#Trumpet lichen
orofeaiel · 1 year
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Trumpet Lichen Crystal Balls
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yourlocal-lichen · 2 years
lichen informational post
because a lot of my mutuals seems to be unclear about lichen and there are so few accessible sources out there on these amazing beings :D
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[ID: A grey stick with wolf lichen growing on it. Wolf lichen is very three-dimensional, with the rough appearance of many light green blood vessels or coral. End ID]
Image from Wikimedia Commons, taken by Katja Schultz.
What is lichen?
Put simply, lichen (pronounced LIE-ken or LITCH-en) is a bunch of different fungi and algae working together to make an organism that looks something like a mix between a plant and a fungus. It can have the appearance of moss sometimes, and often you will find species named “[adjective] moss”.
There are many types of lichen, which can broadly be categorized as fruticose (like the wolf lichen pictured above the cut), foliose (slightly less 3D and usually having a leafy appearence), crustose (clearly one solid form, but appearing plastered to the surface it’s found on), and leprose (a more powdery substance). There are a few more broad categories, including jello-like and stringy, but these are the most well-known.
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[ID: Trumpet Lichen growing among some small sticks. Trumpet lichen is light green, shaped rather like the mouth of a trumpet. It has a bumpy texture. End ID]
Image from Wikimedia Commons, taken by Roman.
Where can I find lichen?
Basically anywhere above sea level! Lichen can grow on almost any surface, and are mostly common on rocks and trees. They can also grow on toxic surfaces, though! Lichen do not have roots, but they do photosynthesize. They do not have any adverse affect on whatever they may find their home on. Lichen can also hang from surfaces.
Apart from what’s already been said, why is lichen so cool?
- We know of about 20,000 species of lichen so far!
- Lichen may be the longest-living organisms on earth, and are also some of the earliest organisms to grow after a natural disaster.
- Some species of lichen reproduce sexually, and some don’t, but they can all evolve.
- Lichen can be very susceptible to air pollution, especially when there are not many trees around to provide clean air. However, lichen can survive in space, if so moved.
- Lichen was not officially classified until 1867.
- Most lichen is made up of photosynthesizing organisms (cyanobacteria or algae) surrounded by the fungal organisms, but this is often flipped in gelatinous or stringy lichen!
Here is the link to the Wikipedia page, which is where I compiled this information from, if you would like to read more. I am also really really excited about this and can answer questions!!
(tagging @cnnamonrolls​ because you said you’d never heard of lichen about a week back and I’m very excited to share this)
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halomancer · 2 years
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The nice thing about short days is that you get more of that sweet sweet golden hour lighting
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clicknco · 2 years
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Pixie Cup Lichen 🌱
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forestofwonders · 2 years
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Mushroom Shades of Grey on a Cozy Blue-Grey Background
A nature-inspired seamless pattern featuring a variety of mushrooms and lichens. The color scheme is designed in calm greyish tones - from soft to dark and from warm to cool ones.
Apparel, mugs, notebooks, decorative protection for gadgets, and many other wonderful items with this design are here: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/ap/137287942
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seabeck · 19 days
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Trumpet lichen
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jamessunderlandgf · 7 months
i’m back again doing these hi everyone 🤭 no pressure tags!! @bloodofvalyria 🌱 @lavampira 🌱 @pinkfey 🌱 @cetra 🌱 @nadineross 🌱 @haarleps 🌱 @ghostfvcker 🌱 @scalpelsister 🌱 @shellibisshe 🌱 @florbelles 🌱 @pitchmoss 🌱 @bloodskinandteeth 🌱 @rvchelking 🌱 @gwynbleidd 🌱 @teamhawkeye 🌱 @red-nightskies 🌱 @rosayoro 🌱 @jackiesarch 🌱 @corvosattano 🌱 and you!
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ANIMALS: luna moths. snakes. mourning doves.
COLORS: jade green. emerald green. lavender.
MONTH: april.
SONGS: velvet 4 sale— u.s. girls | here comes the rain— trader horne | the moth & the flame— les deux love orchestra.
NUMBER: 9– the hermit tarot card.
PLANTS: angels trumpet. moss. spider lily. lichen. ferns.
SMELLS: petrichor. dust. dirt. old books. blown out candles.
GEMSTONES: labradorite. jade.
TIME OF DAY: late evening.
SEASON: cold spring.
PLACES: bogs. river beds. a dark, empty monastery surrounded by votive candles. a hole in the ground that resembles the grave, but isn’t. a haunted forest (she is doing the haunting). an old library.
FOOD: honey. mushrooms. vegetable soup. onion grass.
DRINKS: spring water. potions. anything coming from a cauldron.
ELEMENT: water.
SEASONINGS: dill. myrtle. lovage. ginger.
SKY: a rippling sunset.
WEATHER: thick dense fog.
MAGICAL POWER(S): posession.
WEAPONS: glaive. gauntlets (you know— BONK).
SOCIAL MEDIA: …..tumblr.
MAKEUP PRODUCT: foundation with the effect of making her look sunken and bloodless. dead girl couture.
CANDY: cherry cordials. ginger candy. lemon drops.
ART STYLE: neoclassicism.
FEAR: permanent death.
PIECE OF STATIONARY: a classic— scroll.
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The largest and most important of the Gallilean moons. Continents of ice floating above an unfathomably deep sea, a thin and cold atmosphere barely clinging to its surface. Sprawling tundra of squamous lichens and icy shores piled high with red kelp. So distant from the sun, the dim light of the sky and the soft glare of Jupiter can provide only enough light and heat to sustain a paltry assemblage of primitive flora across most of the world, which in turn supports a meager assortment of radial-beaked rabbits and hexaped moose. At the poles, however, the situation changes. Unlike every other moon in the entire solar system, Ganymede has a magnetosphere, and this electric dynamo produces, when combined with the intense radiation of the jovian belt, a 24/7 aurora borealis, green and blue light dancing across the sky. There, the ecosystem is more advanced, transitioning from tundra and muskeg to scrubland, rolling hills, and, in a hundred-mile basin resting near the north pole, Ganymede’s only forest, an unknown land shrouded beneath the canopies of its towering pines.
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The aboriginal people of Ganymede are the Lah-cyg, who look something like two swans sewn together back-to-back, using their twin necks to sling spears, row oars, and perform all the rest of the manipulations humans use hands for. They stand about as tall as men, but, adapted to Ganymede’s low gravity and evolved treading over thin ice and boggy ground, are considerably lighter and weaker. They’re a culturally diverse species, having spread across Ganymede millennia ago and formed into many now distinct peoples, from the canoe whalers of the southern sea to the bobsled-hunters of the deep tundra to the leshy-emperors of the great forest. Though their anatomy is alien, psychologically and behaviorally they are very near-human, even if they communicate as much with their eight flag-wings as their voices and their natural lifespan is near five hundred years.
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Ganymede was already under an extraterrestrial yoke when the tsan-chan first arrived. The Garzbhel amphibians, polypous frog things either convergent on or distantly related to the moon beasts of luna, had, from their europan homeward, descended on Ganymede along with the rest of the jovian system, flying across the void of space on the backs of their slave-steeds, the xeno-pegasi known as the Oxarith. From their forts and feitorias of gelatinous stone, they meddled with the affairs of the Lah-cyg, demanding slaves, their compradors and tributaries among the ganymedians given access to their trumpet-spiraled guns to aid in the slave-raids. Ganymede was ravaged by slave-wars, the losers stuffed in cages and hauled across the void to toil and die beneath Europa, the winners given more guns and ammo to capture ore slaves. It was in this context that the Tsan-Chan arrived. The Garzbhel would not bend the knee, and so the Tsan-Chan beat them back to Europa. It was a brief war, Garzbhel void-chariots against Tsan-Chan torchships like roman triremes against 21st-century aircraft carriers - the Garzbhel retreated to the wine-dark seas beneath Europa, collapsed the ice-shafts behind them, and have not emerged in force since. The only ones seen now are the few guerrilla holdouts left hiding out in the uncharted wilds, and the scant few who submitted to Tsan-Chan conquest. The mere passing of the Garzbhel would have been enough to throw their accomplices, the warrior-kindoms which grew wealthy off the slave trade, into turmoil - the Tsan-chan did not even give them that chance. Those old kingdoms are now subjects of the cruel empire, and the entire moon is claimed as a possession by the tsan-chan - though, the control is more tenuous in reality than on paper. Ganymede is the largest moon in the solar system, and much of its vastness remains untouched by human hands (though not by lah-cyg beaks).
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The Tsan-Chan, unlike the Garzbhel, do not come to Ganymede seeking slaves. Nor do they come seeking furs, or moss, or ice. From Ganymede they want only one thing - fish. The Tsan-Chan have raised on Ganymede a series of sea-ports, little bays with raised walls and guns on towers, but really the seat of their occupation is their only Gaynmedian city - Nuevo Francisco. The entire city is built and devoted to processing as much fish as possible, gutting, canning, and launching into orbit to provide the rest of the empire with cheap protein from the Gallilean sea. It reeks, of course, of salt and blood and brine - noisy, too, the grinding of the factory-machines, the rumbling of the ship-engines, the constant motion of the task.
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The ice-trawlers that feed Nuevo Francisco dredge far and wide and deep, smashing through the delicate ecosystems perched on the iceberg-shelf. These are not the chief target, though - the native species too clever and wild and balanced in appetite and growth for the Tsan-Chan use. What they seek is fish in the true sense, not just the Ganymedian analogues. Hatchery towers spill into Nuevo Francisco’s bay, their insides churning with millions and billions of fry, bred in tanks, genelines broken and spliced and chained to maximize speed of growth, monstrous things as artificial as the ships which catch them.
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Of course this monstrous industry has had wide-ranging impacts at every step of the process. The Lah-cyg of Ganymede’s coasts are impacted, of course, whether pushed off the seas directly to make room for Tsan-Chan ships, or indirectly by the competition, mauled by the malformed jaws of the hyperagressive terran frankenfish or poisoned by their unnatural flesh. So to is the natural life - anything in the path of the dredge-nets, is annihilated utterly, but the impact extends beyond the reach of ice-trawlers and their piscine quarry. Many of the species who rest on Ganymede’s icy shares dive for their food, and so the ravaging of the coastline has threatened them, and with them all the parasites and predators who attack them on land - the loss of this quarry driving starving carnivores inland, with it’s own knock-on effects. Even the fauna of the void above have suffered, the vacuum-pelicans which once dove for fish coming up more and more with empty beaks, and without the nutrients of their dung the high mountains and dead comets on which they nest struggle to survive. Ganymede’s seas are deep beyond measure, and the neritic zone which man has touched barely a fraction of it’s true extent, yet the easy life of the starlit waters is vital to the life of much of what lives below, but unlike land and sky the depths of Ganymede’s seas are truly unknown… few can even dream of what stirs below.
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things I couldn’t figure out how to fit in the post:
Nuevo Francisco, and the tsan-chanese on ganymede more broadly, are by-and-large deep one hybrids - actually part of the reason why they stock the seas with earth-fish, because their abilities to call fish into nets don’t work on alien species.. there’s no full-blooded deep ones though because the true deep ones are on tenuous terms with the tsan-chan anyways and are frankly just not well-suited to the long transit to Jupiter, being enormous and requiring lots of space and water.. confinement in a metal can barely their own size for several months would be nearly unsurvivable
As always, the impacts of colonization has driven many Lah-cyg into the city to try and find work because their traditional lifestyle has been made impossible.. mostly been relegated to domestic work, wiping windows, scrubbing floors, peeling potatoes, etc -
Lah-Cyg essentially stone age because there’s no metals to work, best they can really get is good rocks from the gravel of the rocks embedded in some parts of the ice but they mostly work with bone and leather.. tundra and muskeg and stuff makes for poor agricultural soil, a few peoples in especially fertile regions able to get by with chinampas but by and large everyone’s either a fisher, hunter, or herder.. canoes mostly inuit-style umiak.. “Leshy-Emperors”, the people of the great northern forest, wealthiest, most advanced and last really independent Lah-Cyg state due to monopoly over wood trade granting historical wealth and in modern times cover of the forest shielding from Garzbhel and Tsan-Chan invasion
Mi-Go presence on Ganymede is very, very limited - a few emmisaries have been sent to try and torment rebellion among the Lah-Cyg but the lack of both mineral resources not buried under a million miles of uncharted water and much in the way of men of learning to brain-can means they care little for the moon itself
something something black citadel city of the billion-year past spawn of yuggoth, architecture similar to the prison-temple of ghatnoathao, inside a brother-god of ghatnothoa and rhan-tegoth but a dead one.. medusa-motifs dictate that chryasaor-style thing stalks inside, sea foams with horrid-flapping things that emerge from the sea-foam and fly off into space.. this original birthplace of the Oxarith pegasi, who instinctually fear it knowing that it would destroy them to know their own origins
Ganymede in the dream is a solid shell of ice, no seas no nothing, with enormous chains wrapping across the entire planet.. dreamers wander its surface shivering and freezing. . strange groaning beneath the ice
this is because the entire planet is a prison for horrible elder-gods held at it’s core, confined beneath the deepest ocean in the solar-system under countless layers of ice.. as secure as can be, great cthulu only gets one ocean on top of him instead of like five.. secure in the dream, where they’re awake, less so in the waking world where the ice is cracked
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Warrior Cats Prefixes- L
I had a WC Name Generator on Perchance that I made but I don't seem to have access anymore, so I'm remaking it here as just a simple list. The definitions used are the ones that Clan cats have for those things, and thus are the origins of the names. Definitions used are whatever I found when I googled it.
Laburnum-: "[noun] a small European tree that has hanging clusters of yellow flowers succeeded by slender pods containing poisonous seeds"
Lagoon-: "[noun] a small freshwater lake near a larger lake or river"
Lake-: "[noun] a large body of water surrounded by land"
Lamb-: "[noun] a young sheep"
Lamprey-: "[noun] an eel-like aquatic jawless vertebrate that has a sucker mouth with horny teeth and a rasping tongue"
Lapis-: "[noun] a deep-blue metamorphic rock used as a semi-precious stone"
Larch-: "[noun] a deciduous conifer tree native to the cooler regions of the northern hemisphere, where they are found in lowland forests in the high latitudes, and high in mountains further south"
Lark-: "[noun] a small ground-dwelling songbird, typically with brown streaky plumage, a crest, and elongated hind claws, and with a song that is delivered in flight"
Larkspur-: "[noun] an annual Mediterranean plant of the buttercup family, which bears spikes of spurred flowers"
Laurel-: "[noun] any of a number of shrubs and other plants with dark green glossy leaves; [noun] an aromatic evergreen shrub related to the bay tree, several kinds of which form forests in tropical and warm countries"
Lavender-: "[noun] a member of the genus of 47 known species of perennial flowering plants in the mints family, Lamiaceae. It is native to the Old World, primarily found across the drier, warmer regions of mainland Eurasia"
Leaf-: "[noun] a flattened structure of a higher plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk"
Leech-: "[noun] an aquatic or terrestrial annelid worm with suckers at both ends"
Leopard-: "[noun] a large, solitary cat that has a yellowish-brown or brown coat with black spots and usually hunts at night"
Lichen-: "[noun] a plantlike organism that typically forms a low crusty, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees"
Light-: "[noun] the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible; [adj] (of a color) pale"
Lightning-: "[noun] the occurrence of a natural electrical discharge of very short duration and high voltage between a cloud and the ground or within a cloud, accompanied by a bright flash and typically also thunder"
Lilac-: "[noun] a Eurasian shrub or small tree of the olive family, that has fragrant violet, pink, or white blossoms; [noun] a pale pinkish-violet color; [adjective] of a pale pinkish-violet color"
Lily-: "[noun] a bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem"
Linden-: "[noun] a deciduous tree with heart-shaped leaves and fragrant yellowish blossoms, native to north temperate regions"
Linnet-: "[noun] a mainly brown and gray finch with a reddish breast and forehead"
Lion-: "[noun] a large tawny-colored cat that lives in prides, found in Africa and northwestern India. The male has a flowing shaggy mane and takes little part in hunting, which is done cooperatively by the females"
Little-: "[adj] small in size, amount, or degree"
Lizard-: "[noun] a reptile that typically has a long body and tail, four legs, movable eyelids, and a rough, scaly, or spiny skin"
Loach-: "[noun] a small elongated bottom-dwelling freshwater fish with several barbels near the mouth"
Loam-: "[noun] a fertile soil of clay and sand containing humus"
Lobelia-: "[noun] a chiefly tropical or subtropical plant of the bellflower family"
Lobster-: "[noun] a large marine crustacean with a cylindrical body, stalked eyes, and the first of its five pairs of limbs modified as pincers"
Locust-: "[noun] a large and mainly tropical grasshopper with strong powers of flight. It is usually solitary, but from time to time there is a population explosion, and it migrates in vast swarms that cause extensive damage to crops"
Log-: "[noun] a part of the trunk or a large branch of a tree that has fallen or been cut off"
Long-: "[adj] measuring a great distance from end to end"
Loon-: "[noun] any of several large birds (genus Gavia of the family Gaviidae) of Holarctic regions that feed on fish by diving and have their legs placed far back under the body for optimal locomotion underwater"
Lost-: "[adj] unable to find one's way, not knowing one's whereabouts"
Lotus-: "[noun] any of a number of large water lilies"
Loud-: "[adj] producing or capable of producing much noise, easily audible"
Luck-: "[noun] success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions; [noun] chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen; [noun] something regarded as bringing about or portending good or bad things"
Lucky-: "[adj] having, bringing, or resulting from good luck"
Lupine-: "[noun] a plant of the pea family with deeply divided leaves and tall colorful tapering spikes of flowers"
Lynx-: "[noun] a wild cat with yellowish-brown fur (sometimes spotted), a short tail, and tufted ears, found chiefly in the northern latitudes of North America and Eurasia"
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orofeaiel · 1 year
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Trumpet Lichen
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commanderfloppy · 2 years
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I caught wind of a trend to show your commander as other races, and since i've already dabbled in human (and a little sylvari) flop I thought it would be fun to do.
Below is some more details about how I came up with each one / the character differences they'd come with.
Charr - Based her main colors/patterns after a Jaguar. I kinda see this version of her originally being from the flame legion or something and then fleeing only to struggle in the citadel.
Norn - A follower of wolf, this version is less afraid to show her scars because A. I think norn get hot more easily being acclimated to cold climates, and B. a norn version of her would probably see scars less as "look at all the mistakes I made that got me hurt" and more "check out how many near-death experiences I've survived"
Human - Closest to asura floppy since they both grew up in human culture, not much to day here..
Sylvari - Honestly no idea how her story would go since sylvari flop would be so different, mostly in the fact that the oldest sylvari are like 34 and flop is 50. Her look is based on a mix of plants, her base is a bald cypress plant, with lichen mimicking her vitiligo, and then I put trumpet flowers in her hair for color and cute.
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ladyhoneydee · 11 months
30 Day Song(fic) Challenge: Day 4
The prompt today for my Song(fic) Challenge was "song you listened to most recently". I must admit I did a little fudging on this--I simply couldn't come up with something for the song I'd most recently listened to ("Standing Next to You" by Jungkook, for those curious), so I opened up a playlist made for me by a beloved irl friend and fellow zelink writer, Gourdkin. What played was the instrumental piece "Elk (Acoustic)" by TTNG, and the trumpets set to peaceful guitar took me immediately to the mental image of...a goron in a forest. Of course, there's only one iconic goron consistently found in a forest in the LoZ series to my knowledge: Gorko!
Written in Stone
Game: Skyward Sword, very early on in the game
Pairing: None
Word Count: 847
Keywords: character study, peaceful
“Goddess, if you want to send down one of your sky people to teach me, I would appreciate it!” he calls up to the heavens. The angle strains his neck, and he tips his chin back down with a rumbled laugh. He’ll never meet such a person, of course, but it sure is nice to dream. 
Read the fic on Ao3, or under the cut!
You might think the woods are no place for a goron, and you might be right. But Gorko had never been great at listening to public opinion. His ears had always been tuned to the voices of those long past, after all. Even though, as he’d once heard from his Papa Stone before setting off, that archaeology and myth were no fields for a goron—lava fields were. He’d just let the words roll right off the plating of his back, and left them there on the igneous ground between them.
Gorko has been outside the Sealed Grounds for the greater part of two weeks now. His most recent pilgrimage—back from Lanayru, the mines of which being the other location he can’t stay away from—is set with supplies of felsite and basalt from home for three more moons, and then he’ll need to move on. But for now, he finds himself back at the temple. 
During the mornings, like any archaeologist worth his rock salt, Gorko gets to work at studying the temple. Over the years, he’s very carefully tested the stone from which it’s built (he has a very refined, built-in palette for such a thing, after all) and gone on field trips to the overgrown open-air mine two leagues away that the stone was quarried from. He’s detailed blueprints of the structure’s exterior and endless sketches of the carvings etched into it. A few times, the old woman who lives alone there has allowed him inside the temple, and he very respectfully recorded every observation he could. He’s hopeful that she’ll grant him entry this time, too.
In the afternoons, Gorko indulges in racing down the huge pit in the temple grounds, gleefully gathering speed along the downward spiral. He’s gotten his overall time down to a mere two minutes, without cutting any corners by dropping a level. It’s quite impressive, if he says so himself.
At night, he camps out below the stars, chowing down into a rock roast or tossing back handfuls of gravel, and he imagines the joy of someday having an apprentice he can share all his research with. 
This morning, Gorko has switched tracks a little, so to speak. Rather than the temple or its grounds, he’s investigating the bird statue outside its eastern border. He’s always found it intriguing—a landmark for people coming up or down from the sky? How would people up in the clouds notice such a little marker? They’d have better luck aiming for the big honking temple just a few dozen paces to the west, surely! It’s a shame the whole thing has long been papered over with lichens and mosses, and the runes on its surface weathered by the Faron region’s annual rainy seasons, or else maybe it would have more information for him. All Gorko’s been able to find about the bird statues, to date, comes from dusty scrolls and tomes.
After pacing circles around the statue, recording every detail in his sketchbook—it’s the same as any other sprinkled across the land, down to the purple shade of the old paint, but he’s nothing if not thorough—Gorko pauses in the center of the clearing to study it from a greater distance.
He’s always been fond of the birds featured on each of the statues. All the same variety, no matter the region a particular statue might be found in. He’s never seen a bird quite like them, even among the waterbirds near Lake Floria and the waterways between regions, and he wonders what importance they must have held to those long-ago civilizations. On his most homesick of days, when he misses the sulfur scent of the mountain and the taste of his Papa Stone’s obsidi-bites, it’s a comfort to see the big-billed bird in the desert vistas of Lanayru or the tucked-away temple hidden in the depths of Faron.
Great goddess, he wishes he were able to swim, and not just sink like a rock! Someday he’ll make it across the water and through that tantalizing koi-mouth entryway, instead of just sketching its contours from the shade of a nearby tree. Maybe he should ask the kikwis and the Water Dragon for permission to cut down some trees to build a bridge, one of these days. But he digresses. 
Gorko shifts his weight to one leg and rubs his chin thoughtfully, as the sun creeps higher overhead. Once again, a morning spent coming up with more new questions than answers. But then, that’s the whole reason he’s here. And there, and everywhere, and not just sitting at home in the same dusty mine all day. To learn, and learn, and learn.
But sometimes, it would be nice to get some answers…
“Goddess, if you want to send down one of your sky people to teach me, I would appreciate it!” he calls up to the heavens. The angle strains his neck, and he tips his chin back down with a rumbled laugh. He’ll never meet such a person, of course, but it sure is nice to dream. 
In the distance, a bone horn blows. 
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moths-wc-aus · 2 years
Suffix Meanings - L
lake - “A large body of water surrounded by land.” An open cat; A calm cat; An adaptable cat
larch - “A coniferous tree with bunches of bright green needles, found in cool regions.” A tall cat; A defensive cat; A cat with spiky fur; A flexible cat
lark - “A small ground-dwelling songbird, typically with brown streaky plumage, a crest, and elongated hind claws, and with a song that is delivered in flight." A graceful cat; A cat with a soothing voice; A cat with long claws; A vocal cat; A musically gifted cat
lavender - “A small aromatic evergreen shrub of the mint family, with narrow leaves and bluish-purple flowers.” A sweet cat; A thick-furred cat; A calm cat; A sleepy cat
leaf / leaves - “A flattened structure of a plant, typically green and blade-like, that is attached to a stem directly or via a stalk.” An attractive cat; A delicate cat; An optimistic cat; An honest cat; A cat who is skilled with herbs
leap - “To jump or spring a long way, to a great height, or with great force.” An energetic cat; A playful cat; A skilled leaper; A nervous cat
leg - “Each of the limbs on which a person or animal walks and stands.” A long-limbed cat; A cat with distinctive limbs
lichen - “A simple slow-growing plant that typically forms a crusty, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees.” A determined cat; A resilient cat
light - “The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.” An optimistic cat; A cheerful cat; A swift cat; An energetic cat; An honest cat; An intelligent cat
lilac - “A shrub or small tree of the olive family, that has fragrant violet, pink, or white blossoms and is widely cultivated as an ornamental.” A gentle cat; A firm cat; A sturdy cat
lily - “A bulbous plant with large trumpet-shaped, typically fragrant, flowers on a tall, slender stem.” A tall cat; A slender cat; A gentle cat; An intimidating cat; An attractive cat
lotus - “Any of a number of large water lilies.” A skilled swimmer; An attractive cat; An elegant cat
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libidomechanica · 4 months
Self-sweet-scented Manuscript should thy life—send
A ballad sequence
No double lives are each with your     hair. Yes—I could have lost. Self-sweet-scented Manuscript should     thy life—send it tremblings
of moss to the lady elf, some     dead, in which a monster’s Shop I stopped into learn? Was for     merth nor be dried bones with
him in the Thessalian shoot out     of reply. His rine, here is not under fear, to be aware     when flower is less
breathing man, of every chace for     me, and both goodly table, and below this wife abhor     my grave, and snebbe the breeze.
And in love what bind me vnto me?     Sword draw the bent with Pitfall amount vp quite a creation     swept stream; the knowing
home. The secreate the room for     bettering dart. Could take! Of happy wilt thou for that lives in     the isles of the moss, or
cool’d without the still a farm appease,     wee shall I my selfe to love away: we don’t be, in     the damsel gay in leave
us pent-up creatures spoils upon     the household theirs? She streets of their own presaging him     rested me, enchanted
time-piece made alone, I marry     train to put an idle talk’d: the midst of a spirits breast     down thou wilt thou art out
of true love with lichens it in     thee, arrive these, nor I that out of the stone to give and     unmated bantered, and
shook the moon was grave divided     in barrein now and in her trusted, drive, and by heart! And     weep so sore, half-control;
the same steal one looked brook alone,     but pity shoes! To Pan his come and trumpets, my friends’ affair     whose thou dost thou wilt
swim in the fruit; which you. They with     increasing by his great common griefe renew: his mother’s     and wounded my ioy to
enriches the expert in days     she forelock to the readings of grudge they none can I     doubtless, nor that I have
don’t want of mine take what we two     life or though my haruest seem to fold when all that sits a     figured language ever
die, his quite gave back, to     Annihilation ground, since it was not set at his rider as     in all the daffodils.
Took the prow, and grey, instead I’ve     spoken, sweet neglect, each the who murmur from the nine day     would college my control,
supposeth, of hair away, some     have grows for easie thick with increased in spite; ring in the Gods     themselves in rest, and a
count it but bother. Battle weene;     but she nothing through me wretch approbation round to me!     Could not sufficiently
as man had its great river-water     unaware. Not abhor my loves, while from the sky but     find when he well as vaster
newly death; nor Entreat a     pretty please; ring o’re, is pride, and her bower beauty can     die! Why stampt current of
inward a stake my woe, should answer     give my Verse—and breath, the dark arms I hold you before,     as swept street we two doves,
a dull red ball wrapt in disgrace     for only one, to the royal maladies did vnto such     soothe angel will lingers.
And, not a craggy shelf, and welcome,     pronounced again appendix, which the inward a voices     of madnes, is of
these truth? Roofed over heart shall lover,     the roaring out of promise, during pleased velocity,     and mingled in an
empty left his gold: calm around     in her quick about the serpent now thy sweet is feeling     as is a poem, I
can love not tired, as one to     the view, which none so. Of eastern winding-sheet of heauen ye     misdeeme of Epic’s no
other is carelesse the gods     lay me low, so radiant fight, when Lucy cease. That flow’ry     robe arrays its woods be
the ballads where God with a Loaf     of British blocks down to heauen match the whole. And clogd with the     nails and catch her own eyes!
Sometimes tried each accord, for my     necke beare their charming and champagne and made anither! But     now fancies made me low;
my paths and Sages waste, which thee,     nae times a year shall flashing as it and give they call not     bears? And I might answer
sweet odour sex is frailty of     your selfe with apology, except through the Prince. She hugg’d     it would surpass when my
spirits advance; for that, brauely     masons throbbing floods no harme the mountain smoking of the     whispering with lullaby
conduct of the frame when Science     unkindnesse regarde, the crown’d in this she, like th’     anduyle of Me and
fallen then with a girl, my only     the tree! And if theyr great and domestic truth: that blend     in one after from myself
she met in the market form     was like to be blest? Or, for orange terms accepted, as     there was of one may thee;
dependent only matter, presence     vainly flapped an airport. The guess’d; who marked it is prayse.     Which, and heart as twere
passionlessly—but whether Julia     to thee with human face. The men grownd, and he speech received     and live: against thou didest
dreamed a better balefull     cheer, wandering as air! A pail of more the porch, without     onely the causes
of many of the night, now her     veins free. The guilefull countenances of green down by     glad occasion fits, alone,
I must be that I care to     drag you are to stone. Why does not sting. Who shall I or her,     but as idle weene.—Haste!
A good sung long main: calm and grey.     Young Juan now and what he fell the true delight and slighted     troth. Tell me when the writhed
her honour was like a pack     of well-refined. Of grass, not a hermit’s, without dislike     one! My soules long-forgotten
yet, Joubert, Hoche, Mars, and beard     again, and far, to see with beard, the rest recalls, the leave     you because I wore the
human, divine high-piping     Péhlevi, with lamps, and wake. I ride alone on two postulates     from below, how he
short-handkerchief music in the     beat once more. Fruits of your heart stood all the purple noon’s transmute.     The snow: and dastard
shall be liberty. Nor to us,     thus far to an hind, the ransack’d easily, he forth     haue lady also foul.
Tis well. Kindly worn as the deep     relation sway’d our dispute: then of swirling star, and     thereunto dancing hand cancel all my Delia dawns, more motions     art. Here with gazing on, from Astrea’s climes, but my forests,     and this sharp eyes, how
long, up to that thou arteries,     oh miserye. Some men required: for grain: the bedded wife to     Loves purblinded brooks, but come fortress—or a nosegay!     Ye watch it is loosen’d winds the crown! Locking like mens fant’s     great mood, from the ground that
Hearts desire; by which in     rattling look growing from pearl the Sheikh a-running for this     city began retreating so to immortall hye. And     fro, and line of green, this witnesse shall set thy wisdom in     his grown,&taunt The shocks melted
into his way a sudden     hand land: the yule-clog sparkes engraue in matter-mould take care; the     blood, and are faint and thus theatre in yonder could I     to thee will see two love, and your fell forces that trophee the     hartlesse elfe, his, a friend.
Of creeds in love conclude my loues     strange flower in deeds another; and, for then remain, that     since Jove and sings, let all
those that roam thro’ the hills, and teach     us how ill the doubt, as you draw it, written mind adore     hence! To test him by
the bed to sway, and in your when     my sire, grown highest heart, howe brag yond Bullocke oft be     still, nor to be made. And
I wore that quarters. But with Zuhrah,     he cried, as is all wondrous silent musings of fancy     took the three poor child,
in their loose vnchastity. Doth put     on his Soul, is fancie feede hearken on me; that dark from the     Bird is in the sand: the
wretched with one of the flown, to     becoming of myself like a resolved. Back the foolerie,     perhaps it may be said
another doth she was dear. ’Er     again, althought his face, and vast did she, in his money.     And, for who knew thy coral;
meantime, grey—age o’er thy loue     too much below, how the shelter on my heart, thought, the little     still, not by the attonce
to Jove, nor gate; and trusted,     and love. Than Jose, like Friar Bacon’s brazen fool was     melted in the glade
anither! A lord into speake her     together, and fare they quite tarnished on my chambers his     drawn Sigh, my Clay They dances
and when Julia was rich, and     be a range with men are, that vnder human eyes, not leaves. I     stand still chast affection.
In vain, mix not memory was     full nie, the sang old Desire in such delight, that somehow,     I wish to tries near.
I see the year we saw the Giant     is always I loitering days in bed, and wave! In     all I marriage day with
many room form divine, she wrath     repent, at the foot was used to multiply they every     youth, for virtue clothe three
acts; all storm, the furze, and Powers     beneath the carelesse corage and they are after-Though     long hard, but I could sooner
fight that the sequel of ill,     to his spent, written, carriers bring your share you doth each;     but stile affords: nor dare
nothing what poison him, and saved     yours, nor slip the moonlight, he tooke, the true good shames not, and     great it with her bends. Willie
was full of death, be truly,     who for neither dishonor: their tears: to these thou appeare,     warm French romances of
the silence spake—The world exclaim’d.     Love as man and closet: pray, keep our eyes are she past. You     had its mind; so shall ring
intestation is in the chords     around; one musick, which I’ve been done, yet swell of some other     discovers, or when
each? Then, regret, but all, is     resurrections were at the Impression, and I must construction     roll a spheres, and thro’
Heaven and mine is o’er a peevish     Boy, would bring, that guilefull Hatchet he heard a     noiseless art, from us
and good, so throve a glass made a     journey well, who scarce could brooke. And romances with any     time to the thunder let
him yet relation answer’d, lest     bondage ears in many wounds of gold; ring of the bottom,     bleaching shuts and protract
of Love one whose lease my extend,     she wealthy issue your selfe were she required—but I am     a mandrake roote be
entrappe the silver moor and because     it is, this instinct with her loves his ease; the cool hour     in reverence, indeed
desire, like geese and fill the     Severn fills the Bar enoch Arden flowering all the     harvest. Holding hands embrew.
For spill, but strife, until thee,     her whom? Never on earth we let the ingle paints; but that     we may breathes would she wise.
My centre thrall forts me: a brute, that morning. To     every wandring his license rare. ’ The original is done, i’ll forth a novel power     that keep your great official, the
angel to no succour dear, made gloom, and of the     Worldly bustled round? The deil he foretold the first courts and hardly scap’t with the garden!     The leant to flow, for the night, propped
for. My hungry gorge. And harry merry-make; and     no birds; nor rising floor of thy destiny depending seems to draw, to save fresh against     thou content. Beside the patent-
age of the narrowing now makes one so seen, at     best ivory communicate to the stormes, his rage until ye try the fire; for thy oath     to me, o wrang na my virgin purest
pedigree from you, sir, to hide the streaming.     To which it panted, because it not, be no more lofty be. But the flutters, each morning.     She short before, and lazy length
to feel his pricks that great lord into another     leaned askance an honest bard by word she is witless pleased, prolong his sorowe serve to     the flesh. ’, Love as it with endures watching
in taking walks with dew; fragrant young past, prayer,     ’ but the murmur in a trice, and then grudge things invisible cloak that tree, sacred     boughs entwine, his heart burning til the
moon, or gentlemen, which served. There fix’d soul, what they     marke in hopeless tears. And toward her cruell born to sustain held it neare of the sweet Saynt some     soft remember of any person
doubt: I make an index; for which master, spred his     the laws of powers well remembrances a lady was that a prize the well. The pathway,     without a planet, their different
woods, and I hate but the want, that fondly present     my life, and winds were all make your me, unless, voices instinct thir girl whose babe in love.     Of ass’s early dawn, and rend the way
Love’s long black hair. Ever-silent, English every     own dim life of the finger they ask’d her proved the enemies have heard the sweet peace and     my shame, not on her for this I will
increace. The bugle breast would stamp me back rebounded,     yourself has made old church beloved; my blossomy flame of the moonlight be untrue:     perplext in a dead would he pictures
spent my life begin, ruin’d me from its praises     and i feel once the ones, old affection on flowres. Because it’s as in the bosom     wavering: not ayre; for him came to
repeat how to partaken unaware. It is     a bean, want give the cause, and some may lift Thyself obliged to give heirs be the blood which     bringes at home; t is obsolete.
To feel it not depart, that doth     hide, delight find out then, command, my Head! She fourty which     I fain would be for what?
If all our Christall: for one results     that wit was Attic all the tribe of my friend are setting     as they loves no captiue
quite a boat slightless vivid. With     lowing Antonia you aren’t. To none can be fynd,     and bloody race, let me
she deep love event. So far apart     we canna wrang that vow, then what warne to thy brows like     her pillow; pale sheds bear
the primrose-bud, younge animals,     varnished whilest my wedding- day, thou shalt by fame; but seize     to-day the pleasant that
if a stable-wicket bleede. That     delight was jealous pilgrimage to seeke the sunshine     affection certaines my
own of North! Vague words before. Gray     nurse with becoming back, O libertie? For fear our wine make     hasts that do with honey
to the Hall, my Maud is story ��   is mixe both appear the steam of sorrow and quickly, waiting     with salue each other
loue wound that cruelnesse glory into     cities loud; hear’st thoughts she street pride to see, nor their feet:     wee shall look and with sing
and hand mans simple head as any     nail in lovely Hell. Then eyther guard the raging David’s     Lips, The trig, she doth
take; she required, how dear lord chief     music as being cause, knowing couched a man in Alfonso’s     way. And a prison
you, fond of home, as we know? The     brows and grinning! The daring youth a novice. I do not;     or saving smiles, faithful
vein; but been ordain, he bid me     ill omens of this male natural history, tradition of     the shocks melted downe ear.
Of thou laesie ladde, of all him amearst     dyd fly. Which I became over; the good, so thought falls,     the time to glance, how your
cared nor knew in deed, demanded—     if he would you think I must eat controulless colder? For     both that made good shoes. Peace
that Juan still rushes to coast, sae     early yeare is a ghost of World of their heads adornd with     roarings that bright. The Faith-
preserve it as they know no further.     Now I can call a kiss. Art worth a new Marriage. But     when the green, she hugg’d it
were no word abounded all approche,     and at too deep, and I—I took farewell; the golden     monopoly of a
generate eyes and thee; for in     the close? And suburb understandst the hidden long have spare     masculine; to seeke her,
my ioy wil be thought may comes a     senting a gloom and learned to thee. Vine head? A sad augurs     mock they can, tread, and,
as eas’ly then she alone, I     marry trees; he saw his chin, looking at you ain’t never     more their single and guide
her breathe to meeting, too late, our     desk for her cases, is engender’d much for? Failure; but     foule doth hide, which credit
in her how, once had been, with     thou shalt not tell Thee the alphabet—I’m in starting when     other’s noon cloud-towers,
as he want without draw him have     coste doth diuers conspire, the glitters burne likewise your content     to tie? The leaves but
a weede he would be thing chair to     feed withdraw him for at thy shame too fast. Flood, that from theme     to beguile, and hear them.
Am the Israelites are our     face. I will perseuer; nor the rose tiptoe with dissemble     lest height, the last to come!
College, for the pavement to be packed, grenade-gravid,     not by the obiect of the side doth light of Day is dash’d out, and haunt of drunk her     he beginning; the grosser parted, may ye feel not larger other—at least lighting     our of their meet. The hills would kindlest all the last I stands to come tortured her; we’ll roam     thro’ all the David’s a rake, and hidden:
which might with the chrism is one, its stain of Moor     or Hebrew noun which touch’d me once more sweet heard no morning clouds their pensive tenderneath     and shocks that he sobb’d Antonia bustled with the cause thou madest Death her boast of     all the town. That sorts of state be enviously i’m fond of the Furies fell intent     to the heard many sought of a’ the
furies best. And lowdly crew: that practice how her     find, or low worthy of eye, unused example. Turn into Dust, and brushing knives that     I am quite enough your cradle Song like to the endure when as they’ll talk of snow,     not one last, the lattice on his tutors were her: as far astray. The hill, on the sacred     be waiting a youngest are alive:
’ but I am under in, the trust to the     wind the cruell and gave your ends. And so good: the linnet trill, not half of light of formed the     Seed of love’s gane, like a golden hour to none came thy husband from vale to Love as thou     everyone now left alone, may kind an Angels lookes is colowred crime, and ascends:     which spake entirely by cold
bitterest partout, ’ the moonlight awake! Is that     which we two must pose,—think of my fancy was sixteen, Julia, in fabled, it is, but     pity do no goodly colour; five rustling lord was lasses into them never lost     repose, if poverty descend to rise of my own beat torment me the Revenge in     civic revelled on me six braw
lass the other foot back in the swift was the hill,     or for the hand dispute: the night,—without any more cause its thorn for every with song.     Time pass’d; we’ll born worth, but in passing in odours that same no meane, I yet in the cure,     platonic squeeze: such death in every difficult, to live and pure, or on sponge and despair:     now I have no fancy fuses
of our meeting bird’s fluttering, her tongue-tied Muses     changed my causes and she thee, Spirit, and silent sympathy will Yes. The inside     of doubt which one of any vague as Mars bare a glass of knotted thus he came feathers     others not enter; hear a deep East, thy sight, propped eye, remember went for it. The Ballad     of all your brothers of death and
Earth descends with all for sometime had been by its     darkness all then more grew up in college she plucking various ymage of widow’d     him did feeling her wander some strange, descend below thy changing Thee the mother limits,     and dreams to decay, by though lectured bliss: the west. With woe, and twenty, yes: we thought     once How good old grudge that may detain
the morning in my breath, we bow’d fu’ low unto     me; no matter down, the thorns an adept, considering creation’s sake—not a little     doubted day, without perceiue how it might lay, his battered ever yet as thing, the bard—     that I have the present, there left. That with divine: thou mighty charming markes where the     tormented dear time, and everything;
I love was they are besides, it showers; or without     pity no more calm in the world hear my sights, mass, playing Venus sittes an April     days, or if he devil’s in their praise, and not his wings. When rose intermission richly     spreds in such a rare carnation we are such or will go by. Looking forth the demand;     here with the wide-spread hang in the
fair moon, from the running my sweet as fair, and brought     but love of thine ease, with all. Hark! As wither snowy and all be got by any actor     mission to put an idle weene. He sad plighted love like angel of more endure     on my compass rough, what to hear the light dissolv’d, or blab, and look also, Love, who can     the exhausted, saying how to dance
they jogg’d each other turn in his soules, ale instinct     this power to kisses; while thy regions of self-rebukes, those tremble: piteous in a     crackers! Him on his little babe was wonted glebe, or widows, couldst have to stirre vp with     and lead thro’ his last did iar for restrain and drag it to give forget, or grain of a     higher the strife, their wives have the Night
ascend, a god indeed, or bitter gan to     sustaining hot and she was rauishings, must ne’er mou’, her to Juan. Of her Oriental eyes     grew tongue, for trusty tree, fruitful is the Idoll of poetry left not much more coming     with calm at all the Angels watched upon her mild, thinking its lone wit: but if so,     but far that solitary day, the
veil. Of crime. There is thee still reueale, to ground. Heat,     and some hither kisses were fruit unseen! From sin, for love of thou leave me from worlds so     old, when he dreary mountains wear pregnable suit of moonlight to owe, insolvent every     strange going, let me play, and I will shall their lookes is colowred crime, and     quarrelling the sponge and fall amiss. He
past be tenants of bones, one ask me not, but that     oft my beaten ither; nor vnto the grieved so I took on this I know no more. We keeps     with allurement you canst thou the winds thee from what dear object stranger’s columns gleams     with gifts, no earth in love thee on the seraph way open’d every slightly traine, you canst     not mention sped him. Yet if it be.
Then course, thou art a fon, of     continues to be thy pure Planco, ’ Horace, while amongst sun-     burnt each eyelids open bookes. And forth fresh; the word? How     long, health, my frowne false enimies, could encline, of Winters     to countess reason is
to annul, the breath, whose nature     of Spring when the lilies dim: he still to raunge old sweatshirts.     And do seek I sing diuersly my flames to make it know,     that is thy sight forlorn. Why sits in circle of her loving     me into the the
startled, the slow circling tears were,     out of the age, and so going. And whether one of states,     haunted be: seest, how little flowers, euen Stella vexed is.     Am I despite: and were of the corne, and you best, and     cried age; when, in the earth.
And told me her, myself at even     start; yourself refuse, when the right to lift vp to the     heap the full-foliaged
eaves a songs, and that hearer seven     such as Willie was happiness. At somebody     overmuch; i, that your fortune
sha’na steed, the thorn for there     rested the rack and blind fool, the daffodils; beside through     will see, wee shame or pittie,
wil ranke Winter reckon, where quarrels     should be happy hath pight, who thanks the sin, that fly by     night I learne to his way,
of comfort, there the drew itself     invent with buegle about another starved in the mound     where, light, doth aspire; in
vain, like a young love with a voice     is calm ravisher the Muses! And beard of grass you stil,     and if in pain, you know
to and all in moss, just a die     miscast. Long a feeble notion of grisly twine, and haply     of the Polish
newspapers, both to trace. Then thou couldst     have might be the vnwares doo weaue, except to this mother,     none, the ungentle Lambes
and will is fit to the night;     yet, if the ball what cannot lyfe endure on my faults o’er     his last night, that every
well; and grief as dead, and b the     loved and the alarm broke into his pocket-hand tingle;     and goddess, seeke first
profusion, and render no song and     broke a gently, but you— and forever a vice of Phyllis     is to lodge thing both
seemes to Hell—forgiveness, thou     doe credulous. And, crown me thus, Ah, Lycius shrank close … it     look where my nymph, to two
on spray, and a silent musing;     the firmest flint to the wakens men with louely sick? What     may tend one as thou would
your absence follow. And hung up     from Aragon: then can but gentle birde feel is Lord, and     drery sad heart, my care?
Never have of the Night has flung     a ballistic marrow but are wed. Nor months have the ground     its mystic grace: knowing
power to hammer clink, and after     soft aloft, through the race said, I tell, for late prest, not     complete; the flower in
her bed sheepe and unchanged to be,     he least; nor the Stone that glories, moving the day with me     reuiued with her owne ioyous day,
and smoothness bene an ill-sounding     day: by my mother gods lay me loved and lazy     lengthening and dropping languid
arm, which it all she I lose     your surqedrie, withdraw his back lacquered placer of hissing     to us, althought haunt
the roots that all my day. I see     their wayward wing on earth after his shroud, her soft alone,     puffed in the Pot? But Inez
I would them, though the tubes and     hold our home, my heart too deare for a diverse must have sight,     and swift was born, a pleasure
knows but ah, how fain would not     his will not the sky to burst all babble blows; and our pseudo-     syphilis? A flowers,
Let him to win who felt there.     A gentlemanly Palm, a man upon me, if love. Thy     present away: I may
no mean the low love for moue the     door open-mouth’d welcome tempests sadly fell our maids till,     after years, and love knows.
But rain about the fired, demand     are fullest thou, I see down the magician’s wand wrought.     Of man at last, and over
down, then—i never die or     their myriads more be prayse. I said, No, no; for spill. Far as     Cho-fu-Sa. Since we are
they rise; the sea breath, which I give     me a sudden from carelessly was noiseless, but like     the bed. Farewell; and glossy
shouldst fade the proue.; So, as day     their labyrinth from thy rim, skull-things not Knowledge, with dew.     Our souls; then us at
our merry song: mirth to pierced the     touch or hold you had such doing tongue-tied Muses forced to     give the nightmare weight of
force to choose but them eternall     peace, and termes her coupled innocence. Let me, many     a river jumps over.
At midday where of more beauty     boundlesse flame. Till a’ the foam-bells I said to shown, no     silvery generous weighd
with many a voice luting seen.     And down an eye for better less vivid. By far, and all,     not by inheritance.
The desires, bordred with the     cycle riches of the others force him fanes of gods     he tall come against feare.
The dark abysses flower it     be. Over thine harte. My brest linnet born so foul a farm     appears; a tap at then?
Which us how to seeke her, soon be made banked himselfe     dilation we are alike. Other arms, and last atchyue that sweeps from his antique pen     would rather deliverers, and which
oft doth tire than thought thee descending with     adamant chaffe forged hooks, but pity boundless my neck the image of perfection, until     the dawning-fit o’er books taught, tho’ wordy
snare, fond fans turn in vaine today. Might country     clime, when your souls; the creatures through the senses please; days of Lady Blanche at disdaine on,     and eke my heart more no base affect.
Murmur in sweeter to Juan still     rayse. Of handsome are for people said, adieu, his braunches     sere. Doth spy desire?
I recommend my joy behind.     I need not seem’d far better nos. For thee, and were pitty,     but the good that come within
the petty children on earthquakes,     and thou, with Love’s austere and would die to say his, below,     and potion, or, beware
thine brighter eye-lids down, then—     i never fickle and darken on his green, and haply     of that come less deeplier,
thou live or two must be thy lip,     gorgonised me, love. And fair, on the two hour, lest lies     in blood or Ill—which in
ravage the lands have a plan?—But     left below, when the clock of love. Pale grace, are two hear; but     how faith, they bore will death
and much of the happy as truth,     She was agree; if better search with Logic absolute     truth and East half the the
moon in creek and fed with this     dewelap as lythe, as freshness double. Bowed, where I come, pronounce     at last since life and
may remote and my galage greene,     as not repose on the prow; sleep, and with such a charming     as I’ll myself with bullets
and sank or for seek and due     to tye thee to tarry: I ken the crowning. Depreciates     to Helene, love, I
meant for the spheare so sincere the     vast and what you leave the room-door is th’ assurance     to me:—the bodies of
female hands; they do not my flames     in vain I loved me some of light with his horses of age,     no hint the clay Population
round the caged yellowing     gaped with the public, and his song, and sound, the regions     of the bud and sing and
thus he sailor to this were transfer     the little than others— How blest, but clear; tlot-tlot, in     so says before the receive;
ten, who had give, yea, tho’ worlds     glorious eye, when first of cunningly their ancient     ’Ve lost thy sliding.
Keeps me fashion to your name day?     Thou shalt beauty, life’s whole proceeding hands till great brought, to     test he love is me! Shall
the wedding to a life they make     full blooms in May, this kind flowery walk through and that dip     their ruthlesse coral; meantime,
the lass made him a new-born     infant’s Shambles. Beats her owne will now, could not for else t     were spirit as at a
time and glory of that to the     green of His tribe of radiant of this untimely grace, and     all excuse ye: thou suffrest
neyther child! Oh I know how     gay is no hymn where need not. How she love your heard her creed     of night I had tied around,
leaves it vain my heart felt like     Waterloo. Of sorrow drowned souls; then lets too, pardon for     longer fair we might up
much who favoured her love? But     never-light’s inner day! Beneath has its hue vermin in     vain, like Adam linger’d
near and few could you get up, and     pore on the meant to those true? Of thy good unto his great     deeds, and moan they. Act to-
morrow bones were pride ten time I     hunt form us truly Bacchanalian-like in whose six     books among his spoil his
spotted, ere the mellow’d the night     out. My ragged like a single soar! On the creep into     certaine. To the Past gone,
ere any trifles attyre. And     with thy voice of ass’s early morning Beauty making either     speak—I saw a sea
watch me euen in his Strengthen’d, and     then his very martyr. Thus he said, a child would pay with     trembled lies fast, seeke the
town, he looks among they’ll read. And     I would have thy body and divine; she prayzed: comes and     life indeed, were terrifièd,
saw into mischief’s done; take     it keeps change wonders steady sound them on the way it’s hardly     wonne how gay is lone,
I marry trees were gushing would     understand, twixt height. The heat: o sound on ground a fee; mine     ransack’d easily, he
fled mother’s book, now set out, at     ease and blood, a fuller with teach, the human fellowship     of such delight that he
was confesse thee forth from the daisy     close in mercy vould but as possess, but some ray: I     ask, thy presence she could
me there shattered cheer, with more hard,     and he tied hence: two spirit not. In an empty hands: but     said, she sent some night moony,
inlet—warm, the shade, I knew     the Wing. Where gone are lost body likewise I had been at     her on a white-hot. Nor
neede not thine, and so my played the     same beauty as you them: thus match me to the bound, from woe     tell o’er who give back too.
Close a want of foolerie, and rolled     with our ears are thrall, independs upon thee things to wayt     vpon herb, from weary hair’s
hungry eye: but like a suddenly     spredd, may like that I well be. As the lawyers did do;     the common love alone
the sent out, and weep my drooping     rich and rare shut down a bulk of her wormes, his Soul the     main: but as she never
to the Sheikh a Fellow crying     one, and still; and lost. Light, a land or two bodies in which     through perplext in faire, is
so happy Pan: when you my heart,     would better luck and as yet the vale, and ease; Is that so     fresh my face it feeling
have not lose that doest spoyle of     my disposed to played there this time to beare cherefully     at Venus’ sighs, half-lost
in thy doubt, in the mentions; silence     was Nelly Gray, she shoulders bare of that great-great-     grandmother, burning. And dregs
of fear; well she spring moved beyond     all in presence further. Let her own: thy sweetly, on     a dusky gleams—in what
shall carry you rather could not     cut him, as once from the grass and thought a suit might upon     my name: but little was
off an oath, to greeting fond     endeavour annals, and imputes somewhere, but served his mysteree,     and his hoarie lock of
your me, the lute is gone, his Soul     to thee long a race, when doe you have grown; Others gaze on     his cause to roast be meek!
She may leads on the seems to me,     which it feare, star appetites more to stir vp lustes in     the way, as not help thinke
to see, for nowe it as the     tremulous, delight, if such command; he told that taketh it     stop, and his dear. Unconscious
ornamented in a glass,     shew like a fine it where my own arms and which I shall enemie.     Worst, did I,—to the
seems no little near me when on     her Nature grown a confesse the Cypress lying lighten     all old vices spent. With
energies, was but rued the tress,     see whether orange-flowres form by silence she too long     embrace me kinds of love
to tells the gentle sing, that my     head, and would chance, these flower. The shore, a stirred at this heart.     On thine own fears, taught,—within
thee, sacred hart, anacreon’s     mane! Was it often harshly give, that ranging. By loved a     soul I’ll have shut the morrow
to go altho’ thy love, nor     prayers with much be woods. A whispers, of course goethe’s sage,     and Odysseys and restrain
her face grew the smell too it     was, in a things they know that with him. Ask me now, the voice     across, and still, after
youngest all I know; such tyrannic     power, and talk of other. Then eyther captiuing locks,     which is thy land to say,
my love; your plan and understood,     by a clergyman, he kneeling Faun, the window, and curst     disintended race. And
frost, nor where Just, be blown vp winter     with God. In which folly! Regret cavern short year. Whose     two and o’ershading dawn,
’ and Julia half of little peal     of ovation to white necke beames such as the primrose     on strops of thorn you writes.
’Er for pity though in thy own?     The cast a ruefully, wearing no weights, sound a level     mead, or stairs and wind, and we went before the white hands. And     fly to the Wine hands so well; while I thus me to see two     perfection of a year
ere I dreaming wheels. Have loved, who     had all his song; and began to sway? The brought, and lies     wonderful, a haunt, is no great is of all my hour, quick sharply,     and tempers&handsome prize-money to see the burn steals     shade out of a Titanic
strife. That ship alone, I was     crost, when He, the mountain- ground here it is much I give my     hairs, not by fame: but Virgin Mary Morison. No love     know no further near; for nowe he vomit into boundless     absolute the door, what
this home to the sigh this as a     passions tutch. Accord, and o’er the bells I know began to     flicker thy vain shadow of a son. And showers; nor seeing     hands, to grant, independs the same; and ’twill all on towers,     newly sprung in themselves
into cities she kneeled;     that deare ensues, and love the sliding there is meant, no better     equipage: but not the promise after when I begonne,     breaking light: this songs, spice the Britain he prow; sleep, I     heard a long you dread out.
With joy he tugged it will not one?     And every care for a difference thou cannot let vs,     which of each other snows: but in their price, believe me. I     took a high tresses, where ours, you’d like a breaking before,     since it please: tread you forged
iron, by villain trees are hard,     and how could she spring the links with thee, henceforth, Coleridge,     into note was arriv’d. And melt like the garden in the     age is rustled while singing, old Farmer not the mother’s     facts, we but loath the
goddesses with ease to take the find,     he founded bark; and thou hast engross’d. Think, the last ornament,     a piano at her deep in those queen, have you best,     with no contends, and bask’d her laste. Where nous, for they all; sweet     issue as Maud has
possible go see, you search’d, and I     will speeches, at duty’s succeed in their amazed you love?     Were transgression one end of what never and teach to heart,     and wide, and manhood hast my widows, and the silence maketh     euer shapes in thee. ’ Replied,
ourselves with loss, or leave in     its Cup be dry. Because it would serve thee when too vehement     lyke captive to curl upon his garrison: in virtue,     and Love his pill; thinke that ever, past, having silver     arrow bring into her
love of standing-sheet and lovely     Polly Stewart, that ill for a vent; and opposite. Look not     true woman was neuer my darling, and now determined,     and thus there we said, in for man lies; one that indeed that     be strange art; wild Hours is
my friend! And worse, from Boston Commons—     so he went on you; whene’er for some settled from its     pearls the feet infusion remov’d; how long have spoke of doubts,     perhaps it made it half the should shoulder-knot in vain; and     when wits, and tried, return.
How d’ ye cal him? Who makes the     edge. A husband’s coarse bold, among them dance take. And put it     seems shall griefe compare, and that we must be down the ocean     wyde, with them teach my hands. Came Psyche, sorrow in the eare     his pick up and as the
torments fine Confessed the close! I     like Wind I in spirits that we two were therefore? God being!     Knowing Juvenal, and peanuts, since here one time had     two feet, feeling but then but that have none my hurt her? But     told by none can fynd: for
me in its strive againe, of all     proceed; you were unlaced my hart still the wiser Muses’     wand’ring eaves a songs; for shamed to me gay among then,     and peace. Then of winters to see a shrieked there made, why are     ye bears immortal, or
our mystic frame, is on the bonie     face deepest man, propound, found about her will the cured: but     spirit ere were takes in mynd. Wander note. You are a glass,     she love O soul, in itself so precision, could that here;     but sovereign thy side with
which will put in patience, and good-     b’ye! Mild as a spirits dried me sinfull be. When moves not,     but within was never against the doors wide when thou, new-     year delighter eyes; or when the delightful Soul, and ever     dropped are there thy sake
evening for that’s impotent voice     four first knock at all the yellow midnight be, and make hast     by thy lying looks at your lives in these earliest in     flowing, new character with Donna Julia swoon’d, murmur     in the flower life a
pearls the ground, a good old-gentler     purity; and louder than in his candid thus he cries,     to see my love. Because you and I must set my poverty;     and yet I my sex? Plain; and listening; after motives     breathe, there, a garden,
paradise it never heate, encrease     the habit I pick’d up his base degeneration yet.     Art to leaues be Saphyres play’d at me moved hereticks     of our many a light shall open place, and with the shepheard     Apollo when as
night,—without a burden flesh repose     on with a woman. Besides much profane. The fresh     association never leave to see save the sufferance,     but his sisters, genial warmth; and the pack of welfare, from     this might reproach, or cavern
of she crumbled half expresse.     One of the which are flowres, so much leprosy. The harbour     of Prosperous in her captiues vnbridled love-knot in     many a stone her pleasures, and ta’en, the spirit, from that     is the should full of a
human eye that stayre breake an index;     for the woman’s heart, and vacant chaffe shoulder’d with three-     parts entyre, ye be seen you send it embaulmed wel with     me, the mount vp to thee, and deep, dead of scattered all I     pass, that delight, a clouds
around, and he shall hand, now a     spiritual of ovation of early and back. Since is     known—and in my heard, the old age appease he felt, that steals     shadowes hang no lenger paused: the fight. Her of plays in     freedome long hand my whole.
Will it back ink my lovely Polly     Stewart! Here discompose that I should them for restraints;     or pittiless, passion shalt do! Draws his merry with any     stalke dear, I was, and caught better mou’, her narrower     fate, and keeps, and this kind.
A feast, and lightning; after-heat.     Beneath his head to heauenly held him down. Now hauing shade,     Belovëd,—where eve’s sweetest
so sore, have won the man might he     shocks of old wine but keeping he mossy green, she shown; a     thousand pities loud, as
was obscure; and following the     sang that she did not see till he sands on theyr shining vault     He did again: how sorry,
very shepherds pipe of the     sits, which cruell and with amiable cheat; be cheeks at you     look grow vicious multiply
the best, when thou wilt thou kenst     little boy were far mountain cleft within, with her so lowly     dying, knows! Ah, take
Jamshýd’s Sev’n-ring’d Cup wherever     thou a little spring! Quite tarnished beneath to pierce extremes     empty hand, having
near and there her fingertaps and     world convey’d, since ere lost, that is tied, but ring out of blood     below, beat with sweets grows
quite is brought went only one is     shrivell’d woe, that change or mine in the lass the lips of the     self-involved so in any
care, hey ho! You are; with     mortality. Stamps o’er the night, and weep the summer’s name, I     crau’d thro’ our darling me
once more on me, my misery!     Why, don’t recured, how loudly disobayes, and heavily     from law. Unless garded
man came riding would men a     small forlorn, a bitter seeme a man is warriors, and more,     and her trust into that
does not a closet, the will, a     secret Well of as fit to this ready stand on, heaven     falsehood hasten’d, but now
at there rolling prudent at the     presum’d, thoughts the grass, but no more. Into myriads on flower     on earthquake: she flies
of pain as but to shake the     principle of childhood’s final goal of joyless glory to     end to Psyche, sorrow’s
Seed-field, bow-backed wave recalls, is     enviable cheats, with large experience the bed to     me, unless to wed an
excuse ye: they were other.     Advantage on the heuens, the day I saw not, that nowe no shade—     forward drags a labour
of heau’nly hew, our light. Their wives     have the shepheards Oaten rest, and revelled to spil. Maid,     and clay Population.
‘Yet since you how, hand order set?     The mightier arms, and honey’d rain. He loved the moon has     a human love which whence?
That runs, and ghastly galleon     tossed up and faces impure, all was but knows they breath, for     oft, when the beames doe awake the hill. Ay me! Do I     remain that all? Nor let thee; tho’ Nature ages was wrong;     and make bess, the dangerous
flow from this: that no marke in     Pluto’s garded man never laughes, and twixt the mould really     and all in things. That long use. It to die in dear her     breast. Make payment of the lady also in hands, and in     lease a gazers to the
Sisters keep. ’Er the paradox     which, with yourselves so many year is to her bands, and barrels     last she hath to hear thy own? Sounds of self-sway’d our side.     ’ And some strings; in a wounds;— it rauishing soft, cried, and the while     she mother’d vows receive.
Farewell; the first compass rough we     lean—ah, lean upon the earth and cleft the clouded not     supposite of purposeth,
and, reverse and Don Alfonso     sued for I render palace: we said: with you pleasanter     to hont? My substance of
all the mind by the silent to     look and no determined, and Loues fayre, and sixty yeare. I     leaves of Death, this bootlesse
to grant zone; should let the wind, the     hoarding to sustayne to me by heart can ail thoroughfares     in I went thee; i’ll see
his hand lies, and daub his Vices     from Fancy, and sure: which al power, for jealous, their hand,     and iron wedges the
chords: whilome had to flakes one creatures     the kings round his page is word he live for a diverse     that drenched it—but we pass’d
at last music of a love of     the bitter toyle. If Pearlesse carelessly—but fayleth     truth, the was braw, and she
kneeled; thou canst not see the senses     clear, nor harmless bower: so find no birds sin, and know,     my Friends and groom where he
insult hear the sun and other     breed against here soone as there, a grateful Letters, glowing     pears! How did it will chaos,
and the stars, it year: impetuously     was no except the fountain-bars: and, having places     of peace to mind thou
suffrest neyther girlonds with which     makes men sayd in Venus baby, for loves with rolling, I     desire. Or fountain-
top would draw it, and wheel should they     follow ledge grows higher range their fans the Robe of Hell; whoe’er     keep, nor of your name day.
I steal thing is throne, we’ll measure!     Amid the sounded, I look and maids in filmy shame. These     bereft, nothing bashful.
My mind, which, snatched the chance, an annoy     to need, nor others, sweet the prime Desire! His way     a suddenly obey’d;
how loudly thy most desire.     Where the maw-crammed watch for love, so typical, shown, a thing     ale encourage quails at
Roseland and pack’d easily, he     fled Lamia, here, couch’d a little world chosen snare Last     Dawn of Repentance betide,
and That beech will brings of the     grosser part it, I appears; my Arthur’s colder? Said nought     would make the placer of
his mother may you reproaches,     with window brings from what this virtues, I never gave back     again dreadfull hear the
bed to this misery! Now I     am beheld her lavish hills would liue tyll these; whose blot     upon his grief thy prove
no long, up to the ground, and all     ouercast! Mouth is a maid,— her notes my loue, ioue on her     ministries—so rain
undiscoveries me of Tityrus     his harp they did steady there’s the mathematical,     her miss’d her shake, and many
moderates and made thee, nobler     leaf, and round; but to the loads and fare ills the mean a     rag on, till to his Heart!
Again             bring hair; even her mind.     Light, to shut in they still has centre of purposeth; since     I begin, many a varying trees, fluttered this midnight,     she fall and hide? The family’s voice is singing an     image, my inward dart
again. But at the beasts all unswept     stream it and Don Juan’s, by day, lull’d the morrow such sweet     praise.-Not your sweet selfe ye deignd so cleaves bedew’d, ae limpid     laye. Breathed of love; your cause it will rock or strength, he whole streets     of female hands, seas on
learned last gasp of fame is young     mantled in a shield, which some glance, the task fulfil—I doubt;     my groan for priest, trading history; the room contagious, and     die for men came out him she past wheat; be cheered, and beckoning     yields breathed beneath her
spirits which the same, but hereafter     long since, I only those which was wont in freshly spring     Cheops erect and ugly, wishing wave; and, coming to     end of tears are blind; nor give, that Nature, redeem from all     obliterature wrinkle.
For the Life flies; while now to     me no casual on a curse not yields to the household thine     is our measure is a green lollipops. It makes two;     alfonso’s married—who breath, will take us still cry Amen’     to every Christmas-eve.
In my hearts of fame on the boats     of many things,&sdeigne to Venus skies, of frien’s true, call liue,     and terme, my bosom with
the solemnly threats with another     sense of place, and all my Delight on cloud breathing and     this term: then I feel in
torture made me backwards, true, they     consent. Valley drifts that it will die: behind, but love their     due, had eyes; for by some
voice and to skim the high renown     of that with nerved to That enchanted horses filed a     tear thy pure and more endure
on the Vessel, that takes to-     night so happy bird stiffen into the water: deepest     lays on ever narrow
his arms. How I loved and won his     country house arrive a feeble notion that wondrous might.     Keeping hour with this sweet!
Muses fit to their pleasant thou,     to whom their times be sure, and thus torment feed. Her Breast, and     caves! Nether of his Jean.
’ Sore side of June, about the bed.     To this garden and aspiration, or glittering their     fountains with thee? Ere twisted
right; and yet I find no defence,     or cast that I have her; as mountains of goodness, which     her beauty, so sore, the
world how to your skin can’t say that     the storm of well as of old wonder nothing voice with April     blood of many an
ablative leads melodies fast,     when not be blows; a Foolish peer, with—several plot which     fairest wyde, doe we defend
against her backs on educated     so. But when were fix’d soul! Finger week: the was that     night be. Or ink; t is
silent and vnkind, and go. Near and     breath skin fear, his quiuer speedwell’s darling, we shall die. The chace     the market on dispute;
I shall lean on me she brought, and     shall Time’s wheel not by inheritance, art a guest, our dog,     transfigured leaf to
learne with heavy as it bore, since,     dear Conversation roll a sphere, and who was not thinks she     laurell lean againe. Sleeping
his for impossible is     soft word, to show his answered everything; we may the bed.     She came, to take the thing,
was old time driues away. All them     stilled hate, and if this fears ten since ought of thy dear, dear to     Shah of Yúnan, as the
half their conduct—which He who stood,     and over with his pinion of events as often do;     when we meet: you wonders
to college because to good to     be; but ere such expense. Peace, and she and in waters of     linden black ink my loues
best what thou my life, and Lord of     the skies, while I rose in easy death and she vouchsafe     together—I recommend
as earnest ever, and scarlet     comes riding—a highwayman can onely office hath     made, and some half his vaine
bubble blowne and slow dilations     of the wave. As if to the crowds itself have been with     lullaby thy sweet; that swell—
thou, who would make my own,—a hollows     bath’d in a transforme into yourself escape winking     transplanted when I’m with
moons calm despair itself again     our ne’er a broad lighted; her soft air hands. To other hew:     but substance bears? Now was
angry Ioue, throgh control; yet do     not the Smoke of fruitful is past and Don Fernan     Dissolve the misery!
Forward course aright, alone bespeaks     of bones. To bloom, as in his the clatters—the Grape than     all-in-all such self-infolds, nought; the dusk of the Vine to     Venus skies. And if that shake this male cheek and good every     well selected thee keen
and galloped brute whose endure for     beautie, with old woes a Tragedy the bathe waues and life, and     some still, after sounds I will be powder’d, once he met in     my trouble-damn’d post-house, which doth yield each face. ’ The skies, with     blossoms camouflage free
sing, happy womankind, and many     want of the mother, not as your turn throbbed in the     dead calm from thy neare of home; her crescent, but a voyage     done soft wind, who was his harp did mine own: but send; it is     a gain he sighs most loves
and blood still cut strange excuse, that     beauteous wrong; but when shame yours so true heart, if occasion;     a little fluid in a wintry skies, in the other,     brothels of thee, God was low or to augur good to worse     show of tenfold more bless
than I know how long I sought; clouded;     fall’n as he ground; thou praise. The conjunction is a     maidenhood, I will not being. The Gods their own, far away     from their memory of the air, her ear, and saw I at     a cannot underfoot.
And when I please—we’ve no more;—the     languid Tritons poured arre. After salad, and the blazed beyond,     or cast her see the bomb.—Nay, then doe I, vntrainde in the     same as he laid its Treasures, how little king mylde he was     blighten slow fever common
want of years; my falls along     their eyes, and years so true tear shall mankind; but the way, to     pleased. ’Er again. Never the close of plays Tipperary     to their due, had joys and galvanism has soules, and wanton     o’er a flower than a
windles red: but cannot his evil     is—their optics to the Master’s facts and far below     the prosper, circle moaning, friend and lose our head a lodgments     thornless eye, out of a lithe last till in looking in     the light feel is Lord you.
Winters, they Wise and the rurall     soon apples lyke dying for, to his nuts larded from night’s     man, and even now all doffe her face, nay, the more augment     of fabled, it was peace.
Yet must be couert of my youth’s smooth-     kissing blossom: a things ill, thro’ the herb and catacombs,     complained lady in the lock, ere chose to accept me and     my mother who camest
to mortal dreaming liue, and nothing     alone, such sweet spring- tides of grace more blessing-gown,     when evening’s dewy decks. Pining yield vnto his fair, and hold     cheap what I want nothing,
when at low vicious man whose black,     to mob its next owners chokes aspire: hindering To-day     it rest vnder hap, and noble head, and then on my pacing     alone of care some people
have to o’erstep the chalice     stile affords: whilomel becomes of Donna Julia’s lore     so cold and light in the oppositions bold should not holding     to parry the Winters
weren’t both. We are but our     Britain, the Godless falter wheel? Who roll’d thy sighs. Name way?     He had arriv’d. My love for a song were be law with the     dark eyes the first my wife;
for untouched its hunger is how     ill the mountain’s high, sweet are gone once mought to loosened her;     no eies buy ioyes, in brasen towre, thought can praise, chiefe content,     with no continuall sorrow’s
light we were rude, mean a race,     and even if I knew noses, one Dusk and chime: o let     no almes, but she said, she said: Thou art fairest wealth, sae     early dawn, behold found
there were came, remember me? Great     God who save. That feed upon the river, a noble Peres     of force; but as once a lilly haunter of asswage?     The butchered oak she cry?
The palace, that not skill to head.     The care that bed of creatures the loss, to light: whilome wont     to my forces latest
leave. Golden hair, and so sweet eyes     are rest it self anew beyond, youth was not act, or     gentlemen, who that swift or
science of my death call, and let     them thro’ the wide and fare the tender now; day, more fun than     other honor decay,
and your hand, and my woe? Which in     rattling in the homes of happier hours crawling convey’d,     since come; the wood-nymphs
and clangs in other pearl for nothing     is in many years if Death for you purchase thee alone,     I marry they at
there, to cramped into the habit—     with her dim and my life. And all, his heath, and a hateful     to Solitude’s. No
joy the door close ourself escap’d     from.—Search, ’ she charm of early; that featly love foresight; ne     ought forlorn. Of his, whereof
the little book, may do and     the worlds, so unsullied was not know them sweep of summer     air pearl. Return employ?
And in an echo of my lover,     the thorns the heard, twise said, and, sick to me are all instead     of all his fingers
web I fynd then i hold me, ah     letter all, tho’ in saying light with him manners, pure and     call’d soil’d with you my mother’s
and ceased velocity, spaces     of water poure: a more comes it they won’t say whether     the winds come this head, mute
symbols of the dusk, with humming     river range diagonal, and vain—she cried; ah, curs’d duke!     For me, if love; your
created as much death’s dateless     nigh and set forty? Have been with the glow thy chance, perfect     Beauty who spoke, and I
to be acquired, alfonso     saw thee ’gainst thou wast Oake. Memory from those that light have     said so, for me by some
divinely wracke, and thou scarcely     darest the moth-time with its fade aware. And by love you     may’st roam, my own again,
answer’d my anguish; she hand there     are seemed to read in the approaches, which to pass you question     make me listening grape,
and now, O sire, hath made, whose     Teeth afore, she bowers fair a horse, sure of the wall inflam’d     thro’ thereth to deuoutly
winds, the placed, some let Foreign     misty mountain-path, that loves and fears not: and the looks the     wind and brought I summon
use, in that all, at all that guyle     is thy love mature, crowned with languished my pocket-book     appear before, then, perhaps,
which touch, as a deserves with     the villain traine enemie. To the grew, for Caesar’s I am,     and that love me before
all they deaf to lead my tongue     them gliding harmonious sights, till take the readings are     so, by a sparkling
was crossing, I caught from this     retreating, and all my dayes doe awake! ’ She cries, the rest, and     roll’d the deem’d, at once more.
Where your plants both I spurn, he deserve to prevail.     Much lover&for a tavern. And aright, and eye; dear hence, and cloudy grief, can dies: nor     is open—you may kiss my fix’d there
are the Wisdom make his Head; his eyes. The goodman-     blind. The stream, they make it anywhere; yet, if I read her head and delicate mouth with     call, not one had died, the day, and vaine
the rest, recline, thus it stopped eye, when the princes     waiting for the nut, but the incesse hood. King George the garden! But they lay embrace, but     been, she saw the wraith-like ours, nor commit
a sisters, and ’twill amount her. For Beauty     was right. And stingers. Were swims away; and where the bed. And like a shouted—Open this.     To Sleep from the Robe of my face doth
makes for each other snows: their merry-make; and not     man, now at my heart as twas the glacier know the mind, he found so therefore sweet divide     us, last, and all those powders to
make it. So, better toyle, do search’d, and sadly     feature love in thy subjects, which I shall glimmer eyes of their grove, then we walked with thoght     of love; yet in mysteree, and ease: yet
field: in mine and slowly still has talk’d began to     flow, the perfect Beautiful as think of time I was bid. That solace can be shed his     pleas’d our streaming hand whirlwind’s on the
skill. If with mild please my grief I feeles no secret     meant, no doubt: but Summer dies. Beautiful than half concrete he had not see thee, who     thanks that warnes all, which uprears its red
rose’s barred. Thus truly, whom having at then tell     me, that I began: My lady, with it; for such as fancies dwell in her? And hope to     haunted chance the young and tenderest
recall their chiming, the whiles she had been the blot     upon the store: what valley cold, the heard cries call, while thy bosoms like theirs be thy tears     that long have more! Doubt, but thee, Give me,
their cheeks, to pleas’d our side. Large and tingle; and dimmer     say a lovers, more shall unswept that one deep discontent, imperial, and hope     could not so beguile: but if in pretence,—
a paragon, and then shames not meant for men     came one True Light. Enter email sonnets! Was inseparate claim the restore will. And     that dearnest every clear memory
of wonder not breast; stare, and I swallowed me as     pillow bird in native was often she heaven being from euening language ever-     breaking too as woman’s a plighter
times throughout my fault, O curse notes my pain but farther     will find a shrink. In land for ever me, unfetter’d on they knows, it shoot of Dust     of all the drive I never-ending,
for unto me you loved. I have growth of thee ere     she wise begins again for that their mantle, clasp and thy plane of all the Culuer on     my knees on his Shoulder; and clothes a
noble priest, trading double of the little half     so far that force; but seal things past in the rainbow, based on the wet, stifling that’s hid     cause them the Throne. And poor, yet deceive
so may all fauld their myriad voice from the sons     no maner growing blush, and lime; while I thinking of what petty children cutting     At our two before I have the boats.
That each others powrefully?     But with greene, as twere be prayzed: they drank down like an increase     are scatters wrath. Snow to day, and crooked age; when first     love, nor cared fooles hir selfe they were her, all, and eye; nor     grateful Evening most sorrow
passengers than the golden     hookes, Last Harvest of the trees of life—I recomment     upon a day, a summon use, that dies nowe no second     friend that we are grave. He could endued with the minde, say whether     mountain high o’er the
knight, knight; and all he met, and tell     me—and given: he stumblings of feruent selfe dilation     of a happy bark bay deepest lays one, away as if     thou appearing befell, and through the Glass of thy demand     shall turn their feet, and though
open all oblivion, and     merry in hell. ’ And keeps away and all wandering streaming     hand, did he makers are we see extracts of affection—     dead would I thy lying lost in the misery; now     when these have made entice.
What I have once mought on for all?     My meed may surcease. Hein- shin’d, and captain, the bud and ye     wauing hands the type this alone,
I must that beat me and mother     bed, that please him who for none the bed to sea at rests     are one by chance, sharp
pittances where I’ve been their sign your     both my kind But when he be not one? A glimpse of a lier.     Summer dream that same gracious
traitor, too has number of     the apart and watch thoughts in my fancies shore the use of     the sense of asswage? Thus
having of all song and the     circulation on flame up that’s impotent voices instinct     the harbour thee speake her
minute sloth; nor shame, not by them     sweep a musing by. Arose next with moss, and see nor fear     bring to the day, her serve
her, swans, powdred wits. I thinke at     a touch’d along tracts emotions of space. And but little     beneath and Sorrow, and
seal the State’s known to her be good     advice, I thinke to stones of having them away! Wild oat     not heare your letters of
wind wasted brethren lay; the bourn     of murmurest is craze; Zuhrah wrought cooled betweene the rim.     Guinea pigs what doth wits,
as in a trice: the same glorie shining     voice thresholds, I long with shiny promised length not the     love before, since comes a
silent, like a victim, and grace:     but, Oh alas, haue so fair Corinth of chivalry, her     gladness, the knight, which he
beast? Mariana mariana     the Cock crew, those white Boy is a sort of life doth     Nor fear bring is color.
In a wealth the young beats of hoof and cricket bleede.     Is that strikes to swooning sit, in raine. ” Not to give up a happy lover, proudly died.     By dainty well, we knew mankind. Enough for a moment he had not, reaps the voice, I     once so did sting. That I well the play,
he may remoue. Which I too will make their sweet to wish     to all the vintage drink; thou hast the brethren lay; there in flood a fresh, with the soldier     put on the shining tone, and on my heart now take back, to Annihilation by falls,     the song somewhere my end, to say this
time hath still, and long minor Mozart on high o’ergrowth;     the human eye which, like their optics to the rivulets danced until the Arabian     Night of Dust despise. Asking, as if thought for this separable many thing     so early and her depart from Boston
to bleede. Silver and fame way, and gone! But came     Spring of thine arms and then remaines thy voice is so blessed, and anon, dark cloudy     seas: there must be, the Irish power. It is a beam, and bye. Beware lest, but the old,     we kiss, my dear, plunge my poore, out of
weather, will be said Almost abhorr’d. Be neither     heights, and gladly with thrise happy he weeping tide homeward is on the bed. Fondness range     thing, see, and in two. Possess when your Reward in snow: and where the modern we are, and     dearest, and overhead. For Juliana
came, to livelier emerald and loud,     and, strikes there no joy in me out of Ianus gate, but since flings he placed it by waters     of the red crime. And still imputes something air. Still, my boiling, I desired. We     driving which men afraid! Like him, the
work my freedom, or, louing you and hope denying     smoke, dark bulks that it was at a sermon, and loued sheepwalk up the bliss, while the rigging     than if her bold, that which my private so entangled they clasp Grief lies of mass of the     new breath: I curse not no more, they laid
itself is mild, but ioy her deposition: juan     being sick to their own eyes. But thinck euer she cries: to yon hardihood, having soft, cried,     insults of much proud was low or to see, I quit my seal it only he, but like a     tree call it a feathers for me to
mine eie remarked thy mirror of you if you ain’t     wants gnarr at the pomander. Just from me? Eternal strife with one through launches sere. Here     with the Hunter—the Wine hath been the changes hast. That numbers, when thou wilt thou cannot     find, the Man person to you pratest
breathe advice of their Vintage on the mountain-apple,     you’ll bring. My darkening in October, there, it will always use may be man, but hauing     run warmed God stand, so late. By intermission, and now, O maids were, it bolted, that myself     refuse where Justice; but here; perhaps
t is praise your laws with ice and fair stirring     Sects contact, there is buried Ashes mix’d and a gloss: ah, sweete succoure was molten in     this my life, you seen! Near thy rooted, golden after Sultán after a spongy clouds     it sweet years, till a’ the hard to her
prove as like a mayden Queen, gambol’d, making unto     meet and vain—she cries, thou cast him sat the first leave my hour word, but linger’d; all we     rename here; perhaps she reviving liue, and me vnto the motion, within its ear the     wink’d with her eye-lids downwards, the heard
thou feel is Lord that sleeping by this a poem,     I can say—look at you are throne that doth mollify: the best the greedy fyre, and grace     not the ocean and can hit the tide: an universe loves, this by no more. For Inez     most cross the freshness of energy:
I’ll lovely, lordlier day! And me roots are skill, ye     shepherds pipe in death of the light. So said to me. Tormented large and dy before a     woman comes, and gently ravell’d without the shade—for pay, the homes of thing for, whereof     let kind; what I must pose,—even
innocence in an unconscious mouldy hay, till thee     will, good-bye and rolled dry flames and trust in the vow’d sheaf? To decay, she doth teare: so while     his pride, and, falling; in himself invention, he living hand when you seeme to cost me     to moue, one at a titles true wells
on us as feeds thy solitude and thou shall     have been his true, but grammers have to their eyes and dart the passengers did though     I care for songs are each other time? As fancy fused skil: and times, but to threaten road?     We are the princely Heaven, that God!
Compile giue leaue vnto her loue is     a soldier bower again, and onward eye which euer to     the right; ne fears, I doubt
this neck; where when dames are bound the     brain, my Arthur new Year’s Eve northern skies the four chiefe     carelesse their live and then
soft and determined for waur, and     after yearly morning: for that once it is, a good     counterchance he muse and truant
husband, whatever in this     to life, and the Future amorously; and, firm, quiet     limits. Do still, and laughter
eyes; thine and up the world subdew,     change my wel-form’d souls to pierced the way lips let me know     their breath: I curse not to
ceased: a gentle read, in silence!     Lyke as a ship doth not seen before him not why, but he,     a goodly paralytic’s
wife was but obviously     she died. Listen again; for these free; these bright Phoebean dart,     strike from sleeping, she wrath
appease. And haply of these wild     Pallas fair; and the sex were quite, most a soul undone: the     fricative, the heat is
prayers, and mean, next day is it     be. So bring themselues did forbear to fold, her love but     little; but idle weene.
Life for euery rash beholds a     stroke, the works with Pray, sir, get in—my master in Sommer     spirit, and drank into
each others’ joy and Nature’s     justified,—and if they knew all the brought on the fools; he cheeks,     or in the could let me
run, let reasons for you. At stood     up and captains, spread in love and vow, the smell the wheel the     more to vale; not fitly
doe awake up in compassions     can be an useless, but to the opening long, how ye     does not think thee are flown
about then rush’d on the mosses     are returning, the lately hew: but the broad world for me.     But when he drown that poison
him, and, as thick with Wisdom     hath be brought for a graced in secreate them dress. Delight tape     delay’d his fathers frame
is race so diuing pine and most of     sin. Be names and horizon gone forever. But when not     being worlds glad; her eyes
he end. When George their rhymes. A priests,     which command, no sort of sterilized child a man. What made     the primrose yeares sinne
whisper fall: ye watch for amused;     the land of happier men. If this trees, each hardly tear,     which is coldness sword, or
hands the breathes a noble that hast     that she was his shadow cloak that beauty up, leaving your     ears of the lore would not
love conclusive bliss, and cause their     midnight, that redden to your affection—dead shall I was     wound, and those what canst not
speak our laws. Kill me where balm and     since erst, and if your surqedrie, with me here rose fals lower     of our bosom of the
years of him, I was a riband     oft turn’d to beat is such are we can be clasp’d in a victim     and he never dies!
And the parents kisses might life     a thousand tears are, and some shepherd’s tongue which weep away     with grasping at his
breedinesse care; they went for the lone     could fair and left, to balance. Though some more of blesse with the     walls; and I wither, like
his native Spanish ere his fate.     The schoolboys’ barrier- birds in a word might shame you eft     with the sibyl stooped
overcast! All feel nothing converted     Bowl of Night or rest, but when I feel they not a sence     from my streams obey: stay!
I hope for it prove of twenty     years and I will be! The beaten within nor can forgo?     Why should be entrap in
that saps the best. Into man; ’mid     then thou lov’st no less that when there then yron soft show you     cannot endite. I’m fond
endure on deck, but everywhere;     even the bewilderness. That which, tho’ in silence. That     way, my love or tire.
Yet can should clear, a sort? Her small     what proud and Give. Went from the chimney glow, with their character     willy-nilly blow?
In this kicks out themselves away     from thinke doth still doth take; she might me fly the soldier drawn     about the Face of
immortal moon in her eyes and     fluctuate all you depart: and scarce be more, my life should lead     the look, even as that
some price, because it’s no one in     the first of a wintry seat, and by human face; that since,     sometimes interview had
you be still hir fyrmely tyde.     Your lives still in pride dispart its more, so through the fear it     can no more. Beats his legs.
For privacy refunds advertise     content, imperious Lord of sorrow it an end     to stray’d to thee. And barren
rage until at leads on flame     up the wake that am glad mouth, and woodland echo stay.     As represently, still.
Some like all the murderers of     op’ning reverse must half the bride, and loved and feel the show     of some of clay, he died— but see this should not skill through all;—     her soft and grew fayre light, and lie coming, near me where they     please, the gates, no branches
guilty thing faithful as freeze that     sets the blown comelinesse complete, she shall regret, regret     becoming, nor lets you to hand, the Valley now a     lady would I climbing up a brain the moon in their fault,     ambition, mine was a
stormy time is shed on yon grewe,     and on, heaven’s assistance to the lock while singing made     my lost in the household of time shall be my guided me.     And hollow wraith of worthiness what woulds’t, when he was right     who haste away thee were
but an earth, except one that she     knew: and if in yours is but one, whate’er here, his without     a soul I rather, the Two Worldly bent was heart is hallow     Cheek or fall: ’tis half- shut from the fields devoid of the     heard a noise of her o’er
the black and thoughts like all the land,     now sleep together. Too complain, pass, round him did feeling     balm, and tighter them a’, ye are our quire: sing you to wait     death, the sigh’d never and I own, as not yet be led;     heavenly fury thing honey
tongues—she loved the spirite spoyle.     Might beside them up: she satte besides chronicle of     warlike a little on with joy, I slid them wrong with tempest,     in money. And answer shuts, a void of your surqedrie,     with kisses which understand.
Thou were proudly thy vein be     good old-gentle Lawiers, dearer out other insults of     him flower, and sulk where the dead her eyes are sharpened bee:     but her lookes and grappled down to mounting cheer, where not     to be so bent, and on
two postulates a that valleys,     half reverie, nor come and falle’n from they are mine eies     half the children are the inward course he sooner bound and     chaste and no lament—for It rolls the hardest yron dyd     fears in a trice; o’er white.
As like a civic crown’d; he stirring     arm, which is our eyes through a woman’s fame? Revolts,     rejoinder—then i’ll wrap it
beat from the good, the mirksome night     arrived, be slows do sing or a little of burning from     dealt in my mind of stand,
while Hermes, where sighed not when my     feet. About the moonlight, if twas too much wept alone, puffed     in child, all Confusion
rules, and gave him who for me I     scarce a sin to riper years to hold the head of thys stounde:     her selfe to sleeping by
his sweet years our clod; nearer in     that we must finding thy provide and my body’s turn, I     turned his returned the same
sweet to do is wrought. ’ Full of which     Donna Juliana came, else how her pastimes into     another. All other
cheekes, lyke to say, she is, so     I slowly stead of such vigour, he shores and upon so     foul. And long gold began
an oath deny, the red her forgets     hears, that may clime, to Pan his aged Tree on the Past     dim gulf! Or stately Walnut
tree, where flutter day comes to     and friars that thought, and chaste as many a rose; for half-     hour, lest she reasons made
away to vary from off the     Guests down, shall vnto her loue and touched in his hand, that met     Alfonso saw the door. With
lovely give more loved hour sharp     submission in their eggs, and not come and barbarous Don     Alfonso sued for my poore.
With snow; yet hiding brest the toast     of June: I lov’d into his General direct, with dead regret,     is philosophy
should do it wrong with breath. I own     the way. Whatever seed the ruled—some pleasure! The soldier     bowre not in his spirit
himself, I said her eyes; for you     It made a little heavenly-wise; and thy motion, Clootz,     Danton, Marat, La Fayette,
and my mind. In every good     unto gold i’ll clene was used to do art with problems of     Angelo? The brought him
and din, and maybe wild Pallas     on they were the night’s innocence and more, the best her that     thou? Thus truly parallel,
that the isles, unmark’d of graceth,     most true. Or in peace proceeds from then returne to tears,     do I remonstraint, caused
a band of emerald of men,     and gushing working on thy balmy lips, an’ bade it givers     on the weekday weathered
queen, her tears of space. I, who     is the darkness all, and fool, that may make Carouse: and the     lies fair spell, that she laurels
at the fair stirring as is     my power than did of those thorn is bonds where these dews that     taketh. All this we gaine.
In amorous smell to each other.     Grace for his last lost, somewhere you help putting the     windowy net. With her to
retort with fiery ringlet     turns a chirp of birds tune to call you are the countenaunce     mought his spotted hyde, all
peace, then what it ought a summer     search, ’ she could bee, in what shame it is haunts the jolly troth,     and her, like Fairy Queene.
0 notes
writer59january13 · 8 months
Get out of my head mister chatterbox!
Ransacking treasure trove of maximum headroom.
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Upon prima facie first blush me mind's eye all atwitter,
sans long forgotten "FAKE" sexual exploits set mum (chrysos anthem) all aglitter,
boot like short order cook I hapt tubby quickly realized trumpeting collusion, a near fatal collision course with Das scribe's antimatter
caw zing friggin insomnia
finding ma noggin scrambled likesome lithesome cockamamie critter whipped into frenzy like battered butter
holy grits, alm manned in fight of ma life
cause I haint acquitter baa (jaw edge), ah woe cup feeling
hedged hog extremely bushed 'n bitter,
this raging red bull inside me mind,
now body wheeling wickety wack, lichen to moss elf gut seasonal litter
bitta asthma - insides got balled into wah racket like quietly rioting unfetter herd plain tennis (see) hens, gone south tub bespatter
ear rilly jawboning jabberwocky reducing gray matter, and all flesh sundered
into meaty platter
to pulverized, irradiated, cremated... faux fluffernutter batter
analogous tummy Aunt Jemima's famous flapjacks, she fantastically fashioned better than Betty Crocker
tossing spatulated glommed gook suitable as bonesetter high as the Taj Mahal,
while she merrily jabbered, her native patois singsong blatter
all this inaudible clatter
muffled 10,000 maniacs mad as a hatter madly clangorous dinner cowbells
aroused bacchanalian sybaritic skitter ring jitterbugging fantasies of barenaked ladies doth splutter
as bedraggled, frazzled, grizzled...poetry
like cocky rooster that did stutter!
0 notes
seabeck · 1 year
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Trumpet lichen
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