#Tumblr does NOT want me to cooperate tonight HURRRR
sins-of-the-sea · 1 year
@celestialcomedy, continued (Tumblr won't let me trim the previous post >:C)
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"You're clearly a gifted one, kind sir... and one I feel who is difficult to outsmart. As much as I was raised among a family of wealthy merchants during the days of the Republic of Venice, I wouldn't make it far when it comes to trading assets and goods. Even today, I am naught but a humble pirate--cursed, but still human. My gift granted to me by my Master likely wouldn't compare anything to what you can do.... or possess.
No... if anything, what I am offering cannot be liquidated." He pauses a bit. "....I'm offering my services. My hands, my skills. For a chance of a trinket capable of tracking anything I can ask for. If you have such an object you are willing to part with."
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