#Trump for President follows Noach
yhebrew · 2 years
Is 27 AD the year Jesus died? Noach married 1229; Sons born 1231, 1233, 1234. Flood 100 years later 1333 - 1334. What happens next? Tetrad 2032-2033...
New Patterns to think about. When is the next Tetrad? They are God's signals to us. Man can know the season of return.
Daniel’s day of blessing is 1335.  Is the year of blessing 35?   It would be year one after the Shemittah year 34 AD.  Was Yeshua 33-34 when he died?  Noah got off the ark in 1334 and made it to 1335 after Adom.  These might be a good case for the year 34 AD….but there is more… Jubilees Chapters 5, 6 are worth the study if you want to look at Patterns of Return. What did the calendar look like…
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yhebrew · 6 years
The ‘World’s View’ should include The Creator’s view.  I appreciated the article written by [email protected].  He brought forward the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement.  I wrote on it yesterday.
My view of Jerusalem and who should claim it comes from the Biblical contracts stated in the oldest ancient papers around, The Bible.  I continually write about land deeds that show Abraham’s purchase, Isaac’s purchase and Jacob’s and Daniel’s purchases with real cash of their day.  And, then there is blood-purchase.  Abraham age 75+ did it by blood cleansing with 318 men in year fourteen; read Genesis 14.  The Suffering Servant purchased it in blood in 33-34 AD.  (It was not at Mecca or Medina…but Mount Tzion,)
In 1967 via The Six-Day War all of Jerusalem recaptured (re-is used because it was occupied illegally by Jordanians and was now RE-taken.)  There were no Palestinian people until Jordanians weren’t allowed to go back after being told to leave Jordan as there was going to be a war….surprise…a people group now gets a name similar to Palestine.  All trickery!
Just because the international countries don’t want to agree with the results of The Six-Day War outcome doesn’t change the ‘facts’ of blood shed for it.
It is recorded in history….even that Enoch was at this mountain and it’s his lineage that brought The Seed that died there that truly was the ‘blood’ covenant of who owns it…The Creator keeps confirming it’s ownership for 6000 years.  The future fighting is against The Creator.
After I read Mr. Venitis excellent article on how Greater Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Iraq were newly born by the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement…..it amazes me that our world will discount Enoch, Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and especially King David’s ancient land deeds for countries who are newly created.
In fact, it wasn’t until 1920 that Prince Fascil was put in charge of Greater Syria and then removed later.  The leadership changes daily and with it cities are renamed.  But, Salem has always been the King of Salem’s hometown.  Priest Melchezedek has lived there since The Flood and it is to him that Abraham paid tribute.  Shem lived 500 years after the Flood and even saw Jacob’s son Ashur born and then he died that year.  Now, that is why Abraham was counted righteous because he understood how The Living God wanted things done on His earth.  Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all learned from the High Priest Shem of how the earth connected them to the living God.    It was Ya’acov that desired to be that next priest when Shem died.  Esau did not care about that part of his heritage.
Today, in December 2017 there are twelve princes being reigned in by their King.  They are being told to support the kingdoms around them.  These twelve princes are NOT The Twelve Tribes of Jacob.  They are twelve princes of Ishmael.  Our world has confused which clans of the world have given their blood purchase for Jerusalem since the time of Enoch.
The 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement blended into The Balfour Accord of 1917.  The Palestine area shrunk as these five Arab chieftains argued with the world because they held OIL supplies over our heads.  Today, these princes are billionaires and have become unruly chieftains of the earth.
Here is what I’ve renewed my beliefs after studying Genensis 13-15.
For twelve years Four Kings put up with the rulership of Five evil Kings in the Middle East.  In year thirteen the Four Kings revolted.  In year fourteen (in 2nd Shemittah cycle) the Five Kings went throughout the Middle East and beat everyone up consuming their cities.  The Four Kings wanted to meet at a certain place to settle their plight there…instead of killing so many people in the cities.  The battle occurred where there was sinking tar holes and broken clay pots.  The Four Kings were defeated but some of S’dom’s retreated to the hillsides.
Do you know what story this is yet?  We could almost say that today’s Five Kings are still these first Five Kings of whom Abraham had to put up with.  Abraham was not part of this fight as he was new to the area and kept his family out of these evil kingdoms.  The Five Kings now had total control over The Middle East…but the one thing that they did wrong…was…truly what they did wrong….was that they took Lot and his family and ALL of his possessions when they left.  One single man escaped and came and told Abraham what had happened to his nephew.
This is what you do when One single relative is lost….You go after them to bring them back into your fold.  And, we should listen to the cry of one caring person who is trying to tell us the truth about our relative….The Nation of Israel.
Abraham took his home-grown men….men raised in his own house…so they believed as Abraham believed in The Living God.  318 home-grown attacked and chased the Five kings past Damascus….and killed them and brought back all the stolen booty.
aka…One little shepherd Boy David was used by God to drop the Giants in the land…
One man Abraham…sacked the power of The Five Kings that held the power of the other Four Kings in their hand as well.  The truth was that one man,,,Abraham,,,with only 318 men conquered the value of nine kingdoms.
So, tell me world….do I care about the kings of the earth’s opinion?  What I care about is who has laid claim to Jerusalem since the foundation of the earth…Adom brought forth Sheth to be the seed line to The Seed.   Sheth, Enoch Methuslach, Noach and then Shem.  Shem was there when Abraham returned.  Shem was the priest of the The Living G-d, YAHUAH.  It was to Shem, the highest priest on the earth, that Abraham gave ten percent to say ‘thank you’ for the success of the War against NINE kingdoms.  The four kingsdom had gone into hidding or were sacked…and crying over their dead.
Today’s Nation of Israel is Abraham’s direct grandson….
Believe me…. The Nation of Israel wants the world to join them in their love for The Creator.  Jerusalem will only be a City of Peace if The Living YAHUAH dwells in it.
Whose War is this?  Who will bring Peace?  And, how does peace come?  By a Sword….
And, my friends, in The Six-Day War Israel claimed more land than they could take care…..and thus they gave different areas to be under guardianship of The Five Kings.   Then over time guardianship was considered ownnership.  That thinking has to be changed.
The borders with inheritance can never change because God never will break His word which is His covenant with man.  ADONAI will never break covenant with the man the man, Abraham.
Ishmael is still crying…..and Rachel is still crying… for the children she was never able to have.  She was an idolatrous woman still clinging to her father Laban’s idols.  She had to be removed before Benjamin (son of Jacob’s right hand) could be nourished correctly and not around any deception.
Sodom and Amora were in constant violence against The Torah and they were removed exactly one year before Isaac was allowed to be born.  Evil must be removed….there is no “Two-State” solution.  There is ONE G-d.   He is the ‘unknown’ God.  Men do not choose to know Him because they have made him into what they want to believe is God.
Peace has been rejected for 70 years and longer from Ishmael’s children.  There will be no  peace because as we read these articles, The Palestinian leaders declare there is NO Israel.  If there was no Isaac and only Ishmael then there is no Ya’acov either.  That means that the deception is that there is only Ishmael and Esau.  Esau is Edom.  Both of these families are hated by the God of Isra’el.  What he hates is that they do not want to follow His ways.  If they did want to follow the ways of The Torah then they would be grafted into the covenant of Ya’acov (Isra’el).  But, they have made covenants with ‘false’ gods…that can not speak nor act…but lie there as a dead’ black stone.
We must look to that thinking and call it: idiot thinking.  Just as Jacob fell in love with the prettiest woman but her heart was that of an idiot…to think that her father’s idols were better than her husband Jacob’s ‘Living God.’ is idolatrous thinking….idiot.
These true life stories are for us to memorize and bury in our heart…for such a day as this that President Trump has a son-in-law that keeps reminding him of his promises…and time is short.   Abraham is ready to claim his relative Lot back to himself.  You do NOT let a close relative live in enemy territory.    The Nation of Israel will have the nations of the world drawn to her with hooks…to bring their bootie to help build One Nation under The Creator whose Temple is to be set upon the earth again.  It represents what the land has always meant to be….The Mountain of El (G-d).
Let us seek the only opinion that counts………The Seed of Abraham of whom there are so many things recorded that the books can’t hold it all.
But, who are the new evil kings that look like their ancestors of the past?  They will always try to act as if they were on the earth first.  The brothers are designed to HELP serve and yet they don’t even understand the word.  They can’t submit to The Creator’s authority as they all want to be ‘the authority.’  They are jealous of the ‘second’ of whom the ‘birth right’ was sold.  It is Jacob that lies in memory at Hevron…not Esau…not Ishmael…but Isaac.
In the fourteenth year…they were destroyed from the earth….and Melchesediek approved of their removal.
2014-2015 was the beginning of a new Shemittah cycle.  That makes 2017-2018 four years…
And, 2000-2001 was a Shemittah cycle.  That shows 2014-2015 as years of removal…and that perfectly lines up with the The War of Abraham.  The 14th year the wars began.
Elul 27 2015 is known as The Year Yah’s War began..  The War for The Temple will continue even if it’s purchase is renewed with blood.
Hashemites of Jordan, ancient Hasmonians or Abraham…whose opinion matters? http://flip.it/KiMEHF The 'World's View' should include The Creator's view.  I appreciated the article written by [email protected].  He brought forward the 1916 Sykes-Picot agreement.  
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