#Troublemaker Critter ((Riot))
nether-twins · 1 year
M!A: Neftin is a warehouse.
What's this? Riot has found the ask in a letter, unopened, before anyone else has and is now holding it in his mouth oh so gently. Whatever will he do with it? Well the answer is quite simple: burn it to a pile of ash. He's not sure what the anons are trying to do with their weird magic, but he's not gonna let this one get to the guy that pretty much saved him, even with how funny it is.
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nether-twins · 1 year
Riot unfortunately was the victim of an April Fool's joke. He was told he would get one snack from Sergio. He actually got two.
And the critter was absolutely over the moon from it. He usually only got one snack, but two? Miracles were apparently real after all. Sergio would suddenly find himself having a happy Riot rubbing himself against the tabby's legs and purring loudly. And on the side of it all, after seeing just how harmless the prank was, Vendra would go on and lower the frog she was holding in her hands. She had not been joking when she said she would throw Glitch at whoever tried to pull pranks around her. "Well... I suppose I can accept that one, it's better than what I usually get around this time."
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nether-twins · 6 months
gives Riot a kazoo full of catnip
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"Why you- do you have ANY idea what you just did you fool?! I keep that stuff away from him for a reason!"
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"Oh no..."
The twins both flinch and go to cover their poor ears when they hear the kazoo going off somewhere in the apartment. They can see that Riot is now running around at top speed, occasionally teleporting from place to place, with the kazoo full of catnip in his mouth.
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nether-twins · 6 months
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Update: he found the little intruder in his friend's home and ate it. Zero regrets.
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nether-twins · 6 months
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Riot pulls this face right after booping you on the snoot with one of his paws, what do you do?
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nether-twins · 6 months
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He has paws and is ready to use them to boop people.
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nether-twins · 6 months
"Riot, I bet the thing you want the most right now is headpats and treaty-treats!"
"MAO!!" Those were definitely words the critter loved to hear. Although he was a bit... hesistant to trust a anon, especially after one of them tried to trap him in a box. Still, his tail is wagging and the pupil in his eyes had grown significantly in size, nearly taking away all the blue in them.
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nether-twins · 1 year
((Riot's poll is over and here's the end result of it.))
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Riot is very pleased with the results. Those few that choose to pet him got a chance to feel his incredibly soft pink fur aaand the weird texture of his black, flame-like fur. All without getting bitten! And watching him from a distance is... okay, he guesses.
But he's still looking for whoever the heck meowed at him.
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nether-twins · 1 year
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The critter has been summoned. Someone meowed in the poll and he's now here to see what's going on (and maybe cause trouble).
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nether-twins · 1 year
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nether-twins · 1 year
First word for Sergio, both twins and Riot?
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nether-twins · 1 year
🤔 from Sergio to Vendra, Neftin, and Riot
Send “🤔” to see how my Muse feels about yours! Catch is, I can only use icons!
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nether-twins · 1 year
How Sergio would describe Vendra: "Beautiful soul who deserves more good thangs ta happen to her" How Sergio would describe Neftin: "Big ma-fucka who won't let nothin' happen to his sista," though there was respect in his tone How Sergio would describe Riot: "Precious baby boy too pure for this galaxy"
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"I'm... not sure what to say to this."
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"I guess I can accept this one- but only because there is truth to it."
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Simply makes this face.
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nether-twins · 2 years
What are the twins' love languages?
(And is Riot's just treats?)
((For both of them? Words of affirmation and physical touch. Vendra and Neftin haven't had anyone but themselves to rely on for years, so to have someone else they care deeply about giving them words of affirmation means the world to them. And I guess the same can be said about touch, it's something they both want after never being given it for so long. However, it's gonna take a while for Neftin to get used to it since he still connects it to pain (and most of it comes from what Vendra used to do when touching him).
As for Riot, the critter that loves causing trouble, it's more than just treats. For him it's also physical touch. It can say a lot about a person to him, even more than words can. Because if he feels safe around someone who touches him then they're not as bad as he first thought they were.))
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nether-twins · 2 years
The critter is sensing trouble, a disturbance of sorts that he can’t explain, and that someone might need another good whacking from his paws. But from who and where? Maybe he hasn’t slept enough today.
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nether-twins · 2 years
Four Agents of Doom appeared at the front door, half of them having red lights on their antennae and eyes, half of them green. None were aggressive, however, only performing a roboticized version of "Feliz Navidad" complete with little dancing gestures synced in time with the music.
Cue everyone looking confused as heck by what they’re seeing, as well as lowering their weapons once they realized the little guys weren’t there to do what they were usually programmed to do. Riot tilts his head to the side and tries to touch one of them with his paws while Apollo uses their tail to scratch their head.
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“Where... did they come from? And why are they perfoming for us?”
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“Beats me. But you gotta admit, they’re not that bad.”
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“I suppose you’re right there...”
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