#Twitter makes me want to scream but so do some rpc ppl ive seen before but not my mutuals NONO my mutuals are great
snzhnrisen · 2 years
What from “my loyalty is to Tsaritsa only” from Tartaglia Genshin fandom in some capacity cannot understand and think that he’s playable because he’ll turn on Tsaritsa first like? No. Tartaglia is playable because he is more free in his endeavors (in a sense) and his wish is to fight + he is the only possible link & voice of insight into other Harbingers. He’s the thread that ties us as players to know information we wouldn’t usually get until 3 years later as just Traveler. It’s not ‘he’s going to betray Tsaritsa’ aspect like stop and read instead of skimming w/o thinking 🙃
Tartaglia is proven to be Loyal to his ideals, his decisions, his family and his promises. Don’t destroy his character by wishing he’ll become Traveler’s bestie and so easily abandon his loyalties. It erases the base and the beauty & complexity of his character. 🙈
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