#Tsugaru Shinuchi Imagine
Imagine Becoming Friends With Tsugaru And Taking Care Of Him After He Protects You From A Group Of Monsters
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Tsugaru Shinuchi X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Scary images, blood, Tsugaru teases reader, drunk Tsugaru, steamy, angst
Word Count: 1.4k
(A/N:) I just started watching Undead Murder Farce on Crunchyroll (trying to break up a little bit of my One Piece catch up) and I immediately fell in love with this series. While I'm still in the process of watching all the episodes I had to write something for Tsugaru as he is my absolute favorite character! I love him and I'm in shock at the lack of fanfics of him. I decided to remedy that as I got this idea and had to write it! I hope this helps my fellow fangirls out with this unhinged psycho we adore! Also started watching this at a perfect time as well! Happy spooky season may your season be creepy and full of sweet horrors. 😉 Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The blackened streets swallowed you whole, enough where even the moonlight couldn't penetrate the shadows. Your feet hit against the ground as growls followed right behind you. Your fingertips bleeding as you tried to feel your way through the obstacles before you. Snarls and howls made your hair stand up, but your escape seemed futile. No matter how far you ran or how fast you went, you couldn't leave the creatures behind. You knew death was nipping at your heels and you felt the clawed grasp. Whirling around to see the gaping maw filled with blood drenched fangs.
You screamed, your blankets going flying across the room as you sat in your futon drenched with sweat. A knock came from the front door again before it slammed open. Tsugaru raced into your room, dark eyes looking for any signs of danger. When he saw everything clear and that you sat there trembling, he relaxed.
"Sorry," you muttered fixing your clothing, "just another bad dream."
He nodded in understanding. "About that night?"
Your silence was all the answer the oni slayer needed. That fateful horrific night was the night you met Tsugaru Shinuchi. He had been out trying to find somewhere still open to buy booze when he heard your screams. As a proclaimed oni slayer he had made quick work of the monsters before he gracefully laughed in your terrified face. First it had made you mad before you realized just how unhinged the man was. Though you were grateful, you offered him a meal and before you knew it he was a regular at your house. Despite that first encounter you both became fast friends. But even if you wanted to, Tsugaru was one you couldn't get rid of, if he found a reliable source of food (that didn't cost him anything) he stuck around. And you couldn't say no to the man who saved you that night. You found yourself fond of him and the more you got to know him, the more you started to like him.
"I guess you're here because you're hungry Tsugaru," you asked waltzing right past the tall and lanky man.
"Why else would I be here," he grinned wildly; following behind you with his normal hunched over walk, hands in his sleeves.
"Well it's not for my charming personality and you aren't the most pleasant company when you come around."
He chuckled slamming his hand on the sliding door, keeping you from opening it. He wasn't allowed in the kitchen and he wasn't going to let you leave until he made you blush.
"You weren't saying that the other night when I kissed you," Tsugaru teased, rejoicing in the red marring your ears. He knew about your feelings and he couldn't deny that deep down somewhere he cared for you as well. The night he was referring to was, he had earned enough money and found a seller willing to part with more booze than the normal vendors. So Tsugaru did what any insane man would do, drunk himself stupid and passed out in front of your door. The only reason you knew he was out there was he was snoring so loud that he would wake himself up and then sing some obnoxious songs before falling into a giggling fit when he would hiccup and ruin the chorus. You wound up dragging him inside, with a lot of difficulty. You had been in the process of giving him a pillow and a light blanket when he grabbed your wrist and pulled you down giving you a sloppy drunken kiss. Despite his glazed eyes they held a sort of mirth that had you reeling back and slapping him hard on the cheek. He woke up the next morning with a horrible hangover and a throbbing red cheek. When he asked (like he didn't remember) you would blush deeply and snarl at him to shut up.
"Do you want to eat or not," you spoke calmly though you could swear your heart was about to beat from your chest.
"Of course. Whether it's food or you I have no preference," he whispered. Hot breath stirring the hair that had slipped from your braid last night. "As a half oni I prefer the flesh of beautiful young women."
You elbowed him in the gut, hard. Tsugaru hunched over his aching stomach, wheezing out a laugh while you hurriedly opened the sliding door then slammed it in his face. You leaned against the wall trying to catch your breath and stop the burning in your cheeks. He's an idiot and you couldn't come up with an excuse of why you couldn't adore him. After he recovered from your blow he took a seat close to where you worked. He couldn't see you but just knowing you were close by, eased him. He rubbed at the blue lining his arm before taking a deep breath.
"I'm leaving," he spoke bluntly.
You sucked in a breath, your knife cutting up vegetables freezing. Tears suddenly pricked at your eyes.
"I've been hired by a woman to assist her," Tsugaru continued, picking at a splinter in the floor. "I won't have to fight in the freak show anymore. But I'm leaving and I may never see you again."
The door to the kitchen slammed open with a violent thud. You stood in the doorway but refused to move as tears streamed down your cheeks. Yes he's embarrassing and crazy to boot, but you couldn't imagine life without Tsugaru Shinuchi.
"Why," you croaked staring at him with barely contained emotions.
"I won't live long," he sighed before standing up. Rubbing at his neck at the awkwardness he felt as he watched you cry. "My oni side is consuming my humanity and while I thought I had made peace with that, apparently I haven't. She's promising me a longer life and I'm taking it."
"Idiot," you hiccupped. But you understood. You really truly could understand. If it hadn't been for him you wouldn't be alive and that night you had prayed desperately to live. You couldn't stand in the way of him living a much longer life, to spit in the face of his creator.
"You're the idiot becoming friends with me," Tsugaru retorted.
"That's your fault. I fed you once and you keep coming right back," you laughed bitterly. "Like a stray dog."
You teasing him was a good sign so he stepped forward taking you in his strong arms.
"I'm your stray dog," Tsugaru replied before licking up the side of your face causing you to screech at his wet tongue against your skin. You rubbed at the warm sticky saliva on your face, when Tsugaru captured your wrist. He backed you up, pressing you against the wall of the room. His eyes blazing brightly before kissing you deeply. You struggled at first before melting into his warmth. Gripping his thick blue locks in your fingers.
Breaking the kiss he kept his nose pressed to your cheek breathing against your ear, "Woof."
You shivered, finally shoving him away.
"When do you leave?"
"Tonight," he replied taking back his seat like he hadn't just given you an Earth shattering kiss.
"Guess I better make you a meal to remember," you said. "Maybe my stray dog will make his way back to me one of these days if I feed him well enough one more time."
Tsugaru laughed, barking loudly as you closed the door to him. You never realized how much you needed Tsugaru in your life, until he was being taken from you. While you didn't need his protection like you had, just his presence alone was enough to show you that you weren't alone. While you knew that one day you wouldn't have him, you didn't think it would happen this soon. But you couldn't keep him from doing the things that he needed to do, to make his life better. Taking a deep breath, steeling yourself, you got to work. You wouldn't leave him with bad memories of you. And one day when he came back the reunion would be sweet and maybe he could take you away from this place. Until then you would hold onto the memories you made with him and remember Tsugaru Shinuchi how he wanted to be remembered.
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ibrokeeverything · 1 year
I actually made an AMV for something that isn't Ninjago, believe it or not 😂 this show was too beautifully animated to not make an AMV!
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adhd-mess · 1 year
I have so many thoughts about episode 8 but I'll begin with my favorite dumbass: Tusgaru Shinuchi, this is a little meta I made, it was supposed to be about him and Aya's relationship but I got distracted.
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This scene is by far one of my favorites. I love Jack's just utter confusion on why they were chasing them. Like he can't imagine why?
"Chasing us? For what? Revenge? A cure?"
He doesn't get it. Because he wanted to be this hybrid, he had a choice whereas Tsugaru didn't. But what catches my attention in this scene is Tsugaru's reaction to him saying "for what?"
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The most likely involuntary head raise, the widening of the eyes, the gasp. What Jack said triggered Tsugaru trauma. The curtain closes only for a moment on his performance of being the Headliner.
And then we get his memories coming in
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A normal shot of Tusgaru standing in front of some body of water covering his face
Then it shifts and he's completely shaded black
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He's shaded completely black as he remembers the torture, his trauma. To me it kind of feels like he's reliving his trauma . Typically when someone with ptsd is having a flashback they will think that it's currently happening to them--reliving it.
But that doesn't always manifest in the way we see ptsd portrayed(specifically with veterans)in media. You can relive a flashback, think you are there, but it doesn't show in real life. (i have cptsd as does my sister). Maybe except for eyes widening and gasping, and some others that aren't relevant.
To help bring someone out of a flashback you need to remind them of the present, he does this himself. Jack's question triggered a flashback but it also reminded him of why he was doing this.
The person who gave him a reason to "live", or better put, a better cause to die for--destroying the man who is to blame.
Aya Rindo.
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or appearing in blood is just a power of the immortal and she knew Tsugaru was having a flashback and could have died either way Aya brought him back to reality.
He sees her in the pool of blood between his legs which is interesting but okay. And then our favorite Headliner is back
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Our Jack here takes that the wrong way, I doubt he knows the double meaning that lies in those words. The meaning we learn in the first episode where Tsugaru says the only reason he keeps killing is one day he'll go feral from using his ability(? cant remember exactly)and kill his owner and all the people who support his and the onis abuse.
A little tangent here: Tsugaru's nonchalant and "dumb lug" attitude is the reason Tsugaru got the diamond in the end. He knows acting that way gives him a certain power, the ability of being underestimated. I know that's a given but I just love that
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Episode 10, Misty Hollow
Taku Yashiro, who is going to voice Spitz Feier in the upcoming “Ron Kamonohashi: The Forbidden Detective,” is the voice of Tsugaru Shinuchi, the Oni slayer and a third of the Birdcage Users. A Pash + article recounted his distinct style of voicing the Onigoroshi. It is so different from his past (and ongoing) works (“Raven of the Inner Palace” or on “Horimiya”).
He said the way Tsugaru speaks is called “Beranme tone.” It is the language of the Tokyoite working class, which is similar to the Cockney accent of East London.
I recorded it while discussing with the sound director Wakabayashi (Kazuhiro). … There is a real rakugo in the work, so I heard the same story of various people. Then I also checked things like how to use words that can be heard in the old sound source.
Basically, Taku was also inspired by the classic Edo-rakugo. This type of theater performance can be likened to stand-up comedy of the West. We know Noh and Kabuki, but rakugo is not so well-known.
In rakugo, the performer sits on a cushion on stage and tells a funny story to the audience by using minimal props, namely a fan and a tenugui. The origins of this art form can be traced to the mid-Edo period (1603-1868), and by the end of 1700s, there were regular rakugo performances attended by ordinary people at venues in Edo, Osaka, and Kyoto. Classic Edo-rakugo is told in sharp downtown Tokyo dialect called beranme (pronounced like bay-run-may).”
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During Episode 9, Tsugaru imagined himself doing the rakugo.
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crehador · 1 year
undead girl murder farce is off to a strong start, to me it has probably the most compelling first ep of the season so far
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we start in meiji era tokyo where shinuchi tsugaru, a man who was turned into an oni hybrid against his will, meets the immortal rindou aya, a woman who was turned into a living decapitated head against her will, and her loyal maid shizuku
seeing as tsugaru and aya were both dicked over by the same old european man with a cane with an ‘m’ on it (moriarty, i presume), they team up and head off to europe to get his ass
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the first episode is entirely devoted to set-up, and imo it was done very well. it didn’t feel too rushed or too exposition-heavy, but told us everything we need to know. the series synopsis says our curious trio will be solving supernatural mysteries all around europe, so i hope to see the series take on a more episodic nature from ep2 onwards
the cast is absolutely stacked, with not only highly recognizable seiyuu names but character names as well. you’ve got sherlock and watson, aleister crowley, arsene lupin, and even jack (you know... the ripper)
so it’s not that difficult to imagine what kind of supernatural shenanigans our new detectives will be getting up to
although undead girl murder farce feels very, very solid so far, from its visuals to its pacing, something about it doesn’t quite strike me as an anime of the season candidate... that said, it is such a dry season that it’s not up against much competition (since i only consider new series and not sequels/continuations for aots)
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bears repeating that some of the visuals are really freaking cool though, especially in the op, i think that’s one of the strongest things it’s got going for it right now
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spinningwebsandtales · 11 months
Imagine Tsugaru Making You Feel Accepted
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Tsugaru Shinuchi X Kitsune FemReader
Rating: None
Warnings: Reader is self-conscious, mentions of death
Word Count: 663
Requested by @kawaistrawberry21
(A/N:) Thank you for your patience as I have been working on this! I hope you enjoy the fruits of your request as I enjoyed writing it! I love writing for Tsugaru as there's not much when it comes to him and it's a shame! I hope this is everything you wanted and more! Thank you for your request as I like to write things that my readers want to see! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
The day was beautiful in the meadow you and Tsugaru found yourselves in. You hadn't seen him in so long and you wanted to enjoy every moment when he was around. His head was nestled in your lap as the sunshine played across his features. A gentle breeze tussling his hair, tickling his nose. He grunted itching at the tip of his nose when you began to thread your fingers through his dark locks. He moaned as you itched his scalp and lulling him back into peaceful slumber. While he was known as the Oni Killer he had never mistreated you for a moment. As a Kitsune and one of the last of your kind, you had taken to hiding your features from everyone.
You remember the moment vividly as Tsugaru had came across you in a weakened state when you first met. Your ears and tails on show for everyone to see. Normally monsters such as yourself were either hunted down or used to make money in a side show. You trembled to know that you were facing the man who was notorious for destroying beings like you. But instead of a killing blow he had offered you a hand. He had hid you, long enough for you to regain your strength to glamour yourself.
Your relationship had begun there and you had no regrets on finding such a man as Tsugaru. He gripped your wrist, pulling you from your thoughts as a butterfly flitted by.
"You're thinking about something again, instead of paying attention to me," Tsugaru pouted.
"Can a girl daydream about other things than the man she loves," you retorted kissing his forehead.
"Not when he's around," he winked. "He might get jealous."
"Like anyone besides you would want a Kitsune."
Tsugaru knew well how much it bothered you being different. He knew you feared humans and what they would do to you if they found out you were Kitsune. While he hunted creatures of your kind, it grew old and being part Oni made him realize that everything was more complicated than the populace lead on. Your sadness bothered him and he didn't want you to feel this way. Especially when he was around, though he understood that you needed comfort from him. He set up from your lap, turning around so he could face you. The grass swaying around you both, he plucked a flower and placed it in your hair.
"You don't have to glamour yourself when I'm around," he cooed.
You looked down releasing the spell, your fox ears and tails coming back into existence. One tail twitched in nervousness while your eyes darted around for anyone close by. Tsugaru cupped your chin, making you look at him. He stroked at your soft ear admiring the colors.
"You never have to glamour yourself when I'm around."
"I know," you mumbled. "I'm just used to it."
"I know," he nodded. "I hope one day it'll be where you don't have to worry about others seeing you. But until then you're always safe with me. You are perfect the way you are and don't believe any less."
You nodded, tears pricking your eyes. Tsugaru leaned in kissing you gently causing your breath to hitch. He pulled away, licking his lips before plopping his head back down in your lap. He closed his eyes grinning widely before placing your hand back on top of his head.
"You can pet me some more now," he purred.
"I'm beginning to wonder which of us is the true Kitsune," you snorted but went back to petting his head. This time you sat there in your true form letting the sunshine warm you. You would have no fear when Tsugaru was here accepting you. It made you feel safe and seen. He was everything you could ever dream and more as he made you feel like no other man could. As long as you had him, you felt like you had everything.
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