#Trusts vs. Wills in Auburn
bottomlinelawyers · 7 months
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pencilpat · 3 months
(This post is typed up by Noah & Patton)
Roman, what a wonderful character that seems to never stop being put through pain
My first and absolutely strongest headcanon is that Roman has HPD (histrionic personality disorder). My system has HPD and Roman is incredibly relatable in the fact that he shows the symptoms of it greatly. Stereotypically dramatic and theatrical, constantly seeking positive attention and approval but being destroyed and devastated by negative attention. His emotions are shallow and willing to change to please anyone around him, which made him very easy for Janus and Patton to manipulate. He's flirtatious and charming, loves to be the focus of people's attention, and he dresses quite dramatically to boot.
I've mentioned before our headcanon of Roman being physically warm like a heated blanket and glowing faintly like a mythical creature. That one will always be dear to us.
Roman has redish hair compared to the other sides, just a glimmer of auburn in the sunlight! He also has naturally very blushy skin so he overall seems more 'red' than the others in appearance.
I think Roman and Logan genuinely have a lot in common and they are both always shocked about it, but they are the sides that spend the most time together lately. Creating and writing and reading poetry and learning languages and sharing their favourite novels, they just have so much to share!
Roman is a good cook, not baking though, he wouldn't bake to save his life. Cooking is so fun because you can honestly be as creative as you want and still come out with something delicious. Baking though, that's science (eww, he would say) and it's so precise that it stresses him out.
Roman and Janus were briefly romantically involved, but it was almost entirely Janus trying to manipulate his way into Thomas's good graces through being 'trusted' by Roman. A lot of faux flattery and "appeals to his massive ego." Janus simply stopped coming to see him just prior to Selflessness vs Selfishness Redux after realising his plan wasn't working out, and left Roman to cope with the sudden abandonment from both him and then the perceived abandonment from Patton right after all on his own. Janus has yet to apologize for it either. Roman is quite understandably incredibly hurt and bitter.
That's all that is on my mind right now, but if I think of more later I'll edit it in!
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cardshcrp · 5 years
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—    BASICS.
▸     IS  YOUR  MUSE  TALL  /  SHORT  /  AVERAGE    ?
he’s fairly tall. 6′1″.
he’s good with it. when he was younger he actually resented it somewhat as he worried it would be a disadvantage for heists if he was unable to fit into certain spaces, etc. - however in actuality his natural height helped him pass, which was good, and his flexibility and slimmer build worked as compensation for thieving space conundrums.
▸      WHAT’S    THEIR    HAIR    LIKE ?
excluding the hp au, he has auburn hair. it grows pretty quickly, so he changes the style pretty much according to his whim though it’s most often cropped short these days. body hair is a lot more sparse and matches in color.
▸     DO    THEY    SPEND    A    LOT    OF    TIME    ON    THEIR    HAIR     /    GROOMING ?
reasonably. he takes good care of himself when he can. 
yes. he’s been in the public eye since birth as le diable blanc - he has a reputation and image to uphold. add onto that the dysphoria that comes with growing up trans and the hyperawareness of how masculine vs feminine he looks at any given time (whether or not he’s comfortable being particularly either at that moment), and you can see that he has to look a certain way. even with all the things he stands for, he does dress casually often for mobility and comfort, but he never honestly looks scruffy unless the circumstance is extreme.
indoors. outdoors is fine, he likes it, but he’s never really gotten over being pleased about having a roof over his head.
▸     RAIN  OR  SUNSHINE    ?
neutral. he doesn’t really mind either, he can work in really any conditions, but rain gives him an excuse to stay indoors if he really wants one.
▸     FOREST  OR  BEACH    ?
forest. he’s naturally really wary and skittish, and a forest provides a lot more options for evasion and hiding. that, and he doesn’t like most open spaces so much. that said, he does enjoy time at the beach, but given the choice he’d pick camping.
both hold a charge, but metal’s better. hah, no, but really he leans for metals if it’s jewelry for himself and so on.
perfumes. well, cologne more often, but, you know. seeing flowers wilt makes him sad. he does like them though.
personality. which isn’t to say he isn’t often attracted by appearance, but no one pretty and idiotic is going to hold his attention. he craves knowing people for who they are.
▸     BEING  ALONE  OR  BEING  IN  A  CROWD    ?  
on his own time? he definitely prefers to be alone. for working? give him a crowd, any day. he knows how to ghost in one, how to hold attention and drop it. crowds are easy escapes and alibis. 
▸     ORDER  OR  ANARCHY    ?
anarchy with structure, if that makes any sense. he’s always been locked into a marginal crowd, an underdog, the ultimate representation of one - he likes his rebellion, but he also recognizes that if there isn’t method to madness there can be no good result.
painful truths. nuff said.
▸     SCIENCE  OR  MAGIC    ?
science. he’s studied his own powers extensively and tried to explain a lot of things. he likes knowing capabilities, being able to predict things - magic follows its own rules, and presents a much worse challenge for him to work against, which isn’t exactly great when you’re sort of usually trying to save the world or other bullshit.
▸      PEACE  OR  CONFLICT    ?
peace. he’s worked hard for peace for a long time, and he struggles a lot to balance different aspects of his life to do the most good. he was engaged as a teenager in the name of peace, he loved in the name of peace and unity, he did unify the guilds later; he’s a hero at times not because he has to be but because he wants to be.
▸     NIGHT  OR  DAY    ?  
very much night.
▸     DUSK  OR  DAWN    ?  
▸     WARMTH    OR    COLD ?    
warmth. he has an extreme aversion to the cold after his experiences in antarctica, unsurprisingly, not to mention he’s from a very warm and humid climate.
many acquaintances. he’s grown up working with wide circles of acquaintance and degrees of influence, and he has a fairly strong aversion to letting people truly be close. he isn’t incapable of it and he’s generally friendly in demeanor, but he’d rather degrade alone and know enough people to get the job done most days.
▸     READING    OR    PLAYING    A    GAME ?
reading. he likes games, but he’s real fond of just holding a good book.
▸      WHAT    ARE    SOME    OF    YOUR    MUSE’S    BAD    HABITS ?
he drinks and smokes, often to excess. he also has a very bad predisposition to not accept praise or positive opinions on him - he is also extremely prone to throwing himself into deadly situations headfirst without much self-regard.
sure. while she didn’t die, exactly, the way he was forced to part from bella donna after their wedding shaped the entirety of his life afterwards. not to mention that he had thought she was dead for some time - it was devastating. the degree of codependency they shared was incredibly unhealthy, and it had lasting effects on his psyche and how he approached relationships and his emotional needs.
his older brother henri also died on his behalf; this struck deep for both remy and jean-luc (as well as henri’s wife), as henri certainly had not had to die in that instance. he died, pure and simple, because he was looking out for his baby brother and wanted to warn him that his past was coming for him and that he needed to come back, knowing remy loved bella and would want to know she was still alive.
add to that the constant deaths and revivals that the x-men have, and well...he doesn’t have a fantastic relationship with death. arguably he is also somewhat dead, having become death personified as a horseman at one time, and he did lose a part of himself he never got back from that experience.
his first meeting with jean-luc; his first heist; holidays with his brother, father, and tante as a child; his first wedding (though certainly not the aftermath); certain parts of his time spent thieving with storm and bits of his travels in japan with logan. certainly his ascension in the guild.
▸     IS  IT  EASY  FOR  YOUR  MUSE  TO  KILL    ?
yes and no. unsurprisingly, he doesn’t exactly have an aversion to murder - he married into the assassins guild, after all, and he wasn’t shielded from what they did. he believes in justified death. on the other hand, his commitment to be a thief and not an assassin makes him reluctant to kill on principle, and he often opts for non-lethal weapons rather than some of the others he was brought up with (i.e. bo staff vs knives) to uphold that. he also does not like killing in general. he will if he has to, but often he will put himself at extreme risk to avoid it.
not wonderful. he secludes himself, drinks to excess; often he’ll go on a massive bender across the country or internationally. he gets reckless, does many successive heists for the satisfaction of it, exhibits somewhat suicidal behaviors. he becomes very high-strung, and he craves human contact even though his trust is near-nonexistent during his bad points, and he will sometimes revert to nymphomaniac behavior that he had previously recovered from.
yes, but it’s very limited as to who he gives that trust to.
dedicated to a fault. he tends to wind up in abusive relationships, but he’s perfectly willing to overlook any harm to himself if he’s allowed to stay close to the object of his affections. he’s extremely stubborn, and he will always go out of his way on behalf of a partner. but he’s also very caring and attentive - even if most of his actions may prove more meaningful, he’s lavish with verbal compliments and affection as well.
TAGGED  :   @shesurvivor
TAGGING  :   @trickarrowd @prctettcre @nolaroots @tuppencetrinkets
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Jamie Rhodes-USA TODAY Sports
Hey, we finally got a huge weekend of impact games!
Whoa! Week three’s in the rearview mirror, and Auburn is 3-0 with a huge showdown at Texas A&M Saturday afternoon. HOWEVER, there’s a ton of other good college football including a top ten showdown in Athens. How do we think these games are going to turn out? Let’s see...
Michigan @ Wisconsin (-3) (O/U 43.5)
I can’t quite figure out Wisconsin. Consecutive shutouts are good, but that offense? Ugh. Then again, Michigan has had their own struggles this season. I really thought Army would pull off the upset. Wisconsin 24, Michigan 17 - Josh Dub
I saw Wisconsin buzzsaw through USF in the opener while the only Michigan game I’ve seen was them nearly losing at home to Army. In addition to the game being in Madison, I’m gonna take the Badgers to win and cover. Wisconsin 27 Michigan 14 - Will McLaughlin
This is a fascinating matchup. I know we all got a kick out of laughing at Michigan going into OT to beat Army but you have to remember Oklahoma did the same thing last season and went on to win the Big 12 & land a bid to the College Football Playoff. Granted, Oklahoma absolutely shredded Army’s defense when they got the ball but could not for the life of them get a stop and were forced into having only 8 possession all game scoring touchdowns on half of them. A little different than Michigan’s performance.
Wisconsin, on the other hand, has been dominant out the gate. All the fancy maths LOVE them some angry Badgers right now with Wisconsin ranked 7th by SP+, 10th by FPI and 10th by Sagarin. The Badgers, unsurprisingly, feature another dominant rushing attack lead by Heisman hopeful Jonathan Taylor. With this game also in Madison, you REALLY have to like the Badgers chances.
But this might be the most important game in the Jim Harbaugh era. While Michigan has not been bad under their former QB, they haven’t been championship calibre which was the expectation when hiring Harbaugh. They still can’t beat Ohio State and are something like 1-14 vs top 10 opponents. If the switch is to flip, it feels like maybe this is the weekend for it to happen.... Nah... Go Badgers. Wisconsin 31 Michigan 20 - AU Nerd
Talk about a one sided rivalry. Blue leads this series 51-15-1. This time should be one of the ones that goes to the Badger-Badger-Badger-Badgers. Shea Patterson really hasn’t panned out like the fans and Jim Harbaugh would like and I don’t see any reason how he figures things out in Camp Randall. Take the Badger and go with the over. Sconny 31-17 - Drew Mac
Man, can you imagine thinking Wisconsin was going to be favored in this game in the preseason? Wisconsin has been downright dominating through three games, winning their two games 110-0 so far. Michigan has been one of the best defenses in the country so far, but their offense behind Shea Patterson has been real bad. Like 74th in SP+ bad. My head says Michigan will pull this one out, but my heart says go with the Badgers to make Michigan an early favorite to finish #3 in the Big 10 East. Badgers it is, 20-7. - Ryan Sterritt
Wisconsin can run the ball and Michigan has identity issues with their offense and a madman for a head coach. These are the kinds of games we forget when we see Wisconsin in the B1G Championship game at the end of the season. Wisconsin 35 Michigan 17 - Josh Black
Oh yay, an early morning B1G snoozefest. I’m not going to dwell here too long. Cheese 27 - Khakis 17 - AU Chief
Something something real men something leadership something prestige. Sconny 30 Michigan 10 - Son of Crow
Wisconsin is about one standard deviation ahead of Standard Wisconsin so far, but that hasn’t been against anyone with a pulse. Michigan really hasn’t cut loose yet, but they’ve had a week to plan. I think this one stays close, and both teams lean on their defenses. I’ll take Wisconsin to cover, but not by much. Wisconsin 19, Michigan 14. (Wisconsin wins and covers, UNDER) - James Jones
‘Scuse me while I go spend a few hours in the library reorganizing the card catalog. Michigan’s the miserly old librarian shushing people, and Wisconsin’s the high school sophomore who thinks he’s cool because he brought McDonald’s with him to work on his school paper. Badgers cover easily, 31-10 - Jack Condon
Tennessee @ Florida (-14) (O/U 49)
Tennessee isn’t dead yet. I think they’re just good enough to test Florida and put some things on film for Auburn to use. Dan Mullen will survive…this week. Florida 28, Tennessee 20 - Josh Dub
This game always produces some weird games even though most end up in Florida wins. Florida moves on without Feleipe Franks at QB and we’ll see who emerges at that position for the Gators. I would love for Tennessee to make this a game but I just don’t see it. Florida 27 Tennessee 10 - Will McLaughlin
Florida won in the most predictable of fashion vs Kentucky last weekend after being predictably outplayed for a good portion of that game. That series is just the same tragedy played out over and over made even more harmful by UK winning last year. Now Kat fans truly believe those games will go their way. You poor, said, obnoxious Elite 8 losers....
Anyway... I can’t explain why. Maybe it’s what I ate last night or my nerves for Auburn’s game this Saturday but there’s just this feeling that maybe Tennessee pulls the stunner. I mean it would be a very Dan Mullen thing to lose this game. But given the Gators disruptive OL, an offense that honestly looked better with Trask at QB and the general suckiness of the Vols, I don’t have the stones to pull the trigger. I do think Tennessee covers which they can kinda take as a win I guess? Florida 38 Tennessee 27 - AU Nerd
NOON KICK! Ugh! I love the people that say ‘Remember when this was a real matchup?’ No...I remember Spurrier beating Phil and Peyton around like rented mules but no...I don’t remember this being a matchup. Which brings us to this year! Florida has their backup QB who is better than Felipe Franks (sad that he got injured, but Trask is a better QB for this offense) and that doesn’t bode well for Tennessee. However, the Vols are better than their first week showing that 14 is a big number so I will take the Gators to win but will take the Vols and 14. Also, go under. Gatas 23-14 - Drew Mac
The trap has been set perfectly for this upset. Tennessee is in shambles, but maybe has a ray of hope after beating down an average FCS team. Florida, after stealing a come from behind win with their backup quarterback, is on the highest of highs right now. If only the Vols didn’t have Jeremy Pruitt, I might pick them in an upset here, but I can’t trust him to pull this one off. Florida is going to probably be down or tied at half time, but Gators win this with a few late scores 31-14. - Ryan Sterritt
Y’all are going to think I’m crazy but Tennessee didn’t just win last weekend, but showed that they’re still willing to get after it. Pruitt still has this team engaged and this is a game that could completely change the current narrative in Knoxville and I am so tempted to pick Tennessee. Florida’s front 7 on defense is why I’m not. Florida 27 Tennessee 13 - Josh Black
Hey, Tennessee finally go them one against he Mighty Moc’s of Chattanooga. Florida nearly blew it against Big Blue. They are apparently planning on running out both back-up QBs this week. That smells like a disaster, but who knows. Both these coaches can take a long walk off a short pier as far as I’m concerned but I guess I’ll go with the Hunchback of formerly of Starkville. Jorts 33 - People That Only Know One Song 17 - AU Chief
Hey I think Florida is gonna lose you guys. I mean, I don’t really, but I need to start picking against the grain because otherwise I’m not going to win. Tenn 21 Florida 20 - Son of Crow
SP+ does not know Franks is out and likes the Gators by 19. Do we really think Franks to Trask/Jones is a 5 point drop? I don’t. I also don’t think Tennessee figured anything out enough to go on the road and keep this one within two scores. Florida 34, Tennessee 17. (Florida wins and covers, OVER) - James Jones
Here’s Cam Newton clowning Tennessee while in a different shade of orange and blue. Glad we got him in the end. Vols are about to be 1-6. A new losing streak starts here. Gators 34-13 - Jack Condon
Notre Dame @ Georgia (-13.5) (O/U 56.5)
I am looking forward to this. Georgia is my least favorite team, by a very wide margin, but Notre Dame is my third or fourth least favorite team. I think Notre Dame will get exposed. This one will be over before halftime. Unfortunately, CBS threw all their eggs in one basket. Now we get to listen to Gary and Brad filibuster. Georgia 42, Notre Dame 14 - Josh Dub
Okay, this is where I know for darn sure I’m going out on an island. Look, Georgia is great but they have played Vanderbilt, Murray State and Arkansas State. No offense to those teams, Notre Dame is a much better football team than those 3 teams. While Georgia’s run game seems to be a huge advantage in this one, I just have a gut feeling that Notre Dame is going to rise to the occasion. Give me the Irish in a huge upset! Notre Dame 37 Georgia 34 - Will McLaughlin
Preseason I had this down as a loss. I just thought with the pieces needed to be replaced at WR, some question marks surrounding the Dawgs pass rush and UGA’s general ability to piss away golden opportunities that maybe the Fighting Irish would roll into town and pull the stunner.
But there’s one hitch in that plan. Notre Dame can’t stop the run...
Per Cole Cubelic the Irish have allowed 19 run plays of 10+ yards or more. They are one of 13 teams to do so. Those other 12 have played 3 games. ND has played 2...
You can beat the Dawgs if you can stop the rushing attack and pressure the QB. Not sure ND has those pieces. I think this turns into a romp with Kirby having circled this as his showcase game all summer. The Dawgs are bringing an enormous amount of elite prospects to campus, college gameday is in town and it’s UGA’s first opponent with a heartbeat. I expect a bludgeoning leading to more UGA hype and more 5* commits. Life is pain. UGA 42 ND 20 - AU Nerd
FINALLY! Georgia gets someone with a shot at actually scoring double digit points. The Irish have looked dominant in their 3 wins just as Georgia has, however the bookies don’t think this one will be close...and I agree sadly. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Georgia get run at home (especially if they put on those blood clot black jerseys) but it wont happen here. I think of ND as the Not Ready for Primetime Players of the college football world. Georgia proves me right because they hate me. Georgia and the Over. DAAAAWGS 45-20 - Drew Mac
I’ve never rooted harder for the Irish, including last year when UGA went to South Bend. After all of the shit they’ve talked in the last calendar year, Georgia deserves to get it handed to them at home, with Gameday in tow. They won’t, though. UGA is going to gash these poor Catholics on the ground, and even if the score is close, the game won’t be in doubt. 31-21 Georgia. Ugh. - Ryan Sterritt
Look y’all no one likes Notre Dame. But would I be willing to break out my old football jersey and helmet from playing days for the Briarwood Lions (look just like Notre Dame) for the sake of celebrating a Georgia loss at home? YOU BET I WOULD! Sadly this Georgia team is going to run through Notre Dame the same way Clemson did last season. Georgia 41 Notre Dame 17 - Josh Black
It’s hilarious to me that people are playing up this game like Notre Dame has a chance to win. Give me a break. Grown Men Barking 37 - Team That Won Their Last Title Less Than Thirty-nine Years Ago 24 - AU Chief
Guys I think Georgia might destroy this Notre dame team. I am shocked this line is so low. Maybe Vegas knows more than me, but maybe also Georgia just blows them out and you win money. Dwags 55 irish 4 - Son of Crow
Lol we get this at 13.5? It’s currently shooting up near 16 or 17. Fuck Georgia, but they’ll blast the Irish. Georgia 38, Notre Dame 16. (Georgia wins and covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Sadly, leprechauns aren’t real, and I think Georgia’s got their magic flute and armor to ward off spells. Bulldogs 45-23 - Jack Condon
Oklahoma State @ Texas (-5) (O/U 74)
Texas ain’t back, still. They’ll win, but they ain’t back. Texas 41, Oklahoma State 35 - Josh Dub
Well we learned 2 weeks ago that Texas wasn’t quite back yet. The Cowboys have won 4 straight in this series. Make it 5! Oklahoma State 41 Texas 35 - Will McLaughlin
In terms of most fun to watch, it’s hard to pick against this matchup. OKST features one of the best players in the country no one is talking about (or weren’t talking about) in Chubba Hubbard who I think was briefly an AU target. He’s been insane to start the season averaging 7.9 yards a carry and scoring 7 TDs. On the other side, Sam Ehlinger did all he could to go blow for blow with Joe Burrow but fell just a bit short. However, I think this time he gets it done in a wild but entertaining affair. Gotta go with the over. Texas 42 Oklahoma State 38 - AU Nerd
Sam Ehlinger has been an absolute beast this season, physically taking this Texas squad on his back and trying to drag them to victory. If it weren’t for getting Burrowed, they would have done it against LSU. Mean while Okie State has quietly been very efficient at gutting opponents offensively while having a not so terrible defense. This one will be fun, but Okie State has won the last 6 in the series and while the Horns have looked good, I still need them to win one of these game before I truly believe the hype. Okie State straight up and under. Cowboys 42-31 - Drew Mac
Time to hop back on the “Tom Herman can’t win as a favorite” train. SP+ even has this game as a pick’em, so yeah, give me the Cowboys to come in and pick off Texas for, let me check, THE EIGHTH TIME THIS DECADE. Pokes 40-34 in Overtime. - Ryan Sterritt
I think Texas is a legitimate top 10 level team this year and may end up splitting the OU games again because I believe they’ll play twice. Texas 48 OSU 38 - Josh Black
I like the Cowboys. Always have. I would love to see their superior color of orange roll into Austin and and show the world that, Texas is indeed not back. And that’s exactly what’s going to happen. Men of a Certain Age 35 - Town Full of Weirdos (And Keep It That Way) 34 - AU Chief
Okie State is a fun team to watch yet again. I genuinely believe in this Texas team, though. They torched a really good LSU secondary and won’t see ANYTHING like that again the rest of the season. Look at that O/U man, the big 12 is W I L D. I think Ehlinger is a good QB, and the Horns have weapons all over that offense. We are beginning to see Tom Herman’s stamp on this team, and I think Texas runs away with this win. UT 42 OKState 31 - Son of Crow
There’s an SEC angle to this one: is LSU really that good throwing the ball now, or is Texas just a standard Big 12 defense? Oklahoma State has looked good under new OC Sean Gleeson. I think they keep things close in an absolute barn burner. Texas 45, OK State 42. (Texas wins, OK St covers, OVER) - James Jones
Texas is strutting into DKR with the Ted Nugent t-shirt and the cigs rolled up tight in the sleeve. They got a job, workin’ for the city (workin’ men, huh?). Keep a little money in their pocket. Still thinkin’ about getting back in JC or somethin’ though. Horns in a fun one, 40-37 - Jack Condon
Cal @ Ole Miss (-2) (O/U 44)
Cal is sneaky good, folks. Maybe? Hard to say. All I know is Ole Miss is sneaky bad. Maybe not even sneaky bad, maybe just plain bad. Cal 27, Ole Miss 14 - Josh Dub
I was trying to figure out how in the world Cal became ranked in the Top 25? Well a win at Washington would certainly help matters but have been fairly unimpressive in wins over North Texas and UC Davis. This will be a 9AM kick Berkeley time but keeping with my theme of picking games this week, I’m picking the underdog straight up. Cal 24 Ole Miss 21 - Will McLaughlin
This will be a bizarre game. Cal seems to be trying to copy the Michigan State philosophy of playing smother defense but frustratingly bad offense only to beat you in the most hair pulling of ways. Of course, it also makes them VERY susceptible to being upset.
Ole Miss’s brief flirtation with great defense is over having surrendered 29 points to Southeastern Louisiana. But this game is basically a toss up per the math folks I trust. Given it’s at home and Cal’s penchant to not be consistent at all, I actually do think Matt Luke gets it done. It won’t be pretty and will have you questioning your sanity by the end of the game but the Rebels defense the SEC’s honor. Ole Miss 28 Cal 21 - AU Nerd
Wow....um....so Cal beat Washington and Ole Miss lost to Memphis and squeaked by Piggy....alright. Bears (the west coast ones) straight up and over. Cal 34-24 - Drew Mac
Ew, gross. Two top 20 defenses and two bottom 40 offenses. Exactly what everyone thought when this series was scheduled! I would say I expect Cal to win this one, but I’m not sure I can really trust them to 4-0 to start the season. Then again... the Pac 12 has to beat someone, right? Golden Bears over Black Bears, 20-18. - Ryan Sterritt
Ole Miss is catching 2 points because they’re at home. Ole Miss is a very bad football team. Cal 27 Ole Miss 21 - Josh Black
Both these teams may stink, but this is a matchup I might actually tune in to watch, just because it’s not one you see every day. Berkley and Ole Miss might be the two most contrasting places in this great nation of ours. It’s one of those things that reminds me what makes college football so fun. Unfortunately, the fun stops on the field. By virtue of it being a road game for Cal, and Ole Miss still being a school that recruits SEC talent to a a degree, I’m going with the that school up north. Admiral Akbars 24 - The Other California Bears 13 - AU Chief
This game seems super gross. Cal is good on one side of the ball: Defense. Ole Miss is good on 0 sides of the ball and is categorically terrible on defense. This game is the football equivalent of potty training. It’s going to go terribly, and even the successes won’t feel worth it at the time because of all the hours you’ve spent washing poop off your hands. Cal 15 Ole Miss 10 - Son of Crow
SP+ likes Ole Miss because the recruiting rankings aren’t totally fazed out. That, the weather (hot as all get out), and Cal’s body clock really has me leaning Ole Miss. HOWEVAH, I just can’t get past how terrible Ole Miss looked against Memphis, and Cal’s defensive line is legit. I think that unit carries them through in a low-scoring game. California 17, Ole Miss 10. (Cal wins and covers, UNDER) - James Jones
Ole Miss ain’t gonna be able to lie their way through this affair. Cal’s fairly salty, and I don’t think the Rebels have the guns. Yella Bears 28-9 - Jack Condon
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/9/19/20874938/staff-picks-college-football-week-4
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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It was good weekend on the Plains as two official visitors left with the Tigers on top.
National Signing Day is quickly approaching and Auburn has plenty of spots still left to fill. This past weekend went a long way towards hopefully filling a few of those positions with some big time players.
Tigers Lead For Two Top Targets
Both 3* OG Kamaar Bell and 3* LB Octavius Brothers left the Plains last weekend with a clear #1 team in the Auburn Tigers.
Auburn is also now in the lead for 3-star LB and Brevard County, Fla. native Octavius Brothers after his official visit. That’s two players in two positions of need as the Tigers look to round out their 2019 class.
— Justin Ferguson (@JFergusonAU) January 13, 2019
Both are incredibly important targets for the Tigers. Auburn signed only two offensive lineman in December after only signing two offensive lineman in the 2018 class (though they did snag junior transfer Jack Driscoll). The Tigers also only signed one linebacker in the early period and are hoping for two more in this class. Both Bell and Brothers are at or near the top of the want list for both of those positions.
Now Auburn will have to hope no one else can top last weekend’s visits. Bell will be in Louisville this weekend before traveling to Tallahassee, FL at the end of January. That FSU visit is the one that looms large in my opinion. The Noles can sell immediate playing time and that will play a huge role in Bell’s final decision.
Had a great time @AuburnFootball . Thanks for making me feel at home #WDE pic.twitter.com/kDqE0i2jMS
— k ️〽️ ️ELL 4star ⭐️ (@BKamaar) January 14, 2019
As for Brothers, he is no longer expected to visit Ole Miss this weekend but instead travel to Atlanta and spend the weekend with the Yellow Jackets. Miami will then host him late in January and they are probably Auburn’s biggest threat at the moment. As of today though I think both end up Tigers.
Auburn Official Was Certified #WARDAMN @T_WILL4REAL @CoachGusMalzahn @CoachPrinceAU pic.twitter.com/Iv9OhYHtsz
— Oc Brothers II (@Blvd_4) January 14, 2019
Auburn Making Push For Robinson
It’s pretty clear Auburn would like to sign one more defensive back in the 2019 class. Back in December, Auburn hosted LSU commit 4* CB Maurice Hampton who is still mulling over his final decision. The Tigers sent the whole coaching staff sans Gus Malzahn to Hampton’s home over the weekend to let the young man know how badly Auburn wants him on the Plains.
Great in home visit with the WHOLE Auburn coaching staff. #WDE pic.twitter.com/1lfBJobh3o
— Ⓜ️ (@maurice_hampton) January 14, 2019
But Hampton isn’t the only DB target at the moment. 3* ATH Jammie Robinson is one of the most exciting players in this class. He played at Crisp County the last two seasons with SEC signees Big Kat Bryant and Quay Walker before transferring to Lee County in Leesburg, GA. People would go to see those two play and leave talking just as much about Robinson. He can play all over the field though most schools have him pegged as a defensive back, specifically at the nickel position. Heading into this past weekend, this race was thought to mainly be a Kentucky vs South Carolina contest. Not anymore.
Robinson brought his mom on campus for the first time and it appears the visit was a hit with her. Even more important, Kevin Steele took some time to break down how the Tigers plan to use Robinson’s unique skillset if he were to don the orange and blue next season. This will be a fight to the finish line and he still has one more official visit left with a trip to Knoxville this upcoming weekend. I think the Tigers have turned the heat up in this race and are very much a threat to land the talented athlete. But it could be hard to beat longtime favorite South Carolina. You also wonder if Auburn could take both Robinson and Hampton if they wanted on board. I imagine that’s a problem the Tigers would like to have come signing day.
Say Auburn What’s Popping #wareagle pic.twitter.com/vFXYYgIYzP
— Jammie Robinson (@Jammierobinson6) January 13, 2019
Griffin In Play?
One of the most interesting official visitors this past weekend in my opinion was NC State commit 4* RB Jamious Griffin. Auburn won a wild race for 3* DJ Williams in December and are considered the favorites for 4* Mark-Antony Richards. But Griffin landed an offer in December as well and has quickly become a name to watch in recent weeks for the Tigers. Might Auburn be making a strong late push for the talented back out of Georgia?
Griffin left the Plains saying that Auburn “stands up there with N.C. State” and that a final decision wouldn’t come until around Signing Day. He also stated that the news about Tim Horton no longer coaching running backs would not factor into his final decision. He’s expected to officially visit Georgia Tech (notice how their name is popping up more?) next weekend and Miami the last weekend in January.
I’m a big fan of Griffin but I’m not sure yet if Auburn would be willing to take both he and Richards if they wanted on board considering they signed Williams just a few weeks ago. I also think the Rambling Wreck are a team to watch in this race considering his older brother signed with them last year. The Wolfpack will fight hard to keep the Georgia native in the fold but this race is going to come down to the very end. My super early prediction is that he lands in the ACC with either NC State or Georgia Tech but he’s absolutely a name to track over these final weeks.
AUBURN IT’S BEEN REAL‼️✊ #WarEagle pic.twitter.com/2dEGdTUh7e
— 」ᗑ⋔エꑙ꒤꒚ ﻯℜエ££エℕ✝ (@JamiousGriffin) January 13, 2019
Interesting Monday Visitor
It seems like every single transfer QB has been linked to Auburn so far. The Tigers tried to land Kelly Bryant last month but lost him to Missouri. I’ve seen Auburn’s name mentioned as a school of possible interest for former Ohio State QB Tate Martell though there’s been little actual intel on Auburn’s real interest. There continues to be buzz that the Tigers might be in play for Jalen Hurts as well but yesterday a new name went from speculation to possibly a legitimate transfer target.
Looks like Oklahoma transfer quarterback Austin Kendall is in Auburn, per his Instagram (@bmarcello saw it first). He would be immediately eligible as a graduate transfer. Was a four-star pro-style recruit in the 2015 class. Completed 28 of 39 passes in three years. pic.twitter.com/q64TLJxolO
— Josh Vitale (@JoshVitale) January 14, 2019
Austin Kendall was once the nation’s #9 ranked pro style quarterback in the 2016 class and someone the Tigers pursued hard that cycle. He landed with the Sooners and was thought to be the next man in line in Norman, OK. But surprisingly his name appeared in the transfer portal last week. Very quickly, Auburn’s new QB coach Kenny Dillingham and head coach Gus Malzahn were following Kendall on Twitter. But yesterday’s visit is real concrete evidence that the Tigers are pursuing the talented signal caller.
So what does this mean? Well it could mean Gus Malzahn is simply doing his due diligence. Auburn really liked Kendall when he came out of high school and there’s a relationship already there. But it could also mean that in a do or die year for Malzahn, he has no interest in turning this offense over to anyone on the roster or a true freshman QB.
Gus has never been shy about pursuing transfer QBs. The success he’s had with them makes it understandable. But this move would be more surprising to me than the pursuit of Kelly Bryant or Jalen Hurts. Kendall will be a redshirt junior next year meaning he will have two more years to play. That’s more than a stopgap solution. It would virtually eliminate any dream of Malik Willis being the guy and would mean Joey Gatewood and Cord Sandberg are redshirt juniors on the roster when Kendall leaves.
I don’t actually know how real or not real this recruitment might be but it’s definitely something to follow in the coming weeks. Kendall doesn’t appear to me to be the same type of sure thing Jarrett Stidham was a few years ago and does not bring any threat of mobility like Bryant or Hurts. But Gus can’t really afford to take any lumps next year with a young QB. If you don’t trust Willis to be the guy and aren’t ready for Gatewood/Sandberg/Nix to take over then maybe Kendall can be the answer. Fascinated to watch this recruitment unfold.
Charles Moore Has New Leader
Last week, one of Auburn’s top targets in 4* DL Charles Moore reopened his recruitment. He quickly tabbed the Tigers as his leader and it was hard not to get excited about the possibility of adding the talented defensive lineman in February. But it appears things might have changed following his official visit to Gainesville.
Defensive lineman Charles Moore named the Florida #Gators his leader on Sunday after visiting Gainesville. Moore says the #Gators impressed him with their presentations about life after football. Moore talks visit here https://t.co/4NGaPstyd6
— Andrew Spivey (@AndrewSpiveyGC) January 13, 2019
Dan Mullen was the head coach in Starkville when Moore originally committed to Mississippi State so this isn’t a complete shock. He already has a good relationship with that staff and the Gators undoubtedly rolled out the red carpet this past weekend. But I also don’t think it’s time to panic. Moore appears to be a kid prone to visit highs and I would not be surprised to see Tennessee become his top team after that official visit. In the end, Auburn has built some really strong relationships in this recruitment and I still think the Tigers are the team to beat. I would not be surprised at all if he took an unofficial visit to campus too before making his final decision. Either way, this is gonna be a hotly contested recruitment until signing day.
Offensive Line Thoughts
Finally, I wanted to touch on the subject that I know most Auburn fans are concerned about this cycle - offensive line recruiting. The Bell news was big this past weekend and I do think the Tigers are gonna be tough to beat in that recruitment. But even with Bell, Auburn needs at least one more offensive lineman in this class and he should probably be an offensive tackle prospect. The two names that have been most mentioned are JUCO prospect 4* Bamidele Olaseni and 3* Dawand Jones. Olaseni has already officially visited the Plains but still has more visits to go while the Tigers are fighting to get Jones on campus. I don’t feel great about Auburn landing either one at the moment.
More surprising has been the fact that Auburn hasn’t sent out any new offers on the offensive line in recent days. They might have and they just haven’t gone public but I’m gonna speculate they haven’t for another reason. With the adoption of the brand new Transfer Portal, recruiting has expanded even further from just high school/junior college prospects and graduate transfers to any player that wants out of their current situation. Given the limited talent pool now available due to the early signing period, I wouldn’t be shocked if Auburn is evaluating some transfer options that might have to sit out next season but would have at least two years of eligibility remaining starting in 2020.
The Tigers don’t have a clear successor at left tackle on the roster right now. I think Austin Troxell is going to be a very good right tackle for the Tigers next season but besides him, I’m not sure Auburn has ANY SEC calibre OTs available. There are a lot of questions around whether Calvin Ashley will even be with the team next season and even if he is I’m not sure if he will be ready to go in 2020. I would not be surprised if Prince Michael Sammons transfers at some point and I would be stunned if 2019 signee Justin Osborne is ready to start as a redshirt freshman. That’s a pretty bleak picture looking ahead...
So don’t be shocked if instead of landing a 3* backup plan, Auburn instead attempts to add a transfer from a Power 5 program with the hope that he will be ready to start in 2020. Who that might be, I have no idea but I at least wanted to throw out the possibility that Auburn could be looking at non high school and graduate transfer targets. This will continue to be one of the most important spots to fill in the 2020 class.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/1/15/18182793/2019-auburn-football-recruiting-kamaar-bell-octavius-brothers-name-auburn-leader
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