think about it.
Love and Glitter,
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turnertimeline · 7 years
The Littles Meet Danny
Collection: Tim and Annie, Turner Family
Year: 1966
Characters: Tim, Annie, Danny, whole Turner Family
Content Warnings: none
Rating: K
Style: Prose
Summary: Angie and Teddy meet their nephew
Angie goes abruptly silent in the car on the way to Annie's.
She's been jittery and hyperactive and unable to settle all day and then goes quiet and still.
It worries Trixie a little. She's the one bringing them over, so she can drop them off and check on Annie and Danny.
Angie climbs straight into Shelagh's lap when they get in.
After Trixie does her checks, she carries Daniel downstairs for Annie who is still slow going on the stairs.
Trixie gives the little boy back to Annie before leaving with a promise of being by in the morning.
Annie brings Daniel into the living room and sits down next to Shelagh and Angie. "Do you want to meet him?"
Angie looks at her with great big eyes and nods a little. She's clinging to Shelagh's arm so hard her little knuckles are white.
Daniel wasn't wrapped back up in the blanket, he seemed to start throwing a fit whenever he was awake and wrapped up. His little legs are moving about and Angie is watching him with a serious look.
"This is your nephew, his name is Daniel Timothy Turner." Annie says quietly, angling the little boy so Angie can see him better.
Angie looks at him for a long time and then finally finds her voice. "Won't he be cold?"
"No, sweet girl, he's okay," Annie tells her gently. "He'll let us know if he's cold. Why don't you touch him, hmm?"
"What if I hurt him?" Angie is so worried about it
"You won't. I promise." Annie gently takes one of Angie's hands and gently lays it against his head. "There. Just like when he was in my belly."
Angie gently rubs her hand over the soft light brown hair on Danny's head. "He's soft."
Annie smiles. "He is. Do you want to hold him?"
Annie's a little worried by this solemn little girl. She obviously loves Danny already, is so frightened of hurting him, but she'd been so excited just the day before she went into labour
Had seemed so less worried over the past few months.
Angie squirmed around to look at Shelagh for reassurance "Go ahead love, you'll be alright.”
Angie settles in Shelagh's lap and Annie places the baby in her lap, his head cradled in the crook of her arm and his weight across her lap.
Angie lets out a little hiccuping sob as soon as Danny is settled in her lap.
Annie gives Shelagh a worried look, neither knowing what's going on.
"Angie, sweetie, what's wrong?"
Annie keeps her hand under Angie's behind Daniel's head, helping her support him.
"He's so little and and and so special and and I'm happy but ... but I'll miss feeling Annie's tummy."
"Oh sweet girl." Annie leans forward and kisses her forehead. "We'll still be able to cuddle lots though. Even though Daniel's not in my tummy anymore.
Angie sniffs a little. "Okay."
Teddy finally manages to squirm off of Patrick's lap and scurries over to them, stopping just short of bumping into Annie.
"Can I hold him? Can I?" He's bouncing up and down on his toes
Annie laughs a little. "Mmhmm. You have to be very gentle and quiet and calm. Okay? Why don't you and Angie swap so your Mummy can help you."
Angie reluctantly lets Annie take the baby back and climbs off of Shelagh's lap. Teddy quickly scrambles up to where his sister just was.
Shelagh helps him hold his arms the right way so that Annie can place Daniel on his lap the same way she did with Angie.
Teddy starts to giggle and squeak quietly "Can I touch his hair???"
Annie chuckles and nods, "go ahead, but remember to be very careful"
Teddy strokes one finger against his hair
Angie reaches out a hand to touch Dannys hand and gasps when Danny grabs her
"Look! Annie!"
"He's really strong isn't he?" Annie asks Angie
Angie nods quickly. "He is!"
It's not long after that that Danny starts fussing, needing to be fed again.
Tim offers to take him upstairs for Annie so she doesn't have to worry about navigating them yet with the baby in her arms.
"Please," Annie says gratefully. She's still sore and tired and unsure on the stairs, especially while holding Danny.
"Angie, do you want to come cuddle with me while I feed him?"
Annie gives Shelagh a quick look to make sure that's okay.
Shelagh smiles and nods.
Angie nods quickly. "Can I? Please?" She checks with Shelagh too
"Go ahead." Shelagh smiles at her. Annie holds out her hand to Angie when she stands and they go upstairs.
"I wanna cuddle too!" Teddy calls after them and tries to run after them but Patrick scoops him up before he can catch up. "Lets let the girls cuddle hmm?"
Teddy grumbles. "YOU said girls and boy are the same," but he lets Patrick cuddle him and gets distracted talking about all the things he wants to do with Danny when he’s big
Annie takes Danny from Tim and helps Angie up onto the bed.
"Do you feed Daniel like Mummy fed Teddy?" she asks as she settles on the bed while Annie starts undoing the top of her night dress
"How did Mummy feed Teddy?" Annie asks, pausing in undoing her night dress. Mostly curious about how Angie will answer.
Angie looks at her and says "Mummy breastfed him, but Daddy and Tim would feed him with a bottle. And sometimes I got to help."
Annie looks a little surprised but smiles. "Yes, I feed Danny like Mummy fed Teddy." Annie finishes undoing her shirt and gets Danny latched on. Trying not to be too disconcerted by how intently Angie is watching her
Angie rests her head on Annie's should and watches as Danny eats.
She reaches out and runs a finger over his head.
Annie cuddles her as much as she can by keeping a firm grip on Danny and kisses her hair.
"Are you sure you're okay, sweet girl?"
Angie nods, still focusing on Danny.
"You said he's my nephew?"
Annie wonders if this is why she was being so quiet
"I did."
"Because Tim is his Daddy," Annie says, softly. "And - and you're my sister, aren't you, sweet girl?" Annie's heart is in her throat.
"I am?" Angies eyes go wide. But then she gets a confused look on her face.. "Tim is his Daddy even though you made him with someone who's not nice?"
"That's right," Annie confirms, and tightens her hold on Danny a little, instinctive. "Like your Mummy and Daddy didn't make you. And Tim wasn't in Mummy's tummy. Tim is going to love him, and look after him, and make sure he's safe."
"And I will too." Angie says very seriously.
"I know you will, sweet girl," Annie kisses her forehead and her hair. "See? You're his family. He's a Turner. Do you not want him to be your nephew?"
"No!" Angie says loudly making Danny startle a little. "I'm sorry." She pats his head. "I want him to be." She has a lot of big feelings that she's having a hard time putting into words.
"I'm glad," Annie tells her. "You were so quiet."
Angie nods, getting quiet again.
"It's okay," Annie rushes to reassure her. "It's okay if you're quiet. I was just worried. Do... you want to talk about anything?"
Angie shrugs and focuses on watching Daniel again.
"Okay." Annie kisses her hair and they just sit cuddles up in silence watching Danny.
Annie keeps looking down at her, still worried.
But she knows pushing her won't help. It's like when they first told her she was expecting almost
Angie will find her words when she’s ready.
She has more feelings than her vocabulary can handle.
She's a little worried that Annie will forget about her now that she has her baby.
Annie doesn't move until Daniel is done feeding, and then only enough to cover herself up again. "Angie, sweetie?"
Angie looks up at her.
"Will you help me wind him?"
Her eyes get big "How?"
Annie arranges Daniel in the right position. "Like this, look, rubbing and patting his back.
Annie holds him up so Angie can pat his back.
Angie taps on his back lightly.
"You have to be a little harder sweetie."
Daniel rewards their efforts with a hearty burp that makes Angie giggle.
Annie settles him back against her chest and rubs his back slowly as he squirms around on her.
"I'm going to take a nap while Danny does. Would you like to nap with us or go back downstairs!" Annie asks.
"Can I stay here?" Angie asks. Annie nods and they both get comfortable. Annie stays propped up against the headboard with Daniel on her chest and Angie burrows down and puts her head on Annie's lap.
Annie soon follows Danny in his napping but Angie stays awake for a while, even though she's tired. Thinking.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
AHHH OMG, I was out all day & Actually MISSED the NEW episode like wtfff?!!? it was TOrture!! & I literally had to delete twitter and Tumblr off my phone because the devil himself would’ve tempted me lmfao😭 I love spoilers but not when everyone has seen the episode but me! it’s okay though I had some rum chata to distract me lol, which is just rum and horchata which is the Hispanic version of Horlicks so, At least I was in the CtM Spirit 🙃
Anyway I’m finally getting to watch it so here we go ..
shit I’m so nervous and I haven’t pressed play
why is my heart beating so fast omg
i usually skip the intro but I’m legit not ready
damn Vanessa already hinting at what’s to come
Baby Susan so precious omg!!
No lie one of the prettiest babies I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen lots of ugly babies and lots of cute babies, I’m qualified to judge.
“Courage and resilience will matter most of all” 😭😭ahh omg
My spirit animal and campion Phyllis deserves nothing but the best I’m not ready to see her hurt
But I’m going to binge series 6 with my mother when I’m home Saturday and can’t wait for her to watch because she wanted to see shelagh have a baby & also she doesn’t know what tf has happened 😭😭😂 it’s been a crazy series! She will be s h o o k
“I know I’m just not a very relaxed sort of person” SAME but BBY RELAX 😭💕
That was a cute moment with Babs and Shelagh!! But still wish it was w/ Trixie though 🙁 also it didn’t seem like a “heart to heart”? was it supposed to or was I expecting too much
Aw Rhoda 💔
what a ignorant ass teacher though, I’ll  FIGHT HER REAL QUICK
ugh Shelagh and Patrick’s faces 😫 I hope they don’t feel guilty for having a baby
But also why does shelagh have to keep wearing the same things lol, I feel cheated of all the cute maternity looks she could’ve served instead
“Having to explain” poor Mrs Antoine UGH THAT MAKES ME SO ANGRY, THERE’S NOTHING TO BE EXPLAINED   I’m mixed, Hispanic and white not black and white but still my dad is tan & we’ve been places where people have given my parents the dirtiest looks and have heard a nasty comment or two & it BOILS MY BLOOD
Omg the Antoine boys are precious
TRIXIE 😍😍 my bby looks good!
I swear if she says anything more I’ll lose my shit
“No one can really choose who they fall in love with” BLESS U DEELS
Bless Phyllis for making sure those cubs don’t grow up to be as ignorant as their parents
“I surmise the puller of teeth is intended to admire it” SISTER MJ IS A GEM
A bassoon? Lmaoo what the actual fuck Tim
Oh it’s for girls ofc LOL give him a girlfriend already, I’d get such a kick out of it. & Patrick could make another dad joke and say like take a lesson from me I legit beat God over a woman’s heart
The Mullucks fam 😭
Patrick with Susan omg aww
Trixie looking like a b a b e I’m dead 😍
I need Trixie’s everything, no joke. HOW
But I’m dying my hair blonder this week don’t play
Ah my bby shelagh again 😍💕
I feel so sorry for Patrick like this wasn’t your fault
She’s scared to take her driving test aw 😂😂 same like I have my permit but I’m scared to fail the actual driving test
“Oh I have a soft spot for the Antoines” PHYLLIS TIENE UN GRAN COROZON 😭
Omg Mr and Mrs Antoine are so cute too, dios te bendiga 😰
Christopher being a flake wtf no me gusta
Sister W is in on the drama like Sister B was, am I right??
Prosthetics are so wild, my abuelo has a prosthetic leg and I was so interested when he first got it. But also I’m going to hell for being evil because I joke around way too much when he’s extra senile
“People call my kids hair frizzy, but I think it’s beautiful” MY HEART😭💔 literally my mom was the same with me. Defensive over my curls - even tho my hair is frizzy sometimes😭
The song though, took me a second to process but that’s my bby shelagh’s song ?? Ummm wut
lol sister Winifred hella late, let me guess this will make her want to drive?
this prosthetic place is so great wow omg
damn it Bernie
GET THE RUM ! or I will lol
ah never mind
the question is, does/has sister Winifred drink/drank ? she seems like a light weight
fuck is this when it’s gonna happen
damn Bernie..
Phyllis is in shock o h m y g o d
I can’t process this either
TIM SUCKS LMAO stick to the damn piano boy
“That lovely gp of yours” lol does everyone have a crush on Dr Turner but me? Lol don’t come @ me pls I’m sorry I know people love him 😭😭 Im here for Christopher and Tom But He is handsome, just in an older man way Lmaoo guess it’s cause he could be my dad 😂 lol he’s older than my dad
I’d take him as a sugar daddy real quick though. I need my tuition paid and he is so sweet😏 😭😂
So it was a scarf, hmm I thought trixie was gonna find like stockings or something
“Not Hermès but something very like it” lol how does Trixie know what Hermès feels like on a nurses salary?
Valarie is on my nerves & she’s had like 2 mins of screen time Lmaoo I’ve liked her until this episode. I hope they don’t ruin her for me
Aw Sister Winifred
Oh Rhoda 💔💔she’s such a great mother
Tom trying to comfort Phyllis😭😭
“You’re fond of your meat, and our views on God and His existence are divergent to say the least, but we both follow vocations…. so if you caused harm to someone else, even inadvertently would it not make you question what everything in your life has come to stand for?” I’m c r y i n g
“I, a rational woman, have no one to question but myself” 😭💔
“Sometimes cheering people on the sidelines doesn’t help”
my bby killing it 😍
Why you being a flake Christopher? go ahead man tell her about your kid
he’s divorced ah, thought it was out of wedlock. I don’t care though haha
NO DRINKS FOR TRIXIE, TELL HIM BBY.. in your own time of course 💕
Fred brought her car ugh And Phyllis is still so hurt as am I 💔
This lady is so sweet! I hope she and Rhoda become friends right now
lol wait where are the Turners I miss them??
“.. and the words ‘Nonnatus house this is not a midwife speaking’ are most unlikely to reassure the caller” SISTER MJ!
YES SHE DID OMG. I need them to be best friends omg 💔😭
“Nothing was said, nothing was done” 💔💔
my heart my heart
aw the mullucks'😭 ofc IT WASNT YOUR FAULT!
TWO GEMS 😭💕 but also if this was the birth they meant that sister MJ was involved in ill be lowkey sad, but we shall see next week if she’s randomly with Shelagh when she delivers
Trixie serving more looks 😍
Aw my bby 💔does she tell him about her alcoholism at the end of this ?
Also what are we guessing about Valarie rn?? she has a secret? tragic backstory to be unlocked? what ? She gay?
Aw the mulluks’s again! All so sweet💕 & YES LYDIA BE FRIENDS
ugh Christopher looks good af😍 and that car yes
YES TRIXIE 😍 my girl looking good as well
Oh shit Patsy’s dad is dead. I assumed that was coming
Phyllis reassuring Delia awww
Lenny’s speech omg brb crying
The support group for thalidomide victims omg my heart
I was cryin before and now I’m crying more for this Irish lady
Omg side side side note there was this cute old interracial couple that seem like my parents in 20yrs in JFK yesterday that were so precious and sweet and we’re talking to me the whole time waiting at the gate & then there was this sweet Irish couple who were confused about the time difference and I helped them out and then when we landed they helped me out looking for my bag so now I have much more faith in humanity because usually the people in NYC airports are angry new yorkers who don’t care lol like me (jk)
“There’s no rule of life so simple or so true ..” 😭😢💔💖
Thank u Vanessa I’m so emotional, show me next week 
Bonus: next week
Lol oh shoot I didn’t take mine yesterday or today brb
Lol idk why but even though I like Tom and Babs their relationship just doesn’t do anything for me😂😂 like I don’t give a shit? They’re cute but idk it doesn’t cut it. Like they’re just there and I’m like “aw ok”
I will die next week. For real. 
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turnertimeline · 7 years
Lunch at Nonnatus
Collection: Tim and Annie, Turner Family
Year: 1966
Characters: Annette Thompson, Shelagh Turner, Angela Turner, Teddy Turner, Sister Julienne
Content Warnings: none
Rating: K
Style: Prose
Summary: Lunch with Sister Julienne
The walk to Nonnatus was peaceful. Teddy and Angela would run ahead a little, and then run back to the grown ups. And every so often someone would greet Shelagh or Annette.
When they got to Nonnatus, Angela made a beeline to the kitchen to find Sister Julienne.
"There is no secret that Sister Julienne is Angela's favorite." Shelagh laughs when she hears her daughter shout the Sister's name.
"I think she might be Sister Julienne's favourite, too," a voice says and Shelagh turns around to give Trixie a big hug. "After Shelagh, of course," Trixie continues with a wink.
"Oh shush," Shelagh chides, but she's smiling and looking pleased.
"Nice to see you, sweetie," Trixie says to Annette. "I'm just on my way out, but it's lovely to see you." Trixie waves to them and goes out to do her rounds and Shelagh leads Annie through to the kitchen to where Sister Julienne is kneeling to talk to Angela, Teddy following them.
"Good afternoon Sister." Shelagh greets Sister Julienne walking over to her and offering her a hand as she stands back up.
Sister Julienne pulls Shelagh into a hug. "Good afternoon, Shelagh. I'm so glad you could join us today." She turns to Annie. "And you as well Annette, it's always such a pleasure to have you here."
Annie smiles and walks over to Sister Julienne and gives her a quick hug.
Sister Julienne smiles warmly and gestures for Annette to sit down with a hand on her elbow. "I believe we have some sandwiches and some cake left," she says with a smile and helps Teddy get up into a chair next to Annette. "And what lovely flowers you all have," she adds.
"For baby too," Teddy tells her and points to the flower in Annette's button hole. "I got to feel baby!"
Sister Julienne smiles wide and Teddy, making her face overly animated for his amusement. "You did?! That's wonderful."
Annette reaches out to ruffle Teddy's hair. "He fought going to bed because he was so enamored by it." She chuckled softly.
Sister Julienne comes back to the table with lunch and starts the prayer. Annette sits there fidgeting with her fingers nervously.
Shelagh notes and reaches over to squeeze her hand in her lap carefully, knowing Sister Julienne would notice but wouldn't say anything. She smiles at Annette reassuringly, trying to get across to her that she'll pray on her behalf, and it's alright. Angela and Teddy have their heads bowed and won't know anything.
"May I pour the tea?" Angela asks once the prayers are over. She's been practicing at home
"As long as you're very careful love. And let me help by holding the cups." Shelagh agrees. Angela nods and very very carefully pours tea into the cups her mum held.
Lunch passes quickly in a flurry of happy chatter between the little ones and Sister Julienne. Annette picks carefully at her food, her stomach unsettled from her emotions.
Annette offers to clean up the dishes and is surprised she's not waved away. She takes the tableware to the kitchen to clean up.
With Annette in the kitchen and out of earshot, Sister Julienne looks at Shelagh seriously.
"Is everything alright? She seems a little more reserved than usual." Sister Julienne asks, not in search of gossip, but wanting to know if she can in some way help.
Shelagh smiles sadly and watches Teddy run off to "help" Annie. She sighs. "Just been an emotional few days. And a little discomfited by prayer." Shelagh understands, a little, how it can be difficult to pray when you're feeling unsure about yourself and your decisions and your morality. "I think perhaps she's a little lonely."
Sister Julienne nods in understand. "It must be hard, does she have people she can confide in outside of your family?"
"Not that I am aware of." Shelagh tells her sadly. "Her parents won't let her speak to her sisters. The friends she had at university did not want to stay friends with someone in her condition." Shelagh makes an unpleasant face at that.
"Perhaps....." Sister Julienne thinks for a moment. "There is a young soon to be mother who has attended some of the classes at the clinic. From what I've been told, she moved here with her husband's family. And she isn't really seen out other than to appointments and classes."
Shelagh looks thoughtful. "Oh! I think that might be perfect... Could you introduce them?" Annette doesn't usually stay for the classes, but it sounds like a wonderful idea.
Sister Julienne nods. "Of course! I would be happy to. I think it would suit them both well."
Annette reenters the dining room and sees Sister Julienne and  Shelagh in deep conversation. Teddy breaks it up by running over to Shelagh and crashing himself into her legs.
"You silly boy." She laughs and picks him up. "Now that lunch is over, what we should do?" Shelagh asks him.
Teddy's face goes super serious as he focuses on the question and how he wants to answer. "Go see Daddy!"
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