backroombuzz · 5 years
Lawyer Claims He Has 2nd Whistleblower... So Who Cares?
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We've already seen the transcript of President Trump's phone call to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, so what's this 2nd whistleblower gonna say?
Trump sounded a little congested on the phone.
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laprogressive · 8 years
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LA Progressive has a new post on http://bit.ly/2lEHh0v
New Polling Data Reveal a Frightening Truth About Trump Supporters
Jacob Sugarman: The American right is rife with internal contradictions, perhaps none more pronounced than its attitude towards the mainstream media.
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20 PxlPoints - REPORTERS QUESTIONS TRUMP: President Donald Trump OWNS IT! Takes Questions at Press Conference https://wp.me/p8MqPA-1Wk #AlexisTsipras, #Briefing, #Cnn, #Conference, #DonaldTrump, #DonaldTrumpNews, #FoxNews, #Full, #Greece, #Joint, #JointPressConference, #LatestNews, #MAGNIFICENT, #News, #NewsBriefing, #Politics, #President, #PresidentDonaldTrump, #PresidentDonaldTrumpNews, #PresidentTrump, #Press, #PressConference, #PrimeMinisterOfGreece, #PrimeMinisterTsipras, #Pxlpoints, #Speech, #Trump, #TrumpCnn, #TrumpFoxNews, #TrumpNews, #TrumpSpeech, #TrumpTsipras, #Tsipras, #WatchingPixels, #WhiteHouse, #WhiteHouseBriefing, #WorldNews
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ninnomed-blog · 7 years
“Mr President, it’s not the fake news media that’s your problem,” Cavuto said. “It’s you. It’s not just your tweeting, it’s your scapegoating. It’s your refusal to see that sometimes you’re the one who’s feeding your own beast—and acting beastly with your own guys.”
  Trump this week made his disappointment known on how the Justice Department handled of his now-blocked “travel ban,” calling the…
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backroombuzz · 5 years
President Trump's Approval Ratings Skyrocket
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Since the very beginning of his presidency, due to the Democrats Russian Collusion hoax, and the anti-trump MSM, President Donald Trump has had approval ratings sitting around 36%
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backroombuzz · 5 years
Democrats Despair, April Jobs Report Shows America's Unemployment Rate At Its Lowest Since 1969
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President Trump's Economy added 263,000 jobs in April, 3.6% Unemployment Falls To It's Lowest Level Since 1969.
And No AOC It's Not Because People Worked Two Jobs, Moron!
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backroombuzz · 5 years
Utah Judge Suspended for Making Obscene Comments About President Trump Is Upheld
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The Supreme Court of Utah upheld a six-month suspension without pay for Taylorsville Justice Court Judge Michael Kwan who disparaged President Donald Trump in social media and during official judicial proceedings.
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backroombuzz · 5 years
US Women's Soccer Star Ignores National Anthem As An 'FU' To President Trump
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Megan Rapinoe a star of the U.S. Women's soccer team ignored the singing of the national anthem as an 'f-you' to President Donald Trump.
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backroombuzz · 6 years
Media Upset Because Puppet Master Donald Trump Makes Them Dance To His Tune
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In a move most likely designed to steal the Democrats thunder over taking control of the house, President Trump unexpectedly announced that he will be attending Thursday's White House press conference.
But the President promptly made the media lose their poop after Trump touted the border wall for nearly 10 minutes, left the room without taking any questions from the media. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE https://bluepillsheep.com/puppet-master-donald-trump/
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backroombuzz · 6 years
Chuck Schumer: Donald Trump ‘is a terrible negotiator’
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Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer begged Republicans Friday to break with President Trump and vote to reopen the government without new border wall money, saying the president doesn’t know how to negotiate.
It's kind of telling who the bad negotiator really is, when Chuck Schumer goes begging for help from the Republicans. We also know how fast Schumer caved last year. Hell, the even named a viral hashtag for it #SchumerCaves  READ MORE HERE https://bluepillsheep.com/chuck-schumer-donald-shutdown/
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backroombuzz · 6 years
Nancy Pelosi Claims The Constitution Considers Me Equal To Trump
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It's ONLY DAY #1 and already the Democrats are Delusional, New House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked by the New York Times whether she considers herself equal to Trump? 
She said, not only does she think that, but "the Constitution does" as well.
Read More:  https://bluepillsheep.com/nancy-pelosi-claims-the-constitution-considers-me-equal-to-trump/ Read the full article
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backroombuzz · 6 years
The State Of CNN Journalism In 2019 Explained In This Video
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How bad has CNN fake news journalism become in 2019? Last week the December Jobs report showed President Trump's MAGAnomics added 312,000 new jobs. How long did CNN's New Day Host's Alyson Camerota spend talking about it? 0.0 seconds.
But She had plenty of time for THIS? Watch The Video Here https://bluepillsheep.com/the-state-of-cnn-journalism-in-2019-explained-in-this-video/ Read the full article
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backroombuzz · 6 years
Democrats Absurd Spin On Trump's Great December Jobs Report
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The Big Question after the release of the incredible December Jobs Report that showed the Trump economy adding 312,000 new jobs, was.
How Could The Democrats Spin This report into one of their 'Trump Is bringing the 'End Of Days to America' Statements?  We Have Our Answer... https://bluepillsheep.com/democrats-absurd-spin-on-trumps-great-december-jobs-report/ Read the full article
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backroombuzz · 6 years
Gorsuch and Kavanaugh Ends Environmental Groups Dream Of Stopping The Border Wall
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Newly appointed Supreme Court Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh helped to deal a devastating defeat to environmental groups trying to stop President Trump from building the border wall and protecting America.
READ MORE HERE  https://bluepillsheep.com/gorsuch-and-kavanaugh/ Read the full article
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backroombuzz · 6 years
WATCH: Dan Crenshaw Takedown Democrat Hank Johnson Over His Vile Trump Supporter Comments
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Last week we blasted Democrat Rep. Hank Johnson for his vile comments calling Trump supporters, poor uneducated old racists who die early while also comparing the GOP to Adolf Hitler and the Nazis. 
While the Fake News Media ignored it, Texas Republican, Rep. Ben Crenshaw wasn't going to let Johnson's abhorrent comments go unanswered.  WATCH THE VIDEO HERE: https://bluepillsheep.com/ben-crenshaw-epic-takedown-hank-johnson/ Read the full article
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backroombuzz · 6 years
MSNBC Morning Joe: 'The Networks Should Refuse to Turn Over the Airwaves’ to Trump’s ‘Lies’
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The moment President Trump asked the Networks to give him airtime, the fake news media has been calling on their networks not to air President Trump's address the nation
MSNBC's "Morning Joe" started off Tuesday morning with Mike Brzezinski calling President Trump's upcoming address to the nation "Trumps dark twisted fantasy of a wall." WATCH THE VIDEO HERE https://bluepillsheep.com/msnbc-morning-joe-trump-lies/ Read the full article
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