#Turned into a unhinged vent with the last one šŸ’€
8um8le Ā· 1 year
I love your art lots and I love hearing people talk about their art so I'm asking some of dca artists a bunch of fun art questions, no obligation of course
What is the art piece you are proudest of?
2. What is the art piece you've spent the most effort/time on?
3. What art did you spend the least amount of effort on?
4. What art piece/pieces has crazy lore that you could spend days explaining?
5. What piece is so completely different from your usual style?
Answers in order, and explain action under the cut :ppp
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Iā€™m only the proudest of this one cuz I was going through some intense art block when I drew this, and it kick-started the whole cyberpunk au thing
I spent the most time on this one cuz I was an idiot and used the wrong canvas size so I had to make it bigger and add more detail šŸ’€
This just happens to be a drawing that I spent the least amount of time on, but it still looks like a drawing
Well, this one shows how Sun and Moon refuel by directly injecting it into their systems, it also shows itā€™s normal to see robots roaming amongst humans. They even sell ā€œrobot foodā€ like they would human foods (in vendors, restaurants, fast ā€œfoodā€ restaurants), also it shows how violence is normal in the city, and it showcases Sun and Moonā€™s inspector gadget-like augmentations.
I never shade cuz Iā€™m a complete lazy ass omg, when it comes to art and drawing I have a fucking goldfish brain, like subway-surfer gameplay on the corner of the screen type shit, Iā€™m so impatient and cannot let my pen hover over the canvas for longer than 5 minutes or Iā€™ll fall asleep or go insane idk ahvjdknffn but yeah, Iā€™ll definitely try doing more shading.
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themiseryoflove Ā· 1 year
Iā€™m gonna be so fr, I havenā€™t used this blog in over 2 years and going back thru it is actually kind of humiliating/triggering idk?šŸ’€
I made this when I was like 14 & had a crush on someone that turned really sour/toxic. then when I eventually got over that I just kept it going cos I liked the aesthetic. then I got a bf and used it during the lockdowns to vent cos it was so rough šŸ˜­ then we broke up lol. I think I forgot this account existed by that time cos I literally havenā€™t touched it again till now. Iā€™m kinda glad tho cos I wouldā€™ve been so unhinged on here it wouldā€™ve been AWFULLL, the breakup was that bad.
I donā€™t feel like I necessarily relate to this aesthetic atm cos Iā€™ve gone on a two year journey of healing and getting over the breakup, as well as my life changing constantly and being so different to what it was two years ago when I last used this account, and I havenā€™t been ā€œin loveā€ with anyone since so yeahhh
who knows maybe Iā€™ll actually come back to this blog one day but I also kinda hope not cos going thru the postsā€¦ some of them were so toxic I donā€™t ever want to have that intense, one sided mindset again. only time will tell ig
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