#The year Jesus died
rhiannonsaintofcharm · 2 months
do you guys think that part of the reason Gideon’s death was so devastating to Harrow was that before then, there had at least been one person who survived the mass murder that created her? two hundred souls had been destroyed for her sake, but the annihilation wasn’t complete — there was one who escaped. one who lived. do you think Gideon dying, for the sake of Harrow living, snuffed out her one last glimmer of hope for absolution?
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tequiilasunriise · 5 months
Possible nicknames Lenore called Annabel in life go:
"Anniebell": Sometimes the smallest changes are the cutest, okay? Anniebell Lee sounds adorable as hell and I'll stick by it. Imagine Annabel trying to admonish Lenore for saying some wild shit at a Rich Persons Gala™️ or smth but she keeps breaking out into giggles like, "You- you can't just say that pet!" and Lenore playfully replying, "Oh whatever do you mean, Anniebell Lee?" like UGH I hate them somebody throw hammers at em already 💥💥🔨🔨🔨
“My moon”: in relation to the Annabel Lee poem (‘for the moon never beams/Without bringing me dreams/Of the wonderful Annabel Lee’) and also there’s smth so flavorful of the character with a color palette more akin to the Sun (long shiny blonde hair, warm colored eyes, seemingly more outwardly personality, etc) being called the moon like I loveee contrasting design choices‼️‼️
“Angel”: Also a reference to the poem (but like, worse because it was the angels that separated em) and can be easily pulled from Annabel’s name
“Petal”: Or some other variation of a flower based nickname because imma sad, sad bisexual who loves ✨flower motifs✨ just a bit too much
Anything in Dutch: This can be like common ones like “liefje” (darling) or the previous entries but in Dutch idk go crazy go stupid
“Locket”: An unconventional pick pulled from Annabel’s last name Whitlock + lockets containing pieces of hair from your other half being T H E romantic gesture of the century back then, so, like. Idk. Hear me out like okay I think Lenore could be the unconventional route (I mean girly already faked her death via arson and pulled a Mulan to get the girl soooo you see what I’m putting down?) and like like LIKKEEE⁉️⁉️⁉️ Imagine with me Lenore telling her girl, “You’re the locket I keep nearest to my heart” (many necklaces back then had a chain just long enough for the locket to rest above the wearer’s heart) and it evolves to Lenore calling Annabel smth like “my dearest, my locket” LIKE YOU HAVE TO IMAGINE WITH ME!!! GUYS MY VISION IS VISIONING!!! 🦅🗣️🌈🗣️🗣️🦅🦅🌈🗣️🦅🦅
@incorrect-nevermore cmere and witness my madness
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delisocks · 2 months
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gilligould + co inventing that swagged up white boy
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pocketsizedquasar · 6 months
i want every single white piece of shit on that post calling people fascists or misguided or privileged or stupid for not voting for biden to look a palestinian person whose entire family got killed by biden in the eyes and tell them you think they should vote for biden. tell them you think they're privileged for not voting for biden. look them in the eyes and condescend to them about how much danger they clearly don’t know they’re in.
don't actually do that. don't actually ever speak to a fucking brown person lmao. eat shit actually.
i want every single one of you genocidal freaks to think for two seconds about why you think it's acceptable to tell brown people to vote for the man committing genocide on their fucking families. to tell disabled people to vote for the man committing eugenics based genocide on them at home via covid. (you do realize the largest amount of covid protection rollbacks occurred during biden's presidency right? you do realize a thousand people a week are CURRENTLY dying from covid?)
using the threat of our rights being taken away as a cudgel against Black and Brown and disabled ppl as if the biden admin hasn’t overseen more covid deaths than the trump admin, massive attacks on immigration rights (including the recent immigration proposal increasing mandatory detention and allowing mass deportations), massive attacks on reproductive rights (they knew abt roe v wade for WEEKS. we can bypass congress for genocide & for worsening immigration rights but we can't do anything about abortion?), as if we aren't looking at the current highest levels of homelessness since 2007. and all of that on top of the fact that joe shitstain biden is LITERALLY COMMITTING GENOCIDE.
the audacity. the absolute audacity. of this white bitch going ""vote for them: the most marginalized, the most vulnerable"" BIDEN IS KILLING "THEM." BIDEN IS KILLING US. How dare you speak for us? biden's complete rollback of covid protections have killed more people than trump. biden's admin has utterly abandoned disabled people to die. he is committing a eugenicist genocide against all disabled and immunocompromised people. he is committing a genocide against palestinians. the audacity to call those people "privileged" for refusing to enable THEIR OWN GENOCIDES.
"boohoo we have no choice but to vote for the genocidal fascist or else there'll be fascism!!!" you dumb fuckers we are already living in a fascist state. you don't care about stopping fascism. you don't care about stopping genocide. you care about fascism and genocide not hurting you. if spineless liberals and dems want so badly to beat trump they should put forward a candidate who hasn’t alienated the voter base that let them win the last time, not the candidate that barely won four years ago before reneging on his promises (student loans, environmentalism, etc), killing half a million people from covid, and killing 20,000+ more via colonial genocide.
to every dumbass in those notes going “uwu he isn’t perfect uwu he isn’t my first choice uwu we can't let ~disagreements~ get in the way uwu voting is like public transport <3 voting is like a group project”: ten thousand children are dead. ten thousand children are dead. ten thousand children are dead. biden killed ten thousand children. what the fuck is wrong with you.
i hope you all rot.
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mel-loly · 2 months
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-Happy Easter..💛
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scatterbrainedart · 8 months
Guess who just found the clip of Con O'Neill talking about how Taika Waititi said that Ed's and Izzy's relationship are like Jesus' and Judas' in Jesus Christ Superstar? THIS GUYYY
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
My brain has been completely melted for the last like... 3 months, and it keeps getting worse. Just straight up ground to a halt can't think, can't function.
It's gotten to the point where I can't remember if I've been taking my antihistamines (heh), so I mustered up the energy to do something about it and refilled my pill boxes so I'd at least know I'm not about to either overdose or put myself at risk of idiopathic anaphylaxis because my brain currently has the capacity of a tea spoon.
So, anyway, it turns out I haven't been taking my b12 supplements in the morning. I've been taking an extra dose of d3. Which, y'know, great for my MCAS. Not so great for my pernicious anemia, which severely affects my brain function.
I am such a fucking idiot. 🙃🙃🙃
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filibusterfrog · 2 years
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xx0yeet-everything0xx · 10 months
"percy's clearly the strongest demigod" "nah it's jason" "lmfao wtf are you on its neither but actually nico."
BUT uhmmm sorry but. y'all are wrong. OBVIOUSLY the strongest demigod is hazel levesque who could probably instantkill the seven immediately but is just too fucking nice honestly.
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yhebrew · 2 years
Is 27 AD the year Jesus died? Noach married 1229; Sons born 1231, 1233, 1234. Flood 100 years later 1333 - 1334. What happens next? Tetrad 2032-2033...
New Patterns to think about. When is the next Tetrad? They are God's signals to us. Man can know the season of return.
Daniel’s day of blessing is 1335.  Is the year of blessing 35?   It would be year one after the Shemittah year 34 AD.  Was Yeshua 33-34 when he died?  Noah got off the ark in 1334 and made it to 1335 after Adom.  These might be a good case for the year 34 AD….but there is more… Jubilees Chapters 5, 6 are worth the study if you want to look at Patterns of Return. What did the calendar look like…
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the-dance-of-italy · 2 months
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Yeshua and Eleazar drawing right before holy week starts...;;
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kraviolis · 1 year
Belos: I’m going to raise Luz as my daughter and ensure that she remains pure and loyal to me.
Also Belos: I’m going to let the 7-years-old clone of my brother take care of her I’m sure he’ll be able to do that.
you joke but thats LITERALLY his entire thought process at first. he's so isolated and arrogant that he couldnt possibly comprehend the idea that luz wouldnt see him as her father despite the fact he literally told hunter he was going to be her older brother and never once encouraged hunter to see him as anything but an uncle.
i attribute this to the fact that philip is an orphan who only ever knew his blood brother as his only caretaker, so he sorta took having a brother for granted and didn't realize that was something you could want rather than something that just Is.
(also caleb was the only person philip ever truly knew + loved and even well into his 300s he never once picked up a child psychology book and realized that Perhaps His Worldview Was Skewed Because Of That.)
he literally like. could not comprehend the idea that you could even choose your own family outside of like. being adopted by someone. thats the other thing with him being so annoyingly christian in this AU, he was taught that your blood family (esp yr parents) is always the most important thing in your life & you should always be grateful to them no matter what.
(this is another factor into why he keeps making grimwalkers. in his own twisted viewpoint, it's him giving caleb another chance. and another. and another-- at least in this specific characterization of him.)
philip thought that him adopting luz would mean she would immediately be eternally grateful to him and call him father and the whole nine yards. but he forget to actually express that expectation until it was too late (aka until he heard her call him uncle for the first time)
honestly, hes not MAD about it. he's just sorta :( about it bcus hes not actually insane and can still logically think like "she did say she had just lost her real father to an illness its perfectly reasonable for her to not want to replace him" (he doesnt think it outloud but he also enjoys living thru her vicariously
but also later on as she gets older it gets to a point where he's like "ok its been years now why isnt she trying to replace him yet" bcus he thinks its a normal + healthy part of the grieving process to replace the person you lost (figuratively or, in his case, Literally)
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aropride · 6 months
ok well we know that jesus can emit pure light as he did when he was in his tomb + i assume the light is holiness or joy or purity (considering his spirit was in heaven but his body had died in sin) (considering his body was holy but his spirit was drowning in unquenchable fire).. thinking about the version of jesus i made up in my head who's way cooler and more transgender and i think he would emit sparks and a glowing electric light if you fucked him and i think it would inspire an unfathomably intense lust
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skeletronza · 5 months
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snixx · 5 months
the 39 clues girlies are having a field day in the notes of a post I made months ago and all I can do is gaze upon them fondly as I remember the most passionate late lover of my life
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p0rchc0ll4ps3 · 25 days
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the real reason why they never promoted eyes to lieutenancy is because he woulda' shown up to the function with his sunglasses on and his collar popped like some kind of unprofessional punk
(the real real reason is that he was too damn adhd and a little too graadian for comfort (also the collar thing. that still applies actually.))
#i cant fucking handle this guy#my art#viorel segal#disco elysium#eyes disco elysium#whys he look like this. what the fuck is that.#what is that. why do you look like this.#these r sketchbook doodles transferred to digital and i keep overthinking them like i keep worrying theyre wonk#but i think theyre fine. hes so. jesus fuckfing christ. man. yeah.#the lieutenant uniform uhhhhh i have a better art of kim and jean in their uniforms and ill explain it better then but you just get this fo#for now. but moralintern blue. gold for the royalty. blue scarf and ribbon and belt and cape for the grih. folk symbols r wheat river star#coz each precinct has different ribbon colors and different folk symbols and different colors of the symbols. here the colors r blue for th#river black for the money from the port and red for fraternity. ill have to think about it more in depth so thats subject to change#and uhhhh rcm seal. which is based on the revachol state seal. which is also subject to change. rn is moralintern blue flowers royalty lion#and skua of course.#and red dots for the 6 suns#and the words around it r the RCM name and motto#shoves him in my mouth#also hes like what. 40 something here. hes 5 years older than kim and he was 43 when he died so idk 40 something. early 40s#idfk how to draw older men fr i have to work on that#oh another fun fact i had to digitalize these specifically bc theyre my fave doodles of him#i kept opening up my photo of the sketchpage and STARING at him. ok#thats all#oh wait one more fun fact i did this in between working on my essay. okay now THATS all#i like to say a lot of things. i love to type. ok bye
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