#Tumblr is different from 2019 to now in the present 2024
promotionbnha · 7 months
Will there ever be an updated version of the list?
It’s been awhile since I logged on here.
To be completely honest and transparent for everyone who has followed and support this blog, I honestly don’t know.
If I were to do it, I wouldn’t even know how to organize it as it was completely different now from years ago. It’s bit more complex now comparing to years ago.
A lot has changed within the tumblr community. This goes for all fandoms. It can become messy within seconds.
I am sorry for not giving straight answer. But These are my thoughts on it.
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infinitejedilove · 7 months
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2024 Jinnobi Challenge
Hello everyone! It’s March which means it’s time for me to be really early about mentioning the Jinnobi Challenge happening in August! This is the 8th annual Jinnobi Challenge and it feels very strange to write this and know this all started back in 2017 when I was lamenting the lack of Qui/Obi challenges. Well now there are several that happen every year and they are always worth checking out!  (previous master lists of the Jinnobi Challenge submissions : 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023).
So here’s all the info and FAQ for those who are thinking of participating in this Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon challenge (I will repost this info periodically as it gets closer to August).
When is it?: The challenge will run from August 1 – August 31. Any Jinnobi work you submit must be complete and it must be submitted sometime during August 1 – August 31. You have from now until August to work on submissions. PLEASE DO NOT POST YOUR SUBMISSION BEFORE THE CHALLENGE STARTS. Due to time differences in various countries, I do allow people to post on September 1st. 
Who can enter: The challenge is open to writers, artists and everyone in between. Art, poetry, photo manips, videos, gifsets, fanfiction, it’s all welcome. There’s no theme except it has to be Obi-Wan Kenobi/Qui-Gon Jinn. It can be set during the prequels, the originals, the Kenobi show, or an AU. It’s up to you. You can submit multiple entries too if you’d like. For fic writers there’s no limit on the length of your fic(s).
How to enter: When August 1st, comes around you’re welcome to post your complete work on whatever social network or fanfiction site you are comfortable using. Please tag your work (if the site allows you to tag) with the tag Jinnobi Challenge 2024 or The Jinnobi Challenge 2024 whether it’s a fic, art, or a post.  Message me with a link to your work (or links, if you submit more than one work), once you’ve published it so I know to put it on the master list!
I can also be reached on A03, but I tend to check tumblr much more regularly so if you want a fast response, I recommend contacting me via that.
1. No underage relationships. (underage = below 18 years of age)
2. No Abuse or Noncon between the main pairing (Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon)
3. If you post anything triggering, please tag it with the appropriate warnings
4. Your fic must have a rating on it (the challenge is open to all ratings)
5. If you’re posting a long WIP, the first chapter must be posted on or after August 1, and the last chapter has to be posted before August 31, so I don’t recommend it unless you know you can get it done in that time.
What if I don’t have anything ready, but I do have a Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan work I happened to post in August?: As long as the quiobi work was complete and was posted between the 1st – 31st of August 2024, you can tag it ‘Jinnobi Challenge 2024’ and enter it in the challenge.
What if it’s not slash?: This challenge celebrates the Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan ship. Pre-slash is fine, just please no ‘Qui-Gon as a parental figure to Obi-Wan’ fics as that is not what this challenge is about.
What if it’s a fic in a series?: if it’s a standalone complete story in a series than yes, it qualifies.
What if I already entered it in a different quiobi fic challenge?: The fic must be a new fic posted in August 2024 (no reposting old works unless it’s an extreme rewrite to basically be nothing like the original) and it must be complete. It’s ok with me if it is tagged in another challenge as long as it meets the guidelines for this challenge but you’ll want to check if it’s ok with the other challenge you posted it in.
What if it’s Obi/Qui/others? Or there’s Obi/other, Qui/other, but still Qui/Obi?: The main pairing should still be Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon, even if it’s poly, or if there are other partners or past/present relationships.
Does it have to follow a prompt?: No. As long as it’s Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan and complete it can be about anything. If you want a prompt to work with here are a few you can choose to use for inspiration:
People assuming the characters are a married couple/accidental marriage
2. Someone gets sick
3. Sharing a home/quarters for the first time.
4. Quiobi in a different genre than sci-fi (i.e. fantasy, western, supernatural, historical romance, etc)
5. First kiss
Can be as angsty, fluffy, or as AU as you want as long as it follows the rules of the challenge.
Is there a prize this year?: Yes! I want to continue having a prize each year. And this year is a repeat of the 2021 Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan poster! (yes I do actually have more than one copy of this 90’s poster magazine) The link about that prize information is right here, as nothing has really changed since 2021, except that I now hold the challenge in August, not October, so ignore the dates in the original post. 
By the first or second week of September, I’ll put up a master post with links to all the amazing stuff everyone has created!!!
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doitinanotherlanguage · 9 months
Reading Around the World: Introduction
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An exciting New Year for everyone!
Like for many other people, the New Year always inspires me to try out new things and challenge myself, and this year I've decided to do this by starting the Reading Around the World challenge - a reading challenge where you read books from all around the globe, attempting to read at least one book from every country.
I'm sure the idea has existed in some shape or form for a long time, but, as far as I know, the challenge really kicked off on the internet when, in 2012, Ann Morgan started a blog to document her year-long journey through a book from every country in the world. Since then, many other people have also taken part, and now there is even a website for the challenge.
I've wanted to try something similar ever since I first heard about the challenge a couple of years ago - I love reading, I've studied comparative literature, and from the year 2019 I've been conducting my own "reading through the ages" challenge, where I've read literature from the Antiquity all the way through to the present era. However, during that challenge, I noticed that my reading was very Anglo- and Eurocentric. I wanted to read more from all around the world, so I started looking for interesting books from around the globe and compiling a list of them. Now, I feel that the time is finally ripe, and so I've decided that 2024 is the year I will embark on my literary voyage!
If you want to follow my journey, I will document it here on tumblr, and I might also occasionally post about it on my language-learning instagram.
If you want to know more about how I will personally be doing the challenge, you can read more under the cut:
My "rules" for the challenge:
I have no time limit for the challenge. The challenge can take one year or ten years, or the rest of my life - I have no specific goal.
I will read as many books from each country as I feel like.
I pick books to "represent" a country on a case-by-case basis; I don't have absolute criteria for how I choose the books. That said, my main goal is to read books written by people from and living in different countries and places in the world, and I want to challenge myself to read literature in translation and in other languages besides English and Finnish. However, I will also consider books by authors who have a personal connection to the country/place of which they are writing about (e.g. diaspora and descendant authors or authors who have lived in/visited the country especially for lengthy periods).
My rating system:
5/5: Amazing. I loved it, it's a new favourite.
4/5: Very good. I really liked it.
3/5: Alright. I liked it.
2/5: Nah. It was okay, but not really my thing.
1/5: Ö-mappi*. I did not like it. * Finnish, "a figurative binder into which any unwanted proposals are archived in order to be forgotten", literally "the binder Ö"
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naturepointstheway · 4 months
My 10 Longest Fics on AO3 As of May 30, 2024
So out of curiosity, I went to my AO3 works (username there is HathorAroha, which was my old username before I changed my tumblr url to my current one), and sorted my works by word count, and here's the top 10 longest ones so far in order from biggest:
Of Ghosts and Carols - Beauty and the Beast - G - No Warnings Apply - 39,379 words (multi-chapter) A few days before Christmas one year, Prince Adam, already turned selfish and bitter by his past and by his now-deceased father, is visited by an Enchantress who foretells his visitation by three ghosts who will show him his past, present, and what may be in his future if he does not learn to try to open his heart again to love now that his cruel father is dead.
30 Days of Beauty and the Beast: One Line, Different Character - Beauty and the Beast - T - No Warnings Apply - 33,758 words (multi-chapter, but all just one shots if that makes sense) As the title suggests, thirty one-shots for thirty days where I take a single line from the movie spoken by one character, and give it to someone else, however likely or unlikely. Characters and other tags will be added as each one shot is added day by day. One-shots' lengths vary from tiny drabbles to long ones, and I'll aim to be mostly fluffy/non-angsty. Take note, I said "mostly".
Snowflakes, Witches, and Eternity - Frozen/Snow Queen Crossover - G - No Warnings Apply - 27,767 words (multi-chapter) One afternoon, an unexpected blizzard carries little Anna and Elsa to the Land of Oz. The sisters are separated, with Elsa lured into the Snow Queen's embrace and Anna lost somewhere in Oz. While Elsa stays in the Snow Queen's castle, Anna searches Oz for her beloved sister, whose heart has been turned to ice. Anna must find Elsa before it is too late and she loses her for good.
Beauty and the Fourteen Prompts - Beauty and the Beast - G - No Warnings Apply - 18,535 words (multi-chapter, but a series of one-shots) A collection of my fanfic responses to the 14 writing prompts in @tinydooms' #BATB14fics writing challenge for January 2019 on Tumblr. I am doing it out of order of her list of prompts, going with which ones are inspiring me most first, and leave the rest for later. Even if "later" is two years later! See Chip's excitement over a new writing desk (very grown up indeed!), the village baker's thoughts on Belle's remarks on his job, and more! And that's all my multi-chapters (I tend not to like doing multi-chapters because i get bored way too quickly XD). Now it's ALL one-shots, and of COURSE my first ever explicit fic ends up being the biggest of them all. Why. Why. *shrugs*
Manes, Magic, and Pleasure - Cats the Musical - E - No Warnings Apply - 9400 words - Tuggoffelees (Mistoffelees/Tugger)
Misto gazed up at him with a rapturous, untethered grin full of pure joy, his eyes sparkling like a moonless, clear sky. Beautiful, phenomenal, magical. Tugger couldn’t help but press a kiss on his soft cheek and one more on his temple, paws still interlaced with his."
Just shy of a whole year after the last Jellicle Ball, Tugger discovers one day that Mistoffelees is ready to go farther with their relationship, despite his worries about overwhelming him with the sensations. At the end there is trust, so much trust, and so much love.
6. House and Home and Security - Life is Strange 2 - T - No Warnings Apply - 8193 words Hours after leaving prison behind forever, Sean finds himself at Daniel's new home, a house he can never feel is his, no matter how much Daniel insists it's his home too whenever he needs it. And there is a strange, forgotten feeling both alien and familiar, one he has nearly forgotten over the last fifteen years he had spent in a prison cell. And how is it that Daniel is already so grown up, a young man of twenty-five years?
7. On the Breath of a Storm - Life is Strange - T - Major Character Death - 8011 words - Pricefield (Chloe/Max) - Alternate Timeline "Our" Max, the Max of our timeline, leaves a note behind on the offchance that the alternate timeline with Chloe in a wheelchair will continue without her. Alternate Max "awakes" to the letter, and is forced to face what has happened to Chloe. A storm still approaches the bay, unseen and all warnings from this strange Max not of this world unheeded.
8. And So the Little Wolf Outlived the Big Wolf - Life is Strange 2 - T - No Archive Warnings (read the trigger warnings in the tags though!) - 7923 words - Lone Wolf Ending It is seven years since Sean's death at the border, and the day Daniel has dreaded since then has come: the day he officially outlives his older brother. On the night of Daniel's seventeenth, Sean comes to him in a dream and makes him promise to call someone, anyone, just so he isn't alone anymore.
9. I'm Somewhere, You're Somewhere, I'm Nowhere, You're Nowhere - Life is Strange - T - Major Character Death - 6214 words - Alternate Timeline - Pricefield
Maxine Caulfield wakes up after a night of partying it up and clubbing for her eighteenth birthday to discover a text on her cellphone:
"Max, it’s with a saddened heart I have to tell you Chloe passed away last night, 21st September, at 11:30pm."
She resolves to visit Chloe one more time, like the hypocrite that she is.
10. The Mute and the Maine - Cats the Musical - T - No Archive Warnings apply (read the tags for trigger warnings, however) - 5744 words - Tuggoffelees (Mistoffelees/Tugger)
Troubled by Demeter's words about Mistoffelees, a mute cat mostly outcast by the tribe, Tugger takes it onto himself to have a talk with Misto, and let him know he is not alone. [Originally posted on Tumblr] [Based on Lindsay Chambers' Mistoffelees from the very late '80s/very early '90s in a Zurich production.]
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Things you didn’t notice in BTS MVs
You like Bangtan and you want to know more about their works? Well, you’re in the right place!
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This blog aims to be a sort of BTS encyclopedia where you can find details about everything. The main focus is the artistic direction of the MV but there are also explanations about nods in songs, lists of posters in the background, and maps of filming locations. You can check below the read more or go this content page for a complete summary of the blog posts.
You can send me a message or an ask if you have questions. You can also participate by sharing any trivia you know.
Updates of the blog are notified on Twitter in real time, and on an occasional post on Tumblr.
About BTS
Posts about the members with their biography and personal discography.
Jung Kook
Posts about the different albums listing official content, lyrics translations, and linking to more detailed posts about the MVs
       Chapter 1: Reflection of youth
School trilogy:
Youth duology:
화양연화 Pt.1
화양연화 Pt.2
You Never Walk Alone
Love yourelf:
(Highlight Reel)
Love Yourself 承 Her
Love Yourself 起 Wonder - Euphoria
Love Yourself 轉 Tear
Love Yourself 結 Answer
Map of the soul:
Map of the Soul: Persona
Map of the Soul: 7
Be butterproof:
Solo works:
Agust D
Hope World
“Chicken Noodle Soup”
Other releases
Japanese Releases:
“No More Dream”
“Boy In Luv”
“Blood, Sweat & Tears”
“Airplane Pt.2″
“Stay Gold”
“Film out”
Other albums
       Chapter 2
Jack In The Box
“The Astronaut”
“On the street”
Right Place, Wrong Person
Live Trilogy Episode II. The Red Bullet
Live Trilogy Episode I. BTS Begins
Live Trilogy Episode III. The Wings Tour
화양연화 On Stage: Prologue
화양연화 On Stage
Love Yourself Tour
Love Yourself - Speak Yourself
Permission to Dance on Stage
Other content
Posts about things that are not albums from brand endorsement to BT21 by the way of BTS exclusive shows.
BTS exclusive shows (Run BTS!, Bon Voyage, American Hustle Life...)
NOW 1 in Thailand
NOW 2 in Europe and America
NOW 3 in Chicago
2015 Summer Package in Kota Kinabalu
2016 Summer Package in Dubai
2017 Summer Package in Coron Island
2018 Summer Package in Saipan
2019 Summer Package in Korea
2020 Winter Package in Helsinki
2021 Winter Package in Gangwon
Season’s Greetings (2015-2022)
Musters (1st to 4th)
5th Muster
6th Muster
Bang Bang Con The Live
2014 Festa
2015 Festa
2016 Festa
2017 Festa
2018 Festa
2019 Festa
2020 Festa
2021 Festa
2022 Festa
2023 Festa
2024 Festa
About the Exhibitions: Butterfly Dream and 24/7=Serendipity
Brands X BTS (Puma, Samsung, Hyundai...)
Mascots, games comics, etc. (BT21, TinyTAN, BTS World, Me, Myself &...)
Trans and meta analyses
Posts about the transmedia fiction mainly set in BTS discography.
화양연화 pt.0 Save ME
Translation of the Notes: Love Yourself, Persona, 7
Translation of the last page of 화양연화 The Notes 1 by ktaebwi
Translation of the photos at the end of 花樣年華 The Notes 2 by Asmita
List of the BU content
Guide to the BU content (includes a timeline)
Interactive map of Songju (complementary analysis)
Summary about Smeraldo
Parallels and references with non-BU elements
Characters presentation: Seokjin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, Taehyung, Jungkook
List of books that inspired/arementionned in the BU
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 5 years
Istanbul Tunes Ethereum (ETH), Prices Firm Above $300
Ethereum (ETH) up 14.3 percent
EIPs 1702 and 2024 to be activated in the next network upgrade
During hard fork Istanbul, there will be activation of two approved Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) in 2024 and 1702. These two will reduce costs while simultaneously easing future network upgrades. While at it, ETH is 14.3 percent higher from last week’s close, trading at over $300.
Ethereum Price Analysis
Hard fork Istanbul completes what wasn’t possible in the last major upgrade, Constantinople. Executed in two phases, it set the ground for the Serenity.
The upgrade is a necessary enhancement affirming Ethereum’s dominance in the smart contracting sphere. Presently, there is progress as far as Istanbul is concerned. By approving two Ethereum Improvement Proposals (EIPs) meant for activation in a tentative date in Oct 2019, it shows how vital these two EIPs are.
EIP 2024 introduces a pre-compile to the Ethereum’s Virtual Machine for a new hash function, Blake2B. The hash function is in use by other blockchains and is faster than SHA-3. Often, pre-compiling in the EVM is an expensive operation attracting charges.
Meanwhile, EIP 1702 activation will allow smooth upgrading. The proposal was put forth by Wei Tang of Parity Technologies, introducing Accounting Version, which is simply a new methodology for hard forking. In his explanation, Tang says:
“By allowing account versioning, we can execute different virtual machine for contracts created at different times. This allows breaking features to be implemented while making sure existing contracts work as expected.”
Candlestick Arrangements
Like BTC, ETH bulls are in control. However, volatility is not as pronounced as it is with the former. To quantify, in the last week, ETH is up a mere 14.3 percent even after clearing the $300 mark.
By doing so, the conditions laid out in previous ETH/USD trade plans are now valid. As a result, there is an opportunity for aggressive traders to add to their long positions.
On the other hand, conservative traders can buy the dips in smaller time frames while aiming at $400 or higher.
However, damping expectations are low trading volumes accompanying this break out above $290 and $300. That is despite the remarkable June 21 bull candlestick and bars banding along the upper Bollinger Bands (BB).
Technical Indicators
Nonetheless, as momentum increase, ETH bulls will likely flow back. In that case, participation will continue to pick up as average trading volumes consistently exceeds 152k of June 24.
Chart courtesy of Trading View. Image Courtesy of Shutterstock
The post Istanbul Tunes Ethereum (ETH), Prices Firm Above $300 appeared first on NewsBTC.
from Cryptocracken Tumblr http://bit.ly/2RxtrtM via IFTTT
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