mothmy · 1 year
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A collection of the Lavellan twins and their respective spouses
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The twins :) 
if I was going for the big brain method, I could have cashed in on that twinquisition business...maybe i still will......who knows.....
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Currently working on organizing this fanfic that currently being beta-read...
And I’m realizing just... how long this thing is going to be.
Its 600+ pages in Google Docs so far... and its not even a third of the way through the plotline I had intended for it.
At the suggestion of my wonderful amazing beta-reader @varric-tethras-editor its going to end up being split into “Books.” Mostly because the first fourth or so that I’ve written so far is mainly fluff, slowburn, etc.
And then the next 3/4s is more angst, Solas being an idiot, lore (... and smut), etc.
If folks aren’t as into fluff, I can put a summary before the next “Books” after “Book I” so they know the general of what has happened thus far before everything goes to hell. (Its a TwinAU with both Cullavellan & Solavellan, not everything is going to be sunshine and rainbows)
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enchantment1385 · 4 years
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All 3 of my lovely kofi event headshots, by the awesome @keiivoryart in one post for anyone who missed one XD  
Left to Right
Jereth Amell 
Nico Lavellan
Faeron Lavellan 
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daniyla · 6 years
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The Twins | Volturnas and Vesta Lavellan.
You know I’d die for you,
put it all on the line for you..
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bardinhightown · 6 years
Couples Meme
stolen from this post
Dorian/Ash Adaar
Is the most affectionate: Definitely Ash. He’s a mushball.
Their most common argument: ?? Who’s hotter? Idk that’s pretty shallow but they’re both pretty pretty. Also Ash rarely gets angry.
Nicknames for each other: So I headcanon that they call each other dessert names: “Pudding,” “Sugar,” “Honey,” “Sweetness,” etc. And of course Dorian with the occasional “Amatus” when he’s feeling especially affectionate (but only in private)
Who initiates kisses: Dorian. Ash likes to be a tease.
Who kisses the hardest: Ash
Who said I love you first: Ash
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Dorian but he can never manage to actually make Ash blush, since Ash has a way of filing things away until a later, more appropriate time
Who’s the better cook: Ash (bc Ash had to learn to cook for himself and Ataashi, while Dorian had people cooking for him in Tevinter)
Who wakes up to calm the baby: They take turns
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Just spending time with each other in the city, walking around, shopping, eating, and most importantly: holding hands.
1 sad headcanon about this couple: They never get married, because of Dorian’s stupid family and Ash can’t exactly go and live in Tevinter. Actually, Dorian asks Ash to marry him in the beginning (post-game but pre-Trespasser) and Ash says no, because he knows Dorian is just doing it to piss off his father. In modern AU, however, they WOULD get married. They would get hella married.
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: See above with the nicknames. Can’t get any sweeter than that.
Ataashi Adaar/Bull
Is the most affectionate: Bull
Their most common argument: in the beginning, they argued about his use of the word “saarebas.” but they quickly made up when Bull made it clear he did not view her as a “thing.” (he insists she is dangerous, though. To their enemies, that is)
Nicknames for each other: Kadan
Who initiates kisses: Ataashi
Who kisses the hardest: Ataashi (But only bc I imagine Bull, even with a fellow qunari, is constantly conscious of how gentle he needs to be since literally everyone is smaller than him)
Who said I love you first: Bull. Yes, it surprised him, too.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: Bull because it’s Bull. Ataashi wouldn’t since she’s gray-asexual but I imagine every once in a blue moon she will surprise Bull at the most inopportune time when he’s definitely not expecting it, as payback (but he just laughs and tells her he loves her)
Who’s the better cook: Bull; Ash did most of the cooking for Ataashi when they were growing up so she never quite learned
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Bull
Their favorite non-sexual activity: Cuddling on the couch, watching tv
1 sad headcanon about this couple: ? Nothing too sad, really. Ataashi has bad anxiety though and she got really scared the first time they tried to get intimate because of her fear of being tied up. She legit had a panic attack over it.
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: Going off of the sad headcanon, Bull took good care of Ataashi when she freaked out, staying with her until she calmed down. Ash used to be the only one who could calm her but after that, Bull kind of took over that role and it brought him and Ataashi closer together.
Raye Cadash/Thom
Is the most affectionate: Thom
Their most common argument: ?? There’s honestly not too much they would disagree about, probably just a few stupid, insignificant things now and then. Thom knows better than to get into an argument with Raye. She can be pretty hot-headed so if he senses she’s not in a great mood, he’ll do his best to stay on her good side.
Nicknames for each other: “My Lady” and “My Bear” (but in bed he’s her Great Bear, teehee)
Who initiates kisses: Raye
Who kisses the hardest: Thom
Who said I love you first: Raye but only bc Thom is afraid saying it first might push her away so he waits patiently until she’s ready to say it
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear during inappropriate times: So this is actually an ongoing contest between them, to see who can get the other to blush harder. Raye almost always wins.
Who’s the better cook: Thom. Raye can make a mean nug stew, and that’s about all she knows how to make
Who wakes up to calm the baby: Thom
Their favorite non-sexual activity: This is tough bc sex *is* their favorite activity, period. But I think that outside of getting each other off, they like to have laughing contests as well. See who can make the other laugh harder. In modern AU they like going to comedy clubs on date night.
1 sad headcanon about this couple: (ugh, enough. I hate thinking about sad things) I mean there was that one time they almost broke up because Thom is a liar and a criminal, but things worked out, in the end.
1 sugary-sweet headcanon about this couple: He’s so stupidly sweet with her, treats her like royalty when she’s the farthest thing from it because he looks at her with so much love in his eyes that he doesn’t know the difference. (I love them sfm)
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welcome-to-gaydas · 5 years
Warren and Maxwell
Writing a crossover fic with my Inquisitor Warren Trevelyan and @dafheannaig13.
That awkward moment when you realize you have been taken to an existence where you died, your twin survived, and he's in a relationship with your boyfriend.
"Amatus, what's wrong?"
"Nothing," both red heads called out hastily. They glanced at each other for a moment before looking at Dorian with a mischievous smile. Dorian's eyes widened for a moment before he sighed in exasperation.
"Kaffas, there's two of you. Why are there two of you?"
Max smirked and nodded towards a blushing Warren.
"Dorian, this is my twin brother Warren. Warren, this is Dorian of House Pavus, most recently of my bedroll."
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jackcabot-moved · 7 years
Dragon Age: Twinquisition Chapter 1
(fuck I can’t believe I forgot to post this here)
Aaaand here’s the first chapter of my long overdue Dragon Age fic. Enjoy!
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hurl-a-can · 6 years
30 Day OC Challenge: Day 6 – Pocketses, Precious
previous day: sexuality
What’s in your OC’s pockets/purse/backpack? What do they carry around day to day?
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When he packs for the road (gonna copy a bit from @keeperscompanionsdai here):
some spare clothes, including something to account for a sudden change in weather
basic medical supplies (bandages, healing salve, some healing potions)
a pot, a waterskin, a small plate, and a cup
fork and spoon
notebook & stylus (or pencil/charcoal/whatever Thedosians use for sketching)
bedroll & blanket
tent & furs
some linen cloth
rope, hook, and a small spade
rations: a set of small tins with salt and spices for cooking, jerky, dried fruits and nuts (usually in form of bars), crackers, flatbread, a bit of honey and jam, bottle of rum, some coffee and tea...
emergency alchemy set
Pockets and pocket belt:
money purse
some healing potions + his Tempest elixirs
a few linen bags (for collecting herbs and ingredients)
hunting knife & whittling knife
fishing hooks
rolled up string
needles and thread
two long daggers (usually carried in a scabbard on his lower back)
How much and what exactly he packs entirely depends on the length and the destination of the journey and on his planned route. 
Will he be meeting people a lot? Will he have opportunities to trade? What animals live in the areas he's going to visit? Will he have time and opportunity to hunt or set traps? How familiar is he with the area(s) he is going to travel? He can carry a lot without losing much speed, but he's also quite impervious to the elements and doesn't mind discomfort.  When venturing into a less familiar territory, he tends to err on the side of precaution - but he very rarely brings ALL of the above-listed stuff. (Please, note: Das knows what to pack for a long hike. I don’t. If you've found an error, omission, or any other nonsense, the mistake is mine, not his. Please, do let me know if you spot any nonsense. ;-p)
Day to day:
He always has his lucky charms with him: prayer beads with a sword of mercy pendant (verse specific: in a Twinquisition AU, he gives it to Nico Lavellan for good luck), a lucky coin from Lennan Tabris (but he gives that one to Fennas when he's leaving for the Conclave). Verse specific: a small heart-in-a-vial pendant Faeron Lavellan made for him. (Nico and Faeron belong to @enchantment1385 .) Food. His pockets are always full of food. Cookies, dried fruits, apples and other fruits he picked off a tree, pieces of bread, nuts, and seeds... And he usually gives it all away. Sweets and dried fruits to the kids, seeds and bread to the birds, nuts and dried fruits to squirrels... (When he pockets it, it is almost always intended as a snack for later, but that rarely ends up being the case. He stops to greet someone and within three sentences into their small talk, he'll blurt out 'Oh, by the way, I've got an apple. Want an apple?' and then he'll proceed to hand over the apple whether the person wants it or not, partly because he's compulsively generous, partly because having full pockets--annoys him.)
A pocket belt that contains: a pocketknife, a dagger, a stylus or charcoal and a small notebook, emergency healing potion, a rolled up string.
Some coin (when he's not staying with the Dalish). Some fidget toy (worry beads, meditation balls or...something. If he forgets to bring one, he either improvises something or plays with his hair. Or...anything he can get his hands on, really.)
next day: fighting (methods & morality)
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aldmerii-blog · 6 years
but listen if you think i’m scrapping my twinquisition idea you’re dead fucking wrong. you’re wrong. you’re a fool. 
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saltmer · 7 years
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𝕞𝕒𝕓𝕖𝕝 𝕥𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕝𝕪𝕒𝕟 :: aesthetic
i did what the knight commander and the entire templar order didn’t have the courage to do and i protected the circle mages. condemn me if you will.
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mothmy · 2 years
I humbly present Mahren and Moden Lavellan: my Twin-quisitors
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Me and one of my friends made twin sibling inquisitor ocs and they have been plaguing my mind for the past month, so here's a collection of doodles featuring them (as well as everyone's favorite noodle man).
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varanialy · 8 years
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•Varania Lavellan• “Little Broody” ‘the real Varania’, former slave who loves Tevinter but has seen the danger of unchecked magic, Cullen makes her feel safe but not stifled, too busy talking magical theory to flirt with Solas, ‘you’ve never been a slave in Tevinter’ my ASS, only Dalish by proxy, powerful elegant warrior queen, Knight-Enchanter.
•Dia Cadash• “Shiny” prim but cutthroat negotiator loves beardy fake warden pass it on, once cold-hearted and practical, Thom taught her that everyone deserves a second chance, fuck the Chant of Light, child of the Stone, all bows all the time, Assassin.
•Hissera Adaar• “Nubs” legit in love with Cassandra, too pure for this world, grew up in Rivain, scared of her own power especially losing control of it, impulsive af, Bull and her trade places being the dom, Qun is theoretically interesting, 0% intimidate, Rift Mage.
•Shannan Cadash• “Goldilocks” omfg magic, would bang Solas in a hot second, as excited abt magic as Dagna, no one appreciated him for his mind before, sassed his way into Dorian’s heart, can out-drink Varric, future member of the Ambassadoria, respects Solas and his dedication to his mission, curly manbun, Champion.
•Hanin Lavellan• “Snapdragon” too muscley and scarred to be pretty (she thinks), deep throaty voice, mage sister died at the conclave, avatar of Mythal, blunt and awkward, the pretty man likes my muscles??? he’s moving fast and it scares her but she wants to be swept away, Solas will open her up only to break her, so she will break him, thinks most Dalish are stupid, 'for a reckoning that will shake the very heavens’, Reaver.
•Taelendil Lavellan• “Clover” twinquisition!, hero of Fereldan’s #1 fan, ooh Solas ooh, lets doodle on his head!, aggressive optimism!!, there is always a better way, thinks plaidweave is the best, elf rights!!!, wishes she liked girls bc Sera, toooo curious, Artificer.
•Kasaanda Adaar• “Patience” it’s an irony nickname, badass merc, will shiv a bitch, but subtlety and cunning > brute strength, Josie is too pretty to be real, and too nice, oh god she’s so great, aggressive flirting, 100% homosexual, fuck the Chantry, fuck the Qun, Tempest.
•Aurelio Trevelyan• “Hothouse” oldest of three sassmasters, Rivaini mum, the only straight one, thinks he’s an intellectual, and he is but he’s also an angry rebel child who punches things and sets them on fire, hardcore mage rebellion advocate, but secretly misses the luxuries of the circle, thinks he can’t possibly be chosen bc he’s not important enough, Cassandra believes in him and it changes his life, maybe Necromancer.
future (maybe) Inquisitors: -Halani Trevelyan, elf mum, sheltered circle mage, 110% believes she’s chosen, Sera romance -dwarf templar girl who’s only interested in Lace Harding, thinks all mages should be locked the hell up
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enchantment1385 · 5 years
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Twinquisition run 2
~ Nico made it back to Skyhold 
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welcome-to-gaydas · 5 years
I'm now convinced my sole purpose on Tumblr is to make @dafheannaig13 and myself cry about our sons.
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hurl-a-can · 7 years
26 for Das please!
26. Who is the most important person in their life? Why? Who is the least important to them (that still has an impact and why)?The most important - during and after the events of DAI, it’s Dorian. While Das cares deeply for all his friends and the new “adopted family” that the Inquisition has become to him, he connects with Dorian more - on quite a few levels (to name just a few things - they’ve both been outsiders and ‘black sheep’ to their families, gone against accepted norms in their respective communities - and they’ve both often been perceived as less caring, less emotional and overall more shallow than they actually are). And he loves him - plain and simple. In Das’s Twinquisition AU it’s @enchantment1385‘s Faeron - for similar reasons.The least important - in the inner circle it’s gotta be Viv. He hugely respects her, but there is very little they have in common.Outside of the Inquisition - his father. He’s even past hating that old fucker.
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