#auburn estate planning lawyer
bottomlinelawyers · 5 months
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scapegrace74-blog · 4 years
Saorsa, Chapter 21
A/N  Here is the next installment of Saorsa.  This is the chapter where I deny readers a description of the wedding, and then turn around and deny them the wedding night.  Really, it has no redeeming value whatsoever, except that it advances the plot.   I’ll make it up to you next chapter - promise!
Rather than link to all previously posted chapters, I’ll just direct those of you wanting to catch up on your Saorsa-reading to my AO3 page, where the fic is posted in its entirety.
Thank you to each of you liking and reblogging!  It does my little fanfic writer’s heart good.
Claire lay in the lord’s bed at Lallybroch, the warmth of her husband radiating against her back.  She could tell by his breathing that he was not asleep.  He lay perfectly still, a discrete distance separating them.
It occurred to her that Jamie was the second man with whom she’d shared this bed in the past six months, and both were her husband at the time.  She was married to a man who had not fathered the baby she carried and whom she knew only marginally better than the man who had.  She was an Englishwoman responsible for a minor Scottish estate, a nurse who had saved just one life, but that life was now tied to hers until parted by death.
Jamie had proposed using a far more pragmatic view of their circumstances, and she tried to adopt his approach.  She needed help of the exact sort that he could offer.  He had no-one, and she needed someone.  It was the least romantic reason for marriage that she could imagine, and yet just this afternoon they had stood in the village kirk and nervously recited their vows.
I, Claire Elizabeth Randall (only Jamie’s eyes had flinched), take thee, James Alexander Malcolm Mackenzie Fraser, to be my lawfully wedded husband.
She’d worn an ivory dress in the old style, loosened slightly to allow for the gentle swelling below her waist, and clutched a posy of cowslip and thistle.  Jamie had worn his Fraser plaid, his long auburn curls gathered at his nape, his cobalt eyes fixed on her like she was the pivot point of the universe.   She’d suffered a hundred bouts of cold feet since that moment four weeks earlier when Jamie had made his hesitant, key-inspired proposal, but that one look at the altar warmed her to her toes.   She was making the right choice.
Still, the wedding had almost not taken place because of a technicality.  Jamie was, for all intents and purposes, an undocumented alien.  He had no birth certificate, no baptismal records they could reference, nothing to prove that he existed in any official capacity.   No-one could doubt he was a Scot, with his heavy burr, fluent Gaelic, and Norse pedigree written on every sharp angle of his face, but in 1943 that was not enough to seek permission to marry.
A frantic call to Ned Gowan, and a solution was proposed.  If Jamie presented himself at the Registrar’s Office in Edinburgh, he could claim to have lost his official documentation and apply for an emergency replacement.  
They drove south on a Tuesday.  Ned agreed to meet them at a tavern to describe his cleverly concocted backstory of a home birth, illiterate parents and a house fire.   The trip down the motorway had left Jamie shaken and moody, complaining about the noise and filth of the large industrial city.   Claire listened attentively to Ned and thanked him profusely for his help.   She was coming to like the cunning little lawyer.
Afterwards, it was too late to attend at the Registry.  They ate a simple meal and then Claire arranged for lodging upstairs at the tavern.   As she signed the guestbook as Mr. and Mrs. James Fraser, the tavern owner glanced at her gold wedding band (she’d yet to take it off) and swollen belly, then at Jamie’s bare left hand, and grunted.
Just inside the room, Jamie paced and glowered.  She tried to ignore him, gathering a basin of water from the common watercloset and shedding her uncomfortable shoes.  As she began to let down her hair, his pacing ceased.  He looked positively scandalized.
“Just what do ye think ye’re doing?”
“I’m getting ready for bed.  You should consider doing the same.”
“We canna sleep in the same bedchamber!  Not when we’re nae marrit.”  His voice was a low hiss, as though a priest was listening at the door.
“We’ve done so before, when you were ill.  And the purpose of this trip is so that we can be married, or had you forgotten?  Besides, we’re already registered as Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, and we cannot afford a second room.  Just take off your boots, wash up, and try not to hog all the blankets.”  She flounced onto the hard mattress, knowing she was antagonizing him, but preferring his ire to his brooding silence.
“Christ.  Claire…  Mistress Beauchamp…” he broke off, huffing like an angry bull.
“I prefer Sassenach, if you don’t mind,” she interrupted snidely.
“Tis no’ right, Claire, and ye ken it.  I willna risk yer reputation…”
“Jesus H. Roosevelt Christ, Jamie, would you listen to yourself?!  My reputation is mine to risk as I see fit, thank you very much.  This isn’t the eighteenth century, and I don’t need you to protect my honour.”
As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew she’d gone too far.  His head snapped back as though she’d struck him.
“Aye.  Ye’ve made that perfectly clear.  I canna be ought but who I am, Claire.  I’d rather ye no’ mock me fer it,” he said angrily, his eyes hardening.
“I’m not your property, James Fraser.  I took care of myself long before you were around to sermonize and disapprove of me,” she retorted.
“Do ye no’ want to be wed, then?”  Just one more step, and they would be hurtling down a route from which there would be no returning.
“That’s not what I meant at all,” Claire conceded, quieter.  She reached out a hand, trying to pull him towards her and make some sort of amends.   He ignored the gesture, tearing a blanket and a limp pillow from the bed and throwing them to the floor on the farthest side of the room.   She considered protesting, but then merely shrugged.  It wasn’t as though the bed would be much more comfortable.
“Suit yourself.   Goodnight, Jamie.”  She dimmed the oil lamp and listened to the angry scuffle of his clothing being rearranged.  
Her eyes were just beginning to droop when the darkness spoke. “I dinna like the deceit.  Lyin’ about who my parents were, where I’m from, who ye are tae me.  It curdles my gut.”
She rose up on an elbow and tried to see him through the moonlight coming through the sooty window.  “You don’t have to go through with it.  We can call off the wedding and…”
“No,” he interrupted.  “No, Sassenach.  That’s nae what I want at all.  I ken what is needed tae marry ye, an’ I’ll do it.  I just wish it werena necessary tae build something true on top of sae much falsity.”
She lay silent for so long, Jamie must have assumed she’d fallen asleep.  With a barely uttered “G’night, Sassenach,” he rolled over and did not stir until dawn.  She lay awake, watching blue shadows creep across the plaster ceiling.
A similar scene now played out in their marital bed, except this time she was fairly certain Jamie was watching the shadows with her.  She could feel tension radiating off him like radio waves.  An unexpected brush against her shoulder made her jump.  She peered backwards, watching Jamie rise to loom over her in his nightshirt, the whorls of his chest hair peering through the open collar.  A shiver ran through her like an approaching storm.
“Ye needn’t be afraid of me, Claire.  I wasna planning to suddenly force myself on ye.”
“I never thought you would,” she responded honestly.  Of all the musings that kept her awake on her wedding night, having to manage the advances of a suddenly amorous bridegroom did not factor.   Jamie had never treated her with anything but the utmost decorum.  Even when the priest had invited him to kiss his new bride earlier today, he had done little more than carefully press his dry lips to hers for a breathless second, before pulling back and tucking his chin to his chest, grinning bashfully.
“I ken ye may have… questions,” Jamie continued.  “About how we shall get on as husband and wife.  And I’ll do what I can tae answer them fer ye.  But fer now, fer t’night, wi’ the bairn and all that’s happened tae ye…  Did ye want me tae sleep in my room?  Leave ye in peace?”
“This is your room now.  I want you to sleep here.   Everything else, we can work out later.”
“Aye.  T’morrow.  And all the days after that.  G’night then, Sassenach.”  He settled back against the pillows.
“Goodnight, Jamie.”
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Blue-eyed Murder in a Size 5 Dress Unrated
Mr. Gold is a reluctant English teacher in a boring small town. 18 year old Lacey French, part loudmouth rebel and part clandestine intellectual, is his favorite student - for more than academic reasons. He tries to push away the shameful desire but, through a little playful ribbing from Lacey's best friend, Gold is about to discover the feeling is entirely too mutual.
Gratuitous student/teacher Golden Lace. Rating will undoubtedly go up if I continue it.
*** Note: Ok so this literally only exists because I told @rowofstars about a random idea I had where Ruby was teasing Lacey/Belle by singing "Hot for Teacher" in Mr. Gold's class and she said I had to write the thing. Who am I to refuse? XD
Mr. Gold was looking over his lesson plan with a frown as the class came shuffling in. Some changes needed to be made if he was going to get this class up to the standard.  This wasn't even an AP class but he taught it with a certain set of expectations. He loathed the idea of lowering them for anyone. Yet, here they were, halfway through the school year and only a handful of students seemed capable of the level of work he expected. Senior English should mean that they'd had the previous three years to learn how to write a tolerably decent essay. This year's senior class seemed to be struggling with even the most basic sentence structure. He shouldn't be so surprised by it, he reasoned. He'd only started at Storybrooke High School in the past year but he'd had the opportunity to meet the previous English teacher, Astrid. Astrid was gentle, soft spoken, and almost unbearably pleasant. No wonder the students in her care had learned almost nothing. She'd probably coddled them to death. The woman had left her teaching position to have a baby with her new husband just as Gold moved to town to be closer to his son. In the hazy heat of a Maine summer, it had seemed a fortuitous circumstance.
For some bizarre reason, Neal had settled in this tiny Godforsaken town with his fiancee, Emma, an officer on the local police force who was well on her way to being sheriff someday. Gold liked his brazen blonde soon-to-be daughter-in-law well enough. It was a relief to interact with someone who spoke her mind freely, even when they disagreed. Besides that, Emma been instrumental in encouraging a reunion between Neal and himself. Gold had a long memory for slights but a longer one still for those few who'd proven themselves to be allies.
To facilitate the growing sense of closeness with his only living kin, Gold had uprooted himself from Boston and his small real estate business there. Storybrooke was in no need of another real estate broker but Gold had led more lives than most cats and could fall back easily on any number of skill sets to survive. He’d thought of setting himself up as a lawyer but the only agency in town wasn't hiring and he didn't have the liquid capital to establish his own. To supplement income while he freed up assets (and really, if he was being honest  - to keep himself busy) he applied for the teaching position.
He hadn’t taught since before Neal was born but stringing together an academically challenging lesson plan was like riding a bicycle. Easier, even, given that lesson plans didn’t wreak havoc on his bad leg.
The thing for which he had not prepared himself was the day to day fact of being surrounded by quibbling, hormonal teenagers who cared far more for the latest fashion trend than any esoteric knowledge he might try to impart. He’d made an effort, in the beginning, appealing to any sense of adventure small town kids might harbor with assignments such as Robinson Crusoe, The Time Machine, and even Around the World in 80 Days. Complacency and boredom met him at every turn.
Then again, there were one or two bright spots in the sea of adolescent mediocrity. Namely, within the shining eyes of one Lacey French, a brunette whose essays were both thoughtful and amusingly tongue in cheek. She didn’t always appear entirely attentive in class but the work she turned in was easily at a University level. Given her often slovenly appearance, he had initially been taken aback by the quality of her writing. Lacey showed up to school with her hair in a messy bun or high ponytail, wearing half the makeup section of the local drug store. Her skirts were always shy of regulation length, her tights shredded  to the point where he rather wondered what purpose they even served - it couldn’t be warmth.
Gold had even googled her first few short papers to make sure they hadn’t been purchased online. Satisfied that the words were likely her own, Gold began to anticipate Lacey’s assignments with a degree of eagerness. There was a sly wickedness to her sense of humor he found secretly delightful. In the months she’d been his pupil, he found himself wishing she would actually speak more in class. The other students might learn a thing or two from her example.
Unfortunately, she stayed mostly mum during class time, save the occasional whisper session with the Lucas girl. After the bell, Lacey would sometimes linger by his desk to ask an insightful question and they would engage in the only truly stimulating discussion he usually got in this sleepy town.  
Gold was starting to realize it was frankly shameful how much he enjoyed those moments. When he’d been a teen, himself, Lacey would have been exactly the type to break his heart into a million pieces - clever, brash, and oddly self-possessed for all her youth. It didn’t help that beneath that palate of cheap powder, Lacey was, in fact, stunningly beautiful. Lithe and petite, she was one of the only students who was not taller than him. Her pale, heart-shaped face was complemented by tumbling auburn curls and a pair of brilliantly blue eyes.
He reminded himself constantly to keep his distance from the girl, never allow his interest to stray beyond her intellectual offerings. It was always hardest to remember on the days she wore her flirtiest hemlines.
Lacey and her friend Ruby Lucas trailed in just as the sound of the last bell was fading. Their heads were bent together as they seemed to be exchanging heated whispers. Lacey was pink cheeked and shaking her head vehemently at something Ruby was saying as they took their seats.
Ruby laughed aloud and Gold cut his eyes toward her. The warning glance only seemed to ignite her amusement further and the tall girl covered her mouth with both hands, slumping toward her desk. Lacey muttered something terse, flinging the back of her hand toward Ruby’s arm.
“Alright, settle down. Now.” Gold commanded. The chatter in the room fell to a dull buzz that quickly bled out. “Due to the frankly abysmal work that you all turned in last week, we‘re going to spend this week doing some refresher courses on grammar.”
He picked up the pile of homework from his desk with one hand, gripping his cane with the other, and limped toward them. He always sorted the papers by their assigned seats to make it easier handing them out one-handed. As he dropped each paper on its respective owner’s desk, he launched into his prepared lecture. Halfway down the second row, someone began to hum. He glanced over his shoulder to see Lacey waving frantically in Ruby’s direction as Ruby leaned away in her chair, humming off-key.
“Ladies. Is there a problem?” he narrowed his eyes at them.
Lacey’s gaze went wide, her cheeks flushing even pinker than before. “No, Mr. Gold.”
Ruby snorted and Lacey glared her.
“No problem, here,” echoed Ruby, still looking at her friend with a wide grin.
“Let’s keep it that way, hm?” Gold exhaled loudly and returned to his lecture.
A moment later, the humming resumed, this time loud enough that Gold could take an educated guess as to the tune. Behind him, he heard a shushing noise. He ignored both, raising his voice over the two girls. The humming was soon accompanied by a drumming of fingers on desktop.
Just as Gold whirled back to admonish the perpetrator, Lacey was leaning over to grab Ruby’s arm and saying in a stage whisper, “Goddammit Rubes, fucking stop it!” Several students around the two girls began to giggle and Lacey’s hand slapped over her mouth as though she could stuff the words back in. “Shit,” she mumbled behind her fingers.
Ruby had stopped drumming and was glancing back and forth between Gold and Lacey with an expression somewhere between horror and amusement.
Gold scowled deeply at both of them. “Miss Lucas, Miss French - you'll both see me after class. If I hear another peep from either of you that is not somehow related to The Scarlet Letter, I will be sending you to visit with Principal Mills.”
Even Ruby Lucas was cowed by that ominous warning. She looked down at her desk, lips pressed tight together. Lacey looked briefly as though she might burst into tears but she rallied quickly, squaring her shoulders and meeting Gold’s eye. She gave a sharp nod.
Gold pressed his lips together to keep from smiling at her.
As the class went on, Gold found himself increasingly distracted by memory of the tune Ruby had been humming. It was a rock song about the singer having a crush on a teacher. Clearly something the girls must have been discussing prior to his class. Gold wasn't stupid or vain enough to assume himself the subject. Even if the very idea did make his blood rush in his ears.
Lacey with a crush on him. Utterly preposterous. He was more than twice her age, permanently disabled, and cantankerous as hell. No 18 year old girl in her right mind would think twice about a man like him. And rightly so.
He ran through a roster of male faculty members who might appeal to young women. The gym teacher was attractive but not nearly up to Lacey's intellectual level. Then again, not all women required such stimulation - as Gold has been dismayed to discover at Lacey's age.
David Nolan, perhaps. The vice principal was handsome, educated, and known for his imminent likability. Even Gold was rather fond of the younger man, despite his lack of desire to form attachments in this nothing of a town. There had been a pep rally lead by Nolan just before Gold’s class. He'd narrowly avoided attending by explaining the need to revise his lesson plan before standardized testing began. But the whole class would have been there and it seemed the most likely place for Lacey to have confessed to Ruby any secret desire she might harbor.
Class ended abruptly and Gold found the object of his musings waiting beside his desk with an expression of penitence that he didn't buy for a second. Ruby stood by the door, impatiently tapping the toes of one foot.
“Mr. Gold?”
He blinked at Lacey stupidly only just remembering he'd asked both girls to stay after. “Ah yes, the distraction-causing Miss Lucas and her foul mouthed friend. That will be a detention each, today after school and I'll want a half page essay from each of you - single spaced. Miss Lucas, your subject is the impact of noise pollution on the collective attention span of the teenage mind.”
Lacey snorted and covered her mouth with one hand as Ruby stared at Gold in confusion.
“Um, okay?”
Gold looked at Lacey, whose shoulders were quivering with silent laughter. She always was the only one to truly appreciate his sense of humor. He wished he didn’t enjoy making her laugh quite so much. “Miss French, your topic is the effect of semantic choices on the manner in which we are perceived.”
Lacey’s mouth twisted but her eyes still glinted with amusement. “Sounds like fun.”
Gold looked away to keep himself from smiling at her. Always ready for a challenge, that girl.
Ruby huffed and rolled her eyes. “So, can we go to lunch now or what?”
Gold leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms. “Perhaps I should add another afternoon for being rude to a teacher?”
Lacey stepped closer. “She didn't mean it, Mr. Gold. She's just turns into a bit- um, she-dog when she gets hungry.” Lacey looked back at her friend, who made a face at her. “What? You totally do.” Lacey inclined her head but, with her face turned away, Gold could not see her expression.
The two girls seemed to silently communicate for a moment before Ruby shrugged. “Whatever. It’s chili day. See ya’!”
Gold turned back to his lesson plan, dismissing both girls out of hand, when he realized that Lacey hadn’t followed her friend. In fact, she hadn’t moved at all, just running her fingers along the wood grain of his desk and looking at him, thoughtfully.
“You can go to lunch, now, Miss French. I hear it’s,” he gave an exaggerated grimace, “ chili day.”
Lacey laughed lightly and shifted toward him, the hand on his desk laying flat against the top. “I’m sorry about… it’s all my fault. Ruby and I were talking during the pep rally and I told her... “ Her cheeks tinged pink and she shrugged. “Well, I don’t even know if you knew the song she was singing but she was just messing with me about it.”
“Of course I knew,” Gold snapped, oddly perturbed by the returning notion that his favorite pupil might fancy the bland but undeniably charming David Nolan.
Lacey’s brows flew upwards “So, you know…?” she closed then opened her mouth, eyes shifting to the side then back to him. “You, um, know... Van Halen?”
“Well not personally but I didn't exactly hibernate through the 80s. As much is that might've been a better choice.” As an afterthought he added, “I'm more surprised that you know them.”
“Oh, I've always listened to classic rock.” Lacey shifted in her high heeled shoes, the hand not on his desk now twisting in her skirt.
Gold winced inwardly. The reminder was starkly painful but necessary. At times it became a little too easy to forget the insurmountable age gap that lay between them. Not just a gap, a chasm. A shark infested moat. He had to keep picturing it like that. Anything that would remind him that Lacey French was forbidden territory.
She was studying him now with the oddest expression, as though trying to solve a puzzle. She licked her lips. “Does that… I mean, is it a problem?”
He furrowed his brow, trying to decipher exactly what code she was speaking. “I believe it calls your tastes in music into question but otherwise…” he waved a hand in the air, dismissing the issue.
“So….” Lacey leaned one hip a little too casually against the desk. “Roth or Hagar?”
Gold delicately wrinkled his nose. “Why on Earth would I have an opinion on that?”
“Because everyone has an opinion on that,” she replied, in a tone that implied she was stating the obvious.
Gold bit back a smile. “Do you?”
“Of course. But we’re not talking about me, right now,” Lacey shook her head.
“Perhaps we ought to be talking more about your detention?” the warning was toothless as he really had no desire for her to leave, but for the sake of propriety….
Lacey blew air out through pursed lips, tilting her head to look contemplatively at him. “You're a Hagar man, aren't you?”
Gold raised an eyebrow, refusing to dignify the suggestion with an answer.
Bold as brass, Lacey reached out and patted his hand. “It’s okay. I mean, he's a bit more conservative so, that makes sense,” she mused, her eyes sparkling with mirth. “No assless chaps.”
“Language, Miss French,” he chided without conviction, holding very still as he realized her hand hadn’t moved away from where it covered his. She was standing so close he could see little flecks of silver and green in her eyes, the scent of something fruity and sweet wafting toward him. Perfume, perhaps. Or her shampoo. Some ridiculous and disgusting part of him desperately - foolishly! - wanted to turn his hand upward and entwine their fingers. Pull her closer still and see if she tasted as sweet as she smelled.
Seemingly oblivious to the torment her proximity was causing him, Lacey continued on in a false tone of shock. “What?” She batted her lashes. “ I'm not even allowed to say ass ? Even Shakespeare said ass.” She leaned even farther forward as she said the latter, so they were practically nose to nose.
Gold’s mouth went dry. He swallowed around a sudden thickness in his throat. “Well, when you've written plays for the British queen and you can say whatever you want. Until then, there are rules, Lacey.”
The corners of Lacey’s mouth curled upward, her gaze intent as she leaned in just a fraction of an inch. “Yeah but…” her expression shifted to something searching, almost wistful, “don’t you ever just wanna say fuck the rules?”
Lacey’s gaze flicked from his eyes to his mouth then back, her own lips parting slightly as her smirk fell away. The fingers of the hand covering his curled inward. Gold held his breath. She was so achingly close, her gaze gone dark and heavy lidded. He could smell her lipgloss. It too, was fruity. Strawberries. She smelled like a summer banquet. Ripe fruit plump and shining in the sun, begging to be plucked and devoured. Even her breath was hot and sweet as it gusted over him.
And before his mind could register it happening, her lips were on his and she was kissing him. Worse - much, much worse, he was kissing her back. Her free hand slid into his hair, nails scratching at his scalp in a way that made him swallow a groan. The other hand stayed on his, clinging tight as his palm sweat against the desk. He could barely move, barely think, barely breathe. Stuck somewhere between exquisite fantasy come to life and the harrowing reality that this should not - could not - be happening, for a moment he was almost completely undone.
Someone outside the door laughed loudly and Gold slammed back against his chair, the front feet rocking off the ground in his haste to put space between them (without rising from his desk and embarrassing himself further). Lacey reeled away, as well, withdrawing her hand and blinking rapidly.
“Miss French…” he panted, “this is…. We can’t just… It isn’t….” he wallowed helplessly for the proper words. For a man who loved language, it certainly seemed to have deserted him now, when he needed it most.
“But… I thought.” Lacey shook her head, . “The song… I thought you knew it was about you.”
All his breath seemed to leave his body and Gold could only stare in mute wonder. About him. Not Nolan or some similarly pretty face. Lacey was, demonstrably, Hot for Teacher and he was that teacher. God help him if that didn’t make some deep and feral pride buried within him roar to life. He clutched the handles of his chair even tighter, crossing his legs in a miserably unsubtle attempt at preserving some dignity.
“I think perhaps you... “ he tried to stutter out a response but Lacey’s eyes had already flicked away as she pulled a buzzing cell phone from - oh for fuck’s sake - the top of her shirt.
“Oh! Shit, I forgot I have this stupid History project to work on.” She frowned a little, chewing on her lower lip. “Sorry to... “ one shoulder shrugged. “Aw, hell. I’m not sorry, Mr. Gold. I’d do it again in a heartbeat.”
The remaining rational part of his brain was screaming that he ought to reprimand her, ought to lecture her on the inappropriateness of them ever even being in the same room alone together - let along doing that - again. But that part was silenced quickly as Lacey leaned in to press her lips to his, once more.
A breath away, she murmured, “See you at detention.”
A shudder of pure desire ran the length of his spine and it was all Gold could do to keep himself from leaning forward to capture her mouth again. He found himself making a vague sound of agreement that came out more like a whimper.
With a hum of satisfaction, Lacey swept away and out the door.
Unmoving, Gold listened to the clicking of her heels fade, her gloss still sticky and sweet on his lips.
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HOA Makes Homeowners Leave Garage Doors Open for a Truly Silly Reason
Homeowners associations often get trashed for being overly bossy with homeowners, and the latest Big Brother scandal to make headlines is no exception: An HOA in Auburn, CA, is demanding that residents keep their garage doors open. That’s right, go ahead and show off this greasy, grimy armpit of your home to all your neighbors, guys!
Only why?
The internet got to scratching its head over this odd policy soon after the Auburn Greens Unit 1 HOA issued residents a letter demanding that they leave their garage doors up from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday—or else they face a $200 fine.
According to board member Norma Brewer, this new rule came about after the HOA discovered that one resident had allowed people to live in his garage, which is against HOA rules. As a result, the board decided that the best way to crack down on illegal garage residency was to force everyone to open up.
Many residents caved to this mandate, grumbling, while others pushed the limits of what “open” means by leaving their garage doors ajar just a crack. But some, like Shally Ia, outright refused.
“I have nothing to hide,” Ia told Fox News. “I understand somebody had people living in the garage. I don’t. I am following the rules.” She’s even willing to pay the $200 fine rather than have to move all her stuff out of her garage.
What’s a garage good for, after all, if not to stash crusty old paint cans, neglected basketballs, and other castoffs you’d never deign to store in your house?
Others complained about compromised security. “I’ve got an electric scooter, I’ve got all kinds of stuff,” said one 9-year-old resident named Jason. “So, I just don’t think it’s very good to have it open.”
Local homeowners plan to voice their disdain for this new “open-door” policy at the monthly HOA meeting happening in two weeks.
“All I am asking is a reasonable way to get around this,” Ia said, adding that she’s open to bimonthly inspections.
HOA vs. homeowners: Who’s right?
As strange as this open-garage-door policy may seem, many HOAs do indeed operate a lot like small fiefdoms, passing whatever laws they see fit. Some might make sense—say, to maintain your property so it isn’t an eyesore—but others can seem draconian (witness one HOA that forced everyone to cough up $500 for new mailboxes).
“I’ve long since stopped investing in condos for this exact reason,” says California real estate developer Tyler Drew. “Can an HOA make such an arbitrary and clearly overreaching ruling such as this? Most real estate lawyers will tell you yes, because HOAs have clear oversight of residents. If you don’t go to HOA meetings where these rules are passed, then that decision is on you. They can fine you and, more importantly, foreclose on your unit if you ignore those fines.”
But while HOAs do have broad powers to mandate many aspects of homeownership, they can’t pass any rule.
“We are entitled to certain rights to privacy and the ability to protect ourselves and our homes,” says Denise Supplee at SparkRental.com. “I cannot imagine any judge ruling in favor of an HOA forcing people to expose their personal effects to be stolen, their privacy infringed upon and, frankly, their safety. Two words often used in legal jargon are ‘fair and reasonable.’
“So, then the question here would be: Is this a fair and reasonable demand? It does not seem so to me in any sense.”
“The HOA is clearly overstepping their boundaries here,” says Wendy Flynn, a Realtor® at Keller Williams in College Station, TX. “An open garage door subjects the occupants of a home to a lesser degree of security and limits the functional use of the garage space. Is the HOA going to accept responsibility for items stolen from garages while the garage doors are up? Or what if a home is broken into using the garage entry?”
Plus, security issues aside, this isn’t good for real estate values, either. Because let’s face it: Who wants to drive around the neighborhood and get a gander in everyone’s garage?
“It just looks trashy,” Flynn says.
The post HOA Makes Homeowners Leave Garage Doors Open for a Truly Silly Reason appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
from https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/hoa-forces-homeowners-to-leave-garage-doors-open-only-why/
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isisbranco · 4 years
Two MSN Attorneys in the 27th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Massey, Stotser & Nichols, PC, a law firm based in Birmingham, Alabama, has announced that two of its attorneys have been included in the 27th edition of The Best Lawyers in America. The Best Lawyers In America is a highly regarded peer-reviewed publication that has been highlighting the top private practicing attorneys in the US for more than 30 years.
Senior Partner Randy Nichols has been honored for his work in family law. He practices all aspects of family law litigation and appeals as well as mediates family law disputes. Born and raised in Virginia, he went to college at Duke University. He then went to law school at the University of Virginia School of Law. He moved to Alabama in 1986 to pursue a career in law.
Randy is a Certified Mediator for Appellate Courts. He has taught family law as an Adjunct Professor at the Cumberland School of Law and the Birmingham School of Law. In 2002 and again in 2019-20, he has served as president of the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He is a member of the Alabama State Bar Association and Birmingham Bar Association. He has been a partner at the firm for over 20 years.
Partner James A. Kee, Jr. has also been honored for his work in construction law. Mr. Kee’s practice is primarily in the area of civil litigation with an emphasis on insurance and corporate defense. He specializes in construction litigation (residential and commercial) and insurance coverage analysis/litigation as well as the defense of a variety of personal injury claims (product liability, construction accidents, automobile accidents, and premises liability). His litigation work includes significant state, federal, and appellate court practice.
Jim Kee graduated from Auburn University in 1981 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. He later graduated from the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in 1985. He is a member of the Alabama State Bar Association. He has also held the Martindale Hubbell AV rating for 20 years. He is a member of or is associated with the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association, Defense Research Institute, Elite Lawyers of the South (ALM and Martindale), Alabama Super Lawyers (Construction/Insurance), and more.
We are so proud that Randy and Jim have been selected for this recognition. It is a true testament to their dedication to each of their practice areas and to making sure that our clients have the best representation,” said Rick Stotser, MSN Attorneys Senior Partner. “Their unwavering commitment to their clients is what has made them stand out year after year.”
Massey, Stotser & Nichols, PC, was founded in 1977 to provide legal services for individuals, families, and businesses in the Birmingham area. The firm offers representation in areas including business law, real estate law, mediation, insurance, construction, government, family law, estate planning, and probate. The firm’s team of Alabama trial and transactional attorneys has a broad range of knowledge and experience. In addition to its professional associations, the firm is also actively involved in supporting local organizations.
The Best Lawyers in America©, first published in 1983, has used a very strict peer-review process, consistently, to fulfill its core mission – to highlight the top legal talent in America. The scope and scale of the publication have dramatically grown over the past three decades. It continues to be a trusted and unbiased voice, respected by both clients and legal professionals all over the country. The 2021 Edition, which is also the 27th edition, is based on more than 8 million evaluations and recognizes just over 65,000 attorneys in 147 practice areas. It has been organized by state, city, and practice area for easy readability.
   Two MSN Attorneys in the 27th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America posted first on https://www.msnattorneys.com
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heidibowling · 4 years
Two MSN Attorneys in the 27th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – Massey, Stotser & Nichols, PC, a law firm based in Birmingham, Alabama, has announced that two of its attorneys have been included in the 27th edition of The Best Lawyers in America. The Best Lawyers In America is a highly regarded peer-reviewed publication that has been highlighting the top private practicing attorneys in the US for more than 30 years.
Senior Partner Randy Nichols has been honored for his work in family law. He practices all aspects of family law litigation and appeals as well as mediates family law disputes. Born and raised in Virginia, he went to college at Duke University. He then went to law school at the University of Virginia School of Law. He moved to Alabama in 1986 to pursue a career in law.
Randy is a Certified Mediator for Appellate Courts. He has taught family law as an Adjunct Professor at the Cumberland School of Law and the Birmingham School of Law. In 2002 and again in 2019-20, he has served as president of the Alabama Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He is a member of the Alabama State Bar Association and Birmingham Bar Association. He has been a partner at the firm for over 20 years.
Partner James A. Kee, Jr. has also been honored for his work in construction law. Mr. Kee’s practice is primarily in the area of civil litigation with an emphasis on insurance and corporate defense. He specializes in construction litigation (residential and commercial) and insurance coverage analysis/litigation as well as the defense of a variety of personal injury claims (product liability, construction accidents, automobile accidents, and premises liability). His litigation work includes significant state, federal, and appellate court practice.
Jim Kee graduated from Auburn University in 1981 with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. He later graduated from the Cumberland School of Law at Samford University in 1985. He is a member of the Alabama State Bar Association. He has also held the Martindale Hubbell AV rating for 20 years. He is a member of or is associated with the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association, Defense Research Institute, Elite Lawyers of the South (ALM and Martindale), Alabama Super Lawyers (Construction/Insurance), and more.
We are so proud that Randy and Jim have been selected for this recognition. It is a true testament to their dedication to each of their practice areas and to making sure that our clients have the best representation,” said Rick Stotser, MSN Attorneys Senior Partner. “Their unwavering commitment to their clients is what has made them stand out year after year.”
Massey, Stotser & Nichols, PC, was founded in 1977 to provide legal services for individuals, families, and businesses in the Birmingham area. The firm offers representation in areas including business law, real estate law, mediation, insurance, construction, government, family law, estate planning, and probate. The firm’s team of Alabama trial and transactional attorneys has a broad range of knowledge and experience. In addition to its professional associations, the firm is also actively involved in supporting local organizations.
The Best Lawyers in America©, first published in 1983, has used a very strict peer-review process, consistently, to fulfill its core mission – to highlight the top legal talent in America. The scope and scale of the publication have dramatically grown over the past three decades. It continues to be a trusted and unbiased voice, respected by both clients and legal professionals all over the country. The 2021 Edition, which is also the 27th edition, is based on more than 8 million evaluations and recognizes just over 65,000 attorneys in 147 practice areas. It has been organized by state, city, and practice area for easy readability.
  Two MSN Attorneys in the 27th Edition of The Best Lawyers in America published first on https://www.msnattorneys.com
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wikitopx · 5 years
Set on the Mississippi River, Natchez is a riverside city that is renowned for its beautifully restored antebellum mansions, historic house museums, cultural sites, and recreational and scenic parks. Magnificent antebellum homes and historic house museums include the Auburn Museum & Historic Home, Magnolia Hall, Rosalie Mansion, and the William Johnson House. This is top 10 things to do in Natchez, MS.
1. Auburn Museum & Historic Home
The Auburn Museum & Historic Home is an antebellum mansion and National Historic Landmark in Duncan Park. Designed and built in 1812 by Levi Weeks, the building was constructed in the Greek revival order and was the first significant building in Natchez to follow an actual architectural plan. The mansion features a prominent two-story Greek portico and pedimented gable, a magnificent unsupported geometrical spiral staircase between the first and second floors, a central core, and flanking symmetrical wings.
2. Biscuits & Blues
Biscuits & Blues is a casual tavern set within a beautifully restored historical building that serves classic Southern fare and drinks and live entertainment. Boasting dark wood and brass accents, the charming pub-style eatery is dedicated to “hot biscuits and cool blues” and serves local takes on comfort foods, including crab-stuffed jalapenos, tiny muffuletta sandwiches, fully dressed po'boys, smoked ribs, and fried oysters.
3. Charboneau Distillery LLC
Located in downtown Natchez, Charboneau Distillery is a family-owned and operated micro distillery, producing a wide range of delicious biscuits. Housed in one of the oldest buildings in Mississippi, the craft distillery produces both black and white in small oak whiskey barrels, bottled in special bottles with a map of the growing territory. historic cane along the lower Mississippi River.
4. Everyday Adventure
Everyday Adventure offers guided bicycle and kayak tours of Natchez as well as bicycle and kayak rentals. Guided kayak tours are offered in and around the Miss-Lou area, where visitors can explore the beautiful natural surroundings and the fauna and flora that reside within it. Kayak tours include boats, paddles, safety equipment such as life jackets, and 2 hours of guided paddle time with a local expert paddler. Guests can also rent kayaks or bicycles, which include a modern bike, a helmet, and a bike lock.
5. Fat Mama's Tamales
Fat Mama’s Tamales is a casual Mexican eatery on Canal Street in Natchez that is renowned for its homemade tamales and fresh margaritas, which are served in a bright and vibrant interior of a quaint house. Open for lunch and dinner, 7 days a week, the family-friendly restaurant serves a range of mouthwatering Mexican fare such as homemade chili, taco salads, Mexican cornbread, casseroles, nachos and salsa, boudin, and fire-and-ice pickles. The delicious cuisine is accompanied by “knock-you-naked” margaritas, craft beers, sodas, and wine.
6. Grand Village of the Natchez
The large village of Natchez is a 128.1-acre site that includes an ancient indigenous village and mounds south of Natchez. The village is named after the Natchez people who used the site in the 17th and 18th centuries and added historic mounds in the early 18th century. Today, the site is a National Historic Site and is one of Natchez's top tourist attractions with a museum containing many artifacts unearthed from the site, a rebuilt Natchez house, a picnic stall and a network of children. nature trail.
7. Natchez Brewing Company
Natchez Brewing Company is a family-owned and operated brewery in historic downtown Natchez that produces several artisanal and craft brews. The brewery produces a rustic ale series, which include 301, Cronyism, Rascalism, and Nepotism, Revival Coffee Porter, and a Delta Shadow Black IPA, and offers tours and tastings of the facility Thursdays through Saturdays, as well as functions and events throughout the year.
8. Natchez Museum of African American History and Culture
The Natchez Museum of African American History and Culture is a museum that highlights the history of African Americans in the southern United States. Established in 1991 by the Natchez Association for the Preservation of African American Culture (NAPAC), the museum is set within a former United States Post Office building that dates back to 1904. The museum features approximately 10,000 square feet of space that house an array of exhibits, from the incorporation of the City of Natchez in 1716 through to the present, covering slavery, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, 20th century wars and the Civil Rights Era. The museum also hosts several educational programs for visiting students.
9. Natchez National Historical Park
Natchez National Historical Park is a public park in Natchez to celebrate the history of the city. The park consists of three different locations, namely Fort Rosalie, William Johnson House and Melrose Residence. Built by the French in the 18th century, Fort Rosalie is home to a former fort that was later renamed Fort Panmure and controlled by the United Kingdom, Spain, and finally the United States. The William Johnson House is home to 19th-century African barbers and Natchez William Johnson residents, and the Melrose Estate is the beautifully maintained home of a lawyer, state senator, and planter John T. McMurran, lives in Natchez.
10. Old South Winery
The Old South Winery is a quaint local family-owned and operated winery that produces and stocks a variety of muscadine-focused wines and has a cozy tasting room where visitors can sample a selection of fine wines. Owned by the Galbreath family, the winery buys the finest muscadine grapes from Mississippi growers and makes wine in the tradition of old Mississippi wine making, using modern techniques to capture the true essence of the fruit. The Old South Winery produces nine muscadine wines in red, white, and rose with varying sweetness levels, from dry to lightly sweetened, as well as one blueberry wine. This is top 10 things to do in Natchez, MS.  Wish you have a good trip.
  From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-natchez-ms-700397.html
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findusonweb-blog · 6 years
Mark McClure – Managing Attorney Mark C McClure (253)631-6484 Mark McClure managing attorneyEmail: [email protected]
Court Admissions United States District Courts for the Western Districts of Washington United States Bankruptcy Courts for the Western Districts of Washington Supreme Court of the State of Washington
Bankruptcy and Insolvency Practice Representation of Individuals and their businesses in Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 proceedings. Representation of debtors in general litigation in the bankruptcy court, including discharge ability, claims objections and general claims. Fraud investigation.
Other Legal Experience Civil Litigation of commercial disputes and collections in Washington State Courts. Entity formation and general business. Tax issues, particularly collection defense,. Real Estate matters. Asset Protection and Business Planning. Wills, Trusts and Estates.  Family Law.  Patent Prosecution.
Professional Experience Law Office of Mark McClure, PS Contract Attorney, Schwabe Williamson & Wyatt U. S. Air Force Engineer, The Boeing Company
Education J.D. Seattle University of Law, Seattle, WA B.S.E.E.T. cum laude Colorado Technical University , Colorado Springs, CO
Bankruptcy Lawyer *We are a Debt Relief Agency and provide relief and protection from creditors by filing bankruptcy for qualified individuals and businesses.** There are a number of reasons why a person can fall on hard times. As a result, every day honest, hardworking individuals fall behind on the bills. You can fall behind because you lost losing your job, you or a loved one are facing health problems, or you reached for the stars by starting a business, but it then fails despite your best efforts. Fortunately, the law provides relief for people facing financial hardships, and a chance for a fresh start. The Law Office of Mark McClure can handle your Kent bankruptcy and help you get back in the black and reestablish good credit. Whether you are seeking a Chapter 7, or a Chapter 13, our Kent bankruptcy lawyers are ready to address your particular situation to see whether you qualify. Filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy is perfect for people who are seeking to get rid of most of their debt. It is the most common bankruptcy filed in the United States, and it allows most debt to be discharged with a few exceptions. Chapter 13 bankruptcies are filed by people who don’t qualify for a Chapter 7, and it allows them to pay off their debt over a given period of time via monthly payments. This type of Kent bankruptcy can provide financial relief by reducing a person’s monthly home and car payments. Our dedicated Kent bankruptcy attorneys understand how devastating financial hardships can be on you and your family. We are ready to use our knowledge of bankruptcy law, and our experience in Washington Court, to help you negotiate a solution that gets you back on track. If you’re tired of getting nagging phone calls from creditors, contact us today.
PERSONAL INJURY Being in an accident can leave you bruised and battered, both physically and emotionally. Protecting your health is paramount, and our Kent personal injury lawyers can help you ensure that you are treated fairly by the insurance companies. With so much at stake, it makes sense to do everything you can to get all of the facts before you enter into any agreement or settlement.Unfortunately, insurance companies are only interested in their bottom line, and will do everything they can to protect it – even at the cost of your health and financial security. Our Kent personal injury attorneys will make sure that your legal rights are protected, and will fight against the unfair practices that insurance companies regularly employ. You might think that because you’ve been a loyal customer to your insurance company for years that they will take care of you in your time of need. Many make this same mistake, and find themselves buried in medical bills years later with no recourse for compensation. Don’t let this happen to you – contact one of our Kent personal injury lawyers before you agree to any terms with your insurance agent. Your accident will likely lead to medical bills, lost wages, and emotional stress that can be difficult to mitigate. Don’t allow someone else’s negligence to force you to sacrifice your financial stability, your health, or the future prospects for members of your family. Contact our office today and talk to a qualified professional about your case, and we will explain how we might be able to help. We are experienced litigators who will fight for fair compensation in your Kent personal injury case.
WASHINGTON L&I For almost everyone who is involved in an on-the-job accident, a Washington L&I (Labor and Industry) claim is the only means by which they can seek financial coverage. At the Law Office of Mark McClure, our Kent workers compensation attorneys handle Kent L&I claims involving occupational injury, disease, and rejected compensation. If you are considering filing a Washington L&I claim with hopes that you can secure disability awards, loss of earning benefits, or additional compensation for an aggravated condition, then you should contact us without hesitation. We are experienced Kent L&I lawyers with the experience needed to make sure your legal rights are protected. An on-the-job injury can leave you with medical bills for surgery, therapy, prescription drugs, and other medical expenses. Missed work will mean lost wages, making it even harder to pay the mounting bills. In cases of permanent injury you could lose your ability to work, perhaps for many years or the rest of your life. Don’t take any chances with your future. Our Kent L&I attorneys will do everything the law allows to make sure your worker’s compensation is maximized as much as possible. If you’ve been a victim of retaliation by an employer, having been laid off or fired as a result of your injury, then it’s especially important that you talk to a qualified lawyer. These practices are forbidden by law, and you could be in a position to bring a claim against your employer. Contact our office today and make sure that you are fairly compensated after a workplace injury.
PROBATE If you’re looking for a Kent probate attorney, the Law Office of Mark McClure can help. Probate and estate planning requires a professional approach combined with an in-depth knowledge of the law. At stake is the future of your family and the people you love, and our Kent probate lawyers offer legal counsel based on that simple premise. We handle many estate planning issues including trusts, real estate, assets, wills, and power of attorney. Unfortunately, eventually you will endure the trauma of dealing with the loss of someone you love. When that happens, the last thing you need are hassles and drama. Our Kent probate lawyers will handle situations involving contested and disputed wills. When this happens you need someone on your side that has your best interests at heart, and will fight to ensure you are protected according to the law. Situations that involve family disputes, or that require mediation, can be especially trying, so it’s important to make sure your legal rights are being acknowledged. There are numerous other Kent probate issues that you could be facing, so don’t hesitate in contacting one of our legal professionals today. We can talk about the specific details of your situation, and you can make a decision as to how you would like to proceed with no pressure from us. Oftentimes, the first steps you take in any legal matter are the most important. Our promise is to do everything legally possible to make sure you have a solid foundation to build on.
(A) Fair Debt Collection Act (FDCPA) (B) Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) (C) Personal Injury    Auto / Truck Accidents    Slip and Falls    Dog Bite    Most Dangerous Dog Breeds    Importance of Treating    Subrogation (D) Medical Malpractice    Standard of Care    Expert Witnesses    Subrogation (E) Washington L & I    On the Job Injury    Re-injury    Permanent Partial Disability Benefit    Permanent Total Disability Benefit    Pension    Third Party Liability (F) Estate Planning    Wills    Trusts    Probate
Service Areas
Bankruptcy Auburn Black Diamond Bonney Lake Burien Covington Des Moines Federal Way Fife Kent Lea Hill Maple Valley Milton Pacific Puyallup Renton Seattle Seatac Sumner Tacoma Tukwila
Personal Injury Auburn Black Diamond Bonney Lake Burien Covington Des Moines Federal Way Fife Kent Lea Hill Maple Valley Milton Pacific Puyallup Renton Seattle Seatac Sumner Tacoma Tukwila
L & I Lawyer Auburn Black Diamond Bonney Lake Burien Covington Des Moines Federal Way Fife Kent Lea Hill Maple Valley Milton Pacific Puyallup Renton Seattle Seatac Sumner Tacoma Tukwila
Probate Lawyer Auburn Black Diamond Bonney Lake Burien Covington Des Moines Federal Way Fife Kent Lea Hill Maple Valley Milton Pacific Puyallup Renton Seattle Seatac Sumner Tacoma Tukwila
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bottomlinelawyers · 5 months
Our team can guide you through the process, ensuring that your loved one’s wishes are respected and that assets are distributed according to the law. Make an appointment immediately if you believe our skilled and experienced lawyers in Auburn, California can help you, or call us at (530) 456-2529.
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repyyc · 6 years
Calgary Moving Checklist
Calgary Moving Checklist Guide      Purchasing a home in Calgary and surrounding areas is exciting But it can also be overwhelming to think about the mountain of tasks ahead to making your move happen. We've put together a moving checklist to help you break it down week by week and make the tasks flow easy As you think about your move into your new place, we'd recommend that you plan out beforehand (especially if you're hiring movers) to look at your new floor plan and create a moving plan to help have items boxed accordingly, it's also recommended that you obtain a few quotes, create budgets, and track your expenses for the move and put them in a specific 'moving' folder.  8 - 7 weeks before moving Contact moving companies and van lines to obtain estimates, there are many sites online that can provide quotes online as well, if you're not using a moving company, start warming up your friends to the idea of your moving day :) Create a 'donation' pile of items that you cannot sell or discard of, but that would be useful for others For any unwanted items, create ads on Kijiji and begin selling them, you can also consider hosting a garage sale if you have a lot of items  For pet owners who are changing their Veterinarian, we recommend that veterinarian records be transferred early on  School Records / Day Care and other schooling arrangements should be made early on before you move as well  Medical and Dental records should also be transferred, you can ask your practitioners for referrals  Connect with your insurance company and have your current policy changed for the possession date,  discuss coverage while moving for contents, If you are not insured currently, call and obtain quotes from Calgary Insurance companies, we recommend calling a few direct writers (i.e. your bank) as well as Insurance Brokers who write insurance policies for different insurance companies Gym memberships should be transferred or cancelled depending on where you're moving from and to Obtain all legal and financial records needed, file them safely  6 Week mark before you move  If Moving to a new city, you can also obtain referrals for other professionals you work with (lawyers, accountants, etc)  Select the moving company and plan out the dates for your move Coordinate with your Real Estate Partner REALTOR on possession date walk through times and other items that may need to be scheduled  Create a list of valuables and items that are difficult, or impossible to replace, these should not be put in with the movers and should be carried with you, or shipped through another more secured method Create an inventory in each room of what you're keeping, moving, giving away, etc If you subscribe to the local paper, cancel your subscription, and consider signing up for new service at your new home Contact your alarm system provider and make arrangements to coordinate your services  5 Weeks out before you move Visit your post office and setup mail forwarding and change of address forms Connect with your utility companies and schedule dates for disconnects Collect items for the move, packing boxes, supplies, etc  Connect with your new utility companies and start arranging for services to be connected for your move in at your new place Look into the parking situation, as well as elevators (if you're new place has them) for moving day arrangements so there's no confusion on moving day If needed, look into arrangements for short or long term storage options 4 Weeks away Create your moving reservation, confirm they're good to go, or plan arrangements with friends for the moving date, don't forget to supply fuel for your friends if they're helping you move :)  Consider Travel arrangements for your pets  Host your garage sale Take All Items to your preferred charity  If you have any local services like landscapers, inform them of your move New to the City? Look up Calgary.ca and arrange (If desired) your Tax Instalment Payment Plan TIPP for your new property  3 Weeks Before the Big Day  Ensure you have picked up any outstanding items from vendors or friends (tools, dry cleaning, packages, etc) Return any items you may have borrowed or taken out (friends tools, library books, etc)  Properly dispose of items that you cannot move safely (i.e. flammables)  If your moving from out of town, consider having your vehicle inspected to ensure the road trip to your new home is safe and secre Have your automobile registration switched over if moving from out of province, or have your address changed  If you currently live in a building / apartment consider arrangements for your move out day, elevator, parking, key drop off, etc Confirm you have a plan for live items like plants and pets for the move 2 Weeks to go Double check that all of your services have been cancelled or transferred or setup at your new home Gas, Electricity, Water, Telephone, Mobile Phone, TV, Internet, Post Office   Meal prep for the move Your fridge will need to be cleaned out, setting meals out a few weeks before will keep you on point, ready to move, and curtail any full fridge issues on moving out day Confirm your moving day arrangements for pets and children, often a friend or family member watching them makes the move in a lot easier and stress free as it's one less thing you have to worry about and watch during your move Close out or transfer your banking to a local branch near your new home, if you have safety deposit boxes, you should have these emptied out as well, and ensure any creditors know of your move as well (auto loans, credit cards, etc) Ensure you have a place / folder / or box that has all your important and valuable items, create a 'fist night' box as well, for your new home, this will make sure you have access to necessities like toilet paper, paper towel, common tools, flashlights, etc 1 Week Before your big move Empty out your fridge 24 hours before the day you move out Clean out your Deep Freeze and depending on frost build up, you'll need to consider having it turned off and cleaned out before the move Confirm utilities will be setup at your new place Depending on how you're moving or who you're moving with, consider emptying out any gas powered tools  Ensure you have all your prescriptions and medications on hand and supplied for the next few weeks Empty out any hoses or  items that will carry water before the move Inform your friends, family, and others about your new address and details Check appliances like the dishwasher, or stove and make sure they're empty of your belongings  It's a good idea to make note of your utility meters with pictures, document the home and its condition before you leave as well with pictures, this will cover you in case there's a dispute as to the condition you left it or where your meters were when you left. Moving To Calgary Day Check your tires and vehicle for safety Leave anything necessary (keys, garage remotes, etc) at your old place, document, and make note to parties that need to know of their location Pack smart If you stuck to pre-planning for your move, you will fly breeze through the move and have a great order for loading items making the unload easier Check every nook and cranny for personal items, storage areas, closets, etc  Document any damage caused by movers if applicable Review your home inventory checklist and make sure everything made it safely Replace any locks on doors (optional)  Perform a walkthrough with your agent (most likely before moving day) check appliances and the home to ensure things are as you saw them when purchased and expected Settling in your new home Get to know your neighbours  Find out your recycling, compost, and garbage schedule  See if your community you live in has a website, setup any HOA payments, if you live in a lake community like Auburn Bay you can go to the community centre and setup your lake access Host a house warming party for your friends, family, and colleagues Confirm previous utilities are cancelled and that there are no outstanding debts owed. Calgary Moving Checklist        from Calgary Real Estate Blog https://www.repyyc.com/blog/calgary-moving-checklist.html via IFTTT
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bottomlinelawyers · 7 months
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By consulting with our estate planning lawyer, we can help you know the benefits of trusts in Auburn, CA, and how they can streamline estate distribution.  Find more information at https://bottomlinelawyers.com/benefits-of-trust/
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bottomlinelawyers · 7 months
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bottomlinelawyers · 7 months
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bottomlinelawyers · 8 months
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bottomlinelawyers · 8 months
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bottomlinelawyers · 10 months
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